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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Computational Methods for Solving Next Generation Sequencing Challenges

Aldwairi, Tamer Ali 13 December 2014 (has links)
In this study we build solutions to three common challenges in the fields of bioinformatics through utilizing statistical methods and developing computational approaches. First, we address a common problem in genome wide association studies, which is linking genotype features within organisms of the same species to their phenotype characteristics. We specifically studied FHA domain genes in Arabidopsis thaliana distributed within Eurasian regions by clustering those plants that share similar genotype characteristics and comparing that to the regions from which they were taken. Second, we also developed a tool for calculating transposable element density within different regions of a genome. The tool is built to utilize the information provided by other transposable element annotation tools and to provide the user with a number of options for calculating the density for various genomic elements such as genes, piRNA and miRNA or for the whole genome. It also provides a detailed calculation of densities for each family and subamily of the transposable elements. Finally, we address the problem of mapping multi reads in the genome and their effects on gene expression. To accomplish this, we implemented methods to determine the statistical significance of expression values within the genes utilizing both a unique and multi-read weighting scheme. We believe this approach provides a much more accurate measure of gene expression than existing methods such as discarding multi reads completely or assigning them randomly to a set of best assignments, while also providing a better estimation of the proper mapping locations of ambiguous reads. Overall, the solutions we built in these studies provide researchers with tools and approaches that aid in solving some of the common challenges that arise in the analysis of high throughput sequence data.

Transposable element RNAi goes beyond post-transcriptional silencing: mRNA-derived small RNAs both regulate genes and initiate DNA methylation

McCue, Andrea D. 02 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Comparative genomics of transposable element evolution and their evolutionary impacts in fish and other vertebrate genomes / Génomique comparative de l'évolution et de l'impact évolutif des éléments transposables chez les poissons et autres vertébrés

Chalopin, Domitille 23 May 2014 (has links)
Les éléments transposables (ETs) sont des éléments génétiques mobiles capables de se déplacer et de se multiplier au sein d’un génome. Identifiés dans la plupart des espèces vivantes incluant les bactéries, mais longtemps considérés comme de l’ADN poubelle, aujourd’hui les ETs sont indéniablement des acteurs majeurs impliqués dans l’évolution des gènes, des génomes et des organismes. Si à l’échelle des individus les ETs peuvent avoir des effets délétères pouvant entrainer des maladies, à plus grande échelle ils sont de puissants agents évolutifs impliqués dans la plasticité génomique. Ces « parasites » peuvent également être sources de nouveaux matériels génétiques comme des promoteurs ou même de nouveaux gènes avec de nouvelles fonctions pour l’hôte. Les objectifs majeurs de mon travail de thèse ont été de déterminer les différentes familles d’ETs présentes dans les génomes de poissons, la part que chacune d’entre elles occupe dans ces génomes et enfin de comprendre l’histoire évolutive des familles d’ETs dans les génomes de poissons en comparaison avec les autres génomes de vertébrés. Cette comparaison à grande échelle permettra de comprendre les différentes stratégies évolutives des ETs. D’autre part, j’ai étudié deux gènes de vertébrés, Gin-1 et Gin-2 dérivés d’ETs, dans le but de comprendre leurs origines et évolution au sein des vertébrés ainsi que d’émettre des hypothèses quant à leur fonction moléculaire potentielle encore inconnue. Pour cela, des analyses in silico ont permis de mieux comprendre les origines de ces gènes. Gin-1, présent chez les amniotes, et Gin-2, absent uniquement des mammifères placentaires, dérivent tous deux de transposons GIN. / Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile genetic elements - able to move and to multiply within genomes - identified in almost all living organisms including bacteria. Considered as junk DNA for long, nowadays they are undeniably major players of gene, genome and host evolution. TEs can be deleterious causing diseases but these “parasites” can also be source of new genetic materials as promoters or even new genes bringing new functions for hosts. The objectives of my thesis was to determine the presence or not of the different TE families in vertebrate genomes, as well as their respective content to understand their evolutionary history. I performed a large-Scale comparative analysis to highlight the various evolutionary strategies of TEs. I showed that TE content is highly variable in vertebrate genomes, the smallest and the largest being found in fish, and may contribute to their genome sizes especially in fish. These superfamilies underwent differential waves of activity in vertebrate species highlighting TE dynamics. On another hand, I focused on the study of a vertebrate-Specific TE-Derived gene, named Gin-2, to understand its origin, evolution, and its potential function in vertebrates. In silico analyses showed that Gin-2 is a very ancient gene (500 My, only absent from placentals) derived from GIN transposons. Further analyses present a particular expression in brain and gonads during adulthood, while a strong expression during gastrulation suggests a potential role of Gin-2 in zebrafish development. All together, the different analyses contribute to a better view of TE evolution and their evolutionary impacts in vertebrate genomes.

Modélisation mathématique des dynamiques hôtes-parasites ; de l’écologie parasitaire à l’écologie du génome / Mathematical modeling of host-parasite dynamics; from parasite ecology to genome ecology

Flores Ferrer, Alheli 14 June 2019 (has links)
Ce document est dédié à la modélisation dynamique des interactions hôtes-parasites. Il porte sur deux modèles biologiques très différents, mais étudiés à l’aide de modèles épidémiologiques standards construits à partir de systèmes dynamiques à compartiments. La première contribution est l’implémentation d’un modèle ‘micro-parasites’ pour étudier la transmission du parasite protozoaire Trypanosoma cruzi, agent étiologique de la trypanosomiase américaine (ou ‘maladie de Chagas’), au sein d’une communauté d’hôtes synanthropiques et domestiques. L’analyse du modèle mathématique montre pour la première fois dans ce système biologique un effet de dilution associé aux hôtes aviaires, ainsi que la possibilité de réduire la transmission à l’homme par modification de la composition de la communauté d’hôtes domestiques. La seconde contribution porte sur la dynamique des ‘parasites génomiques’ que sont les éléments transposables. En utilisant les analogies entre concepts de génomique et d’écologie proposées par l’approche d’ « Écologie du génome », il a été possible d’adapter des modèles développés pour les ‘macro-parasites’ à la dynamique d’éléments transposables de classe 1, les retro-transposons. L’analyse de cesmodèles permet de formuler des hypothèses sur l’importance relative de la démographie des hôtes, de la distribution du nombre de copies entre les individus et des mécanismes moléculaires de silencing de ces éléments, sur leurpersistance au sein de population d’hôtes se reproduisant de façon asexuée. / This document is dedicated to the dynamic modeling of host-parasite interactions. It is about two distant biological models, who are studied using standard epidemiological models built from dynamic compartmental models. The first contribution is the implementation of a 'micro-parasites' model to study the transmission of the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of American trypanosomiasis (or 'Chagas' disease), within a host community of synanthropic and domestic animals. The analysis of the mathematical model shows for the first time in this biological system a dilution effect associated with avian hosts, as well as the possibility of reducing the transmission to humans by modifying the composition of the domestic host communities. The second contribution deals with the dynamics of the "genomic parasites" that are the transposable elements. Using the analogies between genomics and ecology concepts proposed by the "Genome Ecology" approach, it was possible to adapt models developed for 'macro-parasites' to the dynamics of transposable elements of class 1, retro-transposons. The analysis of these models makes it possible toformulate hypotheses on the relative importance of the host demography, the distribution of the number of copies between individuals and the molecular mechanisms of silencing of these elements, on their persistence within the population of hosts reproducing asexually.

Análise da ocorrência de transposição em regiões reguladoras dos genes da família Cyp em espécies de Drosophila /

Ricci, Julcimary. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Claudia Marcia Aparecida Carareto / Banca: Ricardo De Marco / Banca: André Luís Laforga Vanzela / Resumo: A resistência aos inseticidas é um modelo de processo evolutivo onde o inseticida atua como agente seletivo e, como resposta à seleção, ocorre a evolução da resistência nas populações de insetos. As enzimas citocromo P450 monooxigenases (CYP) formam uma família responsável pela resistência aos inseticidas. Tem sido proposto que a inserção de elementos transponíveis (TEs) em regiões reguladoras ou codificadoras dos genes da família Cyp pode alterar a expressão gênica e induzir a resistência aos inseticidas. No presente estudo foram realizadas análises in silico que permitiram identificar a ocorrência de inserções de fragmentos de TEs em 35 genes Cyps com diferentes funções, e em seus genes flanqueadores, em Drosophila melanogaster e D. simulans, além de 13 genes Cyps de seis espécies do grupo melanogaster de Drosophila. As inserções de TEs ocorreram principalmente nas regiões flanqueadoras 5' dos Cyps associados à resistência aos inseticidas e à função monooxigenase geral. Os resultados não indicaram qualquer relação entre a distância em relação ao gene e o número de inserções. As análises mostraram que a maioria das inserções pertence à classe de transposons de DNA, sendo o transposon DNAREP1_DM o que apresentou o maior número de cópias. O fato de essas seqüências apresentarem putativos sítios de ligação de fatores de transcrição sugere que possam desempenhar algum papel na regulação dos genes Cyps. Também foi analisada a ocorrência de polimorfismos de inserção de TEs em regiões flanqueadoras de genes da família Cyp, em diferentes linhagens geográficas resistentes e suscetíveis, de D. melanogaster e D. simulans. Análises evidenciaram a presença de polimorfismo interpopulacional de tamanho das regiões flanqueadoras dos genes Cyp6w1, Cyp6a2 e Cyp12d1, porém, não indicaram... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Insecticide resistance is a model of evolutionary process where the insecticide acts as the selective agent and resistance in the insect populations evolves as an answer to selection. Cytochrome monooxygenases (CYP) is family of enzymes responsible for the insecticide resistance. It has been proposed that insertion of transposable elements (TEs) in regulatory or coding regions of the Cyp genes can alter gene expression and induce insecticide resistance. In the present study in silico analyses allowed identifying the insertion of TE fragments in 35 Cyp genes with different functions, in Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans, as well as in 13 Cyps of six species of the melanogaster group of Drosophila. The TE insertions occurred mainly in the 5' flanking regions of Cyp genes associated to resistance and to those with a general monooxygenase function. The results did not indicate any relationship between the number of insertions and the distance in relation to the gene. The analyses showed that most of the insertions belong to the DNA transposon class, being DNAREP1_DM the most numerous. Since this element carry putative biding sites of transcription factors it can be suggested they play same role in gene regulation. The polymorphism of TE insertions in the flanking regions of Cyp6w1, Cyp6a2 and Cyp12d1, genes associated to resistance, found in resistant and as well as in susceptible geographical strains of D. melanogaster and D. simulans, does not indicate any relationship between the presence of TEs in those regions and the insecticide resistance. The results also showed that the insertions of TEs in the proximities of the Cyps associated to resistance is differential among six species of the melanogaster group, not following the genomic proportion of TEs in each species. These results also suggest that TEs inserted in the Cyp flanking regions can carry out an adaptive... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Identificação e caracterização de elementos de transposição no genoma de Rhynchosciara / Identification e characterization of transposable elements in genome of Rhynchosciara

Teixeira, Paula Rezende 18 April 2007 (has links)
Os elementos de transposição são seqüências discretas que são capazes de mover- se de um lócus para outro, constituindo uma parte significante do genoma de eucariotos. São agrupados em duas classes principais, os elementos da Classe I, que se transpõem via um intermediário de RNA (retrotransposon), e os elementos da Classe II, que se transpõem via mecanismo de DNA do tipo corta e cola (transposon). A análise das seqüências de um banco de cDNA construído com RNA mensageiro da glândula salivar de Rhynchosciara americana mostrou a presença de representantes das duas classes de elementos. Nesse trabalho caracteriza-se quarto elementos de transposição tipo mariner, onde as seqüências consenso de nucleotídeos foram derivadas de múltiplas cópias defectivas contendo deleções, mudança no quadro de leitura e códons de terminação. Ramar1, um elemento full-length e Ramar2 um elemento defectivo que contém uma deleção na região interna da ORF da transposase, mas mantém e as extremidades intactas. Ramar3 e Ramar4 são elementos defectivos que apresentam muitas deleções no interior da ORF. As seqüências preditas das transposases demostraram que Ramar1 e Ramar2 estão filogeneticamente muito próximos dos elementos mariner da subfamília mauritiana. Enquanto, Ramar3 e Ramar4 pertencem às subfamílias mellifera e irritans, respectivamente. Hibridização in situ mostrou que Ramar1 localiza-se em muitas regiões do cromossomo, principalmente na heterocromatina pericentromérica, enquanto Ramar2 aparece em uma única banda no cromossomo A. Resultado ainda mais curioso foi a caracterização molecular de um elemento de retrotransposição, denominado RaTART, que provavelmente é o responsável pela reconstituição telomérica em R.americana, assim como os elementos TART, HeT-A e TAHRE de Drosophila. Experimentos de Southern Blots do retroelemento RaTART indicam que este está representado por seqüências repetidas no genoma de R.americana, enquanto que Northern Blots mostraram uma expressão em diferentes estágios do desenvolvimento e o transcrito de alto peso molecular detectado representa o retrotransposon non-LTR inteiro. Enquanto a localização cromossômica de RaTART por hibridização in situ mostrou uma marcação predominante nas extremidades dos cromossomos, indicando possivelmente o primeiro elemento de transposição descrito em R.americana com função definida na estrutura do cromossomo. O último retrotransposon, identificado nesse projeto, presente no genoma de R.americana, denominado R2Ra, foi isolado a partir de uma varredura em um banco genômico construído no bacteriófago lambda dash usando como sonda o recombinante pRa1.4 que contém a unidade de repetição do rDNA. A análise da seqüência mostrou a presença de regiões conservadas, como o domínio de transcriptase reversa e o motivo zinc finger na região amino-terminal. O sítio de inserção no gene 28S do rDNA é altamente conservado em R.americana e a análise filogenética mostrou que este elemento pertence ao grupo R2. A localização cromossômica confirma que o elemento móvel R2Ra se insere em um sítio específico no gene rDNA. / Transposable elements are discrete sequences that are able to move from one locus to another within the genome, constituting a significant part of eukaryotic genome. They are grouped into two main types, Class I elements transpose via an RNA intermediate (retrotransposon), and Class II elements transpose via a DNA \"cut-and-paste\" mechanism (transposons). The analysis of sequences of a cDNA bank constructed from mRNA of the salivary glands of Rhynchosciara americana showed the presence of putative types of two classes elements. In the present thesis we describe four mariner elements, where the nucleotides consensus sequences were derived from multiple defective copies containing deletions, frame shifts and stop codons. Ramar1, a full-length element and Ramar2 is a defective mariner element that contains a deletion overlapping most of the internal region of the transposase ORF and the extremities of the element maintain intact. Ramar3 e Ramar4 are defective mariner element that were impossible to predict a complete ORF. Predicted transposase sequences demonstrated that Ramar1 and Ramar2 are phylogenetically very close to mariner-like elements of mauritiana subfamily. However, Ramar3 and Ramar4 belong to mellifera and irritans subfamilies, respectively. In situ hybridisations showed Ramar1 localized in several chromosome regions, mainly in pericentromeric heterochromatin and their boundaries, while Ramar2 appeared as a single band in chromosome A. More interesting data were the molecular characterization of the non-LTR retrotransposon element, called as RaTART, that probably is the responsible by telomeric reconstruction in R.americana, as well as the telomeric retrotransposable elements TART, Het-A and TAHRE of Drosophila. Southern blot analysis indicated that this transposable element is represented by repeat sequences in the genome of R. americana, and Northern blot analysis showed a expression in different developmental stages and the transcript of high molecular mass detected represents the full-length non-LTR retrotransposon. However, the chromosomal localization of the retroelement by in situ hybridisation showed a labelling predominant on chromosome ends, indicating possibly the first transposable element described in R.americana with a defined role in chromosome structure. The last retrotransposon, identified in this project, present in the genome of Rhynchosciara americana, called R2Ra, was isolated from screening of a lambda dash genomic library using as probe the recombinant pRa1.4 of rDNA. The analysis of sequence showed the presence of conserved regions, like transcriptase reverse domain and zinc finger motif in the amino terminal region. The insertion site is high conserved in R.americana and a phylogenetic analysis showed that this element belongs to the R2 clade. The chromosomal localization confirm that the R2Ra mobile element insert into the site specific in rDNA gene.

Estudo cromossômico em espécies de Rineloricaria (ACTINOPTERYGII: SILURIFORMES: LORICARIIDAE): diversidade cariotípica e DNAs repetitivos

Primo, Cleberson Cezario 23 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T19:59:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cleberson Cezario Primo.pdf: 3495062 bytes, checksum: 39e96203835221786c05ef8ab3b75523 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The Loricariidae family (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes) is morphologically diverse, has a number close to 900 valid species, distributed in seven subfamilies (Lithogeneinae, Delturinae, Neoplecostominae, Hypoptopomatinae, Loricariinae, Ancistrinae and Hypostominae). However, cytogenetic studies in species of the family show evolutionary trends of karyotype diversification well defined for each of the subfamilies and the diploid number (2n) of 54 chromosomes is considered basal. Among the representatives of the subfamily Loricariinae, the variation of 2n is 36 to 74 chromosomes. Given these data, the Robertsonian rearrangements are the main mechanisms to explain the chromosome number variation in the subfamily. Rineloricaria is the most specious genus of Loricariinae, porting species with 2n = 36 to 2n = 70 chromosomes. However, little is known about what types of repetitive DNAs originate fission and fusion chromosome events. In this study, species of Rineloricaria from different rivers of the Paraná drainage were studied: Rineloricaria latirostris (Laranjinha river, Cinzas basin and Barra Grande river, Ivaí basin); Rineloricaria pentamaculata (Barra Grande and Juruba rivers, Tibagi basin); and, Rineloricaria stellata and Rineloricaria capitonia (Upper Uruguai river). The aim of this study was to characterize the karyotypes of populations/species of Rineloricaria and to check what types of repetitive DNAs may be related to Robertsonian events in the genus. In R. latirostris was detected 2n = 46 chromosomes for both populations, as well as for a triploid specimen from Laranjinha river. Rineloricaria pentamaculata had 2n = 56 chromosomes to populations from Barra Grande and Juruba rivers and a karyomorph in Barra Grande river with 2n = 54 chromosomes. Rineloricaria stellata had 2n = 54 chromosomes, while R. capitonia presented 2n = 64 chromosomes, both from the Uruguai river. The results using the chromosomal markers of 18S rDNA, 5S rDNA and TTAGGGn telomeric probe showed that these repetitive DNAs participated in end to end fusions of the st/a chromosomes in the karyotype diversification of R. latirostris. Vestiges of interstitial telomeric sites (ITS) were also detected in R. pentamaculata, karyomorph of 54 chromosomes from the Barra Grande river, suggesting chromosomal fusion to the diversification of this karyotype. The wide range of 2n between R. stellata and R. capitonia is compatible to the reproductive isolation of syntopic species and the diversification of R. capitonia can be explained by centric fusions. In addition to Robertsonian rearrangements, the pericentric inversions also assisted in the diversification of karyotypic formulas among the species/populations. In situ localization analysis using the transposable element Tc1-Mariner Like probe showed no evidence of the participation of transposon in chromosomal rearrangements and dispersion of multiple sites of 5S rDNA in Rineloricaria. Furthermore, analyzes of the Tc1-Mariner Like sequences showed intense molecular degeneration, especially in transposase domains. These results indicate the absence of activity of these sequences, which must be inert or serve to other genomic functions in the genus. Thus, this study discusses the telomeric instability, repetitive DNAs and the participation of rDNA gene families in karyotype diversification events in Rineloricaria. / A família Loricariidae (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes) é extremamente diversificada morfologicamente, conta com um número próximo a 900 espécies válidas, distribuídas em sete subfamílias (Lithogeneinae, Delturinae, Neoplecostominae, Hypoptopomatinae, Loricariinae, Ancistrinae e Hypostominae). Não obstante, os estudos citogenéticos em representantes da família mostram tendências evolutivas da diversificação cariotípica bem definidas para cada uma das subfamílias, sendo considerado basal o número diploide (2n) de 54 cromossomos. Entre os representantes da subfamília Loricariinae a variação do 2n é de 36 a 74 cromossomos. Diante destes dados, os rearranjos Robertsonianos são os principais mecanismos para explicar a variação cromossômica numérica na subfamília. Rineloricaria é o gênero mais especioso de Loricariinae, com espécies apresentando 2n = 36 até 2n = 70 cromossomos. Contudo, pouco se sabe sobre quais os tipos de DNAs repetitivos originam os eventos de fissão e fusão cromossômica. Neste estudo, foram avaliadas espécies de Rineloricaria de diferentes rios do sistema hidrográfico do Paraná: Rineloricaria latirostris (rio Laranjinha, bacia do rio das Cinzas e rio Barra Grande, bacia do rio Ivaí); Rineloricaria pentamaculata (rio Barra Grande e rio Juruba, bacia do rio Tibagi); e, Rineloricaria stellata e Rineloricaria capitonia (Alto Rio Uruguai). O objetivo foi de caracterizar cariotipicamente as populações/espécies de Rineloricaria estudadas, além de verificar quais os tipos de DNAs repetitivos podem estar relacionados aos eventos Robertsonianos no gênero. Em R. latirostris foi detectado 2n = 46 cromossomos para ambas populações, além de um exemplar triploide para o rio Laranjinha. Rineloricaria pentamaculata apresentou 2n = 56 cromossomos para as populações dos rios Barra Grande e Juruba e um cariomorfo 2n = 54 cromossomos no rio Barra Grande. Rineloricaria stellata apresentou 2n = 54 cromossomos, enquanto R. capitonia detém 2n = 64 cromossomos, ambas do rio Uruguai. Os resultados com marcadores cromossômicos de rDNA 18S, rDNA 5S e sonda TTAGGGn evidenciaram que estes DNAs repetitivos participaram dos eventos de fusão terminal para terminal (end to end fusions) de cromossomos st/a na diversificação cariotípica de R. latirostris. Vestígios de sítios teloméricos intersticiais (ITS) foram evidenciados também em R. pentamaculata, cariomorfo de 54 cromossomos do rio Barra Grande, sugerindo fusão cromossômica para a diversificação deste cariótipo. A ampla variação de 2n entre R. stellata e R. capitonia é compatível para o isolamento reprodutivo das espécies sintópicas e pode ser explicado por fissões cêntricas na diversificação de R. capitonia. Além dos rearranjos Robertsonianos, as inversões pericêntricas também auxiliaram na diversificação de fórmulas cariotípicas entre as espécies/populações. A análise de localização in situ do elemento transponível Tc1-Mariner Like não mostrou evidências da participação deste transposon nos rearranjos cromossômicos e na dispersão dos sítios múltiplos de rDNA 5S em Rineloricaria. Ainda, as análises das sequências Tc1-Mariner Like evidenciaram intensa degeneração molecular, principalmente nos domínios transposase. Estes resultados indicam a ausência de atividade destas sequências, as quais devem ser inertes ou servir para outras funções genômicas no gênero. Desta forma, este estudo discute a instabilidade telomérica, DNAs repetitivos e a participação das famílias gênicas de rDNA nos eventos de diversificação cariotípica em Rineloricaria.


Mello, Lucas Rosolen de Almeida 27 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Angela Maria de Oliveira (amolivei@uepg.br) on 2017-10-19T19:03:18Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Lucas Rosolen de Almeida Mello.pdf: 2555328 bytes, checksum: 3d7ce3cf485cd835d38b843b7b692900 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-19T19:03:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Lucas Rosolen de Almeida Mello.pdf: 2555328 bytes, checksum: 3d7ce3cf485cd835d38b843b7b692900 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-27 / A ordem Coleoptera é a mais diversificada entre todos os seres vivos, existindo ampla possibilidades de estudos no que diz respeito à diversidade cariotípica e aos mecanismos de diferenciação. As espécies da subtribo Oedionychina (Alticinae; Chrysomelidae) são interessantes para estudos evolutivos, pois possuem cromossomos sexuais gigantes e assinápticos durante a meiose, podendo ser considerados altamente derivados. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi propor os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos no processo de diferenciação e evolução dos cromossomos sexuais em espécies do gênero Omophoita. A análise de mapeamento, utilizando sondas de DNA C0t-1 total (cinética de reassociação de DNA altamente e moderadamente repetitivo) mostrou marcações distribuídas em todos os cromossomos, especialmente nos cromossomos sexuais. A hibridação cruzada entre as espécies produziu um padrão de localização muito semelhante, evidenciando que a maior parte do genoma é compartilhada entre as espécies de Omophoita. Análise em conjunto dos resultados obtidos com bandas C, fluorocromos e C0t-1 mostram que a heterocromatina das espécies em grande parte é composta de DNA repetitivo distribuída ao longo dos cromossomos sexuais e autossomos. O mapeamento cromossômico com sondas de microssatélites (SSRs) mostrou marcações conservadas para os autossomos e diversificadas para os cromossomos sexuais, evidenciando uma diferença de composição de SSRs dos cromossomos sexuais entre as espécies. Os resultados de hibridação com clones de elementos de transposição mostraram alguns padrões semelhantes aos obtidos com SSRs, podendo indicar que ao longo do processo evolutivo das espécies esses elementos estiveram presentes no processo de diferenciação. Considerando todos os resultados, pode se propor uma diferença de constituição nos cromossomos sexuais das espécies e, desta forma, inferir que os DNAs repetitivos tiveram um papel evolutivo na diferenciação desses cromossomos na subtribo. / The order Coleoptera is the most diverse of all living beings, with a wide possibilities of studies with regards to the karyotype diversity and the mechanisms of differentiation. The species of the subtribe Oedionychina (Alticinae; Chrysomelidae) are interesting for evolutionary studies due to the giant sex chromosomes and asynaptic during meiosis, can be considered highly derivate. The objective of this study was to propose the molecular mechanisms involved in the differentiation process and evolution of sex chromosomes in the Omophoita genus. The Mapping analysis using DNA C0t-1 total (reassociation kinetics highly and moderately repetitive DNA) showed marks distributed in all chromosomes, especially in the sex chromosomes. The cross-hybridization among species produced a very similar location pattern, indicating that most of the genome is shared among species Omophoita. Analysis of the results obtained in conjunct with C-bands, fluorochromes and C0t-1 together show that the heterochromatin of the species is largely composed of repetitive DNA distributed throughout the autosomes and sex chromosomes. Chromosome mapping with microsatellite (SSRs) probes showed conserved patterns for autosomes, but diversified to sex chromosomes, showing difference in SSRs composition in the sex chromosomes, of the species. The results of hybridization with transposition element clones showed some similarities patterns to the SSRs markers, which may indicate that throughout the evolutive process of species these elements were present. Considering all results we can propose differences in the constitution of sex chromosomes of the species studied, thus, we can infer an evolutionary role of repetitive DNA in the differentiation of chromosomes in the subtribe.

Régulation épigénétique d’un rétrovirus endogène, tirant, dans la lignée germinale de la drosophile / Epigenetic regulation of endogenous retrovirus, tirant, in drosophila germline

Akkouche, Abdou 13 April 2012 (has links)
Une grande partie du génome des eucaryotes est constituée d’éléments transposables(ET). Ces séquences d’ADN répétées ont la capacité de se déplacer d’un site chromosomiqueà un autre et de multiplier le nombre de leurs copies, pouvant ainsi être la cause d’uneinstabilité génétique. Face à ce potentiel de mutagénèse, un certain nombre de systèmes ontété sélectionnés dans les génomes eucaryotes qui conduisent à une réduction de l’activité desET. Notamment, chez la drosophile, on a récemment mis en évidence des mécanismes derégulation impliquant les modifications d’histones, et une nouvelle classe de petits ARN,appelés piARN, qui contrôlent spécifiquement les éléments transposables dans les tissusreproducteurs.tirant est un rétrotransposon à LTR de la drosophile, de type Gypsy, isolé au sein dulaboratoire dans les populations naturelles de D. simulans, où le nombre de ses copies estvariable entre populations. Cet ET possède la même structure génomique que les rétrovirus.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, j’ai caractérisé un élément tirant actif dans lespopulations naturelles de D. simulans. Je me suis intéressé en particulier au gène de laprotéine d’enveloppe (env), qui confère le caractère infectieux du rétrovirus. La comparaisondes transcrits et de la protéine du gène env entre populations de D. simulans a montré quetirant est actif dans une population, et cette activation est associée à sa mobilisation, alors quedans les autres populations tirant est présent, mais régulé.Dans la deuxième partie de mon travail, je me suis intéressé à l’étude de l’influence detirant sur la structure de la chromatine au niveau de son site d’insertion et à son influence surl’expression des gènes voisins. J’ai étudié trois modifications d’histones dans troispopulations naturelles, dont une où tirant est inséré dans un intron du gène tkv. Les résultatsobtenus montrent que tirant est capable de modifier la structure de la chromatine au niveau deson site d’insertion, mais aussi en amont, par l’hétérochromatinisation d'un promoteur du gènetkv, en affectant ainsi son taux de transcription.Enfin, je me suis intéressé à la régulation post-transcriptionnelle de tirant par lespiARN. Par l’analyse de croisements intraspécifiques entre des souches contenant ou non descopies de tirant dans l’euchromatine, j’ai montré qu’une régulation post-transcriptionnelle parles piARN germinaux qui contrôle tirant dans les cellules folliculaires de l’ovaire. J’ai aussipu montrer une expression variable entre populations des gènes de la voie piARN. / Eukaryotic genomes harbor a wide variety of repeated sequences, such as transposableelements (TE). These sequences are able to move from one chromosomal site to another, tomultiply their number of copies, and can be the cause of a genetic instability. Sophisticatedgenomic defenses have evolved to restrict their activity. In Drosophila, epigeneticmodification such as post-translational histone modifications and RNAi interference areinvolved in TE silencing in reproductive tissues. The silencing of an LTR like element, tirant,has been deeply analyzed in this work. Tirant is a Gypsy like element, isolated in ourlaboratory in natural populations of D. simulans, in which a high level of copy numbervariability is observed between strains.Here, I first describe an active tirant element in natural populations of D. simulans. Ihave focused on the envelope protein gene (env), which confers the infectious behavior to theretrovirus. By comparison of tirant transcripts level and protein localization between naturalpopulations of D.simulans, I showed that tirant is active in one population, and this activationis correlated with its mobilization.I then focused on the effects of TE insertions on chromatin structure and in its influenceon the expression of the nearby genes. I studied three histone modification marks in threenatural populations, in the locus in which tirant was inserted. I show that tirant is associatedwith repressive marks and active marks, which explains the activity of the element. We alsoshowed that tirant modifies the structure of the chromatin at the level of its site of insertion,but also upstream, by the heterochromatinization of the promoter of tkv gene, interfering withthe level of transcription of the gene.Finally, I was interested in the post-transcriptional regulation of tirant involving thepiRNA pathway. By crossing D.simulans strains which contains different copy numbers ofthe tirant element, I showed that tirant is regulated in the follicular cells by the germ linepiRNA pathway. I was also able to show a variable expression between populations of theproteins of the piRNA pathway.

Use of data analysis techniques to solve specific bioinformatics problems / Apport de techniques d'analyse de données pour résoudre des problèmes spécifiques en bio-informatique

Moulin, Serge 12 December 2018 (has links)
De nos jours, la quantité de données génétiques séquencées augmente de manière exponentielle sous l'impulsion d'outils de séquençage de plus en plus performants, tels que les outils de séquençage haut débit en particulier. De plus, ces données sont de plus en plus facilement accessibles grâce aux bases de données en ligne. Cette plus grande disponibilité des données ouvre de nouveaux sujets d'étude qui nécessitent de la part des statisticiens et bio-informaticiens de développer des outils adaptés. Par ailleurs, les progrès constants de la statistique, dans des domaines tels que le clustering, la réduction de dimension, ou les régressions entre autres, nécessitent d'être régulièrement adaptés au contexte de la bio-informatique. L’objectif de cette thèse est l’application de techniques avancées de statistiques à des problématiques de bio-informatique. Dans ce manuscrit, nous présentons les résultats de nos travaux concernant le clustering de séquences génétiques via Laplacian eigenmaps et modèle de mélange gaussien, l'étude de la propagation des éléments transposables dans le génome via un processus de branchement, l'analyse de données métagénomiques en écologie via des courbes ROC ou encore la régression polytomique ordonnée pénalisée par la norme l1. / Nowadays, the quantity of sequenced genetic data is increasing exponentially under the impetus of increasingly powerful sequencing tools, such as high-throughput sequencing tools in particular. In addition, these data are increasingly accessible through online databases. This greater availability of data opens up new areas of study that require statisticians and bioinformaticians to develop appropriate tools. In addition, constant statistical progress in areas such as clustering, dimensionality reduction, regressions and others needs to be regularly adapted to the context of bioinformatics. The objective of this thesis is the application of advanced statistical techniques to bioinformatics issues. In this manuscript we present the results of our works concerning the clustering of genetic sequences via Laplacian eigenmaps and Gaussian mixture model, the study of the propagation of transposable elements in the genome via a branching process, the analysis of metagenomic data in ecology via ROC curves or the ordinal polytomous regression penalized by the l1-norm.

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