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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regard complexe sur la traduction comme réécriture de textes infinis

Canalès, Audrey 03 1900 (has links)
Bien que la traduction et l’adaptation disposent de cadres théoriques permettant de considérer la textualité au sens le plus large possible, penser la traduction hors du transfert interlinguistique et interculturel demeure un défi. Dès lors que l’audiovisuel est concerné, les publications se concentrent sur l’adaptation d’œuvres écrites pour les écrans, ou sur les défis linguistiques liés à la multimodalité (Article 2). Des études explorent les villes en traduction, les villes en performance, ou la traduction comme performance, mais en traductologie, la performance comme traduction reste peu explorée, alors qu’en culture, en sociologie, ou au théâtre, il est établi qu’une identité peut se traduire en vêtement, en ambiance lumineuse, en couleur, en nourriture, entre autres (Article 1). L’approche transdisciplinaire choisie pour la présente recherche s’appuie sur des concepts issus de la traductologie, de la sociologie, des études culturelles et des études de performance. Cette combinaison inspirée par la pensée complexe permet d’analyser des processus traductionnels peu étudiés en traductologie. J’observe entre autres des formes de réécriture généralement non considérées comme des traductions, comme les extensions narratives transmédiales ou performatives de textes parfois multiples, comportant des éléments non verbaux (Articles 1,3). Je mets ainsi en évidence la présence et l’importance de ces processus traductionnels dans la transmission diachronique des identités culturelles (Articles 1,3). Pour ce faire, j’ai observé et analysé de nombreuses performances, participé à des expériences immersives et conduit des entrevues dialogiques réflexives interdisciplinaires avec divers artistes, créateurs ou famille des sujets de performance (Article 3). Mes observations m’ont permis d’établir la définition de la traduction performative comme la traduction intersémiotique et multimodale de textes complexes ne se limitant pas à des éléments verbaux. Le tissu traductionnel des univers transmédiaux est en constante expansion, quoique cette expansion soit rarement d’ordre linéaire ; elle oscille entre présent et passé, entre diverses idéologies, circule sur divers canaux de renarration. J’ai décrit ces univers comme des textes infinis en perpétuel désordre. La présente thèse par articles comprend une introduction générale, rédigée en français, dans laquelle je présente les trois articles (rédigés en anglais), puis détaille mes approches théorique et méthodologique. Dans le premier article, j’explore les représentations performatives des identités artistiques et politiques, illustrées par les exemples de l’artiste canadienne Feist et de l’artiviste « post-mexicain » Guillermo Gómez-Peña; j’y définis la notion de traduction performative et de texte infini. Le deuxième article est un appel à étudier les univers transmédia d’un point de vue traductologique, sous peine de voir disparaitre la traduction de débats universitaires en cours sur les nouvelles formes de narration. Le troisième article explore l’univers narratif transmédial de la baronne de Pontalba, la célèbre bâtisseuse créole de la Nouvelle-Orléans. Ces articles forment un ensemble dont le but est de montrer l’intérêt de diverses formes narratives d’un point de vue traductionnel, avec une approche complexe. / Though there are theoretical frameworks in Translation Studies and in Adaptation Studies to problematize textuality in its broadest sense, thinking translation studies out of the prism of linguistic transfers between two cultures/two languages is challenging. When audiovisual matters are studied, publications focus on book-to-screen adaptations, or on the linguistic challenges of multimodality (Article 2). Some studies explore cities in translation, cities in performance, or translation as performance, but in Translation Studies, performance as translation remains understudied, though Cultural Studies, Sociology or Performance Studies have established that identity can be translated in clothes, in lighting, in colour, in food, among others (Article 1). This thesis’s transdisciplinary approach draws on concepts from Translation Studies, Sociology, Cultural Studies and Performance Studies. Combining them enables me to analyze understudied translation phenomena from a complex perspective. I study, among others, forms of re-writings that are generally not considered as translations, such as transmedial or performative narrative extensions of sometimes multiple texts with non-verbal elements, such as identities (Articles 1,3). This shows the presence and the importance of translational processes in cultural identity transmission across history (Articles 1,3). For the purposes of this research, I have observed a number of performances, sometimes as a participant, participated in immersive experiences, and conducted interdisciplinary reflexive dialogic interviews with artists, creators or with the family of the subject of a performance. My observations led me to provide the definition of performative translation as a set of intersemiotic multimodal processes of complex texts such as identities, not limited to verbal elements. The translation fabric of transmedial universes rarely has linear expansions; it oscillates between past and present, ideologies, using various narrative modes. I described these ever-growing narrative universes as infinite texts, evolving in constant disorder. This thesis by publications is composed of a General Introduction (written in French), in which I present the three articles (written in English), then explain my theoretical and methodological approaches. The first article explores the performative representations of political and artistic identities, with the examples of Canadian songstress Feist and « post-Mexican » artivist Guillermo Gómez Peña; it provides definitions of performative translation and infinite text. The second article calls for exploring transmedia storyverses from a translational point of view; it emphasizes the risk for Translation and Adaptation Studies to be invisibilized from ongoing academic conversations on new narrative modes if they do not. The third article adopts a complex Translation Studies point of view to analyze the narrative universe of the Baroness Pontalba, the New Orleans famous Creole builder (Article 3). These articles aim at showing the interest of studying diverse narrative forms from a translational point of view inspired by Complexity thinking.

Alices media-äventyr : En transmedial karaktärsanalys / Alice´s adventures in media : A transmedia character analysis

Seidel, Arvid, Samuelsson, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Transmedia är ett brett ämne. Den här textanalysen undersöker designen av nio olika versioner av Alice i Underlandet med hjälp av kvalitativ data, med fokus på hur transmedial karaktärsdesign utvecklats historiskt och över olika former av media, samt om det går att utröna vilka karaktärsdrag som ändras mest/minst mellan de olika adaptionerna. Varje version av Alice gås noggrant igenom och analyseras jämte med originaltexten samt de andra adaptionerna, och gemensamma egenskaper som nyfikenhet, envishet och impulsivitet identifieras. Den här textanalysen bidrar till att fylla en lucka i forskningen om att bättre förstå transmedial karaktärsdesign och dess utveckling. Framtida arbeten som kan var intressant att fortsätta med är att göra en mer socialt och samhälleligt komplex analys som har fokus på etnicitet, genus samt social/ekonomisk klass, något som den här analysen inte inkluderar. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet.</p>

Goncharov and Collaborative Storytelling : How Tumblr Invented a Fake Martin Scorsese Movie

Turner, Anna Birna January 2023 (has links)
Online fandoms are capable of various feats; from influencing the TV shows they watch to funding half-baked convention scams, Tumblr fandoms in particular are infamous across the internet. Their chaotic and intense nature simultaneously leads to intense bouts of creative activity, pumping hundreds of thousands of fan works into the Tumblr ecosystem every year. In November of 2022, the Tumblr community collectively invented a fake Martin Scorsese movie named Goncharov, creating massing amounts of fanart, fanfiction, memes, and posts for a “lost piece of media” that never actually existed. While existing studies have focused on the construction of identity through Tumblr fan communities, or the experiences of LGBTQ social media users on Tumblr, there is little to no research on individual fandom events that affect Tumblr as an entire community. In turn, this study aims to answer the following questions: 1) “How did Goncharov fans collaboratively tell and maintain a cohesive story through the production of transmedia Tumblr posts?” 296 transmedia posts produced by the Goncharov fandom were analyzed by a framework developed around an adapted approach to Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). Additional theories were incorporated into later analysis, including discussion of transmedial storyworlds, narrative transportation, and collaborative storytelling. The results suggested that the Goncharov fandom was more committed to providing context about its invented nature, rather than committing to a strong sense of immersion. Furthermore, its posts resulted in cases of accidental narrative transportation while simultaneously lacking character and story consistency.

Producing Transmedia Stories - A Study of Producers, Interactivity and Prosumption

Roos, Cecilia January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis aims to identify the production processes within the contemporary creative industries, and in particular one field of culture and media production called transmedia. This thesis focuses on one particular aspect of transmedia – interactivity and participation. The questions that are investigated are: How does transmedia producers use interactivity? Does transmedia and interactivity change the production conditions for producers, and if so, how and why? The aim of this thesis is to get an understanding of the working conditions within the context of transmedia for producers and in extension for the consumers. Through this, the intention is also to create a better understanding of the role of transmedia within the contemporary creative industries.The methods used to examine this are based on qualitative research interviews with six transmedia producers and participatory observations of the documentary film project Ghost Rockets. By using a theoretical framework based on interactivity, participation, Marxist theories and Critical Theory this thesis comes to the conclusion that transmedia producers strive for interactivity but that full interactivity rarely is achieved. The use ofinteractivity and transmedia also leads to changing working conditions for both producers and consumers. These changes include a blurring of the roles of producers and consumers and that both producers and consumers are working for free.

Välkommen till varumärkesshowen : En analys av känsloargumentation och varumärkessynergi genom en fallstudie av TV-serien Välkommen till Wrexham

Colbin, Robin, Philipson, Benjamin January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker samarbetet mellan varumärkena Wrexham AFC, Ryan Reynolds, Rob McElhenney, Disneykoncernen, FX och TikTok i TV-serien Välkommen till Wrexham. Målet är att analysera hur varumärkessamarbetet bland de olika varumärkena integreras i narrativet utan att påverka tittaren negativt. Genom att tillämpa Robert Plutchiks teorier om emotioner analyseras strategierna som TV-serien använder för att sammankoppla de olika varumärkena i narrativet för att rättfärdiga varumärkeskollaborationerna. Vidare granskas hur TV-serien använder transmediala berättarmöjligheter genom samarbetet med huvudsponsorn TikTok. Analysen visar att integrationen av TikTok som plattform, för att vidga Wrexham AFC:s narrativ, tar vara på många men inte alla av Henry Jenkins principer för transmedialt berättande. TV-serien använder därtill ett tydligt emotionsbaserat berättande samt Reynolds och McElhenney för att överbrygga potentiella konflikter mellan de involverade varumärkenas värderingar. Reynolds och McElhenney mänskliga och kommersiella varumärken tillåter även TV-serien att använda en mer Hollywood-inspirerad stil trots det dokumentära formatet, vilket kan bidra till att den integrerade reklamen accepteras. Studien kan därmed bidra till en fördjupad förståelse för hur varumärken och produktionsbolag kan samarbeta för lyckade TV-produktioner med varumärkeskollaborationer.

Transmedia Storytelling: A potential method to inspire and motivate reading in ESL Classrooms / Transmediell historieberättande: En potentiell metod för att inspirera och motivera till förbättrad läsning inom ESL-klassrummet

Efverlund, Yvonne January 2024 (has links)
The objective of this research is to investigate how transmedia storytelling (TS) can impact the reading proficiency of ESL students. The declining reading comprehension levels among 15-yearold students in Sweden has raised concerns, which is a trend observed in many other countries. This study explores whether TS can be an effective approach to support language development for reading comprehension during this critical stage of education. The research was conducted in two phases, using qualitative mixed methods. In Phase 1, sixteen ESL teachers from eight countries completed questionnaires, and in Phase 2, five ESL teachers in Sweden were interviewed. Both phases aimed to understand the challenges faced by teachers in teaching reading, the strategies they use to address these issues, and their use of multimedia tools. The study also investigates whether TS can improve reading comprehension and if ESL teachers are aware of this strategy. The study findings demonstrate that ESL teachers encounter various difficulties, such as managing diverse classroom dynamics, finding suitable reading materials for students with different comprehension levels, and motivating disinterested students. Teachers are using multimedia tools, including creative writing, film adaptations, trivia games, and role-playing to overcome these challenges. Despite their efforts, the decline in reading proficiency continues. Additionally, the research reveals that most ESL teachers are not familiar with TS as a method, but are interested in learning about its potential benefits. TS is an innovative approach that allows students to read a book and use digital tools they are familiar with to create their unique stories. Therefore, it has the potential to enhance reading comprehension and language skills among ESL students.


NEGRI, ERICA 23 March 2015 (has links)
I processi di digitalizzazione e convergenza hanno avuto un forte impatto sulle modalità di produzione, distribuzione e fruizione dei contenuti audiovisivi. Ma tale impatto non si è limitato ai suddetti ambiti. Fenomeni come il transmedia storytelling, le narrazioni distribuite, l’intertestualità, l’ibridazione delle forme discorsive, l’integrazione di elementi di game-playing all’interno di strutture narrative tradizionalmente lineari, e la crescente rilevanza del world-building all’interno del processo creativo di una storia dimostrano che il cambio di paradigma non sta avvenendo solo a livello delle strutture economiche, produttive e comunicative, ma anche a livello narratologico. Scopo di questa ricerca è mappare tale cambio di paradigma, approfondendo in modo particolare l’emergere delle forme narrative transmediali. / The processes of digitalization and media convergence have had a major impact on the procedures of production, distribution and reception of audiovisual content. However, the impact has not been limited to those areas. The emergence of cultural phenomena such as transmedia storytelling, distributed narratives, intertextuality, the hybridization of forms of discourse, the integration of elements of game-playing within the traditionally linear narrative structures, and the growing importance of world-building within the story development process attest that the paradigm shift is not only occurring at an economical, industrial and communicational level, but also at a narratological one. The aim of this research is to map this paradigm shift, with particular focus on the emergence of transmedia narrative forms.

Análisis comparativo del uso de elementos narrativos en los podcast moloko y sin paltas podcast / Comparative analysis of the use of narrative elements in moloko and sin paltas podcast

Cosignani Lema, Raffaella María 21 June 2021 (has links)
La siguiente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el uso de los elementos narrativos a través de los programas de los famosos podcasts peruanos Moloko y Sin Paltas, y las estrategias discursivas que lleva a los podcat al éxito en las plataformas digitales y streaming, las cuales han sido un escenario fundamental para su desarrollo. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación se van a presentar e identificar qué estrategias narrativas son las más utilizadas en los podcasts, comparando estrategias de comunicación y elementos narrativos en los podcasts elegidos. Luego se identificarán las diferencias que existen en el discurso narrativo de Moloko podcast y Sin Paltas podcast, para así explicar la interacción y la relación con sus seguidores y oyentes. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se utilizará el método cualitativo, aplicando un paradigma de investigación de carácter interpretativo y naturalista, en base a la recolección y análisis de datos obtenidos a través de la audición de los podcasts emitidos en situaciones y fechas trascendentes. Los resultados de esta investigación indican que los podcasts son una nueva forma de comunicación cómo desarrollo de la era digital. Los podcasts se han convertido en una herramienta versátil, libre de parámetros estipulados, donde sus elementos y el discurso narrativo, dejan de lado a las grandes cadenas de comunicación, para apostar por los medios de comunicación independientes. / The following research aims to analyze the use of narrative elements through the programs of the famous Peruvian podcasts Moloko and Sin Paltas, and the discursive strategies that lead the podcasts to success in digital and streaming platforms, which have been a fundamental scenario for their development. To carry out this research, we will present and identify which narrative strategies are the most used in podcasts, comparing communication strategies and narrative elements in the chosen podcasts. Then, the differences that exist in the narrative discourse of Moloko podcast and Sin Paltas podcast will be identified, in order to explain the interaction and relationship with their followers and listeners. For the development of this research, the qualitative method will be used, applying an interpretative and naturalistic research paradigm, based on the collection and analysis of data obtained through the listening of podcasts broadcasted in transcendent situations and dates. The results of this research indicate that podcasts are a new form of communication as a development of the digital era. Podcasts have become a versatile tool, free of stipulated parameters, where its elements and narrative discourse, leave aside the big communication chains, to bet on independent media. / Trabajo de investigación

Proměna distribuce audiovizuálních obsahů v kontextu transmediality / Transformation of distribution of audiovisual content in transmedia context

Jakubisko, Jorik January 2016 (has links)
We are currently witnessing the transformation of media landscape since transmedia contents affect the strategy of distributors, producers, and television broadcasters. This new phenomenon has multidisciplinary overlap, so we encounter with different interpretations and terminology in this discourse. The master thesis Transformation of distribution of audiovisual content in transmedia context has two main objectives. Its primary aim is to unify the basic terminology for media, audiovisual, and distribution discourse based on academic literature. The secondary aim is to explore the strategies of 3 largest domestic terrestrial TV broadcasters through formal analysis. The practical part is divided in 2 sections. The first one is focused on how TV stations have implemented transmedia extensions in the context of audience immersion and broadcasters branding in their distribution strategies. The second examines whether there is true transmedia content for original shows and storyworlds in their production. It is just a matter of time before these changes in distribution strategies will affect TV broadcasters. Transmedia extentions are associated with a creative process since ancient times but we could not realize their existence. Keywords transmedia, crossmedia, transmedia storytelling, convergence,...

Documentales interactivos como agentes de transformación social: Proyecto Quipu / Interactive documentaries for social transformation

Pando Llanos, Jimena 07 July 2020 (has links)
Actualmente vivimos en una época globalizada, en donde los usuarios han cambiado la manera de relacionarse con el contenido que se presenta en las plataformas. Por este motivo, los medios tradicionales han evolucionado para hacer frente a las nuevas necesidades del público, creando contenidos transmedia. Es por ello que el presente trabajo analiza el rol del documental interactivo Proyecto Quipu como un agente de transformación social. El objetivo de esta investigación es poder analizar cómo se desarrolló el documental interactivo Proyecto Quipu y si este logró crear una comunidad participativa en el mundo virtual para generar un cambio positivo en la sociedad. Para poder cumplir con lo planteado es necesario realizar un estudio cualitativo, ya que esta investigación se basa en la percepción de los usuarios. Las técnicas de producción de datos a utilizar serán el análisis de contenido y un estudio etnográfico. Esta investigación busca analizar la creación de contenido interactivo con un trasfondo social y que este pueda generar cambios dentro de la sociedad. Como resultado de la investigación, se hallaron algunas posibles variables que se deben tener en cuenta para llegar a formar una comunidad virtual que cumpla objetivos de transformación social. / Nowadays we live in a globalized era, where users have changed the way they relate to the content presented on platforms. For this reason, traditional media have evolved to meet the new needs of the public, creating transmedia content. This paper analyzes the role of the interactive documentary Quipu Project as an agent of social transformation. The objective of this research is to analyze how the interactive documentary Quipu Project was developed and if it succeeded to create a participatory community in the virtual world to generate positive change in society. In order to achieve the stated, it is necessary to carry out a qualitative study, since this research is based on the perception of the users. The data production techniques to be used will be content analysis and an ethnographic study. This research seeks to analyze the creation of interactive content with a social background and that it can generate changes within society. As a result of the research, some possible variables were found that must be taken into account in order to form a virtual community that achieves the objectives of social transformation. / Trabajo de investigación

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