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西周金文所見「師某」名稱研究= A study of names in the form "Shi X" as seen in Western Zhou bronze Inscriptions龐琨, 03 July 2018 (has links)
西周金文中稱呼為「師某」(「師某父」)的一類人,以前往往認為「師」是其官職。張亞初、劉雨的《西周金文官制考》一書將這些人與大師等放在一起,列為「師官類官」。前人在談及這一類人的時候,往往結合單篇的銘文對他們的身份進行確認,因此出現了「師」是「師氏」的簡稱或者「大師」的簡稱等看法。這些觀點由於取材範圍過窄,或者由於有結論先行的弊病,故而有失偏頗。西周金文中這些稱作「師某」的人是一類較為特殊的人群,他們的官職各不相同,許多人確實是武官,且有帶兵打仗的記錄,但也有一些人的職責與軍事無關或者不直接相關。西周時期的官制系統已較為成熟,不應出現一種官職名稱對應多種差別巨大的職責範疇的現象,因此「師某」的稱呼並非以官職冠於私名之上。職責差別之外,「師」的社會地位有高下的不同,並且上司和下屬、子輩和父輩祖輩可以同時稱為「師」,前者說明「師」不是一種尊稱,後者說明「師」不是一種世襲的爵位。在地緣方面,「師」大都集中在周人的兩個重要的活動中心----宗周和岐周。而在血緣方面,「師」表現出一定的家族性特征,在宗周和岐周也分別有一個由「師」組成的家族。「師」的家族具有著深厚的歷史傳承,是較為強大的地方勢力。總而言之,師是西周時期宗周地區對某些具有一定社會地位的有官職的貴族的稱呼,他們擁有一定的功業或者社會名望,同時也擁有強大的家族勢力。This dissertation takes issue with the interpretation that people in Western Zhou bronze inscriptions referred to by "Shi師X" (or "Shi師X fu父") had to have been officials because of these names, and argues against the view that these names were associated with or abbreviations of the offices called "Shi shi師氏" or "Da shi大師". Point in fact, people whose names were preceded by "Shi 師" had wide-ranging duties. They were military officers, secretaries, education officials, and even regents. The Western Zhou had a sophisticated official system, and it is unlikely that one position was set to administer such a multitude of tasks and duties. In addition, people of different classes and of different generations could be called "Shi 師", and a collation of all the data suggests that it was not an honorific appellation nor a hereditary title. Archaeological information from unearthed bronzes with inscriptions reveals that these people called "Shi師X" were centered mainly in Zong Zhou宗周 and Qi Zhou岐周, these two places being the political and religious centers of the Western Zhou rulers. I argue that "Shi" was a term used by nobles who possessed a certain amount of meritorious deeds or attained a certain social status.
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Land restitution policy in old West Bank location, East LondonBhe, Ntomboxolo Grace January 2017 (has links)
This thesis summarises research on the implementation of land restitution policy in the old West Bank Location, in East London. Apartheid legislation dispossessed many Black people of their land. After 1994, the new democratic government implemented a land reform programme, land policy was reviewed, and people were compensated for the loss of land either financially or through restoration of their land. The original cut-off date for claims was 1998, but the window for claims was reopened in July 2014 because of difficulties in implementation. The period for the lodging of claims was extended to end June 2019 to allow people who had not yet been able to do so to participate in the process. In case of the old West Bank Location claims, compensation was in the form of land restoration, including houses which would be built for the claimants. This study documents the successes and challenges encountered in the implementation of land policy in the old West Bank Location. Triangulation of methods was used: data were collected from documents, interviews with claimants, interviews with government officials, and observation of meetings. Recommendations with regard to land policy are made on the basis of the research findings.
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Juros e usura no direito brasileiro: uma reflexão sob a perspectiva Tomista / Interest and usury in Brazilian law: a reflexion under the thomistic perspectivePinheiro, Ivan Nogueira 15 May 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo propõe uma análise sobre o tema da usura no pensamento de São Tomás de Aquino de forma a determinar sua aplicabilidade à questão dos juros remuneratórios tal qual se apresenta hodiernamente no Direito Brasileiro. Inicialmente a concepção de Aquino é avaliada à luz da tríplice base que a compõe: a Lei Natural, segundo a qual se considera a esterilidade do dinheiro e a justiça natural; a Lei Humana, tida aqui como o Direito Romano, do qual se absorve a noção de fungibilidade do dinheiro e a conceituação dos contratos de mútuo; e a Lei Divina, tomada por São Tomás de forma a corroborar aquilo que se depreende das demais leis. Na sequencia, a problemática dos juros e da sua extrapolação usurária é avaliada no âmbito do ordenamento jurídico pátrio, tanto sob o prisma de sua evolução histórica quanto das discussões que envolvem a matéria em nossos dias. Finalmente, partindo de uma conceituação de juros e usura compatível com o pensamento do Doutor Angélico, avaliaremos o que viria a determinar o preço justo nos contratos de mútuo financeiro com vistas a estabelecer parâmetros indicativos para a limitação das taxas de juros no Direito Brasileiro, tanto nas operações praticadas no âmbito civil quanto naquelas contratadas junto ao Sistema Financeiro Nacional / This study proposes an analysis of the theme of usury in the thinking of St. Thomas Aquinas to determine its applicability to the question of compensatory interest as it is now understood under Brazilian Law. Initially Aquinass concept is evaluated in the light of its triple base: Natural Law, which considers the sterility ofmoney and natural justice; Human Law, seen here as Roman Law, from which the notion offungibility of money and the conceptualization of mutuum agreements are derived; and Divine Law, taken by St. Thomas as a means of corroborating what is deduced from the other laws.Next, the critical issues involving interest and their usurious extrapolation are evaluated in the sphere of our national legal system, from both the perspectives of its historical evolution and of the discussions that involve the subject today. And finally, beginning with an appraisal of interest and usury compatible with the thinking of the Angelic Doctor, we will evaluate what woulddetermine the just price in mutuum contracts,seeking to establish parameters for an eventual limitation ofinterest rates in Brazilian Law, both in transactions involving non-banking entities and in those contracted within the National Financial System.
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Entre nobres lusitanos e titulados brasileiros: práticas, políticas e significados dos títulos nobiliárquicos entre o Período Joanino e o alvorecer do Segundo Reinado / Among noble Lusitanians and Brazilian titles: practices, policies and meanings of nobility titles between the Johannine period and the dawn of the Second ReignOliveira, Marina Garcia de 17 October 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação se propõe a analisar o significado político da concessão de títulos de nobreza no Brasil, de 1808 a 1840, compreendendo, portanto, tanto o período em que o Brasil fazia parte do império português, quanto o Primeiro Reinado e o Período Regencial. Dá-se especial ênfase à estratégia política que norteou as concessões de títulos por d. João e d. Pedro I, incluindo os critérios utilizados por cada um dos monarcas, as características dos títulos concedidos, bem como as pessoas que foram nobilitadas em cada um dos reinados. Desta forma, busca-se evidenciar os diferentes critérios que nortearam as concessões feitas por pai e filho, respondendo, por um lado, a expectativas distintas por parte dos agraciados, e, por outro, a diferentes conjunturas políticas que demandavam a construção de redes de apoio ao monarca em momentos muito específicos. Finalmente, se, de fato, a nobreza se manteve por todo o Império brasileiro, sua permanência, bem como a continuidade, ou não, de outras práticas e instituições até então usuais e a ela direta ou indiretamente vinculadas (algumas delas claramente heranças de Antigo Regime), foram intensamente debatidas durante o Período Regencial. Assim, depois das reformas efetuadas após a abdicação, quando da ascensão do segundo monarca, os títulos continuaram a ser distribuídos, mas, doravante, seguindo expressamente o espírito da Constituição. / This thesis intends to analyze the political meaning of the concession of nobility titles in Brazil, from 1808 to 1840, comprising, thus, both the period during which Brazil was part of the Portuguese Empire as well as the First Reign and the Regency Period. Special emphasis is given to the political strategy that informed the concession of titles by d. João and d. Pedro I, including the criteria employed by each monarch, the characteristics of the titles conceded, as well as the people who were ennobled in each of the reigns. Thereby, the different criteria, which guided the concessions made by father and son, are carefully dealt with, responding, on one hand, to distinct expectations by those bestowed with a title and, on the other hand, to different political situations which demanded the formation of alliances in order to support the monarch in very specific moments. Ultimately, if, in fact, there was a nobility throughout the whole Brazilian Empire, its endurance, as well as the continuity or discontinuity of other customary practices and institutions directly (or indirectly) related to the nobility (some of which were clearly heritages of the Ancien Regime) were fiercely questioned and discussed during the Regency Period. Therefore, following the reforms made after the abdication, upon the rise of the second monarch, the titles kept being distributed, though, hereafter, according explicitly to the spirit of the Constitution.
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Entre \'grandes\' e titulares: os padrões de nobilitação no Segundo Reinado / Between peers and titleholders: patterns of ennoblement during the Brazilian Empire (1840-1889)Oliveira, Jessica Manfrim de 16 December 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação pretende apresentar uma análise quantitativa dos títulos de nobreza que foram concedidos ao longo do Segundo Reinado do Império do Brasil (1840 e 1889). Tal análise tem como objetivo compreender quantos e quais títulos de nobreza foram ofertados, por décadas, para províncias específicas, a saber, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Bahia, Pernambuco e Rio Grande do Sul, de modo a perceber de que maneira o imperador se relacionava com a nobilitação de figuras provinciais, e se houve alguma província que se destacou e em qual período isso ocorreu. Além disso, classificamos as diversas razões que justificaram as 1.133 concessões de títulos de nobreza, alcançando 19 justificativas diferentes, com o propósito de entender qual o perfil dos nobilitados em cada uma das décadas do Segundo Reinado e se houve uma preocupação da parte do imperador em nobilitar ocupações semelhantes com títulos semelhantes ou de mesma hierarquia. Finalmente, de posse de tais dados, foi possível perceber que a distribuição de títulos por províncias não foi feita de modo equânime (ao longo do tempo), e que tampouco as várias ocupações possíveis tinham o mesmo peso. / The present thesis presents a quantitative analysis of all nobility titles granted during Brazils Second Reign (1840-1889). By doing so, a regional quantification, according to different provinces, specially those of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Bahia, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Sul, was made in order to allow a more proper analyses of the emperors politics and what it meat in terms of political prominence. Besides that, all titles were duly related to the reasons that possibly impelled the government to grant such distinctions. All 1.133 honors ant titles, granted along the Second Reign, were accounted for. Finally, an effort was made in order to stables some kind of pattern regarding honors and titles granted, although such patterns are neither common to all regions (along all five decades that were accounted for), nor to different occupations held by those who were entitled.
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Decline and fall : the earls and earldom of Mar c.1281-1513Jack, Katy Samantha January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this study is the earls and earldom of Mar c.1281-1513. Chapter 1 provides a description and analysis of the internal structure and administration of Mar, detailing the lands contained within each of Mar’s lordships and their respective caputs. This is supplemented by a breakdown of the Mar rental yields between 1435 and 1565, sourced from various accounts contained within the Exchequer Rolls. Chapter 2 charts the political development of the early earls and earldom of Mar between c.1281 and 1388. It is argued that the earldom suffered from extended periods of absentee lordship, instigating a decline in the earldom’s fortunes and importance, only interrupted by a brief revival between 1388 and 1435. Chapter 3 is concerned with the fortunes of Mar under the control of Mar’s only female countess to rule in her own right, Isabella Douglas, sister of James Douglas, 2nd earl of Douglas and Mar. The chapter draws particular attention to her attempts to consolidate her authority in the wake of debates surrounding the Douglas inheritance after 1388, and her response to Albany Stewart interference in her earldom between 1402 and 1404. In doing so, it presents an alternative interpretation of Countess Isabella’s role in the coup of 1404 led by Alexander Stewart, son of Alexander Stewart lord of Badenoch. This chapter also explores the issue of female authority, and argues that the proactive policies of Countess Isabella have been largely ignored in the historiography of the period. Chapter 4 provides an assessment of the earls and earldom of Mar from 1435-1513. Building on the examination of the career of Alexander Stewart, earl of Mar contained in chapter 3, this chapter explores the political ramifications of his death and the attempts by both the Erskines and the Lyles to secure their Mar inheritance. Their decision to court the Forbes family in a bid to secure local support for their claims highlights the hitherto underemphasized importance of this family as the font of local authority, and draws attention to the effect of Stewart’s death on the exercise of local lordship in Mar. Taken together, these four chapters will challenge current perceptions of Mar’s geographical development and political decline between c.1281 and 1513.
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Entre \'grandes\' e titulares: os padrões de nobilitação no Segundo Reinado / Between peers and titleholders: patterns of ennoblement during the Brazilian Empire (1840-1889)Jessica Manfrim de Oliveira 16 December 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação pretende apresentar uma análise quantitativa dos títulos de nobreza que foram concedidos ao longo do Segundo Reinado do Império do Brasil (1840 e 1889). Tal análise tem como objetivo compreender quantos e quais títulos de nobreza foram ofertados, por décadas, para províncias específicas, a saber, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Bahia, Pernambuco e Rio Grande do Sul, de modo a perceber de que maneira o imperador se relacionava com a nobilitação de figuras provinciais, e se houve alguma província que se destacou e em qual período isso ocorreu. Além disso, classificamos as diversas razões que justificaram as 1.133 concessões de títulos de nobreza, alcançando 19 justificativas diferentes, com o propósito de entender qual o perfil dos nobilitados em cada uma das décadas do Segundo Reinado e se houve uma preocupação da parte do imperador em nobilitar ocupações semelhantes com títulos semelhantes ou de mesma hierarquia. Finalmente, de posse de tais dados, foi possível perceber que a distribuição de títulos por províncias não foi feita de modo equânime (ao longo do tempo), e que tampouco as várias ocupações possíveis tinham o mesmo peso. / The present thesis presents a quantitative analysis of all nobility titles granted during Brazils Second Reign (1840-1889). By doing so, a regional quantification, according to different provinces, specially those of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Bahia, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Sul, was made in order to allow a more proper analyses of the emperors politics and what it meat in terms of political prominence. Besides that, all titles were duly related to the reasons that possibly impelled the government to grant such distinctions. All 1.133 honors ant titles, granted along the Second Reign, were accounted for. Finally, an effort was made in order to stables some kind of pattern regarding honors and titles granted, although such patterns are neither common to all regions (along all five decades that were accounted for), nor to different occupations held by those who were entitled.
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Entre nobres lusitanos e titulados brasileiros: práticas, políticas e significados dos títulos nobiliárquicos entre o Período Joanino e o alvorecer do Segundo Reinado / Among noble Lusitanians and Brazilian titles: practices, policies and meanings of nobility titles between the Johannine period and the dawn of the Second ReignMarina Garcia de Oliveira 17 October 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação se propõe a analisar o significado político da concessão de títulos de nobreza no Brasil, de 1808 a 1840, compreendendo, portanto, tanto o período em que o Brasil fazia parte do império português, quanto o Primeiro Reinado e o Período Regencial. Dá-se especial ênfase à estratégia política que norteou as concessões de títulos por d. João e d. Pedro I, incluindo os critérios utilizados por cada um dos monarcas, as características dos títulos concedidos, bem como as pessoas que foram nobilitadas em cada um dos reinados. Desta forma, busca-se evidenciar os diferentes critérios que nortearam as concessões feitas por pai e filho, respondendo, por um lado, a expectativas distintas por parte dos agraciados, e, por outro, a diferentes conjunturas políticas que demandavam a construção de redes de apoio ao monarca em momentos muito específicos. Finalmente, se, de fato, a nobreza se manteve por todo o Império brasileiro, sua permanência, bem como a continuidade, ou não, de outras práticas e instituições até então usuais e a ela direta ou indiretamente vinculadas (algumas delas claramente heranças de Antigo Regime), foram intensamente debatidas durante o Período Regencial. Assim, depois das reformas efetuadas após a abdicação, quando da ascensão do segundo monarca, os títulos continuaram a ser distribuídos, mas, doravante, seguindo expressamente o espírito da Constituição. / This thesis intends to analyze the political meaning of the concession of nobility titles in Brazil, from 1808 to 1840, comprising, thus, both the period during which Brazil was part of the Portuguese Empire as well as the First Reign and the Regency Period. Special emphasis is given to the political strategy that informed the concession of titles by d. João and d. Pedro I, including the criteria employed by each monarch, the characteristics of the titles conceded, as well as the people who were ennobled in each of the reigns. Thereby, the different criteria, which guided the concessions made by father and son, are carefully dealt with, responding, on one hand, to distinct expectations by those bestowed with a title and, on the other hand, to different political situations which demanded the formation of alliances in order to support the monarch in very specific moments. Ultimately, if, in fact, there was a nobility throughout the whole Brazilian Empire, its endurance, as well as the continuity or discontinuity of other customary practices and institutions directly (or indirectly) related to the nobility (some of which were clearly heritages of the Ancien Regime) were fiercely questioned and discussed during the Regency Period. Therefore, following the reforms made after the abdication, upon the rise of the second monarch, the titles kept being distributed, though, hereafter, according explicitly to the spirit of the Constitution.
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Muitos barões para poucos marqueses: a política e as práticas de nobilitação no Segundo Reinado (1840-1889) / Many barons for few marquises: policies and nobilitation practices in the Second Reign (1840-1889)Oliveira, Marina Garcia de 28 March 2019 (has links)
Esta tese se propõe a analisar a concessão de títulos de nobreza ao longo do Segundo Reinado (1840 - 1889) no Brasil. Neste período, foram concedidos 1138 títulos de nobreza, dos quais 762 títulos eram baronatos. A nobreza obedecia às normas da Constituição de 1824, ou seja, era uma nobreza honorífica, não hereditária e desprovida de mercês e privilégios. Assim, esta tese apresenta as inúmeras transformações pelas quais passou a nobreza imperial, tanto no que se refere à quantidade de títulos ofertados e à hierarquia destes títulos, quanto ao perfil dos titulados e as justificativas que nortearam tais concessões. Considerando também que a oferta de títulos de nobreza era uma prerrogativa do Poder Executivo, esta tese contempla o modo como as diferentes conjunturas política e econômica, vivenciadas por cada um dos gabinetes ministeriais, ao longo de todo esse período, interferiram na concessão de títulos, tanto para angariar apoio do alto escalão da política, quanto para agraciar figuras locais, afetadas pelas medidas tomadas pelo governo imperial. Dentro desta temática, lança luz também sobre uso dos títulos de nobreza em momentos específicos do Segundo Reinado, como a Conciliação, a Guerra do Paraguai e sobre os debates para a emancipação escrava, contribuindo para compreender como os últimos gabinetes do Império utilizaram as nobilitações como estratégia para ampliarem suas bases de apoio locais e assim darem andamento às discussões em voga naquela circunstância. Finalmente, esta tese também demonstra uma prática que, embora fosse menos comum, era reveladora dos enfrentamentos vividos pelos gabinetes, justamente a não aceitação de um título de nobreza, procurando enquadrar tal decisão em um cenário político mais amplo, de tal modo que aquele que não aceitou o título ofertado continuou a ocupar os cargos ligados à monarquia. / The purpose of this thesis is to examine the granting of titles of nobility along the Second Reign (1840 - 1889) in Brazil. In this period, 1138 titles of nobility were granted, out of which 762 were Baron\'s titles. The nobility abided by the provisions of the Constitution of 1824, i.e., it was an honorary nonhereditary title of nobility, devoid of bounties and privileges. Thus, this thesis presents the countless transformations through which the imperial nobility went, regarding the number of titles offered and their hierarchy, as well as the holder profile and the justifications that guided such concessions. Considering that the provision of titles of nobility was a prerogative of the Executive Power, this thesis examines how the different political and economic scenarios experienced by each ministerial office throughout this period interfered in the granting of titles as a way to obtain support from the highest levels of politics, as well as to reward local figures affected by the measures taken by the imperial government. Within this theme, it also sheds light on the use of titles of nobility in specific moments of the Second Reign, such as the Conciliation, the Paraguay War and regarding the discussions on slave emancipation, contributing to understand how the last offices of the Reign used nobilitation as a strategy to broaden their local support bases and thus make progress with the ongoing debates at the time. Finally, this thesis also demonstrates a less common practice which revealed the confrontations experienced by offices, precisely the nonacceptance of a title of nobility, seeking to place such decision in a broader political scenario, so that those who did not accept the title offered continued to occupy positions linked to the monarchy.
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Ka pu te ruha, ka hao te rangatahiHakopa, Henry Hauiti, n/a January 1998 (has links)
The relationship between Maori and land is imperative. It forms the basis for developing conceptual blueprints fundamental to producing a data model from a Maori paradigm and integrating that cultural paradigm with western information systems technology.
The primary objective of this thesis focuses on blending ancient Maori techniques for managing land information with the advanced tools offered by information systems technology. Like other oral traditions, information about ancestral land and resources were registered in the memories of tribal elders and leaders. Today Maori land information found in the Maori land courts are largely paper-based. By contrast, western civilisations have adapted quickly to computerised systems for managing land information. Unfortunately for Maori, most GIS tend to operate on models influenced by the viewpoint of the dominating culture and their world view. This poses challenges and risks for Maori.
This research rejects the idea of adopting technology wholesale, based on western paradigms. Argued from an eclectic theoretical approach incorpating a Maori world view, this study captures the cultural concept of land, develops a conceptual blueprint based on that perspective, and engages that cultural stamp into a western system of managing land information.
Thus a blend of the old and the new techniques for managing Maori land information is incorporated, hence ka pu te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi.
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