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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les textes ptolémaïques des portes du nord de l'enceinte de Mout à Karnak / The Ptolemaïc texts of the northern doors of the Mut’s Precinct at Karnak

Chun Hung Kee-Hassanein, Janie 07 July 2010 (has links)
Les textes de Mout développent une théologie septentrionale émanant d’Héliopolis, localement adaptée par une mise en parallèle entre le couple démiurgique héliopolitain, Atoum / Témet, et le couple monarchique thébain Amon / Mout, ainsi que par un transfert de géographie sacrée. Mout récupère l’apanage mythico-cultuel de Témet : Mythe de la Déesse lointaine, rituels d’Apaiser Sekhmet et de l’offrande de l’ivresse, qui, en contexte thébain, ont pour finalité la protection de la cité d’Amon et la glorification de Thèbes-la-Victorieuse, assimilée à Mout protégeant Amon. / The Mut’s texts present a local adaptation of a northern theology originated from Heliopolis, based on parallelism between the heliopolitan demiurgic couple Atum / Temet and the theban monarchic couple Amun / Mut, as well as a transfer of sacred geography. Mut recovers Temet’s mythological prerogatives and worship : Myth of the Wandering Goddess, rituals of Pacifying Sekhmet and of the offering of the drunkness, wich, in the theban context, focus on the protection of Amun’s city and the glory of Victorious-Thebes, assimilated to Mut who protects Amun.

Les archives bilingues de Totoès et de Tatéhathyris / The bilingual archive of Totoes and Tatehathyris

Uggetti, Lorenzo 10 February 2018 (has links)
Dans les ruines d'une maison proche du temple ptolémaïque de Deir al-Medina, sur la rive gauche de Thèbes, la Mission Archéologique Italienne dirigée par Ernesto Schiaparelli découvrit en février 1905 deux jarres encore scellées, desquelles on retira 33 rouleaux. Ils décelèrent 44 papyrus en écriture démotique, 8 en grec et 4 bilingues ; de plus, parmi les bandelettes de lin qui les enveloppaient, 5 étaient inscrites. Au total, 61 documents constituaient les archives familiales d'un prêtre attaché à ce temple, nommé Totoès fils de Zmanrès, et de son épouse Tatéhathyris. Le lot complet fut envoyé au Musée Égyptien de Turin, dont Schiaparelli était le directeur. Les textes grecs furent publiés en 1929, alors que l'édition des papyrus démotiques ne vit le jour qu'en 1967. Six d'entre eux furent republiés entre 1978 et 1985, tandis que quatre autres furent examinés à nouveau en 1997 dans une étude sur l'affermage à l'époque ptolémaïque. La plupart des documents sont des actes légaux et comportent donc des protocoles de datation mentionnant les différents souverains qui ont régné en Haute Égypte tout au long du IIe siècle avant notre ère. Le plus ancien, daté de 194, compte parmi les rares attestations du pharaon rebelle Chaonnophris ; les trois plus récents, datés entre 101 et 100, non seulement sont les premiers à révéler le décès de Cléopâtre III, mais sont aussi les seuls à témoigner de la corégence de Ptolémée X Alexandre Ier, de sa femme Cléopâtre Bérénice III, et de l'héritier Alexandre II, le futur Ptolémée XI. Les contrats sont de nature très variée. La plupart concernent la vente ou la location de jours de service liturgique, qui donnaient droit à une part proportionnelle des revenus des différents temples de la rive gauche thébaine. Ils représentaient une partie importante du patrimoine de ces prêtres : une donation issue de ces archives montre en effet qu'ils pouvaient être transmis de père en fils. D'autres actes mentionnent l'affermage de champs, l'achat d'immeubles, le prêt de céréales ou d'argent ; deux documents se rapportent à une forme de bail difficile à déchiffrer, un autre à un échange d'animaux. Le droit de la famille est représenté par cinq contrats de mariage et un de divorce ; un dernier fait état de frais d'enterrement. La thèse a pour objet la réédition intégrale de ces documents, y compris les jarres qui les contenaient. L'accès direct aux papyrus originaux conservés à Turin, ainsi qu'aux archives de leur mise au jour et de leur publication, a permis de détecter deux fragments inédits, de retrouver les numéros d'inventaire des papyrus grecs, de reconstituer les circonstances exactes de leur découverte et de retracer les rouleaux d'origine, pour la plupart des textes. L'étude philologique a établi des correspondances entre démotique et grec pour de nombreux noms de personnes et de lieux, a amélioré la lecture et mené à une nouvelle interprétation de certains textes. Deux actes et deux serments ont notamment révélé la dévolution des fonctions de mandataire de la déesse Hathor d'un père à ses trois fils, avec le consentement du clergé du temple de Deir al-Medina. Les modalités de partage de l'héritage paternel entre Tatéhathyris et son frère Pikos, où Totoès a joué un rôle d'intermédiaire, ont également été mieux saisies. Une étude paléographique menée, pour la première fois, sur l'ensemble du corpus a conduit à reconnaître la main de certains scribes auxquels ont été attribués certains papyrus, tandis que d'autres textes ont été réassignés. L'analyse des protocoles a dévoilé également une pratique locale visant à les raccourcir de manière arbitraire. Enfin, l'analyse des données prosopographiques et topographiques a mené à dresser un arbre généalogique de plusieurs générations de la famille de Totoès et de Tatéhathyris, ainsi qu'un portrait plus fidèle tantôt de la population, tantôt de lieux de culte, terrains et bâtiments de la ville de Djémê, les Memnoneïa grecs. / In a house in ruins near the Ptolemaic temple of Deir al-Medina, on the Theban West Bank, the Italian Archaeological Mission (MAI), leaded by Ernesto Schiaparelli, discovered in February 1905 two sealed jars, containing 33 rolls. They revealed 44 papyri in Demotic writing, 8 in Greek and 4 bilinguals; among the linen bands wrapping them, 5 were inscribed. Altogether, these 61 documents formed the family archive of a priest attached to this temple, named Totoes son of Zmanres, and of his wife Tatehathyris. The whole was sent to the Egyptian Museum in Turin, of which Schiaparelli was the director. The Greek texts were published in 1929, whereas the edition of the Demotic papyri appeared only in 1967. Later, six of them were republished between 1978 and 1985, while four were re-examined in 1997 in a study on field leasing in the Ptolemaic period. Most of these documents are legal acts and can be dated with the help of their protocols, which name several sovereigns ruling Upper Egypt during the 2nd century BCE. The oldest one, dated 194, is counted among the rare attestations of the rebel pharaoh Chaonnophris; the three most recent ones, between 101 and 100, are the only ones giving evidence of a coregency between Ptolemy X Alexander I, his wife Cleopatra Berenice III and the heir Alexander II, the future Ptolemy XI. Moreover, they are the first evidences concerning the death of Cleopatra III. The contracts are of different types. Most of them deal with the sale or the rent of days of liturgical service in many temples on the Theban West Bank, and of their related salaries. They were an important part of the capital of these priests: a deed of covenant from this archive shows that they could have been transferred from father to son. Other legal acts concern field leasing, real estate purchases, wheat or money loans: in particular, two documents relate to a form of lease not easy to understand, another one to an exchange of animals. Family law is represented by five marriage contracts and one divorce; one last text deals with funeral expenses. The dissertation focuses on the new edition of all the documents, including the jars containing them. Direct access to the originals in Turin, as well as to archival records concerning their discovery and publication, have allowed the identification of two unpublished fragments and of the inventory numbers of the Greek papyri, the reconstruction of the exact circumstances of the finding and the assignation of the most part of the texts to their rolls of origin. The philological study has established connections between Demotic and Greek for a lot of personal and place names, has improved readings and has led to new interpretations for some texts. Notably, two legal acts and two temple oaths have revealed the transfer of the duties as agent of the goddess Hathor from a father to his three sons, with the consent of the temple clergy of Deir al-Medina. Moreover, the way of sharing their father's inheritance between Tatehathyris and her brother Pikos, with the action of Totoes as intermediary, is now better understandable. The attention paid to the scribes from a palaeographical point of view permitted to ascribe for the first time or to assign some papyri to their author and to unveil the arbitrary scribal practice of cutting protocols. Finally, the analysis of the prosopographical and topographical data has led to a family tree over many generations of the family of Totoes and Tatehathyris, as well as to a more precise picture on the one hand of the local community, and on the other hand of some religious and civilian buildings and fields in the village of Djeme, called Memnoneia in Greek.

From ekphrasis and the fantastic to commodity fetishism in the Roman de Thebes and Chretien de Troyes' Erec et Enide

Mayrhofer, Sonja Nicole 01 May 2010 (has links)
The Roman de Thèbes and Chrétien de Troyes' Erec et Enide are romances of an Anglo-Norman tradition, which were crafted during the second half of the 12th-century. The Roman de Thèbes, most probably created during the 1150s, is an anonymous reworking of Statius' first-century Thebaïd and relates the story of the battle between Greeks and Thebans, which breaks out because Oedipus' sons fight over their inherited lands. Chrétien de Troyes' Erec et Enide, an Arthurian romance, was created in ca. 1170 and culminates with the coronation of Erec as the new king of his lands. Both of these texts therefore deal with questions of land inheritance and were, very significantly, written during important stages in Henry II's career, as it was during this time frame that Henry II (1133-1189) gained dominance in the British Isles as well as in western continental Europe. My thesis will discuss these works separately, devoting the subsequent section to the ekphrastic accounts featured in the Roman de Thèbes. This chapter will focus on mappa mundi and Amphiareus' chariot and will discuss how these moments mirror the ambitions of Henry II during the early stages of his reign. Moreover, the penultimate section will then move on to discuss the coronation scene featured in Chrétien de Troyes' Erec et Enide, with a special emphasis on Erec's robe. This discussion will also examine how this scene mirrors the historical occurrences in of the late 1160s, during which time Henry tried to establish his authority in Brittanny. Ultimately, I will attempt to weave these moments together to provide a comprehensive reading of these ekphrastic accounts.

Untersuchungen zu den Phönissen des Euripides

Mueller-Goldingen, Christian January 1985 (has links)
Texte remanié de : Dissertation : Philosophie : Universität des Saarlandes : 1985. / Bibliogr. p. 351-359. Notes bibliogr. Index.

Thebes, the Boeotian League, and central Greece : political and military development and interaction in the fourth century B.C

Furman, Michael Stephen January 2017 (has links)
The history of central Greece in the fourth century BC has long been viewed through the lens of Athenian and Spartan interests which distorts the historical narrative and often misleads the reader regarding the causes and effects of events in this region. The following examination rejects this view and instead uses a regional approach to achieve new and unique understandings of major events in central Greece during the first half of the fourth century BC. The main focus of the examination is the internal developments of the Boeotian League and its interaction with the other states of central Greece. This refers to the relationship between Thebes and the other cities of Boeotia within the federal state as well as between the Boeotian League and Locris, Phocis, and Thessaly. These relationships, when assessed from a regional perspective using both literary and archaeological evidence, craft a new narrative for the political and military history of central Greece, a narrative which can be defined as ‘Boeotian.' In doing so, many long-standing ideas regarding this period will be challenged including ideological shifts within the government of Boeotia, motivations for the beginning of the Corinthian War, the historical importance of Pelopidas and Epaminondas, and the mechanisms of Boeotian supremacy in central Greece.

Textile tools and production at a Mycenaean secondary centre

MacDonald, Max K. 31 August 2017 (has links)
This thesis is a study of textile production in the Late Bronze Age, using new evidence uncovered by excavations at Ancient Eleon in Boeotia, Greece. Textile production is a nearly forgotten art. To the Mycenaeans of the Greek Late Bronze Age (ca. 1700-1100 BCE) textiles were nearly a form of currency, and a symbol of power. This thesis begins by examining the Mycenaean administration of textile production, which was systematically controlled by the palatial centres of Greece and Crete. Linear B documents record resources and workers under palatial control, and the amounts of cloth that they were expected to produce. The Mycenaean palace at Thebes was the administrative centre that controlled the region of eastern Boeotia, including sites such as Eleon. No document directly links textile production at Eleon to Thebes, but other Theban tablets and the two sites’ close proximity suggest a similar relationship to other Mycenaean centres and their dependents. Usually, ancient textiles from Greece do not survive in the archaeological record. The only evidence that remains is the Linear B archives and the tools of production. Linear B tablets have not been found at Eleon, but many spindle whorls for yarn production, loom weights for weaving, and other tools indicating the production of textiles have been recovered from the site. This thesis discusses the significance of these objects and attempts to place Eleon in the greater context of the Mycenaean textile industry. / Graduate

Elegy with Epic Consequences: Elegiac Themes in Statius’ Thebaid

Moss, Carina M. 24 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Shadows on the Son: Aeschylus, Genealogy, History

Rader, Richard Evan, Jr. 21 September 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Dis au potier qu'il me fasse un kôtôn: archéologie et céramique de l'Antiquité tardive à nos jours dans la TT29 à Cheikh Abd el-Gourna, Egypte

Bavay, Laurent 12 February 2008 (has links)
Depuis 1999, le Centre de recherches archéologiques de l'Université libre de Bruxelles a entrepris l'étude de la tombe thébaine numéro 29 à Cheikh Abd el-Gourna, construite pour le vizir et maire de la ville Aménémopé sous le règne d'Amenhotep II (vers 1425-1401 av. J.-C.). La fouille du monument, sous la direction du Professeur Roland Tefnin, a été menée suivant deux axes de recherches. Le premier, dans une perspective synchronique, visait à étudier les aménagements et le fonctionnement d'origine de la tombe, sous la 18e dynastie. Le second, dans une perspective diachronique, visait à reconstituer l'histoire du monument et de ses occupations successives jusqu'à l'intervention de la mission. La thèse porte sur les résultats de cette seconde approche, et plus particulièrement sur l'analyse des occupations de l'antiquité tardive et post-antiques. Celles-ci se distinguent par une affectation de l'espace différente de sa fonction d'origine :la tombe n'est plus utilisée comme lieu de sépulture et de culte funéraire mais comme habitation. La fouille a ainsi livré les vestiges d'une installation érémitique datée des VIIe et VIIIe siècles de notre ère, associés à un matériel archéologique et épigraphique particulièrement abondant, ainsi que les ruines d'une maison villageoise construite durant la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

La teología de la Tebaida Estaciana el anti-virgilianismo de un clasicista /

Criado, Cecilia. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität, Santiago de Compostela, 1997. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [239]-259) and index.

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