Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then preschool child"" "subject:"them preschool child""
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Příroda jako inspirace výtvarných explorací v mateřské škole / Nature as an inspiration of creative explorations at nursery schoolMalinovská, Zdeňka January 2014 (has links)
Malinovská, Z.: Nature as an inspiration of creative explorations at nursery school. [The assignment] Prague 2014, Charles University, Faculty of Education, Department of Art, p. 113 The assignment has a special reconnaissance probes . Its aim is to help to the improvement of teaching practice of kindergarten teachers in preschool education . The survey is designed to give an update on implementation and long-term stereotypes about completed art activities for which the main inspiration is the nature. The expected outcome will be proposals of art programs for preschool children, which will be based on results of the research . I tried to find suggestions for processing proposals at the history and present of Fine Arts. The history of art was conceived as a bridge between theory and practice with examples of inspiration for nursery school teachers from every period. The focus of the assignment is the implementation and processing of proposals of art programs, their experimental verification and subsequent didactic reflection. Keywords: preschool education, art and aesthetic perception, researche, creative program, education, natural forms, pedagogical experiment, didactic reflection
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Investigating excessive aggression during the preschool years through multiple data sourcesVenter, Yolande 02 1900 (has links)
Although aggression as social phenomenon is widely researched, this research study aimed to illuminate the importance of early identification of excessively aggressive children specifically. The aim was to explore and gain an in-depth understanding of excessive aggressive behaviour during the preschool years. A qualitative research methodology was employed consisting of a parent interview, observations of the research participant and numerous play sessions consisting of various activities including free drawings; ‘Draw-a-Person ‘, a family drawing; the ‘Children’s Apperception Test’, and free play activities. The study explored various factors possibly leading to the onset and continuation of excessive aggressive behaviour. It seems clear that no single factor is responsible for the display of excessive aggression, but rather, multiple factors contribute to the problem of aggression as a whole. Play therapy is suggested as an effective method in the assessment and counselling of excessive aggressive behaviour in preschool children / Psychology / M.Sc. (Psychology)
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Proces začleňování sociálně znevýhodněných dětí do prostředí mateřské školy / The process of integrating socially disadvantaged children into the kindergarten environmentSeverová, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
I create a diploma thesis with a combination of quantitative and qualitative research, which examines the process of integrating children into the environment of kindergartens. In this work, I comprehensively find out how the kindergarten team participates in the process of inclusion of socially disadvantaged children. In the theoretical part I characterize social pedagogy and groups of socially disadvantaged children, including the legislative definition. I mention documents relating to pre-school education and mention counseling services that serve teachers, parents and children in the field of social disadvantage. I divide the practical part into two phases of research. For the first phase of the empirical part, I choose quantitative research, where I find out by the method of a questionnaire survey, general information of teachers in the given issue, basic orientation in school documents and different methods of work. In the second phase of the practical part, in the form of qualitative research, I create unstructured interviews. Through the interview, I supplement the information obtained from the questionnaire survey and obtain comprehensive data on the process of integrating socially disadvantaged children into kindergarten. By setting the main goals of the diploma thesis, I find out the...
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Предшколски програм у Републици Српској као чинилац учења и развоја дјеце / Predškolski program u Republici Srpskoj kao činilac učenja i razvoja djece / Preschool program in the Republic of Srpska asa factor in the process of early learning anddevelopment of childrenCvijanović Nataša 02 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Рад је настао као резултат теоријског и ем-<br />пиријског истраживања ефекта похађања<br />предшколског програма у Републици Срп-<br />ској на учење и развој дјеце предшколског<br />узраста.<br />У теоријском дијелу разматрају се питања о<br />предшколском програму као основи инсти-<br />туционалног предшколског васпитања и об-<br />разовања, о појмовном разграничењу појмо-<br />ва програм и курикулум, (о одређењу) тради-<br />ционалног наспрам савременог предшкол-<br />ског програма/курикулума, систему пред-<br />школског васпитања и образовања у Репу-<br />блици Српској, као и о односу програма и<br />васпитне праксе. Такође, посматрана су и<br />питања која се односе на рано учење, почев<br />од тога шта је рано учење и како га дефини-<br />сати, преко схватања о раном учењу кроз<br />историју, карактеристика раног учења, одно-<br />са раног учења и васпитања, те друштвене<br />парадигме раног васпитања, као и питања<br />која се односе на везу дјечје активности,<br />игре и раног учења, па све до значаја и кори-<br />сти од раног учења за појединца и друштво.<br />У дијелу рада који се односи на емпиријски<br />приступ проблему истраживања приказани<br />су резултати истраживања и налази добијени<br />испитивањем међузависности похађања про-<br />грама предшколског васпитања и образова-<br />ња и развоја предшколске дјеце посматраног<br />кроз физички, социо-емоционални, интелек-<br />туални развој и развој говора, комуникације<br />и стваралаштва.<br />Истраживање се темељи на хипотези да из-<br />међу похађања предшколског програма и ра-<br />ног учења постоји значајна и изражена међу-<br />зависност. Другим ријечима, истраживањем<br />смо хтјели утврдити да ли похађање пред-<br />школског програма детерминише рано уче-<br />ње код дјеце. Постављени циљеви и задаци истраживања</p><p>реализовани су, како смо већ рекли, кроз те-<br />оријско истраживање, али и кроз емпиријско<br />неекспериментално истраживање, примје-<br />ном инструмената који су конструисани за<br />потребе овог рада. Први инструмент односи<br />се на утврђивање испољености развојних<br />аспеката дјеце, док се други инструмент од-<br />носи на прикупљање података о односу по-<br />родичних прилика и развојних аспеката дје-<br />це. Први инструмент био је намијењен учи-<br />тељима, а други родитељима.<br />Узорак је обухватио 1.439 дјеце која су кре-<br />нула у први разред (шест година), и то: дјецу<br />која су похађала неку предшколску установу<br />и дјецу која нису похађала предшколску<br />установу нити су била укључена у неки об-<br />лик предшколског васпитања и образовања.<br />Исто тако, у истраживању су учествовали и<br />родитељи испитиване дјеце, од којих смо до-<br />били податке о социјалном статусу породице<br />дјетета и њиховој посвећености родитељ-<br />ству.<br />Резултати које смо добили дијелом су потвр-<br />дили хипотезе које смо поставили, а тиме<br />нас и усмјерили на додатна размишљања о<br />ефектима похађања предшколског програма<br />на све аспекте развоја, понајвише на социо-<br />емоционални развој, јер је овај аспект разво-<br />ја високо развијен код обје групе дјеце: која<br />су похађала предшколски програм и која га<br />нису похађала.</p> / <p>Rad je nastao kao rezultat teorijskog i em-<br />pirijskog istraživanja efekta pohađanja<br />predškolskog programa u Republici Srp-<br />skoj na učenje i razvoj djece predškolskog<br />uzrasta.<br />U teorijskom dijelu razmatraju se pitanja o<br />predškolskom programu kao osnovi insti-<br />tucionalnog predškolskog vaspitanja i ob-<br />razovanja, o pojmovnom razgraničenju pojmo-<br />va program i kurikulum, (o određenju) tradi-<br />cionalnog naspram savremenog predškol-<br />skog programa/kurikuluma, sistemu pred-<br />školskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja u Repu-<br />blici Srpskoj, kao i o odnosu programa i<br />vaspitne prakse. Takođe, posmatrana su i<br />pitanja koja se odnose na rano učenje, počev<br />od toga šta je rano učenje i kako ga defini-<br />sati, preko shvatanja o ranom učenju kroz<br />istoriju, karakteristika ranog učenja, odno-<br />sa ranog učenja i vaspitanja, te društvene<br />paradigme ranog vaspitanja, kao i pitanja<br />koja se odnose na vezu dječje aktivnosti,<br />igre i ranog učenja, pa sve do značaja i kori-<br />sti od ranog učenja za pojedinca i društvo.<br />U dijelu rada koji se odnosi na empirijski<br />pristup problemu istraživanja prikazani<br />su rezultati istraživanja i nalazi dobijeni<br />ispitivanjem međuzavisnosti pohađanja pro-<br />grama predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazova-<br />nja i razvoja predškolske djece posmatranog<br />kroz fizički, socio-emocionalni, intelek-<br />tualni razvoj i razvoj govora, komunikacije<br />i stvaralaštva.<br />Istraživanje se temelji na hipotezi da iz-<br />među pohađanja predškolskog programa i ra-<br />nog učenja postoji značajna i izražena među-<br />zavisnost. Drugim riječima, istraživanjem<br />smo htjeli utvrditi da li pohađanje pred-<br />školskog programa determiniše rano uče-<br />nje kod djece. Postavljeni ciljevi i zadaci istraživanja</p><p>realizovani su, kako smo već rekli, kroz te-<br />orijsko istraživanje, ali i kroz empirijsko<br />neeksperimentalno istraživanje, primje-<br />nom instrumenata koji su konstruisani za<br />potrebe ovog rada. Prvi instrument odnosi<br />se na utvrđivanje ispoljenosti razvojnih<br />aspekata djece, dok se drugi instrument od-<br />nosi na prikupljanje podataka o odnosu po-<br />rodičnih prilika i razvojnih aspekata dje-<br />ce. Prvi instrument bio je namijenjen uči-<br />teljima, a drugi roditeljima.<br />Uzorak je obuhvatio 1.439 djece koja su kre-<br />nula u prvi razred (šest godina), i to: djecu<br />koja su pohađala neku predškolsku ustanovu<br />i djecu koja nisu pohađala predškolsku<br />ustanovu niti su bila uključena u neki ob-<br />lik predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja.<br />Isto tako, u istraživanju su učestvovali i<br />roditelji ispitivane djece, od kojih smo do-<br />bili podatke o socijalnom statusu porodice<br />djeteta i njihovoj posvećenosti roditelj-<br />stvu.<br />Rezultati koje smo dobili dijelom su potvr-<br />dili hipoteze koje smo postavili, a time<br />nas i usmjerili na dodatna razmišljanja o<br />efektima pohađanja predškolskog programa<br />na sve aspekte razvoja, ponajviše na socio-<br />emocionalni razvoj, jer je ovaj aspekt razvo-<br />ja visoko razvijen kod obje grupe djece: koja<br />su pohađala predškolski program i koja ga<br />nisu pohađala.</p> / <p>In search of the new answers to already known<br />questions concerned with discovering the causes<br />of different development of certain abilities in<br />children, this study ideas are focused on the interdependence<br />of stimulating learning environment<br />and early learning for children. This study<br />is a result of theoretical and empirical research<br />of the effect of attending preschool programme<br />in Republic of Srpska on learning and development<br />of children of preschool age.<br />The theoretical part investigates questions on<br />preschool programme as the foundation of institutional<br />preschool education, concept delimitation<br />of programme and curriculum, (definition<br />of) traditional versus contemporary preschool<br />programme/curriculum, system of preschool<br />education in Republic of Srpska, as well as questions<br />about relationship between children’s activities,<br />play and early learning. Furthermore,<br />this paper investigates questions related to early<br />learning, starting from the notion of early learning<br />and how to define it, the understanding of<br />early learning throughout history, early learning<br />characteristics, the relationship of early learning<br />and education as well as social paradigm of<br />early education, questions related to the relationship<br />between children’s activities, play and<br />early learning, to the importance and benefits of<br />early learning for an individual and a society.<br />A part of the study related to the empirical approach<br />to the research topic presents the research<br />results and findings obtained by examination<br />of the interdependence of attending the<br />preschool education and development of<br />preschool children, observed through physical<br />and socio-emotional development and development<br />of speech, communication and creativity.<br />This study is based on the hypothesis that there<br />is a significant and profound interdependence<br />between attending a preschool programme and<br />13<br />early learning. In other words, our intention was<br />to establish whether attending a preschool programme<br />determines early learning for children.<br />As mentioned before, the established research<br />goals and objectives have been accomplished<br />through theoretical research but also through<br />non-experimental empirical research, using instruments<br />constructed for this study. First instrument<br />refers to the expression of developmental<br />aspects of children while the second instrument<br />refers to data collection on relationship<br />between family context and developmental<br />aspects of children. First instrument was intended<br />for teachers and second one for parents.<br />The sample included 1 439 children who started<br />first grade (6 years) as follows: children who attended<br />a preschool institution and children who<br />did not attend preschool institutions nor were<br />involved in any form of preschool education.<br />Furthermore, the research included children’s<br />parents who provided the information on child’s<br />family social status and their own devotion to<br />parenthood.<br />The results obtained have partly confirmed the<br />hypothesis set and therefore directed us to further<br />reflection on the effects of attending a preschool<br />program on all aspects of development,<br />especially socio-emotional development since<br />this aspect is highly developed with both groups<br />of children: those who attended a preschoolprogramme and those who did not.</p>
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Využití dětské literatury jako východiska pro dramaticko-výchovný proces v mateřské škole / Using Children's Literature as a Basis for the Dramatic and Educational Process in Nursery SchoolsKalistová, Ivana January 2011 (has links)
The Framework Education Programme for Preschool Education is a legislative curriculum document which establishes the basic requirements for the state preschool education. The educational objectives and requirements are binding for the teachers. However, the way in which those objectives and requirements are met, is fully in the hands of each nursery school. This diploma thesis illustrates one of the possible ways of educating preschool children, namely the dramatic education. The dramatic education is presented here not only as an educational method but also as a style of pedagogical work. This particular style respects individuality and originality of each child with the intention of developing his/her potentials and with the effort to equip the child with necessary social skills. The practical part of the diploma thesis offers insight into the authentic dramatic and educational process which explores topics of human life. During this process, each child goes through a full-fledged personal and social development by means of dramatic activities, which are based on topics of literary text
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Možnosti multikulturních přístupů v práci mateřské školy / Possibilities of multicultural approaches of the work of KindergartenKoukalová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Possibilities of multicultural approaches in kindergarten work. This thesis focuses on multicultural education and the possibilities of use in kindergartens in Cheb, where the teachers very often encounter children of other nationalities, in particular with children of Vietnamese parents coming to the Karlovy Vary region to pursue their business activities in this border region. The theoretical part highlights the increasing number of immigrants in the Czech Republic. The thesis explains the terminology relating to multicultural education and it also emphasizes its links with the Framework Education Programme and classroom education programmes. It places emphasis on the preparedness of teachers for multicultural education as well as their preparedness in the domain of child speech development and possibilities of helping children of different nationalities with learning Czech language. The practical part points out the focus on developing vocabulary and communication skills as one of the possibilities of multicultural approach of teachers and kindergartens. In addition, it presents the results of a pedagogical survey related to Vietnamese parents and their attitude to the need of learning Czech language by their children.
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Prózy současných českých autorů pro děti předškolního věku / Prosaic works of contemporary Czech authors for children of pre-school ageMalá, Ivana January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the titles of the contemporary Czech authors of the books for the preschool children. The main target of the thesis is to find and recommend the valuable children's books (published after year 2000) to the preschool teachers, parents and other educators, with the main emphasis on the esthetic, literary-didactic and educational quality aspects. In the theoretical part of the thesis I aimed on the characteristics of the preschool child in relation to reading. I was mainly interested in child's psychological development in the context with the examined issue. The theoretical part of the thesis also provides the definition of the prereaders period and terms of non-reader and prereader are explained here. Prosaic genres intended to this age group are also examined in this part of the thesis. Criteria for selection of children's books by the adults and the knowledge of five book titles are examined through the questionnaire survey. The practical (analytical) part of the thesis contains the analysis of the selected children's books ("Medvídek Kuma" by Martina Skala, "Už se nebojím tmy," "Kozí knížka" by Tereza Říčanová, "Jak Cílek Lídu našel" by František Skála and "Dobrodružství pavouka Čendy" by Pavel Čech) according to the predefined criteria. The Conclusion provides...
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Global variations in prevalence of eczema symptoms in children from ISAAC Phase Three.Odhiambo, Joseph A, Williams, Hywel C, Clayton, Tadd O, Robertson, Colin F, Asher, M Innes, Chiarella, Pascual, ISAAC Phase Three Study Group. 01 December 2009 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / Background: In 1999, The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Phase One reported the prevalence of eczema symptoms in 715,033 children from 154 centers in 56 countries by using standardized epidemiologic tools. Objective: To update the world map of eczema prevalence after 5 to 10 years (ISAAC Phase Three) and include additional data from over 100 new centers. Methods: Cross-sectional surveys using the ISAAC questionnaire on eczema symptoms were completed by adolescents 13 to 14 years old and by parents of children 6 to 7 years old. Current eczema was defined as an itchy flexural rash in the past 12 months and was considered severe eczema if associated with 1 or more nights per week of sleep disturbance. Results: For the age group 6 to 7 years, data on 385,853 participants from 143 centers in 60 countries showed that the prevalence of current eczema ranged from 0.9% in India to 22.5% in Ecuador, with new data showing high values in Asia and Latin America. For the age group 13 to 14 years, data on 663,256 participants from 230 centers in 96 countries showed prevalence values ranging from 0.2% in China to 24.6% in Columbia with the highest values in Africa and Latin America. Current eczema was lower for boys than girls (odds ratio, 0.94 and 0.72 at ages 6 to 7 years and 13 to 14 years, respectively). Conclusion:ISAAC Phase Three provides comprehensive global data on the prevalence of eczema symptoms that is essential for public health planning. New data reveal that eczema is a disease of developing as well as developed countries. / Revisión por pares
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Birth weight and acute childhood leukemia : a meta-analysis of observational studies /Taylor, Jean. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 2005. / Typescript (photocopy).
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Aktivity podporující spolupráci základní školy s mateřskou školou a rodinou směřující k bezproblémovému vstupu dítěte do základní školy / Activities offered by Primary Schools supporting the involvement of both parents and the pre-primary school resulting in a trouble free transition for the childPartyková, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is dealing with the issues associated with the transition from pre-primary to primary education, with the understanding and cooperation of the family, which results in a trouble free admission of a child to primary school. The theoretical part of this thesis focuses on the aspects affecting the transition of a child from pri-primary to primary school, primarily the schools readiness and experience. Also focusing on the topic diagnosis, communication and types of cooperation between all participants involved. The practical part is produced on research of regional surveys, which reveal which actives are offered by primary schools for future entry students. How those activities are guiding and supporting the parents prepare their child for the start of compulsory school attendance which is seen as prevention of school failure. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the usual forms of activities offered by primary schools supporting cooperation between primary, pre-primary schools and the family. It Also presents how parents evaluate activities supporting trouble free admission of a child to first class primary school.
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