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Síntese e caracterização de macromoléculas do tipo Poli(Ácido carboxílico)-Poli(Eter-poliol) com propriedades termoplásticas e termorrígidas e avaliação de propriedades mecânicas cerâmicos à base de caulim. / Synthesis and characterization of macromolecules of the type of poly (carboxylic acid)-poly(ether polyol) with thermoplastic and thermoset properties and evaluation of mechanical properties of ceramics materials based on kaolin.José Carlos Rodrigues 27 August 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o estudo de um sistema polimérico bi-componente formado por Poli(Ácido carboxílico)-Poli(Eter-poliol), constituído primariamente de um polímero acrílico polimerizado pelo processo de polimerização em solução aquosa por mecanismo de radicais livres ao qual foi adicionado seqüencialmente, um Poli(Eter-poliol), ambos de baixo peso molecular médio. Tal sistema tem por finalidade atuar como dispersante-ligante em sistema cerâmico à base de caulim CADAM, uma vez que este sistema apresenta propriedades termoplásticas e termorrígidas a diferentes temperaturas. Foram sintetizados 03 protótipos de um sistema polimérico e o critério para escolha teve como base o pH do sistema em sentido generalizado, isto é, compreendendo as diversas fases de preparação dos polímeros e sua aplicação final. É do conhecimento comum que a reação de esterificação entre grupos COOHOH requer catálise ácida para ocorrer, o qual usualmente é realizada em pH abaixo de 4 e, neste ensaio, este pH ácido é devido à presença de ácido para-toluenosulfônico, que atua como catalisador de esterificação. Em tal intervalo de pH, em virtude do ponto isoelétrico do caulim ser comumentemente abaixo de 4, a estabilização da dispersão de caulim por repulsão eletrostática utilizando polímeros sintéticos é improvável de ocorrer, razão pela qual buscou-se mecanismos alternativos para obtenção de uma tal estabilização, entre os quais o mecanismo estérico surge como opção. O sistema polimérico do presente estudo apresenta-se na forma de uma solução aquosa sendo, de fato, uma mistura homogênea de um copolímero de ácido acrílico, N- metiloacrilamida e metacrilato de metoxipolietileno glicol e um poli(eter-poliol). O poli(eter-poliol) e N-metilolacrilamida presentes no sistema polimérico são principais fontes de grupo hidroxila para reação de poliesterificação e formação de ligações cruzadas à temperatura de 150 a 200 °C. No estado termoplástico o sistema polimérico produzido pela mistura poli(ácido carboxílico)-poli(eter-poliol) pode ser utilizado como dispersante de argilas com especial fóco sobre caulim como tratado neste trabalho. A propriedade dispersante pode ser atribuida à presença de grupos carboxílicos e metoxipolietilenoglicol aleatoriamente distribuídos ao longo da cadeia polimérica e, também, ao baixo peso molecular médio. A temperaturas entre 150 a 200 °C, o polímero é reticulado (crosslinked) por reação de poliesterificação, catalisada por ácido, entre grupos carboxila e grupos hidroxila, sendo as hidroxilas provenientes tanto de poliol como de N-metilolacrilamida (NMAM). Assim, do ponto de vista térmico comporta-se como termorrígido, sendo nesta condição insolúvel em água e adequado atuar como ligante na manufatura de materiais cerâmicos. Medidas de mobilidade eletroforética e viscosidade são aplicadas à caracterização de caulim e do sistema polimérico a fim de avaliar a potencialidade de aplicação como dispersante desta argila. Também, as transições dos estados termoplásticos para termorrigidos foram determinadas por análise termogravimétrica (TG) e análise dinâmico mecânica (DMA) nos polímeros isoladamente e depois com medidas de resistência mecânica do sistema caulim/polímero. O sistema apresentou comportamento dispersante em água e ligante após cura. Um sistema polimérico assim sintetizado foi propriamente curado por calor tornando- se, na forma termorrígida, um ligante para peças cerâmicas com propriedades mecânicas de alto desempenho, como resistência a flexão no estado cru (green strenght). / This work presents the study of a polymeric bi-component system made from Poly(carboxylic acid)-Poly(ether-polyol) primarily constituted of an acrylic acid polymerized through the process of aqueous solution polymerization by free radical mechanism, to which a poly(ether-polyol) has been sequentially added, both of them of low average molecular weight. Such a system has the aim to act as dispersing-binding balance on CADAM kaolin targeting to evaluate the applicability potential or the preparation of ceramic bodies as this polymeric system presents thermoplastic and thermosetting properties at different temperatures. Were made the synthesis of 03 polymeric system prototypes which criteria for choice was based on pH of the system at whole sense, that is, regarding the several steps for polymers preparation and its final application. It is knowledge that esterification reaction between COOH-OH groups requires acid catalyst to occur, which usually is done at pH below 4 and, in this work this pH is due to p-toluene sulfonic acid that act as esterification catalyst. In this range of pH, due to the isoeletric point of kaolin to be below 4 the electrostatic stabilization of dispersion is unlikely to occur, from which reason was looked for an alternative mechanism to achieve the dispersion stabilization, among them the steric mechanism arises an option. The polymeric system of this study is the form of an aqueous solution, which actually is a homogeneous blend of a copolymer of acrylic acid, N-Methylolacrylamide Methoxypolyethyleneglycol Methacrylate (MPEGMA) and Poly(ether-polyol). The Poly(etherpolyol) and the N-Methylolacrylamide presents at the polymeric system are the main sources of hydroxyl groups to enhance the polyesterification reaction for further crosslinking at temperatures from 160 to 200 °C. At the thermoplastic state the polymeric system made by Poly(carboxilic acid)poly(ether-polyol) macromolecules may be used as clay dispersant focusing on kaolin for this work. The dispersant property may be attributed to the carboxylic and methoxypolyethyleneglycol group randomly distributed along the polymeric chain backbone and, also to the low average molecular weight. At temperatures between 150 to 200 °C, the polymer is crosslinked by polyesterification reaction catalized by acid between carboxyl groups and hydroxyl groups, in such way that hydroxyls groups comes both from the polyol base polymer and NMethylolacrylamide (NMAM) present at first polymer backbone. Thus, through a thermal standpoint it behaves as thermoset being that, under this condition, water insoluble and adequate to act as binder for manufacturing of ceramic materials. Electrophoretic mobility and viscosity measurements were applied for the characterization of kaolin and the polymeric system targeting to the evaluation its potential application as a dispersant for this clay. Also, the transitions from the thermoplastic to the thermoset state have been determined by thermo-gravimetric analysis (TG) and dynamicmechanical analysis (DMA) for the Poly(carboxylc acid)poly(ether-polyol) polymers alone and further by mechanical resistance measurements for a clay-polymer system. The system has presented both dispersant behavior on aqueous media and binder just afterward cure. A polymeric system thus synthesized was properly cured by heat turning and then, at the thermoset state, become suitable for act as a binder for ceramic bodies with high performance mechanical properties measured as flexural resistance at green strength.
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Strukturbildung bei der Verarbeitung von glasfasergefüllten PhenolformaldehydharzformmassenEnglich, Sascha 23 July 2015 (has links)
Werkstoffe auf Basis duroplastischer Harze besitzen exzellente Gebrauchseigenschaften für viele Bereiche des industriellen Einsatzes. Vor allem durch die Spritzgießverarbeitung rieselfähiger duroplastischer Formmassen entsteht ein hohes Substitutionspotential gegenüber Bauteilen aus Metallen oder Hochleistungsthermoplasten. Jedoch führen bestehende Erkenntnisdefizite im Prozessverständnis zu Ressentiments hinsichtlich des Einsatzes duroplastischer Werkstoffe. Ziel der Untersuchungen dieser Arbeit war die Ermittlung und Analyse der prozessinduzierten Werkstoffstruktur von spritzgegossenen technischen Phenolharzformteilen. Dabei wurden zum einen das Füllen der Werkzeugkavität und die sich ausbildende Faserorientierung untersucht und zum anderen die sich während des Temperns verändernde chemische Struktur. Anhand von Platten- sowie Zugprüfkörpern wurden sowohl beim Spritzgießen als auch beim Tempern Parametervariationen durchgeführt und die jeweils resultierende Werkstoffstruktur sowie deren Einfluss auf die Formteileigenschaften analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Strömungsverhältnisse während der Werkzeugfüllung stark von den Prozessparametern und der Werkstoffzusammensetzung abhängig sind. Dadurch wird auch die Faserorientierung beeinflusst, sodass im Formteil lokal und richtungsabhängig stark unterschiedliche Eigenschaften entstehen können. Darüber hinaus konnte anhand einer alternativen Tempermethode geklärt werden, warum es beim Tempern zu einem Abfall der mechanischen Eigenschaften kommt und eine Möglichkeit zur Vermeidung gegeben werden. / Because of their excellent properties, thermosets can be applied in a bright range of industrial applications. Especially thermoset molding compounds can be processed highly effective by injection molding, which enables them to substitute metals or high performance thermoplastics. But there is a deficit in process understanding, which limits the industrial application. The objective of this work is the investigation and analysis of the process induced material structure of injection molded technical phenolic components. Therefor the filling of the cavity with the resulting fiber orientation and the chemical processes during post-curing were examined. A parameter variation with injection molded plate and tensile specimens were done and the resulting material structure and the effect on the component properties were analyzed. The results show a big influence of the process parameter and the material on the flow condition during the filling of the cavity. Thereby also the fiber orientation is affected. This leads to process-depending local and direction-depending properties. In addition, this work shows an alternative method for post-curing to avoid the decrease of mechanical properties.
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Návrh kompozitní objímky rotoru vysokootáčkového rotačního stroje / Design of the composite rotor sleeve of a high speed rotary machinePavlík, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on manufacturing carbon fiber and epoxy composite material using filament winding method. Material properties of manufactured composite are ap-proximated using analytical and numerical homogenization models. Calculated material properties are applied to design and evaluate reserve factor of retaining sleeve for high speed brushless permanent magnet synchronous motor. Margin of safety of designed rotor is evaluated using composite failure criteria. Test stand for both static and dynamic testing is designed, static test stand is manufactured and assembled. Static strength test is carried out.
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Creating material properties for thermoset injection molding simulation processTran, Ngoc Tu 17 March 2020 (has links)
Um den Spritzgießprozess zu simulieren, sind korrekte Materialdaten nötig. Diese Daten umfassen Viskositätsmodelle, Wärmekapazitätskoeffizienten, Wärmeleitfähigkeitskoeffizienten, PVT-Modelle und bei reaktiven Materialien Härtungsmodelle. Bei der Spritzgießsimulation von Thermoplasten sind die Materialdaten in der Regel in den Simulationstools verfügbar. Der Anwender kann problemlos Thermoplastmaterialdaten auswählen, die bereits in die Materialdatenbank der Simulationswerkzeuge eingebettet waren, um die gesamten Phasen des Thermoplastspritzgießprozesses zu simulieren. Bei der Duroplastspritzgießsimulation sind nur begrenzt Materialdaten vorhanden und selten aus der Datenbank der Simulationswerkzeuge verfügbar, da sie nicht nur bei der Messung rheologischer und thermischer Eigenschaften, sondern auch bei der Modellierung rheologischer und kinetischer mathematischer Modelle kompliziert sind. Daher ist es notwendig, eigene Materialdaten zu generieren. Um dieses Problem zu lösen, bedarf es einer umfangreichen Wissensbasis bei der Messung von Materialeigenschaften sowie der Erstellung eines Optimierungsalgorithmus´. Um den Prozess des duroplastischen Spritzgießens exakt zu simulieren, bedarf es zudem fundierter Kenntnisse über die Formfüllungseigenschaften dieser Materialien. Die Untersuchung des Fließverhaltens von duroplastischen Spritzgießmassen im Inneren der Kavität ist jedoch nicht ausreichend beschrieben. Bisher gab es noch keine veröffentlichten Hinweise, die zeigen, wie man aus experimentellen Messdaten (thermische und rheologische Daten) für den reaktiven Spritzgießsimulationsprozess komplette Materialdaten für Duroplaste erzeugen kann. Diese Probleme führen zu einer Abhängigkeit der Anwender von der Materialdatenbank der Simulationssoftware, was zu einer Einschränkung der Anwendung der Computersimulation in der duroplastischen Spritzgießsimulation und dem Vergleich zwischen experimentellen und Simulationsergebnissen führt. Darüber hinaus stellt sich die Frage, ob es beim Füllen der Kavität ein Wandgleiten zwischen Duroplastschmelze und Wandoberfläche gibt oder nicht. Aus diesem Grund wird die Wirkung des Wandgleitens auf die Kavitätenoberfläche bei der Simulation des duroplastischen Spritzgießens immer noch vernachlässigt. Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich auf drei wichtige wissenschaftliche Ziele. Das erste ist die Innovation eines neuen technischen Verfahrens zur physikalischen Erklärung des Formfüllverhaltens von duroplastischen Spritzgießmassen. Das zweite Hauptziel ist die Entwicklung einer numerischen Methode zur Erstellung eines duroplastischen Materialdatenblattes zur Simulation der Formfüllung von duroplastischen Spritzgießmassen. Schließlich wird die Erstellung von Simulationswerkzeugen auf der Grundlage der physikalischen Gegebenheiten und des erzeugten Materialdatenblattes durchgeführt. / To simulate the injection molding process, it is necessary to set material data. The material data for an injection molding process must include a viscosity model and its fitted coefficients, heat capacity coefficients, thermal conductivity coefficients, a PVT model and its coefficients, a curing model and its coefficients (only for reactive injection molding). With thermoplastics injection molding simulation, the material data is generally available from simulation tools. Users could easily choose thermoplastics material data that was already embedded in the material data bank of simulation tools to simulate the entire phases of thermoplastics injection molding process. However, with thermosets injection molding simulation, the material data is found in limited sources and seldom available from data bank of simulation tools because of complication not only in rheological and thermal properties measurement but also in modeling rheological and cure kinetics mathematical models. Therefore, with thermoset injection molding compounds that its material data bank has not been found in data bank of simulation tools, before setting material data, it is necessary to create its own material data that simulation packages do not supply a tool. Therefore, to solve this problem, it requires an extensive knowledge base in measurements of material properties as well as optimization algorithm. In addition, to simulate exactly the thermosets injection molding compound process, it requires a profound knowledge in the mold filling characteristics of thermoset injection molding compounds. However, investigation of flow behavior of thermosets injection molding compounds inside the mold has not been adequately described. Up to now, there has not been any article that shows a complete way to create thermoset material data from measured experimental data (thermal data and rheological data) for the reactive injection molding simulation process. These problems are leading to the users ‘dependency on the material data bank of simulation tools, leading to restriction in application of computer simulation in the thermoset injection molding simulation and comparison between experimental and simulation results. Furthermore, there is still a big question related to whether there is or no slip phenomenon between thermosets melt and the wall surface during filling the cavity, for which has not yet been found an exact answer. Because of this the effect of wall slip on the cavity surface is still ignored during thermoset injection molding simulation process. This thesis focused on three key scientific goals. The first one is innovation of a new technical method to explain the mold filling behavior of thermoset injection molding compounds physically. The second key goal is developing numerical method to create thermoset material data sheet for simulation of mold filling characterizations of thermoset injection molding compounds. Finally, creating a simulation tool base on the physical technique and generated material data sheet.
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Grundlagenuntersuchungen zur Prozess- und Struktursimulation von Phenolharzformmassen mit Kurz- und LangglasfaserverstärkungRaschke, Kristin 12 June 2017 (has links)
Thermisch und mechanisch hoch beanspruchte Bauteile im Automobil erfordern den Einsatz hochbeständiger Werkstoffe, bei gleichzeitig niedrigen Materialkosten und effizienter Verarbeitung. Rieselfähige Phenolharzformmassen zeichnen dabei eine Werkstoffklasse aus, die aufgrund ihres Eigenschaftsprofils neue Anwendungsbereiche für einen polymeren Werkstoffeinsatz ermöglichen können. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit werden im Hinblick auf eine Bauteilentwicklung mithilfe der integrativen Simulation die Grundlagen einer ganzheitlichen Simulationskette der Prozess- und Struktursimulation von rieselfähigen Phenolharzen mit Kurz- und Langglasfaserverstärkung erarbeitet. Das auf Basis umfangreicher Prozessuntersuchungen abgeleitete Strömungsverhalten kann mithilfe des Block-/Scherströmungsmodells beschrieben werden. Die Ergebnisse der Mikrostrukturanalyse zeigen jedoch eine Orientierungsdynamik der Fasern, welche zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt mithilfe der empirischen Modelle der klassischen Spritzgießsolver nicht abgebildet werden kann. Die mikromechanische Materialmodellierung erfolgt entsprechend an der experimentell ermittelten Mikrostruktur, welche die Berücksichtigung von Faserbündelungen und -krümmungen in der mechanischen Strukturanalyse erlaubt. Das abgeleitete elastoplastische Materialmodell wird zur Vorhersage des Ermüdungsverhaltens unter harmonischer und nichtharmonischer Schwingbeanspruchung um ein zyklisches Versagensmodell erweitert, welches eine mittellast- und temperaturunabhängige Berechnung unter Berücksichtigung der Anisotropie ermöglicht. Die Validierung der statischen und schwingenden Beanspruchung erfolgt an einer einfachen Probestabgeometrie sowie einem Strukturbauteil, einem PKW-Motorträger. / Thermally and mechanically highly stressed automotive components require the use of highly resistant materials, with low material costs and efficient processing. Phenolic resin molding compounds represent a class of materials, which can open up new applications for a polymeric material use due to their property profile. In the present work, the fundamentals of a simulation chain of fluid mechanical and structural simulation of phenolic resins with short and long glass fiber reinforcement are developed, with a view to component development using integrative simulation. Based on extensive process investigations the derived flow behavior can be described using the block/ shear flow model. However, the results of microstructure analysis show a dynamic of fiber orientation, which can not be predicted at the present time using the empirical models of classical injection molding simulation. Accordingly, the micromechanical modeling is carried out at the experimentally determined microstructure. That allows the inclusion of fiber bundling and bending in the mechanical structure analysis. The derived elastoplastic material model is extended by a fatigue failure model to predict the fatigue behavior under harmonic and non-harmonic cyclic stress which allows a calculation taking into account the anisotropy, the stress ratio and the temperature. The validation of the static stress and fatigue is performed both on a simple test bar geometry and a structural component, an automotive engine bracket.
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Spritzgießtechnische Herstellung duroplastgebundener DauermagneteMaenz, Torsten 25 October 2018 (has links)
Kunststoffgebundene Dauermagnete kommen bereits seit einem dreiviertel Jahrhundert in diversen Anwendungen zum Einsatz. Dabei werden die gängigen Kunststoffverarbeitungsverfahren wie beispielsweise Spritzgießen, Extrudieren, Pressen und Kalandrieren angewandt. Ähnlich zu der Aufteilung in der Verarbeitung von herkömmlichen Kunststoffen, werden auch für die kunststoffgebundenen Dauermagnete nur selten duroplastische Matrixmaterialien im Spritzgießverfahren eingesetzt. Dabei bringt gerade diese Werkstoffklasse hervorragende Eigenschaften mit sich, die eine Verbesserung der Eigenschaften von kunststoffgebundenen Dauermagneten zur Folge haben können. Neben der Medien- und Temperaturbeständigkeit dieser Werkstoffklasse spielt dabei auch deren Viskosität eine bedeutende Rolle für diese Anwendung. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit soll geprüft werden, ob der Einsatz duroplastischer Matrixmaterialien zu einer Verbesserung der Eigenschaften kunststoffgebundener Dauermagnete führen kann. Hierfür werden
anisotrope Magnetpartikel in den Kunststoff eincompoundiert und während der Verarbeitung im Spritzgießverfahren orientiert. Dies geschieht durch ein integriertes Magnetfeld im Spritzgießwerkzeug. Insbesondere sollen der Einfluss des Matrixmaterials, der Partikelgeometrie, der Fließrichtung sowie des Richtfeldes auf die Partikelorientierung untersucht werden. Zusammen mit grundlegenden analytischen Untersuchungen der Ausgangsmaterialien sollen abschließend Richtlinien für eine Bauteilauslegung definiert und erste Ansätze
für eine Simulation der magnetischen Bauteileigenschaften erarbeitet werden. / Polymer bonded magnets are used for different applications for over 70 years yet. These materials are produced within known polymer processing procedures as injection molding, extruding, compression molding and calendaring. However, as for standard plastics thermoset materials are seldom used in injection molding even though they show great potential regarding temperature and media resistance as well as in terms of a low viscosity. These properties could be of use in case of polymer bonded magnets. Within this work the use of thermoset matrix materials for polymer bonded magnets should be evaluated and thus their properties shall be improved. Therefore anistotropic magnetic particles will be incorporated in the thermoset matrix and they will be oriented during the injection molding process which requires a magnetic field in the cavity during processing. Especially the influences of the matrix material, the particle geometry, the flow direction and the aligning field on the particle orientation should be investigated and together with fundamental analytical procedures guidelines for engineering of parts should be generated as well as first approaches for a simulation of the part properties shall be given.
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Einfluss der Material- und Verarbeitungseigenschaften von Phenolharzformmassen auf die Qualität spritzgegossener BauteileHöer, Martin 23 October 2014 (has links)
Spritzgießbare Duroplaste zeichnen sich durch hohe thermo-mechanische Beständigkeit, geringe Schwindung und niedrige Materialkosten aus. Damit können die Anforderungen an spritzgegossene Präzisionsbauteile für den Automobilbau erreicht werden. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit werden unterschiedliche Novolak-Phenolformmassen hinsichtlich ihres hygroskopischen Verhaltens und dessen Auswirkung auf die Spritzgießverarbeitung und die Bauteilqualität untersucht. Das Absorptionsverhalten kann mithilfe der Fick’schen Diffusionsgesetzte näherungsweise beschrieben werden. Auf Basis von mechanischen Untersuchungen sowie der Beurteilung der Maßhaltigkeit eines Präzisionsdemonstrators hinsichtlich Schwindung und Verzug wird zudem der Einfluss der Prozessparameter beim Spritzgießen bestimmt. Die vorgestellten Untersuchungen zeigen die Grenzen der Verarbeitung und der realisierbaren Bauteilqualität auf, die auf die großserientaugliche Verarbeitung von duroplastischen Bauteilen übertragen werden können. / Injection moldable thermosetting materials show excellent material properties, e.g. high thermo-mechanical resistance and reduced shrinkage in combination with low material cost. Thus, technical requirements for high performance parts for automotive applications can be achieved. In the scope of this work different phenolic novolac compounds were investigated regarding their hygroscopic behavior with its influence for injection molding and product quality. The absorption can be approximately described by Fick’s-Diffusion-Model. The interrelationship of injection molding parameters and the thermo-mechanical behavior is examined on the basis of mechanical testing and the assessment of the dimensional accuracy for a thermoset high precision part. The presented investigations point to the limit of processing and realizable part quality which can be transferred for high performance parts molded in mass production.
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Biobased Photocurable Resins for 3D-Printing of Self-Healable & Recyclable Thermosets / Biobaserade, UV-härdbara resin för 3D-utskrift av självläkande och återvinningsbara härdplasterGardell, Anna, Aspenberg, Maria, Aziz, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Överkonsumtionen av engångsartiklar i fossilbaserad plast är ett av dagens stora miljöproblem. Således finns en efterfrågan på strategier för framställning av biobaserade plaster i allmänhet och härdplaster i synnerhet. Tidigare forskning har visat att vanillin-baserade resin, genom UV-härdning och dynamisk iminkemi, kan användas i framställningen av härdplaster som är termiskt bearbetningsbara, kemiskt återvinningsbara och självläkande. Följaktligen är Digital Light Processing (DLP) 3D-utskrivning en möjlig och flexibel friformframställningsmetod med stor noggrannhet för sådana härdplaster. Mot denna bakgrund framställdes, i detta projekt, tre olika UV-härdbara, biobaserade monomerer, i form av vitrimerresin, genom en tvåstegsreaktion: metakrylering av vanillin följt av iminbildning med tre olika aminer (etylendiamin, EDA; 2,2′-etylendioxi bisetylamin, EDEA och trimetylolpropan trispolypropylenglykol aminterminerad eter, T-403). De tre olika monomererna analyserades för att identifiera den mest lämpade för friformframställning av härdplast med DLP 3D-printning. Monomeren framställd med EDA kunde inte UV-härdas till en härdplast. De två andra monomererna, å andra sidan, härdades framgångsrikt till härdplaster med god termisk stabilitet (upp till ungefär 300 °C) samtidigt som de var termiskt bearbetningsbara. Vidare visade dessa härdplaster lovande resultat vad gäller självläkning och kemisk återvinningsbarhet. Härdningen av monomeren syntetiserad med EDEA krävde minst tidsåtgång. Utöver detta visade denna härdplast god stabilitet i ett flertal vanliga lösningsmedel samtidigt som den, till följd av dess dynamiska iminbindningar, kemiskt kunde återvinnas i hexylamin. Slutligen visades det hur detta resin framgångsrikt kunde användas i DLP 3D-utskrivning av härdplast. / One of the main causes of the petrochemical depletion is the overconsumption of single-use plastic products. New strategies based on the production of plastics (in particular thermosets) starting from bio-based resources are, therefore, demanded. Previous research has shown how vanillin-based vitrimer resins can be photocured into thermally reprocessable, chemically recyclable and self-healable imine thermosets; and the potential of the light-assisted 3D-printing techniques for the photocuring of resins with great accuracy and flexibility. In this study, three different photocurable biobased vitrimer resins were synthesized through a two-step procedure involving the methacrylation of vanillin and the Schiff-base reaction with two different diamines (ethylenediamine, EDA; 2,2′-(Ethylenedioxy) bis(ethylamine), EDEA) and a triamine (trimethylolpropane tris[poly(propylene glycol), amine terminated] ether, T-403). The resins were analyzed in order to find the most suitable one for DLP 3D-printing. The resin with EDA, as diamine, could not be successfully UV-cured into a thermoset. The other two thermosets showed good thermal stability, up to about 300 °C, while still being thermally reprocessable. In addition, the thermosets were promising in terms of self-healability and chemical recyclability. The thermoset obtained from the Schiff-base resin synthesized with the diamine EDEA provided the shortest curing time. This resin also displayed good solvent resistance against common solvents and potential chemical recyclability in hexylamine through an imine exchange reaction. As a final step, the possibility to obtain tridimensional thermosets by curing this resin with a DLP 3D-printing was successfully demonstrated.
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Development of greener benzoxazines with intrinsic flame retardancy and their propertiesMachado, Irlaine January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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<b>An Integrated Physics-Based Multiscale Modeling Framework for Advancing Thermoset Composites Manufacturing Processes</b>Ryan Scott Enos (20449379) 19 December 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The manufacturing of composite materials presents numerous opportunities due to their superior properties, including high strength-to-weight ratios and excellent fatigue resistance, which make them ideal for advanced engineering applications. However, realizing these advantages is challenging due to complexities in manufacturing processes, which can introduce defects, residual stress, and variability. This study aims to address these challenges through the development of integrated, physics-based processing models that are capable of predicting and mitigating manufacturing defects in advanced composites. The research focuses on the integration of these physics-based models with data-driven methods such as statistical analysis, uncertainty quantification, and optimization. A significant emphasis is placed on modeling the thermo-viscoelastic (TVE) behavior of curing composites, which is often simplified in processing simulations due to computational costs, by approximating to elastic responses according to the Cure Hardening Instantaneously Linear Elastic (CHILE) model. Results show that cure-dependent TVE process simulations implemented through Finite Element Analysis (FEA) can be efficiently integrated with optimization algorithms. 570 simulations completed in 109 min on a local desktop computer. Building on these advancements, this work further investigates Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) under the context of Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME), and establishes the groundwork and serves as roadmap for AFP research at Purdue University with a focus on process modeling and integration.</p>
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