Spelling suggestions: "subject:"toxicité""
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Kemikalier hos frisörer : Ekotoxikologisk farobedömningShahrour, Ola January 2014 (has links)
Studien undersöker vilka kemikalier som används i frisersalonger och som kan vara farliga för miljön. Största delen av kemikalierna sprids till vattenmiljön genom avloppsvatten, där exponering för vattenlevande organismer kan orsaka förändringar. En ekotoxikologisk farobedömning identifierar och karakteriserar kemikaliers risker och toxicitet. Farobedömningen baseras på tester utförda på de trofiska nivåer som finns i den akvatiska miljön och bygger på tre kriterier: akvatisk toxicitet, nedbrytbarhet och bioackumulerbarhet. Syftet med examensarbetet är att genomföra en farobedömning på kemikalierna som släpps ut i avloppsnätet från utvalda frisersalonger. Information om kemikalierna som återfanns hos tre frisersalonger eftersöktes i databaser för kemikalier. Totalt identifierats 202 kemikalier från 52 produkter och av dessa kunde 77 kemikalier klassificeras. Farokarakterisering gjordes på de kemikalier som var toxiska för vattenlevande organismer. Resultaten visade att totalt 29 av kemikalierna var klassade som toxiska för vattenlevande organismer. Kemikalierna som identifierats vara toxiska för den akvatiska miljön kan analyseras vidare genom att göra en exponeringsbedömning och risk karakterisering. Information om akvatisk toxicitet, nedbrytbarhet och bioackumulerbarhet saknas för mer än hälften av de funna kemikalierna. Avsaknaden av denna information gör att kunskapen om hur avfallet ska hanteras riskerar att vara bristfällig och att miljöriskerna ligger på en högre nivå än vad som är önskvärt. För att minska riskerna ges några förslag på åtgärder såsom komplettering av miljöriskbedömningar för kemikalierna som finns i hårvårdsprodukter, ökat kunskap om produkternas effekter på miljön, hantering av avfall på rätt sätt samt förslag på reningsmetoder. / This study identifies and examines which chemicals used at hairdressers that are dangerous to the environment. Whereas the largest amounts of chemicals in these products are spread via the sewage net and discharge to recipient, this can cause changes or death in the aquatic environment. Toxic chemicals can be identified and characterized by ecotoxicological hazard assessment. However, an ecotoxicological test, done on different trophic species, is based on 3 criteria: aquatic toxicity, biodegradation, and bioaccumulation. The goal of this exam work is to make a hazard assessment for chemicals that pass through the hairdressers’ sewage system. Hair products that were gathered from three hairdressers have been studied via different classification databases. Hazard characterization has been done for chemicals that were identified to be toxic. 202 chemicals were obtained from 52 products, where 77 chemicals have been classified in the used databases and 29 were identified as toxic to water environment. Besides, studies can be completed and an exposure assessment can be done to chemicals that have been identified to be hazardous in order to complete the environmental risk assessment. Information such as, toxicity to aquatic environment, biodegradation, and bioaccumulation, for more than half of the obtained chemicals has been missing in this study. As a suggestion, further risk assessments, chemical classification, and more demanded information about products ingredients can be recommended in order to minimize the risk. However, a good knowledge about how solid waste can be handled is a way to make the risks for nature smaller. Another interesting suggestion, from a recent study, has been done in order to minimize risks that are spread through sewage.
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Har eukalyptusolja någramedicinska effekter? : Goda eller onda?Ståhl, Catrine January 2016 (has links)
Inledning Eukalyptus kommer från familjen Myrtaceae och innehåller cirka 900arter. Några vanliga beståndsdelar är 1,8-cineole är α-penen, ρ-cymen, tipeniol ocharomadendren. Den vanligaste oljan kommer ifrån eukalyptus globulus.Eukalyptus är en vanligt förekommande växt i den farmaceutiska ochpsykoterapeutiska världen. Ursprungsbefolkningen i Australien har använt eukalyptusför att bota förkylning, hosta och inflammationer i luftvägarna under hundratals år.Antiinflammatoriska, antispasmolytisk, analgetiska, antimykotika, antioxidantiskaoch antibakteriell är effekter som setts hos eukalyptusoljan. Dess antibakteriellaegenskap är något som är intressant att studera vidare på då WHO belyserproblematiken kring utvecklingen av multiresistenta-bakterier både blandgrampositiva och gramnegativa bakterier.Den orala dosen för eukalyptusoljan sägs vara 0,005-0,2 ml och dos om 3,5 ml harvisats som dödlig dos i människan. Dock finns fall där både högre och lägre doser harsetts påverka människan negativt. Syfte Litteraturstudiens syfte är att undersöka om eukalyptusoljan har någramedicinska effekter, med inriktning på antibakteriella effekten på multiresistentabakterier.Men även undersöka om eukalyptus är toxisk för människa. Metod Resultaten presenteras utifrån en PubMed-sökning som resulterades i 8studier där både fall-studier och forskningsstudier används. Resultat Forskningen tyder på att eukalyptus som en antibakteriell olja har en effekt.Högst effektivitet sågs hos grampositiva bakterier jämfört med gram negativabakterier, bortsett från gramnegativa A. baumannii där en god effekt noterats. Någraoljor som innehöll mycket av aromadendren och 1,8-cineole visade en bra effekt påbakterier men också oljor som inte innehöll hög koncentration av dessa beståndsdelarvisade på en antibakteriell effekt. E. camaldulensis innehållande mycket avspathunelol visade effekt, vilket även sågs i synergiska test med antibiotika. Frukten avE. globulus visade störst effekt följt av dess beståndsdel enskilda aromadendren.Aromadendre och 1,8-cineole visades även ha en synergisk effekt i närvaro av en delbakterier.Resultatet gällande toxiciteten hos eukalyptusoljan har hittas från fall-rapporter därbarn fått i sig olika preparat av ren 100 % olja och preparat innehållandeeukalyptusolja. Svår intoxikation har noteras vid 5-10 ml, dos om 7,5 ml noterades därbarn både kräktes och blev medvetslös. 100 % olja om 75 ml har gett svåra symtom.Doser om 0,6 ml har också uppvisat toxicitet i vissa fall. Koordinationsrubbningar,dåsighet och medvetandepåverkan var de mest förekommande symtomen. Diskussion Resultaten tyder på att eukalyptus har en medicinsk effekt genom dessantibakteriella egenskaper på multiresistenta-bakterier. Jämfört med någraantibiotika hade den inte lika bra effekt. Men dess effektivitet som antibakterielltläkemedel i människan är svårt och säga då in vivo studier inte gjorts.Säkerheten av eukalyptus verkar variera i människan, både låga och höga doser harnoterats ge symtom på intoxikation. Toxiska doser varierar stort mellan individer ochpreparat. Ett barn tog till exempel 75 ml eukalyptus, vilket klassas som en dödlig dos och klarade sig bra.
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Effekt av tillskott av vitamin D på vårt immunförsvarAlfredji, Kaothar January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Giftpåverkan av kolloidalt silver på Blåstång Fucus vesiclosusKarlén, AnnSofie January 2017 (has links)
Silver is commonly used in clothes, cosmetics, pharmaceutical products as well as water refinement products these days. With the increased usage of silver there is an increased risk that the amount of silver in nature raises and that it affects ecosystems. Aquatic ecosystems have shown to be sensitive to the toxic effects of the silver. The bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) is one of the most important species in the Baltic Sea and is of major importance for the survival of other species. The purpose of the study is to increase the knowledge of colloidal silver toxic effects on the bladderwrack. This study measures the stress level and leakage of pigment of the bladderwrack which has been exposed to different levels of colloidal silver. The study was conducted at Askö laboratory during the period 19/4 to 25/4 -2017. The results show that colloidal silver has a significant stressful effect on bladderwrack, especially at the higher levels. During a period of three days, significant values of the higher concentration, was found over three consecutive measurement events. Thereafter the bladderwrack recovers. A second study of two and a half days shows two significant values in succession, with a subsequent weak rejuvenation at higher levels. The study also shows that the stress level varies over time. Measures on the water that the bladderwrak laid in during the stress measurements showed that the bladderwrack released more dye, the higher the concentration of colloidal silver to which they were exposed. Despite the low sample size, the bladderwrack shows signs of stress but after multiple test corrections the values were not significant. The Baltic Sea has aggravating factors such as slow water exchange, low salinity and a lot of pollution. Resistance is low. The bladderwrack is a structurally important species in the Baltic Sea ecosystem. If larger colloidal silver is released due to increased use, there is a risk that the bladderwrack may be stressed.
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Smärtlindring med opioider. En jämförelse mellan olika beredningsformer av fentanyl och morfin.Svensson, Rebecka January 2017 (has links)
Smärta definieras enligt IASP (International Association of the Study of Pain) som ”An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage”, vilket betyder att en potentiell eller faktisk vävnadsskada kan orsaka en känslomässig eller sensorisk obehaglig upplevelse. Smärtupplevelsen hos individer varierar och är därmed personlig. För behandling av smärta finns flertalet olika alternativa läkemedel, däribland ingår opioider. Till kategorin opioider hör bland annat morfin och fentanyl. Bortsett från den smärtlindrande effekten som morfin respektive fentanyl genererar, kan negativa biverkningar även uppstå. Biverkningar kan, som för andra opioider, involvera eufori, illamående, kräkningar, klåda, förstoppning och sedering till mer allvarliga biverkningar som respiratorisk depression. Det finns olika behandlingsalternativ med dessa preparat, däribland oral och intravenös administrering av morfin. Fentanyl kan bland annat administreras buckalt, nebuliserat, intranasalt och transdermalt. Fentanyl är 100 gånger mer potent än morfin och därmed är transdermal behandling möjlig. Syftet med detta litteraturarbete var att kontrollera hur fentanyl jämför sig i olika beredningsformer med morfins effekt på smärta, samt att se vilka förgiftningsproblem som finns med fentanyl. För att hitta relevanta studier som behandlade detta område gjordes sökningar via databasen PubMed. De flesta granskade studier i arbetet tyder på att fentanyl i olika beredningsformer fungerar bra som ett alternativ vid antingen oral eller intravenös behandling med morfin, vid smärta. Fentanyl ses även som ett säkert och effektivt alternativ för behandling av smärta. Det är inte särskilt vanligt att barn drabbas av förgiftning som är orsakade av läkemedel, men fall förekommer. Opioider är en av de läkemedel som orsakar flest dödsfall relaterat till förgiftning hos barn under 5 år. Förgiftning som orsakats av fentanyl kan effektivt behandlas med antagonisten naloxon. Typiska symtom vid förgiftning av fentanyl var enligt litteraturarbetets fallrapporter kontraherade pupiller (1mm), kräkningar, illamående, respiratorisk acidos och hög hjärtfrekvens. Deltagarantalet i de flesta studier var ganska låga, och för att litteraturstudiens frågeställning ska besvaras med säkerhet bör mer forskning genomföras inom området. / According to IASP (International Association of the Study of Pain), pain is defined as “An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage”. The pain experience is individual and is therefore personal. For the treatment of pain, there are several different drug alternatives, including opioids. Fentanyl and morphine belong to the category “opioids”. Apart from the analgesic effect, morphine and fentanyl can also cause adverse side effects. Side effects, like for other opioids, can be euphoria, nausea, vomiting, itching, constipation and sedation but also more serious side effects such as respiratory depression. There are different treatment options available with morphine and fentanyl. Treatment with morphine can be done through oral or intravenous administration, and treatment with fentanyl can be done buccally, nebulized, intranasally and transdermally. Fentanyl is 100 times more potent than morphine and therefore transdermal treatment is possible. The purpose of this work was to examine how fentanyl in different administration forms compares with morphine´s effect on pain, as well as to see which toxic problems there can be with fentanyl. To find relevant studies that addressed this aim, searches where made in the PubMed database. Most reviewed studies in this work indicate that fentanyl in various forms works well as compared with either oral or intravenous morphine for pain. Fentanyl is also seen to be a safe and effective treatment for pain. It is not very common for children to suffer from poisoning caused by drugs, but cases occur. Opioids are among the drugs that cause most deaths related to poisoning in children under 5 years of age. Poisoning caused by fentanyl can be effectively treated with the antagonist naloxone. Typical symptoms reported due to poisoning caused by fentanyl were contracted pupils (1mm), vomiting, nausea, respiratory acidosis / depression and high heart rate. The number of participants in most studies was quite low and to answer the aim of this study with certainty, more research should be conducted in this field.
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Lakningsförsök med furubarksflis : en utredning om utsläpp av fenolföreningar samt metallsorptionVienola, Sari January 2007 (has links)
<p>The filters used today to purify water are often expensive and the need to find new filter materials is substantial. Studies of pine bark have shown that this is a material that may be used as an alternative to conventional filter materials, such as activated carbon. However, the study of pine bark has shown that a leakage of phenolic compounds may occur when using the material for water purification. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to investigate the release of phenols from pine bark, in order to evaluate the use of pine bark as a filter material. Another assignment is to investigate the amount of metals adsorbed by the filter material. The studies were carried out through three leaching experiments. As leachates, double deionised water and storm water were used. The phenol concentration in the leachate was determined for both double deionised water and storm water. The degree of metal sorption was measured only for the storm water. The measured phenol concentration in the double deionised water was 4.40 mg/L and in the storm water 4.81 mg/L. These concentrations exceed the Canadian guideline value, of 4.0 μg/L, more than a 1000 times. No metal sorption occurred as the metal content of the storm water was too low. Instead a release of metals from the pine bark into the eluate of the storm water occurred. The leaching attempts also resulted in a decline of the pH-values of the two different waters. The pH-values for the double deionised water and the storm water decreased from 7.0 to 4.3 and from 6.0 to 4.2 respectively. A release of phenols was ascertained with a significant difference in concentrations between double deionised water and storm water. Therefore it is not advisable to use pine bark filters for purification of water with low concentrations of metals, as the filter material may release metals into the water under such conditions.</p><p>Keywords: pine bark, phenol, filter materials, leaching, metal sorption, toxicity</p><p>Nyckelord: furubarksflis, fenol, filtermaterial, lakning, metallsorption, toxicitet</p>
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Lakningsförsök med furubarksflis : en utredning om utsläpp av fenolföreningar samt metallsorptionVienola, Sari January 2007 (has links)
The filters used today to purify water are often expensive and the need to find new filter materials is substantial. Studies of pine bark have shown that this is a material that may be used as an alternative to conventional filter materials, such as activated carbon. However, the study of pine bark has shown that a leakage of phenolic compounds may occur when using the material for water purification. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to investigate the release of phenols from pine bark, in order to evaluate the use of pine bark as a filter material. Another assignment is to investigate the amount of metals adsorbed by the filter material. The studies were carried out through three leaching experiments. As leachates, double deionised water and storm water were used. The phenol concentration in the leachate was determined for both double deionised water and storm water. The degree of metal sorption was measured only for the storm water. The measured phenol concentration in the double deionised water was 4.40 mg/L and in the storm water 4.81 mg/L. These concentrations exceed the Canadian guideline value, of 4.0 μg/L, more than a 1000 times. No metal sorption occurred as the metal content of the storm water was too low. Instead a release of metals from the pine bark into the eluate of the storm water occurred. The leaching attempts also resulted in a decline of the pH-values of the two different waters. The pH-values for the double deionised water and the storm water decreased from 7.0 to 4.3 and from 6.0 to 4.2 respectively. A release of phenols was ascertained with a significant difference in concentrations between double deionised water and storm water. Therefore it is not advisable to use pine bark filters for purification of water with low concentrations of metals, as the filter material may release metals into the water under such conditions. Keywords: pine bark, phenol, filter materials, leaching, metal sorption, toxicity Nyckelord: furubarksflis, fenol, filtermaterial, lakning, metallsorption, toxicitet
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Are nAChRs and NMDA receptors involved in low dose ethanol-nicotine toxicity in SH-SY5Y cells?Jonsson, Karl January 2013 (has links)
Consumption of alcohol and tobacco is common all around the world and these drugs are frequently consumed concomitantly. It has been estimated that 70-80 % of alcoholics are smokers and non-alcoholic drinkers are more often smokers than teetotallers. Alcohol and tobacco may affect the risk of developing neurological diseases and might influence this risk differently when combined compared to when only one of these compounds is consumed. Some in vitro-research have shown that non-toxic concentrations of ethanol and nicotine, in combination, can exert toxicity, and might do so in a synergistic way. In this work, investigations were made to see if the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) and NMDA receptors are involved in this interactive behaviour between ethanol and nicotine. A human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell line was treated with ethanol and nicotine at different concentrations and cell viability was measured through an MTT-assay. A significant reduction in cell viability was induced by chronic treatment with a low-dose combination of ethanol and nicotine. The cell viability reduction was completely inhibited by pretreatment with the non-specific nAChR antagonist mecamylamine. This suggests that nAChRs are involved in low-dose ethanol-nicotine interactions. The NMDA receptor antagonist memantine did not affect the ethanol-nicotine effect, which implies that NMDA receptors are not involved in low-dose ethanol-nicotine interactions in SH-SY5Y cells. However, it is unclear if the SH-SY5Y cell line expresses fully functional NMDA receptors. The expression of NMDA receptors might vary with cell passage number. Further research has to be done to uncover the contribution of specific nAChR subtypes to the ethanol-nicotine interaction. There also remains to be revealed if human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells express fully functional NMDA receptors and how cell passage number affects the expression of these receptors.
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Assessment of zebrafish embryo toxicity of environmentally relevant antibioticsMastrangeli, Ophelia January 2021 (has links)
Antibiotics are essential drugs in modern medicine. After consumption antibiotics are excreted in unmetabolized form in the urine and reach our sewage treatment plants (STP). STP are not able to degrade all antibiotics leading to release of antibiotics into the aquatic environment. Aquatic animals are thus continuously exposed to antibiotics. This study involved assessment of the toxicity of eight antibiotics previously detected in the river Fyrisån, Uppsala, Sweden, in developing zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos up to day six of age. The experiments included assessment of embryonal toxicity for the individual antibiotics as well as mixtures of all antibiotics. The mixtures were based on previously measured concentrations in river Fyrisån and tested in increasing concentrations up to 1000-times higher concentrations. In the toxicity assessment different lethal and sublethal endpoints were observed, such as early movements, heart rate, hatching time and length. These experiments were followed by behaviour study observing the swimming activity during alternating dark-light alternations. Lastly, a bioaccumulation study was performed on mixtures of antibiotics to determine if these antibiotics were bioaccumulative in zebrafish embryos. The results showed that these eight antibiotics, individually and as a mixture did not affect any of the endpoints. As for bioaccumulation, none of the eight antibiotics were bioaccumulating in zebrafish embryos. These antibiotics seem to be non-toxic during fish embryonal development. However, the results cannot determine the long-term effects of antibiotic exposure and thus further studies are needed to assess the potential toxicity of environmentally present antibiotics to fish.
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Health risk assessment of dioxin-like compounds in complex samples /Öberg, Mattias U. L., January 2003 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2003. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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