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Premature aging of the lungs of the offspring induced by maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation: protective effects of tomato juiceMutemwa, Muyunda January 2012 (has links)
<p>Tobacco smoking during pregnancy and lactation is a common habit and accounts for a significant percentage of fetal morbidity and mortality worldwide. The offspring is as a result exposed to nicotine through the blood and the milk of the mother. Nicotine is thus expected to interact with the developing fetus and the offspring of mothers who smoke or use NRT for smoking cessation, resulting in the interference with normal fetal and neonatal lung development. Maternal cigarette smoke or nicotine exposure produces adverse effects in the lungs of offspring, these include / intrauterine growth retardation, low birth weight, premature birth, reduced pulmonary function at birth, and a high occurrence of respiratory illnesses after birth. This study aimed at investigating  / the effects of maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation on lung development in the offspring / to establish whether tomato juice can have protective effects on the fetal lung  / development and function in the offspring / and to determine if nicotine cases premature aging of the lungs of the offspring. It was therefore shown that maternal exposure to nicotine during  / gestation and lactation ad no significant effect on the growth parameters of the offspring. Maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation had no effect on the growth parameters of  / the offspring, but resulted in compromised lung structure and function. The morphometric results demonstrated decrease in alveolar number, increase in alveolar size, and decrease in lung  / parenchyma of the nicotine exposed animals showing a gradual deterioration of the lung parenchyma. Structural alterations include emphysematous lesions, where the latter was  / accompanied by an increase in alveolar size (Lm), and a decrease in the tissue volume of the lung parenchyma. Thickening of alveolar walls was also evident and serves as an indication of  / remodeling of the extracellular matrix, also a characteristic of emphysema. A consequence of the gradual deterioration of the lung parenchyma is a decrease in the alveolar surface area available for gas exchange. The present study showed that the emphysematous lesions were conceivably a result of a reduced rate of cell proliferation accompanied by the increase in  / senescent cells numbers in the alveolar walls of the exposed offspring. The data of this study suggests that maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation induces premature  / aging of the lungs of the offspring rendering the lungs of the offspring more susceptible to disease later in life. Since these structural changes occurred later in the life of the offspring and long  / after nicotine withdrawal, it is suggested that it is programmed during gestation and lactation. Smoking and NRT result in an increased load of oxidants in the mother and fetus. It also reduces  / the level of anti-oxidants and thereby compromising the ability of the mother to protect the fetus. It is hypothesized that this oxidant-antioxidant imbalance will program the lungs to age  / prematurely. The supplementation of the mother&rsquo / s diet with tomato juice, rich in lycopene, other anti-oxidants such as vitamin C, as well as phytonutrients protected the lungs of the offspring  / against the adverse effects of maternal nicotine exposure. This supports the hypothesis mentioned above. The study further showed that the effects of grand-maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation on the lungs of the F1 offspring is also transferred to the F2 offspring. This is most likely via the paternal and maternal germ line. Since tomato juice supplementation of the mother&rsquo / s diet with tomato juice prevented  / the adverse effects of maternal nicotine exposure on the lungs of the offspring, it is conceivable that it will prevent transfer of these changes to the F2 generation.  / </p>
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Vyresnių klasių moksleivių aleksitimiškumo sąsajos su tabako rūkymu, alkoholinių gėrimų vartojimu ir požiūriu į juos / Alexithymia associations with tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption and attitude towards them in upperclassmen sampleKalninytė, Eglė 08 June 2010 (has links)
Aleksitimiški žmonės pasižymi silpnu gebėjimu kognityviai apdoroti ir reguliuoti emocijas, dėl to jiems yra sunku emocijas ir jausmus atskirti nuo kūno pojūčių, sunku jomis bendrauti, tokie žmonės pasižymi į išorę orientuotu mąstymu ir silpna vidine introspekcija. Šio tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti vyresnių klasių moksleivių aleksitimiškumo sąsajas su tabako rūkymu, alkoholinių gėrimų vartojimu ir požiūriu į juos bei šias medžiagas vartojančius asmenis. Tyrime dalyvavo 236 dviejų Jurbarko mokyklų vyresnių klasių moksleiviai (16-19 metų amžiaus) iš kurių rūkė 138 (42,30 %) moksleiviai, alkoholinius gėrimus vartojo 196 (60,1 %) moksleiviai. Tyrimo metu moksleiviai pildė savižinos klausimyną, sudarytą iš TAS-20 skalės, skirtos aleksitimiškumui matuoti, klausimų apie tabako rūkymo ir alkoholio vartojimo ypatybes ir skalių, skirtų požiūriui į tabako rūkymą, alkoholio vartojimą ir šias medžiagas vartojančius asmenis nustatyti. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad rūkymas su aleksitimiškumu nesisieja, tačiau dažnesnis ir didesnio kiekio alkoholinių gėrimų vartojimas statistiškai reikšmingai siejasi su labiau išreikštu aleksitimiškumu berniukų tarpe. Taip pat nustatyta, kad anksčiau alkoholinius gėrimus pradedantys vartoti moksleiviai (berniukai iki 13 metų, mergaitės iki 14 metų) pasižymi labiau išreikštu alekstimiškumu ir prastesniu gebėjimu atpažinti emocijas ir jausmus. Aleksitimiškumas su požiūriu nesisiejo. / Alexithimics are described as having poor cognitive emotion processing and regulation. For that reason, alexithimics have difficulty identifying feelings and distinguishing between feelings and the bodily sensations of emotional arousal, difficulty in communicating emotions, and have external oriented thinking style and weak introspection.
The aim of the study was to assess alexithymia associations with tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption and attitudes towards them and towards persons who consume these substances.
The subjects of the study were 236 upperclassmen (age 16-19) from two schools in Jurbarkas. 138 (42,30 %) subjects smoked tobacco and 196 (60,1 %) consumed alcohol.
Participants filled in a questionnaire composed of TAS-20 scale, questions about tobacco smoking, an evaluation of alcohol consumption, and an attitude scale towards tobacco and alcohol consumption and people who use these materials.
The results of the study showed that there is no association between alexithymia and tobacco smoking. However, alcohol consumption has significant associations between alexithymia and frequent and larger quantities of alcohol consumption in the boy's sample. Also found was a significant association between alexithymia and early alcohol drinkers (for boys by 13 years old and for girls by 13 years old). These early alcohol drinkers also showed difficulty identifying feelings. This study showed no associations between alexithymia and the attitudes toward tobacco smoking... [to full text]
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Does maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation change the oxidant-antioxidant status of the lungs of the offsprings and is tomato juice protecting the lungs of the offsprings?Abdulkarim, Kayigire Xavier January 2009 (has links)
<p><font face="TimesNewRomanPSMT">
<p align="left">Nicotine exposure to the fetus through tobacco smoking or nicotine replacement therapy during the whole period of gestation and lactation causes diverse effects on fetal and neonatal lung development, integrity and maturation which compromise the gas exchange function of the lungs and renders this vital organ susceptible to gradual damage and different diseases in latter life. Maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation results in gradual destruction of the lung parenchyma, and this leads to the combination of many small air sacs in one bigger alveoli which is a sign of emphysema. Many researchers speculated that the way in which, nicotine causes emphysema and other damage, is by inducing the formation of many reactive oxygen species (ROS), and creating an imbalance between the oxidants and the antioxidants of the body, which is termed oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of nicotine exposure on the lung of the fetal and neonate rat during gestation and lactation as gas exchanger, and also to see whether the supplementation of tomato juice containing lycopene, a powerful carotenoid antioxidant could protect the lungs against these effects of maternal nicotine exposure.</p>
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Does maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation change the oxidant-antioxidant status of the lungs of the offsprings and is tomato juice protecting the lungs of the offsprings?Abdulkarim, Kayigire Xavier. January 2009 (has links)
<p>Nicotine exposure to the fetus through tobacco smoking or nicotine replacement therapy during the whole period of gestation and lactation causes diverse effects on fetal and neonatal lung development, integrity and maturation which compromise the gas exchange function of the lungs and renders this vital organ susceptible to gradual damage and different diseases in latter life. Maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation results in gradual destruction of the lung parenchyma, and this leads to the combination of many small air sacs in one bigger alveoli which is a sign of emphysema. Many researchers speculated that the way in which, nicotine causes emphysema and other damage, is by inducing the formation of many reactive oxygen species (ROS), and creating an imbalance between the oxidants and the antioxidants of the body, which is termed oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of nicotine exposure on the lung of the fetal and neonate rat during gestation and lactation as gas exchanger, and also to see whether the supplementation of tomato juice containing lycopene, a powerful carotenoid antioxidant could protect the lungs against these effects of maternal nicotine exposure. In this study pregnant rats have been divided into 4 groups: a group which received nicotine (1mg/kg body weight/day) subcutaneously, a group that received the tomato juice only (6mg/kg body weight/day per os), a third group that received the combination of tomato juice ( 6mg /kg body weight/ day per os) and nicotine (1mg/kg body weight /day subcutaneously ) . The control group that received saline (1mg/kg body weight /day) subcutaneously and water. The injections were done during pregnancy and lactation until weaning at postnatal day 21. The results showed that maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation leads to a gradual damage of the lung parenchyma and slower formation of the alveoli during the equilibrated phase of the lung growth leading to a decrease in the internal surface area required for gas exchange. Supplementation with tomato juice during gestation and lactation prevents all the adverse effects of maternal nicotine exposure on the lungs of the offspring. Since nicotine induce an increase in the oxidant levels of the mother and the fetus, my results imply that lycopene protected the lungs of the offsprings against the oxidants and thus against changes in the program that controls lung development as the animals age. This is supported by the observation that at postnatal day 84 the antioxidant.</p>
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Premature aging of the lungs of the offspring induced by maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation: protective effects of tomato juiceMutemwa, Muyunda January 2012 (has links)
<p>Tobacco smoking during pregnancy and lactation is a common habit and accounts for a significant percentage of fetal morbidity and mortality worldwide. The offspring is as a result exposed to nicotine through the blood and the milk of the mother. Nicotine is thus expected to interact with the developing fetus and the offspring of mothers who smoke or use NRT for smoking cessation, resulting in the interference with normal fetal and neonatal lung development. Maternal cigarette smoke or nicotine exposure produces adverse effects in the lungs of offspring, these include / intrauterine growth retardation, low birth weight, premature birth, reduced pulmonary function at birth, and a high occurrence of respiratory illnesses after birth. This study aimed at investigating  / the effects of maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation on lung development in the offspring / to establish whether tomato juice can have protective effects on the fetal lung  / development and function in the offspring / and to determine if nicotine cases premature aging of the lungs of the offspring. It was therefore shown that maternal exposure to nicotine during  / gestation and lactation ad no significant effect on the growth parameters of the offspring. Maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation had no effect on the growth parameters of  / the offspring, but resulted in compromised lung structure and function. The morphometric results demonstrated decrease in alveolar number, increase in alveolar size, and decrease in lung  / parenchyma of the nicotine exposed animals showing a gradual deterioration of the lung parenchyma. Structural alterations include emphysematous lesions, where the latter was  / accompanied by an increase in alveolar size (Lm), and a decrease in the tissue volume of the lung parenchyma. Thickening of alveolar walls was also evident and serves as an indication of  / remodeling of the extracellular matrix, also a characteristic of emphysema. A consequence of the gradual deterioration of the lung parenchyma is a decrease in the alveolar surface area available for gas exchange. The present study showed that the emphysematous lesions were conceivably a result of a reduced rate of cell proliferation accompanied by the increase in  / senescent cells numbers in the alveolar walls of the exposed offspring. The data of this study suggests that maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation induces premature  / aging of the lungs of the offspring rendering the lungs of the offspring more susceptible to disease later in life. Since these structural changes occurred later in the life of the offspring and long  / after nicotine withdrawal, it is suggested that it is programmed during gestation and lactation. Smoking and NRT result in an increased load of oxidants in the mother and fetus. It also reduces  / the level of anti-oxidants and thereby compromising the ability of the mother to protect the fetus. It is hypothesized that this oxidant-antioxidant imbalance will program the lungs to age  / prematurely. The supplementation of the mother&rsquo / s diet with tomato juice, rich in lycopene, other anti-oxidants such as vitamin C, as well as phytonutrients protected the lungs of the offspring  / against the adverse effects of maternal nicotine exposure. This supports the hypothesis mentioned above. The study further showed that the effects of grand-maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation on the lungs of the F1 offspring is also transferred to the F2 offspring. This is most likely via the paternal and maternal germ line. Since tomato juice supplementation of the mother&rsquo / s diet with tomato juice prevented  / the adverse effects of maternal nicotine exposure on the lungs of the offspring, it is conceivable that it will prevent transfer of these changes to the F2 generation.  / </p>
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Zkušenosti pravidelných kuřáků s odvykáním kouření / Experiences of regular smokers with addiction treatment of smokingDIEPOLDOVÁ, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with aspects of breaking the habit of smoking. My thesis consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is divided into three main chapters: smoking, impact of smoking and breaking of the smoking habit. I also defined the history of smoking, type of tobacco consuming, addiction to tobacco, treatments of the addiction, negative aspects of smoking etc. Practical part consists of quantitative research through questionnaires. The aim of my thesis was to find out what is tobacco addiction, gather the information and experience from the smokers who had experience with breaking their habit, analyze the methods of breaking the smoking habit and explain their main motivations for quitting the smoking. I have also included statistic data of my research.
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Avaliação do retinol no escarro e no soro de tabagistas e pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica e sua relação com o processo inflamatório /Amaral, Renata Antonialli Ferreira do. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Irma de Godoy / Banca: Sergio Alberto Rupp de Paiva / Banca: Lígia Martini / Resumo: A doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) e o tabagismo são doenças inflamatórias que interferem no metabolismo da vitamina A; entretanto, o comportamento do retinol nas vias aéreas destes pacientes ainda é desconhecido. Avaliar o retinol no escarro induzido e no soro de tabagistas e pacientes com DPOC e a associação destes valores com os marcadores da inflamação sistêmica e nas vias aéreas. Foram avaliados 50 pacientes com DPOC moderada a muito grave [idade média = 64,0 +/- 9,0 anos; VEF1(%) 49,9 +/- 16,8], 19 tabagistas [idade média = 49,0 +/- 6,4 anos; VEF1(%) 107,2 +/- 15,9] e 31 indivíduos controles [idade média = 48,2 +/- 8,1 anos; VEF1(%) 111,8 +/- 15,5]. Todos os indivíduos da pesquisa foram submetidos à avaliação clínica, espirometria pré e pósbroncodilatador, oximetria de pulso, avaliação da ingestão de vitamina A e do estado nutricional e coleta de sangue. A indução e coleta de escarro foi realizada em pacientes com DPOC e tabagistas. As concentrações de retinol e do fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-a), interleucina (IL)-6 e IL-8 foram avaliadas no soro e no sobrenadante de escarro induzido. A concentração de PCR no soro também foi avaliada. O teste "t" de Student ou de Mann-Whitney foi utilizado para a comparação entre dois grupos. As associações entre as variáveis foram analisadas por meio do teste de correlação de Pearson ou Spearman. Para a comparação de mais de dois grupos foi utilizada ANOVA de uma via seguido do teste de Tukey ou Kruskal-Wallis seguido do teste Dunn. A correção para idade foi realizada através da análise de covariância (ANCOVA). Os valores médios de vitamina sérica foram significativamente menores nos pacientes com DPOC (1,80 [1,25-2,16] μmol/L) quando comparados aos tabagistas (2,40 [1,95-3,14]μmol/L) (p<0, 001); enquanto que, não foi observada diferença... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and tobacco smoking are inflammatory diseases that interfere with vitamin A metabolism; however, the retinol status in the airways of these patients is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate retinol concentration in the induced sputum and serum of current smokers and COPD patients and to study the association between these values and those of systemic and airways inflammatory markers. We evaluated 50 patients with moderate to very severe COPD [mean age= 64,0 +/- 9,0 y; FEV1 (%) 49,9 +/- 16,8], 19 current smokers [mean age = 49,0 +/- 6,4 y; FEV1(%) 107,2 +/- 15,9] and 31 control subjects [mean age = 48,2 +/- 8,1y; FEV1 (%) 111,8 +/- 15,5]. All subjects underwent to clinical evaluation, pre and post-bronchodilator spirometry, pulse oximetry, evaluation of vitamin A intake and of the nutritional status and blood sampling. Sputum induction was perfomed only in COPD patients and current smoker subjects. Retinol, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 were measured in serum and induced sputum. Serum concentration of C-reactive protein (CRP) was also measured. For comparison between two groups, we used either the Student "t" test or Mann- Whitney test. The associations among variables were analyzed by means of the Pearson correlation or using Spearman. For comparison of more than two groups we used one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey test and Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn. The correction for age was performed by analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Mean values of serum retinol were significantly lower in COPD patients (1,80 [1,25-2,16] μmol/L) when compared to current smokers (2,40 [1,95- 3,14]μmol/L) (p<0,001); however, values were not significantly different between control subjects (1,98 [1,82-2,32] μmol/L), current... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Motivace k odvykání kouření u pacientů léčících se s jinou závislostí / Motivation to smoking cessation in patients treated with other addictionsKárníková, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
THE ABSTRACT OF THE DIPLOMA THESIS The Name of the Diploma Thesis: The motivation to lose the habit of smoking in patients terated for some other kind of addiction Abstract: Starting point: The prevalence of smoking in people addicted to other narcotics is usually 2 - 3-times higher than in common population. The same percentage of people addicted to tobacco is among patients treated in some in-patient treatment for people addicted to narcotics or gamblers. Simultaneous treatment of addiction to tobacco and other kinds of addiction is possible and is recommended. It seems to be also effective and favourable for treatment of other patient's addictions - it supports the improvement of physical and mental condition. The interest in treatment of addiction to tobacco often appears in patients. But the question is how much they are motivated and informed by the staff. There is no integrated schedule focused on breaking the habit of smoking in in-patient clinics for addiction treatment. Targets of Thesis: To discover the rate of addiction to nicotine in patients treated for some other addiction. To learn whether the opportunity for helping with losing the habit of smoking was offered to patients and whether they would be interested in it. To map their motivation for getting out of the habit of smoking during...
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Fatores motivacionais relacionados ao início do tabagismo em estudantes adolescentes de Ribeirão Preto/SP / Motivational factors related to the tobacco smoking initiation among adolescent students in Ribeirão Preto/SCassiana Morais de Oliveira 06 November 2009 (has links)
OLIVEIRA, CASSIANA MORAIS DE. Fatores motivacionais relacionados ao início do tabagismo em estudantes adolescentes de Ribeirão Preto/SP. 2009. 134 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2009. De acordo com a OMS, um terço da população mundial adulta é fumante. A dependência à nicotina associa-se a altas taxas de mortalidade, malefícios à saúde e seu controle é considerado um desafio à saúde pública. Um aspecto importante relacionado ao tabagismo é que seu início ocorre predominantemente na adolescência. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar os fatores motivacionais associados ao início do tabagismo, na percepção de adolescentes fumantes e não fumantes. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com delineamento transversal, analítico, com amostra de conveniência. Utilizou-se uma abordagem metodológica quanti-qualitativa. Participaram 80 adolescentes, alunos do ensino médio de uma escola estadual de Ribeirão Preto/SP, de ambos os sexos, sendo 40 fumantes e 40 não fumantes. Foram utilizados um questionário para os pais, roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturada e a Escala Multidimensional de Locus de Controle para os adolescentes. A média de idade para fumantes foi 16,8 e para não fumantes 16,2 anos. Notou-se uma proporção maior de mães dos adolescentes fumantes sem relacionamento estável. Observou-se maior utilização de bebida alcoólica entre os fumantes. O intervalo de idade mais freqüente de experimentação do primeiro cigarro foi 13 a 16 anos. Quanto ao consumo diário, 47,5% dos adolescentes relataram fumar 6 a 10 cigarros. Com relação à escala locus de controle, não foi observada diferença estatística significativa entre os fumantes e não fumantes. Na dimensão internalidade, os fumantes (52,5%) e os não fumantes (47,5%) apresentaram pontuações mais freqüentes acima da média. Na dimensão externalidade-outros poderosos, houve predominância de escores abaixo da média em ambos os grupos. Em externalidade-acaso, observou-se maior freqüência de escores acima da média para os fumantes (40,0%) e não fumantes (30,0%). Na análise qualitativa, entre os não fumantes, a maioria das meninas opinou que o que faz as pessoas começarem a fumar é o alívio de emoções negativas, e para os meninos é a imitação do modelo de um fumante. A maioria das respostas, nos dois gêneros, avaliou que o modelo de um fumante influencia o adolescente a começar a fumar. Sobre o que acham de pais fumantes, houve predomínio de verbalizações masculinas na categoria estimula a curiosidade dos filhos, e nas femininas na categoria não gosta. Sobre o que acham de amigos fumantes, verificou-se predomínio de verbalizações femininas nas categorias não gosta e normal, já as masculinas foram em prejudicando a sua saúde e das pessoas ao seu redor e não gosta. Na amostra de fumantes, as meninas opinaram que o que faz as pessoas começarem a fumar é o alívio das emoções negativas; os meninos associaram o início do tabagismo a aspectos da adolescência. Sobre o que influencia os adolescentes a começarem a fumar e sobre a opinião quanto a pais fumantes, ambos os gêneros destacaram a imitação do modelo. Observou-se predomínio, nos dois gêneros, de verbalizações nas categorias normal e má influência quanto a amigos fumantes. Espera-se que este estudo identifique elementos relevantes para subsidiar programas e pesquisas futuras de controle e prevenção do tabagismo. / According to the World Health Organization, one third of the worlds adult population smokes. Nicotine dependence is associated with high mortality rates and damage to health, and its control has been considered a challenge to public health. An important aspect related to tobacco smoking is that it begins predominantly in adolescence. The objective of this research was to study the motivational factors associated with the initiation of tobacco smoking from the perception of smokers and non-smokers adolescents. The research has, both, a transverse and analytical outline with a convenience sample. The quantitative and qualitative methodological approach was used. There were 80 participants, both female and male adolescent students from a public high school in Ribeirão Preto/SP. Forty were smokers and the other 40 non-smokers and the parents were asked to complete a questionnaire. A semi-structured interview and the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control scale were used. The mean age of smokers students was 16.8 years old, and 16.2 years old for non-smokers. We observed a higher proportion of non-stable relationships among the smokers adolescents mothers, as well as more frequent used of alcoholic drinks in the smokers group. The most frequent age range of the first smoked cigarette was between 13 to 16 years old. Regarding daily consumption, 47.5% of the adolescents reported to smoke from 6 to 10 cigarettes. Concerning the Locus of Control Scale, no substantial statistic difference was observed between the smokers and non-smokers groups. For the Internality dimension, both smokers (52.5%) and non-smokers (47.5%) showed more frequent above average scores. As for the Externality-powerful others dimension, there was predominance of below average scores in both groups. At the Externality-chance dimension, it was most frequently observed above average scores for smokers (40%) and (30%) for non-smokers. For the qualitative analysis, in the non-smokers sample, most girls stated that what makes people start smoking is the relief from negative emotions, and for the boys, it was the imitation of a smokers model. The most frequent response from both genders was that the model given by a smokers person influences the adolescent to start smoking. Concerning their thoughts about smokers parents, most of the boys verbalized their opinion in the category smokers parents stimulate childrens curiosity, while most girls verbalized their opinion in the dont like category. Regarding their opinion about smokers friends, there was a female predominance in the category dont like as well as in the normal category. The male predominance was in the categories damaging your health and the peoples health around you and in dont like. In the smokers sample, the girls stated that what makes people start to smoke is the relief from negative emotions. The boys associated the beginning of tobacco smoking with aspects of adolescence. Regarding what influences adolescents to start smokers and their opinion about smoking parents, both genders pointed out the imitation of the model. The predominance in both genders of opinions in the categories normal and bad influence about smokers friends was observed. It is expected that this study may identify important steps to subsidize future programs and researches about control and prevention of tabagism.
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Does maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation change the oxidant-antioxidant status of the lungs of the offsprings and is tomato juice protecting the lungs of the offsprings?Abdulkarim, Kayigire Xavier January 2009 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Medical Bioscience) - MSc(MBS) / Nicotine exposure to the fetus through tobacco smoking or nicotine replacement therapy during the whole period of gestation and lactation causes diverse effects on fetal and neonatal lung development, integrity and maturation which compromise the gas exchange function of the lungs and renders this vital organ susceptible to gradual damage and different diseases in latter life. Maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation results in gradual destruction of the lung parenchyma, and this leads to the combination of many small air sacs in one bigger alveoli which is a sign of emphysema. Many researchers speculated that the way in which, nicotine causes emphysema and other damage, is by inducing the formation of many reactive oxygen species (ROS), and creating an imbalance between the oxidants and the antioxidants of the body, which is termed oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of nicotine exposure on the lung of the fetal and neonate rat during gestation and lactation as gas exchanger, and also to see whether the supplementation of tomato juice containing lycopene, a powerful carotenoid antioxidant could protect the lungs against these effects of maternal nicotine exposure. In this study pregnant rats have been divided into 4 groups: a group which received nicotine (1mg/kg body weight/day) subcutaneously, a group that received the tomato juice only (6mg/kg body weight/day per os), a third group that received the combination of tomato juice ( 6mg /kg body weight/ day per os) and nicotine (1mg/kg body weight /day subcutaneously ) . The control group that received saline (1mg/kg body weight /day) subcutaneously and water. The injections were done during pregnancy and lactation until weaning at postnatal day 21. The results showed that maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation leads to a gradual damage of the lung parenchyma and slower formation of the alveoli during the equilibrated phase of the lung growth leading to a decrease in the internal surface area required for gas exchange. Supplementation with tomato juice during gestation and lactation prevents all the adverse effects of maternal nicotine exposure on the lungs of the offspring. Since nicotine induce an increase in the oxidant levels of the mother and the fetus, my results imply that lycopene protected the lungs of the offsprings against the oxidants and thus against changes in the program that controls lung development as the animals age. This is supported by the observation that at postnatal day 84 the antioxidant. / South Africa
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