Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then organizational commitment"" "subject:"them organizational commitment""
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Compromiso y su relación con la satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de la empresa GMO - Chiclayo 2019Atalaya Linares, Sildy Noemy January 2019 (has links)
En la investigación se buscó determinar la relación entre el compromiso y la satisfacción laboral en los colaboradores de las sucursales de GMO en Chiclayo. El instrumento que se utilizó para el siguiente estudio, es un cuestionario a través de la técnica de encuesta. El cuestionario usado se basa en las dimensiones e indicadores de los conceptos utilizados, quedando configurado de la siguiente forma: Compromiso laboral: 17 preguntas dividido en tres dimensiones ( vigor, dedicación y absorción) y satisfacción laboral 23 preguntas dividido en cinco dimensiones (satisfacción intrínseca, satisfacción con las prestaciones, satisfacción con el ambiente físico del trabajo, satisfacción con la supervisión y satisfacción por la participación) La población estuvo compuesta por los 56 colaboradores que trabajan a tiempo completo en la organización.
Se encontró que existe una correlación significativa y positiva entre ambas variables, lo que indica que mientras más comprometido se encuentra el trabajador más satisfacción laboral percibirá. Se sugiere establecer estrategias para determinar lo que necesitan los empleados para mejorar la percepción actual. / The research sought to determine the relationship between commitment and job satisfaction in the employees of the GMO branches in Chiclayo. The instrument that was used for the following study is a questionnaire through the survey technique. The questionnaire used is based on the dimensions and indicators of the concepts used, being configured as follows: Labor commitment: 17 questions divided into three dimensions (vigor, dedication and absorption) and job satisfaction 23 questions divided into five dimensions (intrinsic satisfaction, satisfaction with benefits, satisfaction with the physical environment of work, satisfaction with supervision and satisfaction with participation). The population was composed of 56 employees who work full time in the organization. It was found that there is a significant and positive correlation between both variables, which indicates that the more committed the worker is, the more job satisfaction will be perceived. It is suggested to establish strategies to determine what employees need to improve current perception.
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Cultura y compromiso organizacional de los millennials en un hotel 4 estrellas de Chiclayo, octubre 2019-enero 2020Pinillos Alarcon, Renzzo Antonio January 2023 (has links)
En los 3 últimos meses del año 2019, los colaboradores de la empresa en estudio no han mostrado un nivel de cultura y compromiso organizacional que cumpla con las metas trazadas; y esto se ha visto reflejado al hacer un contraste con las metas y presupuesto de los mismos meses del año anterior pues los resultados no han cubierto las expectativas.
Ante esta problemática, se planteó saber ¿Cuáles son los niveles de cultura y compromiso organizacional de los millennials, y la implicancia del sexo y área de trabajo, en un hotel 4 estrellas de Chiclayo entre los meses octubre 2019 y enero 2020? Para el desarrollo, la investigación propone cómo objetivo determinar los niveles de cultura y de compromiso organizacional de los millennials y la implicancia del sexo y área de trabajo en un hotel 4 estrellas de Chiclayo, entre los meses octubre 2019 y enero 2020. La investigación fue de tipo aplicada, de nivel descriptiva con diseño no experimental y se utilizó un
cuestionario para cada variable. Para estudiar la cultura organizacional se aplicó el cuestionario de Olmos y Socha (2006), y para el estudio del compromiso organizacional se utilizó el cuestionario de Meyer y Allen, adaptado a la realidad hotelera por Llatas y Ventura en el 2017. Ambos cuestionarios fueron aplicados a la población millennial de la organización. Una vez procesados los datos, se comprueba que existe un nivel alto de cultura organizacional tanto al dividir el estudio por sexo o por área de trabajo. En cuanto al nivel de compromiso organizacional si se evidencia un nivel medio sobretodo resaltado en el sexo femenino. / During the last three months of the year 2019, the collaborators of the company being studied haven’t shown a level of organizational culture and organizational commitment that meets the desired criteria which has been observed by contrasting the goals and the budget of the same months of the previous year. Facing those facts, the following question was considered; what are the levels of organizational culture and organizational commitment of the target group millennials and what is the implication of gender work area in a four-star hotel in Chiclayo between the months of October 2019 and January
2020? This research proposes as an objective to determine the levels of organizational culture and organizational commitment of millennials and the implication of gender and work area in a four-star hotel between the months of October 2019 and January 2020.
This was a descriptive applied-type research with a non-experimental design and a questionnaire was used to study each variable. Thus, the Olmos and Socha (2006) questionnaire was conducted to be able to study the organizational culture and the Meyer and Allen questionnaire was applied to study the organizational commitment which was adapted to hospitality reality by Llatas and Ventura in 2017. Both questionnaires were applied to the target group millennials. Once the data was processed, it was verified that there is a high level of organizational culture when the study is divided by gender and also by work area. Regarding the organizational commitment, there is an evidence of an average level of commitment emphasized by female workers.
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A Mixed Method Approach: The Influence of Military Identity on Person-Organization Fit and Organizational Commitment, and a Proposed System of Military to Civilian Employment TransitionDoyle, Alaina M. 05 1900 (has links)
The evaluation of the transition experiences of veterans to civilian life was conducted. The military to civilian transition (MCT) framework along with theories covering organizational, identity, and systems streams of research situated the study. A mixed methods approach was conducted in two phases: a 28-item survey and 1.5-hour interviews, which helped contextualize and explain survey findings. The multiple regression procedure examined the relationship among three variables: person-organization fit, military identity, and organizational commitment with military identity was included as a moderator. Results indicated a positive relationship between person-organization fit and organizational commitment. Contrariwise, results indicated military identity's relationship between the variables was found to be not statistically significant. Although the moderation effect of military identity was not found to influence the relationships, interviews with veterans indicated a strong connection to their military identity. Veterans shared negative and unpredictable transition stories, positive transition stories, feelings of isolation, and held prevailing military goals, while reporting a lack of backing from support agencies. Veterans perceived differences between the military and civilian environments, veteran turnover and organizational commitment were found to connect and military values and military identity were found to have connections as well. Recommendations for improving military to civilian setting transitions for veterans, civilians, and support agencies are presented. A new system of transition is proposed with the intention of improving the veteran experience as they enter the workforce. Future research and limitations to the research outcomes are also supplied.
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Resiliencia y su relación con el compromiso organizacional en docentes de instituciones educativas públicas – Bagua Grande 2021Aldana Gonzales, Jahaira Elemina Lizeth January 2024 (has links)
Las instituciones educativas han mostrado la necesidad de tener ajustes positivos ante la emergencia actual y tener un balance eficiente en sus labores y desempeño; por ello, se propuso como objetivo general determinar la relación entre la resiliencia y el compromiso organizacional de los docentes de instituciones educativas públicas de Bagua Grande – 2021.
Se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo, en tanto se aplicaron encuestas a los colaboradores para conocer el nivel de resiliencia de la institución, también, fue de nivel correlacional y diseño no experimental transversal; la población estuvo conformada por 150 colaboradores. Por otro lado, se aplicó el cuestionario de Salanova et al. (2012) para la resiliencia y el de Celep (2000) para el compromiso organizacional, encontrando como resultados que la empresa posee una regular capacidad para afrontar las adversidades que suceden en su centro de trabajo y se encontraron medianamente comprometidos con la institución. Además, los hallazgos evidenciaron una correlación positiva entre la resiliencia y el compromiso organizacional en los colaboradores. / Educational institutions have shown the need to have positive adjustments to the current emergency and have an efficient balance in their work and performance; therefore, it was proposed as a general objective to determine the relationship between resilience and organizational commitment of teachers of public educational institutions of Bagua Grande - 2021 A quantitative approach was used, as surveys were applied to employees to know the level of resilience of the institution, also, it was correlational level and non-experimental crosssectional design; the population consisted of 150 employees. On the other hand, the Salanova et al. (2012) questionnaire for resilience and the Celep (2000) questionnaire for organizational commitment were applied, finding as results that the company has a regular capacity to face the adversities that occur in its work center and that they were moderately committed to the institution. In addition, the findings showed a positive correlation between resilience and organizational commitment in the employees.
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Motivación laboral y su relación con el compromiso organizacional en trabajadores de la Municipalidad Provincial de Ferreñafe - 2022Briones Sandoval, Melissa Consuelo January 2024 (has links)
En la presente investigación se planteó como principal objetivo determinar la relación entre la motivación laboral y el compromiso organizacional en los colaboradores de esta municipalidad; mientras que a nivel específico se propuso; identificar el nivel de motivación laboral, compromiso organizacional y determinar la relación entre las dimensiones de la motivación laboral y el compromiso organizacional. Para ello, se tomó en cuenta un diseño metodológico no experimental - transversal, enfoque cuantitativo y nivel descriptivo, donde fue necesaria la participación del total de trabajadores de esta entidad, es decir 102 personas. Se empleó el cuestionario para recolectar datos, bajo los aportes teórico de Xu (2022), quien considera seis pilares fundamentales para estudiar la motivación laboral dentro del sector público y de Fonseca et al. (2019) para medir el compromiso organizacional. Como principales hallazgos, se identificó que el 58,8 % de los trabajadores municipales tiene niveles medios de motivación laboral y el 50,0 % muestra un compromiso medio. A nivel integral, se llegó a la conclusión de que efectivamente ambas variables se encuentran correlacionadas (sig.:,041; r:,203), lo cual induce a que la institución necesita mejorar los niveles de motivación de sus miembros para alcanzar un mayor compromiso de su parte. / The main objective of this research was to determine the relationship between work motivation and organisational commitment in the employees of this municipality; while at a specific level it was proposed to identify the level of work motivation, organisational commitment and to determine the relationship between the dimensions of work motivation and organisational commitment. For this purpose, a non-experimental - transversal methodological design, quantitative approach and descriptive level was used, where the participation of all the workers of this entity was necessary, i.e. 102 people. The questionnaire was used to collect data, under the theoretical contributions of Xu (2022), who considers six fundamental pillars to study work motivation within the public sector and Fonseca et al. (2019) to measure organisational commitment. As main findings, it was identified that 58.8 % of municipal workers have medium levels of work motivation and 50.0 % show medium commitment. At a comprehensive level, it was concluded that both variables are indeed correlated (sig.:,041; r:,203), which suggests that the institution needs to improve the motivation levels of its members in order to achieve greater commitment on their part.
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A Dual Moderated Mediation Model of Favoritism's Effects on Employee Attitudes, Intentions, and BehaviorWalker, Laura 08 1900 (has links)
Although suspected to be a widespread phenomenon, workplace favoritism is an under-researched area of study. Scholars have queried the effects of perceived favoritism on employee outcomes through only a handful of studies, and the majority of those studies have been conducted at private firms in Middle Eastern countries where tribalism (i.e., loyalty to one's family or social group) is conventional. Further, differences in conceptual definitions of favoritism and subsequent subdimensions have muddied the understanding of what elements are considered essential to each phenomenon. Finally, favoritism research lacks examinations of conditional indirect effects of favoritism on employee outcomes. Therefore, the purpose of this research is three-fold. The first aim is to develop a comprehensive, multidimensional measure of favoritism that will capture essential elements of the phenomenon that are specific to its subdimensions. Additionally, this study aims to increase our understanding of favoritism by examining the its indirect effects on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, counterproductive work behavior, and turnover intention through organizational justice, as well as explore differences in these effects among the supervisor's ingroup/outgroup members and among employees who vary in their perceptions of permeability to their supervisor's ingroup.
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Adult volunteer retention in an after-school garden club setting : a case studyHuber, Erika January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Horticulture, Forestry, and Recreation Resources / Candice A. Shoemaker / Once a fixture of American schoolyards during the early 1900’s, school gardens in the United States are again growing in popularity. It is estimated that one-fourth of all public and private schools in the U.S. have a school garden. Funding, teacher involvement, support of the principal, volunteer help, garden coordination, maintenance assistance and site availability are all factors found to contribute to the success of school gardens and are also found to be the barriers to sustainability of school gardens. Many of these challenges can be overcome with the support of volunteers. Little is known however, about individuals who volunteer their time to a school garden program and more importantly no research has investigated the specific variables influencing volunteer retention in an after-school garden club program setting. A case-study of long-term adult after-school garden club program volunteers was conducted to determine the variables affecting one’s decision to continue volunteering after one semester with a program of this type. Twenty long-term after-school garden club program volunteers were interviewed. Interview responses were grouped into main theme and subtheme categories using NVivo, a qualitative analysis software. Main themes that had responses from at least 95% of the volunteers participating in the case-study, were isolated for further analysis. The top five subthemes for each of these isolated main themes were assessed and four of these main themes were found to have similar top five subthemes. These subthemes and the long-term volunteer demographics were then used to determine the variables affecting volunteer retention in an after-school garden club setting. Age, marital status and level of education were all found to affect length of volunteer service. Organizational commitment, positive volunteer relations, organizational support, learning opportunities and the opportunity to work with children all contributed to the decision of after-school garden club program volunteers to continue volunteering after one semester of service. Furthermore, it can be concluded that these volunteers continued to volunteer because their initial motivations, expectations and/or needs were met through their participation in the program.
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The relationship between personal meaning, sense of coherence and organisational commitmentDu Buisson-Narsai, Ingra 30 November 2005 (has links)
The present study aimed to investigate the relationships between, personal meaning, sense of coherence, organisational commitment and selected biographical variables, specifically age, tenure and occupational level.
It was found that mostly significant positive relationships exist between personal meaning and sense of coherence. Personal meaning and sense of coherence exhibit predictive value for organisational commitment. It was established that self-transcendence plays a significant role in the development of affective and normative organisational commitment.
Some significant differences were found between management and non-management employees in the manifestation of personal meaning. Management approximate more personal meaning to achievement, self-acceptance, and fair treatment. On sense of coherence and organisational commitment there were no significant differences between management and non-management employees.
It was recommended that the relationship between personal meaning and other positive psychology variables be researched in order to determine the significance of such relationships so as to add to this relatively new body of research. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Comm.
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Sense of coherence and organisational commitment in the enterprise resource and planning industryAust, Heinz Dieter 08 1900 (has links)
This study investigates whether a relationship exists between two constructs, namely sense of coherence (SOC) and organisational commitment, and their relationship with specific biographical attributes of consultants working in the enterprise resource and planning (ERP) industry.
The results of the study indicate that, overall, a relationship at a significant level could not be established between the two constructs. However, some of the correlations in this study showed that a few relationships could be established at a significant level between age and tenure and some of the subscales of the two constructs.
On the basis of the results of the study, recommendations could be made that apply in the ERP industry. Suggestions were also made for possible further research in other areas such as recruitment, employee development, employee reward, compensation and recognition, employee retention, succession planning, employee wellbeing and talent management. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Constructing a psychological career profile for staff retentionFerreira, Nadia 06 1900 (has links)
The research focused on constructing a psychological career profile for staff retention practices by investigating the relationship between employees’ psychological career meta-competencies (psychological career resources, career adaptability and hardiness) and their retention-related dispositions (job embeddedness and organisational commitment). A quantitative survey was conducted on a convenience sample of employed adults (N = 355) at managerial and staff levels in the human resource management field. A canonical correlation analysis indicated a significant overall relationship between the psychological career meta-competencies and the retention-related dispositions. Multiple regression analyses indicated the psychological career meta-competencies as significant predictors of the retention-related dispositions variables. Structural equation modelling indicated a good fit of the data with the canonical correlation-derived measurement model. Moderated hierarchical regression analyses showed that gender and marital status significantly moderated the relationship between the participants’ psychological career meta-competencies and the retention-related disposition job-embedded fit. Tests for mean differences revealed that males and females differed significantly regarding their self/other skills and hardy-commitment while the marital status groups differed signifcantly regarding their behavioural adaptability and hardiness. On a theoretical level, the study deepened understanding of the cognitive, affective, conative and interpersonal behavioural dimensions of the hypothesized psychological career profile. On an empirical level, the study produced an empirically tested psychological career profile in terms of the various behavioural dimensions. On a practical level, organisational staff retention practices in terms of the behavioural dimensions of the psychological career profile were recommended. / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / D.Com.(Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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