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Atitudes maternas no processo de decisão da cirurgia cardíaca paliativa para o filho / Maternal attitudes in deciding about palliative heart surgery to her childReze, Barbara 21 May 2010 (has links)
A decisão da cirurgia cardíaca paliativa é um processo crítico para os pais pois envolve risco de vida para o filho. Esta pesquisa investigou aspectos das atitudes maternas na tomada de decisão da cirurgia, com a suposição de que atitudes de recusa podem estar presentes. A partir do referencial teórico da Psicanálise, entende-se que o diagnóstico médico e a indicação cirúrgica podem provocar impactos psíquicos traumáticos. A iminência de perda pela doença de prognóstico ruim, a relação risco-benefício não claramente favorável da cirurgia e o contexto do tratamento, em geral permanente e realizado fora do domicílio de origem, são aspectos que influenciam as decisões da mãe. O processo decisório (tratamento versus não tratamento) foi discutido à luz de noções da Bioética, como autonomia, participação ativa no tratamento, decisões de representação, bem como das implicações jurídicas. A não aceitação da cirurgia pode trazer conflitos de interesse na relação médico-paciente/cuidador, fazendo refletir sobre como se dão, na sociedade atual, as relações entre processos médico-biológicos e processos subjetivos. A partir da abordagem de pesquisa clínico-qualitativa utilizou-se a entrevista semi-dirigida individual. As participantes foram duas mães de crianças cardíacas que passaram por cirurgia paliativa e que estavam hospedadas na Associação de Assistência à Criança Cardíaca e à Transplantada do Coração. Observou-se atitudes de hesitação, questionamento, recusa da cirurgia e atitudes de não pensamento e aceitação imediata do procedimento. Verificou-se a presença de atitudes de recusa da cirurgia, apesar de sua posterior aceitação. Discutiu-se como tais atitudes podem ser entendidas como recusa-reflexão e não apenas como defesas psíquicas ou reações precipitadas. À medida que abre um espaço de pensamento, a recusa-reflexão teria uma função importante para o psiquismo pois auxilia na assimilação dos acontecimentos relativos ao processo decisório. Como conclusão se propõe entender a decisão como um processo e, desta perspectiva, é considerada um momento oportuno de reflexão para a mãe. Sugere-se, então, que na prática psicológica a recusa da cirurgia seja abordada como uma atitude materna possível ao processo decisório, considerando que o encaminhamento na direção do cuidado e do bem-estar global do filho não necessariamente pressupõe a aceitação da cirurgia no momento de sua indicação, da mesma forma que a recusa inicial não significa que seja definitiva. Indica-se o suporte psicológico na decisão da cirurgia que, por legitimar as ambivalências psíquicas, as dúvidas e hesitações desse processo, poderá favorecer um espaço de reflexão e elaboração subjetiva onde se abra a possibilidade de se tomar uma decisão ponderada, consequente, e com a qual a mãe, o pai, a criança, a família, poderão conviver / Decision-making before palliative heart surgery is a critical process for parents because it involves a risk to their childs life. This study investigated aspects of maternal attitudes in deciding about surgery, and takes into account the assumption that attitudes of refusal may be present. Based on Psychoanalysis theoretical framework, we understand that medical diagnosis and indication for surgery may cause psychic trauma. The imminence of loosing ones child due to the poor prognosis associated with the condition, the risk-benefit relationship not clearly favorable to surgical intervention, and the context of treatment, which is in general permanent and carried out outside the patients city of residence, are aspects that influence maternal decision-making. The decision-making process (treatment versus non-treatment) is discussed in the light of notions from the field of Bioethics, such as autonomy, active participation in treatment, proxy decision-making, as well as in the light of the legal implications. Refusing surgery can cause conflicts of interest in the doctor-patient/caregiver relationship, which engenders thinking about how the relationship between medical and biological processes, and subjective processes take place in todays society. The qualitative research design comprised an individual semi-structured questionnaire survey. The two participants were mothers of cardiac children who went through palliative heart surgery and were staying at the Associação de Assistência à Criança Cardíaca e à Transplantada do Coração [Association for Assisting Cardiac and Heart-Transplanted Children]. The attitudes observed were attitudes of hesitation, questioning, refusal of surgery, and attitudes of not thinking, and of immediate acceptance of the surgical procedure. The presence of refusal of surgery was found, despite being followed by acceptance. We discuss how such attitudes can be understood as reflective refusal and not merely as defense mechanisms or unthought reactions. As space is made for thinking, reflective refusal plays a major role in the mental processes because it helps in assimilating events concerning the decision-making process. As a conclusion this study proposes understanding decision-making as a process and, from this perspective, it is considered an opportune moment for maternal reflection. Therefore, it is suggested that during psychological practice, refusal of surgery be approached as a possible maternal attitude during decision-making, taking into account that the caring and global well being of the child do not necessarily presuppose acceptance of surgery at the moment of indication. Likewise, initial refusal does not mean such refusal is final. This study further recommends psychological support for making such decision, which, in bringing about psychological ambivalence, doubt, and hesitation concerning the decision-making process, can promote a place for subjective reflection and elaboration, where there is the possibility of making a wise and pondered decision, with which the mother, the father, the child, and the family, can live with
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A Escola Superior de Guerra: o olhar para o Sul / Superior War College: a projection toward the SouthMaia, Luiz Alves Brigido 23 November 2018 (has links)
Esta tese discute a consonância (ou mesmo a antecipação) de estudos geográficos e geopolíticos desenvolvidos na Escola Superior de Guerra (ESG) com algumas propostas da política externa brasileira nos dois períodos de maior autonomia: a Política Externa Independente (1961-1964) e a Política Externa do Pragmatismo Responsável e Ecumênico (1974-1979). O levantamento das áreas geográficas e geopolíticas cobertas nesses dois momentos mostra uma perspectiva voltada para os países do Sul, denominados países do Terceiro Mundo no período da Guerra Fria. No currículo da ESG, foram examinados programas de curso e fichas didáticas. Nestes materiais, as propostas de temas (disciplinas) eram divididas por continentes ou região, respondendo à divisão geopolítica do mundo bipolar (Leste x Oeste). Nos dois períodos da política externa brasileira focalizados nesta tese, a abordagem geográfica e geopolítica dos trabalhos da Escola manifestou-se também na atuação da diplomacia. O Brasil se projetava para o Sul, nos estudos da ESG e em sua efetiva política externa. / The aim of this research is to discuss the correspondence (or even the anticipation) of some geographical and geopolitical studies developed at Superior War College (Escola Superior de Guerra ESG) with the proposals of Brazilian Foreign Policy in the course of two periods of relative autonomy: the Independent Foreign Policy (Política Externa Independente, 1961-1964) and the Ecumenic and Responsible Pragmatism Foreign Policy (Política Externa do Pragmatismo Responsável e Ecumênico, 1974-1979). The identification of some geographical and geopolitical areas covered in these two moments shows an orientation toward Southern countries, also known as Third World Countries at the time of the Cold War. Study Programs and Didatic Files were examined within ESG curriculum; in these items, the suggestions of themes (disciplines) were divided by continents or regions, according to the bipolar world geopolitical division (East x West). In the course of the two periods of Brazilian Foreign Policy focused on this thesis, the geographical and geopolitical approach present on ESG themes was also noticed on diplomatic actions. Brazil projected itself toward the South, in ESG studies and in its actual Foreign Policy.
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A ferida na alma : os doentes de AIDS sob o ponto de vista psicanalítico / The injured soul : AIDS patients under psychoanalytical eyesightCedaro, José Juliano 04 July 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho, fundamentando-se no referencial psicanalítico, estuda o fenômeno HIV/aids a partir do discurso de quatro pessoas vivendo com aids, entrevistados individualmente ao longo de três anos. O referencial psicanalítico funcionou como ferramenta teórico-metodológica para a condução das entrevistas, assim como para a leitura do material produzido nos encontros com os sujeitos da pesquisa. Foram fundamentais as concepções da Teoria dos Campos e de clínica extensa do psicanalista brasileiro Fabio Herrmann, as quais possibilitam o emprego do método psicanalítico num território fora do setting clássico, incluindo a pesquisa acadêmica. Este trabalho partiu do pressuposto de que as patologias, sobretudo as crônicas e incuráveis, provocam uma ferida narcísica em suas vítimas. No caso da aids, isso seria exacerbado pela vulnerabilidade que a doença provoca, pelos efeitos adversos dos remédios e pelos estigmas sociais que lhe estão associados. O objetivo da pesquisa foi verificar quais são as estratégias psíquicas que os doentes utilizam para enfrentar essa situação e para tentar reparar essa ferida. Constatou-se que essas pessoas se sentem arremessadas dentro de um campo do angustiante" [das Ängstlichen] quando se percebem submersos por essa moléstia. A reação do eu para lidar com esse angustiante lhe provocaria uma cisão (Ichspaultung), fazendo com que a realidade aterrorizadora possa coexistir psiquicamente com o desejo de reparar a ferida narcísica e com um luto indelével por si mesmo. Dessa forma, a aids é incorporada à dinâmica psíquica do doente nos termos daquilo que Freud denominou de das Unheimliche. O eu, graças a seu poder de síntese, mesmo combalido por uma força externa impiedosa, pode ser capaz de confrontá-la e se manter integrado, apesar das perdas irreparáveis. / This production, based on the psychoanalytical work, studies the HIV/AIDS phenomenon, from the speech of four AIDS patients, who have been interviewed for three years. The psychoanalytical reference functioned as a methodological and theoretical tool in order to run the interviews, as well as for the reading of the material produced along the meetings with the subjects of the research. The conceptions of the Multiple Fields Theory and the extense clinic by the Brazilian Psychoanalyst Fabio Herrmann have been of great importance, which support the usage of the psychoanalytical method, outside the classical setting, including academic research. This piece of work gets from the assumption of which the pathologies, mainly the chronicle and incurable ones, induce a narcissistic injury over their victims. When it comes to AIDS, this situation would become aggravated by the vulnerability that the disease provokes, by the adverse effects of the medicines and by the social stigmas which are linked to them. The aim of the research was verifying what psychic strategies the patients use in order to face such situation and to try to fix this wound. It was proved that the AIDS patients feel themselves thrown into a field of angst" [das Ängstlichen] when they realize they are submerged by this disease. The ego reaction to deal the distressing field would provoke an ego splitting (Spaultung), occurring that the frightening reality is able to psychically coexist with the desire of repairing the narcissistic wound and with the indelible mourning by itself. In that case, AIDS is shared in the psychic dynamic of the patient in terms of what that Freud named as das Unheimliche. The ego, thanks to its synthesis power, even though it is grown weak by an outside and merciless force, may be able to face it and keep integrated, although the irreparable losses.
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ATTITYDER TILL BESTRAFFNING BLAND STUDENTER I KRIMINOLOGI, JURIDIK OCH SOCIALT ARBETE : Relationen till rädsla för brott, kön och attributionsstilBjörk, Gabriel, Karlsson, Joakim January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka skillnader i svenskastudenters attityd till bestraffning utifrån faktorer såsomutbildningsområde, rädsla för brott, könsskillnader samt attributionsstil. Dessutom undersöktes den potentiella interaktionen mellan kön och rädsla för brott. En tvärsnittsundersökning genomfördes och besvarades av 280 deltagare, varav 79 män och 201 kvinnor. Utav dessa var 79 kriminologistudenter, 133 juridikstudenteroch 96 studenter i socialt arbete. Resultaten visade en skillnad mellan dessa tre grupper, där kriminologistudenter hade en mildare attityd till bestraffning än studenter i juridik- och socialt arbete. Vidare visade resultaten på att kvinnor och individer som hade en hög rädsla för brott även har en mer positiv attityd till bestraffning. Däremot fann studien ingen interaktion mellan kön och rädsla för brott. Vidare var endast kausalitetslokus relaterad till attityd till bestraffning. Sammanfattningsvis visar detta på att individers perception av brottoch brottslingar kan ha signifikant effekt på deras attityder till hur bestraffning ska användas i relation till brottslighet. Slutligen rekommenderas vidare forskning inom ämnet för att få mer kunskapom hur attityder till bestraffning formas. / The aim of this study was to examine difference in attitudes towards punishment among Swedish students on factors such as, field of study,fear of crime, gender and attributional style. The potential interactionbetween gender and fear of crime was also explored. A cross sectionalsurvey was answered by 280 participants, consisting of 79 men and201 women. The sample consisted of 79 criminology students, 133law students, and 96 social work students. The results showed adifference between the three groups of students, with criminologystudents being slightly less punitive compared to law- and social workstudents. Results further showed that women and individuals with ahigher degree fear of crime tend to have more positive attitudestowards punishment. However, no interaction was found betweengender and fear of crime. Lastly, only locus of causality was related tomore punitive attitudes. In conclusion, individuals’ perception ofcrime and criminals can have a significant effect on their attitudes onhow punishment should be used in response to crime. Future researchis needed to further deepen our knowledge of how punitive attitudesare formed.
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Predictors of Attitudes Towards Mental Health Treatment in the Orthodox Jewish PopulationBineth, Shlomo 01 January 2017 (has links)
Within the Orthodox Jewish (OJ) community, there is a hesitation among those in need of mental health services to seek treatment, primarily due to stigmatized views toward mental illness. The theory grounding this study was Goffman's theory of social stigma, which defines social stigma as the result of an attribute, behavior, or reputation being discredited by others in a way that puts a person or group of people in an undesirable light. The purpose of this study was to examine the reasons underlying negative attitudes toward mental health treatment in the OJ community by examining variables that might explain those attitudes. The variables examined included stigma, familiarity with mental health treatment, endorsement of OJ marriage structure and family system, geography, and age. Data on these variables were collected from a sample of 83 OJ adults using quantitative surveys, including the Attitudes toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale-Short Form, the Self-Stigma of Seeking Help Scale, the Family/Marriage Stigma Scale, and the Parental Influence on Mate Choice Scale. Using multiple regression analysis, results suggested that stigma was a significant predictor of negative attitudes towards seeking mental health services. The OJ marriage structure was a trend towards a significance predictor of negative attitudes towards seeking mental health services. However, familiarity with mental health treatment, endorsement of the OJ marriage family system, geography, and age did not significantly predict negative attitudes towards seeking mental health services. This study can effect positive social change by providing community organizations and activists a better understanding of the risk factors to help them improve the attitudes towards seeking mental health services within the community.
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Attitudes and Effectiveness of Teachers in Diverse Inclusive ClassroomsMoore-McKinley, Pamela 01 January 2018 (has links)
Students with disabilities who participate in a fully inclusive educational program have failed to meet district or state goals for adequate yearly progress. This student population is explicitly recognized in state and federal accountability systems. The purpose for this study was to determine how certain factors affected the implementation of inclusive services at one school. This study investigated how teachers' attitudes and perceptions toward inclusion, level of education, exposure to people/students with disabilities, level of support, and knowledge of laws governing the education of students with disabilities affected inclusive classrooms. Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences was used as the theoretical framework to present information about multiple intelligences and differentiated strategies that assisted in the implementation of inclusive services. The sample included 40 teachers who were working in inclusive settings. Teacher Attitudes Toward Inclusion Scale, 1-on-1 interviews, and end-of course scores were used in this sequential explanatory mixed methods study. The quantitative data were analyzed with t tests and ANOVAs, and the qualitative data were analyzed through hand transcription and locating emerging themes. Data showed that teachers had a slightly negative attitude toward inclusion, and student test scores were affected as a result. There were 2 statistically significant differences in attitudes of special education compared to regular education teachers and an average level of knowledge compared to those having very good knowledge of special education laws. The project created based on these results was a series of workshops for school staff. These workshops on inclusive practices could close the achievement gap for this student population and increase teacher effectiveness.
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Perceptions, Beliefs, and Behaviors Toward Breast Cancer Screening of Filipino Women in Saudi ArabiaFronda, Cherry Rose Aguilar 01 January 2017 (has links)
Despite the existence of breast cancer screening that could promote early diagnosis and survival of breast cancer, high mortality rates of breast cancer persist among Filipino women. The purpose of the qualitative study was to describe the perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors of Filipino women working as Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) in Saudi Arabia. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 20 Filipino women between the ages of 40 to 60 years who were recruited voluntarily using purposeful sampling technique. Guided by the structures of health belief model (HBM), the study used an inductive coding technique to elicit common themes from the raw data. The study established that the participants' screening behaviors were influenced by family history of breast cancer, the financial and emotional burden of the disease and its treatment, the benefit of early detection, mobility to participate, culture and language barriers, and the social media. The study also demonstrated that the desire to participate in breast cancer screening is influenced by the participants' perception of susceptibility and perception of severity to breast cancer. The findings of the study could create a positive social change as it may inform the practice of public health providers, influence the drafting of informed policies for comprehensive breast health care, and improve access to preventive health services for Filipino women OFWs. Furthermore, the study could empower Filipino women in their personal health decision making, especially when working in other countries where good health is the working capital and a precondition for survival.
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閱讀網絡圖對臺灣高中生閱讀理解成效之研究 / An investigation into the effects of graphic organizers on reading comprehension of senior high school students in Taiwan羅文卿 Unknown Date (has links)
綜合研究結果,本研究透過瞭解閱讀網絡圖在閱讀教學上的效益,期能提供教師對於閱讀網絡圖的使用有更一步的瞭解,以充分幫助學生的英語閱讀學習。 / The present study aimed to investigate the effects of graphic organizer instruction on Taiwanese senior high school students’ reading comprehension. Also, it explored students’ attitudes toward the use of graphic organizers.
Based on the purpose of this study, instruments included reading comprehension tests and an attitude questionnaire. Two intact classes of 92 private senior high school second-grade female students in Taichung City participated in the study. The classes were first divided into the experimental group and the control group. Before the treatment, the reading comprehension pre-test was administrated. During the six-week instruction, the experimental group received graphic organizer instruction, while the control group received the traditional reading instruction. After that, the effects of graphic organizer instruction were evaluated through measures of reading comprehension post-test. The attitude questionnaire was distributed to the experimental group right after the post-test. The quantitative analysis of the mean scores on comprehension tests was conducted through descriptive statistics, t-Tests, and two-way ANOVA to indicate the effects of graphic organizers. In addition, the data of the questionnaire were analyzed for students’ attitudes toward and perceptions of graphic organizers.
The major findings of the study were listed below:
1. The results of comprehension tests showed a significant effect of graphic organizer instruction on reading comprehension of senior high school students. Besides, the graphic organizer instruction positively affected students’ performance on answering cloze graphic organizer questions, while its effect on students’ answering multiple-choice questions was not salient.
2. Information gathered from the questionnaire indicated students’ positive attitudes toward the facilitation of graphic organizers. First, the students expressed positive feedbacks toward the use of graphic organizers. Second, they confirmed the benefits of graphic organizer instruction like increasing their reading comprehension and familiarizing themselves with text structure. Third, they generally showed their willingness to apply the use of graphic organizers to future learning while reading English articles or studying other subjects.
To conclude, this study may be of importance in understanding the effectiveness of graphic organizers in its application of reading instruction, as well as in providing English teachers with a better understanding of how to use graphic organizers so as to offer learners with best help.
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Sexual Harassment Among Turkish Female Athletes: The Role Of Ambivalent SexismZengin, Ezgi 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of the thesis was to focus on sexual harassment in sport in Turkey and the role of ambivalent sexism on attitudes toward sexual harassment. 170 female university students, playing in team sports participated to the study. Demographic Information Form, Coach Behaviors List (CBL), Responses to Sexual Harassment in Sport (RSHS) Scale, Attitudes toward Sexual Harassment (ASH) Scale, and Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI) were used in the study. Mean and standard deviations of coach behaviors and responses to sexual harassment were calculated in order to have descriptive information about the acceptance levels and frequency levels of them. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed unique predictions of age, political view, hostile sexism (HS), and benevolent sexism (BS) in female athletes&rsquo / attitudes toward viewing sexual harassment as the result of provocative behaviors of women (ASHPBW), but not in attitudes toward accepting sexual harassment as a trivial matter (ASHTM). ASHPBW, ASHTM, and HS were found as predictors of ASBC, but not for ANPTBC. In predicting the three dimensions of RSHS, years of sport experience, ASHPBW, ASHTM, and BS were found to be significant. This thesis mainly contributed to the literature by (1) development of RSHS scale, and adaptation of CBL for Turkey, (2) supporting the relationship between ASH and ambivalent sexist attitudes in sport environment, (3) investigating the predicting powers of ASHPBW, ASHTM, HS, and BS on acceptability of coach&rsquo / s negative behaviors, and (4) investigating the predictive powers of HS and BS on RSHS.
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The Effect Of Creative Drama Based Instruction On Seventh Grade StudentsGecim, Ayse Damla 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of creative drama- based instruction on 7th grade students&rsquo / achievement in probability concept and their attitude toward mathematics. Another purpose of the study is to investigate the gender differences regarding mathematics achievement and attitude. The study was conducted with two 7th grade classes from a public school in the 2010-2011 academic year, lasting 17 lesson hours (six weeks). Twenty-two of the participants received Creative Drama Based Instruction (CDBI), and twenty-one received Regular Instruction (RI).
Experimental design was used in which two different learning environments / creative drama based instruction and regular instruction was compared. In order to measure students&rsquo / mathematics achievement Probability Achievement Test (PAT) was used. The participants were given Mathematics Attitude Scale (MAS), in order to quantify the levels of attitude towards mathematics. These instruments were implemented before and after the treatment as pre-test and post-test. Independent samples t-test was performed on gain scores of PAT and MAS. Moreover, two way ANOVA was performed to examine the data.
Two way ANOVA results yielded that there was a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of Experimental Group and Control Group in terms of achievement in favor of Experimental Group. Moreover, female students had significantly higher mathematics achievement scores than males. The results of mathematics attitude scale showed that the seventh grade students&rsquo / attitudes towards mathematics were not significantly different with respect to teaching method. Also, it could be stated that gender difference regarding of mean attitude scores was not statistically significant.
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