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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problematika převodních cen v českém a mezinárodním daňovém právu / The problematics of transfer pricing in Czech and International tax law

Valeš, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
The problematics of transfer pricing in Czech and International tax law Constant globalization leads to the boom of business and property-related companies, which we call multinational. Multinational companies carry out so-called intra-company transactions within their group of companies under different conditions than they would in normal business. We call these transactions dependent, because they are carried out between affiliates, in an environment that is not competitive but related. Transfer pricing issues are usually associated with tax optimization because, with the help of these transactions, multinationals are able to achieve a lower tax burden. Aggressive tax optimization prevents proper transfer pricing for intra-company transactions. Transfer pricing of intra-company transactions is set up properly if they are in line with the arm length's principle, which in its own way attempts to simulate a competitive environment. The aim of this work is to outline the regulation of transfer pricing in Czech and International tax law and to analyse the problems of the regulation. In Czech law, the transfer pricing is mainly regulated in the Income Tax Act and in the non-binding instructions of the Ministry of Finance, which rely heavily on international regulation. At international level, the...

Arm\'s length e praticabilidade nos preços de transferência / Arms length and practicability on transfer pricing

Gregório, Ricardo Marozzi 09 June 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar o regime brasileiro de controle dos preços de transferência a partir do confronto dos princípios arms length e da praticabilidade. Inicialmente, são relatadas as principais características históricas e metodológicas do desenvolvimento da disciplina nos âmbitos internacional e brasileiro. Em seguida, é apresentada uma teoria dos conflitos normativos, amparada nas doutrinas de Dworkin e Alexy, para sustentar que a colisão de princípios deflagrada pela variedade de mecanismos que mitigam a realização do arms length em favor da praticabilidade na legislação brasileira deve ser avaliada pelo exame da proporcionalidade conduzido por uma correta fundamentação argumentativa. Defende-se, depois, que o arms length e a praticabilidade estão inseridos no ordenamento constitucional-tributário brasileiro com a natureza de princípios jurídicos respectivamente justificados pelas ideias de igualdade particular e igualdade geral. Configurado o cenário da colisão, é analisada a proporcionalidade dos seguintes mecanismos: definição do aspecto subjetivo, exclusão dos royalties e da transferência de tecnologia, restrições da comparabilidade, margens de lucro predeterminadas, liberdade de escolha de métodos, vedação de outros métodos e utilização de safe harbours. A partir dos resultados da análise, conclui-se que o regime brasileiro não é eficaz no controle dos preços de transferência. Sugere-se, então, um conjunto de medidas alternativas que constitua um meio termo entre a desproporcional praticabilidade obtida com os mecanismos do atual regime e a diminuta praticabilidade da disciplina internacional. / This study examines the Brazilian transfer pricing regime by facing arms length and practicability principles. Initially, historical and methodological characteristics of the discipline development are reported both from international and Brazilian perspectives. Then, based on Dworkin and Alexy doctrines, a normative conflicts theory supports that the collision between principles produced by a variety of mechanisms, which mitigate arms length results by promoting practicability, should be evaluated through a proportionality exam conducted under a correct argumentative discourse. Thereafter it advocates that arms length and practicability are inserted in the Brazilian constitutional tax system as legal principles justified by particular and general equality ideas respectively. Once the collision scenario is configured, proportionality of the following mechanisms is analysed: subjective aspect definition, royalties and technology transfers exclusion, comparability restrictions, predetermined gross margins, choice of methods freedom, other methods prohibition and safe harbours usage. The analysis concludes that there is no efficacy in Brazilian transfer pricing regime. Therefore it suggests a number of alternative measures which constitutes a midterm between the disproportional practicability of the current regime mechanisms and the diminished practicability of the international discipline.

Transfer pricing e income shifting: evidências de empresas abertas brasileiras / Transfer pricing e income shifting: evidences from Brazilian listed companies

Rathke, Alex Augusto Timm 17 December 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo buscou identificar indícios da prática de income shifting por meio da manipulação dos preços de transferência por empresas abertas brasileiras, antes e após as alterações nas normas fiscais instituídas pela Lei nº 12.715/12 e pela IN RFB nº 1.312/12. A teoria econômica infere que as firmas multinacionais possuem incentivos a manipular os preços nas transações com suas partes relacionadas, de modo a transferir resultados a localidades com menores cargas fiscais, com o objetivo final de reduzir a carga tributária sobre o lucro total do grupo econômico. Com base na análise de dados em painel de 52 empresas abertas brasileiras que realizaram transações internacionais com partes relacionadas no período de 2010 a 2013, os resultados revelam que as empresas analisadas cujas controladas têm maior volume de transações com partes relacionadas internacionais apresentam menor tributação no grupo consolidado, e que firmas com maiores incentivos ao income shifting possuem maiores indicativos de transferência de resultados entre a controladora e o grupo total. Os resultados indicam que tais relações não sofreram modificações no período de vigência das novas normas tributárias no Brasil. As constatações levantadas representam robustos indícios de que as empresas brasileiras utilizam os preços de transferência para o alcance do income shifting, e que as alterações na legislação fiscal não foram capazes de coibir essa prática no seu primeiro ano em vigor. Os resultados representam uma contribuição importante para a literatura atual, porque trazem evidências inéditas obtidas em empresas sujeitas a regras tributárias domésticas, as quais não foram objeto de estudo empírico até então. / This study investigated evidences of income shifting practice via transfer prices manipulation by Brazilian listed companies, before and after the new fiscal rules promoted by Law nº 12.715/12 and Normative Instruction RFB nº 1.312/12. The economic theory infers that multinational firms have incentives to manipulate prices on intra-group transactions, in order to transfer profits to low-tax locations, aiming to reduce the global tax burden. Based on panel data analysis of 52 Brazilian listed companies with international transactions with related parties in the period from 2010 to 2013, the results reveal that companies whose controlling company has higher volume of transactions with related parties have lower global income tax burden in the consolidated group, and that companies with greater income shifting incentives have greater signs of profit transfers between the controlling company and the consolidated group. Results indicate that there were no changes in these relations in the period when the new tax rules became valid in Brazil. The outcomes represent robust evidences that Brazilian companies make use of transfer prices with aims to achieve income shifting, and the tax rules modifications were not capable to restrain this practice in the first valid year. The results represent a relevant contribution to the current literature, because they bear original and unknown evidences obtained by the exam of firms subjected to domestic tax rules not empirically studied up to now.

Preços de transferência: diferentes visões / Transfer pricing: diferente views

Mirshawka, Valéria Zimpeck 12 April 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar o regime brasileiro de controle dos preços de transferência sob o enfoque das diferentes visões que o tema pode apresentar. Inicialmente são relatadas suas principais características como a questão do arms length principle, seu histórico e aplicação, para em seguida falar-se acerca da disciplina no âmbito da OCDE e no direito comparado. Na sequência é abordada a legislação brasileira sobre o tema, a posição da jurisprudência, seu confronto com a valoração aduaneira, bem como sua relação com os acordos para se evitar a dupla tributação. Após configurado este cenário de introdução do estudo e seus principais contornos, são efetivamente analisadas as diferentes visões que o tema pode apresentar, notadamente em relação à recepção do arms length, a adoção de margens fixas e a questão da superioridade hierarquica dos tratados para se evitar a dupla tributação e a lei interna, no caso a lei dos preços de transferência / This study examines the Brazilian Transfer Pricing Regime from the standpoint of the different views that the issue may have. Initially the main characteristics are reported, for example, the arm\'s length principle, its history and application, thereafter it advocates the discipline within the OECD and comparative law. Following is addressed the Brazilian Transfer Pricing legislation, the position of jurisprudence facing with the customs valuation, and their relation with the double tax treaty. Once set up this introduction study scenario and its main outlines, are effectively analyzed the different views that the subject may have, especially with respect to the receipt of the arm\'s length principle, the adoption of fixed margins and the issue of hierarchical superiority of double tax treaties and domestic law, in case, transfer pricings law.

Ränta på koncerninterna lån. Den svenska korrigeringsregelns tillämpning på lånetransaktioner. / Interest rate on intra-group loans. Application of the Swedish pricing rule on loan transactions.

Danelid, Clara January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Daňové aspekty pronikání podniků na zahraniční trhy / Aspects of taxation when entering foreign markets

Berková, Hana January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyzes several aspects of taxation when entering a foreign market. The first chapter explains the difference between nominal and effective tax rates and tax burden regulation by enterprises during the current debt crisis. The second chapter deals with double taxation agreements and methods that eliminate double taxation. The third chapter describes the rules of transfer pricing and advance pricing agreements. The last chapter focuses on tax incentives and risks of taxation, especially tax avoidance, tax evasion and the negative attitude of developed countries against tax havens.

Arm\'s length e praticabilidade nos preços de transferência / Arms length and practicability on transfer pricing

Ricardo Marozzi Gregório 09 June 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar o regime brasileiro de controle dos preços de transferência a partir do confronto dos princípios arms length e da praticabilidade. Inicialmente, são relatadas as principais características históricas e metodológicas do desenvolvimento da disciplina nos âmbitos internacional e brasileiro. Em seguida, é apresentada uma teoria dos conflitos normativos, amparada nas doutrinas de Dworkin e Alexy, para sustentar que a colisão de princípios deflagrada pela variedade de mecanismos que mitigam a realização do arms length em favor da praticabilidade na legislação brasileira deve ser avaliada pelo exame da proporcionalidade conduzido por uma correta fundamentação argumentativa. Defende-se, depois, que o arms length e a praticabilidade estão inseridos no ordenamento constitucional-tributário brasileiro com a natureza de princípios jurídicos respectivamente justificados pelas ideias de igualdade particular e igualdade geral. Configurado o cenário da colisão, é analisada a proporcionalidade dos seguintes mecanismos: definição do aspecto subjetivo, exclusão dos royalties e da transferência de tecnologia, restrições da comparabilidade, margens de lucro predeterminadas, liberdade de escolha de métodos, vedação de outros métodos e utilização de safe harbours. A partir dos resultados da análise, conclui-se que o regime brasileiro não é eficaz no controle dos preços de transferência. Sugere-se, então, um conjunto de medidas alternativas que constitua um meio termo entre a desproporcional praticabilidade obtida com os mecanismos do atual regime e a diminuta praticabilidade da disciplina internacional. / This study examines the Brazilian transfer pricing regime by facing arms length and practicability principles. Initially, historical and methodological characteristics of the discipline development are reported both from international and Brazilian perspectives. Then, based on Dworkin and Alexy doctrines, a normative conflicts theory supports that the collision between principles produced by a variety of mechanisms, which mitigate arms length results by promoting practicability, should be evaluated through a proportionality exam conducted under a correct argumentative discourse. Thereafter it advocates that arms length and practicability are inserted in the Brazilian constitutional tax system as legal principles justified by particular and general equality ideas respectively. Once the collision scenario is configured, proportionality of the following mechanisms is analysed: subjective aspect definition, royalties and technology transfers exclusion, comparability restrictions, predetermined gross margins, choice of methods freedom, other methods prohibition and safe harbours usage. The analysis concludes that there is no efficacy in Brazilian transfer pricing regime. Therefore it suggests a number of alternative measures which constitutes a midterm between the disproportional practicability of the current regime mechanisms and the diminished practicability of the international discipline.

Preço de transferência : os efeitos fiscais e financeiros de produtos importados de uma empresa vinculada

Araujo, Paulo Henrique Eccel de January 2013 (has links)
Em decorrência das regras de preço de transferência adotadas no Brasil, os produtos ou mercadorias importados de empresas do mesmo grupo econômico ou que possuem controle comum, faz-se necessário um método de controle para que essas operações sejam lucrativas ou ao menos deem o retorno almejado para as empresas. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo demonstrar o que é o preço de transferência no Brasil, quais são os métodos a serem utilizados, a confecção de um controle dessas operações e a comparação da margem de contribuição de um produto que tenha ajuste de preço de transferência. O desenvolvimento do trabalho foi elaborado através de publicações, livros e as leis pertinentes ao assunto. A correta interpretação e utilização dessas regras são importantes para que as empresas estejam em conformidade com o fisco brasileiro e mensurem o custo correto da operação. / As a result of transfer pricing rules adopted in Brazil, products or goods imported from companies in the same group or have common control, it is necessary a method to control such operations are profitable or at least give the desired return for businesses. This paper aims to demonstrate that the transfer price is in Brazil, which are the methods to be used, making the control of these operations and the comparison of the contribution margin of a product that has set the transfer price. The development work was done through publications, books and laws relevant to the subject. The correct use and interpretation of these rules are important for companies to comply with the Brazilian tax authorities and measure the correct cost of the operation.

Internprissättning inom offentlig verksamhet : En studie om Konsult och Service i Västerås stad

Dahlin, Mikaela, Kristiansson, Tove January 2009 (has links)
<p><p><p><strong>Titel:</strong> Internprissättning inom offentlig verksamhet - En studie om Konsult och Service i Västerås stad</p></p></p><p><p><p><strong>Problem: </strong>Konsult och Service är en serviceförvaltning som tillhandahåller stödtjänster till kommunens förvaltningar. I dagsläget genomför de en förändring av sitt interna IT-pris. De forskningsfrågor vi ställer oss är:</p></p></p><ul><li>Vad använder Konsult och Service för internprissystem och varför detta system?</li><li>Anser Konsult och Service att internprissättningen har medfört minskat resursslöseri?</li><li>Ger internprissättningen en rättvis kostnadsfördelning, enligt Konsult och Service?</li><li>Varför och hur förändrar Konsult och Service sitt interna IT-pris?</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Syfte: </strong>Syftet med denna magisteruppsats är att studera Konsult och Services internprissättning och den eventuella förmågan att minska resursslöseri och skapa en rättvis kostnadsfördelning med internprissättning. Syftet är även att beskriva den pågående förändringen av Konsult och Services interna IT-pris.</p><p><p><p><strong>Metod: </strong>En kvalitativ fallstudie har genomförts som bygger på sekundärdata samt intervjuer med tre personer som vi anser har bra kunskaper om internprissättning.</p><p><strong>Resultat och Slutsats: </strong>Konsult och Service använder sig av självkostnad, för att prissätta den interna handeln mellan kommunens enheter. De använder självkostnad<strong> </strong>på grund av att de måste täcka alla sina kostnader och inte är vinstdrivande. Internprissättningen ökar medarbetarnas kostnadsmedvetenhet vilket leder till minskat resursslöseri. Internprissättningen möjliggör även en rättvis kostnadsfördelning enligt Konsult och Service där enheterna som utnyttjar tjänsten även belastas med dess kostnad. IT-affärsområdet inom Konsult och Service genomgår i dagsläget en förändring av IT-priset. Förändringen syftar till en rättvisare kostnadsfördelning av de omdiskuterade IT-kostnaderna.</p></p></p> / <p><p><p><strong>Title: </strong>Transfer Pricing in a public organization - A Study of Konsult och Service in Västerås City</p></p></p><p><p><p><strong>Research Issue: </strong>Konsult och Service is an administrative unit which provides support services to Västerås stad's units. In the present situation there is a change taking place in the internal IT pricing. The research issues of this master thesis are:<strong> </strong></p></p></p><ul><li>What kind of transfer pricing does Konsult och Service use and why?</li><li>Does Konsult och Service think their transfer pricing has reduced the waste of resources?</li><li>Does transfer pricing give a fair dividing of costs, according to Konsult och Service?</li><li>Why and how are Konsult och Service changing their transfer pricing?</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The purpose of this master thesis is to study Konsult och Service's transfer pricing and the ability to reduce waste of resources and create a fairer dividing of costs with transfer pricing. The purpose is as well to investigate the change in progress of Konsult och Service's internal IT pricing.</p><p><p><strong>Method: </strong>The master thesis is built on a qualitative approach, with secondary information and on interviews made with three persons who we consider having good knowledge of transfer pricing.</p></p><p><strong>Results and Conclusion: </strong>Konsult och Service uses cost price for the internal trading between units within the municipal organization. Needing to cover all their costs, they use cost price but have no claim to earnings. Transfer pricing increases the employer's awareness of costs which leads to reduced waste of resources. Transfer pricing renders the fairest dividing of costs possible, where the units who uses the service have to pay accordingly for it. At the moment the computer technology business center of Konsult och Service is undergoing a change in its services pricing. The purpose of the change is to make a fairer dividing of computer technology costs.</p>

Strategic Transfer Pricing : The Art of Pricing Inter-company Transactions between Sweden and China / Strategisk Internprissättning : Att Prissätta Koncerninterna Transaktioner mellan Sverige och Kina

Hjertberg, Ida, Pettersson, Sanna January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Background</strong></p><p>International transfer pricing has been a highlighted issue during the last decades as country after country has revised and introduced new transfer pricing laws as a respond to the expanded globalization. Several countries are adopting similar approaches and the prime guiding principles are provided by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation (OECD). The international law as well as the laws of all 30 member countries is based on the OECD Guidelines.</p><p><strong>Purpose</strong></p><p>The purpose of this master’s thesis is to describe differences and similarities regarding the transfer pricing regulations in China and Sweden and to explain how a Swedish multinational enterprise (MNE) have to utilize and adjust their transfer pricing strategy when trading with group companies in China. The results then conclude into a step model for strategic transfer pricing.</p><p><strong>Result</strong></p><p>The differences between the regulations are mainly uncovered in the definition of associated parties and associated interest. The differences in the regulations are thus of minor importance and does not affect a Swedish MNE to any major extent. The challenging area is instead the conflict between the tax authority and the customs service. To enable this study, three Swedish MNEs are used as a case study. We discovered that all had very different transfer pricing strategies even though they are within the same industry and two of them even within same range of products. Out of this we made the conclusion that the strategy chosen is not just depending on what product or service you trade with but also the aim and purpose, the range of products and the structure of the company. International transfer pricing is a very complex issue that goes into nearly all business operations. The concept of transfer pricing can thus be broken down and simplified if the demands from the company is minor.</p>

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