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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Betydelsen av oral nutritionsbehandling vid läkning av trycksår : En litteraturöversikt

Wester, Emma, Hellman, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Trycksår är ett stort problem för patienter och en enorm kostnad för samhället. Sjuksköterskan har ansvar att förebygga att dessa uppstår och hjälpa sårläkningen. Att sår och nutrition har ett samband har länge varit omdiskuterat. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att undersöka om läkningen av trycksår kan påverkas av oral nutritionsbehandling. Metod: Studiens metod var en deskriptiv litteraturöversikt där tio artiklar inkluderades och analyserades. Sökning efter artiklar gjordes i PubMed och Cinahl. Vid urval av artiklar lästes sammanfattningar och inklusions- och exklusionskriterier jämfördes mot den aktuella studiens kriterier. Inkluderade artiklar i litteraturöversikten lästes utförligt, analyserades och kategoriserades. Resultat: I de analyserade studierna återfanns resultat som visat på att oral nutritionsbehandling ger signifikant förbättring av trycksårens läkning. Sammanfattningsvis kan oral nutritionsbehandling påverka läkningen av trycksår. Det är oklart hur och på vilket sätt interventionerna påverkar läkningen. Ett samband kunde ses mellan de interventioner som innehöll arginin och zink. Dessa näringsämnen kan potentiellt påverka läkningen positivt. Slutsats: Enligt den här litteraturöversikten kan förbättrad läkning av trycksår ses i samband oral nutritionsbehandling. Dock finns ingen evidens och ytterligare forskning behövs inom området. / Background: Pressure ulcers are a big problem for patients and a huge cost for the tax-paying society. Nurses have a responsibility to prevent the ulcers from emerging and help with the wound healing. A correlation between wounds and nutrition has been debated. Objective: The objective with this overview was to see if the healing of pressure ulcers can be affected by oral nutritional interventions. Method: The method of this study was descriptive literature overview and ten articles were included and analyzed. Original articles were searched for in PubMed and Cinahl. To find the articles needed the abstracts were read and the inclusion- and exclusion criteria were compared to the present study’s criteria. The included articles in the overview were read thoroughly, analyzed and categorized. Result: In the studies that were analyzed there were results that showed that oral nutrition interventions give a significantly improved healing of the pressure ulcers. In summary, oral nutrition interventions can affect the healing of pressure ulcers. It is unclear how and which way the interventions may affect the healing. A correlation between the interventions containing arginine and zinc could be seen. These nutrients can potentially affect the healing of the ulcers positively. Conclusion: According to this literature overview improved healing of ulcers can be seen in combination with oral nutrition interventions. However no evidence was found and more research is needed in this area.

Substituição de uréia por farelo de soja em rações com polpa cítrica para bovinos em crescimento ou em terminação / Substitution of soybeanmeal for urea in diets high in citrus pulp for growing or finishing bulls

Lima, Narson Vinícius dos Anjos 22 March 2006 (has links)
Dois experimentos foram conduzidos no Departamento de Zootecnia da ESALQUSP. No experimento 1, o objetivo foi avaliar o aumento do suprimento de proteína metabolizável (uréia x farelo de soja) para bovinos em crescimento, confinados com rações com teores altos de polpa cítrica. Foram utilizados 28 machos Nelore não castrados, com peso médio inicial de 293 kg e 14 meses de idade, agrupados em 14 baias. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso. O período experimental teve duração de 93 dias, divididos em 3 sub-períodos de 31 dias. As rações com 16,5% de feno de Tifton e 83,5% de concentrado (%MS), foram isoprotéicas, formuladas utilizando o NRC (1996) Nível 1. Foram comparados 2 tratamentos. O tratamento U continha 2,3% de uréia na MS da ração e apresentava balanço positivo de PDR (proteína degradável no rúmen) e balanço negativo de PM (proteína metabolizável). O tratamento FS continha 6,61% de farelo de soja e 1,32% de uréia na MS da ração e apresentava balanços positivos de PDR e de PM. O ganho de peso diário (1,42 x 1,22 kg/cab) foi maior (P<0,05) para os animais do tratamento FS comparado com os do tratamento U. Houve tendência (P = 0,051) de maior consumo diário de MS (8,32 x 8,07 kg/cab) e tendência (P=0,058) de maior a eficiência alimentar (GPD/CMS) (0,172 x 0,153 kg) para os animais do tratamento FS em comparação com os do tratamento U. No experimento 2 o objetivo foi avaliar o aumento do suprimento de proteína metabolizável (uréia x farelo de soja) para bovinos em terminação, confinados com rações com teores altos de polpa cítrica. Foram utilizados 26 machos Canchim não castrados, com peso médio inicial de 351 kg e 14 meses de idade, agrupados em 14 baias. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso incompletos. O período experimental teve duração de 93 dias, divididos em 3 sub-períodos de 31 dias. As rações com 16,5% de feno de Tifton e 83,5% de concentrado (%MS) foram isoprotéicas, formuladas utilizando o NRC (1996) nível 1. Foram comparados 2 tratamentos. O tratamento U continha 2,3% de uréia na MS da ração e apresentava balanços positivos de PDR (proteína degradável no rúmen) e de PM (proteína metabolizável). O tratamento FS continha 6,61% de farelo de soja e 1,32% de uréia na MS da ração e apresentava balanços praticamente nulo de PDR e positivo de PM. O consumo diário de MS (8,76 x 8,64 kg/cab), o ganho de peso diário (1,39 x 1,42 kg/cab) e a eficiência alimentar (GPD/CMS) (0,160 x 0,167 kg de GPD/kg MS) não diferiram (P>0,05) para os animais do tratamento FS em comparação com os animais do tratamento U respectivamente. Houve interação significativa (P<0,05) entre tratamentos e períodos para as variáveis ganho de peso diário e eficiência alimentar. No primeiro período experimental, os animais do tratamento FS ganharam mais peso (1,56 x 1,29 kg/cab) com maior eficiência (0,179 x 0,156) que os do tratamento U. No terceiro período experimental, os animais do tratamento U ganharam mais peso (1,31 x 1,00) com maior eficiência (0,143 x 0,110) que os do tratamento FS. / Two trials were conducted at the Animal Sciences Department, ESALQ/USP. Trial 1: The objective was to evaluate the increase in metabolizable protein supply (urea vs soybean meal) for feedlot growing bulls, fed diets high in citrus pulp. Twenty-eight Nellore bulls, averaging 293 kg of body weight and 14 months of age, were grouped in randomized blocks. Animals were housed in 14 pens (4x7m), and experimental period lasted 93 days, divided in three 31 days sub periods. Diets were isonitrogenous and contained 16.5% Tifton hay and 83.5% concentrate (%DM), formulated using NRC (1996) Level 1. Treatment U contained 2.3% urea in ration dry matter, with positive RDP (rumen degradable protein) balance and negative MP (metabolizable protein) balance. Treatment FS contained 6.61% soybean meal and 1.32% urea in ration dry matter, with positive RDP and MP balances. Average daily gain (1.42 x 1.22 kg) was highest (P<0.05) for animals in the FS treatment. There was a tendency (P = 0.051) for highest daily dry matter intake (8.32 x 8.07 kg) and a tendency (P= 0.058) for highest feed efficiency (ADG/DMI) (0.172 x 0.153) for animals in the FS treatment. Trial 2: The objective was to evaluate the increase in metabolizable protein supply (urea vs soybean meal) for feedlot finishing bulls, fed diets high in citrus pulp. Twenty-six finishing Canchim bulls, averaging 351 kg of body weight and 14 months of age, were grouped in randomized incomplete blocks. Animals were housed in 13 pens (4x7m), and experimental period lasted 93 days, divided in three 31 days sub periods. Diets were isonitrogenous and contained 16.5% Tifton hay and 83.5% concentrate (%DM), formulated using NRC (1996) Level 1. Treatment U contained 2.3% urea in ration dry matter, with positive RDP (rumen degradable protein) and MP (metabolizable protein) balances. Treatment FS contained 6.61% soybean meal and 1.32% urea in ration dry matter, with null RDP balance and positive MP balance. Daily dry matter intake (8.76 x 8.64 kg), average daily gain (1.39 x 1.42 kg) and feed efficiency (ADG/DMI) (0.160 x 0.167) were not different (P>0.05) for FS and U treatment respectively. There were significant interactions (P<0.05) between treatments and periods for average daily gain and for feed efficiency. In the first sub period, animals in treatment FS gained more weight (1.56 x 1.29 kg) with greater feed efficiency (0.179 x 0.156) than animals in treatment U. On the other hand, in the third sub period, animals in treatment U gained more weight (1.31 x 1.00 kg) with greater feed efficiency (0.143 x 0.110) than animals in treatment FS.

Suplementação protéica ou energética para bovinos recriados em pastagens tropicais / Protein or energy supplementation of growing cattle grazing tropical pastures

Ramalho, Térssio Roger Angelelli 30 March 2006 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar o desempenho de bezerros, não castrados, recriados no período das águas, exclusivamente em pastagens (CONT) ou suplementados com concentrado energético (ENER) ou protéico (PROT). Também foi avaliado o efeito da suplementação, no desempenho posterior destes animais na fase de terminação em confinamento. Foram utilizados 75 bezerros recém desmamados, com 8 meses de idade e 200,08 kg de PV, provenientes do cruzamento de touro Pardo Suíço com vaca F1 Angus x Nelore. Os animais foram mantidos em 22 ha de pastagem de capim Colonião (Panicum maximum), de dezembro de 2004 a maio de 2005. A pastagem foi dividida em 8 piquetes e manejada em sistema rotacionado, com período de descanso variável e adubada com 45 kg de N por pastejo. Os animais pastejavam em lote único e eram separados diariamente em 3 lotes conforme o tratamento experimental para receberem os respectivos suplementos. Os animais do tratamento controle (CONT) eram conduzidos de volta ao pasto logo após a separação. Todos os animais tinham mistura mineral a disposição nos pastos. Os animais dos tratamentos ENER e PROT, recebiam diariamente 0,6% do PV (em matéria natural) dos respectivos suplementos. O suplemento ENER (6,4% de PB na MS) continha polpa cítrica e mistura mineral com monensina sódica. O suplemento PROT (19% de PB na MS), continha polpa cítrica, farelo de algodão e mistura mineral com monensina sódica. O ganho de peso diário (GPD) foi maior (P<0,05) para os animais suplementados, sendo de 0,741; 0,908 e 0,967 kg.animal-1 para os tratamentos CONT, ENER e PROT respectivamente. Não houve diferença de GPD quanto ao tipo de suplemento (P>0,05). Após 158 dias da fase de recria em pasto, os animais foram terminados em confinamento por 127 dias. Todos os animais receberam a mesma ração, com 82% de concentrado e 18% de silagem de milho. Os GPD foram de 1,38, 1,51 e 1,45 kg/cab para os tratamentos CONT, ENER e PROT respectivamente. O GPD do tratamento ENER foi maior (P<0,05) que do CONT. Animais não suplementados durante a recria em pasto, não apresentaram ganho compensatório na fase de confinamento em comparação com os suplementados. O ganho de peso adicional dos animais, obtido com a suplementação na fase de pasto, foi mantido e até ampliado na fase de terminação em confinamento. / The objectives of this trial were to compare the performance of growing cattle grazing tropical pastures without (CONT) or with energy (ENER) or protein (PROT) supplementation. Also, the effects of supplementation during the grazing period on the feedlot finishing period were evaluated. Seventy-five crossbred (Braunvieh x F1 Angus x Nelore) bull calves, averaging 8 months old and 200 kg BW, grazed 22 ha of Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) from December 2004 through may 2005. Pasture area contained 8 paddocks managed on a rotational grazing system, with a variable resting period. Pastures were fertilized with 45 kg of N/ha/grazing cycle. Cattle grazed the pastures as a single group. Every morning, animals were separated according to the 3 experimental treatments, to be fed the respective supplements. The CONT animals were moved back to the pastures while ENER and PROT animals were fed their respective supplements at 0.6% of BW (as fed). ENER supplement (6.4% CP) contained dried citrus pulp and a mineral mix with monensin. PROT supplement (19% CP) contained citrus pulp, cottonseed meal and mineral mix with monensin. Daily weight gain was higher (P<0.05) for ENER (0.908 kg.animal-1) and PROT (0.967kg.animal-1 ) compared to CONT animals (0.74 kg.animal-1). Type of supplement did not affect cattle daily gain (P>0.05). After the 158 days of the grazing period, animals were feedlot finished. All animals were fed the same ration (82% concentrate and 18% corn silage). Average daily gains were 1.38, 1.51 and 1.45 kg.animal-1 for CONT, ENER and PROT treatments respectively and were different (P<0.05). Animals fed energy supplement (ENER) during the grazing period, gained faster (P<0.05) during the feedlot period than no supplemented animals (CONT). Animals not supplemented during the grazing period (CONT) did not present compensatory gain compared to supplemented ones (ENER or PROT) during the feedlot period. Compared to the CONT performance, the extra weight of supplemented animals (ENER or PROT), gained during the grazing period, was maintained or increased during the finishing period.

Substituição de uréia por farelo de soja em rações com polpa cítrica para bovinos em crescimento ou em terminação / Substitution of soybeanmeal for urea in diets high in citrus pulp for growing or finishing bulls

Narson Vinícius dos Anjos Lima 22 March 2006 (has links)
Dois experimentos foram conduzidos no Departamento de Zootecnia da ESALQUSP. No experimento 1, o objetivo foi avaliar o aumento do suprimento de proteína metabolizável (uréia x farelo de soja) para bovinos em crescimento, confinados com rações com teores altos de polpa cítrica. Foram utilizados 28 machos Nelore não castrados, com peso médio inicial de 293 kg e 14 meses de idade, agrupados em 14 baias. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso. O período experimental teve duração de 93 dias, divididos em 3 sub-períodos de 31 dias. As rações com 16,5% de feno de Tifton e 83,5% de concentrado (%MS), foram isoprotéicas, formuladas utilizando o NRC (1996) Nível 1. Foram comparados 2 tratamentos. O tratamento U continha 2,3% de uréia na MS da ração e apresentava balanço positivo de PDR (proteína degradável no rúmen) e balanço negativo de PM (proteína metabolizável). O tratamento FS continha 6,61% de farelo de soja e 1,32% de uréia na MS da ração e apresentava balanços positivos de PDR e de PM. O ganho de peso diário (1,42 x 1,22 kg/cab) foi maior (P<0,05) para os animais do tratamento FS comparado com os do tratamento U. Houve tendência (P = 0,051) de maior consumo diário de MS (8,32 x 8,07 kg/cab) e tendência (P=0,058) de maior a eficiência alimentar (GPD/CMS) (0,172 x 0,153 kg) para os animais do tratamento FS em comparação com os do tratamento U. No experimento 2 o objetivo foi avaliar o aumento do suprimento de proteína metabolizável (uréia x farelo de soja) para bovinos em terminação, confinados com rações com teores altos de polpa cítrica. Foram utilizados 26 machos Canchim não castrados, com peso médio inicial de 351 kg e 14 meses de idade, agrupados em 14 baias. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso incompletos. O período experimental teve duração de 93 dias, divididos em 3 sub-períodos de 31 dias. As rações com 16,5% de feno de Tifton e 83,5% de concentrado (%MS) foram isoprotéicas, formuladas utilizando o NRC (1996) nível 1. Foram comparados 2 tratamentos. O tratamento U continha 2,3% de uréia na MS da ração e apresentava balanços positivos de PDR (proteína degradável no rúmen) e de PM (proteína metabolizável). O tratamento FS continha 6,61% de farelo de soja e 1,32% de uréia na MS da ração e apresentava balanços praticamente nulo de PDR e positivo de PM. O consumo diário de MS (8,76 x 8,64 kg/cab), o ganho de peso diário (1,39 x 1,42 kg/cab) e a eficiência alimentar (GPD/CMS) (0,160 x 0,167 kg de GPD/kg MS) não diferiram (P>0,05) para os animais do tratamento FS em comparação com os animais do tratamento U respectivamente. Houve interação significativa (P<0,05) entre tratamentos e períodos para as variáveis ganho de peso diário e eficiência alimentar. No primeiro período experimental, os animais do tratamento FS ganharam mais peso (1,56 x 1,29 kg/cab) com maior eficiência (0,179 x 0,156) que os do tratamento U. No terceiro período experimental, os animais do tratamento U ganharam mais peso (1,31 x 1,00) com maior eficiência (0,143 x 0,110) que os do tratamento FS. / Two trials were conducted at the Animal Sciences Department, ESALQ/USP. Trial 1: The objective was to evaluate the increase in metabolizable protein supply (urea vs soybean meal) for feedlot growing bulls, fed diets high in citrus pulp. Twenty-eight Nellore bulls, averaging 293 kg of body weight and 14 months of age, were grouped in randomized blocks. Animals were housed in 14 pens (4x7m), and experimental period lasted 93 days, divided in three 31 days sub periods. Diets were isonitrogenous and contained 16.5% Tifton hay and 83.5% concentrate (%DM), formulated using NRC (1996) Level 1. Treatment U contained 2.3% urea in ration dry matter, with positive RDP (rumen degradable protein) balance and negative MP (metabolizable protein) balance. Treatment FS contained 6.61% soybean meal and 1.32% urea in ration dry matter, with positive RDP and MP balances. Average daily gain (1.42 x 1.22 kg) was highest (P<0.05) for animals in the FS treatment. There was a tendency (P = 0.051) for highest daily dry matter intake (8.32 x 8.07 kg) and a tendency (P= 0.058) for highest feed efficiency (ADG/DMI) (0.172 x 0.153) for animals in the FS treatment. Trial 2: The objective was to evaluate the increase in metabolizable protein supply (urea vs soybean meal) for feedlot finishing bulls, fed diets high in citrus pulp. Twenty-six finishing Canchim bulls, averaging 351 kg of body weight and 14 months of age, were grouped in randomized incomplete blocks. Animals were housed in 13 pens (4x7m), and experimental period lasted 93 days, divided in three 31 days sub periods. Diets were isonitrogenous and contained 16.5% Tifton hay and 83.5% concentrate (%DM), formulated using NRC (1996) Level 1. Treatment U contained 2.3% urea in ration dry matter, with positive RDP (rumen degradable protein) and MP (metabolizable protein) balances. Treatment FS contained 6.61% soybean meal and 1.32% urea in ration dry matter, with null RDP balance and positive MP balance. Daily dry matter intake (8.76 x 8.64 kg), average daily gain (1.39 x 1.42 kg) and feed efficiency (ADG/DMI) (0.160 x 0.167) were not different (P>0.05) for FS and U treatment respectively. There were significant interactions (P<0.05) between treatments and periods for average daily gain and for feed efficiency. In the first sub period, animals in treatment FS gained more weight (1.56 x 1.29 kg) with greater feed efficiency (0.179 x 0.156) than animals in treatment U. On the other hand, in the third sub period, animals in treatment U gained more weight (1.31 x 1.00 kg) with greater feed efficiency (0.143 x 0.110) than animals in treatment FS.

Suplementação protéica ou energética para bovinos recriados em pastagens tropicais / Protein or energy supplementation of growing cattle grazing tropical pastures

Térssio Roger Angelelli Ramalho 30 March 2006 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar o desempenho de bezerros, não castrados, recriados no período das águas, exclusivamente em pastagens (CONT) ou suplementados com concentrado energético (ENER) ou protéico (PROT). Também foi avaliado o efeito da suplementação, no desempenho posterior destes animais na fase de terminação em confinamento. Foram utilizados 75 bezerros recém desmamados, com 8 meses de idade e 200,08 kg de PV, provenientes do cruzamento de touro Pardo Suíço com vaca F1 Angus x Nelore. Os animais foram mantidos em 22 ha de pastagem de capim Colonião (Panicum maximum), de dezembro de 2004 a maio de 2005. A pastagem foi dividida em 8 piquetes e manejada em sistema rotacionado, com período de descanso variável e adubada com 45 kg de N por pastejo. Os animais pastejavam em lote único e eram separados diariamente em 3 lotes conforme o tratamento experimental para receberem os respectivos suplementos. Os animais do tratamento controle (CONT) eram conduzidos de volta ao pasto logo após a separação. Todos os animais tinham mistura mineral a disposição nos pastos. Os animais dos tratamentos ENER e PROT, recebiam diariamente 0,6% do PV (em matéria natural) dos respectivos suplementos. O suplemento ENER (6,4% de PB na MS) continha polpa cítrica e mistura mineral com monensina sódica. O suplemento PROT (19% de PB na MS), continha polpa cítrica, farelo de algodão e mistura mineral com monensina sódica. O ganho de peso diário (GPD) foi maior (P<0,05) para os animais suplementados, sendo de 0,741; 0,908 e 0,967 kg.animal-1 para os tratamentos CONT, ENER e PROT respectivamente. Não houve diferença de GPD quanto ao tipo de suplemento (P>0,05). Após 158 dias da fase de recria em pasto, os animais foram terminados em confinamento por 127 dias. Todos os animais receberam a mesma ração, com 82% de concentrado e 18% de silagem de milho. Os GPD foram de 1,38, 1,51 e 1,45 kg/cab para os tratamentos CONT, ENER e PROT respectivamente. O GPD do tratamento ENER foi maior (P<0,05) que do CONT. Animais não suplementados durante a recria em pasto, não apresentaram ganho compensatório na fase de confinamento em comparação com os suplementados. O ganho de peso adicional dos animais, obtido com a suplementação na fase de pasto, foi mantido e até ampliado na fase de terminação em confinamento. / The objectives of this trial were to compare the performance of growing cattle grazing tropical pastures without (CONT) or with energy (ENER) or protein (PROT) supplementation. Also, the effects of supplementation during the grazing period on the feedlot finishing period were evaluated. Seventy-five crossbred (Braunvieh x F1 Angus x Nelore) bull calves, averaging 8 months old and 200 kg BW, grazed 22 ha of Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) from December 2004 through may 2005. Pasture area contained 8 paddocks managed on a rotational grazing system, with a variable resting period. Pastures were fertilized with 45 kg of N/ha/grazing cycle. Cattle grazed the pastures as a single group. Every morning, animals were separated according to the 3 experimental treatments, to be fed the respective supplements. The CONT animals were moved back to the pastures while ENER and PROT animals were fed their respective supplements at 0.6% of BW (as fed). ENER supplement (6.4% CP) contained dried citrus pulp and a mineral mix with monensin. PROT supplement (19% CP) contained citrus pulp, cottonseed meal and mineral mix with monensin. Daily weight gain was higher (P<0.05) for ENER (0.908 kg.animal-1) and PROT (0.967kg.animal-1 ) compared to CONT animals (0.74 kg.animal-1). Type of supplement did not affect cattle daily gain (P>0.05). After the 158 days of the grazing period, animals were feedlot finished. All animals were fed the same ration (82% concentrate and 18% corn silage). Average daily gains were 1.38, 1.51 and 1.45 kg.animal-1 for CONT, ENER and PROT treatments respectively and were different (P<0.05). Animals fed energy supplement (ENER) during the grazing period, gained faster (P<0.05) during the feedlot period than no supplemented animals (CONT). Animals not supplemented during the grazing period (CONT) did not present compensatory gain compared to supplemented ones (ENER or PROT) during the feedlot period. Compared to the CONT performance, the extra weight of supplemented animals (ENER or PROT), gained during the grazing period, was maintained or increased during the finishing period.

Multiple Ingredient Dietary Supplement and Protective Effects in Gamma Irradiated Mice

Monster, Kathleen 11 1900 (has links)
Cognitive impairment, “Chemofog”, has been well established as a negative outcome of otherwise successful medical radiation treatments. Mitigation of this negative feature would dramatically increase quality of life for those recovering from cancer treatment. There is currently no known intervention to protect or restore cognitive function of patients undergoing radiation treatments. Development of a multiple ingredient dietary supplement (MDS) is meant to offer a non-invasive therapy to help mitigate risk and decrease damage to individuals. The MDS was originally designed to off-set 5 key mechanisms associated with aging including oxidative damage, inflammation, impaired glucose metabolism, mitochondrial dysfunction and membrane deterioration. Radiation damage shares many of the same deficiencies that develop with age and supplementation with MDS would impact many of the same pathways. Changes in cytokine profile (inflammation markers), and biomarkers of behavioural functions, sensory functions, and oxidative damage provide preliminary evidence of MDS impacts. / Thesis / Bachelor of Science (BSc) / Cognitive impairment, “Chemofog”, has been well established as a negative outcome of otherwise successful medical radiation treatments. Mitigation of this negative feature would dramatically increase quality of life for those recovering from cancer treatment. There is currently no known intervention to protect or restore cognitive function of patients undergoing radiation treatments. Development of a multiple ingredient dietary supplement (MDS) is meant to offer a non-invasive therapy to help mitigate risk and decrease damage to individuals. The MDS was originally designed to off-set 5 key mechanisms associated with aging including oxidative damage, inflammation, impaired glucose metabolism, mitochondrial dysfunction and membrane deterioration. Radiation damage shares many of the same deficiencies that develop with age and supplementation with MDS would impact many of the same pathways.

Grape-seed extract (oligomeric proanthocyanidin) or N-acetylcysteine antioxidant supplementation several days before and after an acute bout of plyometric exercise

Delport, Chris J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis aims to determine whether supplementation with a grape-seed derived antioxidant, oligomeric proanthocyanidin (PCO) or the glutathione precursor, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) may prove beneficial as treatment for exercise induced muscle damage (EIMD) in athletes. In this double-blind cohort study, 21 healthy, uninjured male rugby-players in mid-season training phase, aged between 18 and 25 years were randomly divided into three treatment groups. Participants received 210 mg PCO, NAC or placebo treatment for 9 consecutive days. The study comprised a 6-day wash-out period (protocol days: -12 to -7), followed by a 6-day supplement loading period (protocol days: -6 to -1) a plyometric exercise intervention (protocol day 0) and continued supplementation for 2 days (protocol days: 1 to 2). The exercise intervention comprised 15 sets of 10 near maximal, vertical plyometric squat jumps. Blood samples and delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS) scores were collected on protocol days: -6, 0, 1 and 2. Assessments included serum creatine kinase (CK) activity, oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), malondialdehyde (MDA) and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1) concentrations over time as well as a differential circulating leukocyte count (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils). Data analysis of CK activity revealed no significant differences between groups. However, PCO treatment prevented a significant peak in the CK response at 24 h (as seen in the placebo and NAC groups) when compared to baseline, pre and post readings (p<0.05). NAC supplementation significantly improved serum ORAC after the exercise intervention. By 48 h, serum ORAC had improved significantly from readings taken immediately post exercise (p<0.05) only in the NAC group. For all groups, absolute neutrophil counts peaked at 6 h post exercise from baseline or pre readings (p<0.05). In both NAC and placebo treated groups, neutrophil counts had decreased significantly in circulation by 24 h post exercise from the 6 h time-point (p<0.05). However, neutrophil counts only reached significantly lower levels by 48 h post exercise (p<0.05) in the group supplemented with PCO. The monocyte count also peaked significantly at 6 h post exercise when compared with other time-points before and after the exercise intervention (p<0.05) in all treatment groups. Neither antioxidant treatment significantly altered the responses of other leukocyte sub-populations, MDA or sVCAM-1 concentrations where main effects of plyometric exercise was evident. Although not statistically significant, a trend toward diminished sVCAM-1 expression with either antioxidant supplementation was apparent. These findings suggest that PCO supplementation (210mg/d) which includes a 7 day loading period may diminish plyometric EIMD by limiting (but not completely inhibiting) the neutrophil response. Secondary muscle damage may be prevented by partially blunting neutrophil infiltration, rather than only quenching free radicals released during the neutrophil oxidative burst. Furthermore, the finding that NAC supplementation improves serum ORAC only after exercise may provide added benefit when administered in combination with PCO. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierde tesis is daarop gerig om vas te stel of aanvulling met ‘n druifsaadekstrak (DSE) gederiveerde antioksidant: pro-antosianiedoliese oligomeer (PSO), of die glutathione voorloopermolekule, N-asetielsistien (NAS) voordelig beskou kan word as behandeling vir atlete onderhewig aan spierskade veroorsaak deur oefening. Gedurende hierdie dubbelblinde kohort studie is 21 gesonde, manlike rugbyspelers sonder beserings tussen die ouderdom van 18 en 25 jaar in middel-seison fase ewekansig in drie behandelingsgroepe verdeel. Deelneemers het elk 210 mg PSO, NAS of placebo-aanvulling geneem vir nege agtereenvolgende dae. Die studie het bestaan uit ‘n 6-dag uitwasperiode (protokoldae: -12 tot -7), as ook ‘n 6-dag aanvullings periode (protokoldae: -6 tot -1), gevolg deur ‘n pliometriese oefeningsintervensie (protokol dag 0) en verdere aanvulling tot en met 2 dae na die oefening (protokol dae: 1 tot 2). Die oefeningsintervensie het 15 stelle van 10 naastenby maksimale, vertikale pliometriese hurkspronge behels. Bloedmonsters en vertraagde aanvang spierseerheid (VAS) tellings is op protokoldae: -6, 0, 1 en 2 geneem. Analiese het serum kreatien kinase (KK) aktiwiteit, suurstof radikaal absorpsie kapasiteit (SRAK), Malondialdahied (MDA) en oplospare vaskulêresel adhesie molekule-1 (oVAM-1) konsentrasie bepalings asook ‘n differentiële sirkulerende leukosiet seltelling ingesluit. KK aktiewiteit het geen merkwaardige verskil tussen groepe getoon nie. PSO aanvulling het wel gelei tot die voorkoming van ‘n merkwaardige piek in die KK response soos in die placebo en NAC behandelde groepe bevind is by die 24 h tydspunt in vergelyking met basislyn-, voor- en na-oefeningslesings (p<0.05). NAS het ‘n merkwaardige verbetering in serum SRAK getoon, maar eers teen 48 h na oefening. Slegs die NAS behandelde groep het op hierdie tydspunt ‘n betekenisvolle verbetering in SRAK getoon in vergelyking met lesings direk na oefening (p<0.05). Vir alle groepe is ‘n betekenisvolle toename in absolute neutrophiltellings waargeneem 6 h na oefening in vergelyking met basislyn- en vooroefeningslesings (p<0.05). Beide NAS en placebo-behandelde groepe het ‘n betekenisvolle afname in neutrophiltellings teen 24 h na oefening getoon in vergelyking met die 6 h tydspunt (p<0.05) maar met die PSO-behandelde groep word hierde afname eers teen 48 h waargeneem (p<0.05). Monosiettellings het in alle groepe 6 h na oefening ‘n betekinsvolle piek getoon (p<0.05). Waar slegs die hoofeffek van die pliometriese oefening betekenisvol was, het nie een van die twee antioksidant aanvullings ‘n merkwaardige verandering aan die respons van ander leukosiet sub-populasies, MDA of oVAM-1 konsentrasies getoon nie. Al kon statistiese beduidenheid nie bewys word nie, wil dit blyk dat ‘n verminderde oVAM-1 uitdrukking onstaan het in die geval van beide antioksidant-behandelde groepe. Tesame stel hierdie bevindinge voor dat PSO toediening (210mg/d) insluitende ‘n 7-dag aanvullingsperiode die vermoë verleen om die neutrophielrespons gedeeltelik te onderdruk (sonder om dit heeltemal te inhibeer) en sodoende spierskade verminder. Dus word verdere spierskade moontlik verlaag deur die voorkoming van neutrophil weefsel infiltrasie eerder as verwydering van reaktiewe spesies wat vrygestel word tydens oefening. Die bevinding dat NAS aanvulling serum SRAK eers na oefening merkwaardig verbeter, kan as voordelig beskou word, veral wanneer toegedien in samewerking met PSO om verdere spierskade te voorkom en herstelling vinniger te bewerkstellig.

“I see big gaps”: the Community Volunteer Supplement and disability income policy in British Columbia

Witkowskyj, Candace Larissa 02 September 2016 (has links)
This research explores a disability community’s success in drawing public attention to an unlawful development of policy, that community’s efforts in resistance, and the experiences of those individuals in relation to subsequent neoliberal silencing. Specifically, this study examines the experiences of people on disability assistance in British Columbia who successfully appealed the Ministry’s unjust denial of the Community Volunteer Supplement (CVS) and documents participants’ reactions to the government’s later repeal of the CVS program. Five individuals were interviewed about their experiences in resisting the Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation’s practice to wait list CVS applicants, a benefit they were legislatively entitled to receive. Of the participants interviewed, three identified as women and two identified as men. Utilizing a post-structural feminist theory, influenced by critical disability theory and Foucault, a key finding of this research is that participants’ experiences with the CVS is connected to their experiences of poverty, resistance, and community. / Graduate / 2017-08-01 / 0630 / 0452 / 0617 / cwitkowskyj@gmail.com

Efeitos da administração de um suplemento de microminerais injetável contendo cobre, manganês, selênio e zinco sobre a saúde uterina de vacas leiteiras / Effects of the management of an inject trace element supplement containing copper, manganese, selenium and zinc on uterine health of dairy cows

Marques, Eduardo Carvalho 16 December 2016 (has links)
Os minerais sáo essenciais para a saúde e para reprodução de vacas leiteiras. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da utilização de um suplemento de microminerais injetável contendo cobre, manganês, selênio e zinco, 20 dias antes da inseminação artificial, sobre a saúde uterina, perfil de progesterona, desenvolvimento do embrião e fertilidade de vacas Holandesas. O experimento doi dividido em duas fases. Na primeira fase foram usados 306 vacas, entre 2 a 8 anos de idade, foram divididas em um grupo que recebeu suplemento de microminerais injetável (SIM)contendo cobre, manganês, selênio e zinco, 20 dias antes da inseminação artificial (IA) e um grupo controle, que não recebeu nenhum tratamento. Esses animais foram bloqueados por pariedade (primíparas e multíparas), período voluntário de espera (pequeno período de espera PPE e longo período de espera - LPE) e por fazenda (fazenda 1 e 2). Nessa etapa foi avaliada saúde uterina, atraves do corrimento vaginal uterino e pela endometrite citológica. Na segunda fase foram separados 130 animais, divididos em um grupo que recebeu suplemento de microminerais injetável contendo cobre, manganês, selênio e zinco, 20 dias antes da inseminação artificial e um grupo controle, que não recebeu nenhum tratamento, esse animais foram bloqueados por pariedade (primíparas e multíparas). Foi avaliada a concentração de progesterona, o diagnóstico de gestação e a morfometria da vesícula amniótica e do embrião/feto. Não foi encontrado diferença estatística entre grupos experimentais nas avaliações do corrimento vaginal purulento e na endometrite citológica, quando foi bloqueado por pariedade, período voluntário de espera e fazenda, também não foi encontrado diferença estatística. Não houve diferença entre os grupos no ferfil de progesterona, mas quando foi analisada a porcentagem de animais que estava púberes, encontrou-se diferença estatística dentre os grupos no dia 4 (dias após IA), onde a porcentagem de animais púberes no grupo que recebeu SIM foi maior que o grupo tratamento (P = 0,0319). Não foi encontrada diferença no diagnostico de gestação e na perda de prenhez. Na avaliação da morfometria do embrião, os animais que receberam SIM, a vesícula amniótica (longitudinal) e o comprimento do embrião (cabeça-nádega e abdominal) foram maiores que o grupo controle com 36 dias. Em conclusão o emprego com o tratamento com Sim 20 dias antes da IA, não tem efeito sobre a saúde uterina, prenhez e na perda de prenhez, mas melhorou a porcentagem de animais púberes e o tamanho do embrião. / Minerals are essentials to the health and reproduction of dairy cattle. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the use of na injectable trace element supplement containing copper, manganese, selenium and zinc 20 days before the artificial insemination, on the uterine health, progesterone profile, embryo development and fertility of Hostein dairy cows. The trial was divided in two steps. In the first step, 306 cows, between 2 and 8 years old were divided in two groups. The first group received injectable trace element supplement (ITES) containing copper, manganese, selenium and zinc 20 days before the artificial insemination (AI). The second group did not receive the treatment, constituting the control group. These animals were blocked by parity (primiparous and multiparous), voluntary waiting period (short voluntary waiting period SVWP and long voluntary waiting period - LVWP) and farm (farm 1 and 2).In this step, uterine healthy was evaluated by checking the uterine vaginal discharge and by cytological endimetritis. In the second step, 130 cows were divided in two groups, which cows received same treatments used in the first step. These cows were blocked by parity (primiparous and multiparous) and progesterone concentration, pregnancy diagnosis, and amniotic vesicle and embryo/fetus morfology were evaluated. The evaluation of purulent vaginal discharge and cytological endometritis showed no statistical significance between treatment groups. When cows were blocked by parity, the voluntary waiting period and farm did not show any difference. While no differences were detected between groups when progesterone proflile was evaluated, the percentage of pubescent animais on day 4 after showed diferences. In the ITES group, the percentage of pubescent animals was increased compared to the treatment group (P = 0.0319). No differences were detected to pregnancy diagnosis and pregnancy loss. Studying embryo morphometry, the amniotic vesicle (longitudinal) and embryo length (head-buttock) were higher in ITES group compared to treatment group at 36 days. In conclusion, although the use of ITES 20 days before AI did not show any effect on the uterine healthy, pregnancy and pregnancy loss, the percentage of pubescent animais and embryo length was increased.

O suplemento cultural como rede de relações : os intelectuais no Caderno de Sábado do jornal Correio do Povo (Porto Alegre, 1967-1981)

Cardoso, Everton Terres January 2016 (has links)
Os intelectuais são agentes sociais que – amparados no capital cultural e no poder a ele associado, no domínio da escrita e na circulação pública de suas ideias – ocupam uma posição de destaque no contexto social. Criadores e mediadores culturais, ou organizadores da cultura, constituem um campo que, marcado por lutas por um tipo específico de capital simbólico, apresenta hierarquias definidas de agentes e instituições. O jornalismo cultural, sobretudo por meio dos suplementos, se posiciona como sistema pretensamente perito e modo de conhecimento da realidade que cumpre funções de mediação entre essa elite culta e o público. Especializados e situados na interseção dos campos jornalístico e intelectual, os encartes dedicados à cultura acabam por fazer circular o pensamento desses intelectuais e se constituem, assim, em redes de sociabilidade. Este trabalho, então, parte da seguinte pergunta problematizadora: como o projeto editorial do Caderno de Sábado se configurou como uma rede de relações entre intelectuais de 1967 a 1981? Para tal, operou-se um processo inicial exploratório das 646 edições do suplemento e se chegou à lista dos dez colaboradores mais frequentes no período: o poeta e tradutor Mario Quintana; o funcionário público, professor, crítico literário e historiador Guilhermino Cesar; o crítico musical, livreiro e conferencista Herbert Caro; o professor, jornalista e crítico literário e teatral Antonio Hohlfeldt; o jornalista, poeta e teatrólogo Paulo de Gouvêa; a romancista, cronista e jornalista Clarice Lispector; o engenheiro, historiador e professor Francisco Riopardense de Macedo; o advogado, poeta e crítico literário Paulo Hecker Filho; o funcionário público, crítico literário e historiador Moysés Vellinho; e o jornalista Ney Gastal. A seguir, a fim de detectar indícios que pudessem servir para amparar a reflexão proposta, procedeu-se uma pesquisa de caráter longitudinal e panorâmico. Para tal, realizou-se a Análise de Conteúdo de 3.029 ensaios, artigos, crônicas, contos e poemas assinados por esses nomes. No processo de categorização, os textos foram classificados segundo as temáticas e as referências geográficas e temporais. A partir dos dados coletados no corpus e de pesquisa bibliográfica, foram traçados os itinerários desses indivíduos e se procurou, entre eles, cruzamentos na história da intelectualidade sulina. Chegou-se, então, a uma rede de sociabilidade que estava estruturada ao redor dos dois editores do Caderno de Sábado – P. F. Gastal e Oswaldo Goidanich. O suplemento, naquele momento histórico, se posicionou como um articulador desse sistema de relações; hoje, resta como memória e como registro documental da movimentação cultural e da produção intelectual do período. Vislumbra-se, assim, uma dinâmica de recrutamento baseada em afinidades intelectuais e adesão ao projeto editorial. Percebe-se, também, um movimento de reconhecimento desses sujeitos, por parte da publicação, que se manifesta nas escolhas editoriais e num sistema de homenagens. Ainda, é possível entrever indícios de estratificação baseada no capital simbólico acumulado e na relação desses agentes com os movimentos e agrupamentos de intelectuais, as entidades de congregação e reconhecimento, os circuitos da escrita – sistema literário, mercado editorial e imprensa –, a academia e o Estado. O Caderno de Sábado, ao mesmo tempo que participava da dinâmica de consagração, angariava prestígio para si mesmo e também para o Correio do Povo, naquele momento um jornal de alcance e repercussão nacional. / Intellectuals are social agents that – based on the cultural capital and the power associated with it, in the ability of writing and public circulation of their ideas – occupy a prominent position in the social context. Creators and cultural mediators, or culture organizers, they are part of a field marked by struggles for a specific type of symbolic capital and that has defined hierarchies of agents and institutions. Cultural journalism, especially by means of cultural supplements, is positioned as supposedly expert system and knowledge of reality that meets mediation functions between this educated elite and the public. Specialized and located at the intersection of journalism and intellectual fields, cultural supplements make the thoughts of these intellectuals public and form, this way, social networks. This work then aims to discuss the following question: how is Correio do Povo’s Caderno de Sábado (Porto Alegre, 1967-1981), within the historical context in which it took root, configured as a network of relations between intellectuals? To achieve such objective, it was conducted an exploratory process that included all the 646 editions and a list of the ten most frequent authors in the period was elaborated: the poet and translator Mario Quintana; the civil servant, teacher, literary critic and historian Guilhermino Cesar; the music critic, bookseller and lecturer Herbert Caro; the professor, literary and theatrical critic and journalist Antonio Hohlfeldt; the journalist, poet and playwrighter Paulo de Gouvêa; the novelist, columnist and journalist Clarice Lispector; the engineer, historian and professor Francisco Riopardense de Macedo; the lawyer, poet and literary critic Paul Hecker Filho; the civil servent, literary critic and historian Moysés Vellinho; and journalist Ney Gastal. After this, with the objective of collecting indexes that could serve to support this reflection, a longitudinal and panoramic investigation was made. A Content Analysis was conducted with 3,209 essays, articles, chronicles, short stories and poems signed by those names. In the categorization process, the texts were classified according to their themes and geographical and temporal references. From these data and bibliographical research, the itineraries of these individuals were drawn and crossings in the history of southern intelligentsia were sought. This has resulted, then, in a network of sociability that was structured around Caderno de Sábado’s editors – P. F. Gastal and Oswaldo Goidanich. The supplement, then, at that historic moment, has positioned itself as an articulator of this system of relations; today, it remains as a memory and as a documentary record of the cultural movement and the intellectual production of the period. It is noticeable, thus, a recruitment dynamic based on intellectual affinity and adhesion to the editorial project. It is noticed also a recognition movement of these people, by the publication, which is manifested in the editorial choices and an tribute system. Still, it is possible to glimpse stratification evidence based on accumulated symbolic capital and the relationship of these agents with the movements and intellectual groups, congregation entities and recognition, writing circuits - literary system, publishing and press -, academia and the state. Caderno de Sábado, while participating in the dynamic of consecration, garnered prestige for itself and also for Correio do Povo, at that time a newspaper that had national impact.

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