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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Réception de l’œuvre de Kateb Yacine dans les champs littéraire, intellectuel et éditorial parisiens de 1947 à 1958. / Reception of the work of Kateb Yacine in literary, intellectual and editorial fields, 1947-1958

Bennair, Hakima 18 February 2010 (has links)
Éditer l’œuvre d’un poète « indigène », à l’heure de l’Algérie française, nécessite un changement des schèmes de perception de la société française, mais plus encore, écrire en français une œuvre qui se veut affranchie et libératrice demande un effort et sans doute un choix politique particuliers. Au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l’œuvre de Kateb Yacine qui s’énonce dans et par l’histoire, s’inscrit dans un champ littéraire et intellectuel français en restructuration. Les maisons d’édition optent pour des stratégies éditoriales influencées par des intellectuels désireux de changer la société et créateurs de nouvelles philosophies de vie : le Personnalisme, l’Existentialisme. Des figures cristallisent cette puissance fondatrice : Mounier, Sartre, Jeanson, Senghor, Césaire, Fanon. Le rôle et l’évolution de la revue Esprit, média et réceptacle intellectuel, sont exemplaires et participent grandement à faire évoluer les politiques et la société française. Les liens qui unissent Esprit et la maison du Seuil favorisent à diffuser ces idées. La lutte anti-colonialiste, qui trouve ses sources dans les idées philosophiques et, en fin de compte, dans l’expérience de la Résistance, oriente le champ intellectuel et pousse à des positionnements intellectuels tranchés. Cette histoire conditionne la réception de son œuvre aujourd’hui. La lecture de l’œuvre, particulièrement Nedjma, se fait au carrefour d’enjeux culturels et politiques : illustration de la francophonie, reconnaissance d’une partie de la jeunesse française issue de l’immigration maghrébine. Elle apparaît dans les programmes du Français. / Editing the work of a “native” poet , when Algeria was a French colony, requires a change in the perception habits of the French society, but furthermore, writing in French a piece which is intended to be emancipated and liberating demands a particular effort and definitely a particular political choice. In the aftermath of World War II, Kateb Yacine’s work which enunciates itself in and by history, is in line with a French literary and intellectual field in reconstruction. Publishing companies choose editorial strategies influenced by intellectuals desirous to change the society and creators of new life philosophies: Personalism, Existentialism. Some writers crystallize this founding power: Mounier, Sartre, Jeanson, Senghor, Césaire, Fanon. The role and the evolution of the magazine Esprit, an intellectual media and receptacle, are exemplary and take great part in the evolution of French society and politics. The union between Esprit and Seuil editions helps spreading these ideas. The fight against colonialism, which finds its sources in philosophical ideas, and, ultimately, in the experience of the Resistance, directs the intellectual field and compels clear-cut intellectual positions. This history conditions the reception of his work today. The reading of the work, particularly Nedjma, cannot be separated from political and cultural issues: illustration of the French-speaking world, acknowledgement of a part of the French young people coming from the North African immigration. It appears in the programming of French lessons.

As cartas de Londres: George Orwell nas redes intelectuais em Londres e Nova York (1941-1946) / The london letters: George Orwell in intellectual networks between London and New York (1941-1946)

Silva, Matheus Cardoso da 04 March 2016 (has links)
A intenção deste trabalho é compreender a formação de uma rede de debates intelectuais entre dois grupos da esquerda anglófona articulados em torno do Left Book Club, de Londres e em torno da revista Partisan Review, de Nova York durante os anos da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Entendo que, especialmente na primeira metade da década de 1940, os contatos entre estes dois núcleos da esquerda anglo-saxã se estreitaram em dois caminhos: por um lado, por uma crítica comum ao stalinismo; e, por outro, por uma crítica à esquerda da cultura nativa (e tradições burguesas) em ambos os países. Defendemos ainda que essas propostas articuladas por dentro dos movimentos intelectuais de esquerda nos dois países, ora baseadas ideologicamente numa releitura nãoinstitucionalizada do marxismo, ora no trotskismo, ora no pacifismo, ora na reconstrução de um discurso liberal, se aglutinavam em torno da contestação dos rumos do movimento comunista internacional, liderado pelo stalinismo. A articulação dos debates entre esses dois grupos se reforçará no momento em que o célebre romancista anglo-indiano George Orwell, famoso por duas das distopias mais famosas do século XX, o Animal Farm (1945) e o 1984 (1949), contribui simultaneamente com ambos os grupos. Na Partisan Review, Orwell ficara encarregado da publicação da coluna London Letters to Partisan Review, entre os anos de 1941 e 1946. A possibilidade de um diálogo franco com ambos os círculos, especialmente pela rede costurada com membros de ambos os grupos, possibilitou a Orwell criar uma ponte de contatos entre os dois ambientes. Entendo ainda que essa articulação construída por Orwell foi decisiva nas futuras participações de outros intelectuais, que já haviam publicado no Left Book Club e que participavam ativamente dos debates britânicos, como contribuintes da Partisan Review. / The intention of this work is to understand the constitution of a network of intellectual debates articulated among two groups of the Anglophone left around the London\'s Left Book Club, and around the New York\'s Partisan Review, during the years of World War II. I understand that, especially in the first half of the 1940s, contacts between the two cores of the Anglo-Saxon left narrowed in two ways: firstly, by a common critique of Stalinism; and on the other, a left-wing critic of the native culture (and bourgeois traditions) in both countries. We argue that those proposals articulated inside the left-wing intellectual movements in the two countries, based ideologically on a non-institutionalized reinterpretation of Marxism, or in Trotskyism, or in pacifism, or in rebuilding a liberal discourse, coalesced around the challenge of the international communist movement course, led by Stalinism. The joint discussions among those two groups will be strengthened at the time that the famous Anglo-Indian novelist George Orwell, famous for two of the most famous dystopias of the twentieth century, Animal Farm (1945) and 1984 (1949), contributes simultaneously with both groups. In Partisan Review, Orwell had been in charge of publishing the column \"London Letters to Partisan Review\", between the years 1941 and 1946. The possibility of an open dialogue with both circles, especially the stitched network with members of both groups, enabled Orwell to create a bridge between the two environments. I also believe that this articulation builted by Orwell was decisive in the future participation of other intellectuals, who had already published through the Left Book Club and participating actively in British debates, as contributors of Partisan Review.

A Segunda Guerra Mundial nas crônicas de Rachel de Queiroz (1944-1945): diálogos / The Second World War in Rachel de Queiroz\'s newspaper colunn (1944-1945): dialogues

Palharine, Rafaela Simonelli 16 September 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho seleciona e analisa as crônicas nas quais Rachel de Queiroz (1910-2003) abordou o assunto da Segunda Guerra Mundial, durante a sua colaboração com a 2ª Seção do jornal Correio da Manhã (fevereiro de 1944 a março de 1945). Coligem-se e analisam-se os oito textos em que a temática da Guerra é referida, discutida ou aludida, com o objetivo de recuperar o diálogo que as crônicas estabelecem com o momento histórico em que foram publicadas e com a textualidade do jornal, ou as relações estabelecidas com as outras rubricas e cadernos do periódico. Ao explorar a temática da Guerra, a escritora imprime um tom de apelo sentimental aos textos, diferentemente de outros cronistas do período, que abordavam o tema pelo viés político e/ou informativo do conflito, exemplificando assim o hibridismo pertencente ao gênero crônica. / This essay selects and analyses the crônica (newspaper columns) where Rachel de Queiroz (1910-2003) adressed the second war subject during her collaboration for the \"2nd Session\" of the newspaper Correio da Manhã (february 1994 to march 1945). Eight texts are analysed where the war view is referred, discussed or alluded with the purpose of recover the dialogue that the newspaper columns establish with the historical moment when it was published or the relations with another rubrics and sessions from the periodic. By exploring this thematic in her texts, the writer appeals for emotionalism, differently from others writers of the period who used to approach the thematic by political and informative of the conflict view, exemplifying, this way, the hybridity belonging to the crônica (newspaper colunn) genre.

Reflexões sobre a mulher no Japão e nos textos de Osamu Dazai / Reflections on women in Japan and in the works of Osamu Dazai

Kawana, Karen Kazue 25 November 2015 (has links)
Osamu Dazai é um dos poucos escritores japoneses da primeira metade do século XX que emprega mulheres como narradoras. Procuramos explorar essa peculiaridade de seus textos comparando-os, embora brevemente, com aqueles de alguns de seus contemporâneos, como Yasunari Kawabata e Junichirô Tanizaki. Fazemos algumas incursões na ideia de feminilidade que permeava a sociedade japonesa no início do século XX e as transformações que ela sofre até o final da Segunda Guerra, pois acreditamos que essas mesmas mudanças na imagem do feminino também sejam refletidas pelos textos de Dazai. Analisamos alguns de seus textos com narradoras para observar o quanto elas se distanciam ou se aproximam dos ideais de feminilidade da sociedade da época. Por fim, também comparamos as figuras femininas de suas obras do pós-guerra com suas figuras masculinas, estas, muito parecidas com o próprio autor, presas do niilismo e em rota de autodestruição. Nossa intenção, em suma, é explorar, mesmo que de forma limitada, as relações entre a cultura da época e a literatura por meio da análise de alguns textos com narradoras de Osamu Dazai, bem como sublinhar o caráter peculiar dessas mesmas narradoras no interior das obras do autor e em relação aos textos de seus contemporâneos. / Osamu Dazai is one of the few Japanese writers from the first half of the 20th century in whose texts we find female narrators. We intend to explore, although briefly, this peculiarity comparing his texts with those written by authors like Yasunari Kawabata and Junichirô Tanizaki. We make some incursions into the idea of womanliness which permeated the Japanese society in the beginning of the 20th century and the changes which it undergoes until the end of the Second World War because we believe that the same changes in the female image are reflected in Dazais texts. We analyze some of his texts with female narrators to see how far or close they are to societys ideals of womanliness. Lastly, we compare the female characters of Dazais postwar texts with the male ones (who resemble the author himself in their nihilism and self-destructive tendencies). In short, our objective is to examine, even if not as comprehensively as we could wish, how the culture of the period and the literature are related by analyzing some texts with female narrators written by Osamu Dazai. We also hope to stress the uniqueness of these female narrators within the authors texts and in relation to those of his contemporaries.

A Match Made in Heaven or Hell: Historians Debate the Influence of Richard Wagner on Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich.

Shockley, Steven W. 01 December 2001 (has links)
This is an analysis of the contributions of Richard Wagner's ideas to the development of Adolf Hitler as seen by various historians. This author has consulted the works of many different authors to attempt to find the ideological roots of Adolf Hitler. The ideology of Richard Wagner, as seen by some of the most pre-eminent historians of this period, has been applied to the ideas of Hitler to find any continuity between these two men. All historians consulted thought Wagner was, for some more, others, less, a contributor to the development of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism. This author has concluded that Wagner was a contributor, but that Hitler's personal environment was more important to the development of National Socialism. This thesis explores an area into which no one has really delved in depth. Hopefully, this thesis can be a springboard for further research into this area.

Sociologie de la Résistance dans le Gard, le Vaucluse et les Bouches-du-Rhône / Sociology of the Resistance in the Gard, the Vaucluse and the Bouches-du-Rhône

Andréo, Marilyne 19 December 2018 (has links)
A partir de trois départements, analyse sociologique des résistants: origine géographique et sociale des résistants, situation familiale, professionnelle pendant la guerre, âge à l'engagement, dans quelle organisation, actions, victime ou non de représailles, médailles, ce qu'ils sont devenus après la guerre (profession, rôle politique ou dans une association). / With 3 departments, sociological analyse of the résistants : geographical origin and social origin of the resistants, familial situation, professional situation during the war, the age when they joigned the Resistance, their organisation, their actions, their sacrifice for the liberation or not, medals, what they became after the conflict (profession, political action, participation on an association).

Duchovní a kulturní život v terezínském ghettu 1941-1945 / Spiritual and cultural life in the Terezin ghetto 1941-1945

Kunrtová, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
This disertation is entiteled by "Spiritual and cultural life in the Terezin ghetto 1941 - 1945". The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first part persues to a short introduction of a historical context which lead to formation of the ghetto. The next chapter deals with the Terezin ghetto. There is mentioned a few curcumstances of creation of it, living conditions, which were in it and also a nazi propaganda. The third part is followed up with the spitirual life in ghetto, how it all had been practised and there is also an effort to define a meaning of the spiritual life for people in the ghetto. The last chapter deals with the cultural life, which were developed in the Terezin ghetto. There is described how the cultural life in Terezin had started and also the greatest pieces of art, which were created on a ground of the ghetto. The chosed metodology for this disertation is an analyse of documentations which are preserved after survivors and then the analyse of professional literature which were written about a topic of this thesis.

Paradoksy paryskiej "Kultury" :  ewolucja myśli politycznej w latach 1947-1980

Korek, Janusz January 1998 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is to analyze the political conceptions of the monthly "Kultura" in the period since its creation until 1980. The magazine, which started coming out in 1947 in Italy, was created by expatriate Poles, who after the Yalta Agreements chose to stay in the West. The editorial board soon moved to France where on the outskirts of Paris in the small town of Maisons-Laffitte the monthly journal has been edited ever since. Thanks to the original profile of the magazine and its political philosophy it has managed to group around itself numerous outstanding Polish writers and commentators, both those active in the emigré communities and those living in Poland. Also Western authors as well as writers and commentators from other countries in Central and Eastern Europe published their texts on the magazine's pages. In spite of "Kultura's" illustrious successes and unique accomplishments, earlier research on its history has not moved beyond its initial stage. In publications devoted to the phenomenon of "Kultura" we may encounter contradictory ideological qualifications and opinions on the magazine's political profile. This is a consequence of the fact that there is painful lack of source materials and dissertations analyzing the accomplishments of "Kultura" from a long term perspective. This dissertation aims to fill out this gap by analyzing a period of over thirty years in the history of the periodical. An attempt is made to divide this history into periods on the basis of ideological and political criteria. A further aim is to define the style of political thinking dominant in the materials published in the periodical and to characterize it against the background of earlier political debates in prewar Poland. The adopted diachronic perspective and the wide spectrum of analyzed phenomena provide the basis for an assessment of which conceptions and ideological elements and values were constantly present in the political platform of the editors and which made only a temporary appearance in connection with the political sympathies of the periodical or the changing circumstances on the world scene. It should be added that this is the first dissertation on the subject to cover truly comprehensive research material and to analyze the political trends in "Kultura" from a long-term perspective. The main thesis of the dissertation may be formulated as follows: "Kultura" succeeded in forging such conceptions and theories and in chosing such political options whose adequacy has found confirmation in the postwar developments both in Poland and on the international scene. This was possible, inter alia, because the magazine managed to rise above the limitations of traditional Polish ideological and political trends and worked out on its pages a new style of political thinking. "Kultura" is thus understood for the purposes of this dissertation as a periodical, a political centre and a school of political thought.

The Soviet Territirial Demands From Turkey: 1939-1946

Ozkan, Remzi Oner 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis seeks to explore the Soviet territorial claims on Turkey during the period between 1939-1946. The main argument of this thesis is that the Soviet demands from Turkey during the World War II were expansionist in nature, as opposed to the view that they were defensive. The Soviet leadership formulated these demands before the German invasion of the Soviet territories when the Soviet Union did not have significant security concerns and maintained superiority during the war. This thesis is composed of six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction and the second chapter looks at the historical context of Turkish-Soviet relations. Chapter Three examines the Soviet demands for military bases and territorial concessions from Turkey immediately after the Second World War. The fourth chapter discusses planning of settling Armenians in Turkish territories. This chapter also examines the initial US response to the Soviet demands. Chapter Five analyzes the United States&#039 / adoption of a hard-line attitude towards the Soviet Union with respect to these demands and also how the US reaction led to the Soviet withdrawal of demands. The last chapter is the conclusion.

Sur le front intérieur : les ménagères québécoises de la seconde guerre mondiale : rationnement et récupération

St-Onge, Mélissa January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

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