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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Robotic Hand Controlled by Glove Using Wireless Communication / Robothand Styrd av Handske Genom Trådlös Kommunikation

KAZI, MEHNAZ, BILL, MICHELLE January 2020 (has links)
The interest in the research and development of humanoid robots has been steadily growing in recent years. The application of such robotic systems are many and wide. In this bachelor’s thesis in mechatronics one such robotic system was built in the form of a hand. The aim was to investigate how well the robotic hand could imitate the movements of a user-worn controller glove as well as grip objects, both through wireless communication. The controller glove consisted of an Arduino Nano microcontroller, five flex sensors, an inertial measurement unit that detected the wrist rotation of the glove, a nRF24L01 transmitter as well as an external power source of 9 volts. The robotic hand consisted of three-dimensional printed parts from an open source library, an Arduino Uno microcontroller, a nRF24L01 receiver, two external power supplies of 9 volts and 5 volts and six servo motors, with one servo motor per finger and wrist. The finished robotic hand did well in imitating the motions of the controller glove with little to no observed delay and was able to grip onto objects of various sizes, shapes and weights up to 134 grams. The constructed robotic hand achieved the desired goals of the project. The results indicated that improvements can be made on the grip ability of objects with rigid surfaces as well as improving the imitation by implementing more degrees of freedom for the fingers of the robotic hand. / Intresset för forskning och utveckling av humanoida robotarhar under de senaste åren varit på ständig uppfart. Applikationerna av sådana robotsystem är många och breda. Idetta kandidatarbete inom mekatronik konstruerades ettsådant robotsystem i formen av en hand. Syftet var att undersöka hur väl robothanden kunde imitera rörelserna av enanvändarburen kontrollerhandske samt hur väl den kundegreppa tag om objekt med hjälp av trådlös kommunikation. Kontrollerhanskens komponenter bestod av en Arduino Nano mikrokontroller, fem flex sensorer, en tröghetsmätenhet som mätte rotationen av handleden, en nRF24L01sändarenhet samt en extern kraftkälla på 9 volt. Robothanden bestod av tredimensionellt utskrivna delar från ettopen source bibliotek, en Arduino Uno mikrokontroller, ennRF24L01 mottagarenhet, två externa kraftkällor på 9 voltrespektive 5 volt samt sex stycken servomotorer. Varje enskild finger samt handled var kopplad till en servomotorvar. Robothanden kunde imitera kontrollhandskens rörelser med liten försening och kunde greppa tag om objekt avolika storlekar, utformningar samt vikter upp till 134 gram.Den konstruerade robothanden åstadkom de önskade målensom sattes för projektet. Resultaten indikerade att robothandens greppförmåga om föremål med styva ytor och dessimitation kan förbättras.

Trådlös kostnadseffektiv sensornod för urbana temperatur- och luftfuktighetsmätningar / Wireless cost-effective sensor node for urban temperature and humidity measurements

Jönsson, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Many cities in Sweden need effective climate adaption in order to face higher temperatures and long-lasting heat waves due to a warmer climate. BRIGHT is an ongoing project that develops tools for such climate adaption. Large, well developed sensor networks that preform simple measurements in cities is one of the methods BRIGHT intend to use in order to identify and map out areas of risk.Experiments and measurements will be carried out between 2022 and 2025. The sensor node produced in this bachelor thesis is intended to be used in that kind of sensor network. The node measures temperature, relative humidity, air pressureand light. Communication between server and node will be by Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) and measurement data will be accessible through The Things Stack. This thesis work is part of the BRIGHT project. BRIGHT is funded by the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development Formas, under the call ”Climate adaption for the built environment 2021”. / Många städer i Sverige är i behov av effektiv klimatanpassning för att möta högre temperaturer och långvariga värmeböljor till följd av ett varmare klimat. BRIGHT är ett pågående projekt som utvecklar verktyg för sådan klimatanpassning. Stora, välutvecklade sensornätverk som utför enklare mätningar i städer är en av demetoder BRIGHT tänkt använda för att identifiera och kartlägga riskområden.Experiment och mätningar kommer utföras mellan 2022 och 2025. Sensornoden framtagen i detta examensarbete är tänkt att användas i ett sådant sensornätverk. Noden mäter temperatur, luftfuktighet, lufttryck och ljus. Kommunikation mellan server och nod ska ske via Long Range Wide Area Network(LoRaWAN) och mätdata ska vara åtkomligt från The Things Stack. Denna avhandling har genomförts inom projektet BRIGHT. Projektet finansieras av svenska forskningsrådet för hållbar utveckling Formas, inom utlysningen ”Klimatanpassning av byggd miljö 2021”.

Wireless sensor network for volcano monitoring

Zhang, Yan January 2005 (has links)
The monitoring of volcanoes for risk assessment has deployed single sensors for years. This kind of system requires manual supervision to monitor each sensor, which makes the monitoring work not flexible and efficient enough to adapt to variable volcano environments. With the development of wireless sensor networks, the accuracy and coverage of volcano observations can be improved by deploying networked sensors. This paper proposes a wireless sensor network prototype for volcano remote monitoring, which was built and tested in a field campaign in volcano Etna, Italy in September of 2004.Hardware design of sensors, in-depth sensor network design and software module architecture will be introduced in this paper. The experience gained from the practical work in volcano Etna will be used in an upcoming volcano monitoring project. / Vulkaner har, i syfte för riskuppskattning, under en lång tid observerats med enkel sensorteknik.Det systemet behöver dock manuell övervakning av varje sensor, vilket gör att övervakningssystemet inte blir nog flexibelt eller effektivt för att kunna anpassas till en variabel vulkanmiljö. Med utvecklingen av trådlösa sensornätverk kan noggrannheten och täckningen av vulkanövervakning förbättras. I denna rapport föreslås en prototyp för ett trådlöst sensornätverk avsett för övervakning av vulkaner.Denna prototyp byggdes och provades i en fältkampanj på vulkanen Etna i september 2004. I denna rapport presenteras även hårdvarudesign av sensorer, fördjupad design av sensornätverket och arkitektur av mjukvarumoduler.Erfarenheten från det praktiska arbetet på Etna kommer att användas i ett kommande vulkanprojekt. / 数年耒, 火山庐盎'情予页手贝哑工儡乍中普遍采用的是单传感器系茎充。 这手中系彗充需要人工监控每个传 感器, 由于其不可多灵活高效, 不苜旨适应多变的火山壬不土竞。 随着无线传感器网络的岌展, 采用 网络互连的传感器苜旨句多提高火山监暑贝畦的子崔确'性养口宗置盖范围o 本文提出了一茉中用于火山远程监 控的无线传感器网络原型, 在 2口口4年 日 月薏犬禾lj士矣特男B火山的科学考察活动中, i亥网络芋皮搭 建井寄贝哑试应用。 本文轧寻介妻召宝亥网络中的传感器的丑更儡牛设元十, 传感器网络设无十以及软儡牛摸块结 构。 在士矣特丑B火山的实地考禀工儡乍中获宁导的宝贵经验耳幂儡故为下一唇介段火山监手贝哑项目的守旨南。

Trådlös dynamisk lastbalansering

Turesson, Joakim, Ivarsson, Filip January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to create a gateway between a Z-Wave device and a Bluetooth device.The gateway is supposed to make it possible for the company AES AB to sell and install a dynamic load balancer to their EV charger, even after it’s already been installed. The method that was used during this project was LIPS, where the project where divided into multiple subtargets. Each subtarget then had it’s own test which is shown in the results. The results for the overall project and not just the subtargets, are that a concept solution was created. The concept solution was able to forward the Z-Wave devices values to the Bluetooth device that was the target, but did so using a Raspberry Pi and a Z-Wave stick instead of a Z-Wave transceiver. The conclusion for the bachelor thesis is that the concept solution worked, and the demands of the assignment was fullfilled.

Trådlös laddning med en textil : Kan en broderad spole möjliggöra induktionsladdning av en mobiltelefon?

Bergmark Giesler, Linn, Abrahamsson, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The development of electronic textiles has increased significantly during the last ten years. By integrating electronic components or using conductive thread you can create textiles with different technical functions. CEVT is a innovation company within the automotive industry who have gained interest in electronic textiles. The department of innovation want to explore the possibility to integrate electronic textiles into future cars. The mission they have assigned us is a sub-goal in a larger end goal in which we will investigate whether one can develope a textile that can charge a phone wirelessly. To do this, a textile transmitter coil must be produced to enable the induction charging, which is what wireless charging really means. The method that was chosen to produce the textile transmitter coil was embroidery and the conductive thread that was used was a silver plated polyamide thread (HC12) from Sheildex. The thread had a resistance of <100 Ω per meter and some difficulties arose early on, where the resistance of the embroidered coil was to high. To reduce the resistance multiple stitches were sewn together and the conductive thread was also used as a lower thread. The resistance of the final coil had an average of almost 15 Ω which was significantly higher than desired. Tests were made to measure the inductive capability of the embroidered coil. This was done by measuring the power transmission between an embroidered coil and a Samsung Galaxy s8 reciever coil. The results showed that a power transmission was enabled, which means that it works. Though the power transmission was a lot lower when compaired to a commercial transmitter coil that was tested at the same time. The project did not result in a fabric that could wirelessly charge a mobile phone. Nevertheless, the test results showed that it is possible, since a power transmission did occur between the textile coil and the coil from the Samsung. Further research and optimization of the textile coil would be required to realize the induction charging textile. Two interesting ways to go would be by using another embroidery technique called Fibre Tailored Placement (FTP) or by developing a new conductive embroidery thread, with a lower resistance. / The development of electronic textiles has increased significantly during the last ten years. By integrating electronic components or using conductive thread you can create textiles with different technical functions. CEVT is a innovation company within the automotive industry who have gained interest in electronic textiles. The department of innovation want to explore the possibility to integrate electronic textiles into future cars. The mission they have assigned us is a sub-goal in a larger end goal in which we will investigate whether one can develope a textile that can charge a phone wirelessly. To do this, a textile transmitter coil must be produced to enable the induction charging, which is what wireless charging really means.The method that was chosen to produce the textile transmitter coil was embroidery and the conductive thread that was used was a silver plated polyamide thread (HC12) from Sheildex. The thread had a resistance of <100 Ω per meter and some difficulties arose early on, where the resistance of the embroidered coil was to high. To reduce the resistance multiple stitches were sewn together and the conductive thread was also used as a lower thread. The resistance of the final coil had an average of almost 15 Ω which was significantly higher than desired.Tests were made to measure the inductive capability of the embroidered coil. This was done by measuring the power transmission between an embroidered coil and a Samsung Galaxy s8 reciever coil. The results showed that a power transmission was enabled, which means that it works. Though the power transmission was a lot lower when compaired to a commercial transmitter coil that was tested at the same time.The project did not result in a fabric that could wirelessly charge a mobile phone. Nevertheless, the test results showed that it is possible, since a power transmission did occur between the textile coil and the coil from the Samsung. Further research and optimization of the textile coil would be required to realize the induction charging textile. Two interesting ways to go would be by using another embroidery technique called Fibre Tailored Placement (FTP) or by developing a new conductive embroidery thread, with a lower resistance.

WLAN : Oskyddad och okontrollerad datakommunikation

Horndahl, Charles, Maric, Kristian January 2005 (has links)
<p>This master’s thesis investigates the technology and security awareness associated with wireless networks (WLAN). It has been stated by the media and theories that many wireless networks are unprotected. This has sparked an interest to investigate the phenomenon in the Jonkoping region. The study is based on the following research questions:</p><p>- What security weaknesses are present with the WLAN-technology and how can these be avoided?</p><p>- How does the wireless infrastructure in the Jonkoping region look like?</p><p>- Why do companies implement the WLAN-technology?</p><p>- Are the companies aware of the risks involved with WLAN?</p><p>We conducted this study in three steps; the first step was to hack a wireless network in a controlled environment in order to investigate the weaknesses of the commonly used security measures. The second step of the study was to scan the wireless networks in Jonkoping, Gnosjo and Nassjo in order to create a picture of the wireless infrastructure of the region. The third step of the study was to contact companies that we found in the second step for interviews to investigate their awareness of the technology and its weaknesses.</p><p>We found that WLANs and their security measures have weaknesses. The commonly used WEP encryption can quite easily be broken and can lure users into a false sense of security. The study shows that companies are aware of this weakness, but use the encryption be-cause it offers a good level of usability and security. It is a compromise between usability and security. Usability is one of the major factors for companies when implementing wireless networks, companies strive for mobility, easy access and ease of use, which the WLAN technology offers. This has lead to an extended wireless infrastructure in cities within the region where one, with ease, can find wireless networks outside buildings. We have noticed an increase in the security awareness as our empirical findings differ from earlier research conducted in other cities. When these studies are compared you can see a trend where the number of unprotected networks decreases. Our contribution to increased wireless security is a checklist of possible security measures to minimize the security threats.</p> / <p>Denna magisteruppsats undersöker tekniken och säkerhetsmedvetandet gällande trådlösa nätverk (WLAN). Då det tidigare uppmärksammats i media och teori att många trådlösa nätverk står oskyddade har detta skapat intresse att undersöka fenomenet i Jönköpingsregionen. Studien baseras på följande frågeställningar:</p><p>- Vilka säkerhetsluckor finns i WLAN och hur kan dessa undvikas?</p><p>- Hur ser WLAN-infrastrukturen ut i Jönköpingsregionen?</p><p>- Varför implementerar företag WLAN-tekniken?</p><p>- Är företag medvetna om riskerna med trådlösa nätverk?</p><p>För att skapa en helhetsbild har vi genomfört studien i tre steg varav vi, i det första steget, genomfört dataintrång i en kontrollerad miljö för att undersöka svagheterna med säkerhetsfunktionerna som används i trådlösa nätverk. I det andra steget undersökte vi med hjälp av bärbar dator trådlösa nätverk i Jönköping, Gnosjö och Nässjö. Detta för att skapa oss en uppfattning om hur WLAN-infrastrukturen ser ut i dagsläget. Steg tre innebar intervjuer med företag som vi funnit i samband med steg två rörande deras medvetenhet om tekniken och dess brister.</p><p>Teorin och vår empiri gav oss underlag att dra slutsatser utifrån våra frågeställningar. Vi fann att WLAN och dess säkerhetsfunktioner har vissa sårbarheter. Den mest förekommande krypteringstekniken, WEP, kan dekrypteras tämligen enkelt och kan vagga in användarna i en falsk säkerhet. Studien visar att företagen är medvetna om detta, men att det handlar om en medveten kompromiss mellan användarvänlighet och säkerhet. Användarvänligheten står till grund för varför företagen väljer att implementera den trådlösa tekniken. Företag eftersträvar mobilitet, smidighet och enkel access, vilket den trådlösa tekniken erbjuder. Detta har lett till en utökad trådlös infrastruktur i städer runtom i regionen där man med lätthet kan hitta trådlösa nätverk utanför byggnader. Vi har noterat ett ökat säkerhetsmedvetande då våra empiriska resultat skiljer sig något från tidigare undersökningar i andra städer. När dessa ställs mot varandra anar man en trend där antalet oskyddade trådlösa nätverk minskar. Vårt bidrag till ökad trådlös säkerhet är en checklista med möjliga åtgärder för att minimera säkerhetsriskerna.</p>

Problem med trådlösa nätverk

Pettersson, Jack, Jansson, Frida January 2014 (has links)
Målet med detta arbete har varit att besvara frågan; ”Varför uppstår det så mycket problem med trådlösa nätverk?”. Detta har gjorts genom att studera relevant litteratur för att sedan kunna utföra två egna studier: en enkätundersökning och tre experiment. Teorin har framförallt hämtats ur kurser och material från Cisco. Undersökningen har hjälpt till att fastställa den generella datoranvändarens kunskaper om trådlösa nätverk. Respondenternas kunskapsnivå visade bland annat på skillnader i hur de använde sin utrustning; de med lägre kunskap om nätverk gick sällan eller aldrig in i sin routers webbgränssnitt. Det vanligaste problemet som uppgavs i undersökningen var en långsam trådlös hastighet; att uppleva svårigheter vid konfigurationen av en ny trådlös router visade sig däremot vara det mest ovanliga. Experimenten genomfördes med hjälp av två accesspunkter och två klientdatorer. De visade bland annat hur kanalöverlappning i trådlösa nätverk leder till minskad hastighet, och betonade även vikten av att välja rätt kanal. Avslutningsvis kunde vi konstatera att varken konsumenten eller teknikindustrin ensidigt kan beskyllas för problemen inom trådlösa nätverk. Båda två har enskilda saker att jobba på. Konsumenterna bör i allt högre grad ta reda på mer om den utrustning de använderför att undvika att ställa till problem, inte bara för sig själv men också för andra. Industrin skulle kunna underlätta genom att dra ner utvecklandet av nya standarder – och inte enbart fokusera på ökad genomströmningshastighet. / The goal with this research has been to answer the question; ”Why are there so many problems linked to wireless networks?”. This has been done by studying the relevant literature to then be able to conduct two self-written studies: one survey and three laboratory experiments. The theory has been taken primarily out of courses and material from Cisco. The survey has helped to determine the knowledge of the general computer-user in regards to wireless networks. The respondents level of knowledge showed, among other things, differences in the way they used their devices; those with less network-knowledge rarely, or never, accessed their routers web-interface. The most common problem that was selected in the survey was a slow wireless speed; experiencing difficulties when configuring a new wireless router proved to be the most unusual one. The experiments were completed through the use of two access points and two computer clients. They demonstrated, among other things, how channel overlap in wireless networks leads to a reduced data-rate, and also stressed the importance of choosing the right channel. Lastly, the work revealed that neither the consumer nor the industry can be solely blamed for the problems that appear in wireless networks. Both of them have separate things towork towards. The consumers should, to a higher extent, find out more about the equipment they use to avoid causing problems, not only for themselves but also for others. The industry could help by slowing down the development of new standards – and to not only focus on achieving higher throughput-rates.

A Conceptual Model of Mobile Marketing for a Multinational Consumer Goods Company

Gårdlund, Martin January 2005 (has links)
In the last 10 years, mobile phones have gone from being an exclusive almost unnecessary high-tech device to being an everyday item, used by billions of people around the world. The technology evolution has changed phones from a suitcase sized mobile phone imitating its stationary counterpart, to a small communication device that can perform more than twenty different tasks and is usually less than half the size of the a traditional fixed phone. With this massive adoption of mobile phones come business opportunities. One of these opportunities is to make use of its potential as a large scale marketing communication channel. Marketing via the mobile networks, presents a large target audience that can be compared to broadcast media such as television and radio, but despite this can still be a personal channel and hence compared to direct mail or one-to-one marketing. Many, both successful and failed, mobile marketing schemes have been tried, but without any definite answers and no clear action plan. Considering that much of the success of Procter &amp; Gamble can be attributed to the company’s skill in mass marketing, there is a need within the company to research the potential advantages and disadvantages of mobile marketing. This thesis explores whether or not mobile marketing is mature enough to permanently introduce it to the marketing mix of the company. / Under de senaste åren har mobiltelefonen gått från att vara en exklusiv nästintill onödig lyxtillbehör till att idag vara en alldaglig sak som används av miljarder människor runt om i världen. Från att ha varit stora som portföljer och mestadels försökt imitera de stationära telefonerna, har mobiltelefonen idag blivit ett mycket liten kommunikationsverktyg som kan genomföra mer än tjugo olika uppgifter och som oftast är hälften så stor som en vanlig telefon. Med denna väldiga tillväxt av mobiltelefoni kommer också affärsmöjligheter; en av dessa möjligheter är att marknadsföra storskaligt via detta nya medium. Det mobila nätet når en stor målgrupp som närmast skulle kunna jämföras med den som televisionen eller radio når. Den stora skillnaden är att med mobiltelefonen kan man göra denna kommunikation personlig som närmast skulle kunna jämföras med direkt reklam. Flera mobila reklamkampanjer har testats; både lyckade och mindre lyckade. Dessa kampanjer har dock oftast analyserats dåligt eller inte alls. Med tanke på att företaget Procter &amp; Gamble mestadels har lyckats med sin affärsidé är på grund utav sin skicklighet inom marknadsföring, finns det nu ett stort behov av att ta reda på fördelarna och nackdelarna med mobil marknadsföring. Detta examensarbete undersöker om mobil marknadsföring är mogen nog för att permanent ta en plats i företagets marknadsförings mix. / <p>This is not identical to the version that was defended. There is one sentence deletion from the Acknowledgements section.</p>

U_Bot : Konstruktionen av en trådlös fjärrstyrd utbåt

Mauritz, Jonatan, Granat, William January 2023 (has links)
Abstract The goal of this project was to design a submarine that could be operated using a wireless game controller. To accomplish this, we used an Playknowlogy board connected to a USB-Host Shield that recieves signals from the game controller and sends them to a USB connected to the USB-Host Shield. The Arduino's built-in libraries interpret the signals, which are then used to control the submarine's movements in three-dimensional space. / Målet med detta projekt var att designa en ubåt som kan styras med en trådlös spelkontroll. För att uppnå detta använde vi en Playknowlogy bräda som var kopplad till en USB-Host Shield. Denna mottog signaler från spelkontrollen och skickade dem sedan vidare till en USB-anslutning på USB-Host Shield. Arduinos inbyggda bibliotek tolkar signalerna, vilka sedan används för att styra ubåtens rörelser i det tredimensionella rummet.

Hand Gesture Controlled Omnidirectional Vehicle / Handstyrd farkost med mecanumhjul

NORMELIUS, ANTON, BECKMAN, KARL January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to study how hand gesture control can be implemented on a vehicle that utilizes mecanum wheels in order to move in all directions. Furthermore, it was investigated how the steering of such a vehicle can be made wireless to increase mobility. A prototype vehicle consisting of four mecanum wheels was constructed. Mecanum wheels are such wheels that enable translation in all directions. By varying rotational direction of each wheel, the direction of the resulting force on the vehicle is altered, making it move in the desired direction. Hand gesture control was enabled by constructing another prototype, attached to the hand, consisting of an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) and a transceiver. With the IMU, the hand’s angle against the horizontal plane can be calculated and instructions can be sent over to the vehicle by making use of the transceiver. Those instructions contain a short message that specifies in what direction the vehicle should move. The vehicle rotates the wheels in the desired direction and move thereafter. The results show that wireless hand gesture based control of an omnidirectional vehicle works without any noticeable delay in the transmission and the signals that are sent contain the correct information about moving directions. / Syftet med detta projekt var att studera hur handstyrning kan implementeras på ett fordon som utnyttjar mecanumhjul för att röra sig i alla riktningar. Vidare undersöktes också hur styrningen av sådant fordon kan genomföras trädlöst för ökad mobilitet. En prototypfarkost bestående av fyra mecanumhjul konstruerades. Mecanumhjul är sådana hjul som möjliggör translation i alla riktningar. Genom att variera rotationsriktningen på vardera motor ändras riktningen av den resulterande kraften på farkosten, vilket gör att den kan förflytta sig i önskad riktning. Handstyrning möjliggjordes genom att konstruera en till prototyp, som fästs i anslutning till handen, bestående av en IMU och en transceiver. Med IMU:n kan handens vinkel gentemot horisontalplanet beräknas och instruktioner kan skickas över till farkosten med hjälp av transceivern. Dessa instruktioner innehåller ett kort meddelande som specificerar i vilken riktning farkosten ska röra sig i. Resultaten visar på att trädlös handstyrning av en farkost fungerar utan märkbar tidsfördröjning i signalöverföring och att signalerna som skickas till farkosten innehåller korrekta instruktioner gällande rörelseriktningar.

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