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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationships between Primary Teacher Beliefs and Practice in the Primary Classrooms of a Small Urban School in East Tennessee.

Moore, Lindsay Collins 03 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the study was to determine if a relationship existed between primary teacher beliefs, traditional or developmentally appropriate; and primary teacher practice, traditional or constructivist. A multi-case study design was employed for this qualitative research study. Eight teachers completed the Primary Teacher Questionnaire (PTQ) to determine the study group. Based on their responses to the teacher beliefs questionnaire, 3 teachers were chosen to further participate in the study. Three main research questions were analyzed with individual and cross-case analysis. Triangulation of data included observations, Assessment of Practices in Early Elementary Classrooms (APEEC) scores determined from observation data, and individual teacher interviews. The 3 teachers' initial data from the questionnaire were also used. The teacher with traditional beliefs demonstrated traditional practices. The teacher with developmentally appropriate beliefs demonstrated constructivist practices. The teacher whose beliefs fell in the middle demonstrated practices that were more constructivist than traditional.

Ефикасност примене образовно рачунарског софтвера у настави биологије у гимназији / Efikasnost primene obrazovno računarskog softvera u nastavi biologije u gimnaziji / Efficiency of The Use of Educational Computer Software in Teaching Biology in The Grammar School

Odadžić Vesna 28 September 2016 (has links)
<p>У докторској дисертацији је најпре сагледана теоријска основа примене&nbsp; образовно рачунарског софтвера и проучена његова заступљеност у настави природних наука.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; За потребе истраживања креиран је образовно рачунарски софтвер Механизми наслеђивања за IV разред гимназије општег смера, а затим анализирана ефикасност његове примене у поређењу са традиционалном наставом. Педагошки експеримент је спроведен на узорку од 173 ученика (87 ученика у експерименталној и 86 ученика у контролној групи). Ученици Е групе су&nbsp; наставне садржаје наставне теме обрађивали применом образовно рачунарског софтвера (ОРС), индивидуалним начином рада, док су ученици К групе исте наставне садржаје обрадили традиционалном наставом.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Инструменти&nbsp; примењени у истраживању су: иницијални тест,&nbsp; финални тест и ретест. Сва три теста су обухватала питања из три когнитивна домена (нивоа знања): ниво познавања чињеница (ниво I), ниво разумевања појмова (ниво II) и ниво анализе и резоновања (ниво III). Осим тестова знања инструмент коришћен у истраживању&nbsp; је анкета за ученике Е групе о примени ОРС-а у настави&nbsp; биологије у гимназији. Статистичка обрада података добијених на тестовима знања и анкети извршена је применом програмског пакета SPSS 19.0.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; На&nbsp; почетку&nbsp; истраживања&nbsp; експериментална&nbsp; и&nbsp; контролна&nbsp; група&nbsp; ученика&nbsp; уједначене&nbsp; су&nbsp; на основу&nbsp; општег&nbsp; успеха&nbsp; ученика, успеха из биологије&nbsp; на&nbsp; крају трећег разреда гимназије ,&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; на основу&nbsp; резултата&nbsp; иницијалног&nbsp; теста&nbsp; знања&nbsp; из&nbsp;&nbsp; биологије.&nbsp; Након&nbsp; обраде&nbsp; наставне&nbsp; теме&nbsp; Механизми наслеђивања&nbsp; применом различитих наставних&nbsp; модела&nbsp; у&nbsp; Е&nbsp; и&nbsp; К&nbsp; групи&nbsp; извршено&nbsp; је&nbsp; финално&nbsp;&nbsp; тестирање,&nbsp; а затим и&nbsp; ретестирање&nbsp; ученика&nbsp; обе&nbsp; групе.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ученици&nbsp; Е&nbsp; групе&nbsp; су&nbsp; остварили&nbsp; знатно&nbsp; бољи&nbsp; успех&nbsp; на&nbsp; финалном&nbsp; тесту&nbsp; (просечно&nbsp; постигнуће 79,85&nbsp; поена)&nbsp; и&nbsp; на&nbsp; ретесту&nbsp; (просечно&nbsp; постигнуће&nbsp; 75,44&nbsp; поена)&nbsp; од&nbsp; ученика&nbsp; К&nbsp; групе&nbsp; (просечно постигнуће&nbsp; 70,34&nbsp; поена&nbsp; на&nbsp; финалном&nbsp; тесту&nbsp; и&nbsp; 62,58&nbsp;&nbsp; поена&nbsp; на&nbsp; ретесту).&nbsp; Анализа резултата финалног теста и ретеста је показала да су остварене разлике у постигнућу ученика Е и К групе на финалном тесту и ретесту на сва три когнитивна домена и на тестовима у целини у корист Е групе статистички значајне. Од посебног је значаја знатно бољи резултат ученика Е групе у решавању сложенијих питања и задатака у односу на ученике К групе.</p><p>&nbsp; &nbsp;Остварени резултати ученика експерименталне групе&nbsp; на&nbsp; финалном&nbsp; тесту&nbsp; и&nbsp; ретесту&nbsp; у&nbsp; односу&nbsp; на резултате&nbsp; ученика&nbsp; контролне&nbsp; групе, као и позитивни ставови ученика експерименталне групе о примењеном моделу наставе,&nbsp; указују на потребу веће заступљености примене образовних мултимедијалних софтвера&nbsp; у савременој настави биологије и других природних и друштвених наука на свим нивоима образовања.</p> / <p>U doktorskoj disertaciji je najpre sagledana teorijska osnova primene&nbsp; obrazovno računarskog softvera i proučena njegova zastupljenost u nastavi prirodnih nauka.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Za potrebe istraživanja kreiran je obrazovno računarski softver Mehanizmi nasleđivanja za IV razred gimnazije opšteg smera, a zatim analizirana efikasnost njegove primene u poređenju sa tradicionalnom nastavom. Pedagoški eksperiment je sproveden na uzorku od 173 učenika (87 učenika u eksperimentalnoj i 86 učenika u kontrolnoj grupi). Učenici E grupe su&nbsp; nastavne sadržaje nastavne teme obrađivali primenom obrazovno računarskog softvera (ORS), individualnim načinom rada, dok su učenici K grupe iste nastavne sadržaje obradili tradicionalnom nastavom.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Instrumenti&nbsp; primenjeni u istraživanju su: inicijalni test,&nbsp; finalni test i retest. Sva tri testa su obuhvatala pitanja iz tri kognitivna domena (nivoa znanja): nivo poznavanja činjenica (nivo I), nivo razumevanja pojmova (nivo II) i nivo analize i rezonovanja (nivo III). Osim testova znanja instrument korišćen u istraživanju&nbsp; je anketa za učenike E grupe o primeni ORS-a u nastavi&nbsp; biologije u gimnaziji. Statistička obrada podataka dobijenih na testovima znanja i anketi izvršena je primenom programskog paketa SPSS 19.0.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Na&nbsp; početku&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; eksperimentalna&nbsp; i&nbsp; kontrolna&nbsp; grupa&nbsp; učenika&nbsp; ujednačene&nbsp; su&nbsp; na osnovu&nbsp; opšteg&nbsp; uspeha&nbsp; učenika, uspeha iz biologije&nbsp; na&nbsp; kraju trećeg razreda gimnazije ,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; na osnovu&nbsp; rezultata&nbsp; inicijalnog&nbsp; testa&nbsp; znanja&nbsp; iz&nbsp;&nbsp; biologije.&nbsp; Nakon&nbsp; obrade&nbsp; nastavne&nbsp; teme&nbsp; Mehanizmi nasleđivanja&nbsp; primenom različitih nastavnih&nbsp; modela&nbsp; u&nbsp; E&nbsp; i&nbsp; K&nbsp; grupi&nbsp; izvršeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; finalno&nbsp;&nbsp; testiranje,&nbsp; a zatim i&nbsp; retestiranje&nbsp; učenika&nbsp; obe&nbsp; grupe.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Učenici&nbsp; E&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; su&nbsp; ostvarili&nbsp; znatno&nbsp; bolji&nbsp; uspeh&nbsp; na&nbsp; finalnom&nbsp; testu&nbsp; (prosečno&nbsp; postignuće 79,85&nbsp; poena)&nbsp; i&nbsp; na&nbsp; retestu&nbsp; (prosečno&nbsp; postignuće&nbsp; 75,44&nbsp; poena)&nbsp; od&nbsp; učenika&nbsp; K&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; (prosečno postignuće&nbsp; 70,34&nbsp; poena&nbsp; na&nbsp; finalnom&nbsp; testu&nbsp; i&nbsp; 62,58&nbsp;&nbsp; poena&nbsp; na&nbsp; retestu).&nbsp; Analiza rezultata finalnog testa i retesta je pokazala da su ostvarene razlike u postignuću učenika E i K grupe na finalnom testu i retestu na sva tri kognitivna domena i na testovima u celini u korist E grupe statistički značajne. Od posebnog je značaja znatno bolji rezultat učenika E grupe u rešavanju složenijih pitanja i zadataka u odnosu na učenike K grupe.</p><p>&nbsp; &nbsp;Ostvareni rezultati učenika eksperimentalne grupe&nbsp; na&nbsp; finalnom&nbsp; testu&nbsp; i&nbsp; retestu&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na rezultate&nbsp; učenika&nbsp; kontrolne&nbsp; grupe, kao i pozitivni stavovi učenika eksperimentalne grupe o primenjenom modelu nastave,&nbsp; ukazuju na potrebu veće zastupljenosti primene obrazovnih multimedijalnih softvera&nbsp; u savremenoj nastavi biologije i drugih prirodnih i društvenih nauka na svim nivoima obrazovanja.</p> / <p>In&nbsp; the&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; dissertation was&nbsp; first&nbsp; analyses&nbsp; the&nbsp; theoretical&nbsp; foundation&nbsp; of&nbsp; application of educational computer software and analyzed its representation in natural sciences.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; For&nbsp; the&nbsp; use&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; issue&nbsp; was&nbsp; developed&nbsp; educational&nbsp; computer software&nbsp; Mechanism of&nbsp; Heredity for&nbsp; biology&nbsp; IV&nbsp; grade grammar school&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; general&nbsp; stream,&nbsp; and&nbsp; then&nbsp; analyzed&nbsp; the&nbsp; effici ency&nbsp; of&nbsp; its&nbsp; use&nbsp; in relation&nbsp; to&nbsp; traditional &nbsp; teaching.&nbsp; Pedagogical&nbsp; research&nbsp; was&nbsp; conducted&nbsp; on&nbsp; a&nbsp; sample&nbsp; of&nbsp; 173&nbsp; students&nbsp; (87 students in&nbsp; the experimental and 86 students in&nbsp; the control&nbsp; group). The unit&nbsp; was done in the E group through the application of educational computer software (ECS),&nbsp; individual&nbsp; form&nbsp; of&nbsp; work,&nbsp; while&nbsp; students&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; C&nbsp; group the same content processed&nbsp; using a tradit ional approach.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; Instruments used in the research were: initial test, final test and retest. All three tests included questions from three cognitive domains (levels of knowledge): the level of knowing the facts (level I), the&nbsp; level of understanding notions (level II) and the level of analysis and reasoning (level III). Apart from tests, questionnaires for the students from the experimental group on application of ECS in teaching biology in grammar school were used as another research instrument. Statistical processing of&nbsp; data obtained from&nbsp; the tests and questionnaire was done by using SPSS 19.0 software package.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; At&nbsp; the&nbsp; beginning&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; research&nbsp; the&nbsp; experimental&nbsp; and&nbsp; control&nbsp; groups&nbsp; were &nbsp; equal&nbsp; in&nbsp; terms&nbsp; of students&rsquo;&nbsp; general&nbsp; success&nbsp; at&nbsp; the&nbsp; end&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; III grade,&nbsp; grades&nbsp; in biology&nbsp; and&nbsp; the results&nbsp; of the&nbsp; initial biology test. After&nbsp; the&nbsp; unit&nbsp; Mechanism of Heredity&nbsp; was&nbsp; done&nbsp; in&nbsp; different&nbsp; ways&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; E&nbsp; and&nbsp; C&nbsp; groups,&nbsp; students&nbsp; in&nbsp; both groups&nbsp; were given a final test and then retested.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Students&nbsp; from&nbsp; the&nbsp; E&nbsp; group&nbsp; achieved&nbsp; better&nbsp; results&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; final&nbsp; test&nbsp; (79.85&nbsp; points&nbsp; average)&nbsp; and&nbsp; retest (75.44&nbsp; points&nbsp; average)&nbsp; than&nbsp; students&nbsp; from&nbsp; the&nbsp; C&nbsp; group&nbsp; (70.34&nbsp; points&nbsp; average&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; final&nbsp; test&nbsp; and&nbsp; 62.58&nbsp; points in&nbsp; the&nbsp; retest).&nbsp; The analysis of the results from the final test and retest has shown that the students from the experimental group achieved higher quality and quantity of knowledge in all three cognitive domains and on the tests as a whole, in relation to the students fro m the control group. The differences in achievement are statistically significant in favor of the experimental group.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The students from the&nbsp; experimental group showed greater competence in solving complex questions and tasks in relation to the students from the control group. The&nbsp; results&nbsp; achieved&nbsp; by&nbsp; the E&nbsp; group&nbsp; students&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; final&nbsp; test&nbsp; and&nbsp; retest&nbsp; compared&nbsp; to&nbsp; the C&nbsp; group,&nbsp; as well as the results of questionnaires for students of the experimental group, recommend greater presence of educational computer software in&nbsp; contemporar y&nbsp; Bi ol ogy&nbsp; classes&nbsp; and&nbsp; ot her&nbsp; natural sciences and humanities on all levels of education.</p>

Evaluation critériée et approche par intégration des compétences de base scripturales en français langue étrangère

Ruzibiza, Aloys D. 23 June 2006 (has links)
Durant ces dernières années, les problèmes liés à l'amélioration de la qualité des systèmes éducatifs mondiaux préoccupent bon nombre de partenaires impliqués directement ou indirectement dans le domaine de l'enseignement. Le Rwanda, après le génocide de 1994, n'a pas échappé à une série de difficultés de retisser l'univers pédagogique. C'est dans ce contexte que nous avons voulu examiner la situation-problème d'apprentissage du français langue étrangère aux étudiants anglophones de l'Ecole Pratique des Langues Modernes (EPLM) qui fonctionne au sein de l'Université Nationale du Rwanda (UNR). Le thème abordé est intitulé : « Evaluation critériée et approche par intégration des compétences de base scripturales en français langue étrangère ». 72 sujets ont été tirés au hasard d'une population de référence estimée à 129 étudiants anglophones. La taille de l'échantillon représente 55.8% de l'univers de référence. Cet échantillon a été distribué aléatoirement dans un plan expérimental constitué de deux groupes expérimental (GE) et contrôle (GC). La condition expérimentale était basée sur la pratique de l'approche par intégration des compétences de base scripturales en français langue étrangère et la condition contrôle sur celle de la pédagogie traditionnelle. Notre hypothèse supposait la supériorité du niveau de maîtrise des performances scripturales du groupe expérimental à celui du groupe contrôle. La validation des résultats empiriques a été assurée par une série de procédures d'analyse statistique. Nous avons vérifié successivement le degré de fiabilité entre les scores des deux correcteurs indépendants au moyen de l'analyse statistique (1) du coefficient d'accords interjuges K de Cohen (1960), (2) du coefficient de corrélation r et (3) du coefficient de détermination R2 de Pearson. Toutes ces vérifications ont attesté le degré de fiabilité très significatif entre les scores des deux groupes indépendants. Le degré de fiabilité des résultats interjuges nous a permis d'appliquer le test d'hypothèse de Student pour échantillons indépendants sur les moyennes des deux groupes au prétest et au post-test. En définitive, nos résultats confirment l'effet supérieur de la pédagogie de l'intégration des compétences de base (Roegiers et De Ketele, 2000 ; Roegiers, 2005 ; De Ketele et Gérard, 2005 ; Tardif, 2006) à celui de la pédagogie plus transmissive des connaissances. Le groupe expérimental qui a été initié à l'approche par intégration des compétences de base du savoir-résumer en FLE a enregistré un taux de réussite de 66.7% contre un taux de réussite de 36.1% observé chez des sujets du groupe contrôle ayant suivi des activités d'apprentissage centrées sur la pédagogie de transmission des connaissances rédactionnelles. Bien plus, la méthode d'apprentissage intégrative des savoirs appris a enregistré un gain moyen d'apprentissage de 4.38 points sur 20 points qui s'avère légèrement supérieur au gain moyen d'apprentissage reconnu à l'échelle internationale selon la pratique pédagogique conçue en termes d'approche par compétences de base (Aden et Roegiers, 2003). / The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of the approach through the skills to those resulting from the traditional pedagogy in a learning situation of French as a foreign language (FLE). After the experimental processing and the statistical analysis of the results emerging from the experimental group and the control group, it appears that the approach through the basic skills produces more significant effects (66.7%) than those emerging from the transmission of knowledges pedagogy (36.1%) in writing production of the text summarizing.

Současný stav výuky francouzštiny v ČR: srovnávací studie klasických a alternativních metod / Actual situation of learning French. A comparative study on classic and alternative methods

KADLECOVÁ, Alena January 2007 (has links)
This thesis deals with the description of the contemporary situation in the French language teaching in the Czech Republic with a view to the comparison of traditional and alternative teaching methods. The first part of the thesis consists of the description of the historical development of the teaching methods and their characteristics. Then I point out the problems related to the classification of the teaching methods and their division into two main groups of traditional and alternative methods. The comparison of the two groups of methods is included in the third chapter of the thesis. In the last part a questionnaire was used to find out the opinions of teachers and students and I also show selected data concerning the contemporary situation in foreign languages teaching in the school year 2005/ 2006.

The implementation and evaluation of a constructivist intervention in secondary school Science teaching in Seychelles

Anyanwu, Raymond Ndubisi 31 August 2008 (has links)
Recent studies on human cognition have presented credible evidence that learners are not tabula rasa as previously conceived by traditional theorists, rather they enter new lessons with some preconceptions, most of which are resistant to change in spite of teachers' efforts to assuage them. As such the challenges confronting science educators and educational psychologists are to understand the nature of learners' preconceptions, designing and implement appropriate instructional interventions that would enable the learners become aware of and reconcile their conceptions that are inconsistent with accepted views of science. Several perspectives have been advocated on how learners' preconceptions can be modified through instructions. While traditional theorists subscribe to substitution of inaccurate conceptions with accurate ones, the constructivists identify with giving the learners autonomy to inquire and re-evaluate their own ideas. The former has been confronted with widespread criticism and is becoming less and less tenable. This research identifies with the latter. Conceptual change entails restructuring of ideas. It is a cognitive process that involves change in attitude toward learning. Based on the theoretical assumption that learning is facilitated through teaching that give the learners autonomy search to new ideas, verify them, and restructure existing ideas, I developed a model of conceptual change from where I deduced the four sub variables of the conceptual change that this study explored. The sub variables include formulation of ideas, search for new ideas, review of meaning, and transfer of knowledge. My assumption was that conceptual change can be facilitated through instructions that engage learners in experiences relevant to the four sub variables that I have mentioned. This conceptual framework served as my reference point for the designing of the Constructivist Teaching Model that consists of four instructional phases. Judging that I was resident and working in Seychelles as a teacher trainer at a time I developed the Constructivist Teaching Model, I chose to implement and evaluate it first in Seychelles. Hence this study is titled `The implementation and evaluation of a constructivist intervention in secondary school science teaching in Seychelles'. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the constructivist teaching model as an intervention to facilitate conceptual change. Basically, there are two main aims of this study. First, to investigate to what extent the constructivist teaching model facilitates conceptual change. Secondly, to investigate if the paradigms shift from the traditional method to the constructivist method of science teaching is welcomed in Seychelles. This study was carried out in two phases Pretest and Evaluation. Pretest was aimed at identifying the weaknesses of the initial version of my model of constructivist teaching with a view to eliminate those weaknesses to further strengthen the model. In a nutshell pretest was a step taken to enhance the validity of the model. Evaluation on the other hand was aimed at making a judgment whether a difference actually exists between the learners that received constructivist instruction and those that received traditional lecture instruction in terms of the four sub variables of conceptual change. To enable for this judgment necessitated an experiment. The experiment was conducted with a total of six secondary schools selected from the ten secondary schools on the island. The participants included 178 learners, 6 science teachers and 8 independent persons. The learners were constituted into three Bands; 1, 2 and 3. Each Band consisted of a Control group and an Experimental group. Altogether six groups were formed, with 3 Control groups and 3 Experimental groups. There were 59 learners in Band 1, comprising of 29 learners in the Control group and 30 learners in the Experimental group; Band 2 comprised a Control group of 25 learners and an Experimental group of 28 learners; and Band 3 consisted of 33 learners in each group. The learners in Band 1 were used for pretest that lasted for five week. The learners in Bands 2 and 3 were used in the evaluation that lasted for thirteen weeks. The groups were non-equivalent, suggesting that randomisation was not possible as the learners were in intact classes. Learners in the experimental groups received constructivist instruction while their counterparts in the control groups received traditional lecture instruction. Both groups were exposed to the same experimental conditions except in the methods of teaching. Data was collected through teacher interviews, independent observation, measurement of learners' achievement, and analysis of documents. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Qualitative data was analysed on the basis of content or meaning of the information given by the respondents. Following the design of this study the performance and achievements of learners that received constructivist instruction were compared with their counterparts who received traditional instruction. Guiding this study are two main assumptions. The first is the assumption of equality of the variance, and the second is the assumption of normality of the distribution. The results of Levene's test of equality of variances indicated a violation of the assumption of homogeneity of the variances of TI and CI groups while the results of test of skewness and kurtosis give the indication of normality of distribution of scores in both groups. The results of descriptive statistics analysis showed that the learners who received constructivist instruction performed better than the learners that received traditional instruction in terms of formulation of ideas, search for new ideas, review of meaning, and transfer of knowledge. The results of inferential statistics showed that the difference in the means of the two groups on each of the sub variables of conceptual change is significant. This evidence indicates that my model of constructivist teaching produced an effect measuring 0.86 and a power of 0.85 based on Cohen's Blueprint, and a reliability of 0.72 based on Cronbach's test of internal consistency. Besides statistical evidence, analysis of the opinions of science teachers who implemented the Constructivist Teaching Model in their respective classes and the independent persons who observed teaching and learning in both the experimental and control groups showed a preference for the constructivist approach over the traditional approach. On the grounds of the evidence gathered through observation and measurement this study concludes that the constructivist approach to science teaching is more effective than traditional lecture approach in facilitating the ability of secondary school learners in Seychelles to reconstruct ideas. This study also found that science educationists in Seychelles welcome the paradigm shift from the traditional approach to the constructivist approach. / Educational Studies / D. Educ. (Psychology of Education)

A curriculum for vocational business subjects in Botswana junior secondary schools

Sithole, Burman Musa 06 1900 (has links)
The aim of this research was to examine the extent to which the pedagogical practices of Business Studies teachers in Botswana junior secondary schools conform to pedagogical practices recommended for imparting practical business skills relevant to the world of work. It also aimed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of teachers’ current practices with a view to proffer a teaching model that would help to maximize learner acquisition of business skills and competencies. Literature related to the pedagogy of business education subjects was reviewed to give a general conceptual and methodological foundation for the investigation. An overview of the methodological approaches and the qualitative research design selected for application to the study were provided including the data-gathering procedures and the conceptual framework that supported and informed the research. The major findings of the study were that Business Studies teachers subscribe mainly to the transmission paradigm of teaching. Teachers’ failure to use constructivist pedagogies prescribed in the syllabus were attributed to a multiplicity of challenges they face in their day-to-day practices. The challenges that beset the pedagogy of business subjects emanate from a variety of sources such as the scarcity or non-availability of teaching materials and resources, a congested syllabus and problems associated with striking a balance between the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject. Teachers indicated that the Business Studies syllabus is too long and with the little time allocated to teach it on schools timetables, it is impractical to expect them to complete the syllabus using constructivist teaching approaches which they perceive as pedagogically burdensome and time-consuming. Despite the teachers’ constraints in creating constructivist learning environments, the use of an entrepreneurial pedagogy in the form of the mini enterprise whereby students are involved in setting and running a concrete enterprise is prevalent. The study concluded by suggesting a pedagogical model, based on the findings, to improve Business Studies curriculum delivery. It was also recommended that support structures aimed at monitoring and ensuring that the delivery of business education is done according to the stipulated business curriculum standards be put in place. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

Gestão da informação: a produção do conhecimento na escola e a prática docente

Pereira, Julia Rita Franco 05 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:31:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CED - Julia Rita Franco Pereira.pdf: 1217889 bytes, checksum: 82dc13dd07dffd46799c4edfe486c122 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-05 / This work presents a study of case on the educational practices developed in a school unit of the state net of teaching, in the cycle II of the elementaryl teaching. It based on data research of the students socioeconomic and cultural profile implemented by the System of School Evaluation of São Paulo State Saresp 2005, through the Student s Questionnaire, the investigation tries to apprehend the methodology and didactic-pedagogic strategies taken to the classrooms. From that panel, through interviews with the teachers and the pedagogic coordinator, it is attempted to infer the conception of knowledge and the underlying theoretical-methodological presuppositions to the process teaching-learning, as well as the appropriation of the resources available by the Technologies of the Information and Communication on the planning and development of the school curriculum, for the administration of the information and elaboration of the knowledge for the students. When verifying the central presence of the text book on the teaching organization, in the way of the learning and as a source of information (almost exclusive) in the school context. Does the investigation approach concepts and theoretical presuppose of the knowledge construction, refered on the subject which they are the educational action foundations? (Mizukami, 1986), and in other contributions that helped in the understanding of the observed pedagogic practices and they could be for the interpretation of the data under a philosophical-historical perspective (Saviani, 1992; 1994) and in the images that represent the construction of the knowledge process (Machado, 2004) / Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso sobre as práticas docentes desenvolvidas em uma unidade escolar da rede estadual de ensino, no ciclo II do ensino fundamental. Com base nos dados de pesquisa do perfil socioeconômico e cultural dos alunos implementada pelo Sistema de Avaliação de Rendimento Escolar do Estado de São Paulo Saresp 2005, através do Questionário do aluno, a investigação procura apreender a metodologia e as estratégias didático-pedagógicas levadas às salas de aula. A partir desse painel, por meio de entrevistas com os docentes e o coordenador pedagógico, intenta-se depreender a concepção do conhecimento e os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos subjacentes ao processo ensino-aprendizagem, bem como a apropriação dos recursos disponibilizados pelas Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação no planejamento e incrementação do currículo escolar, para a gestão da informação e elaboração do conhecimento pelos alunos. Ao constatar a presença central do livro didático na organização do ensino, na condução da aprendizagem e como fonte de informação (quase que exclusiva) no contexto escolar, a investigação aborda conceitos e pressupostos teóricos da construção do conhecimento, referenciando-se na questão sobre quais são os fundamentos a ação docente? (Mizukami, 1986), e em outras contribuições que ajudassem na compreensão das práticas pedagógicas observadas e pudessem servir para a interpretação dos dados sob uma perspectiva filosófico-histórica (Saviani, 1992; 1994) e nas imagens que representam o processo de construção do conhecimento (Machado, 2004)

Ефикасност програмиране наставе биологије уз помоћ компјутера у основној школи / Efikasnost programirane nastave biologije uz pomoć kompjutera u osnovnoj školi / Efficiency of Computer Assisted Programmed Learningin Biology Teaching at Primary School

Županec Vera 13 September 2013 (has links)
<p>У&nbsp; докторској&nbsp; дисертацији&nbsp; је&nbsp; најпре&nbsp; сагледана&nbsp; теоријска&nbsp; основа&nbsp; програмиране&nbsp; наставе&nbsp; и&nbsp;проучена&nbsp; њена&nbsp; заступљеност&nbsp; у&nbsp; настави&nbsp; природних&nbsp; наука.&nbsp; Након&nbsp; тога&nbsp; је&nbsp; реализовано&nbsp; педагошко&nbsp;истраживање&nbsp; са&nbsp; паралелним&nbsp; групама(експерименталном&nbsp; и&nbsp; контролном)&nbsp; током&nbsp; кога&nbsp; је&nbsp; сагледана&nbsp;ефикасност&nbsp; примене&nbsp; програмиране&nbsp; наставе&nbsp; уз&nbsp; помоћ&nbsp; компјутера(ПУПК)&nbsp; у&nbsp; настави&nbsp; биологије&nbsp; у&nbsp;односу&nbsp; на&nbsp; традиционалну&nbsp; наставу.&nbsp; Експеримент&nbsp; је&nbsp; реализован&nbsp; на&nbsp; узорку&nbsp; од214&nbsp; ученика(106&nbsp;ученика&nbsp; у&nbsp; Е&nbsp; групи&nbsp; и108&nbsp; ученика&nbsp; у&nbsp; К&nbsp; групи).&nbsp; Ученици&nbsp; Е&nbsp; групе&nbsp; су&nbsp; садржаје&nbsp; наставне&nbsp; подтеме&nbsp;Хордати&nbsp; према&nbsp; програму&nbsp; биологије&nbsp; у6.&nbsp; разреду&nbsp; основне&nbsp; школе&nbsp; током19&nbsp; часова&nbsp; реализовали&nbsp;применом&nbsp; програмиране&nbsp; наставе&nbsp; уз&nbsp; помоћ&nbsp; компјутера,&nbsp; док&nbsp; су&nbsp; ученици&nbsp; контролнe&nbsp; групе&nbsp; исте&nbsp;садржаје у исто време обрадили традиционалном наставом.&nbsp;</p><p>Инструменти&nbsp; примењени&nbsp; у&nbsp; истраживању&nbsp; су&nbsp; иницијални&nbsp; тест,&nbsp; финални&nbsp; тест&nbsp; и&nbsp; ретест.&nbsp; Свa&nbsp;три&nbsp; теста су обухваталa питања из три когнитивна домена(нивоа знања):&nbsp; ниво&nbsp; познавања чињеница&nbsp;(нивоI), ниво разумевања појмова(нивоII) и ниво анализе и резоновања&minus; примене знања(нивоIII).&nbsp;Осим тестова знања инструмент коришћен у истраживању је анкета за ученике Е групе и наставнике&nbsp;биологије&nbsp; о&nbsp; примени&nbsp; ПУПК&nbsp; у&nbsp; настави&nbsp; биологије&nbsp; у&nbsp; основној&nbsp; школи.&nbsp; Статистичка&nbsp; обрада&nbsp; података&nbsp;добијених на тестовима знања и анкетама извршена је применом програмског пакетаSPSS 14.0.&nbsp;</p><p>Експериментална&nbsp; и&nbsp; контролна&nbsp; група&nbsp; ученика&nbsp; су&nbsp; уједначене&nbsp; на&nbsp; почетку&nbsp; истраживања&nbsp; према&nbsp;општем&nbsp; успеху, оцени из биологије и резултатима иницијалног теста. Просечно постигнуће&nbsp; ученика&nbsp;Е групе на иницијалном тесту било је68,18 поена, а ученика К групе68,80 поена. Остварена разлика&nbsp;између&nbsp; две&nbsp; групе&nbsp; на&nbsp; иницијалном&nbsp; тесту&nbsp; није&nbsp; статистички&nbsp; значајна.&nbsp; Након &nbsp; реализације&nbsp; наставне&nbsp;подтеме&nbsp; Хордати&nbsp; применом&nbsp; различитих&nbsp; одела&nbsp; наставе&nbsp; у&nbsp; Е&nbsp; и&nbsp; К&nbsp; групи&nbsp; ученици&nbsp; обе&nbsp; групе&nbsp; су&nbsp;тестирани&nbsp; финалним&nbsp; тестом&nbsp; знања.&nbsp; На&nbsp; финалном&nbsp; тесту&nbsp; ученици&nbsp; Е&nbsp; групе&nbsp; имали&nbsp; су&nbsp; просечно&nbsp;постигнуће85,82 поена, а ученици К групе68,87 поена. Након90 дана ученици обе групе тестирани&nbsp;су истим тестом(ретестом). Ученици Е групе имали су на ретесту просечно остигнуће85,16 поена,&nbsp;а&nbsp; ученици&nbsp; К&nbsp; групе67,71&nbsp; поена.&nbsp; Анализа&nbsp; резултата&nbsp; финалног&nbsp; теста&nbsp; и&nbsp; ретеста&nbsp; је&nbsp; показала&nbsp; да&nbsp; су&nbsp;ученици&nbsp; Е&nbsp; групе&nbsp; остварили&nbsp; већи&nbsp; квантитет&nbsp; и&nbsp; квалитет&nbsp; знања&nbsp; на&nbsp; сва&nbsp; три&nbsp; когнитивна&nbsp; домена&nbsp; и&nbsp; на&nbsp;тестовима знања&nbsp; у&nbsp; целини,&nbsp; у односу&nbsp; на&nbsp; ученике&nbsp; К групе. Остварене разлике&nbsp; у&nbsp; постигнућу&nbsp; ученика Е&nbsp;и&nbsp; К&nbsp; групе&nbsp; на&nbsp; финалном&nbsp; тесту&nbsp; и&nbsp; ретесту&nbsp; на&nbsp; сва&nbsp; три&nbsp; когнитивна&nbsp; домена&nbsp; и&nbsp; на&nbsp; тестовима&nbsp; у&nbsp; целини&nbsp; у&nbsp;корист&nbsp; Е&nbsp; групе&nbsp; су&nbsp; статистички&nbsp; значајне.&nbsp; Од&nbsp; посебног&nbsp; је&nbsp; значаја&nbsp; знатно&nbsp; бољи&nbsp; резултат&nbsp; ученика&nbsp; Е&nbsp;групе&nbsp; у&nbsp; односу&nbsp; на&nbsp; К&nbsp; групу,&nbsp; у&nbsp; решавању&nbsp; тежих&nbsp; питања&nbsp; и&nbsp; задатака(нивоII&nbsp; иIII)&nbsp; и&nbsp; на&nbsp; финалном&nbsp; тесту&nbsp;и&nbsp; ретесту&nbsp; у&nbsp; целини&nbsp; у&nbsp; односу&nbsp; на&nbsp; иницијални&nbsp; тест,&nbsp; односно&nbsp; испољена&nbsp; већа&nbsp; способност&nbsp; ученика&nbsp; Е&nbsp;групе у решавању комплекснијих питања и задатака у односу на ученике К групе.</p><p>Експериментално&nbsp; доказани,&nbsp; статистички&nbsp; знатно&nbsp; бољи&nbsp; резултати&nbsp; ученика&nbsp; Е&nbsp; групе&nbsp; на&nbsp;тестовима знања(финалном тесту&nbsp; и ретесту)&nbsp; у односу&nbsp; на ученике К групе, као и резултати анкета за&nbsp;ученике&nbsp; Е&nbsp; групе&nbsp; и&nbsp; наставнике&nbsp; биологије&nbsp; препоручују&nbsp; већу&nbsp; заступљеност&nbsp; програмиране&nbsp; наставе&nbsp; уз&nbsp;помоћ&nbsp; компјутера&nbsp; у&nbsp; настави&nbsp; биологије&nbsp; и&nbsp; других&nbsp; природних&nbsp; и&nbsp; друштвених&nbsp; наука&nbsp; на&nbsp; свим&nbsp; нивоима&nbsp;образовања, са циљем повећања њиховог квалитета и ефикасности.</p> / <p>U&nbsp; doktorskoj&nbsp; disertaciji&nbsp; je&nbsp; najpre&nbsp; sagledana&nbsp; teorijska&nbsp; osnova&nbsp; programirane&nbsp; nastave&nbsp; i&nbsp;proučena&nbsp; njena&nbsp; zastupljenost&nbsp; u&nbsp; nastavi&nbsp; prirodnih&nbsp; nauka.&nbsp; Nakon&nbsp; toga&nbsp; je&nbsp; realizovano&nbsp; pedagoško&nbsp;istraživanje&nbsp; sa&nbsp; paralelnim&nbsp; grupama(eksperimentalnom&nbsp; i&nbsp; kontrolnom)&nbsp; tokom&nbsp; koga&nbsp; je&nbsp; sagledana&nbsp;efikasnost&nbsp; primene&nbsp; programirane&nbsp; nastave&nbsp; uz&nbsp; pomoć&nbsp; kompjutera(PUPK)&nbsp; u&nbsp; nastavi&nbsp; biologije&nbsp; u&nbsp;odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; tradicionalnu&nbsp; nastavu.&nbsp; Eksperiment&nbsp; je&nbsp; realizovan&nbsp; na&nbsp; uzorku&nbsp; od214&nbsp; učenika(106&nbsp;učenika&nbsp; u&nbsp; E&nbsp; grupi&nbsp; i108&nbsp; učenika&nbsp; u&nbsp; K&nbsp; grupi).&nbsp; Učenici&nbsp; E&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; su&nbsp; sadržaje&nbsp; nastavne&nbsp; podteme&nbsp;Hordati&nbsp; prema&nbsp; programu&nbsp; biologije&nbsp; u6.&nbsp; razredu&nbsp; osnovne&nbsp; škole&nbsp; tokom19&nbsp; časova&nbsp; realizovali&nbsp;primenom&nbsp; programirane&nbsp; nastave&nbsp; uz&nbsp; pomoć&nbsp; kompjutera,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; su&nbsp; učenici&nbsp; kontrolne&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; iste&nbsp;sadržaje u isto vreme obradili tradicionalnom nastavom.&nbsp;</p><p>Instrumenti&nbsp; primenjeni&nbsp; u&nbsp; istraživanju&nbsp; su&nbsp; inicijalni&nbsp; test,&nbsp; finalni&nbsp; test&nbsp; i&nbsp; retest.&nbsp; Sva&nbsp;tri&nbsp; testa su obuhvatala pitanja iz tri kognitivna domena(nivoa znanja):&nbsp; nivo&nbsp; poznavanja činjenica&nbsp;(nivoI), nivo razumevanja pojmova(nivoII) i nivo analize i rezonovanja&minus; primene znanja(nivoIII).&nbsp;Osim testova znanja instrument korišćen u istraživanju je anketa za učenike E grupe i nastavnike&nbsp;biologije&nbsp; o&nbsp; primeni&nbsp; PUPK&nbsp; u&nbsp; nastavi&nbsp; biologije&nbsp; u&nbsp; osnovnoj&nbsp; školi.&nbsp; Statistička&nbsp; obrada&nbsp; podataka&nbsp;dobijenih na testovima znanja i anketama izvršena je primenom programskog paketaSPSS 14.0.&nbsp;</p><p>Eksperimentalna&nbsp; i&nbsp; kontrolna&nbsp; grupa&nbsp; učenika&nbsp; su&nbsp; ujednačene&nbsp; na&nbsp; početku&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; prema&nbsp;opštem&nbsp; uspehu, oceni iz biologije i rezultatima inicijalnog testa. Prosečno postignuće&nbsp; učenika&nbsp;E grupe na inicijalnom testu bilo je68,18 poena, a učenika K grupe68,80 poena. Ostvarena razlika&nbsp;između&nbsp; dve&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; na&nbsp; inicijalnom&nbsp; testu&nbsp; nije&nbsp; statistički&nbsp; značajna.&nbsp; Nakon &nbsp; realizacije&nbsp; nastavne&nbsp;podteme&nbsp; Hordati&nbsp; primenom&nbsp; različitih&nbsp; odela&nbsp; nastave&nbsp; u&nbsp; E&nbsp; i&nbsp; K&nbsp; grupi&nbsp; učenici&nbsp; obe&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; su&nbsp;testirani&nbsp; finalnim&nbsp; testom&nbsp; znanja.&nbsp; Na&nbsp; finalnom&nbsp; testu&nbsp; učenici&nbsp; E&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; imali&nbsp; su&nbsp; prosečno&nbsp;postignuće85,82 poena, a učenici K grupe68,87 poena. Nakon90 dana učenici obe grupe testirani&nbsp;su istim testom(retestom). Učenici E grupe imali su na retestu prosečno ostignuće85,16 poena,&nbsp;a&nbsp; učenici&nbsp; K&nbsp; grupe67,71&nbsp; poena.&nbsp; Analiza&nbsp; rezultata&nbsp; finalnog&nbsp; testa&nbsp; i&nbsp; retesta&nbsp; je&nbsp; pokazala&nbsp; da&nbsp; su&nbsp;učenici&nbsp; E&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; ostvarili&nbsp; veći&nbsp; kvantitet&nbsp; i&nbsp; kvalitet&nbsp; znanja&nbsp; na&nbsp; sva&nbsp; tri&nbsp; kognitivna&nbsp; domena&nbsp; i&nbsp; na&nbsp;testovima znanja&nbsp; u&nbsp; celini,&nbsp; u odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; učenike&nbsp; K grupe. Ostvarene razlike&nbsp; u&nbsp; postignuću&nbsp; učenika E&nbsp;i&nbsp; K&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; na&nbsp; finalnom&nbsp; testu&nbsp; i&nbsp; retestu&nbsp; na&nbsp; sva&nbsp; tri&nbsp; kognitivna&nbsp; domena&nbsp; i&nbsp; na&nbsp; testovima&nbsp; u&nbsp; celini&nbsp; u&nbsp;korist&nbsp; E&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; su&nbsp; statistički&nbsp; značajne.&nbsp; Od&nbsp; posebnog&nbsp; je&nbsp; značaja&nbsp; znatno&nbsp; bolji&nbsp; rezultat&nbsp; učenika&nbsp; E&nbsp;grupe&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; K&nbsp; grupu,&nbsp; u&nbsp; rešavanju&nbsp; težih&nbsp; pitanja&nbsp; i&nbsp; zadataka(nivoII&nbsp; iIII)&nbsp; i&nbsp; na&nbsp; finalnom&nbsp; testu&nbsp;i&nbsp; retestu&nbsp; u&nbsp; celini&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; inicijalni&nbsp; test,&nbsp; odnosno&nbsp; ispoljena&nbsp; veća&nbsp; sposobnost&nbsp; učenika&nbsp; E&nbsp;grupe u rešavanju kompleksnijih pitanja i zadataka u odnosu na učenike K grupe.</p><p>Eksperimentalno&nbsp; dokazani,&nbsp; statistički&nbsp; znatno&nbsp; bolji&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; učenika&nbsp; E&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; na&nbsp;testovima znanja(finalnom testu&nbsp; i retestu)&nbsp; u odnosu&nbsp; na učenike K grupe, kao i rezultati anketa za&nbsp;učenike&nbsp; E&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; i&nbsp; nastavnike&nbsp; biologije&nbsp; preporučuju&nbsp; veću&nbsp; zastupljenost&nbsp; programirane&nbsp; nastave&nbsp; uz&nbsp;pomoć&nbsp; kompjutera&nbsp; u&nbsp; nastavi&nbsp; biologije&nbsp; i&nbsp; drugih&nbsp; prirodnih&nbsp; i&nbsp; društvenih&nbsp; nauka&nbsp; na&nbsp; svim&nbsp; nivoima&nbsp;obrazovanja, sa ciljem povećanja njihovog kvaliteta i efikasnosti.</p> / <p>The first part of doctoral thesis gives a theoretical basis for programmed classes and studies the&nbsp;presence of such classes in teaching of natural sciences. After that, pedagogical research was conducted&nbsp;with parallel groups (an experimental one and a control one) during which the efficiency of applying&nbsp;computer assisted programmed learning (CAPL) in biology classes was analysed in relation to the&nbsp;traditional classes. The experiment was realised onthe sample of 214 students (of which 106 were in the&nbsp;experimental group and 108 in the control group). With the students from the experimental group, 19&nbsp;lessons of&nbsp; Chordates&nbsp; teaching subunit, placed in the 6th&nbsp;grade of primary school according to the&nbsp;programme for biology, was done by using computer assisted programmed learning, while the students&nbsp;form the control group covered the same content in a traditional way.</p><p>Instruments used in the research were: initial test, final test and retest. All three tests included&nbsp;questions from three cognitive domains (levels of knowledge): the level of knowing the facts (level I), the&nbsp;level of understanding concepts (level II) and the&nbsp; level of analysis and reasoning &ndash; applying knowledge&nbsp;(level III). Apart from tests, &nbsp;questionnaires for the students from the experimental group and for biology&nbsp;teachers &nbsp;on application of CAPL in teaching biologyin primary schools were used as another research&nbsp;instrument. Statistical processing of data obtainedfrom the tests and questionnaires was done by using&nbsp;SPSS 14.0 software package.&nbsp;</p><p>Both experimental and control student groups were balanced at the beginning of research&nbsp;according to overall success in school, grade from&nbsp; Biology and the results of the initial test. The average&nbsp;score of students from the experimental group on the initial test was 68.18 points, while the average&nbsp; score&nbsp;of students from control group was 68.80 points. The difference in results from the initial test for the two&nbsp;groups is not statistically significant. After realisation of the Chordates teaching subunit, by &nbsp;pplying&nbsp;different teaching methods in experimental and control groups, the students from both groups were tested in&nbsp;the final test. The average score of students from the experimental group on the final test was 85.82 points,&nbsp;while the average score of students from control group was 68.87 points. After 90 days, the students of both&nbsp;groups were tested with the same test (retest). Theaverage score of students from the experimental group&nbsp;on the retest was 85.16 points, while the average score of students from control group was 67.71 points.&nbsp;The analysis of the results from the final test andretest has shown that the students from the experimental&nbsp;group achieved higher quality and quantity of knowledge in all three cognitive domains and on the tests as&nbsp;a whole, in relation to the students from the control group. The differences in achievement of the students&nbsp;from experimental and control groups on final test&nbsp; and retest in all three cognitive domains and on tests as&nbsp;whole are statistically significant in favour of the experimental group. It is also important to observe the&nbsp;significantly better result of the students from the experimental group in relation to the control group, in&nbsp;answering harder questions (levels II and III), both on the final tests and retest as a whole, in relation to the&nbsp;initial test, i.e. students from the experimental group showed greater competence in solving complex&nbsp;questions and tasks in relation to the students from the control group.</p><p>Experimentally proved, statistically significant better results of the students from the experimental&nbsp;group on tests (final test and retest) in relation to the students from the control group, as well as&nbsp; the results&nbsp;of questionnaires for students of the experimental group and biology teachers, recommend greater presence&nbsp;of computer assisted programmed learning and classes of other natural sciences and humanities on all levels&nbsp;of education, with aim to increase their quality and efficiency.</p>

Ефекти примене блога у настави биологије у гимназији / Efekti primene bloga u nastavi biologije u gimnaziji / The Effests of Using Blog in Biology Teaching in High School

Lazarević Tihomir 17 September 2019 (has links)
<p>У докторској дисертацији је најпре сагледан и анализиран теоријски оквир употребе рачунара, ИКТ и блога у настави. За&nbsp; потребе&nbsp; педагошког&nbsp; експеримента&nbsp; са&nbsp; паралелним&nbsp; групама,&nbsp; креиран&nbsp; је&nbsp; блог&nbsp; Биосоикослогос<br />(www.biosoikoslogos.wordpress.com)&nbsp; на&nbsp; ком&nbsp; су&nbsp; интегрисани&nbsp; садржаји&nbsp; из&nbsp; наставне&nbsp; теме&nbsp; Основи&nbsp; цитологије према Наставном програму биологије за I разред гимназије свих смерова.&nbsp; Узорак истраживања је обухватао 171 ученика подељених у две групе при чему је у Е групи било 85, а у К групи 86 ученика.<br />За&nbsp; потребе&nbsp; педагошког&nbsp; експеримента&nbsp; су&nbsp; креирани&nbsp; тестови&nbsp; знања&nbsp; (иницијални&nbsp; тест,&nbsp; финални&nbsp; тест&nbsp; и ретест) и скала процене о вредностима различитих карактеристика блога. Тестови знања су садржали питања на&nbsp; три&nbsp; нивоа:&nbsp; основни&nbsp; ниво&nbsp; (познавање&nbsp; чињеница),&nbsp; средњи&nbsp; ниво&nbsp; (разумевање&nbsp; појмова)&nbsp; и&nbsp; напредни&nbsp; ниво (анализа и резоновање). На&nbsp; почетку&nbsp; истраживања&nbsp; Е&nbsp; и&nbsp; К&nbsp; група&nbsp; су&nbsp; уједначене&nbsp; иницијалним&nbsp; тестом&nbsp; знања,&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; према&nbsp; општем<br />успеху&nbsp; и&nbsp; успеху из биологије.&nbsp; Након иницијалног тестирања ученици Е и К групе су реализовали садржаје наставне&nbsp; теме&nbsp; Основи&nbsp; цитологије&nbsp; различитим&nbsp; моделима&nbsp; наставе,&nbsp; при&nbsp; чему&nbsp; су&nbsp; ученици&nbsp; Е&nbsp; групе&nbsp; користили блог&nbsp; у&nbsp; настави,&nbsp; а&nbsp; ученици&nbsp; К&nbsp; групе&nbsp; су&nbsp; исте&nbsp; садржаје&nbsp; реализовали&nbsp; традиционалном&nbsp; наставом.&nbsp; Након&nbsp; обраде наставне теме Основи цитологије, ученици обе групе су тестирани финалним тестом знања, а месец дана (32 дана)&nbsp; након&nbsp; финалног&nbsp; теста&nbsp; ученици&nbsp; су&nbsp; радили&nbsp; ретест.&nbsp; Након&nbsp; завршених&nbsp; тестирања,&nbsp; ученици&nbsp; Е&nbsp; груп е&nbsp; су попунили&nbsp; скалу&nbsp; процене&nbsp; о&nbsp; вредностима&nbsp; различитих&nbsp; карактеристика&nbsp; блога.&nbsp; Резултати&nbsp; добијени&nbsp; на&nbsp; тествима знања и скали процене су обрађени одговарајућим статистичким методама и представљени на одговарајући<br />начин.Ученици&nbsp; Е&nbsp; групе&nbsp; су&nbsp; постигли&nbsp; статистички&nbsp; значајно&nbsp; боље&nbsp; резултате&nbsp; у&nbsp; односу&nbsp; на&nbsp; ученике&nbsp; К&nbsp; групе&nbsp; на финалном&nbsp; тесту&nbsp; знања&nbsp; и&nbsp; ретесту&nbsp; у&nbsp; целини&nbsp; и&nbsp; на&nbsp; свим&nbsp; нивоима&nbsp; знања&nbsp; појединачно.&nbsp; Такође,&nbsp; резултати&nbsp; су показали&nbsp; да&nbsp; уз&nbsp; примену&nbsp; блога&nbsp; у&nbsp; настави&nbsp; највише&nbsp; напредују&nbsp; напредни&nbsp; ученици,&nbsp; нешто&nbsp; мање&nbsp; просечни ученици,&nbsp; а најмање слаби ученици. Истраживање је, такође, показало да блог једнако доприноси постигнућу из биологије код ученика и ученица.<br />Резултати&nbsp; скале&nbsp; процене&nbsp; су&nbsp; показали&nbsp; да&nbsp; су&nbsp; ученицима&nbsp; најважније&nbsp; оне&nbsp; карактеристике&nbsp; блога&nbsp; које&nbsp; им директно олакшавају учење градива, а нешто мање су им важне карактеристике које им омогућују да док уче размењују искуства са другим ученицима.</p> / <p>U doktorskoj disertaciji je najpre sagledan i analiziran teorijski okvir upotrebe računara, IKT i bloga u nastavi. Za&nbsp; potrebe&nbsp; pedagoškog&nbsp; eksperimenta&nbsp; sa&nbsp; paralelnim&nbsp; grupama,&nbsp; kreiran&nbsp; je&nbsp; blog&nbsp; Biosoikoslogos<br />(www.biosoikoslogos.wordpress.com)&nbsp; na&nbsp; kom&nbsp; su&nbsp; integrisani&nbsp; sadržaji&nbsp; iz&nbsp; nastavne&nbsp; teme&nbsp; Osnovi&nbsp; citologije prema Nastavnom programu biologije za I razred gimnazije svih smerova.&nbsp; Uzorak istraživanja je obuhvatao 171 učenika podeljenih u dve grupe pri čemu je u E grupi bilo 85, a u K grupi 86 učenika.<br />Za&nbsp; potrebe&nbsp; pedagoškog&nbsp; eksperimenta&nbsp; su&nbsp; kreirani&nbsp; testovi&nbsp; znanja&nbsp; (inicijalni&nbsp; test,&nbsp; finalni&nbsp; test&nbsp; i retest) i skala procene o vrednostima različitih karakteristika bloga. Testovi znanja su sadržali pitanja na&nbsp; tri&nbsp; nivoa:&nbsp; osnovni&nbsp; nivo&nbsp; (poznavanje&nbsp; činjenica),&nbsp; srednji&nbsp; nivo&nbsp; (razumevanje&nbsp; pojmova)&nbsp; i&nbsp; napredni&nbsp; nivo (analiza i rezonovanje). Na&nbsp; početku&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; E&nbsp; i&nbsp; K&nbsp; grupa&nbsp; su&nbsp; ujednačene&nbsp; inicijalnim&nbsp; testom&nbsp; znanja,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; prema&nbsp; opštem<br />uspehu&nbsp; i&nbsp; uspehu iz biologije.&nbsp; Nakon inicijalnog testiranja učenici E i K grupe su realizovali sadržaje nastavne&nbsp; teme&nbsp; Osnovi&nbsp; citologije&nbsp; različitim&nbsp; modelima&nbsp; nastave,&nbsp; pri&nbsp; čemu&nbsp; su&nbsp; učenici&nbsp; E&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; koristili blog&nbsp; u&nbsp; nastavi,&nbsp; a&nbsp; učenici&nbsp; K&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; su&nbsp; iste&nbsp; sadržaje&nbsp; realizovali&nbsp; tradicionalnom&nbsp; nastavom.&nbsp; Nakon&nbsp; obrade nastavne teme Osnovi citologije, učenici obe grupe su testirani finalnim testom znanja, a mesec dana (32 dana)&nbsp; nakon&nbsp; finalnog&nbsp; testa&nbsp; učenici&nbsp; su&nbsp; radili&nbsp; retest.&nbsp; Nakon&nbsp; završenih&nbsp; testiranja,&nbsp; učenici&nbsp; E&nbsp; grup e&nbsp; su popunili&nbsp; skalu&nbsp; procene&nbsp; o&nbsp; vrednostima&nbsp; različitih&nbsp; karakteristika&nbsp; bloga.&nbsp; Rezultati&nbsp; dobijeni&nbsp; na&nbsp; testvima znanja i skali procene su obrađeni odgovarajućim statističkim metodama i predstavljeni na odgovarajući<br />način.Učenici&nbsp; E&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; su&nbsp; postigli&nbsp; statistički&nbsp; značajno&nbsp; bolje&nbsp; rezultate&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; učenike&nbsp; K&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; na finalnom&nbsp; testu&nbsp; znanja&nbsp; i&nbsp; retestu&nbsp; u&nbsp; celini&nbsp; i&nbsp; na&nbsp; svim&nbsp; nivoima&nbsp; znanja&nbsp; pojedinačno.&nbsp; Takođe,&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; su pokazali&nbsp; da&nbsp; uz&nbsp; primenu&nbsp; bloga&nbsp; u&nbsp; nastavi&nbsp; najviše&nbsp; napreduju&nbsp; napredni&nbsp; učenici,&nbsp; nešto&nbsp; manje&nbsp; prosečni učenici,&nbsp; a najmanje slabi učenici. Istraživanje je, takođe, pokazalo da blog jednako doprinosi postignuću iz biologije kod učenika i učenica.<br />Rezultati&nbsp; skale&nbsp; procene&nbsp; su&nbsp; pokazali&nbsp; da&nbsp; su&nbsp; učenicima&nbsp; najvažnije&nbsp; one&nbsp; karakteristike&nbsp; bloga&nbsp; koje&nbsp; im direktno olakšavaju učenje gradiva, a nešto manje su im važne karakteristike koje im omogućuju da dok uče razmenjuju iskustva sa drugim učenicima.</p> / <p><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:DoNotPromoteQF/> <w:LidThemeOther>EN-US</w:LidThemeOther> <w:LidThemeAsian>X-NONE</w:LidThemeAsian> <w:LidThemeComplexScript>X-NONE</w:LidThemeComplexScript> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> 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Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="19" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Subtle Emphasis"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="21" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Intense Emphasis"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="31" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Subtle Reference"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="32" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Intense Reference"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="33" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Book Title"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="37" Name="Bibliography"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="39" QFormat="true" Name="TOC Heading"/> </w:LatentStyles></xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 10]><style> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable{mso-style-name:"Table Normal";mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0;mso-tstyle-colband-size:0;mso-style-noshow:yes;mso-style-priority:99;mso-style-qformat:yes;mso-style-parent:"";mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;mso-para-margin-top:0in;mso-para-margin-right:0in;mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt;mso-para-margin-left:0in;line-height:115%;mso-pagination:widow-orphan;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif";mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri;mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin;mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast;mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri;mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;}</style><![endif]--></p><p class="MsoNormal">First, in dissertation, the theoretical framework of computers&rsquo; use, ICT and blogs in teaching were&nbsp; examined and analyzed. For&nbsp; the&nbsp; needs&nbsp; of&nbsp; a&nbsp; pedagogical&nbsp; experiment&nbsp; with&nbsp; parallel&nbsp; groups,&nbsp; a&nbsp; blog&nbsp; Biosoikoslogos (www.biosoikoslogos.wordpress.com)&nbsp; was&nbsp; created&nbsp; on&nbsp; which&nbsp; the&nbsp; contents&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; teaching&nbsp; topic&nbsp; were&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; the Basics of Cytology&nbsp; according to&nbsp; Biology&nbsp; curriculum for the first grade of the grammar school.&nbsp; The survey sample included 171 students divided into two groups with 85&nbsp; students in the E group and 86 in the K group. For the needs of the pedagogical experiment, knowledge tests (initial test, final test and retest) and estimating scale&nbsp; that&nbsp; values&nbsp; different&nbsp; characteristics&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; blog&nbsp; were&nbsp; created.&nbsp; Knowledge&nbsp; tests&nbsp; contained&nbsp; questions&nbsp; at&nbsp; three levels: basic level (knowledge of facts), intermediate level (comprehension of terms) and advanced level (analysis&nbsp; and reasoning). At&nbsp; the&nbsp; beginning&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; research,&nbsp; the&nbsp; E&nbsp; and&nbsp; K&nbsp; groups&nbsp; were&nbsp; aligned&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; initial&nbsp; test&nbsp; of&nbsp; knowledge,&nbsp; also, according&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; general&nbsp; success&nbsp; and&nbsp; success&nbsp; of&nbsp; biology.&nbsp; After&nbsp; the&nbsp; initial&nbsp; testing,&nbsp; the&nbsp; students&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; E&nbsp; and&nbsp; K&nbsp; group realized the contents of the teaching topic Basics of cytology using different models of teaching, while the students of the&nbsp; E&nbsp; group&nbsp; used&nbsp; a&nbsp; blog,&nbsp; students&nbsp; of&nbsp; K&nbsp; group&nbsp; realized&nbsp; the&nbsp; same&nbsp; contents&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; traditional&nbsp; teaching.&nbsp;&nbsp; After completing&nbsp; the&nbsp; teaching&nbsp; topic,&nbsp; Basics&nbsp; of&nbsp; Cytology,&nbsp; the&nbsp; students&nbsp; of&nbsp; both&nbsp; groups&nbsp; were&nbsp; tested&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; final&nbsp; test&nbsp; of knowledge, and one month (32 days) after the final test, students had a retest.&nbsp;&nbsp; After completing the tests, students from&nbsp; the E group filled the&nbsp; estimating scale that&nbsp; values different&nbsp; characteristics of the blog.&nbsp; The results obtained&nbsp; by the knowledge tests and the estimating scale were&nbsp; processed by appropriate statistical methods and presented in an appropriate manner. Students&nbsp; from the E group achieved statistically significantly bet ter results in relation to K group students in the final test of knowledge and retest,&nbsp; in general and at all levels of knowledge individually.Also, results showed that using&nbsp; blog&nbsp; during&nbsp; teaching&nbsp; helps&nbsp; advanced&nbsp; students&nbsp; the&nbsp; most,&nbsp; average&nbsp; students&nbsp; showed&nbsp; less&nbsp; progress&nbsp; and&nbsp; weak students showed very little progress.&nbsp; The research also showed that blog equally contributes to the achievement&nbsp; in biology among male and&nbsp; female students..The estimating scale results showed that for students the most important chara cteristics of the blog are those that directly facilitate the learning of the material, and less important are those that enable them to exchange experiences with other students while they are learning.</p>

Ефикасност примене електронског уџбеника у настави биологије у гимназији / Efikasnost primene elektronskog udžbenika u nastavi biologije u gimnaziji / Efficiency of electronic textbooks in Biology classes in grammar schools

Terzić Jovanka 26 August 2016 (has links)
<p>За потребе израде ове докторске дисертације најпре је направљен&nbsp; интерактивни електронски уџбеник биологије за IV разред гимназије природно-математичког смера, а затим је анализирана ефикасност његове примене у односу на&nbsp; традиционалну наставу. Педагошко истраживање је спроведено на узорку од 167 ученика (85 ученика у експерименталној и 82 ученика у контролној групи). Ученици Е групе су садржаје из наставне теме Основи молекуларне биологије у IV разреду гимназије реализовали применом интерактивног електронског уџбеника, индивидуалним обликом рада, док су ученици К група исте садржаје обрадила традиционалним наставним методама и фронталним обликом рада док су код куће учили из штампаног уџбеника.</p><p>Експериментална и контролна&nbsp; група су уједначене на почетку истраживања на основу успеха ученика из биологије на крају III. разреда гимназије и на основу резултата иницијалног теста.</p><p>Након реализације наведене наставне теме ученици обе групе су радили финални тест, а након 75 дана ретест. Такође су спроведене анкете за ученике Е групе и професоре биологије који раде у гимназији о о примени електронског уџбеника у настави биологије. Након тога су статистички обрађени и&nbsp; aнализирани резултати тестова и анкета.</p><p>Ученици Е групе су остварили бољи успех на финалном тесту и ретесту од ученика К групе. Разлике у њиховом постигнућу на финалном тесту и ретесту (у корист Е групе) су статистички значајне како на појединачним когнитивним нивоима (познавање чињеница, разумевање појмова и примена знања), тако и на тестовима у целини.</p><p>Резултати финалног теста су потврдили већу ефикасност наставе биологије уз примену електронског уџбеника у односу на традиционалну наставу. Резултати ретеста су потврдили већу трајност (квалитет) знања из биологије усвојеног применом електронског уџбеника у односу на знање стечено традиционалним метода рада. Веће постигнуће ученика Е групе на финалном тесту и ретесту у односу на ученике К групе је резултат примене електронског уџбеника и индивидуалног облика рада у настави биологије.</p><p>Ученици Е групе и професори биологије који раде у гимназији су изнели&nbsp; позитивне ставове о примени електронског уџбеника у настави биологије. То показује да они прихватају увођење иновативних модела рада у наставу.</p><p>Веће постигнуће ученика Е групе на финалном тесту и ретесту у односу на ученике К групе као и позитивни ставови ученика и професора о примени електронског уџбеника у настави биологије у гимназији препоручују израду и коришћење електронских уџбеника урађених према важећим наставним програмима у настави биологије и других предмета.</p> / <p>Za potrebe izrade ove doktorske disertacije najpre je napravljen&nbsp; interaktivni elektronski udžbenik biologije za IV razred gimnazije prirodno-matematičkog smera, a zatim je analizirana efikasnost njegove primene u odnosu na&nbsp; tradicionalnu nastavu. Pedagoško istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 167 učenika (85 učenika u eksperimentalnoj i 82 učenika u kontrolnoj grupi). Učenici E grupe su sadržaje iz nastavne teme Osnovi molekularne biologije u IV razredu gimnazije realizovali primenom interaktivnog elektronskog udžbenika, individualnim oblikom rada, dok su učenici K grupa iste sadržaje obradila tradicionalnim nastavnim metodama i frontalnim oblikom rada dok su kod kuće učili iz štampanog udžbenika.</p><p>Eksperimentalna i kontrolna&nbsp; grupa su ujednačene na početku istraživanja na osnovu uspeha učenika iz biologije na kraju III. razreda gimnazije i na osnovu rezultata inicijalnog testa.</p><p>Nakon realizacije navedene nastavne teme učenici obe grupe su radili finalni test, a nakon 75 dana retest. Takođe su sprovedene ankete za učenike E grupe i profesore biologije koji rade u gimnaziji o o primeni elektronskog udžbenika u nastavi biologije. Nakon toga su statistički obrađeni i&nbsp; analizirani rezultati testova i anketa.</p><p>Učenici E grupe su ostvarili bolji uspeh na finalnom testu i retestu od učenika K grupe. Razlike u njihovom postignuću na finalnom testu i retestu (u korist E grupe) su statistički značajne kako na pojedinačnim kognitivnim nivoima (poznavanje činjenica, razumevanje pojmova i primena znanja), tako i na testovima u celini.</p><p>Rezultati finalnog testa su potvrdili veću efikasnost nastave biologije uz primenu elektronskog udžbenika u odnosu na tradicionalnu nastavu. Rezultati retesta su potvrdili veću trajnost (kvalitet) znanja iz biologije usvojenog primenom elektronskog udžbenika u odnosu na znanje stečeno tradicionalnim metoda rada. Veće postignuće učenika E grupe na finalnom testu i retestu u odnosu na učenike K grupe je rezultat primene elektronskog udžbenika i individualnog oblika rada u nastavi biologije.</p><p>Učenici E grupe i profesori biologije koji rade u gimnaziji su izneli&nbsp; pozitivne stavove o primeni elektronskog udžbenika u nastavi biologije. To pokazuje da oni prihvataju uvođenje inovativnih modela rada u nastavu.</p><p>Veće postignuće učenika E grupe na finalnom testu i retestu u odnosu na učenike K grupe kao i pozitivni stavovi učenika i profesora o primeni elektronskog udžbenika u nastavi biologije u gimnaziji preporučuju izradu i korišćenje elektronskih udžbenika urađenih prema važećim nastavnim programima u nastavi biologije i drugih predmeta.</p> / <p>For the use of the issue of this doctoral thesis was first developed an interactive electronic textbook for biology IV discharge gymnasium of the science stream, and&nbsp; then analyzed the efficiency of its use in relation to traditional teaching. Pedagogical&nbsp; research was conducted on a sample of 167 students (85 students in the experimental and 82 students in the control group). Students E groups are the content of teaching topics Fundamentals of molecular biology in the fourth grade of&nbsp; high school r ealized by using an interactive electronic textbooks, individual form of work, while students K group of the same content processed by traditional teaching&nbsp; methods and frontal form of work while at home learning from printed textbooks.</p><p>Experimental and control groups were matched at baseline based on the success of students in biology at the end of III. year of high school, and based on the results of the initial test.</p><p>Аfter the realization of that teaching topics the students of both groups were doing the final test, a retest after 75 days. They also conducted a survey of students E group and biology professors who work in the gymnasium of the implementation of electronic textbooks in teaching biology. After that, statistically&nbsp; processed and analyzed the results of tests and surveys.&nbsp;</p><p>Students E group have achieved better results in the final test and retest students K group. The differences in their attainment of the final test and retest (in favor of group E) were statistically si gnificant both at the individual level cognitive (knowledge of facts, understanding the concepts and application of knowledge), and the tests as a whole.</p><p>Results of the final test confirmed the greater efficiency of teaching biology with the use of electronic textbooks in comparison to traditional teaching. Retest results have confirmed high durability (quality) knowledge of biology adopted using the electronic textbook in relation to the knowledge gained by traditional methods. Higher student achi evement E group at the final test and retest compared to students in K group is a&nbsp; result of implementation of electronic textbooks and individual forms of work in teaching biology.</p><p>E group students and professors of biology who work in high school&nbsp; are expressed&nbsp; positive views on the implementation of electronic textbooks in teaching biology. This&nbsp; shows that they accept the introduction of innovative models of work in the&nbsp; classroom.</p><p>Higher student achievement E group at the final test and retest compared&nbsp; to students in K group and positive attitudes of students and teachers on the&nbsp; implementation of electronic textbooks in teaching biology in high school suggests the design and use of electronic textbooks performed according to the current curriculum in teaching biology and other subjects.</p>

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