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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Disruptions to human speed perception induced by motion adaptation and transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Burton, Mark P., McKeefry, Declan J., Barrett, Brendan T., Vakrou, Chara, Morland, A.B. 11 1900 (has links)
No / To investigate the underlying nature of the effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on speed perception, we applied repetitive TMS (rTMS) to human V5/MT+ following adaptation to either fast- (20 deg/s) or slow (4 deg/s)-moving grating stimuli. The adapting stimuli induced changes in the perceived speed of a standard reference stimulus moving at 10 deg/s. In the absence of rTMS, adaptation to the slower stimulus led to an increase in perceived speed of the reference, whilst adaptation to the faster stimulus produced a reduction in perceived speed. These induced changes in speed perception can be modelled by a ratio-taking operation of the outputs of two temporally tuned mechanisms that decay exponentially over time. When rTMS was applied to V5/MT+ following adaptation, the perceived speed of the reference stimulus was reduced, irrespective of whether adaptation had been to the faster- or slower-moving stimulus. The fact that rTMS after adaptation always reduces perceived speed, independent of which temporal mechanism has undergone adaptation, suggests that rTMS does not selectively facilitate activity of adapted neurons but instead leads to suppression of neural function. The results highlight the fact that potentially different effects are generated by TMS on adapted neuronal populations depending upon whether or not they are responding to visual stimuli. / BBSRC

The contribution of human cortical area V3A to the perception of chromatic motion: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study

McKeefry, Declan J., Burton, Mark P., Morland, A.B. January 2010 (has links)
No / Area V3A was identified in five human subjects on both a functional and retinotopic basis using functional magnetic resonance imaging techniques. V3A, along with other visual areas responsive to motion, was then targeted for disruption by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) whilst the participants performed a delayed speed matching task. The stimuli used for this task included chromatic, isoluminant motion stimuli that activated either the L-M or S-(L+M) cone-opponent mechanisms, in addition to moving stimuli that contained only luminance contrast (L+M). The speed matching task was performed for chromatic and luminance stimuli that moved at slow (2 degrees/s) or faster (8 degrees/s) speeds. The application of rTMS to area V3A produced a perceived slowing of all chromatic and luminance stimuli at both slow and fast speeds. Similar deficits were found when rTMS was applied to V5/MT+. No deficits in performance were found when areas V3B and V3d were targeted by rTMS. These results provide evidence of a causal link between neural activity in human area V3A and the perception of chromatic isoluminant motion. They establish area V3A, alongside V5/MT+, as a key area in a cortical network that underpins the analysis of not only luminance but also chromatically-defined motion.

Acoustic Holograms for Hyperthermia and Transcranial Ultrasound

Andrés Bautista, Diana 04 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] Los ultrasonidos se han empleado desde los años 90 para el tratamiento de múltiples patologías gracias a su carácter no invasivo y no ionizante, desde el tratamiento localizado del cáncer hasta terapias neurológicas. La focalización de estas ondas de presión y la conformación del haz ha sido un problema que desde varias perspectivas se ha intentado abordar, con el uso de lentes focalizadoras, transductores focalizados y los más sofisticados sistemas phased-array compuestos por múltiples transductores con control electrónico de amplitud y fase. Estos sistemas presentan varios inconvenientes, como el escaso control del haz que ofrecen los transductores focalizados, con un foco fijo y sin control de las posibles distorsiones del campo que puede introducir el medio, o el elevado coste derivado de la compleja electrónica de los sistemas phased-arrays, aunque proporcionan un mejor control del foco y compensación de aberraciones. La revolucionaria idea de los hologramas acústicos como elementos pasivos impresos con tecnología 3D llegó como una alternativa de bajo coste a los previos sistemas. En primer lugar se describió su uso en medios homogéneos para generar las más diversas imágenes acústicas, pero pronto se empezó a estudiar su viabilidad para focalizar haces de ultrasonidos en el interior del cerebro, resultando ser muy útiles en la corrección de las aberraciones que el cráneo introduce en el frente de ondas. Las lentes holográficas son capaces de codificar tanto el campo que se desea generar como las distorsiones de fase que puede introducir el medio en el que se propagan los ultrasonidos. En esta tesis se estudia el diseño de hologramas acústicos y su aplicación en el ámbito biomédico. La tesis puede ser dividida en tres grandes partes: una primera en la cual se describen nuevos métodos para el diseño de lentes holográficas, una segunda en la que se emplean los hologramas ultrasónicos para generación de hipertermia, y una tercera en la que se estudia su uso para terapias transcraneales. En la primera parte de la tesis se investiga el diseño de lentes holográficas para transductores con geometría esférica como alternativa a las lentes planas ya descritas previamente. Además, se estudia un nuevo método para codificar el campo acústico en las lentes de forma que se mejore la imagen producida por ellas, ajustándose más a la deseada. En la segunda parte se estudia cómo es el patrón térmico que genera el campo acústico producido por una lente holográfica cuando se aplica sobre un material con absorción acústica y cómo afecta la difusión térmica a éste. Esta difusión tiene como efecto que el patrón térmico con el tiempo no se parezca al acústico, y que las lentes deban tener en cuenta este proceso en su diseño para aplicaciones térmicas, especialmente si se desean regiones uniformes de calentamiento. Se demuestra cómo la hipertermia generada por ultrasonidos es más dañina en esferoides de células tumorales que la hipertermia tradicional. En la tercera parte se demuestra la viabilidad de los hologramas ultrasónicos para tratamientos neurológicos, aplicados desde la ventana temporal para reducir el eventual calentamiento del hueso que se produce. Además, se estudia en experimentos ex-vivo el campo acústico producido por lentes holográficas a través de un cráneo de macaco, aplicando técnicas de proyección holográfica para obtener aún más información de estas medidas y se diseña un sistema para aplicar estos hologramas en experimentos in-vivo con macacos y comprobar la viabilidad de la apertura de la barrera hematoencefálica de forma localizada. Esta tesis se enfoca a un mejor diseño y entendimiento de las emergentes lentes holográficas, así como a estudiar su validez en aplicaciones biomédicas de gran interés como son la hipertermia, la neuromodulación y la apertura de la barrera hematoencefálica para la administración de fármacos en el cerebro. / [CA] Els ultrasons s'han emprat des dels anys 90 per al tractament de múltiples patologies gràcies al seu caràcter no invasiu i no ionitzant, des del tractament localitzat del càncer fins a teràpies neurològiques. La focalització d'estes ones de pressió i la conformació del feix acústic ha sigut un problema que des de diverses perspectives s'ha intentat abordar, amb l'ús de lents focalizadores, transductors focalitzats i els més sofisticats sistemes phased-array compostos per múltiples transductors amb control individual d'amplitud i fase. Estos sistemes presenten diversos inconvenients, com l'escàs control del feix que ofereixen els transductors focalitzats, amb un focus fix i sense control de les possibles distorsions del camp que pot introduir el medi, o l'elevat cost derivat de la complexa electrònica dels sistemes phased-array, encara que proporcionen un millor control del focus i compensació d'aberracions. La revolucionària idea dels hologrames acústics com a elements passius impresos amb tecnologia 3D va arribar com una alternativa de baix cost als previs sistemes. En primer lloc es va descriure el seu ús en medis homogenis per a generar les més diverses imatges acústiques, però prompte es va començar a estudiar la seua viabilitat per a focalitzar feixos d'ultrasons a l'interior del cervell, resultant ser molt útils en la correcció de les aberracions que el crani introduïx en el front d'ones. Les lents hologràfiques són capaces de codificar tant el camp que es desitja generar com les distorsions de fase que pot introduir el medi en el qual es propaguen els ultrasons. En esta tesi s'estudia el disseny d'hologrames acústics i la seua aplicació en l'àmbit biomèdic. La tesi pot ser dividida en tres grans parts: una primera en la qual se descriuen nous mètodes per al disseny de lents hologràfiques, una segona en la qual s'empren els hologrames ultrasònics per a generació d'hipertèrmia i una tercera en la qual s'estudia el seu ús per a teràpies transcranials. En la primera part de la tesi s'investiga el disseny de lents hologràfiques per a transductors amb geometria esfèrica com a alternativa a les lents planes ja descrites prèviament. A més, s'estudia un nou mètode per a codificar el camp acústic en les lents de manera que es millore la imatge produïda per elles, ajustant-se més a la desitjada. En la segona part s'estudia com és el patró tèrmic que genera el camp acústic produït per una lent hologràfica quan s'aplica sobre un material absorbent i com afecta la difusió tèrmica a aquest. Esta difusió té com a efecte que el patró tèrmic amb el temps no se semble a l'acústic, i les lents hagen de tindre en compte aquest procés en el seu disseny per a aplicacions tèrmiques, especialment si es desitgen regions uniformes de calfament. Es demostra com la hipertèrmia generada per ultrasons és més nociva en esferoides tumorals que la hipertèrmia tradicional. En la tercera part es demostra la viabilitat dels hologrames ultrasònics per a tractaments neurològics, aplicats des de la finestra temporal per a reduir el calfament de l'os que es produïx. A més, s'estudia en experiments ex-vivo el camp acústic produït per lents hologràfiques a través d'un crani de macaco, aplicant tècniques de projecció hologràfica per a obtindre encara més informació d'estes mesures i es dissenya un sistema per a aplicar estos hologrames en experiments in-vivo amb macacos i comprovar la viabilitat de l'obertura de la barrera hematoencefàlica de forma localitzada. Esta tesi s'enfoca a un millor disseny i enteniment de les emergents lents hologràfiques, així com en l'estudi de la seua validesa en aplicacions biomèdiques de gran interès com són la hipertèrmia, la neuromodulació i l'obertura de la barrera hematoencefàlica per a l'administració de fàrmacs en el cervell. / [EN] Ultrasound has been used since the 1990s for the treatment of multiple pathologies thanks to its non-invasive and non-ionising nature, from localised cancer treatment to neurological therapies. The focusing of these pressure waves and beam shaping has been a problem that has been tackled from various perspectives, with the use of focusing lenses, focused transducers and the more sophisticated phased-array systems composed of multiple transducers with electronic amplitude and phase control. These systems have several drawbacks, such as the poor beam control offered by focused transducers, with a fixed focus and no control of possible field distortions introduced by the medium, or the high cost due to the complex electronics of phased-array systems, although they provide better focus control and aberration compensation. The revolutionary idea of acoustic holograms as passive 3D printed elements came as a low-cost alternative to these previous systems. They were first described to be used in homogeneous media to generate a wide range of acoustic images, but their feasibility for focusing ultrasound beams inside the brain was soon studied and proved to be very useful in correcting the aberrations that the skull introduces into the wavefront. Holographic lenses are capable of encoding both the field to be generated and the phase distortions that may be introduced by the medium in which the ultrasound propagates. This thesis studies the design of acoustic holograms and their application in the biomedical field. The thesis can be divided into three main parts: a first one in which new methods for the design of holographic lenses are described, a second one in which ultrasonic holograms are used for hyperthermia generation, and a third one in which their use for transcranial therapies is studied. The first part of the thesis investigates the design of holographic lenses for transducers with spherical geometry as an alternative to the previously described flat lenses. In addition, a new method is studied to encode the acoustic field in the lenses in order to improve the image produced by them, adjusting it more closely to the desired image. The second part studies the thermal pattern generated by the acoustic field produced by a holographic lens when it is applied to an absorbing material and how thermal diffusion affects it. This diffusion has the effect that the thermal pattern over time does not resemble the acoustic pattern, and lenses must take this process into account in their design for thermal applications, especially if uniform regions of heating are desired. The method is tested on multiple tumour spheroids, and results show that ultrasound-mediated hyperthermia is shown to be more damaging to tumour cell spheroids than traditional hyperthermia. The third part demonstrates the feasibility of ultrasonic holograms for neural treatments, applied from the temporal window to reduce the bone heating that occurs. In addition, the acoustic field produced by holographic lenses through a macaque skull is studied in ex-vivo experiments, applying holographic projection techniques to obtain even more information from these experiments. A system is designed to apply these holograms in in-vivo experiments with macaques to test the feasibility of opening the blood-brain barrier in a localized manner. This thesis focuses on a better design and understanding of the emerging holographic lenses, as well as on studying their validity in biomedical applications of great interest such as hyperthermia, neuromodulation and the opening of the blood-brain barrier for drug delivery to the brain. / Andrés Bautista, D. (2024). Acoustic Holograms for Hyperthermia and Transcranial Ultrasound [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/205788

Applications of Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Older Adults with Treatment-Resistant Depression / Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Geriatric Depression

Di Passa, Anne-Marie January 2024 (has links)
This thesis discusses current insights into the applications of deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (dTMS) in older adults with treatment-resistant depression (TRD). / Objectives: To examine current evidence of clinical efficacy and applications of deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (dTMS) among older adults with treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Methods: In Study 1, we conducted a systematic review of existing literature on the clinical efficacy of dTMS across psychiatric and cognitive disorders. Studies eligible for inclusion were clinical trials which were required to have a sham/control condition to mitigate confounding variables and to strengthen our assessment of efficacy. This dissertation specifically aimed to discuss these findings in the context of older adults with depression, as a means to investigate whether available evidence supporting the clinical efficacy of dTMS for depression is generalizable to older populations. In Study 2, we analyzed recruitment data from a pilot study investigating the effects of dTMS in older adults with TRD. Specifically, we aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of various recruitment strategies by using an enrollment-cost analysis, as well as comparing enrollment rates (i.e., enrolled participants/referrals received) for each recruitment method. Moreover, we identified potential facilitators and barriers to recruitment following a verbal thematic analysis of qualitative interview data. Results: In Study 1, most substantial evidence (n = 6 studies) within the literature supports the clinical efficacy of the dTMS H1-coil for the treatment of depressive episodes in patients with bipolar disorder (BD) or major depressive disorder (MDD). Only one randomized controlled trial was conducted in older adults with TRD. This trial reported higher remission rates in the active dTMS arm compared to the sham dTMS arm following treatment with the H1-coil. In study 2, we found (1) health provider outreach within the affiliated inpatient and outpatient mental health clinics and (2) Facebook, to be the most effective recruitment strategies. Lastly, social support from research staff (n = 15; 88.24%) and the time-intensiveness aspect of dTMS treatments (n = 6; 35.29%) were the most frequently identified facilitators and barriers to recruitment, respectively. Conclusions: While there is notable evidence supporting the clinical efficacy of the dTMS H1-coil for the treatment of depressive episodes, the majority of such evidence is based on findings from younger-to-middle aged groups. Thus, the generalizability of dTMS treatment efficacy to older adults remains less understood. Further sham-controlled studies are needed to determine the clinical efficacy of dTMS in older adults and to improve evidence-based care in the field of geriatric psychiatry. Importantly, we aimed to address this underrepresentation of older adults in clinical research by analyzing recruitment strategies and examining facilitators and barriers to recruitment. Future research is warranted to examine facilitators and barriers to recruitment in older adults with depression, particularly the importance of social support, which may offer valuable insights on how to overcome the issue of underrepresentation. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / Brain stimulation therapies, such as deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (dTMS), show promising results for treatment-resistant depression (TRD). However, the applications of dTMS remain overlooked in geriatric populations with TRD, limiting the generalizability of such treatments to older adults. This dissertation aimed to examine current evidence supporting the use of dTMS in older adults with depression. In Study 1, we conducted a systematic review of available evidence on the clinical efficacy of dTMS across psychiatric and cognitive disorders. We found most evidence supporting the clinical efficacy of dTMS for the treatment of depressive episodes. However, the underrepresentation of older adults in such research was highly prevalent, with only one study being focused on older adults. In Study 2, we explored the effectiveness of diverse recruitment methods used in an ongoing dTMS trial for older adults with depression. Additionally, we identified potential facilitators and barriers to recruitment. Overall, the most effective recruitment strategies were (1) health provider outreach within the affiliated inpatient and outpatient mental health clinics and (2) Facebook advertising. Furthermore, social support from research staff and high time commitment of dTMS treatments were identified as facilitators and barriers to recruitment, respectively. These findings highlight the importance of conducting dTMS research in older adults to address the issue of underrepresentation and to improve evidence-based care in this special population.


MAURI, PIERCARLO 17 March 2016 (has links)
Il lavoro di tesi si è focalizzato sullo studio dell’arousal come indice psicofisiologico di attivazione e sull’applicazione della metodica di stimolazione elettrica transcranica (tES) non invasiva con lo scopo di modulare tale indice. L’obiettivo è stato quello di indagare se, applicando la tES, fosse possibile migliorare la performance di soggetti giovani sani in compiti di tipo cognitivo. Il progetto di ricerca si è sviluppato in 2 studi principali per un totale di 4 esperimenti. Tali studi hanno previsto l’acquisizione e la successiva analisi sia di dati comportamentali (tempi di reazione, accuratezza), che di indici psicofisiologici (conduttanza cutanea, diametro pupillare). I risultati hanno evidenziato che è possibile modulare l’arousal con dei “bursts” di stimolazione elettrica transcranica, somministrati in concomitanza di stimoli salienti per il soggetto. Tale modulazione si è manifestata con una riduzione dei tempi di reazione ed un contemporaneo aumento della risposta di conduttanza cutanea. Questi dati supportano la possibilità di utilizzare questo protocollo in pazienti con difficoltà di attenzione o altri problemi cognitivi per aumentare l’efficacia di interventi di riabilitazione. / The thesis analyzed the role of the arousal as a psychophysiological index of activation, and the application of non-invasive transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) technique with the aim to modulate this index. In this work we investigated if the application of tES could increase the performance of healthy young subjects during cognitive tasks. The thesis is based on 2 main studies for a total of 4 experiments with the recording of behavioural (reaction times, accuracy) and psychophysiological (skin conductance, pupil diameter) indeces. The results showed that it is possible to modulate arousal with bursts of tES, administered during the presentation of salient stimuli for the subject. This modulation resulted in a reduction of reaction times and an increase of the skin conductance response. These data support the possibility to use this protocol of stimulation with patients with attentional and other cognitive deficits in a rehabilitative context.

Le GABA comme marqueur de récupération suite à une commotion cérébrale dans le sport ?

Tremblay, Sara 05 1900 (has links)
L’association démontrée récemment entre les commotions cérébrales dans le sport et le développement possible de maladies neurodégénératives a suggéré la possibilité que des altérations persistantes soient présentes dans le cerveau de l’athlète commotionné. En fait, des altérations neurophysiologiques ont récemment été révélées au sein du cortex moteur primaire (M1) d’athlètes ayant un historique de commotions via la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne (SMT). Plus précisément, la période silencieuse corticale (PSC), une mesure d’inhibition liée aux récepteurs GABAB, était anormalement élevée, et cette hyper-inhibition était présente jusqu’à 30 ans post-commotion. La PSC, et possiblement le GABA, pourraient donc s’avérer des marqueurs objectifs des effets persistants de la commotion cérébrale. Toutefois, aucune étude à ce jour n’a directement évalué les niveaux de GABA chez l’athlète commotionné. Ainsi, les études cliniques et méthodologiques composant le présent ouvrage comportent deux objectifs principaux: (1) déterminer si l’inhibition excessive (GABA et PSC) est un marqueur des effets persistants de la commotion cérébrale; (2) déterminer s’il est possible de moduler l’inhibition intracorticale de façon non-invasive dans l’optique de développer de futurs avenues de traitements. L’article 1 révèle une préservation des systèmes sensorimoteurs, somatosensoriels et de l’inhibition liée au GABAA chez un groupe d’athlètes universitaires asymptomatiques ayant subi de multiples commotions cérébrales en comparaison avec des athlètes sans historique connu de commotion cérébrale. Cependant, une atteinte spécifique des mesures liées au système inhibiteur associé aux récepteurs GABAB est révélée chez les athlètes commotionnés en moyenne 24 mois post-commotion. Dans l’article 2, aucune atteinte des mesures SMT liées au système inhibiteur n’est révélée en moyenne 41 mois après la dernière commotion cérébrale chez un groupe d’athlètes asymptomatiques ayant subi 1 à 5 commotions cérébrales. Bien qu’aucune différence entre les groupes n’est obtenue quant aux concentrations de GABA et de glutamate dans M1 via la spectroscopie par résonance magnétique (SRM), des corrélations différentielles suggèrent la présence d’un déséquilibre métabolique entre le GABA et le glutamate chez les athlètes commotionnés. L’article 3 a démontré, chez des individus en bonne santé, un lien entre la PSC et la transmission glutamatergique, ainsi que le GABA et le glutamate. Ces résultats suggèrent que la PSC ne reflète pas directement les concentrations du GABA mesurées par la SRM, mais qu’un lien étroit entre la GABA et le glutamate est présent. L’article 4 a démontré la possibilité de moduler la PSC avec la stimulation électrique transcrânienne à courant direct (SÉTcd) anodale chez des individus en santé, suggérant l’existence d’un potentiel thérapeutique lié à l’utilisation de cette technique. L’article 5 a illustré un protocole d’évaluation des effets métaboliques de la SÉTcd bilatérale. Dans l’article 6, aucune modulation des systèmes GABAergiques révélées par la SMT et la SRM n’est obtenue suite à l’utilisation de ce protocole auprès d’individus en santé. Cet article révèle également que la SÉTcd anodale n’engendre pas de modulation significative du GABA et du glutamate. En somme, les études incluent dans le présent ouvrage ont permis d’approfondir les connaissances sur les effets neurophysiologiques et métaboliques des commotions cérébrales, mais également sur le mécanisme d’action des diverses méthodologies utilisées. / The recent demonstration of a link between sport concussions and the possible development of neurodegenerative disorders suggests that these injuries could induce long-term alterations in the brain of athletes. In fact, neurophysiological abnormalities have recently been shown via transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in primary motor cortex (M1) of asymptomatic concussed athletes. Specifically, the cortical silent period (CSP), a measure of GABAB-related inhibition, was prolonged and this hyper-inhibition was observed up to 30 years post-concussion. Therefore, the CSP, and possibility abnormal GABA transmission, may become objective markers of lingering effects of sport concussions. However, no study to date has directly assessed GABA levels in concussed athletes. Therefore, the clinical and methodological studies included in the present thesis comprise two main objectives: (1) to determine whether excessive inhibition (GABA and CSP) is a marker of the persistent effects of concussion; (2) to assess the possibility of non-invasively modulating intracortical inhibition in order to develop future treatments aiming to normalize aberrant inhibition. Study 1 reveals normal sensorimotor interactions, somatosensory processing and GABAA-related intracortical inhibition in M1 of asymptomatic athletes who sustained multiple concussions in comparison with athletes who never sustained a concussion. However, a specific enhancement of GABAB-related intracortical inhibition is observed in athletes on average 24 months after the last concussion. In study 2, no alteration of GABAB-related intracortical inhibition is revealed in a group of athletes who sustained 1 to 5 sport concussions on average 41 months after the last concussion, in comparison with control athletes. In addition, while no alterations were present for GABA and glutamate levels in M1 using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), both groups displayed differential correlations between GABA and glutamate, which suggests the presence of a slight metabolic imbalance between the two metabolites in the concussed brain. Study 3 highlighted, in healthy individuals, a relationship between the CSP and MRS-derived glutamatergic transmission, as well as GABA and glutamate levels. These results reveal a link between excitatory and inhibitory transmission in M1 and suggest that the CSP does not directly reflect GABA concentrations measured with MRS. Results from study 4 showed that anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can reduce the length of the CSP in healthy individuals, suggesting the existence of a therapeutic potential associated with the use of this technique. Study 5 thoroughly describes a protocol that aims at assessing the effects of bilateral tDCS on M1 metabolism using MRS. Using this protocol, study 6 reveals, in healthy individuals, no significant modulation of GABAergic inhibition as assessed with MRS. The study also shows, in an additional experiment, that anodal tDCS does not modulate MRS-derived GABA and glutamate levels. In summary, the six studies included in the present thesis have helped increase our understanding of the neurophysiological and metabolic long-term effects of sport concussions. In addition, these experiments have shed light into the mechanism of action of several methods, including TMS, tDCS and MRS.

Pharmacological alterations of neuroplasticity in the human motor cortex induced by dopaminergic and cholinergic agents / Einfluß cholinerger und dopaminerger Mechanismen auf Neuroplastizität im humanen motorischen Kortex

Thirugnanasambandam, Nivethida 17 January 2011 (has links)
Dopamin und Acetylcholin sind wichtige neuromodulatorische Substanzen im menschlichen zentralen Nervensystem mir einem starken Einfluß auf Neuroplastizität. Der spezifische Einfluß dieser Substanzen auf Neuroplastizität wird durch verschiedene Faktoren, unter anderem Dosisabhängigkeit, Hintergrundaktivität neuronaler Netze und Subrezeptorspezifität determiniert. In dieser Dissertation haben wir den dosis- und subrezeptorabhängigen Effekt des cholinergen und dopaminergen Systems auf Neuroplastizität des menschlichen motorischen Kortex untersucht. Transkranielle Gleichstromstimulation (tDCS) und gepaarte assoziative Stimulation (PAS) stellen nicht-invasive Hirnstimulationstechniken dar, die die Erzeugung von Neuroplastizität beim Menschen ermöglichen. Wir haben in unseren Studien tDCS zur Erzeugung nicht-fokaler und PAS zur Erzeugung fokaler synapsenspezifischer Plastizität im motorischen Kortex von gesunden Probanden eingesetzt. In der ersten Studie konnten wir zeigen, daß die Aktivierung nikotinischer Rezeptoren einen fokussierenden Effekt auf fazilitatorische Plastizität hatte, inhibitorische Plastizität aber unabhängig von ihrer Fokalität verhinderte. Somit hat die Aktivierung nikotinerger Rezeptoren ähnliche Effekte wie globale cholinerge Aktivierung auf fazilitatorische, aber differente Effekte auf inhibitorische Plastizität. In der zweiten Studie untersuchten wir die dosisabhängigen Auswirkungen der Dopamin-Vorläufersubstanz l-Dopa auf Neuroplastizität. Bei mittlerer Dosis von l-Dopa war fokale Plastizität unverändert, wohingegen niedrige und hohe Dosen von l-Dopa die Induktion von Plastizität verhinderten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen somit einen klaren nicht-linearen dosisabhängigen Effekt. Aus den Ergebnissen dieser Studien kann geschlossen werden, daß Neuromodulatoren Plastizität im motorischen Kortex des Menschen relevant beeinflussen. Diese Effekte sind Subrezeptor- und Dosis-abhängig.

Low Intensity Transcranial Electrical Stimulation: Effects on Categorization and Methodological Aspects / Transkranielle Stromstimulation mit geringen Intensitäten: Die Effekte auf Kategorisierungsleistung und methodische Aspekte

Ambrus, Géza Gergely 21 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Interactions interhémisphériques dans le contrôle du mouvement unilatéral

Beaulé-Bulman, Vincent 02 1900 (has links)
L’exécution d’un mouvement purement unilatéral nécessite le recrutement d’un vaste réseau de régions corticales et sous-corticales, qu’il est possible de regrouper sous le terme de réseau de transformation non-miroir. Ce réseau doit contrer la tendance naturelle du cerveau à exécuter des mouvements de manière bilatérale et synchronisée, en miroir. Malgré l’efficacité de ce réseau, une activité miroir subtile est observée au niveau de la main qui doit demeurer inactive lors de mouvements unilatéraux chez l'humain en santé. Ce débordement moteur doit être inhibé grâce aux interactions interhémisphériques transitant par le corps calleux (CC), la plus grande commissure du cerveau servant de pont entre les hémisphères. Ainsi, la commande motrice peut être acheminée efficacement du cortex moteur primaire (M1) controlatéral à la main devant exécuter une l’action par l’entremise de la voie corticospianle (VCS). En plus du CC, le cortex prémoteur (CPM) joue un rôle important dans ce réseau puisque son interférence via la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne (SMT) entraîne une augmentation de l’activité miroir dans la main devant normalement demeurer inactive lors d’un mouvement unilatéral. Ainsi, toute modification dans ce réseau ou dans les processus interhémisphériques peut provoquer l’augmentation des mouvements miroirs (MM). À ce jour, aucune étude n’a tenté de moduler ces interactions pour réduire la présence de MM. Ainsi, les études cliniques et méthodologiques qui composent la présente thèse comportent deux objectifs principaux : (1) déterminer si la stimulation électrique transcrânienne à courant direct (SÉTcd) permet l'étude du réseau de transformation non-miroir, et si cette technique est en mesure de diminuer l’intensité des MM chez des individus en santé; (2) caractériser l'anatomie et le fonctionnement du cerveau dans deux populations d’individus porteurs de mutations génétiques affectant le développement de structures impliquées dans la latéralisation du mouvement, le CC et la VCS. L’article 1 décrit les assisses théoriques de la présente thèse grâce à une revue de la littérature portant sur les interactions interhémisphériques dans le mouvement unilatéral. L’article 2 suggère que la SÉTcd est un outil efficace dans l'étude du réseau de transformation non-miroir puisque le protocole de stimulation bilatérale a permis d’augmenter la présence et l’intensité des MM physiologiques (MMp) chez des individus en santé. Cependant, il n’a pas été possible de moduler à la baisse les MMp malgré différents protocoles de stimulation. Dans l’article 3, l'étude d’individus nés sans CC a mis en lumière une augmentation de l’épaisseur corticale au niveau des aires somatosensorielles (S1) et visuelles (V1) primaires, de même qu’au niveau de la représentation de la main dans M1. Ces différences demeurent toutefois légères considérant l’importance du CC. L’article 4 a démontré que les individus porteurs d’une mutation sur le gène DCC présentent un phénotype similaire à celui de porteurs d'une mutation sur le gène RAD51. Ces mutations affectent la migration de la VCS au niveau des pyramides. La VCS projette ainsi aux deux mains, causant des mouvements miroirs congénitaux (MMC). Cette pathologie est également accompagnée d’anomalies neurophysiologiques, telle qu’une inhibition interhémisphérique (IIH) réduite. En somme, les études composant cette thèse ont permis d’approfondir notre connaissance de certaines structures responsables de la latéralisation adéquate du mouvement, tout en décrivant de nouvelles méthodes pour en étudier le fonctionnement. / The execution of purely unilateral hand movements requires the recruitment of vast cortical and subcortical brain areas known as the non-mirroring network. This network counteracts the natural tendency of the brain, which tends to execute movements in a bilateral and synchronized manner. Despite the efficacy of the non-mirroring network in restricting motor output to contralateral limbs, subtle mirroring can be observed in the inactive hand of healthy individuals when performing a unilateral task. This motor overflow needs to be inhibited through interhemispheric projections coursing through the corpus callosum (CC), the biggest white matter tract of the brain. This mechanism makes it possible for motor commands originating from the primary motor cortex (M1) to reach the contralateral hand performing an action via the corticospinal tract (CST). It has been suggested that the premotor cortex (PMC) is an important component of the non-mirroring network since its interference with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) enhances mirror activity in the inactive, mirror hand when a unilateral hand movement is performed. Indeed, modulation of parts of the non-mirroring network and interhemispheric projections can result in enhanced mirror movements (MM). It is not known whether specific interventions can decrease MM. The clinical and methodological studies that compose the present thesis have two main objectives: (1) Determine whether transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) can be used to assess non-mirroring network function and reduce MM intensity in healthy individuals; (2) Characterize brain function and anatomy in two clinical populations presenting specific genetic mutations that affect the development of structures involved in the lateralization of movement (the CC and CST). Article 1 provides a theoretical basis for the present essay through a review of the literature pertaining to interhemispheric interactions in the production of unilateral movements. Article 2 shows that tDCS can be used to study the non-mirroring network since a bilateral stimulation protocol significantly increased the intensity of physiological MM (pMM) in healthy individuals. However, despite different stimulation protocols, it was not possible to reduce pMM. In article 3, anatomical MRIs performed in individuals born without a CC revealed increases in cortical thickness in primary somatosensory (S1) and visual (V1) cortex, as well as in the hand representation of M1. Taken together, however, the data suggest that anatomical differences between acallosal patients and healthy participants are relatively subtle considering the size and function of the CC. Article 4 showed that individuals presenting a mutation on the DCC gene display a phenotype similar to that of individuals presenting a mutation on the RAD51 gene. DCC mutations affect the crossing of the CST at the pyramidal level, resulting in a CST that projects to both hands simultaneously, causing congenital mirror movements (CMM). This pathological condition is accompanied by neurophysiological anomalies that include reduced interhemispheric inhibition (IHI). In summary, the studies comprised in the present thesis significantly increase our knowledge of the specific brain structures that enable the proper lateralization of movements. It also describes novel methods that can be used to investigate the non-mirroring network.

Investigating Task-Order Coordination in Dual-Task Situations

Kübler, Sebastian 25 May 2021 (has links)
Bisherige Studien liefern Hinweise für das Auftreten von aktiven Prozessen der Reihenfolgekoordination in Doppelaufgaben. Diese Prozesse sind notwendig für die Regulation der Bearbeitungsreihenfolge von zwei Aufgaben. Bisher ist jedoch wenig über die kognitiven und neuronalen Mechanismen bekannt, die diesen Prozessen zugrunde liegen. Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation war deshalb die Überprüfung eines Modells aktiver Reihenfolgekoordination in Doppelaufgaben. Das Modell nimmt an, dass diese Prozesse auf Repräsentationen zurückgreifen, die Informationen über die Verarbeitungssequenz zweier Aufgaben enthält. Zusätzlich macht das Modell Annahmen über (1) den Ort der Verarbeitung und (2) den genauen Inhalt dieser Repräsentationen. Weiterhin enthält das Modell die Annahmen, dass (3) der präfrontale Kortex kausal in Reihenfolgekoordination involviert ist und dass (4) diese Prozesse von unterschiedlichen Kriterien beeinflusst werden. In dieser Dissertation wurde das Model in einer Reihe von vier Studien überprüft. Dazu wurde ein Doppelaufgabenparadigma mit zufällig wechselnder Aufgabenreihenfolge verwendet. Ich konnte zeigen, dass die Reihenfolgerepräsentationen im Arbeitsgedächtnis aufrechterhalten und aktiv verarbeitet werden. Ich konnte weiterhin zeigen, dass diese Repräsentationen nur Information über die Sequenz der Aufgaben enthalten. Spezifische Aufgabeninformation wird hingegen separat repräsentiert. Durch den Einsatz transkranieller Magnetstimulation konnte ich zudem nachweisen, dass der präfrontale Kortex eine kausale Rolle für Reihenfolgekoordination spielt. Darüber hinaus konnte ich zeigen, dass Anforderungen an Reihenfolgekoordinationsprozesse in Situationen, in denen Probanden ein von außen vorgegebenes Reihenfolgekriterium befolgen, erhöht sind im Vergleich zu Situationen, in denen Probanden ein auf einer freien Wahl basierendes Kriterium nutzen können. Die Implikationen dieser Ergebnisse werden unter Berücksichtigung des vorgeschlagenen Modells diskutiert. / Evidence from behavioral as well as neurophysiological studies indicates the occurrence of active task-order coordination processes in dual-task situations. These processes are required for planning and regulating the processing sequence of two tasks that overlap in time. So far, however, the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying active task-order coordination are highly underspecified. To tackle this issue, in the present dissertation I tested a model of task-order coordination in dual-task situations. This model assumes that task-order coordination relies on representations that contain information about the processing sequence of the two component tasks. In addition, the model includes assumptions about the (1) locus of processing as well as (2) the exact content of these order representations. The model further assumes that (3) the lateral prefrontal cortex is causally involved in implementing task-order coordination processes and that (4) these processes are affected by different order criteria. I tested this model in a series of four studies by applying a dual-task paradigm with randomly changing task order. I demonstrated that task-order representations are actively maintained and processed in working memory during dual tasking. Moreover, I found that these order representations only contain information about the processing sequence of tasks, whereas specific component task information is represented separately. By applying transcranial magnetic stimulation, I also provided evidence for the causal role of the lateral prefrontal cortex for task-order coordination. Furthermore, I showed that the demands on task-order coordination are increased when participants have to adhere to an external and mandatory order criterion compared to when they can use an internally generated order criterion that is based on free choice. The implications of these results as well as an outlook for future research will be discussed in the framework of the proposed model.

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