Spelling suggestions: "subject:"disposable""
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Recherche d'éléments répétés par analyse des distributions de fréquences d'oligonucléotidesProvencher, Benjamin January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Caracterização dos genes mustang em gramíneas com ênfase no estudo funcional em cana-de-açúcar / Characterization of mustang genes in grasses with emphasis on functional study in sugarcaneKajihara, Daniela 07 December 2010 (has links)
Os elementos transponíveis constituem grande parte do genoma das plantas, particularmente em gramíneas, constituem entre 50 a 80% do conteúdo genômico. Recentemente, foi demonstrado que estes elementos servem como fonte de material genético para a formação de novos genes e novas redes regulatórias. O SUCEST, projeto de seqüenciamento de ESTs de cana-de-açúcar da FAPESP, gerou a seqüência parcial de 237.954 mRNA de diversos tecidos e condições fisiológicas, fornecendo valiosa informação sobre o transcriptoma deste cultivo. Um levantamento dos elementos transponíveis nesse genoma mostrou que o transposon Mutator é o mais expresso. A superfamília Mutator foi amplamente estudada em cana-de-açúcar, arroz e Arabidopsis thaliana e se constatou que o sistema está composto por dois clados de transposons verdadeiros (Classe I e Classe II) e dois clados de transposases domesticadas (Classe III e Classe IV), chamadas mustang. As transposases domesticadas são seqüências derivadas de transposons, que perderam a capacidade de se mobilizar, e adquiriram função celular. Recentemente, foram clonadas e seqüenciadas, pelo nosso grupo, duas cópias genômicas da Classe III e uma da Classe IV. Para somar evidências que permitam desvendar a função das proteínas MUSTANG, este trabalho realizou uma análise comparativa destes genes em gramíneas assim como o estudo da atividade transcricional em cana-de-açúcar. Desta forma, foram identificados os loci ortólogos no genoma de sorgo e milho, e foi possível verificar que os genes mustang são altamente conservados. As putativas regiões regulatórias dos genes de cana-de-açúcar apresentaram diversos motivos de união a fatores de transcrição envolvidos na resposta a luz, hormônios e estresse. Fusões com genes repórteres permitiram demonstrar que as regiões estudadas são promotores transcricionais ativos. Adicionalmente, a obtenção de linhagens de células de fumo transgênicas viabilizou experimentos que permitiram revelar que os promotores dos genes mustang são modulados por fitohormônios. O perfil transcricional para ambas as classes revelou que estes genes são expressos de forma ubíqua, sendo o meristema o tecido que apresenta maiores níveis relativos de mRNA. A análise integrada dos resultados obtidos sugere o possível envolvimento das proteínas MUSTANG na manutenção da homeostase da resposta hormonal. / Transposable elements constitute a vast quantity of plant genomes, particularly in grasses, they comprise between 50 to 80% of genomic content. Recently, it has been demonstrated that these elements are source of genetic material for new genes creation and new regulatory network establishment. The Brazilian Sugarcane EST Sequencing Project, SUCEST, financed by FAPESP, generated 237.954 mRNA partial sequence derived from several tissues and different physiological conditions, providing a wide range of information of sugarcane transcriptome. A wide spectrum of transposable elements was identified, revealing the Mutator transposon as the most abundantly expressed transposable element in sugarcane genome. The Mutator superfamily was deeply explored in Arabidopsis, sugarcane and rice and it was found that the system comprises two clades of bona fide transposons (Class I and Class II), and two clades of domesticated transposases (Class III and Class IV), named mustang. The domesticated transposases are sequences that have lost their movement capacity and, acquired cellular function. Recently, two genomic copies of Class III and one for Class IV have been cloned and sequenced by our group. In order to gain evidences for unraveling the function of MUSTANG proteins, this work performs a comparative sequence analysis of these genes in grass genomes and a transcriptional activity profile study in sugarcane. Thus, the orthologous loci from sorghum and maize were identified, and it was verified that mustang genes are highly conserved in grass genomes. The putative promoter region of sugarcane genes displayed several transcription factor motifs involved in light, hormone and stress response. Reporter gene fusions showed that the studied regions are indeed transcriptional active promoters. Furthermore, transgenic lines of tobacco BY-2 cells demonstrated that the sugarcane mustang genes are modulated by phytohormones. The expression profile revealed that both classes are ubiquitously transcribed being the meristem the tissue that shows higher relative expression levels. The integrated analysis of these results suggests a possible involvement of MUSTANG proteins in the homeostasis maintenance of hormonal response.
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Influência de elementos genéticos móveis em linhagens de Xanthomonas oryzae. / Influence of mobile genetic elements in Xanthomonas oryzae lineages.Turrini, Paula Cristina Gasperazzo 10 March 2017 (has links)
Elementos móveis influenciam expressivamente a evolução do grupo Bacteria, uma vez que são integrantes importantes do processo de geração da variabilidade genética e promovem a diversidade da população frente à estocasticidade do ambiente. Investigamos a influência de elementos genéticos móveis em linhagens de X. oryzae sob três diferentes aspectos nesta tese. Primeiramente, investigamos a transferência horizontal de um operon adquirido exclusivamente por Xoc, porém ausente em Xoo e linhagens filogenéticamente próximas. A importância da produção do fitormônio GA4 por Xoc é indicada pela alta prevalência do operon em diferentes populações, e pela ampla distrubuição geográfica em um amplo perído de tempo. Também abordamos a influência de elementos genéticos móveis mais amplamente no genoma de X. oryzae. Descrevemos como elementos de transposição, representados por elementos do tipo IS, são capazes de interferir em um sistema central do metabolismo bacteriano, como o sistema de reparo de DNA. Por fim, descrevemos um novo elemento encontrado em X. oryzae e analisamos sua organização, distribuição, filogenia, o nível transcricional e o potencial funcional na interação com seu hospedeiro Nosso conjunto de resultados reitera a importância dos elementos de transposição no aumento de variabilidade genética de populações, e dessa forma, infere sobre seu papel relevante na diversificação em X. oryzae. Descrevemos a variabilidade, exploramos as consequências da amplificação de elementos de transposição nesta espécie, evidenciamos a complexidade desta variação em nível populacional. / Mobile elements are genomic components that trigger genetic variability and promote the diversity of the population against the stochasticity of the environment and therefore, significantly influence the evolution of the Bacteria group. We investigate the influence of mobile genetic elements on X. oryzae lineages under three different aspects in this thesis. First, we investigated the horizontal transfer event of a operon, acquired exclusively by Xoc, but absent in Xoo and phylogenetically close lineages. The importance of the production of the phytohormone GA4 by Xoc is indicated by its high prevalence in different populations, in a wide geographic distribution and in a large time period.We also address the influence of mobile genetic elements more comprehensively in the X. oryzae genome. We describe how transposable elements, represented by IS elements, are capable of interfering in a central system of bacterial metabolism, such as the DNA repair system. Finally, we describe a new element found in X. oryzae and we analyze its organization, distribution, phylogeny and its transcriptional level. We also speculate its function in the X. oryzae-host interaction. Our results reiterate the importance of transposable elements enriching genetic variability of populations and infers on their relevant role in the diversification of X. oryzae lineage. We describe the variability, explore the consequences resulting from the amplification of transposition elements in the X. oryzae species and we show the complexity of this variation at the population level.
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Análise de marcadores cromossômicos em Rineloricaria (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) com ênfase na diversidade cariotípicaGlugoski, Larissa 23 February 2017 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-23 / The Loricariidae family is the largest in the Siluriformes order, being comprised of eight subfamilies. One of these, the Loricariinae subfamily, shows great diversity in respect to the number of chromosomes and karyotype formula, varying in the diploid number (2n) from 36 to 74 chromosomes. This diverse range originated mainly from Robertsonian(Rb) rearrangements. Rineloricaria is the largest genre in the Loricariinae subfamily, its species ranging from 2n = 36 to 70 chromosomes. In spite of this, little is known about which kinds of repetitive DNA gave rise to the events of chromosome fusion or fission. Previous studies have revealed the presence of multiple 5S rDNA sites in specimens of Rineloricaria from the Paraná River Basin, associated to the Robertsonian fission/fusion events. The aim of this work was the molecular characterization of the fragile sites associated to the 5S rDNA, besides localizing in situ marker chromosomes in Rineloricaria latirostris from the Das Pedras River and R. latirostris from the Piumhi River (first described in this work), seeking to understand the 2n diversification in this group. Rineloricaria latirostris from the Pedras River exhibited 2n = 46 chromosomes, while those from the Piumhi River presented 2n = 48 chromosomes, and both had a fundamental number (FN) of 60. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assays in R. latirostris from the Piumhi River revealed 2 chromosome pairs with 5S rDNA sites, pair 7 with 18S rDNA, and only terminal staining when subjected to a telomeric probe (TTAGGGn). The population of the Pedras river exhibited 5 pairs with 5S rDNA sites, the metacentric (m) pair 2 marked with 18S rDNA, TTAGGGn markers in the terminal regions of the chromosomes, and the presence of interstitial telomeric sites (ITS) in pairs m 1 and m 3. The latter, in synteny with 5S rDNA, is indicative of Robertsonian fusion events. The isolation, cloning and sequencing of the 5S rDNA revealed clones with high sequence identity to 5S rDNA from other species, in addition to the necessary regions for recognition and transcription by RNA polymerase III. One clone of ~700 bp exhibited a degenerated fragment of hAT transposon in its sequence. It was named degenerated 5S rDNA. The fluorescence in situ hybridization assay highlighted chromosomes with co-localized staining for 5S rDNA/hAT, 5S rDNA/degenerated 5S rDNA, and 5S rDNA/ITS (m 3 pair) in R. latirostris from das Pedras River. In R. latirostris from Piumhi River, there was no detection of degenerated 5S rDNA sites. These results allow us to infer the role of the hAT transposon in the dispersion of 5S rDNA sites in the population, since some studies have indicated a relation between 5S rDNA dispersion and transposons in fish. In conclusion, data obtained by this study indicate a possible association between the hAT and the dispersion of 5S rDNA sites and Robertsonian events in the studied population of R. latirostris. The presence of the 5S rDNA/degenerated 5S rDNA/ITS generates hotspots for chromosomal breakage, contributing to the large karyotype diversity found in Loricariidae. / A família Loricariidae é a mais numerosa dentro da ordem Siluriformes e abrange oito subfamílias. A subfamília Loricarinae apresenta uma grande diversidade no que diz respeito ao número de cromossomos e a fórmula cariotípica, com variação do número diploide (2n) de 36 a 74 cromossomos, sendo os rearranjos Robertsonianos (Rb) considerados os principais mecanismos para explicar esta variação cromossômica. Rineloricaria é o gênero mais numeroso de Loricariinae, com espécies apresentando 2n = 36 - 70 cromossomos. Contudo, pouco ainda se sabe sobre quais os tipos de DNAs repetitivos originaram os eventos de fissão e fusão cromossômica. Estudos anteriores revelaram a presença de sítios múltiplos de rDNA 5S em exemplares de Rineloricaria da bacia do Rio Paraná, associados aos eventos de fissão/fusão Robertsonianos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a caracterização molecular de sítios frágeis associados ao rDNA 5S, além da localização in situ de marcadores cromossômicos em Rineloricaria latirostris do rio das Pedras e R. latirostris do rio Piumhi (pela primeira vez descrito neste trabalho), visando a compreensão da diversificação do 2n neste grupo. Rineloricaria latirostris do rio das Pedras apresentou 2n = 46 cromossomos, enquanto R. latirostris do rio Piumhi apresentou 2n = 48 cromossomos, ambos com número fundamental (NF) de 60. Ensaios de hibridação in situ fluorescente em R. latirostris do rio Piumhi revelaram 2 pares cromossômicos marcados com rDNA 5S, o par 7 marcado com rDNA 18S, além de apenas marcações terminais utilizando-se a sonda telomérica (TTAGGGn). A população do rio das Pedras apresentou 5 pares portadores de sítios de rDNA 5S, o par metacêntrico (m) 2 marcado com rDNA 18S, marcações de TTAGGGn nas regiões terminais dos cromossomos, além da presença de vestígios de sítios teloméricos intersticiais (interstitial telomeric sites - ITS) nos pares m 1 e m 3, sendo este último em sintenia com o rDNA 5S, indicativo de eventos de fusão Robertsoniana. O isolamento, clonagem e sequenciamento de fragmentos de rDNA 5S, revelaram clones apresentando alta identidade ao rDNA 5S de outras espécies, além das regiões necessárias para o reconhecimento e transcrição pela RNA polimerase III. Um dos clones de ~700 pb apresentou um fragmento do transposon hAT em sua sequência, já em intensa degeneração molecular, sendo denominado de rDNA 5S degenerado. A hibridação in situ fluorescente evidenciou cromossomos com marcações co-localizadas de rDNA 5S/hAT, rDNA 5S/rDNA 5S degenerado e rDNA 5S/ITS (no par m 3) em R. latirostris do rio da Pedras. Em R. latirostris do rio Piumhi, não foram detectados sítios com rDNA 5S degenerado. Estes resultados nos permitem inferir o papel do TE hAT na dispersão dos sítios de rDNA 5S na população estudada, visto que alguns estudos indicam haver uma relação entre a dispersão do rDNA 5S pelo genoma e TEs em peixes. Em conclusão, os dados obtidos neste estudo indicam uma possível associação entre o elemento hAT e a dispersão de sítios de rDNA 5S e eventos Robertsonianos presentes na população de R. latirostris estudada. A presença de rDNA 5S/rDNA 5S degenerado/ITS geram hotspots para as quebras cromossômicas, contribuindo assim para a ampla diversidade cariotípica encontrada em Loricariidae.
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Analyse bioinformatique du contrôle des éléments transposables par les siARN chez Arabidopsis thaliana / Bioinformatic analysis of siRNA control on transposable elements in Arabidopsis thalianaSarazin, Alexis 23 October 2012 (has links)
De nombreux mécanismes contrôlent et limitent la prolifération des éléments transposables (ET) dans les génomes dont ils menacent l'intégrité structurale et fonctionnelle. Chez les plantes l'interférence ARN (ARNi) joue un rôle important dans ces contrôles via des petits ARN d'environ 20nt qui guident la régulation de l'expression de séquences endogènes ou exogènes par deux types de mécanismes. Un premier mécanisme, partagé par de nombreux organismes eucaryotes, inhibe l'activité d'ARNm par un contrôle post-transcriptionnel. Un deuxième type de régulation, permet un contrôle transcriptionnel de l'activité des ET via un mécanisme appelé RNA directed DNA Methylation (RdDM) qui implique des siARN (« short-interfering RNA ») de 24nt qui guident la méthylation de l'ADN spécifiquement au niveau des séquences d'ET. Les siARN sont impliqués également dans la restauration progressive de la méthylation de l'ADN après une perte induite par la mutation du gène DDM1 (Decrease in DNA Methylation 1). L'objectif de cette thèse est de tirer avantage des technologies de séquençage à haut débit pour caractériser le contrôle des ET par les siARN chez la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana.Dans un premier temps, j'ai développé des méthodes et outils bioinformatiques afin de gérer efficacement les données de séquençage à haut débit de banques de petit ARN. Ces outils, regroupés en pipeline, visent à permettre l'étude de l'accumulation des siARN correspondant aux séquences d'ET ou de familles d'ET ainsi que leur visualisation de manière globale ou détaillée.Ces outils ont ensuite été appliqués pour caractériser, dans un contexte sauvage, l'association entre les siARN et les ET afin de déterminer des facteurs pouvant expliquer les différences d'abondance en siARN observées. Ces analyses, réalisées en tenant compte de l'état de méthylation de l'ADN et du contexte génomique des ET apportent une vue statique du contrôle des ET par les siARN et de leur impact sur les gènes situés à proximité.L'analyse de banques de petits ARN de mutants de la voie de l'ARNi a ensuite été réalisée afin mieux caractériser l'impact de la perte de méthylation de l'ADN sur les populations de siARN et notamment définir les mécanismes impliqués dans la production des siARN de 21nt induite dans le mutant ddm1. Ces analyses comparatives du contrôle des ET lors d'une perte de la méthylation de l'ADN ont permis de mettre en évidence une production de siARN de 24nt indépendante de la voie classique du RdDM et de proposer un modèle permettant d'expliquer la production de siARN de 21nt dans le mutant ddm1.Dans un dernier temps, j'ai cherché à mieux définir l'implication des siARN dans la restauration des états de méthylation de l'ADN. Les variations de méthylation de l'ADN induites par la mutation ddm1 ont été caractérisées ainsi que leur stabilité transgénérationnelle au sein d'une population d'epiRIL. La stabilité de l'hypométhylation de l'ADN a été étudiée, au regard de données de séquençage à haut débit de banques de petits ARN de lignées WT, ddm1 ainsi que pour 4 lignées epiRIL, afin d'apporter une notion temporelle à l'étude du contrôle des ET par les siARN.Les résultats soulignent le rôle majeur des petits ARN pour le contrôle des éléments transposables afin de préserver l'intégrité structurale et fonctionnelle du génome et ce, via des mécanismes variés en fonction des ET. Ce travail ouvre la voie vers une analyse du contrôle des ET par les siARN basée sur une approche regroupant les ET en réseaux en fonction des séquences de siARN qu'ils partagent. Cela permettrait d'étudier les « connections-siARN » entre ET afin de, par exemple, explorer l'action en trans des siARN pour la restauration de la méthylation de l'ADN. / Many mechanisms control and limit the proliferation of transposable elements (TEs) which could otherwise threaten the structural and functional integrity of the genome. In plants RNA interference (RNAi) plays an important role in this control through small RNAs that guide the expression regulation of endogenous or exogenous sequences by two types of mechanisms. The first such mechanism, shared by many eukaryotic organisms, acts at the post-transcriptionnal level to inhibit the activity of mRNA. A second type of regulation allows the transcriptional control of TEs activity through a mechanism called RNA directed DNA methylation (RdDM) which involves 24nt long siRNA ("short-interfering RNA") that guide DNA methylation specifically on TEs sequences. Furthermore, siRNAs are also involved in the progressive restoration of DNA methylation after a loss induced by mutation of the DDM1 gene (Decrease in DNA Methylation 1). The aim of this thesis is to take advantage of high-throughput sequencing technologies to characterize these TEs controls mechanisms by siRNA in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana .At first, I developed methods and bioinformatics tools to effectively manage data produced by high-throughput sequencing of small RNA libraries. These tools, combined in a pipeline, are designed to allow the study the accumulation of siRNA corresponding to TE sequences or TE families as well as their global or detailed visualization.These tools were applied to characterize, in a wild type background, the association between siRNA and TEs in order to define factors that may explain the observed differences in siRNA abundance . These analyses were performed by taking into account both DNA methylation states and genomic context. It provides a static view of siRNA control of TEs and their impact on nearby genes. Then, analysis of small RNA libraries from mutants of the RNAi pathway was performed to better characterize the impact of DNA methylation loss on siRNA populations and to define the mechanisms involved in the production of 21nt siRNA induced in the ddm1 mutant. These comparative analyses of the TE control after loss of DNA methylation allow us to highlight the production of 24nt siRNA independently of the classical RdDM pathway and to propose a model explaining the production of 21nt siRNA in the ddm1 mutant. At last, I tried to clarify the involvement of siRNA in the restoration of DNA methylation. Changes in DNA methylation induced by ddm1 mutation were characterized as well as their transgenerational stability in an epiRIL population. The stability of DNA hypomethylation has been studied in relation to high-throughput sequencing of small RNAs data from WT, ddm1 and 4 epiRIL lines. It provides a temporal view of the TE control by siRNA. The results highlight the important role of small RNAs in the control of transposable elements in order to preserve structural and functional integrity of the genome through a variety of mechanisms depending on TE sequences. This work opens the way to the analysis of the siRNA control on TEs based on approaches that combine TEs in networks based on their shared siRNA sequences. It would allow to study "siRNA-connections" between TEs in order to explore, for example, the action in trans of siRNA in the restoration of DNA methylation defect.
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Aplicação do RBIP-qPCR em elementos de transposição adjacentes à genes de resistência para, posteriormente, verificar a ocorrência de associação entre genes de resistência e elementos de transposição. / Aplicação do RBIP-qPCR em elementos de transposição adjacentes à genes de resistência para, posteriormente, verificar a ocorrência de associação entre genes de resistência e elementos de transposição.Ragagnin, Geovani Tolfo 24 April 2018 (has links)
Cana-de-açúcar é uma planta agrícola com grande importância econômica para o Brasil. Os cultivares modernos de cana-de-açúcar apresentam uma alta complexidade genômica, devido ao seu genoma ser poliploide e com número cromossômico variando entre 100-120. As plantas de cana-de-açúcar estão sujeitas ao ataque de diversos tipos de patógenos, e sua tolerância depende da ação de genes de resistência. Estes podem desencadear uma cascata de reações ou interagir diretamente com uma molécula efetora, resultando em tolerância por parte da planta à presença do patógeno. O genoma dos cultivares moderno apresentam inúmeros elementos de transposição posicionados em diferentes regiões do genoma. Devido a essa abundância, os elementos de transposição estão sendo usados como marcadores moleculares, por exemplo, RBIP (Retrotransposon-Based Insertion Polymorphism), que identifica polimorfismos baseado na inserção de elementos do tipo retrotransposons. Esta técnica é capaz de diferenciar a presença e a ausência de um elemento de transposição em uma determinada região do genoma. Para a aplicação em organismos poliploides foi desenvolvida a técnica RBIP-qPCR, permitindo dosar a presença e ausência de um elemento de transposição em um organismo poliploide. Sendo assim este trabalho tem como objetivo aplicar a técnica de RBIP-qPCR em elementos de transposição alocados adjacentes a genes de resistência a fim de, posteriormente, verificar a existência de associação entre genes de resistência e elementos de transposição. Para isso foram analisadas três famílias de genes de resistência, I2C-2, Xa21 e Pti1. Foram realizadas análises de composição genômica de cada uma das regiões, genômica comparativa entre as variedades de R570 e SP80-3280 para a região genômica que contém o gene I2C-2, além de uma análise de expressão de genes e elementos de transposição vizinhos neste loco. A partir destes estudos foi possível selecionar um elemento de transposição, scDEL 5.1, para aplicar a técnica de RBIP-qPCR. Os resultados das análises de reconhecimento do ambiente genômico determinou a escolha de um elemento para aplicação da técnica. Verificamos que na ausência de scDEL 5.1 a metodologia RBIPqPCR foi eficaz em todos os genomas testados. As análises de presença de scDEL 5.1 no loco revelaram que elementos com elevado número de cópias no genoma não são adequados para a aplicação da metodologia. / Sugarcane is an agricultural plant with great economic importance for Brazil. The modern cultivars of sugarcane present a high genomic complexity, due to their genome being polyploid and with chromosome number varying between 100-120. Sugarcane plants are targets of several types of pathogens, and their tolerance depends on the action of resistance genes. These can trigger a cascade of reactions or interact directly with an effector molecule, resulting in tolerance by the plant to the presence of the pathogen. The genome of modern cultivars presents several transposable elements allocated in different regions of the genome. Due to this abundance, transposable elements are being used as molecular markers, such as RBIP (Retrotransposon-Based Insertion Polymorphism), which identifies polymorphisms based on the insertion of retrotransposon. This technique is able to differentiate the presence and absence of a transposable element in a particular region of the genome. For the application in polyploid organisms the RBIP-qPCR technique was developed, allowing measuring the presence and absence of a transposable element in a polyploid organism. Therefore, the objective of this work is to apply the RBIP-qPCR technique to on a transposable element localized adjacent to resistance genes in order to, latterly, verify the existence of association between resistance genes and transposable elements. For this, three families of resistance genes, I2C-2, Xa21 and Pti1 were analyzed. Genomic composition analyzes of each region, comparative genomics between the R570 and SP80-3280 varieties for the genomic region containing the I2C-2 gene, as well as an analysis of genes and elements expression neighbors at this locus were performed. From these studies it was possible to select a transposition element, scDEL 5.1, to apply the RBIP-qPCR technique. The results of the genomic environment recognition analysis determined the choice the transposable element for the application of the technique. We verified that in the absence of scDEL 5.1 the RBIP-qPCR methodology was effective in all genomes tested. Analysis of the presence of scDEL 5.1 in the locus revealed that elements with high copy number in the genome are not suitable for the application of the methodology.
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Helena chez la Drosophila / Helena in DrosophilaGranzotto, Adriana 16 February 2011 (has links)
Les éléments transposables (ET) sont des séquences d’ADN capables de catalyser son propre mouvement et d’entrer dans de nouvelles régions du génome. Dans la présente étude, nous avons étudié Helena, un élément LINE qui est à différents stades de son cycle évolutif et donc, il est un bon modèle pour l’étude de la dynamique évolutive des TE. À travers une analyse de bio-informatique dans les douze génomes séquencés de la drosophile nous avons étudié l’évolution de Helena, et nous proposons un scénario possible pour l’évolution de cet élément. Helena est à différents stades de son cycle de vie, allant d’un état complet (D. simulans et D. mojavensis) à très dégradé (D. yakuba, D.erecta, D. ananassae et D. virilis) ou absent (D. pseudoobscura, D. persimilis, D. grimshawi et d. willistoni). L’analyse phylogénétique a montré que Helena était présent chez l’ancêtre commun du genre Drosophila et a été transmis verticalement dans des lignées dérivées. De plus, nous avons détectées des copies intactes uniquement chez D. mojavensis et nous avons étudié plus en détail sa région 5’ (extrémité). Nous avons utilisé un gène rapporteur et confirmé la présence du promoteur interne pour Pol II qui est associé à des modifications épigénétiques de l’histone : hétérochromatine permissive (H3K4me2) et répressive (H3K27me3). Ces « marques bivalents » indiquent que Helena peuvent être exprimés en réponse à un stimulus spécifique. Une étude de l’élément BS, un TE étroitement liée à Helena, a montré que la dynamique évolutive des deux ETs sont très similaires. Les résultats montrent que CET élément, comme Helena, se trouve à différents stades de son cycle évolutif / The transposable elements (TEs) are DNA sequences capable of catalyze its own movement and to enter into new regions of the genome. In the present study we studied Helena, a LINE element that is at different stages of its evolutionary cycle and therefore, it is a good model for studies of TEs evolutionary dynamics. Through bioinformatics analysis of 12 Drosophila species which have their genomes sequenced, we found Helena in different stages of its evolutionary cycle, that varies of at least one full active copy (D. mojavensis) an putatively complete copy, but inactive (D. simulans) to highly degenerate (D. yakuba, D. erecta, D. ananassae and D. virilis) or absent (D. pseudoobscura, D. persimilis, D. willistoni and D. grimshawi) sequences. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Helena was present in the common ancestor of the Drosophila genus and has been vertically transmitted in derived lineages, but lost on some of them. Since a complete highly active copy was observed only in D. mojavensis, we studied in more detail its 5' end region. We used a reporter gene and verified the presence of internal promoter for Pol II that is associated with epigenetic histone modifications for permissive (H3K4me2) and repressive heterochromatin (H3K27me3). These “bivalent marks” indicate that Helena can be expressed in response to specific stimulus. A study of BS element, a TE closely related to Helena, showed that the evolutionary dynamics of both TEs are very similar. Bioinformatics analysis of the 12 Drosophila genomes revealed that BS is also widely variable in the species analyzed regarding to distribution, abundance, degree of degradation and also about their evolutionary cycle
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Caracterização de transposases da família SChaT em cana-de-açúcar: estudo molecular e funcional. / Characterization of SChAT family transposases in sugarcane: molecular and functional studies.Cruz, Edgar Andrés Ochoa 19 June 2012 (has links)
Os elementos de transposição (TEs) se movimentam de um locus para outro no genoma afetando a estrutura e evolução destes. A superfamília de transposases hAT é definida pelos elementos que compartilham os domínios de dimerização e ligação ao DNA com os transposons previamente descritos: hobo, Activator e Tam3. Análises prévias encontraram algumas evidencias da presença genômica e ativação transcricional de TEs relacionados à superfamília hAT em cana-de-açúcar (denominados de família SChAT) e pelo menos três linhagens evolutivas foram postuladas. O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar versões genômicas das linhagens de transposons (191 e 257) e linhagem possivelmente domesticada (074). Pretende-se estudar as relações evolutivas, distribuição em gramíneas, identificar os padrões de expressão e propriedades funcionais. Regiões de sintenia foram estabelecidas para estes BACs em Arabidopsis thaliana, Brachypodium distachyon, Sorghum bicolor, Oryza sativa e Zea mays. Elementos relacionados com as três linhagens foram procurados nestes genomas. / Transposable elements (TEs) are able to move from one locus to another within a genome. TE mobilization affects genome structure and evolution. The hAT transposase superfamily is defined as elements that share the dimerization and DNA ligation domains with the previously described hobo, Activator and Tam3 transposon elements. Previous analyses found some genomic and transcriptional evidences of TEs related to hAT superfamily in sugarcane (named SChAT family) and at least three evolutionary lineages were proposed. The aim of this work is to characterize full-length genomic versions of the transposons lineages (191 and 257) and from the domesticated lineage (074). It is proposed to study the evolutionary relationship, distribution along grasses genomes, identify expression patterns and functional capacities of the SChAT elements. Syntenic regions for the BACs containing elements from the three lineages were mapped in Arabidopsis thaliana, Brachypodium distachyon, Sorghum bicolor, Oryza sativa and Zea mays. Related elements were search on the same genomes.
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La régulation épigénétique des éléments transposables dans les populations naturelles de Drosophila simulansHubert, Benjamin 17 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La méthylation de l'ADN et les modifications post-traductionnelles des histones sont desmodifications épigénétiques qui interviennent dans la régulation des éléments transposables(ET) chez de nombreuses espèces. La proportion des ET dans les génomes varie selon lesespèces considérées et pose la question des mécanismes de régulation de ces ET. Au sein del'espèce Drosophila simulans, les populations naturelles présentent un polymorphisme uniquedans le nombre de copies des ET, ce qui en fait un excellent modèle pour étudier cettequestion. L'étude de la méthylation d'ADN et des modifications post-traductionnelles deshistones associées au rétrotransposon à LTR tirant dans la lignée germinale des populationsnaturelles a permis de montrer l'influence d'une copie d'ET sur la structure de la chromatineau site d'insertion. Dans un second volet, nous avons cherché à caractériser la méthylation del'ADN chez la drosophile, chez laquelle la fonction est encore mal connue. Nous avons, pardes approches spécifiques et globales, mesuré l'abondance de cette marque épigénétique chezla drosophile. Nous concluons que les taux de méthylation de l'ADN sont très faibles maisvariables entre espèces. Notre travail n'a pas permis de mettre en évidence un rôle de laméthylation de l'ADN dans le contrôle des ET, toutefois, nous ne pouvons pas exclure cesystème de régulation.
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Alteration of transcription by non-coding elements in the human genomeConley, Andrew Berton 27 June 2012 (has links)
The human genome contains ~1.5% coding sequence, with the remaining 98.5% being non-coding. The functional potential of the majority of this non-coding sequence remains unknown. Much of this non-coding sequence is derived from transposable element (TE) sequences. These TE sequences contain their own regulatory information, e.g. promoter and transcription factor binding sites. Given the large number of these sequences, over 4 million in the human genome, it would be expected that the regulatory information that they contain would affect the expression of nearby genes. This dissertation describes research that characterizes that alternation of and contribution to the human transcriptome by non-coding elements, including TE sequences.
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