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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The solo songs of Toivo Kuula and Leevi Madetoja and their place in twentieth century Finnish art song

Hillila, Ruth Esther January 1964 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston University / PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis or dissertation. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at open-help@bu.edu. Thank you. / This dissertation introduces the solo songs of two major Finnish composers, Toivo Kuula and Leevi Madetoja, and their position in Finland's living tradition of song. That this last may be understood, a survey of the song in Finnish history has been made. Of the many composers who have made significant contributions to modern Finnish solo song literature, Toivo Kuula and Leevi Madetoja have been chosen because their lives were parallel in many respects. They were both born in the same geographic area, Ostrobotbnia, Kuula in 1883 and Madetoja in 1887. They both studied in France at the beginning of this century and were influenced to some extent by French impressionism, and through the years their lives and music had many points of contact. This study begins with an overview of the lives and styles of the two composers. This is followed by a review of Finnish history and literature, a knowledge of which will give the reader more understanding of the development and significance of the country's music. The information concerning Finnish history and literature has been taken largely from secondary Finnish sources, many of which have not previously been available in English translation. For the study of the music, all of the songs were obtained fran the library of the Sibelius Academy in Finland and from private sources [TRUNCATED] / 2031-01-01

"Komma ej arken, bränna vi biblarna" : En studie av två tornedalska väckelserörelser över två sekel. / "If the arc does not appear, we shall burn the Bibles" : A Study of Two Tornedalian Revival Movements Over Two Centuries.

Lindvall, Julia January 2018 (has links)
This essay aims to study and compare two religious movements in Tornedalen, Sweden, during two centuries. The Laestadian movement was founded by Lars Levi Laestadius during the 1840's in a, according to him, sinful society. Laestadius contributed to end a lot of the alcoholic abuse and also made the population a God-fearing people. Almost a century later, a man named Toivo Korpela stood up against the traditional laestadian norms and decided to preach his faith on his own. After a few years, the movement went in a new direction with the leadership of Sigurd Siikavaara. It turned into a sect, waiting for an arc to come down from heaven and take the chosen ones to the promised land. The purpose of this essay is both to compare the two movements, but also to examine the social, economical and political circumstances during the 1930's. Using the theory sociology of religion, I have discussed how the previously named factors were a contributing reason as to why people decided to join the movement, and also how it could evolve into a millenary movement.

Ihoatoopikkolasten ja heidän perheidensä arki:etnografinen tutkimus perheen arjen kokemuksista ja elämänlaadusta

Skarp, E. (Eija) 13 September 2005 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of the study was to get knowledge of everyday life of children (aged 0–10 years) with atopic dermatitis and their families. An ethnographic approach was used. Different data sets were collected by interviewing, observing and presenting questionnaires. The interviews (n = 24) and observations (n = 24) of the families (n = 7) took place at their homes. Children aged 5–10 years (n = 80), assisted by their parents, filled in a quality of life questionnaire. In the case of children younger than 5 years (n = 174) and families (n = 254), the quality of life questionnaire was filled in by the parents. The severity of atopic dermatitis of each participating child (n = 254) was evaluated by a physician. The professional perspective was introduced into the study in the form of discussions between dermatological nurses and dermatologists (n = 4). Triangulation of data, methods and analyses was performed. The quantitative data were analyzed by means of SPSS 11.5 for Windows. Categorical and ordinal variable were presented as frequency and percentage distributions, and medians, quartiles and arithmetic means were quoted. The interrelations between variables were presented as cross-tabulations, and Khi square test was used. The interviews were analyzed by methods of data-based content analysis. The more severe the child's atopic dermatitis was, the more the quality of life of the child and the family was impaired. The quality of life of the children was better than the quality of life of the families. The impact of the atopic dermatitis to the quality of life of the children was moderate and of the family severe. The children's quality of life was impaired most by itching and scratching. The need to participate in the treatment of the children's skin problems was the most important single factor that impaired the families' quality of life. The child's severe, long-term dermatitis and its treatment on a day-to-day basis were described as a desperate process. The knowledge that eczema is alleviated as the child grows older gave the families hope and helped them to cope. The avoidance of various foods and allergens and the opportunities to try different treatments raised hopes about the alleviation of eczema. On the other hand, however, these trials easily turned into desperate efforts to try any available alternative, which often wore out the mother or the whole family. Families did not receive adequate counselling or support when their quality of life was seriously compromised. The results of the study can be used when developing the public health care services to better meet the needs of families. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on saada tietoa ihoatoopikkolasten (0–10 vuotta) ja heidän perheidensä arjesta. Tutkimuksen lähestymistapa on etnografinen. Erilaisia aineistoja kerättiin haastattelemalla, havainnoimalla ja kyselylomakkeilla. Perheiden (n = 7) haastattelut (n = 24) ja havainnoinnit (n = 24) tehtiin heidän kodeissaan. Perheiden arki heijastui haastattelutilanteisiin siten, että niissä ei aina ollut läsnä koko perhe, ja haastatteluun osallistujien toiveiden mukaan tapaamisia oli myös esimerkiksi ihotautien vuodeosastolla ja poliklinikalla. 5–10-vuotiaat lapset (n = 80) täyttivät itse tai vanhempiensa avustamana omaa elämänlaatuaan koskevan kyselylomakkeen. Alle 5-vuotiaiden lasten (n = 174) ja perheiden (n = 254) elämänlaatukyselyyn vastasivat vanhemmat. Lääkäri arvioi jokaisen tutkimukseen osallistuneen lapsen (n = 254) atooppisen ihottuman vaikeuden. Ammattilaisten näkökulman tutkimukseen toivat ihotautisairaanhoitajien ja -lääkäreiden kanssa käydyt keskustelut (n = 4). Tutkimuksessa käytetään aineisto-, menetelmä- ja analyysitriangulaatiota. Kvantitatiivinen aineisto analysoidaan SPSS 11.5 for Windows -ohjelmalla. Luokittelu- ja järjestysasteikollisia muuttujia kuvataan frekvenssi- ja %-jakaumilla, ja sijaintilukuina ovat mediaanit, kvartiilit ja aritmeettinen keskiarvo. Muuttujien yhteyksiä tarkastellaan ristiintaulukoimalla ja parametrittomana testinä on chi2-testi. Haastattelu- ja havainnointiaineisto analysoidaan aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä. Mitä vaikeampi lapsen ihottuma oli, sitä enemmän se heikensi perheen ja lapsen elämänlaatua. Lasten elämänlaatu oli parempi kuin perheiden elämänlaatu. Atooppisen ihottuman vaikutus lasten elämänlaatuun oli kohtalainen ja perheiden elämänlaatuun huomattava. Lasten elämänlaatua heikensivät eniten kutina ja raapiminen. Lapsen hoidossa auttaminen oli tärkein perheen elämänlaatua heikentävä tekijä. Lapsen vaikeaa, pitkäaikaista ihottumaa ja sen päivästä toiseen jatkuvaa hoitamista kuvattiin ajoittain epätoivoiseksi. Toisaalta tieto, että ihottuma lievittyy lapsen kasvaessa, antoi toivoa ja auttoi perhettä jaksamaan. Perheet hankkivat ja saivat paljon ja monenlaista tietoa lapsen atooppisesta ihottumasta ja sen hoitamisesta, joten vanhemmat joutuivat suodattamaan ja puntaroimaan saamaansa tietoa oman lapsen tilanteeseen sopivaksi. Yhtäältä erilaisten ruokien tai ärsyttävien tekijöiden välttämiseen ja hoitovaihtoehtojen kokeilemiseen liittyi toivoa lapsen ihottuman lievittymisestä. Toisaalta kokeileminen saattoi kääntyä epätoivoiseksi tarttumiseksi jokaiseen tarjolla olevaan oljenkorteen, mikä puolestaan johti äidin tai koko perheen väsymiseen. Perheiden ohjauksessa ja tukemisessa oli puutteita, kun perheen elämänlaatu oli huomattavasti heikentynyt. Perheet käyttivät monipuolisesti terveydenhuollon palveluja, mutta ajoittain hoito koettiin pirstaleiseksi, ja hoitovastuu jäi perheen itsensä kannettavaksi. Tutkimustuloksia voidaan käyttää kehitettäessä terveydenhuoltopalveluja paremmin perheiden tarpeita vastaaviksi. Keskeistä on tunnistaa ne perheet, joiden elämänlaatu on huomattavasti heikentynyt lapsen atooppisen ihottuman vuoksi. Ihoatoopikkolapsen hoitaminen on moniammatillista yhteistyötä, jonka tekemistä yli ammattikunta- tai sektorirajojen on entisestään syytä tehostaa.

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