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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Difference and Similarities between athletes in the beginning and middle of the transition from junior to senior sport

Franck, Alina, Tuovila, Frida January 2009 (has links)
<p>The objectives of this study was to test the Transition Monitoring Survey (TMS) and to</p><p>examine similarities and differences in the transition experiences between athletes in the</p><p>beginning of the transition and in the middle of the transition from junior to senior sport. A</p><p>pilot study (n = 10) was conducted with a combination of survey and debriefing. The main</p><p>study (n =135) was quantitative with a cross-sectional approach. Participants were divided</p><p>into two groups; athletes in the beginning and athletes in the middle of the transition. The</p><p>results showed thirteen significant differences in demands, coping strategies, resources and</p><p>perceived stress. Athletes in the middle of the transition showed more adaptation to the</p><p>transition process then athletes in the beginning. The study also shows that the TMS works</p><p>well. The results are discussed based on frameworks and previous research.</p>

Difference and Similarities between athletes in the beginning and middle of the transition from junior to senior sport

Franck, Alina, Tuovila, Frida January 2009 (has links)
The objectives of this study was to test the Transition Monitoring Survey (TMS) and to examine similarities and differences in the transition experiences between athletes in the beginning of the transition and in the middle of the transition from junior to senior sport. A pilot study (n = 10) was conducted with a combination of survey and debriefing. The main study (n =135) was quantitative with a cross-sectional approach. Participants were divided into two groups; athletes in the beginning and athletes in the middle of the transition. The results showed thirteen significant differences in demands, coping strategies, resources and perceived stress. Athletes in the middle of the transition showed more adaptation to the transition process then athletes in the beginning. The study also shows that the TMS works well. The results are discussed based on frameworks and previous research.


Erika, Alge January 2008 (has links)
<p>This study was made to examine how successful elite Swedish equestrian athletes perceived their transition from junior to senior level. The objectives were a) to examine Young Riders perceived demands, resources and barriers in the transition to elite seniors, and b) to examine the riders’ coping strategies, perceived quality and lessons learned from the transition. The study involved six informants (n = 6), including three females and three males (1 event rider, 2 show jumpers and 3 dressage riders). Participants were between 25-31 years of age (m = 27). A semi-structured interview guide was developed for equestrian sport and based on the Athletic Career Transition Model (Stambulova, 1997, 2003) and the Develomental Model (Wylleman & Lavallee, 2004). The results show that participants perceived emotional support as an important resource and had the ability to set long term goals. They used problem focused- and approach-cognitive coping strategies in a successful way in order to manage their perceived demands and barriers during their transition to the senior level.</p>

Individual and team sports athletes in the transition from junior to senior sports

Franck, Alina January 2009 (has links)
This quantitative study deals with the transition from junior to senior sports comparing individual (ISA) and team (TSA) sports athletes in terms of: (a) differences between transition and personal variables, (b) relationships between transition and personal variables, (c) contributions of some transition and personal variables into the quality of adjustment on the senior level of sport. There were 195 participants, ISA (n = 49) and TSA (n = 146). Four instruments were used: the Transition Monitoring Survey, the Athletic Identity Measurement Scale, the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire and the Physical Self Perception Profile (revised). Thirty significant differences in the transition and personal variables were found. There was a common pattern in the correlations between transition and personal variables and specific patterns for ISA and TSA. Coping strategies, body attractiveness, athletic identity and physical self-value appeared to be predictors for the quality of adjustment for ISA and coping strategies, ego orientation and physical self-value for TSA. The results are discussed in relation to theoretical frameworks and previous research. / Den här kvantitativa studien handlar om övergången från junior till senior idrott och jämför individuella idrottare (II) och lag idrottare (LI) i: (a) skillnader i övergångs och personlighets variabler, (b) relationerna mellan övergångs och personlighets variabler, (c) hur några övergångs och personlighets variabler bidrar till idrottarnas anpassning till senior nivån. I studien deltog 195 idrottare, II (n = 49) och LI (n = 146). Fyra mätinstrument användes: Enkäten Karriärövergången från Junior- till Senioridrott, the Athletic Identity Measurement Scale, the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire and the Physical Self Perception Profile (revised). Trettio signifikanta skillnader i övergångs och personlighets variabler hittades. Det fanns ett gemensamt mönster i korrelationerna mellan övergångs och personlighets variablerna och de specifika monstrena för II och LI. Coping strategier, kroppsattraktivitet, idrottsidentitet och fysiskt självvärde verkade förutspå hur anpassade II var till senior nivån och coping strategier, ego motivation och fysiskt självvärde till hur anpassade LI var till senior nivån. Resultaten diskuterades med hjälp av teoretiskt referensram och tidigare forskning.


Erika, Alge January 2008 (has links)
This study was made to examine how successful elite Swedish equestrian athletes perceived their transition from junior to senior level. The objectives were a) to examine Young Riders perceived demands, resources and barriers in the transition to elite seniors, and b) to examine the riders’ coping strategies, perceived quality and lessons learned from the transition. The study involved six informants (n = 6), including three females and three males (1 event rider, 2 show jumpers and 3 dressage riders). Participants were between 25-31 years of age (m = 27). A semi-structured interview guide was developed for equestrian sport and based on the Athletic Career Transition Model (Stambulova, 1997, 2003) and the Develomental Model (Wylleman & Lavallee, 2004). The results show that participants perceived emotional support as an important resource and had the ability to set long term goals. They used problem focused- and approach-cognitive coping strategies in a successful way in order to manage their perceived demands and barriers during their transition to the senior level.

Exploratory study - Outlining the temporal structure of the transition from junior-to-senior level in Swedish ice hockey : Phases in the junior-to-senior transition

Olsson, Kasper Lundell, Pehrson, Sebastian January 2014 (has links)
This exploratory, qualitative study focuses on the transition from junior-to-senior sports. The purpose of the study was to outline the temporal structure of this transition. The aim was to do this by achieving the following three objectives: (1) to develop a working model showing transitional phases in the transition from junior-to-senior sports, (2) to examine demands, resources, barriers, coping strategies, and outcomes within each of the four transitional phases in the working model, (3) to validate the working model through external validation, i.e. through asking the study’s participants for their opinion on the model. There were 10 male participants in this study consisting of active ice hockey players, ice hockey coaches, and a former ice hockey player; preparation phase (n=1), orientation phase (n=1), stabilization phase (n=5), junior coach (n=1), senior coach (n=1), dropout (n=1). Seven instruments were used in this study, including six interview guides and one working model. Initially a working model, depicting four transitional phases, was developed, based on theoretical frameworks and personal experience. A total of 949 raw data units were extracted from the interviews, categorized as either demands, resources, barriers, coping strategies, or outcomes within a transitional phase, and then arranged into category profiles representing each transitional phase in the working model. Furthermore, an empirical model was developed based on the working model and the category profiles. The results are, among other things, discussed in relation to theoretical frameworks and previous research. / Denna undersökande, kvalitativa studie fokuserar på övergången från junior-till-senioridrott. Syftet med studien var att kartlägga denna övergångs tidsmässiga struktur. Målet var att göra detta genom att uppfylla följande tre delmål: (1) att utveckla en arbetsmodell som visar transaktionella faser i övergången från junior-till-senior idrott, (2) att undersöka krav, resurser, barriärer, coping strategier och utfall inom var och en av de fyra transaktionella faserna i arbetsmodellen, (3) att validera arbetsmodellen genom extern validering, d.v.s. genom att fråga studiens deltagare om deras åsikter kring modellen. Det var 10 manliga deltagare i denna studie bestående av aktiva hockeyspelare, hockeytränare och en föredetta hockeyspelare; förberedelsefasen (n=1), orienteringsfasen (n=1), stabiliseringsfasen (n=5), junior tränare (n=1), senior tränare (n=1), dropout (n=1). Sju instrument användes i studien; sex intervjuguider och en arbetsmodell. Inledningsvis utvecklades en arbetsmodell, föreställande fyra transaktionella faser, baserad på teoretiska ramverk och personlig erfarenhet. Totalt extraherades 949 rådata från intervjuerna, som sedan kategoriserades som antingen krav, resurser, barriärer, coping strategier eller utfall inom en transaktionell fas, och därefter ordnades de i kategoriprofiler som representerar varje transaktionella fas i arbetsmodellen. Vidare utvecklades en empirisk modell baserad på arbetsmodellen och kategoriprofilerna. Resultatet diskuteras bl.a. i relation till teoretiska ramverk och tidigare forskning.

En kvalitativ studie om Elitbandyspelaresupplevelser av övergången mellan junior till senior / A qualitative study about Elite bandy player’s experiences in the transition from junior to senior

Lindström, Jesper January 2018 (has links)
Tidigare studier har visat att övergången från junior till senior är en av de svårasteövergångarna i en idrottsligkarriär samtidigt ses övergången som en kritisk tid i livet. Miljönses både som en resurs och barriär beroende på hur individen upplever miljön, vidare visarforskning att motivation samt målmedvetenhet ses som resurser. Syftet med föreliggandestudie är med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer studera elitbandyspelares upplevelser avövergången mellan junior till senior med betoning på krav, coping, barriärer och resurser. Istudien deltog fyra manliga elitbandyspelare från svenska landslaget mellan åldrarna 25-31år(M= 29, SD=2.34). Tre semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes som baserades på temanutifrån studies syfte. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultatet visade att det förekom inre och yttre krav i samband med övergången såsomindividuella krav samt de fysiska skillnaderna. Miljön påverkar övergången både positivt ochnegativ, både när det kommer till faktorer i samt utanför sporten. Vidare ansågs mentalaresurser såsom självförtroende som en resurs medan skador som barriär. Deltagarna har haften målmedvetenhet under övergången som upplevts som coping. För framtida forskningrekommenderas vidare forskning inom bandy. Det är av intresse att forska kring skillnadermellan dam respektive herrspelare under övergången från junior till senior, vidare såförekommer intresse att forska kring ekonomiska skillnaderna mellan ryska respektivesvenska högsta ligan i bandy. / Previous studies has shown that the transition from junior to senior is one of the mostdifficult transitions in a sports career, at the same time the transition is seen as a critical periodin life. The environment can both be seen as a resource and a barrier, depending on how theathletes experience the environment. Furthermore, studies have shown that determination andgoal awareness are seen as resources. The purpose of the essay was to study elite bandyplayer’s experience of the transitions from junior to senior with the aid of semi-structuredinterviews with emphasis on experienced demands, coping, barriers and resources. Theparticipant were four male elite bandy players from the national team in Sweden at the age of25-31 (M= 29, SD=2.34).The participants in the study participated in three semi-structuredinterviews, were the themes were based on the purpose. The interviews were analyzed byusing a qualitative content analysis. The results showed that internal and external demandsduring the transition were individual demands as well as physical differences. Theenvironment affects the transition positively and negatively, both factors inside and outsidethe sport. Furthermore, mental resources as self-confidence were resources while injurieswere considered to be barriers. The participants have had goal awareness during the transitionwhich was considered as coping. For future recommendations, it is of interest to keepconducting research in bandy. More precisely, to investigate the differences between womenand men in the transition from junior to senior. It is also of interest to study the economicaldifference between the highest league in Russia and Sweden.

Swedish Players’ Transition From Junior to Senior Football in Relation to Perceived Health and Athletic Identity

Eriksson, Christoffer January 2010 (has links)
<p>The objectives of this study concerning Swedish players’ transition from junior to senior football were to examine: (1) transition, perceived health, and athletic identity variables, as well as the relationship between them; (2) how transition, perceived health, and athletic identity variables contribute to: (a) healthy sport participation; (b) unhealthy sport participation; (c) quality of adjustment on the senior level of football; (d) life satisfaction. The theoretical frameworks included: the developmental model on transitions faced by athletes; the career transition model; the perceived health and sport/exercise participation model; the circle of health model. The participants (n = 126) were Swedish adolescent football players at local, national or international competitive levels. Three instruments were used in regard of the quantitative approach: the Transition Monitoring Survey; the Perceived Health and Sport Participation Profile; the Athletic Identity Measurement Scale. The transition variables were examined and several relationships were discovered between transition and perceived health variables, and athletic identity. Four multiple regression analyses showed that satisfaction with different spheres of life and coping strategies are significant positive predictors of healthy sport participation. Athletic identity, personal resources, and environmental pressure are significant positive predictors of unhealthy sport participation. In addition, environmental support was revealed to be a significant negative predictor of unhealthy sport participation. Importance of different aspects of sport and satisfaction with sport participation are significant positive predictors of the quality of adjustment on the senior level of sports, whereas importance of different spheres of life and athletic identity are significant negative predictors. Importance of different spheres of life and healthy sport participation are significant positive predictors of life satisfaction. The results are discussed in relation to theoretical frameworks and previous research.</p> / <p>Syftena med föreliggande studie angående svenska spelares övergång från junior till seniorfotboll var att undersöka: (1) övergångs-, upplevd hälsa- och idrottsidentitetsvariabler, såväl som förhållandet mellan dem; (2) hur övergångs-, upplevd hälsa- och idrottsidentitetsvariabler bidrar till: (a) ett hälsosamt idrottsdeltagande; (b) ett ohälsosamt idrottsdeltagande; (c) idrottarnas anpassning till seniornivån i fotboll; (d) livstillfredsställelse. De teoretiska referensramarna inkluderade: the developmental model on transitions faced by athletes; the career transition model; the perceived health and sport/exercise participation model; the circle of health model. Deltagarna (n = 126) bestod av svenska ungdomsfotbollsspelare på lokal, nationell och internationell tävlingsnivå. Tre mätinstrument användes med tanke på den kvantitativa utgångspunkten: Enkäten Karriärövergången från Junior till Senioridrott; Upplevd Hälsa & Idrottsdeltagande Profil; Athletic Identity Measurement Scale. Övergångsvariablerna undersöktes och flera samband upptäcktes mellan övergångs- och upplevd hälsavariabler och idrottsidentitet. Fyra multipla regressionsanalyser visade att tillfredsställelse med olika delar av livet och copingstrategier är positivt signifikanta faktorer som bidrar till ett hälsosamt idrottsdeltagande. Idrottsidentitet, personlighetsfaktorer och tidigare erfarenheter, samt press från omgivningen är positivt signifikanta faktorer som bidrar till ett ohälsosamt idrottsdeltagande. Dessutom så upptäcktes support från omgivningen att vara en negativt signifikant faktor som bidrar till ett ohälsosamt idrottsdeltagande. Hur viktiga olika delar av idrotten är och tillfredsställelsen med idrottsdeltagandet är positivt signifikanta faktorer som bidrar till idrottarens anpassning till seniornivån, då däremot hur viktiga olika delar av livet är och idrottsidentiteten är negativt signifikanta faktorer. Hur viktiga olika delar av livet är och ett hälsosamt idrottsdeltagande är positivt signifikanta faktorer som bidrar till livstillfredsställelse. Resultaten diskuteras i förhållande till de teoretiska referensramarna och tidigare forskning.</p>

Swedish Players’ Transition From Junior to Senior Football in Relation to Perceived Health and Athletic Identity

Eriksson, Christoffer January 2010 (has links)
The objectives of this study concerning Swedish players’ transition from junior to senior football were to examine: (1) transition, perceived health, and athletic identity variables, as well as the relationship between them; (2) how transition, perceived health, and athletic identity variables contribute to: (a) healthy sport participation; (b) unhealthy sport participation; (c) quality of adjustment on the senior level of football; (d) life satisfaction. The theoretical frameworks included: the developmental model on transitions faced by athletes; the career transition model; the perceived health and sport/exercise participation model; the circle of health model. The participants (n = 126) were Swedish adolescent football players at local, national or international competitive levels. Three instruments were used in regard of the quantitative approach: the Transition Monitoring Survey; the Perceived Health and Sport Participation Profile; the Athletic Identity Measurement Scale. The transition variables were examined and several relationships were discovered between transition and perceived health variables, and athletic identity. Four multiple regression analyses showed that satisfaction with different spheres of life and coping strategies are significant positive predictors of healthy sport participation. Athletic identity, personal resources, and environmental pressure are significant positive predictors of unhealthy sport participation. In addition, environmental support was revealed to be a significant negative predictor of unhealthy sport participation. Importance of different aspects of sport and satisfaction with sport participation are significant positive predictors of the quality of adjustment on the senior level of sports, whereas importance of different spheres of life and athletic identity are significant negative predictors. Importance of different spheres of life and healthy sport participation are significant positive predictors of life satisfaction. The results are discussed in relation to theoretical frameworks and previous research. / Syftena med föreliggande studie angående svenska spelares övergång från junior till seniorfotboll var att undersöka: (1) övergångs-, upplevd hälsa- och idrottsidentitetsvariabler, såväl som förhållandet mellan dem; (2) hur övergångs-, upplevd hälsa- och idrottsidentitetsvariabler bidrar till: (a) ett hälsosamt idrottsdeltagande; (b) ett ohälsosamt idrottsdeltagande; (c) idrottarnas anpassning till seniornivån i fotboll; (d) livstillfredsställelse. De teoretiska referensramarna inkluderade: the developmental model on transitions faced by athletes; the career transition model; the perceived health and sport/exercise participation model; the circle of health model. Deltagarna (n = 126) bestod av svenska ungdomsfotbollsspelare på lokal, nationell och internationell tävlingsnivå. Tre mätinstrument användes med tanke på den kvantitativa utgångspunkten: Enkäten Karriärövergången från Junior till Senioridrott; Upplevd Hälsa &amp; Idrottsdeltagande Profil; Athletic Identity Measurement Scale. Övergångsvariablerna undersöktes och flera samband upptäcktes mellan övergångs- och upplevd hälsavariabler och idrottsidentitet. Fyra multipla regressionsanalyser visade att tillfredsställelse med olika delar av livet och copingstrategier är positivt signifikanta faktorer som bidrar till ett hälsosamt idrottsdeltagande. Idrottsidentitet, personlighetsfaktorer och tidigare erfarenheter, samt press från omgivningen är positivt signifikanta faktorer som bidrar till ett ohälsosamt idrottsdeltagande. Dessutom så upptäcktes support från omgivningen att vara en negativt signifikant faktor som bidrar till ett ohälsosamt idrottsdeltagande. Hur viktiga olika delar av idrotten är och tillfredsställelsen med idrottsdeltagandet är positivt signifikanta faktorer som bidrar till idrottarens anpassning till seniornivån, då däremot hur viktiga olika delar av livet är och idrottsidentiteten är negativt signifikanta faktorer. Hur viktiga olika delar av livet är och ett hälsosamt idrottsdeltagande är positivt signifikanta faktorer som bidrar till livstillfredsställelse. Resultaten diskuteras i förhållande till de teoretiska referensramarna och tidigare forskning.

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