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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of Digitalisation on Sustainability Performance : A study on manufacturing firms in Northern Europe

Olsson, Viktor, Zhi, Xu January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the impact of digitalisation on sustainability performance within manufacturing firms in Northern Europe from 2010 to 2023 at the age of Industry 4.0. It explores how digital technologies like IoT, cyber-physical systems, and big data have transformed production processes, enhancing sustainability across environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria. The research employs a quantitative approach, utilising regression analyses of data sourced from the Refinitiv database to assess the influence of digitalisation on ESG performance in manufacturing firms across Northern Europe.  The theoretical underpinnings of this study are grounded in an integration of shareholder and stakeholder theories, which offer a detailed examination of how digital transformations are reshaping corporate governance dynamics. It also encompasses a discussion on agency theory and legitimacy theory, highlighting how differences in corporate governance outlooks impact sustainability initiatives. Moreover, the research evaluates the potential benefits and challenges associated with digitalisation through the lens of the resource-based view and the dynamic capabilities framework. This analysis elucidates how digitalisation provides a competitive advantage, for example, by promoting efficiency and decreasing energy consumption while acknowledging the possibility of increased resource use, a phenomenon referred to as the Jevon Paradox.  Findings indicate that digitalisation facilitates improved sustainability outcomes to enhance financial performance by optimising resource utilisation, reducing waste, and improving operational efficiencies. However, variations exist depending on the type and intensity of digitalisation. The results highlight that while digital technologies drive significant improvements in environmental management and operational efficiency, the benefits are not uniformly experienced across all firms, suggesting a differentiated impact based on company size and digital maturity.  This research significantly contributes to the academic literature by providing empirical evidence of digitalisation’s role in enhancing sustainability within the manufacturing sector. Importantly, it offers practical insights for policymakers and business leaders, equipping them with the knowledge to leverage digital transformation to meet sustainability goals effectively. Future research must delve deeper into the long-term effects of digital technologies on sustainability, investigate the impacts across different industrial contexts, and examine the role of regulatory frameworks in shaping digital transformation strategies. This thesis underscores the urgent need for manufacturing firms to harness digital innovations responsibly to foster sustainable development in the digital age.

Evaluating ESG Impact on Acquiring Firms’ Financial Performance : A study on the relationship between ESG pillars and financial performance of acquirers on the NYSE and Nasdaq

Pokrasen, Piotr, Larsson Flink, Gustav January 2024 (has links)
Merger & Acquisitions has been one of the more central themes of the financial sphere since the beginning of the 19th century. It is an activity that is necessary for firms since it can give them competitive advantage in their markets. An acquisition can give the acquiring firms the possibility to enforce cost and revenues efficiencies, as well as the prospect of entering new markets in order to differentiate themselves. Due to the increased activity of acquisitions and its impact on global economy, there has been a development of several strategies and procedures of what shall be taken into account before and during the acquistion itself. One of the latest factors that has been on an uprising in this discussion is the importance of sustainable factors for the acquirer.  Sustainable finance has become a topic of high relevance in the past few years due to the effects of climate change, but also in regard to questions that concern the firms social and managerial contributions. New policies, regulations and standards have submerged and has therefore created a new environment for the firms to adapt after. A commonly discussed framework in the area of sustainability is ESG. ESG har the purpose of assessing and measuring a firm's contributions to sustainability from an environmental, social, and governance perspective. This framework has been lifted in many studies as one of the more influential factors among investors and managers when discussing the profitability of a firm, as well as its strategic prospects in the sector. Lately, it has also been a subject discussed among M&A researchers as well as professionals, with many arguing that ESG will be even. more important part of the merger process due to its influence on the value of the firm and its financial performance.  The aim of this study is to see what kind of correlation there is between the financial performance of an acquiring firm and its ESG scores. This will be analyzed among firms that are listed on the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ stock exchange that have performed at least one acquisition between 2017 and 2023. This can give the managers a glimpse of a possible pattern that might be present between acquisitions and ESG scores, since the main aim of an acquisition is to improve the firm’s financial performance. The results that can be drawn from this study is that there is a positive and statistically significant correlation between financial performance and ESG scores among these firms. This may create a new, more modern agent problem where the management is opening up more for external stakeholders over their shareholders, which can be viewed as a consequence of stronger corporate social responsibility taken by the firms.

ESG och finansiell prestation : En kvantitativ studie om branschtillhörighets betydelse vid förhållandet mellan ESG-poäng och finansiell prestation / ESG and Financial Performance : A Quantitative Study on the Importance of Industry Affiliation in the Relationship between ESG Scores and Financial Performance

Krii, Carl, Wiktorsson, Joel January 2023 (has links)
Klimatkrisen är en av de största utmaningarna som världen står inför. På senare år har en ökad uppmärksamhet för hållbarhet vuxit vilket medfört att företagens ansvarstagande i miljömässiga, sociala och styrningsrelaterande frågor blivit en allt viktigare del. För att kvantifiera hur väl hållbarhetsarbetet utförts i företag har hållbarhetsmåttet ESG utvecklats. Begreppet ESG är en sammanställning av tre olika segment: Environmental, Social och Governance som utifrån ett hållbarhetsperspektiv inriktar sig på att mäta dessa segment. Huruvida högre ESG-poäng leder till förbättrad finansiell prestation är däremot oklart. Många studier har undersökt relationen mellan ESG och finansiell prestation, dock har ingen konsensus kring förhållandet ännu konstaterats. Denna studie har därför undersökt om detta förhållande existerar på den svenska marknaden. I studien undersöktes om förhållandet mellan ESG och finansiell prestation påverkas beroende på företags branschtillhörighet. För att undersöka om branschtillhörighet har en signifikant effekt på förhållandet mellan ESG och finansiell prestation har en uppdelning mellan branscher och sektorer gjorts för företag som är känsliga för ESG-frågor och de som inte är det. De redovisningsbaserade prestationsmåtten som använts är ROA och ROE och det marknadsvärde-baserade måttet i studien var Tobin’s Q. Regressionsanalyser utfördes med ESG och de individuella pelarna E,S och G som oberoende variabler. Resultatet från studien fann överlag ett insignifikant förhållande mellan de redovisningsbaserade måtten ROA och ROE för känsliga företag. En positiv relation kunde däremot konstateras för det marknadsvärde-baserade måttet Tobin’s Q för de känsliga företagen. För de icke-känsliga företagen fanns studien överlag inga signifikanta förhållanden mellan något av de tre finansiella prestationsmått som används i studien. Resultaten ger inget stöd till hypotesen att ESG och de tre individuella pelarna E,S och G har en mer positivt relation till de finansiella prestationsmåtten inom känsliga företag än icke-känsliga företag. Något som kan förklaras av att ESG-poäng inte bedömer prestationen utan enbart rapporteringen. För att bringa klarhet i frågan gällande branschtillhörighetens påverkan på förhållandet mellan ESG och finansiell prestation behövs mer omfattande hänsyn till industriella faktorer tas för att ytterligare förstå sambandet mellan ESG och finansiell prestation. / The climate crisis is one of the biggest challenges the world is facing. In recent years, increased attention to sustainability has led to corporate responsibility in environmental, social and governance-related issues becoming increasingly important. To quantify how well sustainability efforts are being carried out in companies, the sustainability measure ESG has been developed. The term ESG is a compilation of three different segments: Environmental, Social, and Governance, which from a sustainability perspective focus on measuring these segments. However, it is unclear whether higher ESG scores lead to improved financial performance. Many studies have examined the relationship between ESG and financial performance, but no consensus has yet been reached on the relationship. This study has therefore examined whether this relationship exists in the Swedish market. The study investigated whether the relationship between ESG and financial performance is influenced by a company's industry affiliation. To investigate whether industry affiliation has a significant effect on the relationship between ESG and financial performance, a breakdown of industries and sectors was made for companies that are sensitive to ESG issues and those that are not. The accounting-based performance measures used are ROA and ROE, and the market based measure in the study was Tobin's Q. Regression analyses were performed with ESG and the individual pillars E, S, and G as independent variables. The results of the study generally found an insignificant relationship between the accounting-based measures ROA and ROE for sensitive companies. However, a positive relationship was found for the market based measure Tobin's Q for sensitive companies. For non-sensitive companies, the study generally found no significant relationships between any of the three financial performance measures used in the study. The results do not support the hypothesis that ESG and the three individual pillars E, S, and G have a more positive relationship with the financial performance measures within sensitive companies than non-sensitive companies. This could be explained by the fact that ESG scores do not assess performance, only reporting. To bring clarity to the question regarding the impact of industry affiliation on the relationship between ESG and financial performance, it is necessary to take more comprehensive industry factors into account in order to further understand the relationship between ESG and financial performance.

Faktorer som påverkar integrering av kriterierna för miljö-, socialt och styrning inom Private Banking

Hadgi, Gulistan, Petersson, Keziah January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: I takt med klimatförändringarna har EU publicerat nya förordningar som syftar till att begränsa den sektor som har högst koldioxidutsläpp. Private Banking-sektorn omfattas av de nya förordningarna och tidigare forskning lyfter fram olika faktorer som påverkar en Private Bankers integrering av ESG i investeringsprocessen i arbetet mot att uppnå Parisavtalet och de globala målen 2030. Forskningsfråga: Hur arbetar Private Bankers med miljö-, sociala och styrningskriterier? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att analysera vilka faktorer som påverkar en Private Banker att integrera miljö-, sociala och styrnings (ESG-) kriterier i investeringsprocessen. Studien avgränsar till Private Banking-sektorn i Sverige. Metod: Studien har genomfört på ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt i kombination med en abduktiv ansats. Intervjuerna har genomförts med fem olika respondenter från tre olika storbanker i Sverige från Halmstad, Göteborg och Stockholm. Teoretisk referensram: Den teoretiska referensramen behandlar tre olika teorier; aktieägarteori, intressentteori, nyinstitutionell teori. Resultat: Det görs tydligt att trenden inom storbankerna är hållbarhet. De olika faktorerna visar sig ha ett samband i hur en Private Banker integrerar ESG i investeringsprocessen genom att faktorerna påverkar varandra. De formella reglerna har störst påverkan i en Private Bankers investeringsbeslut inom storbankerna, men är även formad efter samhällets normer och värderingar. En utmaning inom sektorn är att få sina kunder mer medvetna om den påverkan deras placeringar har.

Open Banking: Utmaningar och möjligheter för intressenter verksamma med Open Banking-plattformar : Lärdomar inför den nya eran av Open Finance: En berättelse om motstånd, konkurrens och innovation / Open Banking: Challenges and Opportunities for Stakeholders Engaged with Open Banking Platforms : Lessons for the New Era of Open Finance: A Tale of Resistance, Competition, and Innovation

Zeidan Mellqivst, Oskar, Wingemo, Philip January 2023 (has links)
Background: In recent years, there has been considerable interest in the philosophical concept of Open Banking and its practical implementation, often associated with digital platforms. The term ‘Open Banking platforms' has been used to describe the complex intersection between the two concepts of Open Banking and digital platforms, and it sometimes embody a series of challenges and opportunities. Open Banking aims to increase competition, innovation, and interoperability in the financial sector, creating opportunities for new players while challenging established banks to rethink their business models and value propositions. However, few researchers have addressed the question of challenges and opportunities faced by the various stakeholders involved in Open Banking platforms. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate and deepen the understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by various stakeholders involved in Open Banking platforms. Methodology: In this study, a qualitative methodology with an abductive approach was used, and the study was designed as a case study. The empirical data consists of seven semi-structured interviews conducted in 2023, as well as supplementary data from relevant documents. Thematic analysis and triangulation were employed to analyze the collected data. Conclusion: The complexity of Open Banking platforms becomes apparent during their practical implementation within the financial sector, involving technical, functional, interactional, relational, economic, and regulatory dimensions, as well as various stakeholders. On the one hand, third-party providers see opportunities for innovation. On the other hand, banks face issues with outdated IT infrastructure and threats to their existing business models. Some of the challenges arise due to varying perspectives and technological frames. This study also found that interest organizations play an important role in the design of Open Banking platforms, and regulatory requirements are therefore indirectly influenced by interest organizations. It is however challenging for stakeholders with limited resources to actively participate in the discussions about Open Banking. Additionally, a clearer dialogue and balance between compliance, security, and innovation is needed. Despite the challenges, Open Banking is considered important for the future but requires time to mature.

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