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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Facilitating Conceptual Change In Atom, Molecule, Ion And Matter Concepts

Seker, Aytul 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of the study was to compare the effectiveness of the conceptual chance texts oriented instruction accompanied with analagoies over traditionally designed science instruction on 7th grade students&rsquo / understanding of atom, molecule, ion and matter concepts and their attitudes toward science as a school subject. In this study 70 seventh grade students from two classes of science course instructed by the same teacher from Battalgazi Elementary School took part. The study was conducted during 2004-2005 fall semester. This study included two groups which were selected randomly throughout five clasesses. One of the group was defined as control group in which students were taught by traditionally designed science instruction, while other group defined as experimental group in which students were instructed by conceptual chance texts oriented instruction accompanied with analogies (CCTI). Atom, Molecule, Ion and Matter Concepts Test (AMIMCT) was administered to both groups as a pre-test andpost-test and Attitudes Scale toward Science were administered as post-test to assesthe students understanding of atom, molecule, ion and matter concepts and students&rsquo / attitudes toward science as a school subject, respectively. The hypotheses were tested by using two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that CCTI caused significantly better acquisition of the scientific conceptions related to atom, molecule, ion and matter concepts than TDSI. The result showed that there was no significant difference between test mean scores of students taught with CCTI and those taught with TDSI with respect to their attitudes toward science as a school subject.

台灣地區大學生媒介使用、科學素養與科學態度之相關研究 / Media use, scientific literacy and attitude toward science among college students in Taiwan

張云慈, Chang, Yun-Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
在過去幾十年間,科學素養備受國內外學者重視,提升國民的科學素養程度不但被多國政府納入國家重點施政方針,相關調查與具體的教育措施亦成為研究者的關注焦點。大眾媒體向來是一般閱聽眾接觸科學資訊最常見的管道,因此如何讓科學知識能普及於一般民眾,甚至讓非專業人士也能對科學有正面評價並支持科學發展,便成為科學工作者傳遞科學資訊的挑戰。針對民眾科學知識與科學素養的相關研究,近十多年來在國外幾乎不曾間斷。然若回顧台灣本地文獻,大規模的科學素養或科學態度調查則較少出現。為彌補此一研究缺漏,本文擬以全台灣地區的大學在學生為調查對象,透過科學問卷設計,進行全國大學生科學素養與科學態度調查,同時將媒介使用與人口變項納入分析之中,以期了解彼此間的相互關係。 本研究透過隨機抽樣,抽出十一所分別位於台灣北、中、南、東的大專院校,於民國九十八年六月間進行問卷調查與回收,最後共取得1838份有效問卷,以統計軟體SPSS中的t檢定與階層迴歸分析後,研究發現如下:一、在新聞媒介使用上,大學生接觸網路頻率最高,電視次之,報紙與雜誌殿後;二、在科學素養方面,男性、就讀理工組相關科系、念公立大學、在班上成績較佳的學生,有較好的科學素養程度;科學態度與科學素養則無顯著相關;三、除了電視新聞與電視科學內容接觸外,其他種類的媒介使用對科學素養並無顯著影響;四、本研究發現,收看電視的頻率越高,科學素養越低落,且無論新聞或科學節目皆然;五、在控制住所有可能的影響因素後,影響科學素養最有力的變項分別為「公私立大學」、「就讀科系」與「班上成績」,顯示學校教育與過去學習背景是影響台灣地區大學生科學素養程度的最主要因素。 / Over the past decades, a growing number of studies have focused on public scientific literacy and tried to examine it. Public familiarity with basic scientific concepts and principles has been proposed as essential for effective decision-making both in personal daily life and national policy. Quantitative and qualitative studies of the public understanding of science have been conducted in many countries. Those studies have provided valuable insights into to what extent that citizens may have understood important scientific concepts, and furthermore, into the ways in which they seek and use scientific knowledge and how they think about science. There were only few science literacy related studies conducted in Taiwan. Up till now, no representative and population-based study in Taiwan. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to estimate the level of scientific literacy of college students in Taiwan and to explore the relationships between media use, scientific literacy and the attitude toward science. This study conducted a national survey among college students in Taiwan. One thousand eight-hundred and thirty-eight students participating in this study from June 1, 2009 to June 22, 2009. As expected, male, public university students, majoring science and technology, with better academic performance, will have higher levels of scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is negative related to the frequency of watching television, whether news or scientific programs, which suggests TV programs in Taiwan do not provide quality science contents to audiences. After controlling for a range of socio-demographic variables, it is found that public or private university, major, and academic performance have significant effects on college students’ scientific literacy. Findings indicated that educational variables affect the level of scientific literacy of Taiwanese undergraduates the most.

兒童網路性別態度與社會化歷程探討 / The Relationship between Children’s Attitudes toward Gender Representation on the Internet and the Processes of Socialization

樊誌融, Fan, Chih-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
我國兒童上網人口逐年攀升,兒童接觸網路的年齡逐年降低,網路上資訊充沛,兒童很有可能會接觸到網路上有關性別描述的內容,但是兒童會對網路上的性別描述抱持何種態度?因此本研究試圖瞭解兒童對網路上的性別描述抱持什麼樣的態度,並深入探究有哪些因素會影響兒童對於網路上性別描述的態度。 本研究試圖從社會化途徑探討社會化機制如何影響兒童網路性別態度,其中社會化機制包括家庭、同儕、學校以及大眾傳播媒體。 本研究使用量化研究方法,透過次級資料分析探討社會化歷程如何影響兒童網路性別態度,調查對象為北部地區國小三年級學童,總計有效樣本為495份。 研究發現,兒童對於網路上有關性別的描述略微傾向不相信,家庭、同儕、學校等社會化機制會影響兒童網路性別態度,家庭、同儕、學校等社會化機制與兒童網路態度的關聯性都達顯著相關,而且家庭、同儕和學校等社會化機制亦可顯著預測兒童網路性別態度,其中以同儕的影響力最大,反觀兒童的媒體使用行為不會影響兒童網路性別態度,另外,本研究還發現,居住縣市變項可以顯著預測兒童網路性別態度,居住在新竹市的學童較居住在其他縣市不相信網路上有關性別的描述。 / As the population of that children use the Internet is rising and the age of that children first access to the Internet is declining. There is lots of information on the Internet and children are probably exposed to the contents that relate to sex or gender. This study wants to know what children’s attitudes toward those gender contents are and which factors influence their attitudes. This study attempts to explore this issue from socialization perspective and to understand how the agents of socialization influence children’s attitudes toward gender representation on the Internet. This study adopts the quantitative method and analyzes the second data to understand how the processes of socialization affect children’s attitudes toward gender representation on the Internet. Subjects in this study are selected from students in elementary schools in northern Taiwan via sampling and structural questionnaires are used to collect data. The total number of reliable questionnaires is 495. The major findings in the study are as follows: First, children slightly disagree with the gender portrayal on the Internet. Second, the agents of socialization including family, peer group, and school can affect children’s attitudes toward gender representation on the Internet. Third, mass media, whether TV or the Internet, cannot influence children’s attitudes toward gender representation on the Internet. Fourth, living areas can affect children’s attitudes toward gender representation on the Internet. Children living in Hsinchu city disagree with the gender portrayal on the Internet more than those living in the other areas in northern Taiwan.

The language learning motivation of university-level students regarding the L2 motivational self system at a Turkish university context

Taylan, Halit January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to understand whether Dörnyei’s (2005, 2009) motivational self system fits well with the language learning motivation of the participants in this Turkish university context The study has been carried out in a university in Western Turkey. In order to answer the research questions, the study has adopted a quantitative research design. The study has been conducted using a 109 item Likert scale questionnaire. The total number of participants in the study is 250. The study includes English prep class participants from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, the Department of Environmental Engineering, the Department of English Language Teaching, the Department of English Language and Literature and the Department of Biology. The results of the study show that the motivational self system partially fits well with the language learning motivation of the participants in this Turkish university context. As the results suggest, the model needs some modifications in order to fit within this context. The three main components of the motivational self system (ideal L2 self, ought to L2 self, and attitudes toward learning English) are seen to be related to the intended learning efforts of the participants, and are confirmed as distinct independent constructs that measure the different dimensions of L2 motivation. However, the two standpoints, own and other, overlap in terms of instrumentality promotion, instrumentality prevention and family influence. The contribution of attitudes toward learning English to the intended learning efforts of the participants is higher than the ideal L2 self, and the effect of the ought to L2 self is questionable. In addition to this, the study shows that family influence is related to the ought to L2 self, rather than the ideal L2 self, but, contrary to Dörnyei’s (2005, 2009) model, milieu does not have any significant relationship with the ought to L2 self. The results also show that instrumentality has two foci: instrumentality promotion is related to the ideal L2 self, and instrumentality prevention is related to the ought to L2 self. Furthermore, imagination is found to be related to the ideal L2 self, as shown in the motivational self system. The results also suggest that the international community is important instrumentally for the imagined selves of the participants. This result supports the discussion that the international position of English attracts the participants’ future selves as suggested in the L2MSS. Key words: motivational self system; ideal L2 self; ought to L2 self; attitudes toward learning English; instrumentality promotion; instrumentality prevention.

Relationships between perceptions of personal ownership of laptop computers and attitudes toward school.

Brogdon, Sherri Gorham 12 1900 (has links)
The feeling of ownership is a topic of research that has not been addressed as a component in the integration of technology in the K-12 classroom. The effectiveness of this abstract concept in relationship to digital computing is important in the evaluation of one-to-one initiatives in education. This paper reports findings of a research study conducted using a new ownership survey instrument I developed, the Laptop Usage Inventory (LUI). Also administered during the study was the Student Attitude Survey given in a pretest/posttest design. The instruments were administered to seventh and eighth grade students in a north Texas middle school in the 2007-2008 school year. The methodology used to evaluate the Laptop Usage Inventory consisted of Cronbach's alpha and various scaling methods. LUI scale scores were correlated with the results of the Student Attitude Survey to compare students' attitudes toward school before and after using a laptop computer for the school year. Implications for laptop initiatives and for the classroom are discussed and a future research agenda is presented.

EN KÄLLA TILL SEXUELL FRIGÖRELSE ELLER TILL BROTTSBEJAKANDE ATTITYDER? : En undersökning om pornografikonsumtion och dess samband med attityder till sexuellt våld

Andersson, Sofia, Burlin, Lovisa, Myrman, Tove January 2020 (has links)
Pornografi konsumeras dagligen av många, samtidigt ses det som en riskfaktor för milda attityder till sexuellt våld. Pornografins skadliga konsekvenser är omdiskuterat och det föreligger brister gällande kunskapen om dess samband med sexuella attityder. Den aktuella studien syftade till att undersöka attityder gällande sexuellt våld mot kvinnor relaterat till pornografikonsumtion och kön. En tvärsnittsdesign användes och datainsamling genomfördes via en webbenkät där totalt 449 respondenter deltog (130 män; 319 kvinnor). Resultatet påvisade ett signifikant positivt samband mellan attityder till sexuellt våld och pornografikonsumtion bland män men inte bland kvinnor. En signifikant skillnad i attityder påvisades mellan de med hög respektive låg pornografikonsumtion bland kvinnor men inte bland män. Män hade mildare attityder till sexuellt våld och högre pornografikonsumtion än kvinnor. Slutligen hade de som ofta konsumerade pornografi med våldsinslag mildare attityder än de som sällan gjorde det. För att motverka pornografins skadliga konsekvenser är ett förslag att reglera produktion och konsumtion av pornografi, samt satsa på normkritisk sexualundervisning i skolan. / Pornography is daily consumed by many, at the same time it is regarded as a risk factor for more positive attitudes towards sexual violence. The harmful consequences of pornography is controversial and there is a lack of knowledge regarding its relationship with sexual attitudes. The purpose of the present study was to examine attitudes toward sexual violence against women related to pornography consumption and gender. A cross-sectional study design was used and the data were collected through an online survey with a total of 449 respondents (130 men; 319 women). The results showed a significant positive relationship between attitudes toward sexual violence and pornography in men but not in women. A difference between those who had a high respectively low pornography consumption were found in women but not men. Men had more positive attitudes toward sexual violence and also reported a higher consumption compared to women. Finally, individuals who often consumed violent pornography had milder attitudes than those who rarely did so. To counteract the harmful consequences of pornography, a suggestion is to regulate the production and consumption of pornography as well as investing in norm-critical sexual education in school.

Challenges That General Education Teachers Face When Implementing the IEP

Amy Rachelle Groh (10686072) 28 April 2021 (has links)
<p>Children with disabilities are more than ever placed in the general education class settings. While special educators are responsible for drafting and writing the IEP, General education teachers are responsible for implementing the IEP in the general education class setting. Studies show that general education teachers lack knowledge, support, and training of the IEP, which affects their attitudes toward inclusion. The purpose of this study was to identify what teachers know about the IEP and the challenges that they face with implementing them in their classrooms. In this study, data was collected from general education teacher surveys, and the results of the data were analyzed. From the data, it was determined that teachers face many challenges with the implementation of the IEP in their classes. From the data collected a handbook was created for general education teachers to utilize as a guide to overcome these challenges that they face when implementing the IEP in their classrooms was completed.<u></u><u></u></p><div><br></div>

Euro-středomořská politika-perspektivy vývoje. Vliv Španělska a Francie / Euro-Mediterranean Policy-Perspectives of development influence of Spain and France

Bocianová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation analyses development of Euro-Mediterranean policy since 2006 up to the present. Therefore the work analyses the newest institution Union for the Mediterranean, European Neighborhood Policy, change of institutional framework of the European foreign policy due to the Lisbon Treaty and also reaction of the European Union on the Arab spring and ongoing economic crisis whose impact on the external relation is significant. On the grounds of theoretical definition when on one hand the European Union presents itself as a normative actor (according to constructivist approaches) and on the other hand it pursues its realistic interests the dissertation concludes that this dilemma between normative rhetoric and realistic pursuing of interests leads to ineffective and untrustworthy foreign policy of the European Union in the Mediterranean. Then the dissertation brings comparison between French and Spanish approaches (whose interests are similarly defined in the Mediterranean) for influencing formulation and conduct of the EU foreign policy in this region. After application of the concept of Europeanization there is a conclusion that despite similar interests these two member states use different strategies toward the European level which in the end can bring influence in the European institutions.

Lärares attityder och TPACK-kunskaper i fysikundervisning

Kaneby, Robert, H. Thomasson, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Arbetets syfte är att få en bättre förståelse för vilka kunskaper och attityder som påverkar lärares undervisning i skolämnet fysik, och även att undersöka hur kunskaperna och attityderna påverkar varandra. För att undersöka detta använder vi två modeller som analysverktyg: TPACK, en modell för: teknologisk, pedagogisk och ämnesmässig kunskap (Mishra & Koehler, 2006), samt attitydmodellen Attitude Toward Teaching Science (van Aalderen-Smeets, van der Molen & Asma, 2011). Underlaget för våra analyser är fem lärare på olika skolor som undervisar ämnet NO i årskurs 4–6 i sydvästra Skåne. Vi använder oss av kvalitativ undersökningsmetod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med lärarna. I våra slutsatser kommer vi fram till att de intervjuade lärarna använder sina TPACK-kunskaper på olika sätt, och att om någon av lärarnas ämnesmässiga eller teknologiska kunskaper brister så kan det till viss del kompenseras av lärarens pedagogiska kunskap. Vi finner också att lärarnas attityder och fysiska förutsättningar (tillgång eller brist på material) är faktorer som kan förstärka eller försvaga deras TPACK-kunskapers användning.

How News Media Influences Readers’ Attitudes Toward the United States: A case study of Global Times and People’s Daily reporting

Kursinskis, Jacob Andrew 20 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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