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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


06 October 2017 (has links)
[pt] Neste trabalho é apresentado o desenvolvimento de uma estrutura automatizada para o monitoramento de fibras ópticas. Esta estrura consite em dois tipos de reflectômetros ópticos por contagem de fótons no domínio do tempo e um filtro de tendências que é utilizado para detectar as falhas em uma fibra óptica de forma automatizada. O primeiro OTDR por contagem de fótons apresenta uma faixa dinâmica de 32 dB com resolução espacial de 6 m, já o segundo OTDR apresenta uma faixa dinâmica de 14 dB e uma resolução de 3 cm. Foi demonstrada a sua capacidade de detectar falhas automaticamente em um enlace óptica e de sintonização no monitoramento de redes passivas WDM. / [en] In this work the development of an automated structure for the monitoring of optical fibers is presented. This structure consists of two types of Photon Counting Optical Time Domain Reflectometers and a trend filter that is used to detect fiber faults in an automated way. The first Photon Counting OTDR has a 32 dB dynamic range with spatial resolution of 6 m, while the second OTDR has a 14 dB dynamic range and a resolution of 3 cm. Its ability to automatically detect faults in an optical fiber link and tunability for monitoring of optical WDM networks has been demonstrated.

Pass-by noise contribution analysis of electric vehicles

Falk Lissel, Linus January 2014 (has links)
In the modern urban lifestyle, more and more people are exposed to noise pollution in form of traffic noise. As a response to this, the automotive OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturer) are put under pressure to reduce the emitted noise from vehicles. To be able to meet the upcoming, stricter regulations, the automotive OEMs seeks new techniques to be able to front load the pass-by noise engineering in the vehicle development process and to identify and understand the different sources that contributes to the exterior noise.Earlier exterior sources ranking using ASQ (Airborn Source Quantification) with an energetic approach during pass-by noise test has yielded very good and reliable results for an ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicle.In this Master Thesis, two exterior source ranking methods have been tested and evaluated for an electric vehicle during in-room pass-by noise test. The two methods were: ASQ and OPA (Operational Path Analysis). In total, five models were built from the two methods and each model was evaluated for, in total, three driving conditions corresponding to the current ISO362-1:2007 and the proposed, revised version.The results show that the ASQ models are not capable to correctly estimate the engine contribution due to its high tonality. Moreover, it was seen that the energetic ASQ model is very sensitive to small changes. Both ASQ models underestimated the tire noise.The OPA model on the other hand managed to estimate the total contribution very well. Both the engine contribution and the tire contributions are well estimated. Nevertheless, OPA as method has several weaknesses and building an OPA model is not a straightforward task. Its weaknesses and the process to reach a final OPA model are discussed in this thesis.It was seen that one of the most crucial steps in an OPA model is to have clean references to get meaningful results. A MIMO-FIR filter was therefore used to filter out engine harmonics from the tire references. Its principles and importance for the end results are also discussed.Included is also an overview of the basic principles in TPA (Transfer Path Analysis), ASQ, OPA and in room pass by noise test as well as a description of the test campaign.

A High Frequency Transformer Winding Model for FRA Applications

Tavakoli, Hanif January 2009 (has links)
Frequency response analysis (FRA) is a method which is used to detect mechanical faults in transformers. The FRA response of a transformer is determined by its geometry and material properties, and it can be considered as the transformer’s fingerprint. If there are any mechanical changes in the transformer, for example if the windings are moved or distorted, its fingerprint will also be changed so, theoretically, mechanical changes in the transformer can be detected with FRA. The purpose of this thesis is to partly create a simple model for the ferromagnetic material in the transformer core, and partly to investigate the high frequency part of the FRA response of the transformer winding. To be able to realize these goals, two different models are developed separately from each other. The first one is a time- and frequency domain complex permeability model for the ferromagnetic core material, and the second one is a time- and frequency domain winding model based on lumped circuits, in which the discretization is made finer and finer in three steps. Capacitances and inductances in the circuit are calculated with use of analytical expressions derived from approximated geometrical parameters. The developed core material model and winding model are then implemented in MATLAB separately, using state space analysis for the winding model, to simulate the time- and frequency response. The simulations are then compared to measurements to verify the correctness of the models. Measurements were performed on a magnetic material and on a winding, and were compared with obtained results from the models. It was found that the model developed for the core material predicts the behavior of the magnetic field for frequencies higher than 100 Hz, and that the model for the winding predicts the FRA response of the winding for frequencies up to 20 MHz.

Möglichkeiten der prozessbegleitenden Charakterisierung von Fleisch auf Basis der dielektrischen Zeitbereichsreflektometrie

Herm, Cornelia 25 July 2013 (has links)
Da die dielektrischen Eigenschaften eines jeden Materials, also auch von Fleisch, charakteristisch sind und von Faktoren wie beispielsweise dem Feuchtigkeitsgehalt und der chemischen Zusammensetzung sowie der physikalischen Struktur abhängig sind, gibt es bereits seit einigen Jahren verschiedene Forschungsansätze im Bereich der dielektrischen Messmethoden. Ein neu entwickeltes Messverfahren für die Be-stimmung der Qualitätsparameter Lagerdauer und eventuell erfolgter Gefrierprozesse bei Fisch basiert auf der dielektrischen Zeitbereichsreflektometrie. Die Klärung der Frage, in wie weit dieses Verfahren auch bei Frischfleisch angewendet werden kann, ist das Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation. In Vorversuchen wurde zunächst die generelle Anwendbarkeit des Verfahrens im Fleischbereich anhand verschiedener Lager- und Gefrierversuche geprüft. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen gliederten sich die experimentellen Untersuchungen in fol-gende Abschnitte: Ermittlung der Lagerdauer von SB-verpackten Minutensteaks vom Schweinelachs (MAP) sowie von Hähnchenbrustfilets, Erkennung von Gefrierprozes-sen bei Hähnchenbrustfilets und Schweinelachsen, Gefrierlagerdauerbestimmung verschiedener Fleischsorten (Schweinelachs, Schweinebauch und Rinderbugstück) bei drei unterschiedlichen Gefriertemperaturen und Erkennung von Fremdwasserzu-sätzen bei Hähnchenbrustfilets. Die Vorversuche zeigten eine generelle Eignung des Verfahrens zur Untersuchung von Lagerzeiten und Gefrierprozessen bei Fleisch. Im Bereich der Lagerdauererkennung ist eine Anwendung, auch für SB-verpackte Produkte (in Schutzatmosphäre), denkbar, das Verfahren muss hier allerdings bezüg-lich der zu Grunde liegenden linearen Auswertungsmodelle noch optimiert werden (Kurvenanpassung notwendig). Ebenso konnten gute Ergebnisse in der Gefrierlager-dauerbestimmung erzielt werden, auffällig waren die Fleischsorten-übergreifend bes-seren Ergebnisse der Messungen an vor dem Einfrieren einige Tage gelagerten Pro-ben. Gute Ergebnisse erbrachten auch die Messungen bezüglich der Gefrierprozess-erkennung (Proben frisch, einmal-gefroren und doppelt-gefroren). Ein Einsatz des Verfahrens ist besonders im Geflügelfleischbereich denkbar und angesichts der ge-setzlichen Bestimmungen für Geflügelfleisch (keine Fleischzubereitungen aus gefro-rener und aufgetauter Ware) auch überaus wünschenswert. Die besten Ergebnisse lieferte das Verfahren bei der Fremdwassererkennung an Hähnchenbrustfilets, was auf Grund des starken Dipolcharakters von Wasser bei einem auf Dielektrizität beru-henden Messverfahren auch erklärbar ist. Selbst die zusätzlich mit Geflügelfleisch-Proteinhydrolysatpulver versetzten Proben konnten (bedingt durch die Strukturverän-derungen im Probenmaterial) eindeutig von den unbehandelten Proben abgegrenzt werden, was mittels laborchemischer Analyse über das Wasser-Protein-Verhältnis nicht möglich gewesen wäre. Ein Einsatz des Verfahrens für diese Anwendung erscheint besonders sinnvoll, um der Überwachung und Qualitätssicherung ein ge-eignetes Instrument für die schnelle Feststellung von Wasserzusätzen (bei unverän-dertem Wasser-Eiweiß-Verhältnis) geben zu können. Vor dem praktischen Einsatz dieser Messmethode müssen größere Validierungsver-suche durchgeführt werden, um geeignete Kalibrationssätze für die Anwendung an unbekannten Proben, besonders im Geflügelfleischbereich, zur Verfügung zu haben. Ein Einsatz des Verfahrens zur Qualitätsbestimmung im Fleischbereich ist generell möglich und wäre auf Grund der schnellen Ergebnislieferung und einfachen Handha-bung der (mobilen) Messeinrichtung für Überwachung und Qualitätskontrolle wünschenswert. / As the dielectric properties of each material, thus also for meat, are characteristically and depend on factors as for instance humidity and the chemical composite as well as physical structure there are existing different research approaches in the array of dielectric measurement methods already for many years. A new developed meas-urement method for the estimation of the quality parameters storage time and option-ally occurred freezing processes on fish is basing on the dielectric time domain reflec-tometry. The clarification of the question how far this method can also be used for fresh meat is the intention of the present graduate thesis. In preliminary tests initially the general applicability of the method in the meat sector by means of different storage and freezing examinations was reviewed. Basing on these results the experimental examinations were divided into the following parts: evaluation of the storage time of packaged minute steaks from the pork chop (MAP) as also of chicken breast filets, estimation of freezing processes of chicken breast filets and pork chops, freezing storage time recognition of different meat varieties (pork chop, pork belly and beef bow pieces) with three different freezing temperatures and evaluation of added water in chicken breast filets. The preliminary tests indicated a general ability of the method for the recognition of storage times and freezing processes on meat. In the array of storage time evaluation an appliance, also for MAP-packaged products (in controlled atmosphere), is thinkable, however the method has to be optimized concerning the underlying linear evaluation models (curve fitting is necessary). As well there could be aimed good results for the freezing storage time recognition, the meat variety comprehensive better results for measurements on pattern which were stored some days previously were flashy. Good results were also adduced by the measurements concerning the freezing process recognition (pattern fresh, once- and double-frozen). An application of the technology is notably thinkable for the poultry meat sector and, in the face of the legal requirements for poultry meat (no preparation of frozen and thawed material allowed) also exceedingly desirable. The best results were carried out using the method for the recognition of added water in chicken breast filets, what is explainable by reason of the strong dipole character of water within a measurement method based on dielectricity. Even the pattern additionally glazed with poultry hydrolyzed protein powder could definitely be differentiated from the untreated pattern, what could not be realized with the water protein percentage using a laboratory chemical analysis. After all an appliance of the method for this application seems particularly reasonable, as a suitable instrument for the fast recognition of added water (with an unmodified water-protein-ratio) could be given to the monitoring and quality assurance. Before starting the practically application of this measurement method there have to be accomplished larger validation examinations, to have suitable calibration kits for the application on unknown pattern at one´s disposal, especially in the poultry meat sector. The assignment of the method for quality evaluation in the meat sector is generally possible and would be desirable for the monitoring and quality control by the reason of its fast result delivery and easy handling of the (mobile) measurement arrangement.

Oxidation Behavior and Thermal Conductivity of Thermoelectric SnSe as well as Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process Modeling and Validation through In-situ Monitoring and Ex-situ Characterization

Li, Yi 17 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Modèles asymptotiques et simulation numérique pour la diffraction d'ondes par des petites hétérogénéités / Asymptotic models and numerical simulation for the diffraction of waves by small defects

Marmorat, Simon 12 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude du problème de la diffraction d'une onde acoustique par un ensemble de petites hétérogénéités pénétrables ainsi qu'au développement de méthodes de simulation numérique dédiées à la résolution efficace de ce type de problèmes. La principale nouveauté de ces travaux provient du fait que nous traitons ce problème dans le domaine temporel.La première partie de ce manuscrit est consacrée à l'analyse asymptotique du problème de diffraction, menée à bien grâce à la méthode des développements asymptotiques raccordés, le petit paramètre étant la taille caractéristique des défauts $varepsilon$. Ceci nous permet d'obtenir un développement du champ acoustique comme perturbation du problème sans défauts. Nous prouvons un résultat de consistance entre le champ exact et son développement asymptotique en $varepsilon$.Dans la seconde partie, en s'appuyant sur les résultats de l'analyse asymptotique, nous proposons deux modèles approchés pour le problème de diffraction. Ces deux modèles sont bien-posés et leur solution sont chacune des approximations précises du champ total. La principale caractéristique de ces modèles approchés est qu'ils s'appuient tous deux sur une équation d'onde dans le milieu ambiant (sans défauts), couplée à des termes sources auxiliaires permettant de rendre compte de la présence des défauts. Il est ainsi envisageable, pour traiter ces problèmes approchés, d'utiliser une méthode de discrétisation par éléments finis présentant des performances de temps de calcul similaires au cas de la propagation d'une onde dans l'espace libre, puisque l'opérateur des ondes sous-jacent s'appuie sur une géomètrie indépendante des petits défauts. Nous présentons un certain nombre de résultats numériques permettant de valider les deux modèles proposés ainsi qu'une analyse d'erreur numérique. / This work is dedicated to the study of the diffraction of acoustic waves by a set of small inclusions, as well as to the development of numerical methods for the simulation of such phenomenons. The main novelty of this work is that we deal with time-domain waves.The first part of this manuscript deals with the asymptotic analysis of the diffraction problem, which is carried out by matched asymptotics, the small parameter being the characteristic size of the defects $varepsilon$. This furnishes an asymptotic expansion of the acoustic field as a perturbation of the defect-free problem. We prove a consistency result between the total field and its $varepsilon$-asymptotic expansion.In the second part, using the results of the asymptotic analysis, we introduce two approximate models for the diffraction problem. These models are well-posed and their solution are precise approximations of the total acoustic field. One of the main features of these approximate models is that they both lie on a wave equation in the surrounding medium (without defects), coupled to auxiliary source terms which account for the presence of the inclusions. It is then possible to discretize these approximate models using a finite element method, leading to a numerical method which performs as fast as in the defect-free case, since the underlying wave operator is independent of the defects. We present several numerical results which validate both approximate models as well as some insights about numerical error analysis.

Maximum likelihood time-domain beamforming using simulated annealing

Xu, Kevin January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (S.M.)--Joint Program in Oceanographic Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Ocean Engineering; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 1999. / Bibliography: p. 111-112. / by Kevin Xu. / S.M.

Analýza variability srdečního rytmu / Analysis of Heart Rate Variability

Škrtel, Karol January 2008 (has links)
The project describes the methods useful for observe changes of heart rate in ECG signal. Heart rate variability become (HRV) the conventionally accepted term to describe variations of NN intervals between consecutive heart beats and generally it is function of instantaneous heart rate or NN interval on time. HRV may be evaluated by time domain or frequency domain measures. In Matlab was developed algorithm, realized like function, which counts HRV parameters from ECG signal series. Analysis in time domain adverts to high correlation between statistic and geometric parameters and similarly with signal HRV. Results of frequency domain analysis shows similarity of power spectral density, which was calculated by two different ways (from interpolated and no interpolated signal HRV). Functionality of developed algorithm was verified on each signal. Project results have signification in progress of analysis ECG signal methods with a view to observe pathological changes in heart rate.

A Technique for Magnetron Oscillator Based Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Formation

Aljohani, Mansour Abdullah M. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Performance of a Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access System with Full-duplex Relaying over Nakagami-m Fading

Erpina, Rahul Chowdary, Gopireddy, Viswakanth Reddy January 2021 (has links)
In our thesis work, we analyze the performance analysis of a power domain NonOrthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) system in which the closer user acts as fullduplex relaying to forward the signal to farther user. Because Nakagami-m distribution is a generalized case including the two common fading distributions as specialcases: Rayleigh distribution (m=1), Rician distribution (m>1). We assume that thesystem experiences Nakagami-m fading. Then, we have to analyze outage probabilityof NOMA system. Numerical results are provided for outage probability to show theeffect of system parameters on the performance of the NOMA system in full duplexrelaying over Nakagami-m fading.

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