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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le canal calcique de type L, une cible directe de l’aldostérone dans les cardiomyocytes / L-type Calcium Channel, a direct target of aldosterone in cardiomyocytes

Auguste, Gaëlle 19 January 2015 (has links)
Ces dernières décennies ont mis à jour une implication pathologique nouvelle del’aldostérone, via le récepteur aux minéralocorticoïdes (RM) dans le coeur. L’ensemble desdonnées issues des études expérimentales et des essais cliniques suggère une association délétèreentre l’aldostérone et la survenue d’arythmies. L’utilisation d’antagonistes du RM prévient cesarythmies. Cependant, les voies de signalisations, comme les mécanismes moléculaires soustendantces effets bénéfiques du blocage des RM demeurent incertains. Nous avons accumulésdes preuves d’une modulation de la signalisation calcique dans le cardiomyocyte, et en particulierde l’influx calcique (Ca2+) au travers du canal Ca2+ de type L (LTCC). Celui-Ci pourrait être unecible primaire de l’aldostérone et du RM dans les cardiomyocytes ventriculaires. Toutefois, lesmécanismes par lesquels l’aldostérone et le RM régulent l’expression du LTCC restent à définir.Au cours de ces travaux menés sur cardiomyocytes de rats nouveau-Nés, nous avonsétudiés les évènements moléculaires par lesquels l’aldostérone exerce ses effets sur le CaV1.2,qui correspond à la sous-Unité principale du LTCC formant le pore du canal ; cette protéine estcodée par le CACNA1C. Par microscopie confocale, nous avons suivi en temps réel le traffickingnucléo-Cytoplasmique du RM couplé à la GFP en réponse à l’aldostérone, démontrant ainsi queles RM cardiaques sont fonctionnels. Le traitement durant 24 heures des cardiomyocytes avec del’aldostérone montre une augmentation dose-Dépendante des protéines et de l’ARN messager duCaV1.2. L’utilisation de la technique du gène rapporteur de la luciférase permet l’analyse del’activité du promoteur du CaCNA1C. Celui-Ci montre une activité transcriptionnelle dose ettemps dépendante en réponse à l’aldostérone. De plus, ces effets sont dépendant des RM carinhibés en présence de RU28318, un antagoniste sélectif du RM, ou par l’utilisation de siRNAdirigés contre le RM. L’analyse in silico de la séquence du promoteur du CaCNA1C nous a permisd’identifier cinq séquences putatives correspondant à des éléments de réponse auxglucocorticoïdes (GRE). La mutation du site le plus lointain du site d’initiation de la transcriptionne révèle aucun changement dans les réponses transcriptionnelles induites par un RM humainconstitutivement actif (hMRΔ5,6) ou dans les réponses doses-Dépendantes de l’aldostérone ou dela déxaméthasone, un glucocorticoïde de synthèse. La mutation des trois sites GRE putatifssuivants provoque une diminution des réponses au hMRΔ5,6 comme à l’aldostérone, alors que lesréponses à la déxaméthasone sont soit inchangées, soit augmentées. En contraste, la mutation dusite le plus proximal du promoteur augmente de façon importante l’activité transcriptionnelle dupromoteur en réponse au hMRΔ5,6, à l’aldostérone comme à la déxaméthasone.Ces résultats démontrent que le LTCC cardiaque constitue une cible directe del’aldostérone et du RM, et apportent de nouvelles perspectives quant aux conséquencesmoléculaires et fonctionnelles engendrées par l’activation délétère du système minéralocorticoïdedans la défaillance cardiaque. / During the past decades, major novel pathogenic roles of the steroid hormone,aldosterone, via the Mineralocorticoid Receptor (MR) have been identified in heart. Collectively,experimental studies and clinical trials, suggest a detrimental association between aldosteroneand life threatening arrhythmias that may be prevented by MR blockade. However, the signalingpathways and underlying mechanisms still remain elusive. We have accumulated evidence thatmodulation of Ca2+ signaling, especially Ca2+ influx via L-Type Ca2+ channel (LTCC), might bethe primary aldosterone/MR target in ventricular cardiomyocytes. Yet, the molecularmechanisms by which MR regulates expression of LTCC remain to be defined. Here, weinvestigated, in primary cultures of neonatal rat ventricular myocytes, the molecular eventscritical for aldosterone-Mediated cardiac effects on CaV1.2, the pore-Forming main subunit ofLTCC, which is encoded by the CaCNA1C gene.We showed that cardiac MR are functional as demonstrated by aldosterone-Induced MRnucleocytoplasmic trafficking observed by time-Lapse imaging of transfected GFP-Labeled MRusing confocal microscopy. Aldosterone exposure for 24 hours, induced a dose-Dependentincrease in CaV1.2 expression at both mRNA and protein levels. Analysis of the CaCNA1Cpromoter activity using luciferase reporter assays, revealed a dose- and time-Dependent activationby aldosterone. These effects were inhibited in the presence of either RU28318, a selective MRantagonist, or MR siRNA. In silico analyze enabled us to identify five putative GlucocorticoidResponse Elements (GRE) within the CaCNA1C promoter sequence. The mutation of the mostdistal GRE from Transcription Start Site (TSS) did not altered responses either elicited by theconstitutively active human MR (hMRΔ5,6) or dose-Dependent effects of aldosterone anddexamethasone (a synthetic glucocorticoïd with minimal MR effect). Mutations of the three nextones decreased responses to hMRΔ5,6 and aldosterone, whereas dexamethasone responses wereeither unchanged or increased. In sharp contrast, the mutation of the most proximal GRE fromTSS, increased responses to hMRΔ5,6, aldosterone and dexamethasone.These results provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms associated with cardiacMR activation, and suggest that LTCC is a primary MR target, with subsequent molecular andfunctional consequences that could lead to MR-Related cardiac dysfunction.

Estudo por simulação computacional de modelos de motoneurônios com dendrito ativo em resposta a entradas sinápticas. / A computer simulation study of motoneuron models with active dendrites in response to synaptic inputs.

Leonardo Abdala Elias 01 February 2010 (has links)
Modelos matemáticos de motoneurônios têm sido desenvolvidos para auxiliar na compreensão dos fenômenos que envolvem o sistema neuromuscular. Entretanto, a maioria dos modelos já desenvolvidos baseou-se na premissa de que a árvore dendrítica tem um comportamento passivo, o que ocorre em animais anestesiados, mas pode não ocorrer durante o comportamento motor normal de um animal intacto. Experimentos com animais descerebrados, em que as vias monoaminérgicas encontravam-se ativas, mostraram que os motoneurônios podem apresentar comportamentos mais complexos decorrentes da presença de condutâncias iônicas voltagem-dependentes que se situam nos dendritos e são responsáveis pela gênese de uma corrente de entrada persistente. Nesse sentido, um primeiro objetivo deste trabalho foi o de desenvolver novos modelos matemáticos de motoneurônios de diferentes tipos (i.e. dos tipos S, FR e FF), computacionalmente eficientes e contendo em seus compartimentos dendríticos uma condutância de cálcio do tipo L, de forma que os fenômenos de biestabilidade, potencial platô e amplificação da corrente sináptica efetiva possam ser gerados. Um segundo objetivo foi o de verificar como a presença da condutância iônica ativa no dendrito influencia o comportamento motoneuronal quando o mesmo está sujeito a entradas sinápticas de diferentes tipos. Os novos modelos foram parametrizados baseando-se em dados da literatura experimental para motoneurônios de gatos descerebrados e validados segundo os protocolos experimentais básicos que permitem caracterizar cada tipo de modelo como sendo totalmente ou parcialmente biestável. As entradas sinápticas foram simuladas por processos pontuais de Poisson e os trens de potenciais de ação dos motoneurônios foram analisados. Uma modulação senoidal da intensidade do processo pontual foi usada para estimar as respostas em frequência de cada modelo. Observou-se que, funcionalmente, a presença da condutância iônica dendrítica pode favorecer a ação do motoneurônio durante tarefas posturais, pois, uma vez ativada, a corrente de entrada persistente eleva a excitabilidade motoneuronal tornando os disparos mais regulares, além de prover uma alta sensibilidade dos modelos a entradas sinápticas de baixa frequência, correspondentes às oscilações observadas durante a manutenção da postura ereta quieta. / Mathematical models of motoneurons have been developed as an aid to the understanding of phenomena involving the neuromuscular system, but most of these models have been based on the hypothesis of a passive dendritic tree. This holds for anesthetized animals but not necessarily during normal motor behavior of the intact animal. Experiments with decerebrate animals in which the monoaminergic tracts were maintained intact have shown that more complex behaviors may emerge in motoneurons due to dendritic voltage-gated ionic conductances, which are responsible for a persistent inward current. Therefore, the first aim of this work was to develop computationally-efficient new motoneuron models of different types (i.e. type S, FR and FF) that include a dendritic L-type calcium conductance so that bistability, plateau potential and enhancement of effective synaptic current may be generated. The second aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of the active dendritic ionic conductance on the input-output mapping of presynaptic to postsynaptic spike trains. The new models were parameterized based on data reported in experimental literature on the decerebrate cat preparation, and they were validated using appropriate protocols for either fully or partially bistable dynamics. The synaptic inputs were simulated by Poisson point processes and the output spike trains were analyzed. Sinusoidal modulation of the point process intensity was used for the estimation of each models frequency response. The results suggested that an active dendritic ionic conductance in motoneurons has a functional role during postural tasks, because, when activated, the persistent inward current enhances the motoneuronal excitability, reducing the variability of interspike intervals, and focusing the sensitivity of the models to low frequency inputs that correspond to the low-frequency oscillations that typically occur during quiet standing posture.

食品業廠商在大陸通路選擇之個案研究 / The Case Study-Marketing Channel Choice of The Food Industry in Mailand China

許博富, Hsu,Po fu Unknown Date (has links)
近年大陸採經濟開放政策,對於各種物資需求相當殷切,大陸市場之大, 是未來各國主要目標市場之一。如何在這大市場中贏得商機,是全世界各 國及廠商的願望。大陸以往是計劃經濟體制與西方自由經濟體制為截然不 同的兩種體制,西方的管理技術與經驗是否能應用在中國大陸上,各國無 不密切注意。對於同樣中國人的台灣,雖然在以往有四十年的隔閡,造成 了觀念上極大差異,但在語言、思想等亦較西方各國了解大陸,因此台灣 具有較大的優勢去開拓中國大陸這個市場。因此,本論文是以台灣食品廠 商在大陸設廠之廠商做為研究的對象,其研究的主題包含有1979年以前 與1979年以後大陸的流通體制、目前大陸食品通路的型態、台商在大陸所 採行的通路策略為何、通路的設立過程以及不同的通路是否會影響台商在 大陸的行銷策略。本研究發現各個廠商在通路的設立過程有所差異、通路 型態的不同並不會影響廠商在大陸所採行之行銷策略。在1993年為止大陸 食品通路的型態有糧食管理站、國營企業的生活系統、副食品商店、糖煙 酒系統、農工商公司、供銷合作社、百貨公司、超級市場、食品加工廠及 餐廳、專賣店的設立、自由市場。在1979年以前大陸的通路為計畫性的流 通體制,在1979年以後流通體制隨著經濟的開放而開放,打破過去的體制 。廠商並無偏好某一型態的通路,僅以公司本身過去的經驗、公司的特性 、通路的特性及公司產品來決定。

Design, synthesis and bio-evaluation of piperidines and CGRP peptides; Synthesis of substituted 6-(dimethylamino)-2-phenylisoindolin-1-ones for the inhibition of luciferase.

Anhettigama Gamaralalage, Medha Jaimini Gunaratna January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Chemistry / Duy H. Hua / Three research projects are described in this dissertation, and they are: (i) discovery of piperidine derivatives as T-type calcium channel inhibitors for the treatment of epilepsy and neuropathic pain and as protein disulfide isomerase inhibitors for the treatment of influenza viral infection; (ii) discovery of peptide-based calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor antagonists for the treatment of inflammatory pain; and (iii) synthesis of substituted 6-(dimethylamino)-2-phenylisoindolin-1-ones for the inhibition of luciferase. T-type calcium channels are important regulators of nervous system, and upregulated T-type calcium channel activities have been found to link to various types of neurological disorders, such as epilepsy and neuropathic pain. To discover novel T-type calcium channel blockers, a series of 1,4-disubstituted piperidine derivatives were designed and synthesized. Among them, compound 1-4 was found to be a good T-type calcium channel inhibitor with an IC₅₀ of 1 nM for Ca[subscript v]3.2 inhibition. It also showed 86% suppression of seizure induced death in mice and good in vivo analgesic effects on both thermal and mechanical pain thresholds in Spared Nerve Injury rat models. Therefore 1-4 can potentially be used as a T-type calcium channel blocker in the treatment of epilepsy and neuropathic pain. Influenza is a respiratory viral infection. Since viruses rely on host cell proteins for their entry, survival and replication, development of drugs targeting host cell proteins has identified as an effective strategy in controlling viral infections. We synthesized a series of 1,4-disubstituted piperidine derivatives for the inhibition of protein disulfide isomerase enzyme and influenza. Among them, 1-29 was found to possess strong anti-influenza activity (EC₅₀ = 2.5 µM). This suggests the potential use of piperidine scaffold in designing anti-influenza drugs in future. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor antagonism has been identified as a successful approach for the treatment of inflammatory pain. Therefore, a novel class of peptide antagonists of CGRP receptor was synthesized and screened for their binding affinities to the CGRP receptor and their analgesic effects on inflammatory-induced pain in rats. Among them, peptide 2-3 showed a higher binding affinity towards the CGRP receptor than previously reported peptide antagonists and exhibited analgesic effects up to 2 h in both Aδ and c-fiber pain tests. Therefore 2-3 indicates its potential use as a CGRP receptor antagonist in the treatment of inflammatory pain. Firefly luciferase is commonly used as a reporter in cells expressing a luciferase gene or its enzymatic activity under the control of a promoter of interest to assess its transcriptional activity. It has been found that some molecules such as molecules with carboxylic acid moiety can directly inhibit luciferase activity in cells. However, it is suggested that carboxylic acid moiety of the compounds may also be associated with side reactions in cells. Therefore, to study whether carboxylic acid moiety causes side effects, we designed two probe molecules, 3-1 and 3-2. Synthesis of probe molecule 3-2 is discussed. Synthesis of probe molecule 3-1 and further investigation of its luciferase inhibition will therefore be useful to understand the toxicity of carboxylic acid containing drugs in future.

Développement d’une souris modèle pour l’étude de la modulation metal/redox du canal calcique Cav3.2 dans l’excitabilité neuronale et dans les voies de la douleur / Development of a mouse model to study the metal/redox modulation of Cav3.2 calcium channels in neuronal excitability and in the pain pathways

Voisin, Tiphaine 11 December 2015 (has links)
Les canaux de type T Cav3.2 sont des canaux calciques activés pour de faibles dépolarisations membranaires. Ils ont un rôle important dans la régulation de l’excitabilité neuronale, particulièrement dans les neurones des ganglions rachidiens dorsaux (DRG) où ils sont impliqués dans la transmission de la douleur. Il est établi que les canaux Cav3.2, natifs et recombinants, sont inhibés par de faibles concentrations de métaux divalents tels que le zinc et le nickel et qu’ils sont modulés par des agents oxydo-réducteurs. In vitro, la mutation ponctuelle de l’histidine 191 en glutamine (H191Q) diminue fortement la sensibilité du canal Cav3.2 pour ces différents composés et il est proposé que cette régulation joue un rôle physiologique. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse a été d’étudier l’impact physiologique de cette modulation sur l’excitabilité neuronale et dans la perception de la douleur. Pour ce faire, nous avons généré une souris knock-in (KI) portant la mutation H191Q sur Cav3.2. L’étude électrophysiologique a été réalisée sur une population de neurones de DRG particulière : les cellules D-hair qui sont des mécanorécepteurs exprimant de grands courants Cav3.2. Nous avons validé que la sensibilité des canaux Cav3.2 neuronaux des souris KI est diminuée pour le zinc, le nickel et l’ascorbate. Nous montrons que cette régulation modifiée favorise une augmentation de l’excitabilité de ces neurones. Pour étudier l’impact de cette modulation in vivo, nous avons effectué des études comportementales. Les souris KI ne présentent pas de différence dans la perception de la douleur mécanique et thermique, ni dans l’hyperalgésie induite par l’inflammation et la neuropathie. Toutefois, dans le test à la formaline les souris KI montrent une réponse exacerbée dans la phase tardive. En résumé, nous décrivons ici un modèle animal original pour l’étude de la régulation metal/redox du canal Cav3.2 et identifions un rôle de cette modulation dans l’excitabilité des neurones D-Hair. Nos résultats obtenus in vivo indiquent cependant que cette modulation des canaux Cav3.2 aurait un impact limité dans les voies de la douleur. / Cav3.2 T-type channels are low-voltage activated calcium channels. They have an important role in the regulation of neuronal excitability, particularly in neurons of the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) where they are involved in pain transmission. It is established that Cav3.2 channels are inhibited by low concentrations of divalent metals such as zinc and nickel, and are modulated by redox agents. In vitro, the histidine191-to-glutamine mutation (H191Q) greatly reduces the Cav3.2 channel sensitivity to these compounds and it is proposed that this regulation plays a physiological role. The objective of this thesis was to study the physiological impact of this modulation on neuronal excitability and pain perception. To do this, we generated a knock-in (KI) mouse carrying the H191Q mutation on Cav3.2. Electrophysiological study was carried out on a particular population of DRG neurons, the D-hair cells, which are mechanoreceptors that express large Cav3.2 currents. We show that the sensitivity to zinc, nickel and ascorbate of the neuronal Cav3.2 channels is significantly reduced in the KI mouse. We also show that this modified regulation promotes an increase in the excitability of these neurons. To study the impact of this modulation in vivo, we performed behavioral studies. KI mice show no difference in the perception of mechanical and thermal pain, nor in hyperalgesia induced by inflammation and neuropathy. However, KI mice show an exaggerated response in the late phase in the formalin test. In summary, we describe here an original animal model to study the metal/redox regulation of Cav3.2 channel and identify a role of this modulation in the excitability of D-Hair neurons. Our results indicate, however, that this modulation of Cav3.2 channel may have a limited impact in the pain pathways.

Caractérisation des cibles moléculaires de la dodonéine et de ses dérivés dans le système cardiovasculaire : le canal calcique de type L et l'anhydrase carbonique / Characterization of the molecular targets of dodoneine and its derivatives on cardiovascular system : L-type calcium channel and carbonic anhydrase

Carré, Grégoire 21 November 2014 (has links)
Agelanthus dodoneifolius est une plante de la pharmacopée africaine utilisée en médecine traditionnelle pour le traitement de pathologies cardiovasculaires. Un fractionnement bioguidé a permis d'isoler une nouvelle dihydropyranone : baptisée Dodonéine (Ddn), elle possède des propriétés hypotensives et vasorelaxantes chez le rat.L'objectif de la thèse est de caractériser la ou les cible(s) moléculaire(s) de la Ddn dans le système cardiovasculaire et d'identifier un dérivé plus sélectif.Nos résultats montrent que la Ddn bloque le courant calcique de type L des cardiomyocytes ventriculaires de rat et des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires, d'environ 30% avec une IC50 de l'ordre du µM. La Ddn apparaît comme un nouveau bloqueur des canaux calciques de type L avec des propriétés électrophysiologiques qui lui sont propres. Une étude biochimique a montré que l'anhydrase carbonique (CA) est également inhibée par la Ddn, et nous avons caractérisé l'expression de plusieurs isoformes au sein de muscle lisse vasculaire : CA II, III, XIII et XIV. Nos travaux précisent que leur inhibition augmente le pH intracellulaire, pouvant conduire à l'activation des canaux KCa. Ainsi, la Ddn induit un effet vasorelaxant en inhibant deux protéines: les canaux calciques et l'anhydrase carbonique. Nous avons ensuite démontré que les dérivés de la Ddn nouvellement synthétisés sont aussi vasorelaxants ; toutefois, le plus efficace, la Ddn-Bicyclique-OH, ne concurrence pas les bloqueurs calciques utilisés en clinique. Cependant, l'effet vasorelaxant de la Ddn et Ddn-Bc-OH caractérisé sur des artères systémiques humaines est en accord avec l'utilisation de la plante en médecine traditionnelle. / Agelanthus dodoneifolius is one of the medicinal plants used in African pharmacopeia and traditional medicine for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Bioguided fractionation has allowed isolating one of its main active principles named Dodoneine (Ddn). It is a new dihydropyranone which exerts hypotensive and vasorelaxant effects on rat.The aim of this work is to characterize the molecular(s) target(s) of Ddn on cardiovascular system and identify the most selective and effective Ddn's derivative.Electrophysiological studies revealed that Ddn blocks L-type calcium current density of about 30% with an IC50 value of about 2 µM on cardiac myocytes and on vascular smooth muscle cells. Ddn appears as a new natural calcium channel blocker which has its own electrophysiological properties. As it has been shown, by biochemical study, that carbonic anhydrase is a potential target for Ddn, we have demonstrated that isozymes II, III, XIII are present on vascular smooth muscle cells and inhibited by Ddn. This inhibition resulted in a rise in pHi of about 0.31, leading to KCa channel activation. Interestingly, Ddn induced vasorelaxation by targeting two proteins: calcium channel and carbonic anhydrase. Then, we demonstrated that Ddn's derivatives newly synthetized have also vasorelaxant properties via the inhibition of L-type calcium current. Among them, Ddn-Bicyclique-OH is the most effective but appears not to be a better pharmacological tool compared to the calcium channel blockers already use in clinical. However, in accordance to the use of the plant in traditional medicine, our results clearly show that Ddn and Ddn-Bc-OH induce a vasorelaxant effect on human systemic artery.

Specific activation of the alternative cardiac promoter of Cacna1c by the mineralocorticoid receptor / Activation spécifique du promoteur cardiaque alternatif du Cacna1c par le récepteur aux minéralocorticoïdes

Ribeiro mesquita, Thássio Ricardo 13 December 2017 (has links)
Les antagonistes des récepteurs aux minéralocorticoïdes (MR) appartiennent à l'arsenal thérapeutique pour le traitement de diverses maladies cardiovasculaires, mais les mécanismes conférant leurs effets bénéfiques sont encore mal compris. Une partie de ces effets peuvent être liée à la régulation de l'expression du canal Ca2+ de type L Cav1.2, largement impliqué dans l'insuffisance cardiaque et l'hypertension. Nous montrons que MR fonctionne comme un facteur de transcription transformant le signal de l'aldostérone dans l'utilisation du 'cardiaque' promoteur alternatif P1, dirigeant l'expression du long N-terminal transcrit (Cav1.2-LNT. L'aldostérone augmente de façon concentration- et de temps dépendente l'expression de Cav1.2-LNT dans les cardiomyocytes en raison de l'activation du promoteur P1, par interactions des MR avec des séquences spécifiques de l'ADN sur le promoter P1. Ce mécanisme de cis-régulation induit l'activation de promoteur P1 dans les cellules vasculaires conduisant à une nouvelle signature moléculaire de Cav1.2-LNT associé à une sensibilité réduite aux bloqueurs des canaux Ca2+. Ces résultats révèlent Cav1.2-LNT comme une cible minéralocorticoïde spécifique qui pourrait influencer sur l'éfficacité thérapeutique dans les maladies cardiovasculaires. / The mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) antagonists belong to the current therapeutic armamentarium for the management of cardiovascular diseases, but the mechanisms conferring their beneficial effects are still poorly understood. Part of these MR effects might be related to the L-type Cav1.2 Ca2+ channel expression regulation, critically involved in heart failure and hypertension. Here, we show that MR acts as a transcription factor triggering aldosterone signal into specific alternative 'cardiac' P1-promoter usage, given rise to long (Cav1.2-LNT) N-terminal transcripts. Aldosterone increases Cav1.2-LNT expression in cardiomyocytes in a time- and dose-dependent manner due to MR-dependent P1-promoter activity, through specific DNA sequence-MR interactions. This cis-regulatory mechanism induced a MR-dependent P1-promoter switch in vascular cells leading to a new Cav1.2-LNT molecular signature with reduced Ca2+ channel blocker sensitivity. These findings uncover Cav1.2-LNT as a specific mineralocorticoid target that might influence the therapeutic outcome of cardiovascular diseases.

Disrupted Cav1.2 Selectivity Causes Overlapping Long QT and Brugada Syndrome Phenotypes in CACNA1C-E1115K iPS Cell Model / CACNA1C-E1115K変異ヒトiPS細胞モデルにおけるCav 1.2イオン選択性障害がQT延長症候群・ブルガダ症候群のオーバーラップを引き起こすメカニズムの検討

Kashiwa, Asami 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第24485号 / 医博第4927号 / 新制||医||1063(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 江藤 浩之, 教授 湊谷 謙司, 教授 大鶴 繁 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

Evaluation of polycyclic amines as modulators of calcium homeostasis in models of neurodegeneration / Young L.

Young, Lois-May January 2012 (has links)
Compromised calcium homeostasis in the central nervous system (CNS) is implicated as a major contributor in the pathology of neurodegeneration. Dysregulation of Ca2+ homeostasis initiates downstream Ca2+–dependent events that lead to apoptotic and/or necrotic cell death. Increases in the intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) may be the result of Ca2+ influx from the extracellular environment or Ca2+ release from intracellular Ca2+ stores such as the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Influx from the extracellular environment is controlled predominantly by voltage gated calcium channels (VGCC), such as L–type calcium channels (LTCC) and ionotropic glutamate receptors, such as the N–methyl–D–aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Ca2+ release from the ER occurs through the inositol–1,4,5–triphosphate receptors (IP3Rs) or ryanodine receptors (RyRs) via IP3–induced or Ca2+–induced mechanisms. Mitigation of Ca2+ overload through these Ca2+ channels offers an opportunity for pharmacological interventions that may protect against neuronal death. In the present study the ability of a novel series of polycyclic compounds, both the pentacycloundecylamines and triquinylamines, to regulate calcium influx through LTCC was evaluated in PC12 cells using calcium imaging with Fura–2/AM in a fluorescence microplate reader. We were also able for the first time to determine IC50 values for these compounds as LTCC blockers. In addition, selected compounds were evaluated for their ability to offer protection in apoptosis–identifying assays such as the lactate dehydrogenase release assay (LDH–assay), trypan blue staining assay and immunohistochemistry utilizing the Annexin V–FITC stain for apoptosis. We were also able to obtain single crystal structures for the tricyclo[,6]undecane–4,9–dien–3,11–dione (9) and tricyclo[,6]undecane–3,11–dione (10) scaffolds as well as a derivative, N–(3–methoxybenzyl)–3,11–azatricyclo[,6]undecane (14f). We also evaluated the possibility that the polycyclic compounds might be able to modulate Ca2+ flux through intracellular Ca2+ channels. Computational methods were utilized to accurately predicted IC50 values and develop a QSAR model with marginal error. The linear regression model delivered r2 = 0.83, which indicated a favorable correlation between the predicted and experimental IC50 values. This model could thus serve as valuable predictor for future structural design and optimization efforts. Data obtained from the crystallographic analysis confirmed the NMR–data based structural assignments done for these compounds in previous studies. Obtaining structural information gave valuable insight into the differences in size and geometric constrains, which are key features for the LTCC activity of these compounds. vii In conclusion, we found that all of the compounds evaluated were able to attenuate Ca2+ influx through the LTCC, with some compounds having IC50 values comparable with known LTCC blockers such as nimodipine. Representative compounds were evaluated for their ability to afford protection against apoptosis induced by 200 ?M H2O2. With the exception of compound 14c (the most potent LTCC blocker in the series, IC50 = 0.398 ?M), most compounds were able to afford protection at two or more concentrations evaluated. Compound 14c displayed inherent toxicity at the highest concentrations evaluated (100 ?M). We concluded that compounds representing both types of structures (pentacycloudecylamines and triquinylamines) have the ability to attenuate excessive Ca2+ influx through the LTCC. In general the aza–pentacycloundecylamines (8a–c) were the most potent LTCC blocker which also had the ability to offer protection in the cell viability assays. However, NGP1–01 (7a) had the most favorable pharmacological profile overall with good activity as an LTCC blocker (IC50 = 86 ?M) and the ability to significantly attenuate cell death in the cell viability assays, exhibiting no toxicity. In addition to their ability to modulate Ca2+ influx from the extracellular environment, these compounds also displayed the ability to modulate Ca2+ flux through intracellular Ca2+ channels. The mechanisms by which they act on intracellular Ca2+ channels still remains unclear, but from this preliminary study it would appear that these compounds are able to partially inhibiting Ca2+–ATPase activity whilst possibly simultaneously inhibiting the IP3R. In the absence of extracellular Ca2+ these compounds showed the ability in inhibit voltage–induced Ca2+ release (VICaR), possibly by modulating the gating charge of the voltage sensor being the dihydropyridine receptors. In future studies it might be worthwhile to do an expanded QSAR study and evaluate the aza–pentacycloundecylamines. To clarify the mechanisms by which the polycyclic compounds interact with intracellular Ca2+ channels we should examine the direct interaction with the individual Ca2+ channels independently. The polycyclic compounds evaluated in this study demonstrate potential as multifunctional drugs due to their ability to broadly regulate calcium homeostasis through multiple pathways of Ca2+ entry. This may prove to be more effective in diseases where perturbed Ca2+ homeostasis have devastating effects eventually leading to excitotoxicity and cell death. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Evaluation of polycyclic amines as modulators of calcium homeostasis in models of neurodegeneration / Young L.

Young, Lois-May January 2012 (has links)
Compromised calcium homeostasis in the central nervous system (CNS) is implicated as a major contributor in the pathology of neurodegeneration. Dysregulation of Ca2+ homeostasis initiates downstream Ca2+–dependent events that lead to apoptotic and/or necrotic cell death. Increases in the intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) may be the result of Ca2+ influx from the extracellular environment or Ca2+ release from intracellular Ca2+ stores such as the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Influx from the extracellular environment is controlled predominantly by voltage gated calcium channels (VGCC), such as L–type calcium channels (LTCC) and ionotropic glutamate receptors, such as the N–methyl–D–aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Ca2+ release from the ER occurs through the inositol–1,4,5–triphosphate receptors (IP3Rs) or ryanodine receptors (RyRs) via IP3–induced or Ca2+–induced mechanisms. Mitigation of Ca2+ overload through these Ca2+ channels offers an opportunity for pharmacological interventions that may protect against neuronal death. In the present study the ability of a novel series of polycyclic compounds, both the pentacycloundecylamines and triquinylamines, to regulate calcium influx through LTCC was evaluated in PC12 cells using calcium imaging with Fura–2/AM in a fluorescence microplate reader. We were also able for the first time to determine IC50 values for these compounds as LTCC blockers. In addition, selected compounds were evaluated for their ability to offer protection in apoptosis–identifying assays such as the lactate dehydrogenase release assay (LDH–assay), trypan blue staining assay and immunohistochemistry utilizing the Annexin V–FITC stain for apoptosis. We were also able to obtain single crystal structures for the tricyclo[,6]undecane–4,9–dien–3,11–dione (9) and tricyclo[,6]undecane–3,11–dione (10) scaffolds as well as a derivative, N–(3–methoxybenzyl)–3,11–azatricyclo[,6]undecane (14f). We also evaluated the possibility that the polycyclic compounds might be able to modulate Ca2+ flux through intracellular Ca2+ channels. Computational methods were utilized to accurately predicted IC50 values and develop a QSAR model with marginal error. The linear regression model delivered r2 = 0.83, which indicated a favorable correlation between the predicted and experimental IC50 values. This model could thus serve as valuable predictor for future structural design and optimization efforts. Data obtained from the crystallographic analysis confirmed the NMR–data based structural assignments done for these compounds in previous studies. Obtaining structural information gave valuable insight into the differences in size and geometric constrains, which are key features for the LTCC activity of these compounds. vii In conclusion, we found that all of the compounds evaluated were able to attenuate Ca2+ influx through the LTCC, with some compounds having IC50 values comparable with known LTCC blockers such as nimodipine. Representative compounds were evaluated for their ability to afford protection against apoptosis induced by 200 ?M H2O2. With the exception of compound 14c (the most potent LTCC blocker in the series, IC50 = 0.398 ?M), most compounds were able to afford protection at two or more concentrations evaluated. Compound 14c displayed inherent toxicity at the highest concentrations evaluated (100 ?M). We concluded that compounds representing both types of structures (pentacycloudecylamines and triquinylamines) have the ability to attenuate excessive Ca2+ influx through the LTCC. In general the aza–pentacycloundecylamines (8a–c) were the most potent LTCC blocker which also had the ability to offer protection in the cell viability assays. However, NGP1–01 (7a) had the most favorable pharmacological profile overall with good activity as an LTCC blocker (IC50 = 86 ?M) and the ability to significantly attenuate cell death in the cell viability assays, exhibiting no toxicity. In addition to their ability to modulate Ca2+ influx from the extracellular environment, these compounds also displayed the ability to modulate Ca2+ flux through intracellular Ca2+ channels. The mechanisms by which they act on intracellular Ca2+ channels still remains unclear, but from this preliminary study it would appear that these compounds are able to partially inhibiting Ca2+–ATPase activity whilst possibly simultaneously inhibiting the IP3R. In the absence of extracellular Ca2+ these compounds showed the ability in inhibit voltage–induced Ca2+ release (VICaR), possibly by modulating the gating charge of the voltage sensor being the dihydropyridine receptors. In future studies it might be worthwhile to do an expanded QSAR study and evaluate the aza–pentacycloundecylamines. To clarify the mechanisms by which the polycyclic compounds interact with intracellular Ca2+ channels we should examine the direct interaction with the individual Ca2+ channels independently. The polycyclic compounds evaluated in this study demonstrate potential as multifunctional drugs due to their ability to broadly regulate calcium homeostasis through multiple pathways of Ca2+ entry. This may prove to be more effective in diseases where perturbed Ca2+ homeostasis have devastating effects eventually leading to excitotoxicity and cell death. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

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