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O papel dos Escritórios-Escola das universidades da cidade de São Luís/MA na formação de profissionais habilitados em demandas de famílias, no período de 2014 e 2015. / The role of the Offices-School of the universities of the city of São Luís / MA in the training of qualified professionals in family demands, in the period 2014 and 2015.MORAES, Luana Celina Lemos de 08 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Aparecida (cidazen@gmail.com) on 2017-05-04T14:14:41Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-08-08 / This work aims to analyze the efficiency of Training School of the universities in São
Luis-MA, as an instrument of legal and social background of the future legal
professionals, between the years 2014 and 2015, as well as their limits of
possibilities , since the concluding college students need to have an understanding of
the different interfaces of the Law on highly complex issues and acquire training to
allow technical development of the activities of legal practice, and develop necessary
skills and competencies for the thoughtful, critical and creative performance to lead
lawsuits, especially those involving family law, with the goal of not judicialize conflicts
that they can be resolved through mediation, encouraging the conciliation of family
conflicts. / O presente trabalho objetiva analisar a eficiência dos Escritórios-Escola das
universidades da cidade de São Luis-MA, como um instrumento de formação jurídica
e social dos futuros profissionais do direito, entre os anos de 2014 e 2015, bem
como, seus limites de possibilidades, vez que os discentes concludentes precisam
ter a compreensão das diferentes interfaces do Direito em questões de alta
complexidade e adquiram formação que permita o desenvolvimento técnico das
atividades da praxe jurídica, bem como desenvolvam habilidades e competências
necessárias à atuação reflexiva, crítica e criativa na condução de demandas, em
especial os que envolvem o direito de família, com o objetivo de não judicializarem
conflitos que podem ser resolvidos através da mediação, incentivando a pacificação
dos conflitos familiares.
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Predicting Success at the Utah State Agricultural College Naval Training School for Elementary Electricity and Radio MaterialBrite, Luna Robertson 01 May 1943 (has links)
The Second World War, often called the Global War, is largely a war of technocracy. The last few decades have seen many discoveries and inventions which, when used in war, have far reaching implications. To a relatively large extent the United States and the United Nations have left many of these discoveries in the theoretical state, thus allowing a large margin of advantage to the Axis Nations who have rather thoroughly exploited, for military purposes, new discoveries at their command. Since the two groups of nations have come to grips it means that survival demands extensive ramifications of all discoveries which in any way will aid in the prosecution of the war.
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Política pública de formação de professores ingressantes : um olhar para o estado de São Paulo /Bagé, Idalise Bernardo January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Marcus Vinicius Maltempi / Resumo: Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar a política pública de formação de professores ingressantes, implantada pela Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo – SEE-SP, por intermédio da Escola de Formação de Professores (EFAP). Tal formação se constitui em uma política pública, concretizada através de um curso na modalidade a distância para os professores que integram a rede pública estadual de educação por concurso público. A pesquisa fundamentou-se no Ciclo de Políticas de Ball e colaboradores para analisar o curso de ingressantes, considerando os três contextos principais para análise de uma política pública: o contexto da influência, o contexto da produção de textos e o contexto da prática. No contexto da influência foram consultados os documentos oficiais, conteúdo do curso na plataforma online e relatórios de agências multilaterais como Banco Mundial, OCDE - Organização para Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico. No contexto da produção de texto, nos baseamos nos documentos oficiais do curso, como legislações, propostas, conteúdos, além dos documentos de implantação da EFAP. O contexto da prática foi analisado, por meio de entrevistas realizadas com professores participantes do Curso de Ingressantes das edições de 2010 e 2015. Da análise fenomenológica das entrevistas emergiram duas categorias: Preocupação com os modos de ser professor e Potência das estratégias e dos recursos de EaD, as quais foram interpretadas com base em autores que discutem a Formação de Profe... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The research goal is to analyze the hired teacher’s public policy implemented by the Education Department of the State of São Paulo - SEE-SP (Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo), through the Teacher Training School – EFAP (Escola de Formação de Professores). Such training constitutes a public policy, materialized through a course in the modality of distance education for teachers who became members of the state public education network through of public competition. The research was based on the Ball Policy Cycle and collaborators to analyze the course, considering the three main contexts about public policy’s analysis: the context of influence, the context of the production of texts and the context of practice. In the context of influence, were analyzed official documents, online platform course content and reports from multilateral agencies such as World Bank, OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. In the context of text production, we rely on the official course documents, such as legislations, proposals, contents, in addition to the EFAP implementation documents. The context of the practice was analyzed through interviews conducted with the participants of the Ingressing Course of the 2010 and 2015 editions. From the phenomenological analysis of the interviews two categories emerged, which were: Concern about the ways of being a teacher and potency of strategies and of Distance Education tools, which were interpreted based on authors who ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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A history of the Presbyterian work among the Pima and Papago Indians of ArizonaHamilton, John McCoubrey, 1915- January 1948 (has links)
No description available.
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A plan for developing a functional curriculum in the Bible Teachers Training School in Nanking, China in the postwar era .McCain, Pearle. January 1946 (has links)
Thesis (Ed.D.)--Teachers College, Columbia University. / Typescript; issued also on microfilm. Sponsor: H. S. Elliott. Dissertation Committee: E. S. Evenden, F. E. Johnson. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 163-174).
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Elaboração e implementaçâo da política de formação para os servidores da educação do município do Recife/PE: considerações deste percursoMacêdo, Sandra Serralva Rodrigues de 21 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by isabela.moljf@hotmail.com (isabela.moljf@hotmail.com) on 2017-08-14T13:20:04Z
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sandraserralvarodriguesdemacedo.pdf: 1404637 bytes, checksum: f3c6af630136a3335b7bc20919838c0c (MD5) / Rejected by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br), reason: on 2017-08-14T17:03:21Z (GMT) / Submitted by isabela.moljf@hotmail.com (isabela.moljf@hotmail.com) on 2017-08-14T18:45:57Z
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sandraserralvarodriguesdemacedo.pdf: 1404637 bytes, checksum: f3c6af630136a3335b7bc20919838c0c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-08-15T12:09:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-11-21 / A presente dissertação foi desenvolvida no âmbito do Mestrado Profissional em Gestão e Avaliação da Educação (PPGP) do Centro de Políticas Públicas e Avaliação da Educação da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (CAEd/UFJF). Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a implementação da Política de Formação da Rede Municipal de Ensino do Recife e propor à Secretaria de Educação do Recife um Plano de Ação Educacional para aperfeiçoamento da implementação de sua proposta de formação, na perspectiva continuada – nas modalidades presencial e a distância, com definição de trilhas para dois anos. A justificativa para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa baseia-se no longo período de ausência de uma Política de Formação normatizada para os professores da supracitada Rede, a despeito de sua relevância, especialmente a partir da promulgação da Lei das Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, Lei nº 9394/96 e da Lei 11.738/2008, que regulamenta o piso salarial profissional nacional para os profissionais do magistério público da educação básica, bem como da Resolução n.18 CNE/2012, a qual regulamenta a implementação do 1/3 de Aula Atividade. Para suporte empírico no desenvolvimento deste estudo, e, ainda, considerando seu percurso e instrumentos metodológicos, foram realizadas análises documental e bibliográfica da Rede no âmbito das formações realizadas até o ano de 2014 e das mudanças conceituais necessárias à implementação da proposta da Política de Formação, bem como aplicação de questionários e realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas, respectivamente, com os grupos de professores e técnicos, estes últimos) responsáveis diretos pela normatização e execução das formações. Os dados e informações coletas foram, por sua vez, observados à luz de autores como Gatti, Sá Barreto e André (2011); Belletati (2005); Sambugari (2005); Vaillant (2006); Dourado e Oliveira (2009); Tardif (2000, 2014) e Mainardes (2006). / The present dissertation was developed within the framework of the Master in Management and Evaluation of Education (PPGP) from the Center of Public Policies and Evaluation of Education of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF/CAEd). This study aims to analyze the implementation of a Training Policy of Recife´s Municipal Educational System, and propose to the Department of Education of Recife, an Educational Action Plan for improvement of its implementation of a Training Policy with a perspective of continuing education, in a face-to-face and distance modalities, with tracks for two years. The rationale for the development of this research is based on a long period of absence of a policy of standardized training for teachers of the above municipal system, regardless of its relevance, especially since the promulgation of the Guidelines and Bases for National Education, law no. 9394/96 and law no. 11.738/2008, governing the national Professional salary floor for the professionals of the public teaching of basic education, as well as of resolution no 18 CNE/2012, which regulates the implementation of 1/3 of Class Activity. For empirical support in the development of this study, and, yet, considering its route and methodological tools, documentary and bibliographical analysis were conducted on the Recife´s Municipal Educational System in the context of training carried out by the year 2014 and of the conceptual changes necessary for the implementation of the training policy proposal, as well as application of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, respectively, with groups of teachers and technicians , the latter, responsible for direct standardization and implementation of trainings.The data and information collections were, in turn, observed in the light of such authors as Gatti, Sá Barreto and André (2011); Belletati (2005); Sambugari (2005); Vaillant (2006); Dourado and Oliveira (2009); Tardif (2000, 2014) and Mainardes (2006).
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A Study of Thirty-Five Parent-Teacher Conferences at the Elementary Training School, Utah State Agricultural CollegeTaylor, Thomas A. 01 May 1955 (has links)
This study is an outgrowth of the cooperative efforts of the instructors at the Utah State Agricultural College Elementary Training School (Whittier). An attempt was made to show that the parent teacher conference is one of the best possible means of reporting pupil progress and growth.
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The History of Princess Anne County Training School and Union Kempsville High School Princess Anne County/Virginia Beach, Virginia 1925-1969Lucas, Joanne Harris 27 April 2013 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the history of Princess Anne County Training School and Union Kempsville High School in Princess Anne County/Virginia Beach, Virginia. The method of inquiry was qualitative, historical research that relied on oral histories to provide a cultural understanding of the school from the perspectives of its students, administrators, teachers, and staff. The school's history was reconstructed through direct engagement with individuals whose interviews recounted the establishment, growth, operation, and demise of Princess Anne County Training School/Union Kempsville High School. In order to minimize the nostalgic influence and bring greater validity to the oral histories, data were also collected from historical accounts, school board and community organization minutes, local periodicals, and school artifacts.
Segregation cultivated legally separate-but-equal schools for Blacks and Whites, with little or no attention given to actual equality. In 1925, the Black community in Princess Anne County, Virginia, mobilized to build a high school for their children who were denied an education beyond seventh grade. Princess Anne County Training School opened for Black students in 1938 and initially utilized a curriculum based on industrial education. It was the first and only Black high school in Princess Anne County/Virginia Beach, Virginia. As Princess Anne County Training School progressed, the Black community eventually repudiated the term, training school. The school's name was changed to Union Kempsville High School in the fall of 1961. Gradual desegregation inaugurated by the Brown v. Board of Education decisions led to a decline in student enrollment, and Union Kempsville High School closed in 1969. / Ph. D.
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Vad styr i stunden? En studie om användande av artefakter och stödpersoner i undervisning inom inriktning träningsskola. Triggers for pedagogical decisions. A study of the use of artefacts and supporters in training of students with learning disabilitiesKlefbeck, Kamilla January 2015 (has links)
This study is about education of students with profound intellectual disabilities, in Sweden the training school (Sw. Träningsskola), where one or more of the students also have autism spectrum disorders. The training school is characterized by individualized forms of teaching. The study is looking into what triggers is affecting the supportive networks decisions, during sessions. In the study all staff in the team, teachers as well as assistants is titled supporters. The national framework for research is showing that teachers in special schools are facing new challenges for improvements. Knowledge-orientation and caretaking are of equal importance for improved learning. Research shows that variation might be useful for enlightenment for students with ASD. All teaching, especially in the training schools, the close encounter, as well as perspectives of relationship, is pointed out. International research emphasizes knowledge in methodology, personal treatment and evaluation of methods for improved communication, as well as the students influence in the pedagogical planning. Focus of this study is to investigate what triggers the actions of the supporter in the training session. The theoretical framework is drawn out of a socio-cultural perspective. The use of artefacts and the relational perspective is tested against respondent’s testimonies. Methodology in use is a mixed method with results from questionnaires and interviews locked together, to create both depth and breadth, in a step by step exploration of supporter’s actions. Analysis of results shows that the supporters actions to some extent is guided by authorization and competence, but that “one to one” sessions outward boundaries, which both pose a danger and an opportunity for the students improvements of knowledge. The use of artefacts is comprehensive. Results show an example of a widening of the approach to tools / aids and even nature is described as significant for the teaching environment. The criticism for passivity that training school receives can be reduced by the compassion of the supporter since the supporter´s attention gives the student variations and possibilities for choice. The discussion in this study points out a possibility to see the importance of both using and setting out markers for the supporters efforts, which could improve mediation for the student when using a relationship between student and supporter. In further studies, observations in combination with focus groups can be made for greater depth, strength and validity, for the improvement of the practice in training school.
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A Model Institute: The Mansouria Agricultural Learning Laboratory and Community CenterElFallah, Sara 23 August 2023 (has links)
Inadequate rural housing, poor sanitation, resource scarcity, lack of adequate income and a general substandard level of living, forces a mass migration from rural areas into overtaxed urban centers in Egypt. Unable to sustain their families on increasingly smaller and less productive agricultural plots of land, families migrate to the cities in search of a better quality of life, economic opportunity, and services that are not present in current rural environments. The proposed project is an architectural proposal that seeks to resolve the deficiencies in rural environments to stem the tide of migration to urban cities through the introduction of a technical training school that focuses on building the agricultural industry in rural Egypt through the introduction of sustainable practices underpinned with appropriate digital tools. / Master of Architecture / The underserved rural areas of Egypt that include inadequate housing, lack of proper sanitation, limited resources, low income, and overall substandard lifestyle, are driving a large number of people to leave their rural homes and move to overcrowded cities. As their agricultural land becomes smaller and less productive, families are forced to migrate to urban centers in search of a better life, economic opportunities, and access to services that are lacking in rural areas. The proposed project aims to address these issues by introducing a technical training school in rural Egypt. This school will focus on improving the agricultural industry through sustainable practices supported by digital tools. The goal is to tackle the deficiencies in rural environments and reduce the flow of migration to urban cities.
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