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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nuclear energy in Africa : a legal framework for sustainable energy access / Michelle Barnard

Barnard, Michelle January 2014 (has links)
The promotion of sustainable development is an objective shared by African Union (AU) member states and the pursuance thereof is expressly mandated by the Constitutive Act of the African Union, 2000 and the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community, 1992. Lack of access to modern energy sources, such as electricity and the heavy reliance on traditional biomass as primary energy source are factors contributing to the non-achievement of the promotion of sustainable development. These factors are collectively referred to as energy poverty. The African Continent as a whole has limited, and in some instances, lack access to modern energy sources while the majority of its population relies heavily on traditional biomass as primary energy source. Africa can accordingly be classified as an energy poor region–a situation which does not bode well for the promotion of sustainable development. Access to reliable, affordable, economically viable, socially acceptable and environmentally sound energy services and resources is fundamental to socio-economic development. Mitigating the impacts of energy poverty and more specifically lack of access to modern energy sources on the sustainable development of Africa depends upon ensuring increased access to modern energy sources. The above-mentioned instruments furthermore contain provisions which link regional cooperation on the formulation of coordinated regional law and policy on areas/matters of common concern with the achievement of the objective of promoting sustainable development in Africa. One of the areas of common concerns listed is that of energy. Regional cooperation must accordingly be geared towards the effective development of the continent‘s energy and natural resources; promoting the development of new and renewable energy in the framework of the policy of diversification of sources of energy; and establishing an adequate mechanism of concerted action and coordination for the collective solution of the energy development problems within the AU. The formulation of coordinated energy law and policy should take place with reference to the specific sources of energy to be regulated. In this regard, the provisions of the Abuja Treaty and other sub-regional energy access initiatives list various sources of energy as forming part of a diversified AU energy mix – one of which is nuclear energy. In this study recommendations are made as to what should be embodied in a coordinated AU regional nuclear legal framework aimed at regulating increased access to nuclear energy capable of contributing towards the promotion of sustainable development. The recommendations are based on an examination of relevant international, regional and sub-regional legal instruments and other initiatives. / PhD (Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Exploring the construction of quality of life in older people / Lizanlé van Biljon.

Van Biljon, Lizanlé January 2013 (has links)
Ageing populations and the unique challenges they pose are characteristic of the accelerating demographic transition evident in both developed and developing countries. In South Africa the elderly population is also increasing dramatically. There is a disproportionate distribution of older persons per ethnic group, with white older people representing the largest group of older South Africans (21%, proportional to ethnic group). The influx of the baby boomer generation will inevitably lead to an exponential increase in the numbers of white older people within the next two decades. Regardless of integration policies in post-apartheid South Africa, 90% of all residential care facilities are still occupied solely by white older people. Such facilities are described as buildings or other structures used primarily for the purposes of providing accommodation and of providing a 24-hour service to older persons. The increasingly larger segment of white older people holds considerable implications for the future of these facilities since more individuals will turn to this living arrangement. The Older Persons Act of South Africa was inaugurated by the government in 2006 and its key objectives are aligned with the recommendations of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (2002). Amongst many other objectives, the Older Persons Act emphasises practices that enhance the wellbeing and quality of life (QoL) of all older persons. However, the reigning circumstances in most residential care facilities have been described as challenging. A national audit of residential care facilities in 2010 indicated a need for psychosocial interventions since the QoL of residents was found to be undefined and unspecific. The purpose of the study was to explore the construction of QoL, from the perspective of the older people living in residential care facilities. A purposive sample of 54 participants (male, n=10; female, n=44) with ages ranging between 62 and 95 years was drawn. The participants were able to communicate congruently and understood the research purpose. Participants resided in four similar facilities situated in urban areas in two South African provinces. A multiple-context inquiry was conducted to gather rich data and collateral information. The study made use of interviews, focus groups, journals, and the Mmogo-method® to collect qualitative data. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) and visual analysis methods were used to analyse the data. Interactive Qualitative Analysis (IQA) was conducted with 19 participants, resulting in a conceptual model of QoL. Member-checking was performed by the participants. Ethical approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), as part of a larger project, namely “An exploration of enabling contexts (05K14)”. The findings revealed that the nature of QoL is informed by spiritual worldviews, interpersonal contexts and the maintained ability of older people to regulate aspects of their own lives. The nature of QoL was also revealed as transitional throughout the ageing process and that the dimensions of QoL may be found on a continuum. Six domains were elicited in the construction of QoL, namely spirituality, health, relationships, meaningfulness, autonomy and sense of place. Each domain presented with certain contributors and inhibitors influencing the older person’s ability to experience QoL. Findings revealed the strengths of older people to deal with adversities associated with later life. The inhibitors of QoL are emphasised for the attention of policy makers, the managers of residential care facilities, care givers and family members. The study provided insight into the causal influences between the domains of QoL. A conceptual model with systemic properties is proposed. The theoretical implications of this systems model are that QoL domains are mutually informing and exercise a particular influence on the relational states of older people. It is hoped that new knowledge in the area of QoL might direct future research efforts and put resources channeled to residential care facilities to better use. / Thesis (PhD (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Die deutsche Einheitsfrage 1848-1849 und die öffentliche Meinung in der Rheinprovinz dargestellt auf Grund der rheinpreussischen Zeitungen, Flugschriften und der Frankfurter Parlamentsverhandlungen /

Six, Walther Karl, January 1913 (has links)
Thesis--Bonn. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. [88]-94).

'n Kritiese evaluering van die arbeidsregtelike posisie van plaaswerkers in Suid-Afrika

Calitz, Karin Beatrix 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikkans / The aim of this thesis is to investigate the labour law position of South African farm workers. For three and a half centuries farm workers constituted the most neglected group in the South African labour force. Consequently, an understanding of their present position can only be obtained by investigating their labour history. As in other parts of the world, farm workers in South Africa held a subordinate position to agricultural employers. Discrimination against black persons added to the inferior socio-economic and political position of South African farm workers. White farmers occupied a strong political position during most of the time under investigation, which enabled them to institute and apply discriminatory legislation and informal methods to overcome labour shortages. The freedom of movement of black people and their access to land were restricted to create a cheap immobile labour force. During the 20th century farmers prevented the inclusion of farm workers in labour legislation by exercising their political influence. Pressure by industrial trade unions and encouragement by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) resulted in the adoption of the Agricultural Labour Act which made labour legislation applicable to farm workers, but precluded them from striking and made allowance for longer working hours than for industrial workers. The new political dispensation facilitated the inclusion of farm workers in general labour legislation without any discriminatory exceptions and land reform legislation now protects farm workers against arbitrary evictions. A bill of rights furthermore guarantees the rights of farm workers which were previously violated. It would superficially seem that farm workers' problems are something of the past. Farm workers, however, remain handicapped in exercising their new rights by historical factors and circumstances peculiar to the agricultural sector. Legal comparison with Ontario and California confirms that legislation alone is insufficient to empower farm workers. It is recommended that the government amend existing legislation to accommodate the special needs of farm workers and that relevant ILO conventions, especially Convention 141 of 1975, be ratified to aid the development of unions for farm workers. This will contribute to the empowerment of and social justice for farm workers. / Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die arbeidsregtelike posisie van Suid-Afrikaanse plaaswerkers te ondersoek. Plaaswerkers was vir drie en 'n half eeue die mees afgeskeepte groep in die Suid-Afrikaanse werksmag. Om die huidige posisie van plaaswerkers te begryp is dus slegs moontlik deur 'n bestudering van die regsgeskiedenis van plaaswerkers. Soos in ander werelddele beklee plaaswerkers in Suid-Afrika 'n minderwaardige posisie teenoor landbouwerkgewers. Diskriminasie teenoor swartpersonehet bygedra tot die sosio-ekonomiese en polities minderwaardige posisie van Suid-Afrikaanse plaaswerkers. Blanke boere het gedurende die grootste deel van die tydperk onder bespreking 'n sterk politiese posisie beklee wat hulle in staat gestel het om diskriminerende wetgewing en informele metodes aan te wend om arbeidstekorte te bowe te kom. Swart persone se bewegingsvryheid en toegang tot grond is beperk om 'n goedkoop immobiele werksmag te vorm. Gedurende die 20ste eeu het boere se sterk politiese posisie hulle in staat gestel om te verhoed dat plaaswerkers by arbeidswetgewing ingesluit word. Druk deur industriele vakbonde en aanmoediging deur die Intemasionale Arbeidsorganisasie (IAO) het gelei tot die Wet op Landbou-arbeid waardeur arbeidswetgewing op plaaswerkers van toepassing gemaak is, maar wat plaaswerkers verbied het om te staak en wat voorsiening gemaak het vir langer werkure as vir industriele werkers. 'n Nuwe politieke bedeling het gelei tot die insluiting van plaaswerkers in algemene arbeidswetgewing sonder enige diskriminerende uitsonderings en grondhervormingswetgewing beskerm plaaswerkers nou teen arbitrere uitsettings. 'n Handves van menseregte waarborg verder die regte van plaaswerkers wat voorheen misken is. Oenskynlik is die probleme van plaaswerkers nou iets van die verlede. Plaaswerkers word egter steeds in die uitoefening van hulle nuwe regte gestrem deur historiese faktore en die eiesoortige omstandighede van die landbousektor. Regsvergelyking met Kalifomie en Ontario het aangetoon <lat wetgewing alleen nie voldoende is om plaaswerkers te bemagtig nie. Daar word aanbeveel dat die regering bestaande wetgewing wysig om voorsiening te maak vir die spesiale behoeftes van plaaswerkers en dat relevante IA0 konvensies, veral Konvensie 141 van 197 5 geratifiseer word om die ontwikkeling van vakbonde vir plaaswerkers te bevorder. Dit sal bydra tot die bemagtiging van en tot sosiale geregtigheid vir plaaswerkers / Law / LL.D.

Développement et validation de contenu d'un programme de rééducation du membre supérieur post AVC en ergothérapie

Guimond, Jean-François January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Geertgen tot Sint Jans a počátky nizozemské renesance v malířství / Geertgen tot Sint Jans and the begining of Dutch Renaissance painting

Kobrsková, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the life and work of the Dutch painter Geertgen tot Sint Janse in the context of the beginning of Dutch Renaissance. This diploma thesis contains an analyses of Triptych with The Adoration of the Kings from the Prague Castle Collections. In particular, the art influences and the possible inspiration by the work of Albert van Ouwater is discussed. The Adoration of the Kings is an important piece of art not only in the context of Dutch Renaissance painting but also in the context of European Renaissance at the end of 15th century. The rich symbolic apparatus of the tryptich refers to the medieval tradition, but the beginning of illusionism can be recognised from the painting as well.

Kritiese evaluering van wetgewing wat die gesondheid van kinders beïnvloed

Buchner-Eveleigh, Mariana 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 29 November 1989. Included in the inherent rights set out in the Convention is the right to the highest attainable standard of health. In implementing the Convention states parties must refer to the requirements of article 2 of the Convention, which places them under a duty to respect and ensure the rights in the Convention to each child. The term “respect” implies a duty of good faith to refrain from actions which would breach the Convention. The “duty to ensure”, however, requires states parties to take whatever measures are necessary in order to enable children to enjoy their rights. A state party must also review its legislation in order to ensure that domestic law is consistent with the Convention. South Africa showed commitment to protecting and promoting children’s health when it ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1995 and subsequently adopted the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, which includes provisions guaranteeing the health rights of children. South Africa also showed commitment to give legislative effect to the protection and promotion of children’s health by reviewing the Health Act 63 of 1977 (reviewed as the National Health Act 61 of 2003) and the Child Care Act 74 of 1983 (reviewed as the Children’s Act 38 of 2005). The review of the Child Care Act 74 of 1983 revealed that the act is virtually silent on the issue of child health. This led to the decision to identify and evaluate existing policy and legislation, as well as pending relevant law reform and policy affecting child health in order to assess how well South African legislation addresses the issue. The research showed that although much legislation exists, none provides comprehensively for child health rights. The legislation that does exist contains obvious gaps. Most importantly, there is no reference to the core minimum requirements for the state in providing for the health of children, particularly in the way of health services and nutrition. Further, there is a complete lack of legislation which protects the health needs of disabled children. A comparative study was also undertaken. Legislation of India and Canada were evaluated in order to make recommendations as to how the gaps in South African legislation can be rectified. However, the research showed that South Africa has made far more significant progress in promoting a rightsbased approach to children’s health in legislation. In order to ensure that the health rights of children are protected and promoted, I propose more comprehensive legislative protection. / Private Law / LL.D.

Die aard van kommunikasie in ʼn sosiale betrokkenheidsprogram van die Studente-Jool-Gemeenskapsdiens (SJGD) : die Pick a leader- leierskapontwikkelingsprojek / Johanna Frederika Elizabeth Boshoff

Boshoff, Johanna Frederika Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
The North-West University (NWU) is an example of an organization that has a social responsibity towards the community and the environment within which it finds itself (Van Schalkwyk, 2013). One of the social responsibility programmes of the NWU-Pukke is known as the Students’ Rag Community Service (SRCS). The SRCS is a registered NPO (non-profit organization) which is run by the students of the NWU Potchefstroom Campus and which has been in existence since 1992 in its present form. In this study it is argued that the SRCS developmental projects could be offered in a more effective and sustainable manner by implementing the basic principles of the participatory approach, viz. Participation, dialogue, empowerment and cultural identity in order to support the local communities in their developmental processes. For the present study the focus was solely on one of the SRCS projects, the Pick a leader-leadership development project. This project has the aim of providing in the developmental needs of ten to fifteen Grade 11 learners in three schools in the North West Province (Potchefstrom and the surrounding communities in Ikageng). Thus project participants (learners) are instructed in basic skills about starting their own businesses (entrepreneurship); how to develop their leadership skills and to apply these skills, and how to be able to use basic life skills in their everyday lives. Various theoreticians have explained how NPO’s without participatory communication are seldom successful in terms of developmental initiatives. The learners can only develop if the relevant roleplayers of the project take ownership of the project by also being able to communicate in a participatory manner about their specific needs with both the NPO and the project volunteers. The NWU-Pukke volunteers, who manage this particular project, therefore have the responsibility to communicate in a participatory manner with the relevant learners, their teachers and then also the different principals to make the project succeed and to contribute to the realization of the developmental needs of the learners. The general research aim of the study had been to determine the nature of the communication among interest groups in the Pick a leader-leadership development programme of the SRCS. Qualitiative research methods, viz. Semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews and participant observation, were used in this study for purposes of making making a thorough investigation into the nature of the communication among those involved in the Pick a leader leadership development programme. The purpose of this was to determine perspectives about the project held by the persons involved (but especially those of the learners) and to interpret these in line with the normative theoretical principles of the participatory approach to developmental communication. It was ultimately found that the communication in the Pick a leader-leadership development programme was mostly one-way. / MA (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The emplacement of the Chinamora Batholith (Zimbabwe) inferred from field observations, magnetic- and microfabrics

Becker, Jens Karl 23 June 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Conception et intégration d'une architecture numérique pour l'ASIC LabPET[indice supérieur TM] II, un circuit de lecture d'une matrice de détection TEP de 64 pixels

Arpin, Louis January 2012 (has links)
Des développements technologiques récents concernant les photodiodes à effet avalanche (PDA) ont mené à la conception et la fabrication d'un tout nouveau module de détection de radiation TEP (tomographie d'émission par positrons) destiné à l'imagerie moléculaire préclinique. Il est basé sur une matrice de 8 par 8 scintillateurs LYSO (ortho-silicate de lutétium dopé au cérium, cerium-doped lutetium yttrium orthosilicate ) individuellement couplés aux pixels de deux matrices monolithiques de 4 par 8 PDA. Cette avancée, pouvant amener la résolution spatiale d'un scanner à passer sous la barrière du mm, exige la conception d'un tout nouveau système d'acquisition de données. En effet, il faut adapter le système de lecture individuelle de chacun des pixels du bloc de détection de façon à satisfaire la multiplication par ~8, relativement à une version antérieure (le LabPET[indice supérieur TM] I), de la densité de pixels du futur scanner LabPET[indice supérieur TM] II. Conséquemment, le traitement de signal numérique ne peut être exclusivement embarqué dans les matrices de portes logiques programmable (field-programmable gate array , FPGA) du système d'acquisition, en considérant les aspects monétaires, d'espace occupé et de puissance consommée de l'ensemble du projet LabPET[indice supérieur TM] II. De façon à s'adapter à cette nouvelle réalité, un nouveau circuit intégré à application spécifique (application specific integrated circuit, ASIC) à signaux mixtes avec 64 canaux d'acquisition, fabriqué avec la technologie TSMC CMOS 0,18 [micromètre], a été conçu. L'ASIC utilise la méthode de temps au-dessus d'un seuil (time over threshold , ToT), déjà implantée dans des applications de physique des hautes-énergies, de manière à extraire numériquement l'information relative à un rayonnement interagissant avec la matrice de détection (l'énergie, le temps et le numéro de pixel de l'événement). Dans le cadre de ce projet, une architecture complexe de machines à états-finis, cadencée par une horloge de 100 MHz, a été implantée et elle permet à l'ASIC d'identifier le taux anticipé de 3 000 événements par seconde par canal. Ceci est réalisé en calculant en temps réel le paramètre ToT tout en assurant la calibration adéquate de chacune des chaînes d'acquisition. Le circuit intégré peut caractériser jusqu'à 2 Mévénements/s malgré son unique lien différentiel à bas voltage (low-voltage differential signaling, LVDS) de transfert de données et consomme environ 600 mW. L'ASIC a été développé en suivant un processus de conception de circuits intégrés à signaux mixtes. Il permet notamment de minimiser et de vérifier l'impact des indésirables effets parasites sur la circuiterie analogique et numérique de l'ensemble avant que les dessins de masques ne soient envoyés vers la fonderie pour fabriquer le circuit désiré.

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