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Dermatite ulcerativa causada por espinhos de Mimosa setosa, M. debilis e M. pudica (Fam?lia Fabaceae) em equinos / Ulcerative dermatitis caused by thorns of Mimosa setosa, M. debilis and M. pudica (family Fabaceae) in horses.CID, Gabriela de Carvalho 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-04-11T22:00:26Z
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2016 - Gabriela de Carvalho Cid.pdf: 11957327 bytes, checksum: 96764b1f2d588fc114d23dde6f1806e1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-11T22:00:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2016 - Gabriela de Carvalho Cid.pdf: 11957327 bytes, checksum: 96764b1f2d588fc114d23dde6f1806e1 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / CAPES / Mechanic natural skin lesions in horses caused by thorns of Mimosa spp. are described. Between the three plant species identified as responsible for the lesions, Mimosa setosa was present in greater quantity (80%) in the pasture, whilst M. debilis and M. pudica existed in lower proportion. Three ulcerative dermatitis outbreaks were observed during rainy periods of April to May 2013, December 2013 to February 2014 and April to May of the same year. Twenty-five horses from the Sector of Animal Reproduction, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, showed ulcerative skin lesions with irregular borders, hemorrhagic exudate, sometimes covered with scabs, located mainly in the regions of the pastern, fetlock, scapular-humeral joints, upper and lower lips, nose, nostrils, cheeks and chamfer. Seven horses were biopsied and histopathological examination revealed ulceration of the skin with inflammatory infiltrate by macrophages and neutrophils, delimited by granulation tissue. In some cases, microspicules of these plants (hirsute trichomes) were found throughout the inflammatory reaction. The diagnosis of skin dermatitis, caused by traumatic action of the plants, was based on the presence of Mimosa spp. in the pasture, on the characteristic clinic-pathological features and on recovery of the horses after their removal from the pasture. This appears to be the first report of the occurrence of ulcerative dermatitis caused by Mimosa setosa, as dermatitis caused by the others has been described before. / Descrevem-se les?es de natureza mec?nico-traum?tica na pele de equ?deos causadas por espinhos de Mimosa spp. Dentre as tr?s esp?cies da planta identificadas como respons?veis pelas les?es, M. setosa estava presente em maior quantidade e M. debilis e M. pudica encontravam-se em menor propor??o na pastagem. Ocorreram tr?s surtos de dermatite ulcerativa em per?odos chuvosos de abril a maio de 2013, dezembro de 2013 a fevereiro de 2014 e abril a maio deste mesmo ano. Vinte e cinco equinos do Setor de Reprodu??o Animal da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro apresentaram les?es ulcerativas na pele com contornos irregulares, exsudato serosanguinolento, por vezes recobertas com crostas. Localizadas principalmente nas regi?es da quartela, boleto, articula??es escapulo-umeral, l?bios superiores e inferiores, focinho, narinas, bochechas e chanfro. Sete animais foram biopsiados e o exame histopatol?gico revelou ulcera??o da epiderme e infiltrado inflamat?rio constitu?do por macr?fagos e neutr?filos, delimitado por tecido de granula??o subjacente. Em alguns casos, foram observados microesp?culos das referidas plantas (tricomas hirsutos) em meio ? rea??o inflamat?ria. O diagn?stico de dermatite cut?nea causada pela a??o traum?tica da planta baseou-se na presen?a de Mimosa spp. na pastagem, nos achados cl?nico-patol?gicos caracter?sticos e na recupera??o dos animais ap?s a retirada destes do pasto. Trata-se da primeira observa??o sobre a ocorr?ncia de dermatite ulcerativa causada por Mimosa setosa.
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Fitodisponibilidade de metais pesados na cultura do milho (Zea mays) cultivado em solos com diferentes texturas, tratados com biossólido / Pytoavailability of heavy metals in maize (Zea mays) grown in soils with different textures, treated with biosolidsMontovani, Patrícia Andréa Bertuol 26 February 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-02-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / It has been increasingly encouraging technologies to promote increased agricultural productivity without serious environmental damage. Some researchers have considered the application of sewage sludge in agriculture as a sustainable alternative to recycling. While discussions on the disposal of biosolids, the effects on the environment and public health have been increasing in the international arena. There are few studies that to cover these aspects in tropical soils. The objective of this work was to determine the phytoavailability of heavy metals in corn treated with different doses (0, 10, 20, 40 and 60 t ha-1) of sludge, grown in two soils of different textures, LVd and LVe, witch or without NPK. The design was completely randomized in 5x2x2 factorial arrangement with four replications, totaling 80 units well experimental. We evaluated the chemical properties of soil, the chlorophyll, heavy metals, macronutrients content in plant tissue from corn, and biometrics variables of maize plants. All dates obtained experimentally in maize plant tissue were subjected to analysis of variance and means compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. The results showed that the application of biosolids did not provide phytotoxic levels of heavy metals in the plant, however, did not show potential replacement conventional NPK fertilizer. It was observed that the plants had higher income in the medium soil, expected behavior under conditions where the experiment took place, where nutrients are not suffering, and percolation are more available to the plant / Tem sido cada vez maior o incentivo a tecnologias que visem promover o aumento da produtividade agrícola sem causar graves danos ambientais. Alguns pesquisadores tem considerado a aplicação de biossólido na agricultura como uma alternativa de reciclagem sustentável. Ao passo que discussões sobre a disposição de biossólidos, os efeitos sobre o ambiente e saúde pública vêm se destacando no cenário internacional. Poucos são os estudos que abrangem estes aspectos nos solos tropicais. Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar a fitodisponibilidade de metais pesados em milho tratados com diferentes doses de biossólido (0, 10, 20, 40 e 60 t ha-1), cultivado em dois solos de diferentes texturas, LVd e LVe, acrescidos ou não com NPK. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualisado (DIC) em esquema fatorial 5x2x2, com quatro repetições, totalizando 80 unidades experimenais. Foram avaliados atributos químicos do solo, os teores de clorofila, de metais pesados e macronutrientes no tecido vegetal do milho, bem como as variáveis biométricas das plantas de milho. Todos os dados obtidos experimentalmente do tecido vegetal do milho foram submetidos a análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Verificou-se que a aplicação de biossólido não proporcionou teores fitotóxicos de metais pesados na planta, no entanto, também não apresentou potencial de substituição da adubação convencional NPK. Observou-se que as plantas apresentaram acúmulo de matéria seca maior no solo de textura média, comportamento esperado nas condições em que se realizou o experimento, onde os nutrientes não sofrem percolação e estão mais disponíveis para a planta
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Intoxicação Espontânea pelo Herbicida Clomazone em Ovinos e Reprodução Experimental da Enfermidade / Spontaneous Poisoning by Clomazone Herbicide in Sheep and Experimental Reproduction Of DiseaseFagundes, Maurício Zacharias 09 August 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Sandro Camargo (sandro.camargo@unipampa.edu.br) on 2015-03-08T19:31:55Z
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-09 / As neuropatias tóxicas em animais de produção causadas por pesticidas correspondem a um importante grupo de enfermidades degenerativas do sistema nervoso central e periférico. No entanto, pouco se conhece sobre os reais impactos tóxicos de muitos desses produtos em animais e humanos e ao meio ambiente. O clomazone é um herbicida amplamente utilizado na região sul do Brasil por ser potente e supostamente seguro, com baixa toxicidade para animais e humanos. Até o presente não há relatos da intoxicação por esse herbicida em animais domésticos. O presente trabalho relata a intoxicação espontânea e experimental por clomazone em ovinos. De um rebanho com 103 ovinos, 20 animais apresentaram especialmente sinais clínicos neurológicos e respiratórios. A intoxicação foi reproduzida experimentalmente em três ovinos com a administração de 134 mg/kg de peso corporal de clomazone. Tanto nos casos naturais como experimentais o sinais clínicos incluíram taquipnéia, anorexia, apatia e dificuldade de locomoção com debilidade em membros torácicos e pélvicos, além de arrastar de pinças. Macroscopicamente não foram observadas alterações significativas. Microscopicamente, foram observadas especialmente vacuolização em substância branca e alguns vacúolos perineuronais e congestão de vasos das leptomeninges e do neurópilo. Ultraestruturalmente, as alterações vacuolares caracterizaram-se especialmente por tumefação em dendritos e processos astrocitários. A partir dos dados obtidos conclui-se que o clomazone é um agente tóxico capaz de causar neuropatia tóxica em ovinos. / The toxic neuropathies in farm animals caused by pesticides represent an important group of degenerative diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. However, little is known about the real impact of many of these toxic products on animals and humans and to the environment. The clomazone is a herbicide that has been widely used in southern Brazil and includes one of the most potent herbicides and supposedly safe, with low toxicity to animals and humans. To date, there are no reports of this herbicide poisoning in domestic animals. This study describes the spontaneous and experimental poisoning due to clomazone herbicide in sheep. In a flock of 103 sheep, approximately 20 showed clinical signs especially neurological and respiratory.
The poisoning was experimentally reproduced in three sheep with the administration of 134mg/kg body weight of clomazone. Both in natural and experimental cases the clinical signs included tachypnea, anorexia, apathy and limited mobility with weakness in forelimbs and hind limbs, drag tweezers, and gait changes. Macroscopically, there were no significant changes. Microscopically, were observed especially vacuolization in
the white matter of brain, perineuronal vacuoles and, hyperemia congestion of the leptomeningeal and neuropil vessels. Ultrastructurally, the vacuolar lesions in the brain correspond to dendritic and astrocytic processes swelling. From the data obtained it was concluded that the clomazone is a toxic agent capable of causing toxic neuropathy in sheep.
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Dynamique des contaminants inorganiques dans les sédiments de dragage : rôle spécifique de la matière organique naturelle / Dynamics of inorganic contaminants in dredged sediments : specific role of natural organic matterAchard, Romain 24 May 2013 (has links)
La gestion au long terme des sédiments de dragage contaminés soulève le problème du devenir des éléments potentiellement toxiques contenus dans ces matrices. Les paramètres physicochimiques influencent la spéciation et la distribution des contaminants sur les différentes phases porteuses organiques ou minérales, ainsi lors de la gestion à terre des sédiments la modification de facteurs tels que l’aération, les cycles d’humectation/séchage et l’activité bactérienne va influencer les paramètres physico-chimiques et donc la spéciation des contaminants. Afin de préciser les mécanismes responsables de la mobilité des éléments potentiellement toxiques et d’estimer l’acceptabilité environnementale des sédiments de dragage en scénario de valorisation (p. ex. butte paysagère, remblai ou sous couche routière), l’étude a été axée sur trois principales étapes :I établir la caractérisation totale des sédiments (granulométrie, minéralogie, teneur en eau, composition de la phase solide, composition de l’eau interstitielle) et évaluer selon des procédures normaliséesl’influence de facteurs (pH, L/S, température…) sur la lixiviation des éléments et sur les mécanismes géochimiques mpliqués ; II développer un jeu de paramètres d’entrée pour le code géochimique ORCHESTRA selon des procédures normalisées (quantification des phases porteuses les plus réactives : argiles, carbonates, oxy-hydroxydes de fer ou d’aluminium et matière organique - acide fulviques et humiques) ; III modéliser et prédire les courbes de solubilité des éléments décrites lors des tests normalisés issus de l’étape (i) par l’intermédiaire du jeu de paramètres d’entrée défini dans l’étape II. Les tests de lixiviation et la réalisation de modèles sont des approches complémentaires, indispensables pour appréhender et préciser les mécanismes contrôlant la mobilité et la rétention des éléments. Les modélisations des tests de lixiviation dynamique en colonne sont très sensibles aux variations des paramètres d’entrée, c’est pourquoi les modèles pour les éléments majeurs doivent être le plus adéquats possible. En général, les prédictions pour Al, Ca, Cl, Fe, H2CO3, Mg, Si, SO4, Cu, Cr, MoO4 2- , Pb et Zn ont été proches des données expérimentales, ce qui a indiqué que les processus majoritaires contrôlant la solubilité des éléments ont été pris en compte. Par contre, les prédictions pour Ni et As n’ont pas été satisfaisantes, montrant que certains processus de rétention restent encore inconnus et qu’ils ne sont pas pris en compte par la base de données MINETEQ2A. Pour mieux décrire le comportement d'As, il semblerait intéressant d’intégrer, dans le module NiCA-Donan, la complexation potentielle d'As par la MON. / The long-term management of contaminated dredged sediments raises the problem of the fate of the potentially toxic element contained in these matrixes. The physico-chemical parameters influence the speciation and distribution of contaminants between organic or inorganic bearing phases, and the terrestrial management of sediment induces the modification of factors such as oxydation, wetting / drying cycles or bacterial activity that will influence the physico-chemical parameters and thus the contaminant speciation. In order to identify the main mechanisms responsible for the mobility ofpotentially toxic elements and to estimate the environmental acceptability of dredged sediment in valuation scenario (as hill landscape, road fill or undercoat), the study was organized following three main steps I characterizing the sediment (particle size, mineralogy, moisture content, solid phase and pore water composition) and evaluating factors (pH, L / S, temperature ...) that control the leaching of elements, according to standardized procedures, II developing a set of input parameters for the geochemical code ORCHESTRA according to standardized procedures (quantification of the most reactive carrier phases : clays, carbonates, oxyhydroxides of iron or aluminum and organic matter - fulvic and humic acid) III modeling and predicting the solubility curves of the elements described in the standardized tests from step (i) using the set of input parameters defined in step (ii). Leaching tests and implementation models are complementary approaches that are necessary to understand the mechanisms controlling the mobility and retention of elements. Modeling of column dynamic leaching tests is very sensitive to changes in input parameters, so the model for the major elements should be as adequate as possible. The obtained predictions for Al, Ca, Cl, Fe, H2CO3, Mg, Si, SO4 2-, Cu, Cr, MoO4 2-, Pb and Zn were close to the experimental data, which indicates that the main processes controlling the solubility of elements were taken into account. The predictions for Ni and As, however, were not satisfactory, showing that some retention processes are still unknown or were not taken into account by the database MINETEQ2A. A better description of As behavior would require to include inAs complexation by the MON in the module Nica-Donan.
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ACES and Toxic Stress: Setting the Stage for Transforming Our Work for TN Children and FamiliesBird, Martha, Moser, Michele R. 01 February 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Pollution and Persuasion: An Investigation of Corporate Toxic Releases and Lobbying ExpendituresBrussell, Alexander 01 January 2018 (has links)
Although the prevailing viewpoint claims that corporate profitability and environmental regulation are directly at odds, there is a growing base of evidence suggesting that low-carbon companies gain a strategic advantage over dirtier competitors by lobbying for more stringent climate regulations. This paper extends previous analyses of corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and lobbying using toxic releases as a measure of environmental performance to assess the assertion that both clean and dirty firms disproportionately lobby on environmental policies. In my analysis, I find that the same relationship previously found using GHG emissions as a measure of corporate environmental performance holds with toxic releases when examining only the three most widely represented industries in my data—Major Chemical, Power Generation, and Energy Utilities. When combined with findings of a negative linear correlation between firms’ toxic releases and lobbying expenditures using the same sample, my results suggest that clean firms in these industries not only lobby frequently on environmental policies—they actually do so more aggressively than their dirtier competitors. While I deduce that these results are caused by clean firms lobbying for stricter environmental regulations that impose costly compliance costs on dirty competitors, it is evident that my data do not specify if firms are lobbying for or against more stringent regulations or what the implications of those lobbied policies would entail. This inability to distinguish firms’ underlying motivations for lobbying is a fundamental shortcoming of my analysis.
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Toxic Air Discharge and Infant Mortality: Effects of Community Size and SocioeconomicsSalter, Khabira 01 January 2019 (has links)
Living in counties where manufacturers release environmental toxins, such as those tracked by the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) toxic release inventory (TRI), may elevate infants' health risks. Because infant mortality (IM) is a strong indicator of a population's health status, it is an important topic in public health research. The purpose of this research was to examine the potential relationships between IM, community size, and factors related to mothers' SES in counties where more than 25,000 pounds of annual toxic air releases occur. The dependent variable was IM per 1,000 live births in a given community for each of the 3 years included in this analysis (1987, 1995, and 2004). The independent variables included county size and factors related to mother's SES (education, age, ethnicity, and marital status). The theoretical framework consisted of Mosley and Chen's framework for exploring child survival. Archival, publicly available data were pulled from (a) the EPAs TRI data, and (b) linked birth and infant death files from the National Center for Health Statistics. The researcher followed a quantitative, retrospective cross-sectional design and conducted 3 linear regression models to test the research questions. Results indicated that an increase in community size was significantly associated with an increase in IM. Regarding the relationships between IM and the 4 different maternal characteristics (education, age, ethnicity, and marital status) included in the analysis, findings were mixed for the 3 years examined. Despite these unexpected findings, the overall results from this investigation, when considered alongside findings from previous research on IM, indicate that policy changes and interventions are needed to reduce socioeconomic disparities in IM, and to save the lives of more infants.
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Viability of Bismuth as a Green Substitute for Lead in Jacketed .357 Magnum Revolver BulletsJenkins, Joel A. 11 March 2015 (has links)
In seeking to develop environmentally friendly lead-free non-toxic bullets, the research ballistically evaluated the performance of copper-jacketed handgun bullets containing a pure bismuth core. The lead was first removed from 140 grain HornadyTM XTP® bullets of 38 caliber (.357 diameter) by melting. The empty jackets were then refilled with pure bismuth, including the forming of a correctly sized hollow-point cavity. Due to the lower density of bismuth as compared to lead, the bismuth-cored bullets consistently weighed 125 gains. Conveniently this allowed direct comparison to commercially available 125 grain HornadyTM XTP® lead-cored bullets of 38 caliber. Both bismuth-cored and lead-cored versions of the 125 grain bullets had identical nose dimensions and jacket material, the only dimensional difference being the bullet length below the cannelure. Shooting took place at an outdoor range using a 357 Magnum RugerTM SP101® revolver with 3" barrel as the test weapon. FBI protocols were followed when firing through clothing, wallboard, plywood, steel plates and laminated glass. Wound paths and bullets were captured in ballistic gelatin, with data collected for velocity, penetration, expansion, and weight retention. Bismuth compared favorably with lead in all but the laminated glass test, where it under penetrated due to jacket separation.
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Caractérisation des proliférations nostocaléennes anciennes et futures via les akinètes présents dans les sédiments / Characterization of past and future nostocalean proliferations with akinetes present in sedimentsLegrand, Benjamin 12 December 2017 (has links)
Les akinètes sont des cellules de résistance produites par les cyanobactéries de l’ordre des Nostocales. Issues de la différenciation de cellules végétatives, les akinètes sont capables de persister en surface des sédiments pendant la période hivernale puis de germer au printemps pour recoloniser la colonne d’eau. Le suivi des populations pélagiques et benthiques effectué pendant deux années sur le lac d’Aydat a montré que les akinètes présents à la surface des sédiments sont représentatifs de la diversité et de l’abondance, des proliférations nostocaléennes passées. Leur capacité à persister dans les sédiments sur de longues échelles de temps a permis de mettre en évidence la présence de cyanobactéries il y a plusieurs milliers d’années. La présence récurrente d’akinètes dans les sédiments jusqu’à la période actuelle indique la persistance d’un niveau trophique élevé sur l’ensemble de l’histoire de ce lac. Parallèlement, le potentiel toxique des akinètes, étudié via la détection des gènes anaC et mcyA, a montré la co-occurrence de ces deux cyanotoxines dès les premiers blooms cyanobactériens, il y a plus de 6700 ans ainsi que la récurrence d’anaC, associé à Dolichospermum macrosporum, au moins sur les 30 dernières années. Par ailleurs, d’importantes différences de pourcentage d’intégrité des akinètes ont été observées en fonction des espèces, variant en moyenne de 5 à 60% pour les deux espèces dominantes, D. macrosporum et D. flos-aquae respectivement. Cette variabilité serait le reflet des interactions écologiques survenues dans la colonne d’eau et traduirait des stratégies écologiques différentes. De même, la capacité et le temps de germination semblent être espèce dépendante, ce qui permettrait un étalement de la période de recrutement en fonction des conditions environnementales. Malgré une perte globale de viabilité avec le temps, des akinètes enfouis depuis 1800 ans dans les sédiments ont révélé leur capacité à germer, confirmant l'importance de ces cellules de résistance dans la pérennisation à long terme des proliférations nostocaléennes. / Akinetes are resistant cells produced by cyanocteria of the Nostocales Order. Originating from the differentiation of vegetative cells, Akinetes are able to persist in surface sediment duringg winter and then germinate in spring to recolonize the water column. Monitoring on pelagic and benthic populations performed during two years in lake Aydat has shown that the akinetes present in surface sediments are representative of diversity and abundances of past nostocalean proliferations. Akinetes capacity to persist in sediment at large time scales has allowed to highlight cyanobacterial presence since several thousand years. Recurrences of akinetes in sediment from 6 700 years to present day presume that the trophic level stayed high through the history of this lake. In parallel, the toxic potential of akinetes, studied with the detection of anaC and mcyA genes, has shown the co-occurrence of anatoxin-a and microcystins the since first cyanobacterial blooms, 6 700 years ago and the recurrence of anaC associated to Dolichospermum macrosporum since at least the last 30 years. On the other hand, high differences of intact akinete percentages have been observed depending on the species, with mean values of 5 and 60 % for D. macrosporum and D. flos-aquae (the two dominant species) respectively. This varibiliy may be the reflect of ecologic interactions which occurred in the water column and may be due to different ecological strategies. Moreover, ability and time of germination seem to be dependent, which may allow to extend the window of recruitment depending on environmental conditions. Despite a high loss of viability over time, some akinetes buried since 1 800 years in sediments have shown their ability to germinate, confirming the importance of these resistant cells in the long scale perpetuation of nostocalean blooms.
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An Analysis of (Bad) Behavior in Online Video GamesBlackburn, Jeremy 04 September 2014 (has links)
This dissertation studies bad behavior at large-scale using data traces from online video games. Video games provide a natural laboratory for exploring bad behavior due to their popularity, explicitly defined (programmed) rules, and a competitive nature that provides motivation for bad behavior. More specifically, we look at two forms of bad behavior: cheating and toxic behavior.
Cheating is most simply defined as breaking the rules of the game to give one player an edge over another. In video games, cheating is most often accomplished using programs, or "hacks," that circumvent the rules implemented by game code. Cheating is a threat to the gaming industry in that it diminishes the enjoyment of fair players, siphons off money that is paid to cheat creators, and requires investment in anti-cheat technologies.
Toxic behavior is a more nebulously defined term, but can be thought of as actions that violate social norms, especially those that harm other members of the society. Toxic behavior ranges from insults or harassment of players (which has clear parallels to the real world) to domain specific instances such as repeatedly "suiciding"" to help an enemy team. While toxic behavior has clear parallels to bad behavior in other online domains, e.g., cyberbullying, if gone unchecked it has the potential to "kill" a game by driving away its players.
We first present a distributed architecture and reference implementation for the collection and analysis of large-scale social data. Using this implementation we then study the social structure of over 10 million gamers collected from a planetary scale Online Social Network, about 720 thousand of whom have been labeled cheaters, finding a significant correlation between social structure and the probability of partaking in cheating behavior. We additionally collect over half a billion daily observations of the cheating status of these gamers. Using about 10 months of detailed server logs from a community owned and operated game server we next analyze how relationships in the aforementioned online social network are backed by in-game interactions. Next, we use the insights gained and find evidence for a contagion process underlying the spread of cheating behavior and perform a data driven simulation using mathematical models for contagion. Finally, we build a model using millions of crowdsourced decisions for predicting toxic behavior in online games.
To the best of our knowledge, this dissertation presents the largest study of bad behavior to date. Our findings confirm theories about cheating and unethical behavior that have previously remained untested outside of controlled laboratory experiments or only with small, survey based studies. We find that the intensity of interactions between players is a predictor of a future relationship forming. We provide statistically significant evidence for cheating as a contagion. Finally, we extract insights from our model for detecting toxic behavior on how human reviewers perceive the presence and severity of bad behavior.
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