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Analise do perfil das restrições comerciais à carne bovina nos acordos SPS e TBT / Analyzis of trade restrictions profile on beef in SPS and TBT agreementsRicardo de Queiroz Machado 19 June 2007 (has links)
As questões sanitárias e técnicas assumem uma importância crescente no âmbito das negociações internacionais. Diante disto, este trabalho busca verificar o perfil das medidas dessa natureza, que afetam o mercado internacional de carne bovina. Para tanto, foram utilizadas como principais fontes de dados, as notificações aos Acordos sobre Barreiras Técnicas (TBT) e para aplicação de Medidas Sanitárias e Fitossanitárias (SPS) da Organização Mundial do Comercio. Os países analisados foram Brasil, Chile, Estados Unidos e União Européia, no período entre 1995 e 2005. Totalizaram 536 notificações relacionadas a bovinos e carne bovina. Como instrumento metodológico para sua avaliação, este trabalho baseou-se no conjunto de critérios proposto por Josling, Orden e Roberts (2004). Como resultados, revelaram-se algumas tendências a partir desse processo de notificação. A União Européia tem sido o país mais freqüentemente alvo de questionamentos de suas medidas sanitárias no âmbito das Preocupações Comerciais Específicas (STC). Em grande parte, as notificações analisadas, para o período estudado trataram principalmente de controles aduaneiros sanitários. A doença da vaca louca e a da febre aftosa respondem pela maior parte dos regulamentos aplicados pelos países sobre o mercado de carne bovina. Ademais, a maior parte das notificações refere-se a medidas reativas aos eventos sanitários que ocorreram nos países, visando impedir sua entrada em países livres das mesmas. Os regulamentos, tanto notificados junto ao SPS quanto ao TBT, evidenciaram uma tendência crescente de controlar produtos que utilizam derivados de bovinos em sua composição, como cosméticos e drogas, bem como um controle sobre produtos que servem de alimentação animal. / The sanitary and technical issues present a growing importance in the scope of international negotiations. Therefore, this work aims to analyze the profile of measures of this kind, which affect the international beef market. Thus, it was used as main sources of data, the notifications to the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and to the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement (SPS) from the World Trade Organization. The countries analyzed were Brazil, Chile, the United States and the European Union, between 1995 and 2005. It was totalled 536 notifications regarding bovine and beef. As a methodologic instrument of evaluation, this paper was based on a set of criteria proposed by Josling, Orden and Roberts (2004). As results, some trends were identified from this notification process. The European Union has been the most questioned player related to its sanitary measures in the scope of Specific Trade Concerns (STC). Most analyzed notifications, for the period considered, focused on sanitary customs controls, mainly. The mad cow and the Foot-and-Mouth diseases account for most applied regulations by countries as for the beef market. Moreover, most part notifications refer to reactive measures to sanitary outbreaks, aiming to prevent them from spreading to other countries. The regulations, both notified to the SPS and TBT, showed an increasing tendency to control goods that use bovine derivates in their composition, such as cosmetics and drugs, as well as products that are used in animal feeding.
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Comportamento in vitro de explantes de matrizes de cenoura (Daucus carota L.) tratadas com variáveis níveis de potássio. / In vitro behaviour of explants from potassium treated carrot matrixes (daucus carota l.).Antonio Francisco de Campos Amaral 01 July 2003 (has links)
O crescimento de plantas, órgãos, tecidos e células in vitro depende do desenvolvimento de meios de cultura otimizados para a perfeita interação de componentes essenciais como fitorreguladores, fonte de carbono e nutrientes minerais. Os fatores que limitam o crescimento de órgãos ou tecido in vitro são similares a aqueles que limitam o crescimento in vivo. Com o objetivo de testar a influência do estado nutricional de plantas matrizes de cenoura Daucus carota Link em potássio na morfogênese in vitro, plantas obtidas de sementes germinadas em substrato e cultivadas em vasos com areia em condições de casa de vegetação, foram submetidas a tratamentos com soluções nutritivas contendo variáveis níveis de potássio. Decorridos 30 e 60 dias de tratamento, explantes dessas plantas (internódios) foram coletados, desinfetados e inoculados em meio de cultura sólido de MS contendo também diferentes concentrações de potássio e acrescido de 0,1mg.L -1 da auxina 2,4-D buscando indução de calogênese na ausência de luz. Diferenciação celular via embriogênese somática foi conseguida em ausência de auxina em condições de fotoperíodo de 16/8 horas (claro/escuro). A avaliação da calogênese foi feita aos 60 dias após a inoculação, com base na massa de matéria fresca e seca dos calos formados por explante. A avaliação da diferenciação celular (número de plantas/explante) e taxa de diferenciação celular (número de plantas/g de matéria seca de calos) foi realizada após 30 dias de cultivo em condições de luz. A indução de calogênese e crescimento celular nos explantes de matrizes tratadas foi influenciada pelo tratamento pelos níveis de K + na solução nutritiva e pela duração dos tratamentos. Explantes de matrizes tratadas com alta concentração de K + resultaram em indução e crescimento de calos em matéria fresca e seca inversamente proporcional à concentração de K + no meio de cultura tanto para tratamento por 30 dias como para 60 dias. Tratamentos de curta duração (30 dias) com altos níveis de K + nas soluções nutritivas e baixos níveis de K + no meio de cultura influenciaram negativamente a regeneração de plantas (nº plantas/explante) nos calos dos explantes das matrizes tratadas. No entanto, taxas mais altas de diferenciação celular (nº plantas/g de matéria seca de calos) ocorreram nos calos de explantes de matrizes tratadas por 30 dias com solução nutritiva contendo maiores níveis de potássio e inoculados em meio de cultura contendo concentrações iguais ou maiores de que a do meio MS. / The growth of plants, organs, tissues and cells in vitro culture depends on the development of optimized culture medium for the perfect interaction among essential components such as phytoregulators, carbon source and minerals nutrients. The factors limiting the growth of organs or tissues in vitro conditions are similar to those limiting growth in vivo conditions. The objective of this work was aimed at studying the influence of the potassium nutritional status of matrixes plants of carrot Daucus carota Link on the in vitro morphogenesis. Matrixes plants were obtained from seeds germinated in organic substratum and cultivated in plastic pots containing washed sand in greenhouse conditions. The matrixes plants were then submitted to treatments with nutrients solutions containing variable potassium levels. After 30 and 60 days treatment, explants (internodes) were collected, disinfested and inoculated in solid culture medium of Murashige and Skoog (MS) containing different potassium concentrations and supplemented with 0,1mg.L -1 of 2,4-D for callogenesis induction in dark conditions. Cell differentiation by somatic embryogenesis was pursued by culturing the calli in auxina-free same culture medium in growth room under photoperiod of 16/8 hours (light/dark). The evaluation of the callogenesis induction and cell growth was carried out 60 days after explants inoculation, based on the mass of fresh and dry matter accumulation on each explant. The evaluation of cell differentiation (plant formed/explant) and of cell differentiation rate (number of plants formed/g of dry matter of callus) was carried after 30 days of culturing under light conditions. Callogenesis induction and cell growth on the explants of treated matrixes plants were affected by the potassium treatment levels in the nutrient solution and by the duration of the treatments. Explants from treated plants with the higher K + concentrations showed callus induction and growth inversely proportional to the concentration of K + in the culture medium for both (30 and 60 days) treatment duration. However the callogenesis accumulated after 60 days treatment was twice as much as that of 30 days treatments. Short time treatments duration (30 days) with higher levels of K + in the nutrient solutions and low concentrations of K + in the culture medium influenced the cell differentiation negatively (nº plants/explant) in the callus of the explants from treated plants. Cells from calli induced on explants from matrixes plants for 30 days were more morphogenic than the cells in the 60 days treatment where high callogenesis was observed. Also better cell differentiation rate was observed on calli induced on explants from treated matrixes plants with nutrient solutions containing the highest potassium levels and inoculated on MS culture medium containing highest potassium concentrations.
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Doses de N e K aplicados via fertirrigação na cultura da roseira (Rosa sp.) em ambiente protegido. / Levels of n and k applied by fertigation on rose (rosa sp.) crop in a protected environment.Edivaldo Casarini 09 November 2004 (has links)
A fertirrigação em rosas é uma técnica bastante utilizada pelos produtores de flores. O nitrogênio e o potássio são os nutrientes mais exigidos nas distintas fases da cultura, onde a aplicação de quantidades corretas aumenta a produtividade e a qualidade das flores. Com o objetivo foi avaliar a produtividade e a qualidade das hastes florais na cultura da roseira, cultivar Versilha, em ambiente protegido conduziu-se um experimento na área experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da ESALQ/USP, localizado no município de Piracicaba, SP, entre os meses de novembro/2002 a setembro/2003. Os tratamentos foram dispostos numa combinação de 4 doses de N (10; 20; 30 e 40 g.pl-1.ano-1), 4 doses de K (10; 20; 30 e 40 g.pl-1.ano-1). O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos casualizados com 3 repetições, sendo os fatores arranjados em esquema fatorial 4 x 4. O sistema de irrigação utilizado foi o gotejamento, adotando manejo de irrigação com tensiômetros e tanque evaporimétrico reduzido. Foram avaliados os parâmetros qualitativos das hastes e botões de rosas, a produtividade, a condutividade elétrica e os níveis de NO3- e K+ na solução do solo através de medidor de íons (HORIBA) e as concentrações de macro e micronutrientes nas folhas. A lâmina total aplicada entre os meses de fevereiro e setembro foi de 839,43 mm com média de 3,46 mm.dia-1 e o potencial matricial médio da água no solo foi de 10 kPa na camada de 0 20 cm. A produtividade de rosas nas duas colheitas reduziu linearmente com as doses de K aplicadas. Para a qualidade das hastes não houve diferença significativa para a maioria dos parâmetros avaliados nas duas colheitas. A condutividade elétrica e as concentrações de NO3- e K+ na solução do solo aumentaram linearmente de acordo com as doses de N e K aplicados. Para as concentrações de N e P nas folhas observou-se a influência das doses de N, para Ca2+ e Mg2+ observou-se a influencia das doses de K, mostrando o antagonismo entre eles. Nas concentrações de micronutrientes, o boro foi influenciado pelo N e K e as concentrações de Fe2+ e Mn2+ foram influenciadas pelo N. / The rose plant fertigation is a technique quite useful by flowers growers. The nitrogen and the potassium are the most required nutrients in the distinct crop phases, where the application of correct amounts increases the yield and flower quality. A study was carried out under protected environment conditions, at the experimental area of the Department of Rural Engineering of Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Piracicaba, São Paulo State, Brazil, from November/2002 to September/2003. The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the yield and quality of rose flowers, Versilha cultivar. The treatments were disposed in combination of 4 N levels (10; 20; 30 and 40 g.pl-1.year-1) and 4 K levels (10; 20; 30 and 40 g.pl-1.year-1). The statistical test was performed in randomized blocks, with 3 replications, arranged in a 4 x 4 factorial design. Drip system irrigation was used with tensiometers and a reduced evaporation pan in order to manage water depth. The parameters evaluated were: stem and bud quality, yield, electric conductivity, NO3- and K+ soil solution levels by ion meter (HORIBA) and concentrations of macro and micronutrients in the leaves. Total irrigation water depth applied between February and September was 839,43 mm with an average of 3,46 mm.d-1 and the average soil matric potencial was -10 kPa in a 0 20 cm in depth. The two flushes rose yield was linearly reduced with the applied K levels. Stems quality showed no difference for majors evaluated parameters. The electric conductivity, NO3- and K+ soil solution levels linearly increased according to the levels of N and K. The N and P concentrations in the leaves were influenced by N levels. Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations in the leaves were influenced by K levels, showing antagonism between them. In micronutrients concentrations, boron showed an interaction, influenced by N and K levels and Fe2+ and Mn2+ influenced by N levels.
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Território em disputa: terras (re)tomadas no Pontal do Paranapanema / Territory in dispute: lands (re)taken in the Pontal do ParanapanemaCarlos Alberto Feliciano 11 December 2009 (has links)
O Pontal do Paranapanema é um território em disputa. Assim foi desde sua ocupação baseada na expropriação indígena, na grilagem de terras e no desmatamento. Na atualidade a disputa está na luta entre as classes sociais envolvidas na região. Por um lado têm-se as terras historicamente tomadas indevidamente e ilegalmente, que estão sob o domínio dos fazendeiros; por outro as terras que foram retomadas por um processo de luta e que estão sob o domínio dos camponeses, territorializadas através dos assentamentos rurais. Há ainda uma grande parcela de terras em disputa judicial, movida principalmente pela pressão dos movimentos camponeses para que o Estado cumpra as determinações que a lei lhe compete, ou seja, discriminar e retomar as terras que são de patrimônio público. Somente com as ações dos movimentos sociais através das ocupações de terras, principalmente em meados da década de 90 do século XX, que o Estado procurou redefinir a destinação das terras públicas. Os acordos realizados entre Estado e fazendeiros, permitiu tanto a (re)produção do campesinato, na forma de assentamentos rurais, como dos fazendeiros ao indenizar benfeitorias que se converteram em valores próximos ao preço de mercado, possibilitando assim a compra de terras para outras regiões brasileiras. Na tese, revelamos o lento processo discriminatório e os entraves jurídicos na obtenção e julgamento dessas áreas griladas por fazendeiros e hoje questionadas pelos inúmeros movimentos camponeses existentes no Pontal do Paranapanema. / The Pontal do Paranapanema is a disputed territory. It has been this way through processes of indigenous expropriation, the falsification of land titles and aggressive deforestation. At present, the dispute is centered on struggle between social classes involved in the region. On the one hand, there is the historically traceable and unquestionably illegal process of falsifying titles to take land, lands which are clearly under the control of the landlord class. On the other, there are lands that have been retaken through a process of struggle, lands now under peasant control, territorialized as agrarian reform settlements. In the meantime, large numbers of tracts remain mired in judicial proceedings, disputed for by peasant movements, pressuring the State to honor the law it is charge to fulfill by retaking lands that are part of the public patrimony. It has only been through the direct action of social movements, principally the occupation of lands during the middle period of the 1990s that the State sought to redefine the final use of public lands. Accords reached between the State and landlords contributed to (re)producing both the peasantry, through the establishment of agrarian reform settlements, and landlords, through near-market indemnity payments made for improvements on falsely titled public lands, enabling them to buy land in other regions of Brazil. This dissertation examines the slow land title discrimination process and the legal barriers encountered in the struggle to adjudicate and obtain areas falsely claimed by landlords and today questioned by the innumerous peasant movements active in the Pontal do Paranapanema.
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Produção e nutrição mineral do capim-Tanzânia com variável disponibilidade de nitrogênio e cálcio / Tanzânia grass production and mineral nutrition related to the availability of nitrogen and calciumCristiane Prezotto Silveira 31 January 2006 (has links)
O capim-Tanzânia pode ter maior ou menor dependência do cálcio, quando há variação na disponibilidade de nitrogênio no substrato. O objetivo foi avaliar as informações relativas às alterações fisiológicas, nutricionais e produtivas desse capim, quando suprido com combinações de doses de nitrogênio e de cálcio, e verificar a ocorrência de carência de cálcio nesse capim em relação ao fornecimento desse nutriente na solução nutritiva, em presença de elevado suprimento de nitrogênio. O capim-Tanzânia foi cultivado em solução nutritiva, utilizando sílica como substrato, em experimentos em casa-de-vegetação, no período de setembro de 2004 a janeiro de 2005, em Piracicaba-SP. Dois experimentos foram realizados com delineamento estatístico de blocos ao acaso e quatro repetições. Na ocasião de cada corte a parte aérea foi separada em folhas emergentes (FE), lâminas de folhas recém-expandidas (LR), lâminas de folhas maduras (LM) e colmos mais bainhas (CB) e após o corte final da parte aérea, realizou-se a avaliação do sistema radicular. No primeiro experimento, utilizou-se o esquema fatorial 52 fracionado, com combinações de cinco doses de nitrogênio (2; 9; 16; 23 e 30 mmol L-1) e de cinco doses de cálcio (0,50; 1,75; 3,00; 4,25 e 5,50 mmol L-1) na solução nutritiva. Foram realizados três cortes nas plantas, sendo o primeiro aos 39 dias após o transplantio, o segundo aos 30 dias após o primeiro e o terceiro aos 28 dias após o segundo corte. No segundo experimento foi realizado apenas um corte nas plantas, aos 33 dias após o transplantio e as doses de cálcio na solução nutritiva foram: 0,00; 0,25; 0,50; 2,50 e 5,00 mmol L-1. A combinação entre doses de nitrogênio e de cálcio foi determinante para área foliar e valor SPAD no terceiro crescimento, para a produção de massa seca da parte aérea e de raízes e concentração de cálcio nas LR no segundo e terceiro cortes, e para a concentração de enxofre nas LR em todos os crescimentos e a de nitrogênio nas raízes do capim. O número de perfilhos e de folhas, o comprimento e a superfície radicular, as concentrações de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio nas LR dependeram apenas do suprimento de nitrogênio. As doses de cálcio exclusivas foram determinantes para a concentração de cálcio em cada componente da parte aérea, na parte aérea total e nas raízes. A concentração de magnésio nas LR do capim decresceu tanto com o incremento no suprimento de nitrogênio como no de cálcio isoladamente. O cálcio participou em 9 a 36%, o magnésio com 17 a 28% e o potássio com 47 a 63% da carga positiva na parte aérea. A utilização de dose de cálcio correspondente a 40% daquela empregada na solução de Sarruge não restringiu parâmetros produtivos, fisiológicos e nutricionais desse capim, mesmo em presença de elevado fornecimento de nitrogênio. Sintomas de deficiência de cálcio nesse capim somente foram observados com baixíssimo suprimento ou ausência de cálcio, em condição de alta disponibilidade de nitrogênio no substrato. / Tanzânia grass may depend on calcium availability as nitrogen is changed in the substrate. The objective was to evaluate the changes in physiological, nutritional and productive parameters of this grass, when combined rates of nitrogen and calcium were supplied, and search for calcium deficiency related to the supply of this nutrient in the nutrient solution having high nitrogen rate. Tanzânia grass was grown in nutrient solution with ground quartz as substrate, in greenhouse experiments from September 2004 to January 2005 at Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Two experiments were carried out in Randomized Blocks design, with four replications. At each plant harvest, plant tops were separated in emergent leaves (EL), recently-expanded leaf lamina (RL), mature leaf lamina (ML) e culms plus sheaths (CS), and following the final harvest the root system was evaluated. In the first experiment, a fractionated 52 factorial was used, with combinations of five nitrogen rates (2; 9; 16; 23 e 30 mmol L-1) and five calcium rates (0.50; 1.75; 3.00; 4.25 e 5.50 mmol L-1). Three harvests were performed, the first one 39 days after seedlings transplanting, the second 30 days after the first and the third one 28 days after the second harvest. In the second experiment only one harvest was done at 33 days after seedlings transplanting and the calcium rates were: 0; 0.25; 0.50; 2.50 and 5.00 mmol L-1. Combination of nitrogen and calcium rates was necessary for Tanzânia grass leaf area and SPAD value at the third growth, for the plant tops and roots yield, and calcium concentration in the RL at the second and third growths, for the sulfur concentration in RL in all three grass growth periods, and nitrogen concentration in the roots. The number of tillers and leaves, roots length and surface, concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the RL depended only on nitrogen rates. Calcium rates affected calcium concentration in each component of plant tops, in total plant tops and in the roots. Magnesium concentration in the RL decreased with both nitrogen and calcium rates. Calcium ranged from 9 to 36%, magnesium from 17 to 28% and potassium from 47 to 63% of the positive charge in plant tops. The use of calcium rate in the nutrient solution equal to 40% of that recommended by Sarruge did not reduce physiological, nutritional and productive parameters of this grass, even with the supply of high nitrogen rate. Calcium deficiency symptoms in this grass were only observed with very low or no supply of this nutrient in the growth medium having high nitrogen availability.
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Vlastní próza s autorským komentářem / Personal prose with an authorial commentaryBodenbergerová, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis 'Personal prose with an authorial commentary' is composed of two parts. The first part is the authorial prose is titled Rusty love. It is a psychological short story that describes a partnership between the main character - a noname woman, and her partner - Filip. Filip likes drinking alcohol and frequently he drinks too much so that he is not able to walk home on his own. Therefore his girlfriend is like his rescuer who helps him with walking and sometimes she even has to haul him. Such bad conditions of Filip make her mad and very badly influence their relationship. Unfortunately it is not the only problem in their partnership. The main character leaves every week to work in the city of Jihlava and thus they can only see each other at weekends. Moreover, she likes to be self-sustaining and independent, which is somehow in contrasts with his concept of living together, to get married and have kids. Finally, the main character decides to live as a single and their story ends up with their separation. The second part of this paper reflects circumstances of the work's origin. The characters, the plot construction, possible ending versions and the meaning of the short story are described here. This part also focuses on the author's experience of writing itself and this first...
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Vlastní literární dílo s autorským komentářem / Personal literary writing with an authorial commentaryWilczková, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
The Thesis Personal prose with an authorial commentary is divided into two parts. The first part consists of the personal prose called Before it Happened. This is a more perspective psychological prose from family life in which Mirek plays the lead role (is the main character). Mirek has been a more active child since his childhood. It brings to his parents a number of worries that multiply with increasing age. At the age of twelve, at the time when the story unfolds, his problems get too far and cause a number of complications in his parents' marriage as well. In the second part of the thesis the author reflects her own story. It deals, for example, with the characteristics of the individual characters, the motivation for the choice of the subject, the variants of the conclusion and the choice of the literary code and the title. Two literary criticisms and an author's statement to them form an integral part of the thesis. KEYWORDS psychological prose, Before it Happened, family relationships, troubled child, title, narration
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The map is not the territory: law and custom in ‘African freehold’: a South African case studyKingwill, Rosalie Anne January 2013 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The thesis examines the characteristics of land tenure among African families with freehold title who trace their relationship to the land to their forebears who first acquired title in the mid-nineteenth century. The evidence was drawn from two field sites in the Eastern Cape, Fingo Village, Grahamstown and Rabula in the Keiskammahoek district of the former Ciskei. The evidence, supported by evidence in other Anglophone countries, shows that African familial relationships reminiscent of ‘customary’ concepts of the family, were not, and are not extinguished when
title is issued, though they are altered. Africans with title regard the land as family property held by unilineal descent groups, challenging the western notion of one-to-one proprietal relationships to the land and its devolution. By exploring the intersection between tenure, use and devolution of land, the main findings reveal that local conceptions of land and use diverge considerably from the formal, legal notion of title. Title holders conceive of their land as the property of all recognised members of a patrilineally defined descent group symbolised by the family name. Because freehold is so intimately linked with inheritance, the findings significantly illuminate the social field of gender and kinship. The implications of the findings are that differing concepts of the ‘family’ and ‘property’ are fundamental to the lack of ‘fit’ between the common-law concept of ownership and what I term in the thesis ‘African freehold’. The thesis dissects the implications of culturally constructed variability in familial identities for recognition and transmission of property. Title is legally regulated by Eurocentric notions of both family and property, which lead to significant divergence between western and African interpretations of ownership,
transmission and spatial division of land. The deficiencies of the South African legal mindset with regard to property law are thus fundamentally affected by the deficiencies in recognising the broader field of gender and kinship relations.
The findings fundamentally challenge the dualistic paradigm currently prevalent in much of South African legal thinking, since the factors that are found to affect land tenure relationships cannot be reduced to the binary distinctions that are conventionally drawn in law, such as ‘western’ vs. ‘customary’ or ‘individual’ vs. iii
‘communal’ tenure. Instead, the important sources of validation of social (importantly, familial) and property relationships are found to be common to all property relationships, but are arranged and calibrated according to different normative patterns of recognition. In the case of the subjects in the field sites, these do not fit into the main ‘categories’ of property defined in law. Neither of the main bodies of official law, the common law and customary law, adequately characterise the relationships among the African freehold title holders. The
source of legitimation is, therefore, not the ‘law’ but locally understood norms and practices. The findings suggest that the practices of the freeholders, derived from constructed ideas of kinship and descent, have relevance for a wide range of diverse African land tenure arrangements and categories, and not only ‘African freehold’. The findings therefore have significant implications for law reform more broadly.
The thesis suggests that law reform should move away from models that do not match reality, and in particular should heed the warnings that titling policies as presently designed are particularly poorly aligned with the realities presented in the thesis.
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Tsheka Tsheko ya Dikanegelokopana ka S.N. Nkadimeng (Sepedi)Thobakgale, Raphehli Michael 29 October 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation, the art of the short story as practised by S.N. Nkadimeng (Mmantshaotlogele) is investigated in accordance with the narratological descriptive model. According to this approach the literary work is divided into three levels, namely, content level, plot level and style level. The level of style, however, is not discussed in detail in this dissertation. In this study, Nkadimeng's art is placed within the framework of a brief discussion of the Northem Sotho short story as an art form. Furthermore, the aim of this investigation is formulated. Thereafter the relevant concepts which are discussed in this dissertation are also illustrated. In the second, third and fourth chapters attention is paid mainly to the analysis of a single short story, that is 0 nyalwa lenyalo mang .. . ; however, the other short stories in this collection, among others Nna nka se je dipute and Thapelo ya pula are referred to as examples. In the last chapter, Nkadimeng's work, particularly with regard to his ironic stories, is compared to Mpepele's and Matsepe's work. Nkadimeng writes with compassion about his people; his irony is delicate and mocking without venom, which differs from that of Matsepe and Mpepele. Whereas Matsepe mocks important figures in the society, such as leaders, kings, the rich and so forth, Nkadimeng's and Mpepele's mocking is aimed at the weaknesses of the ordinary people. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Philosophy / unrestricted
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Starboard or port tack? : navigating a course to recognition and reconciliation of aboriginal title to ocean spacesBrown, C. Rebecca January 1900 (has links)
In British Columbia, fifty-one First Nations have filed Statements of Intent signifying their
interest in negotiating a treaty with Canada and the Province of British Columbia since the
establishment of the British Columbia Treaty Commission in 1993. Twenty-seven of these
First Nations participants claim ocean spaces within their traditional territories. Academic
research and writing over the last decade has focussed on Aboriginal title to land, with little,
if any reference, to ocean spaces. The concept of Aboriginal title was recently recognized by
the courts in Delgamuukw v. British Columbia.
My research will explore what information and legal principles could be utilized to recognize
Aboriginal title to ocean spaces within the Canadian legal context, and therefore provide
some bases for First Nations in substantiating their claims. My analysis will begin with a
review of international law principles surrounding title to and jurisdiction over ocean spaces.
Following which, I will delineate the sources available for recognizing such a theory, starting
with a review of the concepts of Aboriginal title as determined in Delgamuukw and their
applicability to ocean spaces.
Delgamuukw has affirmed Aboriginal perspectives are an integral part of the investigation of
Aboriginal title, and voices of members of two particular First Nations being the Haida
Nation and the Tsawwassen First Nation, with whom I visited, will be included. Rounding
out the sources will be a review of comparative legal concepts drawn from the United States
and Australian experiences, and the principles espoused within international human rights
Having established the avenues for recognition of this concept, I then turn to discussion of its
reconciliation within the Canadian legal context by reviewing theories of co-management and
examining a number of settlement instruments that have yielded some degree of reconciliation
between the federal government and the particular First Nation or Province involved.
Comments from First Nations in respect of the obstacles that hold back reconciliation will be
In conclusion, my research will deduce Aboriginal title to ocean spaces is a viable legal
concept in Canada, and First Nations have the resources necessary to substantiate their
claims. Comments about the possibilities that may result at the treaty table or in the courts
upon recognition of this concept will also be discussed.
This analysis is timely and important as many First Nations are nearing the stage of the treaty
process where discussions will be directed towards what territories these First Nations
groups will retain and what ownership, jurisdiction and rights they will enjoy as to ocean
spaces and resources. Such issues directly relate to the continued way of life, culture, and
sustainable economic growth and stability of First Nation communities into the twenty-first
century. / Law, Peter A. Allard School of / Graduate
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