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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identifikace vozidel na snímcích dopravních situací / Identification of Vehicles in the Images of Traffic Situations

Petyovský, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to propose methods for obtaining the additional vehicle parameters from the real-world traffic situations images and including existing information of the license plate and localization of the vehicle in the scene. The task is to use an existing installation of the camera systems based on data obtained from these devices to propose a new method of extraction of other vehicle's parameters. Solutions can be divided into two groups: 1. Methods for obtaining the features and methods of data evaluation which will lead to a vehicle's type identification based on a single image of the vehicle. 2. Methods for obtaining data of the vehicle's shape based on image sequence of passing vehicle.

Aplikace pro analýzu pohybů tenisového hráče / Applications for analysis of tennis player motions

Kříž, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with segmentation of tennis player´s body parts for analysis its motion. Testing code was written in C++ with use of OpenCV library. Some image processing techniques such as thresholding, background subtraction or finding the largest contours were implemented. There was used a linear triangulation technique for calculating the 3D coordinates of segmented points.

Určování pozice senzorového uzlu mobilním systémem / Alocation of Sensor Node Position by a Mobile System

Hyrák, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this diploma work is to study the problems of wireless sensor networks. Describe elements of sensor network and discuss how the individual sensor nodes communicate with each other. Find the way how it would be possible to determine the possition of the new added sensor node or mobile sensor node in the sensor network. The selected one algorithm of determining the possition of the sensor node will be implemented in diploma thesis. Algorithms for determining the positions of sensor nodes are divided into groups by using the methods. Selected algorithm will be tested in simulation on chosen platform.

How do Companies Reward their Employees

Cudjoe, Samuel January 2012 (has links)
This study is unique considering the location (Africa) and the industrial setting (Gold Mining) from which the research was studied as reward systems had mostly been studied in the North-American and European settings. Thus, the study  considered  rewards from the perspective of the African and its natural resource industries such as the gold mining industry.   The methodology employed in the study was based on a case study approach at Golden Star (Bogoso/Prestea) Limited (GSB/PL) with a population size of 1029 employees combining both qualitative and quantitative data obtained through a questionnaire survey of a 278 sample size and structured interview with the Human Resources and Administration Manager. Thus, the method of data collection represents methodological triangulation and the data obtained from the study represents a primary source of data.   The study revealed that all the three generational groups (Baby Boomers, GEN Xers and   GEN Yers) places higher emphasis or priority on financial incentives (high salary and bonuses) over any other incentives when respondents were asked to indicate the reward they prefer most. But when rewards were considered as a total package profile, greater number of  the baby boomers placed more emphasis or priority on packages with highly flexible pension benefits, long term job security and high internal promotions eventhough the salary and bonus components of the packages (profile) were not that attract. The GEN X and GEN Y groups still maintained their reward package profile preferences based on  high financial incentives, training and learning opportunities, personal growth and career advancement.   The study revealed that aside the high preferences for financial incentives such as high salary and bonuses by all the generational groups, few of the  GEN X and GEN Y also exhibited other preferences such as high personal growth, flexible work schedule, attractive company policy and administration, career advancement, working environment, job security and praises and recognition of which the baby boomers did not indicate any preferences or interest.   The study revealed that all the three generational groups (Baby Boomers, GEN X and GEN Y) consider high salary and bonuses as factor which causes employee dissatisfaction when not satisfied or available but when they are satisfied or available also do not motivate or cause satisfaction and thus  confirming Herzberg Two-Factor theory that  factors such as salary or remuneration, job security, working conditions and company policies  only prevent employee dissatisfaction.   The study revealed that all generational groups (baby boomers, GEN X and GEN Y) consider high salaries and bonuses as factor which could lead to lack of satisfaction and motivation of the employee in his current role or position when not available or satisfied and thus this finding confirm the traditional belief that pay is prime, or in some cases the only source of motivation but contradict Herzberg claim that  pay (high salaries and bonuses) is only an extrinsic factor and that when is available or satisfied, pay does not bring satisfaction and motivation but rather prevents dissatisfaction.   The study revealed that GSB/PL rewards systems basically comprises of extrinsic rewards such as high salary levels (pay increases), a bonus scheme,  training  and learning opportunities, job security, Stock options, Retirement/Pension benefits such as social security and provident fund,  promotions,  attractive company policies and administration, praises and recognition, good working environment, flexible work schedule,  Long service awards and benefits such as housing, Health insurance, Vacation/Annual leave benefits, transportation/bussing service, messing (provision of meals to employees only when at work), and educational benefits (for employees dependants).   The study also revealed that the design and implementation of GSB/PL reward systems involves four distinct phases: assessment, design, execution and evaluation phases.   In the end, a suitable conclusion was drawn and a number of recommendations proposed to be implemented by the mining company in safeguarding the interest of both employees and the employer.

Multi-wavelength laser line profile sensing for agricultural applications

Strothmann, Wolfram 03 November 2016 (has links)
This dissertation elaborates on the novel sensing approach of multi-wavelength laser line profiling (MWLP). It is a novel sensor concept that expands on the well-known and broadly adopted laser line profile sensing concept for triangulation-based range imaging. Thereby, the MWLP concept does not just use one line laser but multiple line lasers at different wavelengths scanned by a single monochrome imager. Moreover, it collects not only the 3D distance values but also reflection intensity and backscattering of the laser lines are evaluated. The system collects spectrally selective image-based data in an active manner. Thus, it can be geared toward an application-specific wavelength configuration by mounting a set of lasers of the required wavelengths. Consequently, with this system image-based 3D range data can be collected along with reflection intensity and backscattering data at multiple, selectable wavelengths using just a single monochrome image sensor. Starting from a basic draft of the idea, the approach was realized in terms of hardware and software design and implementation. The approach was shown to be feasible and the prototype performed well as compared with other state-of-the-art sensor systems. The sensor raw data can be visualized and accessed as overlayed distance images, point clouds or mesh. Further, for selected example applications it was demonstrated that the sensor data gathered by the system can serve as descriptive input for real world agricultural classification problems. The sensor data was classified in a pixel-based manner. This allows very flexible, quick and easy adaptation of the classification toward new field situations.

#MakeTheFuture : en semiotisk analys av ett oljebolags kommunikation på Instagram / #MakeTheFuture : a semiotic analysis of the Instagram communication of an oil company

Magnér, Linnéa, Sandberg, Emelie, Ashiri Fard, Dorrin January 2020 (has links)
Greenwashing har de senaste åren blivit en del av vårt samhälle, vare sig gemene man eller alla företag är medvetna om det eller ej. Företag måste förhålla sig till den förändrade diskursen i samhället för att hålla sig relevanta och konkurrenskraftiga när allt större delar av samhället vill minska sitt klimatavtryck och leva på ett mer hållbart sätt. Studien analyserar oljebolaget Royal Dutch Shells externa kommunikation med särskilt fokus på klimatfrågan och huruvida greenwashing förekommer eller inte. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur ett av världens största oljeföretag anpassar sig efter den rådande klimatdiskursen och rättfärdigar sin fortsatta verksamhet. Studien använder sig av metodtriangulering för att kvantitativt kartlägga och kategorisera oljebolagets aktivitet på Instagram samt kvalitativt analysera innehållet ur ett semiotiskt perspektiv. Studien undersöker om, och i så fall hur, Shell använder sig av greenwashing- och/eller propagandametoder för att påverka publikens bild av företaget, i förhållande till klimatfrågan, men även generellt. För att svara på studiens frågeställningar används kvantitativ innehållsanalys som metod, men till allra störst del av kvalitativ textanalys med fokus på diverse semiotiska begrepp, en utvald modell för att identifiera greenwashing samt en utvald lista över propagandametoder. Det teoretiska ramverket utgår från greenwashing, corporate social responsibility (CSR), lobbying, diskursbegreppet, hashtags och kompletteras av semiotik och propagandaanalys i metodkapitlet. Studiens analys presenteras i form av tydligt framgående teman där de mest relevanta och intressanta inläggen presenteras tillsammans med en analyserande text. Dessa teman är vad Shell verkar vilja rikta uppmärksamheten mot och därmed intressanta att undersöka i form av argument för oljebolagets fortsatta arbete med sin huvudverksamhet, även om de också kan betraktas som distraktioner från just huvudverksamheten. Studiens resultat visar att ungefär hälften av Shells instagraminlägg från och med 2018 har varit välgörenhetsrelaterade, ungefär en fjärdedel om förnybar energi, ungefär en femtedel om olja. Sex av tio tecken på greenwashing har identifierats samt fyra av fem metoder för propaganda. Studien drar slutsatsen att Shell använder sig av CSR och den teknologiska aspekten av deras arbete som ett sätt att motivera fortsatt oljeverksamhet samt ge en positiv bild av företagets verksamhet. / Over the last few years greenwashing has become a part of our society, whether the average person or company knows it or not. Companies have to find a way to approach the change of discourse that has occurred, to stay relevant and competitive when larger and larger parts of society want to decrease their carbon footprint and live more sustainably. The study analyzes the external communication of the oil company Royal Dutch Shell was particular focus on the climate issue and whether greenwashing is used. The purpose of the study is to examine how one of the world’s biggest companies are adjusting to the current climate discourse and justifies their business. The study uses triangulation of methods to quantitatively map out she oil company’s Instagram activity and qualitatively analyze the content from a semiotic perspective. The study examines whether, and in that case how, Shell uses greenwashing and/or methods of propaganda in order to influence the public’s image of the company in relation to the climate issue, but also in general. To answer the question formulations of the study quantitative content analysis has been used but the primary method used is qualitative text analysis which focuses on various semiotic concepts, one chosen method for identifying greenwashing and a chosen list of propaganda methods. The theoretical framework is based on greenwashing, corporate social responsibility (CSR), lobbying, the concept of discourse, hashtags and is supplemented by semiotics and propaganda analysis in the methodological chapter. The analysis of the study is presented in the form of clearly emerging themes where the most relevant and interesting posts are presented along with an analytical text. These themes include what Shell seems to want to draw attention to, and thus interesting to investigate in the form of arguments for the oil company’s continued work with its main business, although they might also be regarded as distractions from the main business. The results of the study show that as of 2018, about half of Shell’s Instagram posts have been charity-related, about a quarter about renewable energy, about a fifth about oil. Six out of ten signs of greenwashing have been identified as well as four out of five methods of propaganda. The study concludes that Shell uses CSR and the technological aspect of their work as a way to justify continued oil operations and to provide a positive picture of the company.

Delaunay-based Vector Segmentation of Volumetric Medical Images / Vektorová segmentace objemových medicínských dat založená na Delaunay triangulaci

Španěl, Michal January 2011 (has links)
Image segmentation plays an important role in medical image analysis. Many segmentation algorithms exist. Most of them produce data which are more or less not suitable for further surface extraction and anatomical modeling of human tissues. In this thesis, a novel segmentation technique based on the 3D Delaunay triangulation is proposed. A modified variational tetrahedral meshing approach is used to adapt a tetrahedral mesh to the underlying CT volumetric data, so that image edges are well approximated in the mesh. In order to classify tetrahedra into regions/tissues whose characteristics are similar, three different clustering schemes are presented. Finally, several methods for improving quality of the mesh and its adaptation to the image structure are also discussed.

Personalising the elements and principles of Graphic Design: an exploratory autoethnographic case study

Van der Walt, Doreen Esther 29 September 2021 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Visual Arts and Design: Graphic Design, Faculty of Human Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / The main aim of this study is to determine in what ways my graphic design practice is impacted by my socio-cultural identity. The intention is to explain and theorise the creative dynamics at play in Graphic Design as a discipline, so that I can use this to trace how the culture of graphic design, learned through training, influences the designs that I conceptualise and produce. From this exploration, critical self-analysis strategies and lines of inquiry for graphic designers, are established. To achieve this, triangulated investigations are undertaken in the context of a graphic designer as an idiosyncratic enculturated person, within the domain and field of graphic design. The attention falls on the dynamics of creativity and the cultivation thereof within cultural subject formation processes. Triangulated explorations of identity formation and identity within a culture in itself are undertaken, along with investigations into the culture of graphic design. Autoethnography (AE) is employed as practice-led research methodology and tool to extract data from autobiographic investigations that can be used to analyse and interpret the creative outcomes that were produced for the study. The cultural elements and principles of graphic design and the cultural elements and principles of an idiosyncratic enculturated graphic designer are compared, that result in answers to the main objective of the research conducted. Background and motivations introduce interpretation and contextualisation (personalisation) of AE as practice-led research methodology and method within graphic design as a cultural practice. The introduction is followed by creative practice that involves the generation of graphic design creative outcomes and the writing of a condensed autobiography. An in-depth literature review then provides a theoretical framework that sketches the discipline of practitioner within a field of practice, where after the practice is analysed, critically reflected upon and then AE interpreted, using the developed theoretical framework. From this, a detailed self-analysis follows. The process leads to the development of a new knowledge base and model (framework) that can be used in further research possibilities across other disciplines and cultural identity selections for self-reflection. This “strategic cultural preference facilitator model” consists of seven macro self-analytical identity markers, drawing on Appiah’s (2018) categories of Country, Creed, Colour, Gender, Class, and Culture (to which is added Professional Development). This is extended into ten micro sub-selfanalytical identity markers, namely: (1) Patriotism; (2) Paternalism; (3) Patriarchy and (4) Power; (5) the Pastoral; (6) Pretence; (7) Protection; (8) Punishment; (9) Privilege; and (10) Process, which are employed as socio-cultural identity lines of inquiry. The modelling and analysis processes documented in the dissertation could be extremely useful in most fields of human interaction, such as social work, psychology training, communication theory and practice, and in virtually all domains where the notion of self-critique as practice is prevalent (and necessary).

Speaking Out: How Women Create Meaning from the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty

Infanger, Valori 16 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty could be used to effectively expand the media-narrowed definition of beauty. This study focused on the Onslaught video and corresponding message board. The sample included 119 posts written by 85 different message board users. Both a descriptive and interpretive content analysis based on reception analysis was used to deconstruct the message posters' interpretation and construction of individual beauty. The posters used the board primarily to express themselves, attach blame to the media and arrive at consensus. Overall, the users responded positively to the campaign. Twenty themes emerged from the posts, with the most prevalent attaching blame to the media for societal problems. The findings of this study suggest that Dove effectively created an online community where women could find a voice to express themselves and share experiences. More importantly, Dove initiated a public discussion that is a preliminary step in changing social norms. As such, the campaign should be viewed as having been effective.


Haeger, Donna L. 11 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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