Spelling suggestions: "subject:"chemotherapy.""
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From Mouse Mammary Tumor Model to New Therapeutic Method ---Mammary Tumor Development in Balb/c-Trp53+/- Mice and Magnetic Nanoparticle Induced Heating for Cancer TreatmentYan, Haoheng 01 May 2010 (has links)
Mutation and loss of p53 function are common features among human breast cancers. We use BALB/c-Trp53+/- mice as a model to examine the sequence of events leading to mammary tumors. Mammary epithelium proliferation rates were similar in both BALB/c-Trp53+/- mice and wild type controls. Among the 28 mammary tumors collected from BALB/c-Trp53+/- mice, loss of heterozygosity for Trp53 was detected in more than 90% of invasive mammary tumors. Transplantation of Trp53+/- ductal hyperplasias indicated an association between loss of the wild type allele of Trp53 and progression to invasive carcinomas. Expression of biomarkers such as ERα, PR, Her2/Neu and activated Notch1 varied among the tumors suggesting that multiple oncogenic events collaborate with loss of p53 function. The majority of the tumors expressed both luminal and basal cytokeratins (59%). Gene expression analysis showed ligands and receptors of stem cell related pathways, such as Notch and Wnt, were increased in the tumors. These results indicate that mammary tumors in BALB/c Trp53+/- mice might initiate from bipotent mammary progenitor cells. USING MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES FOR CANCER THERMOTHERAPY Alternating magnetic field (AMF) heating of magnetic nanomaterials provides a promising method for executing therapeutic thermal treatment for cancer patients. In order to explore the potential of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) for hyperthermia treatment, we synthesized iron oxide MNPs with various passivation by citric acid, folate, trimethylamine carboxylic acid, or albumin. The albumin passivated MNP (MNP-A) surpassed other MNPs, showing efficient heating with very low inherent cytotoxicity. Confocal microscopy located MNP-A (FITC tagged) accumulation in both cell nucleus and cytosol after 24hr incubation with HeLa cells. The quantity of cell bound MNP-A (including internalized and cell membrane bound MNP-A) was positively associated with MNP-A concentration and incubation time with cells. The MNP-A bound to cells was sufficient to increase the temperature in the cell pellet Δ7°C after 8min exposure to AMF. No significant temperature increase or cell death was detected in control groups. Our data demonstrate that MNP-A provides a selective tool for AMF-induced thermal treatment, as well as useful dosing information for future preclinical animal studies.
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The effect of manipulation, heat therapy and cryotherapy on cervical facet syndrome31 July 2012 (has links)
M.Tech. / Purpose: This randomised, controlled, comparative pilot study was undertaken in order to investigate the effectiveness of the chiropractic manipulation alone, the chiropractic manipulation followed by heat therapy or the chiropractic manipulation followed by cryotherapy in the treatment of cervical facet syndrome. It was hypothesised that all three treatment protocols would be effective, but that applying chiropractic manipulation followed by heat therapy would be the most effective protocol in the treatment of cervical facet syndrome. Method: Forty-five participants were recruited by means of advertisements posted around the University of Johannesburg Doornfontein campus and surrounding businesses. Only those participants who conformed to the inclusion criteria were accepted to form a part of the study. The forty-five participants were randomly placed into three groups of fifteen each. Procedure: Group 1 received chiropractic manipulation only as their treatment protocol. Group 2 received chiropractic manipulation followed by heat therapy as their treatment protocol and group 3 received chiropractic manipulation followed by cryotherapy as their treatment protocol. Each participant received six treatments over a two week period and attended a follow-up consultation in the third week. The follow-up consultation was used to assess the lasting effects of the treatment protocol. Results: The objective data in the form of cervical range of motion was obtained by means of the Cervical Range of Motion instrument. The subjective data was collected by means of the Vernon-Mior Neck Pain and Disability Index and the Numerical Pain Rating Scale. At the end of the trial, statistical analysis was performed to determine whether one treatment protocol was more effective compared to the other treatment protocols. The results indicated that group 2 (Chiropractic manipulation followed by heat therapy) proved to be the most effective treatment protocol. Although the other treatment protocol as well as the control group showed good objective results. Subjective results showed that although all three groups showed statistically significant results, group 2 showed the best results. Thus it is noted that in order to achieve a potentially lasting increase in range of motion and a decrease in pain and disability, the treatment protocol used for group 2 should be the treatment of choice. Conclusion: Trends indicate the most effective treatment protocol in the treatment of cervical facet syndrome is when chiropractic manipulation is followed by heat therapy. The advantage of this combination is that each treatment modality is used to its full potential, thereby providing the patient with the best results in terms of lasting benefits.
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Magnetresonanztomographisch gestützte laserinduzierte Thermotherapie am Pankreas des Schweins in vivo mit histopathologischer KorrelationGrabig, Anja 17 August 2006 (has links)
Das Pankreaskarzinom hat bei steigender Inzidenz eine äußerst schlechte Prognose und ist häufig bei Diagnosestellung nicht mehr kurativ operabel. Die laserinduzierte Thermotherapie (LITT) gewann in den letzten Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung als ein minimal invasives Verfahren zur perkutanen Ablation von parenchymatösen Tumoren. Dabei ist die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) eine Methode, mit der eine präzise Prozesskontrolle der Thermoablation und eine suffiziente Erfolgskontrolle zur Verfügung stehen. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, im Tierexperiment die Anwendung der LITT zur Ablation von Pankreasgewebe am Schwein zu erproben, sowie die Möglichkeiten der MRT als Online-Monitoringverfahren mit Hilfe einer histopathologischen Korrelation zu untersuchen. Dazu wurde an 15 Läuferschweinen das Pankreas einer perkutanen laserinduzierten Thermotherapie mit einer Leistung von 5, 10 und 20 Watt sowie zwei mal 5 Watt in Multiapplikatortechnik unter MRT Prozesskontrolle unterzogen. Anschließend wurde das Pankreasgewebe histologische aufgearbeitet und die magnetresonanztomographisch detektierten Läsionen histopathologisch korreliert. Das Auftreten einer schwerwiegenden Komplikation wie einer generalisierten Pankreatitis, Peritonitis oder Blutung wurde nicht beobachtet. Die durchgeführten Korrelationsanalysen zeigen eine hohe Übereinstimmung zwischen magnetresonanztomographisch dokumentiertem Thermoeffekt und histopathologisch verifizierter thermisch induzierter Nekrose. Interessanterweise wurden bei Anwendung von zwei Lasern niedriger Leistung in Multiapplikatortechnik, im Vergleich zur Anwendung von einem Laser mit höherer Leistung, größere Nekrosen induziert. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die LITT ein geeignetes und sicheres minimalinvasives Verfahren zur Ablation von Pankreasparenchym unter MRT-Monitoring ist. Weiterführende Untersuchungen zur Durchführbarkeit und Ermittlung der Genauigkeit der MRT als Monitoringverfahren sind erforderlich. / Pancreatic carcinoma has an increasing incidence and a poor prognosis. Frequently at diagnosis pancreatic tumors are surgically unresectable. Laser-induced thermotherapy has become an area of considerable interest during the past few years as a minimally invasive method for percutanous ablation of parenchymatous tumors. With magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) an accurate process control of thermocoagulation and a sufficient control of performance are possible. Control of carcinoma growth of is still a problem. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate the application of laser induced thermotherapy for ablation of pancreas in a porcine model and the possibility of MRI as an online-monitoring with histopathologic correlation. Laser applicators with energy of 5, 10, 20 and two lasers of 5 watt were placed in the pancreas of 15 female pigs. After sacrifice a pathological examination was performed and histological lesions were correlated with magnetic resonance detected lesions. No serious adverse event like generalized pancreatitis, peritonitis or bleeding was observed. Correlation analysis showed a high correspondence between magnetic resonance documented thermoeffects and histopathologic verified lesions. Thermally induced lesions were best visualised on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images. Interestingly application of two lasers with each 5 watt, greater lesions were generated than on application of one laser with higher energy. Over a period of 7 days increasing inhomogeneity and contraction of lesions were observed. Our results show that laser-induced thermotherapy of pancreatic tissue was feasible in this porcine model, and online monitoring was practicable. Further studies are necessary to increase the accuracy of online MR imaging of thermal effects.
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AvaliaÃÃo dos efeitos da hipertermoterapia por ultrasom associada a agentes antiangiogÃnicos no tratamento do tumor experimental de walker / EVALUATION OF THE HIPERTHERMOTHERAPY EFFECTS BY ULTRASOUND ASSOCIATED TO ANTIAGIOGENIC AGENTS IN THE TREATMENT OF WALKER EXPERIMENTAL TUMORJosà AntÃnio Carlos Otaviano David Morano 30 October 2009 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de NÃvel Superior / Os mÃtodos tradicionais de tratamento do cÃncer, como a quimioterapia e a radioterapia, embora sejam eficazes em vÃrios tipos de tumores, encontram freqÃentemente populaÃÃes de cÃlulas neoplÃsicas resistentes, alÃm de apresentarem uma baixa margem de seguranÃa para os pacientes. A utilizaÃÃo da hipertermia associada à quimioterapia e/ou radioterapia jà se encontra fartamente relatada como vantajosa na literatura especializada, principalmente em pacientes portadores de cÃncer em estÃdio avanÃado, submetidos previamente aos mÃtodos clÃssicos de tratamento. A aplicaÃÃo de calor nos tecidos atravÃs de ultrassom contÃnuo torna mais Ãgil Ãste procedimento e com eficÃcia comprovada. O uso dos antiangiogÃnicos tambÃm vem sendo relatado como eficaz na literatura especializada e atualmente, a lista destas substÃncias vem aumentando consideravelmente. O estudo da aÃÃo da hipertermia associada a alguns agentes antiangiogÃnicos tem sido sugerida uma vez que os vasos tumorais ao encontrarem-se dilatados, nÃo promoverÃo a diminuiÃÃo da temperatura no tecido tumoral e, consequentemente, os efeitos desta associaÃÃo serÃo mais intensos do que no tecido normal devendo contribuir para a morte celular. Objetiva-se neste trabalho, avaliar o efeito antitumoral e antiangiogÃnico da hipertermia induzida por US isolada e combinada com etoricoxibe e pegaptanibe,no carcinossarcoma de Walker 256 implantado na tela subcutÃnea do dorso de ratos por meio de utilizaÃÃo do modelo experimental de hipertermoterapia por US assim como o estudo dos efeitos da hipertermia por US isolada e em combinaÃÃo com etoricoxibe e pegaptanibe,na angiogÃnese tumoral.O mÃtodo utilizado para o estudo teve inÃcio com o implante de cÃlulas de tumor de Walker 256 no dorso de ratos Wistar machos. Os animais foram tratados com hipertermia aplicada atravÃs de aparelho de ultrassom, mantida a nÃvel de 45o C durante cinco minutos no terceiro dia apÃs a inoculaÃÃo e tambÃm tratados com etoricoxibe e pegaptanibe por via oral e intraperitoneal respectivamente a partir do dia da inoculaÃÃo. Cada grupo de animais foi submetido a medidas do crescimento tumoral durante o perÃodo de 30 dias, assim como tambÃm à avaliaÃÃo da microdensidade vascular atravÃs de estudo mesoscÃpico fotogrÃfico, validado pelo estudo microscÃpico. A aplicaÃÃo do calor atravÃs de aparelho de ultrasom demonstrou eficiÃncia e agilidade A hipertermia, o etoricoxibe e o pegaptanibe, apresentaram capacidade antiangiogÃnica, expressada tanto pela curva de sobrevida, como pela avaliaÃÃo da microdensidade vascular. Particularmente, a hipertermia isoladamente apresentou um efeito antiangiogÃnico significativo tanto na curva de crescimento tumoral como na diminuiÃÃo da densidade microvascular. A associaÃÃo da hipertermia com o pegaptanibe, demonstrou uma eficiÃncia na diminuiÃÃo da densidade microvascular significativamente maior do que os demais grupos.
O modelo de aplicaÃÃo de hipertermia gerada por um aparelho de ultrassom na modalidade contÃnua foi satisfatÃria, demonstrando ter sido efetiva tanto na diminuiÃÃo do crescimento tumoral, como na diminuiÃÃo da densidade microvascular. / The traditional methods of cancer treatment, like the chemotherapy and radiotherapy, even though they are effective in many types of tumours, they find frequently resistant neoplasic cellsâ population, beyond presenting a low security margin to the patients. The hyperthermia use associated to the chemotherapy and radiotherapy are plenty mentioned as profitable in the specialist literature, especially in patients with cancer in advanced stage, submitted previously to the classic methods of the treatment. The tissuesâ heat insertion through the continuous ultrasound becomes the procedure faster and with proved efficacy. The antiangiogenic use also is being related like effective in the specialist literature and, at this moment, the substancesâ list has grown vastly. The study of the hyperthermia action associated to antiangiogenic agents has been suggested, once the tumour vessels are dilated, would not promote the temperature reduction in the tumour vessels and, therefore, the effects of this association would be more intense than in the normal tissue, what might contribute to the death cell. The study objective is to evaluate the antitumor and antiangiogenic effect of the hyperthermia induced by isolated ultrasound and combined with etoricoxibe and pegaptanibe in the 256 Walker carcinossarcoma implanted in the subcutaneous back screen of mouse by using the hyperthermia experimental model by ultrasound, like the hyperthermia effects study by isolated ultrasound and linked with etoricoxibe and pegaptanibe, in the tumour angiogenesis. The method used describes the insertion of 256 Walker Tumour cells in the back of male Wistar mouse. The animals were treated with hyperthermia applied through the ultrasound equipment, kept to a 45Â C level during five minutes in the third day after the inoculation and also treated with etoricoxibe and pegaptanibe by oral and intraperitoneal respectively since the inoculation day. Each animal group was submitted to a tumour growth measurement during a period of 30 days, as well as also a vascular microdensity evaluation through a photographic mesoscopic study, validated by the microscopic study. The heat application through the ultrasound equipment demonstrated efficiency and agility. The hyperthermia, the etoricoxibe and the pegaptanibe showed antiangiogenic capacity, expressed by the over life curve, and also by the vascular microdensity evaluation. Particularly, the isolated hyperthermia showed a significative antiangiogenic effect in the tumour growth curve and also in the decreasing of the micro vascular density. The association between the hyperthermia and the pegaptanibe demonstrated a greater efficiency in the reducing of the micro vascular density than the other groups. The hyperthermia application model generated by the ultrasound equipment in the continuous modality was satisfactory, demonstrating by being effective as much in the reducing of the tumour growth as in the decreasing of the micro vascular density.
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Non-Invasive Microwave HyperthermiaHabash, Riadh W Y 04 1900 (has links)
Presented in this thesis are the following theoretical investigations carried out on the non-invasive microwave hyperthermia of malignant tumours in the human body:
Fundamental concepts of electromagnetic wave propagation through a biomass and its interaction with it, are discussed. Various types of applicators used for producing hyperthermia in a biomass, are also discussed.
Propagation of a uniform plane electromagnetic wave through a human body is investigated for the general case of oblique incidence. Various models used for the human body have been discussed and the planar multilayer model has been chosen for this study. Reflection and transmission coefficients for both the parallel and perpendicular linear polarisations of the wave, have been determined. For normal incidence, power transfer ratio at the muscle has been defined and calculated at 433, 915 and 2450 MHz (ISM frequencies).
Efects of skin thickness and also of fat thickness, on the power transfer ratio at muscle, have been studied. Effects of the thickness and dielectric constant of a bolus, and also of the dielectric constant of an initial layer, on the power transfer ratio, have been studied and their optimum values obtained at the ISM frequencies. For microwave hyperthermia, 915 MHz is recommended as the frequency of operation.
Steady-state solution of the bioheat transfer equation has been obtained, assuming the biomass to be a semi-infinite homogeneous medium. Effects of various physical parameters on the temperature profile in the biomass, have been studied. Also studied is the effect of the surface temperature on the magnitude, location and the width of the temperature peak attained in the biomass. A method to determine the microwave power and the surface temperature required to produce a prescribed temperature profile in the biomass, has been developed. The transient-state solution of the bioheat transfer equation has been obtained to study the building up of the temperature profile.
Procedures for the design of an open-ended rectangular metal waveguide applicator and for estimating the total microwave power requirement to produce hyperthermia in the human body, have been developed. Performance of the applicators employing linear as well as planar arrays of open-ended rectangular metal waveguide antennas, has also been studied. In order to reduce the overall physical size of the applicators, filling up of the feed waveguide with a high dielectric constant but low loss material is suggested. A simple method of obtaining the elements of the array by partitioning a large aperture by using metal walls has been adopted. Calculation of the total microwave power required by various applicators for producing hyperthermia at various depths in a biomas, have been made and a comparison of the performance of various applicators, has been presented.
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Avaliação de técnicas alternativas para o manejo da antracnose da banana em pós-colheitaPESSOA, Wagner Rogério Leocádio Soares 13 March 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-03-13 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / The banana is the second fruit more consumed in the world, being the fruit fresh holder of larger world market. Brazil, answers as second producing adult, using the varieties Silver and Pacovan in approximately 60% of area harvestd. However, several factors can cause losses in the production. In the powder-crop to the anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum musae, it is the main and more destructive, harming the commercialization. Before that, the present work concerns the evaluations of alternative methods of control that seek to the reduction of the losses powder-crop in bananas caused by the C. musae. The first work is had the effect of resistance inductors in the control powder-crop of the anthracnose in banana.Among the tested inductors they are had the Acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), Agriculture-Mós®, Ecolife®, Crop-Set®, methyl jasmonate, were applied in the dosage recommended by the manufacturer (DR) and DR added of 50% there is plus, for five minutes of immersion, the inoculations were accomplished under the times of zero, six and 12 hours after the induction. In the second rehearsal the production of the enzymes was evaluated: peroxidase, polifenoloxidase, quitinase, β-1,3-glucanase and β -1,4-glucanase under bananas induce with biotic elicitores and abióticos. The third experiment, concerns the thermotherapy (TH) associate to ASM in the control of the anthracnose. Where bouquets were treated by immersion in warm water to 40, 45, 50 and 55 ± 1 ºC, for the times of zero, five, 10 and 15 minutes, parallel to these treatments the bouquets were immersed in syrup containing ASM, for five minutes, in the DR for the manufacturer. In relation to the fourth work, the effect of dosages zero 50, 150, 300 and 450 nL.L-1 of 1-MCP on the banana anthracnose was verified. The inoculations of all of the works were accomplished with a suspension of conidial of C. musae in the concentration 106 con./mL, deposited on the epidermis previously wounded. At the end of each rehearsal they were appraised the banana's physiochemical characteristics except for the second. ASMapplied 12 hours before the inoculation in the added of 50% commercial dosage there is plus, it was the most efficient in the control of the disease. In relationship, to enzymes peroxidase, polifenoloxidase β -1,3-glucanase and β -1,4-glucanase, AGM and MJ the most efficient inductors were in the production of these enzymes, in relation to the quitinase AGM did just stand out in relation to the others. To the temperatures around of 40 and 45 ºC in all of the times of exhibition tested were the most expressive in the reduction of the severity in relationship á testifies. In TH + ASM, for the temperatures from 45 to 50 °C in all of the times of exhibition and 40 °C in the times of 10 and 15 minutes presented smaller severity of the disease in relation to isolated TH. In the 1-MCP, the dosages of 150 and 50 nL.L-1 they presented the smallest severity values with 9,57 and 9,67 mm, respectively, following for the dosage of 300 and 450 nL.L-1 with 10,18 to 10,5 mm. The witness presented the largest severity with 32,04 mm being reduced in the progressive largest way for to smallest dosage.It didn't happen significant changes in the pH, SST and ATT, that commit the commercialization and the banana's consumption in natura. / A banana (Musa spp.)é a segunda fruta mais consumida no mundo, sendo a fruta fresca detentora de maior mercado mundial. O Brasil, responde como segundo maior produtor, utilizando as cvs. Prata e Pacovan em aproximadamente 60 % de sua área cultivada. Contudo, diversos fatores podem ocasionar perdas na produção. Na pós-colheita à antracnose, causada por Colletotrichum musae, é a principal e mais destrutiva, prejudicando a comercialização. Diante disso, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar métodos alternativos de controle que visem à redução das perdas pós-colheita em bananas causada por C. musae. O primeiro artigo tem-se o efeito de indutores de resistência no controle pós-colheita da antracnose em banana. Foram avaliados os indutores acibenzlar-S-metil (ASM), Agro-Mós®, Ecolife®, Crop- Set®, metil jasmonato, sendo aplicado na dosagem recomendada (DR) pelo fabricante e DR acrescido de 50 %, por cinco minutos de imersão. As inoculações com o isolado Cm 10 foram realizadas sob os tempos de zero, seis e 12 horas após a indução. No segundo artigo, avaliou-se a produção das enzimas peroxidase, polifenoloxidase, quitinase, β-1,3-glucanase e β-1,4- glucanase sob bananas induzidas com elicitores bióticos e abióticos. O terceiro artigo, diz respeito ao tratamento hidrotérmico (TH) associado ao ASM no controle da antracnose. Onde buquês foram tratados por imersão em água aquecida a 40, 45, 50 e 55 ± 1 ºC, pelos tempos de zero, cinco, 10 e 15 minutos. Paralelo ao tratamento TH, os buquês foram imersos em calda contendo o ASM, por cinco minutos, na DR do fabricante. Em relação ao quarto artigo, verificou-se o efeito de dosagens 0, 50, 150, 300 e 450 nL.L-1 de 1-MCP sobre a antracnose da banana. As inoculações de todos os trabalhos foram realizadas com suspensão de conídios de C. musae na concentração de 106 con./mL, depositado sobre a epiderme previamente ferida. Ao final de cada ensaio foram avaliadas as características físico-químicas da banana com exceção do segundo experimento. O ASM e o AGM aplicado 12 horas antes dainoculação na dosagem comercial acrescido de 50 %, foram o mais eficientes no controle da doença. Em relação as enzimas peroxidase, polifenoloxidase, β-1,3-glucanase e β-1,4- glucanase, o AGM e o MJ foram os indutores mais eficientes em sua produção. Para a quitinase apenas o AGM destacou-se em relação aos demais. Às temperaturas ao redor de 40 a 45 ºC em todos os tempos de exposição testados foram as mais expressivas na redução da severidade da doença em relação á testemunha. No TH + ASM, para as temperaturas de 45 a 50 °C em todos os tempos de exposição e 40 °C nos tempos de 10 e 15 minutos apresentaram menor severidade da doença em relação ao TH isolado. No 1-MCP as dosagens de 150 e 50 nL.L-1 apresentaram os menores valores de severidade com 9,57 e 9,67 mm, respectivamente. Não ocorreram mudanças significativas no pH, SST e ATT, que comprometessem a comercialização e o consumo in natura da banana.
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Vliv prostředků termoterapie na posturální stabilitu měřenou pomocí přístroje NeuroCom SMART Equitest / The Effect of Thermotherapy on Postural Stability assessed via NeuroCom SMART EquitestŠupolík, Pavel January 2021 (has links)
Title: The Effect of Thermotherapy on Postural Stability assessed via NeuroCom SMART Equitest Objective: The aim of this study is ti determine whether a one-time application of positive or negative thermotherapy has a positive or negative effect on the postural stability and/or balance in a sample of healthy young adults. The tool for achieving this goal will be statistical analysis of the results of the computerized dynamic posturography before and after application of thermotherapy. And futher a comparison with the results of the control examination. Methods: In this study we have used one-time application of positive and negative thermotherapy in the form of water immersion. A total of ten women and ten men with average age 24 years (sd = 2,18), average height 174,45 centimeters (sd = 7,72) and average weight 78,10 kilograms (sd = 18,10) took part in our study. We assessed postural stability via the NeuroCom SMART Equitest test battery. The assessment was carried out without the use of head tracker accessory. We tested each participant three times in three different days. During each day one condition was applied. Conditions consisted of positive thermotherapy (temperature of 40 řC), cryotherapy (temperature of 4 řC) and control condition. Within each session two examination were made, divided...
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Ergebnisse der laserinduzierten Thermotherapie (LITT) in der Behandlung von LebertumorenErnst, Sandra 19 February 2003 (has links)
Die Dissertation handelt über die Ergebnisse der Laserinduzierten Thermotherapie bei Lebertumoren aus Februar 2000 mit einem Follow up bis Februar 2002. Dabei wurden 43 Patienten mit 89 Läsionen therapiert. Betrachtet wurden Komplikationen, Liegezeiten, metastasenfreie Intervalle, Stichkanalmetastasen, Auswertungen der bildmorphologischen Ablationskontrollen und die Analyse der klinischen Verläufe. Dabei wurden die Patienten in drei Altersgruppen eingeteilt, so dass man die Ergebnisse auf das Alter beziehen konnte. Zu den Primärtumoren zählten zu 70 Prozent das Kolorektale Karzinom, zu 10 Prozent das HCC und zu 20 Prozent andere Tumoren. Liegezeit und Komplikationen waren in allen Altersklassen gleich. Die komplette Ablationsrate betrug 80 Prozent. Die Liegezeit betrug weniger als 3 Tage im Durchschnitt. Komplikationen, die zur Verlängerung der Liegezeit führten, waren intrathorakale Blutungen, subkapsuläre Hämatome und Fistelbildungen. Es wurde ein durchschnittlich sechsmonatiges metastasenfreies Intervall festgestellt. / The dissertation acts about the results of the Laser-Induced Thermotherapy of manignant liver tumors from February 2000 in follow up to February 2002. 43 patients with 89 lesions became to treat in this case. Were considered complications, time to stay in bed, metastasis-free interval, metastasis from prick in the duct, evaluations of the picture-morphological controls and the analyses of the clinical progresses. The patients were divided into 3 age-groups in this case so that one could get the results on the age. To the primary tumors counted in 70 percent the colorectal cancer, to 10 percent the HCC and to 20 percent other tumors. The time to stay in bed and complications were identical in all age-groups. The complete ablation was 80 percent. The time to stay in bed was on average little as 3 days. Complications which led to the prolongation of the time to stay in bed were pleural effusions, subcapsular hematoma and fistulae. It was found on the average an metastases-free interval for 6 month.
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Experimentelle Evaluation der Laser-induzierten Thermotherapie (LITT) an ex-vivo Rinderleber unter Verwendung zweier KühlmedienRoesler, Martin 17 August 2005 (has links)
ZIEL: In der vorliegenden Studie wurde die Effektivität und Sicherheit der Applikation von 90% Ethanol als Kühlmittel evaluiert METHODEN: Wir benutzten einen Mikrokatheter mit einem äußeren Durchmesser von 1,8 mm, welchen wir in der Rinderleber platzierten. Verbunden mit dem Katheter war ein Dornier Diffusor-Tip H6111-T3 angeschlossen an einen Dornier Medilas Fibertom 5100 Laser. Es wurden zwei Kühlmedien verwendet, physiologische Kochsalzlösung und 90% Ethanol, beide mit einer Flussgeschwindigkeit von 0,75 ml/min und 1,5 ml/min. Fünfzehn Minuten Laserbetriebszeit und verschiedene Wattstärken wurden verwendet. Die Koagulationsgröße wurde makroskopisch ausgewertet. ERGEBNISS: Es konnte kein Unterschied im radialen Durchmesser und in der Form hinsichtlich des verwendeten Kühlmittels gefunden werden. In der Gruppe mit dem hohen Kühlmittelfluss wurde eine Verlängerung des axialen Durchmessers festgestellt. Weiterhin führte die Verwendung von Ethanol zu einer erhöhten Rate an zerstörten Dornier Diffusor-Tips. SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG: Unter diesen technischen Vorraussetzungen wird es keinen Vorteil für die Patienten geben durch die Verwendung von Ethanol. Für bessere Ergebnisse ist ein neues Lichtleitersystem notwendig, welches resistent gegen die Ethanolwirkung ist. / Laser-induced thermotherapy of ex-vivo cow liver with open microcatheter system: comparison of two used cooling agents PURPOSE: We evaluated the efficiency and safety of 90% Ethanol as a cooling agent in Laser-induced thermotherapy of the liver. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We used a Microcatheter with an outer diameter of 1.8 mm which was placed in ex-vivo cow liver. Connected to the microcather was a Dornier Diffusor-Tip H6111-T3 coupled to a Dornier Medilas Fibertom 5100 laser. We compared two types of cooling agents, physiological NaCl solution and 90% Ethanol, both with a flow of 0,75 ml/min and 1,5 ml/min. Fifteen minutes of ablation time and different laser powers were used. The lesions size was examined macroscopically. RESULTS: We were not able to find any difference in form or diameter of the ablated liver depending on the usage of NaCL and Ethanol as cooling agent. However utilization of Ethanol yielded a larger length of ablated liver in the high flow group. Furthermore usage of Ethanol results in a higher rate of destructed Dornier Diffusor-Tips. CONCLUSIONS: Under the present technical conditions there will be no benefit from the usage of Ethanol as cooling agent. For better results a new light guide system is needed, which is resistent to the effect of Ethanol.
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Improvement of strategies for the management of fire blight (Erwinia amylovora). Evaluation and optimization of physical and chemical control methods, and use of decision support systemsRuz Estévez, Lídia 03 November 2003 (has links)
El foc bacterià és una malaltia que afecta a plantes de la família de la rosàcies, causada pel bacteri Erwinia amylovora. El seu rang d'hostes inclou arbres fruiters, com la perera, la pomera o el codonyer, i plantes ornamentals de gran interès comercial i econòmic. Actualment, la malaltia s'ha dispersat i es troba àmpliament distribuïda en totes les zones de clima temperat del món. A Espanya, on la malaltia no és endèmica, el foc bacterià es va detectar per primer cop al 1995 al nord del país (Euskadi) i posteriorment, han aparegut varis focus en altres localitzacions, que han estat convenientment eradicats. El control del foc bacterià, és molt poc efectiu en plantes afectades per la malaltia, de manera que es basa en mesures encaminades a evitar la dispersió del patogen, i la introducció de la malaltia en regions no endèmiques. En aquest treball, la termoteràpia ha estat avaluada com a mètode d'eradicació d'E. amylovora de material vegetal de propagació asimptomàtic. S'ha demostrat que la termoteràpia és un mètode viable d'eradicar E. amylovora de material de propagació. Gairebé totes les espècies i varietats de rosàcies mantingudes en condicions d'humitat sobrevivien 7 hores a 45 ºC i més de 3 hores a 50 ºC, mentre que més d'1 hora d'exposició a 50 ºC amb calor seca produïa danys en el material vegetal i reduïa la brotació. Tractaments de 60 min a 45 ºC o 30 min a 50 ºC van ser suficients per reduir la població epífita d'E. amylovora a nivells no detectables (5 x 102 ufc g-1 p.f.) en branques de perera. Els derivats dels fosfonats i el benzotiadiazol són efectius en el control del foc bacterià en perera i pomera, tant en condicions de laboratori, com d'hivernacle i camp. Els inductors de defensa de les plantes redueixen els nivells de malaltia fins al 40-60%. Els intervals de temps mínims per aconseguir el millor control de la malaltia van ser 5 dies pel fosetil-Al, i 7 dies per l'etefon i el benzotiadiazol, i les dosis òptimes pel fosetil-Al i el benzotiadiazol van ser 3.72 g HPO32- L-1 i 150 mg i.a. L-1, respectivament. Es millora l'eficàcia del fosetil-Al i del benzotiadiazol en el control del foc bacterià, quan es combinen amb els antibiòtics a la meitat de la dosi d'aquests últims. Tot i que l'estratègia de barrejar productes és més pràctica i fàcil de dur a terme a camp, que l'estratègia de combinar productes, el millor nivell de control de la malaltia s'aconsegueix amb l'estratègia de combinar productes. Es va analitzar a nivell histològic i ultrastructural l'efecte del benzotiadiazol i dels fosfonats en la interacció Erwinia amylovora-perera. Ni el benzotiadiazol, ni el fosetil-Al, ni l'etefon van induir canvis estructurals en els teixits de perera 7 dies després de la seva aplicació. No obstant, després de la inoculació d'E. amylovora es va observar en plantes tractades amb fosetil-Al i etefon una desorganització estructural cel·lular, mentre que en les plantes tractades amb benzotiadiazol aquestes alteracions tissulars van ser retardades. S'han avaluat dos models (Maryblyt, Cougarblight) en un camp a Espanya afectat per la malaltia, per determinar la precisió de les prediccions. Es van utilitzar dos models per elaborar el mapa de risc, el BRS-Powell combinat i el BIS95 modificat. Els resultats van mostrar dos zones amb elevat i baix risc de la malaltia. Maryblyt i Cougarblight són dos models de fàcil ús, tot i que la seva implementació en programes de maneig de la malaltia requereix que siguin avaluats i validats per un període de temps més llarg i en àrees on la malaltia hi estigui present. / Fire blight, caused by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora, is a serious disease of rosaceous plants that affects fruit trees such as pear, apple or quince, and ornamental plants with great commercial and economic interest. The disease is spread and well distributed in all temperate regions of the world. In Spain, where the disease is non endemic, fire blight was first detected in 1995 in the North of the country (Euskadi) and later, several new outbreaks have appeared in other locations that have been properly eradicated. Control of fire blight is very slightly effective in affected plants and is based on measures to avoid the spread of pathogen, and the introduction of disease in non-endemic regions. In this work, thermotherapy has been evaluated as a method for eradication of E. amylovora from symptomless propagating plant material. It has been demonstrated that heat is a viable method for eradicating E. amylovora from the propagation material of the pear. Almost all rosaceous species and cultivars maintained under moist conditions survived 7 hours at 45 ºC and up to 3 hours at 50 ºC, while more than 1 hour of exposure at 50 ºC under dry heat injured plants and reduced shooting. However, 60 min at 45 ºC or 30 min at 50 ºC were enough to reduce epiphytic E. amylovora population on pear budwoods to non-detectable level (5 x 102 cfu g-1 f.w.). Phosphonate derivatives and benzothiadiazole were effective in fire blight control in pear and apple, under laboratory, greenhouse and field conditions. Plant defense inducers reduced disease levels to 40-60%. The minimal time intervals to achieve the best control of disease were 5 days for fosetyl-Al, and 7 days for ethephon and benzothiadiazole, and the optimal doses of fosetyl-Al and benzothiadiazole were 3.72 g HPO32- L-1 and 150 mg a.i. L-1, respectively. The efficacy of fosetyl-Al and benzothiadiazole in fire blight control was improved when consecutively sprayed (combined strategy) with a half-reduced dose of antibiotics. Although the mixed strategy is more practical and easier to apply in the orchard than the combined one, the best level of fire blight control was achieved with the combined strategy. The effect of benzothiadiazole and phosphonates in Erwinia amylovora-pear interaction was analyzed at histological and ultrastructural level. Neither benzothiadiazole, nor fosetyl-Al, nor ethephon induced structural changes in pear leaf tissues 7 days after their application. However, after E. amylovora inoculation structural cell disorganization was observed in fosetyl-Al and ethephon-sprayed plants, while in benzothiadiazole-sprayed plants these tissue alterations were delayed. Two predictive models (Maryblyt and Cougarblight) were evaluated in an orchard naturally affected by fire blight in Spain, to determine the accuracy of the predictions. The combined BRS-Powell model and the modified BIS95 model were also evaluated. Results showed two clearly differentiated geographical areas with high and low fire blight risk. Maryblyt and Cougarblight are easy models to use, but their implementation in disease management programs must be evaluated and validated for more seasons and in areas where the disease is present.
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