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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Auslegung von Parabolrinnen für Solarkraftwerke im Originalmaßstab

Forman, Patrick, Stallmann, Tobias, Mark, Peter, Schnell, Jürgen 21 July 2022 (has links)
Das Erkenntnistransferprojekt baut auf die im SPP-Projekt „Leichte Verformungsoptimierte Schalentragwerke aus mikrobewehrtem UHPC am Beispiel von Parabolrinnen solarthermischer Kraftwerke“ (s. S. 536 ff .) erzielten Ergebnisse der ersten Förderperiode auf. Der Fokus liegt auf der Entwicklung von linienartig verstärkten, vollwandigen Parabolschalen mit zur bestehenden Kraftwerkstechnik passenden EuroTrough-Rinnenabmessungen. Es sollten die bisherigen Erkenntnisse zusammen mit professionellen Anwendungspartnern vorwettbewerblich ausgebaut werden, so dass sie Grundlage für eine Serienfertigung bilden können. Dementsprechend setzten sich die Kooperationspartner aus dem Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DLR (Systemführer für linienfokussierende Solarkraftwerke), der Fa. Solarlite CSP (Hersteller von Solaranlagen in Parabolrinnentechnik), der INNOGRATION GmbH (Hersteller von Stahlbetonfertigteilen) und der Fa. Dyckerhoff Zement (Hersteller von Ausgangsstoffen für Hochleistungsbetone) zusammen.

Sedimentological Records and Numerical Simulations of the C.E. 1707 Hōei Tsunami in Southwestern Japan

Baranes, Hannah 23 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
A tsunami generated by the C.E. 1707 Hōei earthquake is largely thought to be the flood event of record for southwestern Japan, yet historical documentation of the event is scarce. This is particularly true in northwestern Shikoku within the Bungo Channel, where significant inconsistencies exist between historical records and model-derived tsunami heights. To independently assess flooding from the C.E. 1707 Hōei tsunami in the context of the region’s long-term flooding history, we present complementary reconstructions of extreme coastal inundation from three back-barrier lakes in the northern Bungo Channel: Lake Ryuuoo, Lake Amida, and Lake Kamega. At all sites, the most prominent marine overwash deposit of the past ~1,000 years, as defined by grain size, density, and geochemical indicators, is consistent with the timing of the 1707 tsunami, providing strong evidence that the event caused the most significant flooding of the last millennium in this region. At Lake Ryuuoo, modern barrier beach elevations and grain sizes in the tsunami’s resultant deposit provide ~4 m as the first physically based height constraint for the 1707 tsunami in the northern Bungo Channel. Around 1,000 years ago, a concurrent and abrupt transition in lithology observed at all three sites is also consistent with rapid, regional geomorphic change. At Lake Ryuuoo, a marine overwash deposit comparable to the 1707 deposit directly overlies this transition. A 1,000-year-old lithological transition or deposit has not been observed at sites closer to the mouth of the Bungo Channel, suggesting that the deposit in Lake Ryuuoo is more consistent with a tsunami generated by local seismicity along the Japan Median Tectonic Line than with a Nankai Trough-derived tsunami. Our findings are significant in that they provide three new millennial-scale tsunami inundation reconstructions for a relatively understudied region of Japan, along with the first physically based height constraint for the Hōei tsunami in the northern Bungo Channel.

Μελέτη συγκεντρωτικών φωτοβολταϊκών/θερμικών ηλιακών συλλεκτών

Γεωργοστάθης, Παναγιώτης 03 May 2010 (has links)
Οι ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας (ΑΠΕ), όπως η ηλιακή ενέργεια, μπορούν να προσφέρουν εναλλακτικούς τρόπους παραγωγής ενέργειας. Κάθε μορφή ΑΠΕ έχει τις δικές της ιδιομορφίες και μπορούν να εφαρμοστούν είτε σε μεγάλες εγκαταστάσεις παραγωγής ηλεκτρικής και θερμικής ενέργειας είτε σε μικρότερες μονάδες όπως στα κτίρια. Ενδιαφέρον παρουσιάζει η συνδυασμένη αξιοποίηση των παραπάνω ενεργειακών πηγών, ιδίως για την κάλυψη των ηλεκτρικών και θερμικών αναγκών των κτιρίων.Αντικείμενο αυτής της διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η μελέτη συγκεντρωτικών συστημάτων χαμηλής συγκέντρωσης και των παραγόντων που επηρεάζουν την λειτουργία τους, με την χρήση τριών γεωμετρικών συγκεντρωτικών μέσων, τα οποία είναι: το σύστημα V-Trough, το σύστημα Fresnel γραμμικής εστίας και το κυλινδροπαραβολικό σύστημα γραμμικής εστίας, με χρήση συμβατικών φωτοβολταϊκών για την παραγωγή ηλεκτρικής ισχύος. Όμως, από το την προσπίπτουσα ηλιακή ακτινοβολία που συγκεντρώνεται στον απορροφητή, ένα μέρος μετατρέπεται σε ηλεκτρική ενέργεια, ενώ το υπόλοιπο μεταδίδεται στο περιβάλλον με την μορφή θερμότητας. Έτσι, περαιτέρω μελέτη έγινε με βάση την δημιουργία υβριδικού συγκεντρωτικού φωτοβολταϊκού/θερμικού συστήματος, ταυτόχρονης παραγωγής ηλεκτρικής και θερμικής ενέργειας χρησιμοποιώντας την βέλτιστη γεωμετρία, το οποίο θα μπορούσε να δώσει ικανοποιητικά ποσά θερμικής ενέργειας, χωρίς να ζημιώνεται η ηλεκτρική και το αντίστροφο, κάτι που θα καθιστούσε τα συστήματα αυτά ενεργειακώς και οικονομικώς πιο ανταγωνιστικά.Τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα περιλαμβάνουν διαγράμματα ηλεκτρικών αποδοτικοτήτων των πειραματικών συστημάτων καθώς και των μεγεθών Pmax, Vpmax, Voc, Ιpmax, Ιsc, συναρτήσει της θερμοκρασίας λειτουργίας Tpv, κάτω από σταθερή ακτινοβολία G, θερμικών αποδόσεων, προφίλ κατανομών συγκεντρωτικής ακτινοβολίας καθώς και χαρακτηριστικές καμπύλες I-V για καθένα απ αυτά. / The renewable energy sources (RES) like solar energy, can offer an alternative solution to power production. Each form of RES, has its own specifications and they can be applied in big installations of electric and thermal energy production or in smaller units as the buildings. This thesis investigates the performance of three different types of solar concentrating systems, which are: the V-Trough system, the linear Fresnel system and the Parabolic Trough system, with usage of common photovoltaics, instead of concentrating photovoltaics, for the electricity production.However, only a small part of the incoming solar radiation it is changed by an absorber into electric energy, while the rest is transmitted to the environment with the form of heat. Thus, further study has been done with base of the creation of a hybrid concentrating photovoltaic/thermal system, with simultaneous production of electric and thermal energy using the most optimal geometry. This could give satisfactory sums of thermal energy, without affecting the production of electric energy and vice versa, something that would render this systems economically more competitively.The experimental results include diagrams with the electric performance of the experimental systems as well as values of Pmax, Vpmax, Voc, Ipmax, Isc, associated with the operating temperature Tpv, under constant radiation G, thermal output, distribution profiles of the concentrating radiation as well as characteristic curves I-V for each one of them.

Performance evaluation of water collecting systems with a hybrid dephlegmator

Du Plessis, Jacques J. P. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Water collection systems are used in wet-cooling towers (WCTs) with fill over which water to be cooled flows and in evaporative air-cooled heat exchangers (EACHEs) having deluged tube bundles over which water flows to transfer heat from the tubes. They collect and remove water falling from the bottom of the fill or heat exchanger tube bundle while allowing air to pass with limited flow resistance. There are basically two types of collection systems, categorized as trough and basin systems. Trough systems comprise of multiple, evenly spaced parallel troughs extended in one direction with inclined capture plates to direct water into the troughs. The water collects in the troughs and drains under gravity to a collecting tank or manifold from where it is pumped to the sprayers. In basin systems water falls directly into an open basin under gravity where it is collected and can be pumped to the sprayers. The hybrid (dry/wet) dephlegmator (HDWD) for air-cooled steam condensers, which is being developed at Stellenbosch University as discussed by Heyns (2008), Owen (2013) and Anderson (2014), requires a more effective water collection system with a lower pressure drop than what current designs have to offer. In this thesis, an existing trough system is systematically evaluated by means of various high speed camera and flow experiments to determine its performance characteristics and to find ways to improve its catchment effectiveness. A modification is proposed which increases the effectiveness from approximately 92% to 100 % with a relatively small increase in pressure drop, by adding a small deflector plate and reducing the spacing between adjacent troughs. Experimental data and CFD models are used to determine the performance characteristics of the modified trough system for design purposes. For comparison, various basin system designs are proposed and investigated using CFD, where the baseline model is validated by means of experimental data of rectangular cooling tower inlets by Kröger (2004). Rectangular cooling tower inlets are relevant as they have a similar re-circulating flow pattern to what is seen with the water basin inlets at the vicinity of the inlet wall. The numerical data is correlated to determine empirical relations for the flow performance characteristics. The comparison between the modified trough and the different basin systems yields that the trough system requires significantly less fan and pumping power than basin systems and the costs are also expected to be less. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wateropvangstelsels word gebruik in nat koeltorings en verdamping verkoelers, waar waterdruppels in teen-vloei is met n lugstroom. Die stelsel vang die water wat val op en verwyder dit uit die lugstroom met 'n minimale lugweerstand. Daar is twee wateropvangstelsels wat as volg gekategoriseer word: trog stelsel en wateropvangbak stelsel. 'n Trog stelsel bestaan uit eweredige gespasieerde trôe parallel aan mekaar met 'n skuinsvlak om water in die kanaal op te vang. Water dreineer as gevolg van swaartekrag na 'n opvangs tenk waarvan dit terug gepomp word na die sproeiers. In 'n wateropvangbak stelsel val water direk in die bak en word terug gepomp na die sproeiers. 'n Lugverkoelde kondenserstelsels met 'n hibriede (droog/nat) deflegmator wat huidiglik by die Stellenbosch Universiteit ontwikkel word benodig 'n meer effektiewe wateropvangstelsel met 'n lae drukval. In hierdie tesis word bestaande trog stelsels sistematies geëvalueer deur middel van verskeie toetse met 'n hoë spoed kamera en lugvloei eksperimente om die werkverrigtingskarakteristieke te bepaal en om die opvangsvermoë te verbeter. 'n Verbetering word voorgestel wat die opvangsvermoë verbeter van ongeveer 92 % na 100 % met 'n relatiewe klein verhoging in die drukval deur 'n klein leilem by te voeg en die spasiëring tussen trôe te verminder. Eksperimentele data en BVD (berekeningsvloeidinamika) modelle word gebruik om die werkverrigtingskarakteristieke te bepaal van die nuwe trog stelsel vir ontwerps doeleindes. Die modelle is bekragtig deur gebruik te maak van literatuur van inlaatverlies korrelasies vir reghoekige koeltorings, soos gedoen deur Kröger (2004). Die inlaat van reghoekige koeltorings het soortgelyke vloeipatrone en vloeiwegbreking soos wat by die inlaat van die wateropvangbak stelsel gesien word. Die numeriese data word gebruik om 'n vergelyking vir die vloei karakteristieke te bepaal. 'n Vergelykende studie tussen die nuwe trog stelsel en die wateropvangbak stelsel het bewys dat die trog stelsel noemenswaardig minder waaier drywing en pomp drywing benodig.

Tailoring Nanoscopic and Macroscopic Noncovalent Chemical Patterns on Layered Materials at Sub-10 nm Scales

Jae Jin Bang (5929496) 20 December 2018 (has links)
<p></p><p></p><p>The unprecedented properties of 2D materials such as graphene and MoS2 have been researched extensively [1,2] for a range of applications including nanoscale electronic and optoelectronic devices [3–6]. Their unique physical and electronic properties promise them as the next generation materials for electrodes and other functional units in nanostructured devices. However, successful incorporation of 2D materials into devices entails development of high resolution patterning techniques that are applicable to 2D materials. Patterning at the sub-10 nm scale is particularly of great interest as the next technology nodes require patterning of (semi)conductors and insulators at 7 nm and 5 nm scales for nanoelectronics. It will also benefit organic photovoltaic cells as phase segregation of p/n-type semiconducting polymers on 2D electrodes at length scales smaller than the typical exciton diffusion length (10 nm)</p> <p>is expected to improve the charge separation efficiency [7].</p><br><p></p><p></p><p>Characterizing locally modulated properties of non-ovalently functionalized 2D materials requires high-resolution imaging techniques capable of extracting measurements of various physical/chemical properties. One such method is scanning probe microscopy (SPM) [18–21]. In Chapter 1, we present a brief review of SPM modalities, some of which are used to characterize interfacial properties, such as conductivity and local contact potential differences that can be modulated by amphiphilic assemblies [17, 22]. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is one of main techniques that we use to determine topography. All imaging in this work were performed in attractive AC mode [23,24] in order to minimize disruption to the self-assembly of the amphiphiles by the scanning tip.</p><br><p></p><p></p><p>One challenge of using SAMs for locally modulated functionalization is that the proximity to the nonpolar interface can modify the behavior of the functionalities present on the surface in conjunction with the steric hindrance of 2D molecular assemblies. For instance, ionizable functional groups, one of the strongest local modulators of surface chemistry, undergo substantial pKa shifts (in some cases, > 5 units) at nonpolar interfaces, limiting their ability to ionize. In order to apply molecular assembly to create 2D chemical patterns, we needed to design alternative structures that can avoid such penalties against the intrinsic properties of functionalities present in the assemblies. Among amphiphiles, we observed that the chiral centers of phospholipids have the potential of elevating the terminal functional group in the head from the surface for improved accessibility. We refer to this type of assembly as a ’sitting’ phase. Chapter 2 describes sitting phase assembly of phospholipids; the projection of the terminal functionality allows it to maintain solution phase-like behavior while the dual alkyl tails provide additional stabilizing interactions with the substrates. Given the diversity of phospholipid architecture [25], the sitting phase assembly suggests the possibility of greatly diversifying the orthogonality of the chemical patterns, allowing highly precise control over surface functionalities.</p><br><p></p><p></p><p>While a variety of methods including drop-casting [26–28] and microcontact printing [29] have been used previously by others for noncovalent assembly of materials on the surface, they mostly address patterning scale in the sub-μm range. Here, we utilize Langmuir-Schaefer(LS) transfer, which has been historically used to transfer standing phase multilayers [30], and lying-down domains of PCDA at < 100 nm scales in the interest of molecular electronics [14, 31–33], as our sample preparation technique. LS transfer is remarkable in that the transferred molecules relinquish their pre-existing interactions in the standing phase at air-water interface to undergo ∼ 90◦ rotation and assemble into the striped phase on a substrate. This introduces the possibility of modulating local transfer rate across the substrate by manipulating local environment of the molecules. Thus, LS transfer has the potential to offer spatial control over the noncovalent chemical functionalization of the 2D substrate, essential in device applications.</p><br><p></p><p></p><p>In Chapter 3 and 4, We make comparative studies of various experimental factors such as surface pressure, temperature and molecular interactions that affect the efficiency of LS conversion. Considering the energetics of the transfer process, we predicted that the rate of transfer from the air-water interface to the substrate should be the highest from the regions around defects, which would be the energetically</p> <p>least stable regions of the Langmuir film [34, 35]. In Langmuir films, two phases of lipid assemblies—liquid expanded (LE) and liquid condensed (LC)—often coexist at the low surface pressures (< 10 mN/m) used for sample preparation. Hence, we hypothesized that the microscale structural heterogeneity of Langmuir films could be translated into microscale patterns in the transferred film on HOPG. We compare the transfer rates between LE and LC phases and investigate the impacts of physical conditions during LS transfer such as temperature, packing density, dipping rate and contact time to conclude that local destabilization of Langmuir films leads to increased transfer efficiency. (Chapter 3)</p><p><br></p><p></p><p>As in the case of lipid membranes that reorganize routinely based on the structure of the constituent molecules [36–38], the structure of Langmuir films is strongly dependent on the molecular structures of the constituent molecules [39–43]. Accordingly, we expected the molecular structures/interactions to provide additional control over the LS transfer process. In Chapter 4, we compare domain morphologies and the average coverages between three single chain amphiphiles and two phospholipids, each</p><p></p><p> </p><p>of which contain hydrogen bonding motifs of varying strengths. We show that by influencing the adsorption and diffusion rates, molecular architecture indeed influences LS conversion efficiency and subsequent assembly on the substrate. The presence of strong lateral interactions limits transfer and diffusion, forming vacancies in the transferred films with smaller domain sizes while weaker intermolecular interactions enabled high transfer efficiencies.</p><p></p><p><br></p><p></p>

Magnétostratigraphie et sédimentologie des formations crétacées des bassins sédimentaires d'Hamakoussou et du Mayo Oulo-Léré au Nord-Cameroun (Fossé de la Bénoué) / Magnetostratigraphy and sedimentology in the cretaceaous formations of the Hamakoussou and Mayo Oulo-Léré basins, Northern Cameroon (Benue Trough)

Ntsama Atangana, Jacqueline 20 December 2013 (has links)
Les bassins sédimentaires d'Hamakoussou et du Mayo Oulo-Léré sont des bassins à sédiments continentaux. Ils se situent en territoire camerounais, dans le prolongement de la branche de Yola de direction Est-Ouest du Fossé de la Bénoué dont la mise en place est liée à l'ouverture de l'Atlantique Sud à partir de la dislocation du Gondwana. L'âge de ces bassins est basé sur des études biochronologiques les situant dans le Crétacé inférieur. La série sédimentaire est sensiblement la même dans les deux bassins, elle est constituée de dépôts fluviatiles à fluviolacustres montrant une alternance de grés, de siltite et d'argilite.Des prélèvements paléomagnétiques ont été effectués sur des niveaux fins situés dans la partie supérieure de la série sédimentaire de chaque section. Dans le bassin sédimentaire d'Hamakoussou, 50 échantillons sur 11 sites d'épaisseur égale à 69 m, ont été prélevés dans la localité de Djallou et 78 échantillons sur 20 sites d'une épaisseur de 511 m dans la localité d'Ourokessoum. Dans le bassin du Mayo Oulo-Léré, 116 échantillons sur 45 sites sur une épaisseur de 478 m ont été prélevés dans la localité de Tchontchi.La désaimantation progressive au champ alternatif et à la température de ces échantillons montre que les séries sédimentaires de ces bassins portent une aimantation primaire. Les directions d'aimantation ont permis de déceler une tectonique régionale marquée par un mouvement de rotation autour de l'axe vertical et un mouvement de translation des blocs. Les minéraux magnétiques porteurs de cette aimantation sont de faible, moyenne et de forte coercivité. Une séquence de trois polarités a été déterminée le long de chaque section du bassin d'Hamakoussou : une polarité inverse et deux polarités normales. Dans le bassin du Mayo Oulo-Léré, la section Mayo a livré deux polarités dont une normale et une, inverse. La séquence de polarités obtenue pour chaque coupe a été corrélée avec l'échelle de temps de polarités magnétiques. Les trois polarités des coupes du bassin d'Hamakoussou ont été corrélées avec les chrones M1 et M3 avec un âge compris entre 125 Ma et 128,11 Ma. La séquence d'inversions de la coupe du Mayo Oulo-Léré a été corrélée avec le chrone M1 avec un âge compris entre 125 Ma et 127,61 Ma. Le taux de sédimentation des dépôts du bassin d'Hamakoussou varie entre 5,5 cm/ma et 40,5 cm/ma et est de 38 cm/ma dans la section du Mayo Oulo-Léré. / Hamakoussou and Mayo Oulo-Léré sedimentary basins are extension of the executive branch of East-West Yola Benue Trough, whose formation is related to the opening of the South Atlantic from the dislocation of Gondwana, in the Cameroonian territory. An age range of lower Cretaceous to Barremian-Hauterivian limit has been assigned based on biochronological studies. The sedimentary sequence in both basins is composed upward finnings fluivial to fluviolacustrine deposits. The deposits present an alternation of fine grained sandstone, siltstone and mudstone overlying coarse sandstone which is underlain by micro-conglomerate to conglomerate facies at the base.A magnetostratigraphic study has been carried out on a fine sediments in the upper part of each sections. 50 samples from about 69.03 m thickness, were collected from 11 sites at Djallou and 78 samples, about 511.03 m thickness, were collected from 20 sites at Ourokessoum localities in the Hamakoussou basin ; and 116 samples, about 478.19 m thickness, collected from 45 sites at Tchontchi locality in the Mayo Oulo-Lere basin.Specimens subjected to progressive alternating field and thermal demagnetization show that the sedimentary sequences have a primary magnetization. The directions of magnetization indicate a regional tectonic marked by a rotation and translation block. Rock magnetic investigations reveal the presence of both high and low coercivity minerals. A sequence of three polarities was determined along each section of the Hamakoussou basin: one reversal polarity and two normal polarities, whereas two polarities: (normal and a reversal) were determined along Mayo section in the Mayo Oulo-Lere basin The three polarities sequences from the two sections from Hamakoussou basin are correlated with M1 and M3 Chrons and suggest an age between 125 and 128, 11 My. While the two polarities sequences from the Mayo Oulo-Lere basin are correlated with M1 Chron, and suggest an age between 125 and 127.61 My. The sedimentation rates of Hamakoussou basin deposits vary between 5.5 cm/kyr and 40.88 cm/kyr and 38.26 cm/kyr in the section of Mayo Oulo-Lere basin.

Étude du champ électromagnétique et interprétation de données magnétotelluriques au Vietnam / Study of the electromagnetic field and interpretation of magnetotelluric data in Vietnam

Luu, Viet Hung 21 December 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est consacré à l’étude de la structure électrique de la croûte terrestre dans deux régions du Vietnam, au Nord dans le delta du Fleuve Rouge et au Sud dans la région de la faille de la Rivière Saigon, et en Afrique de l’Ouest, où les données utilisées sont celles acquises durant l’Année Internationale de l’Electrojet Equatorial (AIEE). La technique utilisée est celle du sondage magnétotellurique. Deux des régions étudiées (le sud du Vietnam et l’Afrique de l’Ouest) sont situées au voisinage de l’équateur magnétique. Du fait de la présence de l’électrojet équatorial, l’hypothèse de l’onde plane, sur laquelle est basée la magnétotellurique, n’y est vérifiée que pour une gamme de périodes limitée. La modélisation de l’induction par un électrojet gaussien nous a permis de caractériser l’effet de source associé à l’électrojet équatorial, et de déterminer pour chacune des zones étudiées les gammes de périodes pour lesquelles cet effet de source est négligeable. Nous avons par ailleurs montré que l’effet de source associé à l’électrojet équatorial dépend des principales caractéristiques de la structure électrique du sous-sol, et de la distance entre le centre de l’électrojet équatorial et la position examinée. Dans le delta du fleuve Rouge, le profil magnétotellurique est orienté SO-NE. Long d’environ 32 km, il recoupe les failles majeures du système de failles du Fleuve Rouge. Les données magnétotelluriques ont été inversées pour obtenir une coupe transversale de résistivité électrique pour les trois premiers kilomètres. Cette coupe de résistivité électrique et une coupe de densité obtenue par modélisation des données gravimétriques acquises le long du même profil, ainsi que des informations déduites de forages effectués au voisinage du profil ont été utilisées pour proposer une coupe géologique de la région étudiée. Dans la région de la faille de la Rivière Saigon, le profil magnétotellurique, long d’environ 15 km, recoupe le trajet supposé de la faille. La structure électrique des premiers kilomètres de la croûte a été déterminée par inversion 2-D des données pour les gammes de périodes qui ne sont pas affectées par l’électrojet équatorial (< 0,7 s). La coupe transversale de résistivité électrique ainsi obtenue nous a permis de proposer une nouvelle localisation de la faille de la Rivière Saigon, à la limite entre un domaine résistant, le bloc de Da Lat au nord-est, et un domaine moins résistant, le bloc de Can Tho au sud-ouest. Cette nouvelle localisation est à environ 2,2 km au sud-ouest de la localisation généralement supposée pour cette faille. En Afrique de l’Ouest, nous avons montré que les données de jour sont affectées par l’électrojet équatorial pour toute la gamme de période étudiée (>120 s); ces données n’ont donc pas été utilisées pour déterminer la structure électrique de la croûte et du manteau supérieur. L’inversion 2-D des données de nuit, montre la présence d’une structure subverticale, relativement conductrice, qui sépare le Craton Ouest-africain très résistant des terrains situés sous le bassin du fleuve Sénégal. / This thesis is devoted to the study of the electrical structure of the Earth’s crust in two regions of Vietnam (the Red River Delta in the north and the region of the Saigon River fault in the south) and in West Africa. The data were those acquired during the International Year of the Equatorial Electrojet (IYEE). The technique used is the magnetotelluric (MT) sounding method. Two of the regions studied (southern Vietnam and West Africa) are located near the magnetic equator. Due to the presence of the equatorial electrojet in these regions, the assumption of plane wave, on which MT relies, is valid for a limited range of periods. Modeling of the induction by a Gaussian electrojet allowed us to characterize the source effect associated with the equatorial electrojet, and to determine for each studied region the period ranges for which the source effect is negligible. We have also shown that the source effect associated with the equatorial electrojet depends on the main features of the electrical structure of the basement, and the distance between the center of the equatorial electrojet and the location of the considered station. In the Red River Delta at the north, the MT profile is oriented SW-NE. It is about 32 km long, and goes across the major faults of the Red River fault system. MT data were applied 2-D inversion to obtain a electrical cross-section for the first three kilometers of the crust. This electrical cross-section, a density cross-section obtained by modeling of gravity data collected along the same profile, and information derived from holes drilled in the vicinity of the profile, both were used to construct a geological section of the study area. In the region of the Saigon River fault, the magnetotelluric profile is about 15 km long. It goes across the supposed location of the fault. The electrical structure of the first three kilometers of the crust was determined by 2-D inversion of data for periods which are not affected by the equatorial electrojet (< 0.7 s). The electrical cross-section obtained allowed us to propose a new location for the Saigon River fault; it corresponds to the boundary between a resistant domain, the block of Da Lat in the north-east, and a less resistant domain, the block of Can Tho in the south-west. This new location is about 2.2 km southwest of the location currently assumed for this fault. In West Africa, we have shown that electromagnetic impedances derived using day time data are affected by the equatorial electrojet for the whole range of period studied (> 120 s), so these data have not been used to determine the electrical structure of the crust and the upper mantle. The 2-D inversion of nighttime data shows the presence of a subvertical structure, relatively conductive, which separates the West African Craton which is very resistant from the geological structures beneath the Senegal River basin.

Spatial Trends and Facies Distribution of the High-Energy Alluvial Cutler Formation, Southeastern Utah

Allred, Isaac John 01 June 2016 (has links)
The Cutler Formation is composed of thick, arkosic, alluvial conglomerate, sandstone, and mudstone shed southwestward from the Uncompahgre Uplift into the Paradox Basin. More basin-ward the Cutler is recognized as a group consisting of differentiable formations. Discrete formations historically have not been distinguished near the uplift, but this study identified several separate successions in the Richardson Amphitheater. Research at the Richardson Amphitheater, ~12 km southwest of the uplift and ~30 km northeast of Moab, Utah, led to a systematic subdivision of the Permian Cutler Formation proximal to the uplift. Likely driven by channel cutting and migration across the alluvial fan, six 10-20 m thick successions are partially exposed. The dominant observed facies are basal conglomerate and channel-fill trough cross-stratified sandstone overlain by finer-grained distal sheetflood and frequently pedogenically altered sandstone. Down-warping of identified successions and the presence of additional sands within the area of flexure suggest that localized salt withdrawal created a sediment depocenter in the Richardson Amphitheater, ~6 km northwest of the Onion Creek salt diapir. The identified salt withdrawal feature is more proximal to the Uncompahgre Uplift than any of the major documented salt structures in the area and was not previously documented. Six measured stratigraphic sections and hundreds of high-precision differential GPS data points outlining major lateral erosional surfaces form the basis for interpretation. Five mapped erosional surfaces (bounding surfaces based upon differential GPS point interpolation) are laterally extensive within the approximately one square kilometer study area, and as such, represent stratigraphically significant surfaces. Within the generated structural geocellular model, stratigraphic data from measured sections informed facies modeling between major surfaces. This outcrop model may serve as an analogue for subsurface systems deposited in similar settings.

Växthuseffekten - vad är det som händer? : Elevers handlingsberedskap och känslor kring förändringarna av vårt klimat / The Greenhouse effect – what is happening? : Pupils’ action readinessand feelings concerning the climate changes

Sörqvist, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Klimatfrågan är idag mer aktuell än någonsin tidigare. Detta beror på den akuta situation som vi levande på jorden faktiskt befinner oss i. Det har nästan alltid funnits hot mot vårt klimat, men det är först idag som vi tydligt börjar se följderna av vårt tidigare handlande och det jag syftar på är den förstärkta växthuseffekten och dess konsekvenser. Syftet med studien är att utifrån en lärandesituation i form av ett rollspel beskriva elevers handlingsberedskap och känslor kring växthuseffekten. Frågeställningarna är följande. Hur utvecklas elevernas kunskap och handlingsberedskap kring växthuseffekten genom ett rollspel? Hur påverkar rollspelet elevernas känslor för växthuseffekten? Studien som genomfördes i en årskurs 9 startade med en enkät där eleverna fick svara på frågor gällande växthuseffekten, deras eget handlande och deras känslor. Enkäten åtföljdes av ett rollspel där frågor kring växthuseffekten och dess konsekvenser diskuterades av de deltagande ländernas delegater. Efter rollspelet fick eleverna svara på samma enkät igen för att ta reda om rollspelet hade påverkat eleverna. Rollspelet har bidragit till att eleverna har tillägnat sig mer och djupare kunskaper kring växthuseffekten samt att de har gått från ett lokalt till ett mer globalt tänkande. Handlingsberedskapen hos eleverna var inte så stor och de känner inte någon direkt oro inför framtiden, men efter rollspelet blev de mer bekymrade över andra människors framtid. Liten oro hos eleverna kan bero på att Sverige inte direkt ligger i riskzonen och deras handlingsberedskap speglas av att de inte vill ändra på något som skulle förändra deras vardag. / Issues concerning the climate change are more urgent than ever before. During the last couple of hundred years the climate has been threatened by different causes, but it is not until today we are facing the consequences of our former action towards the environment. I allude to the greenhouse effect and its consequences. My aim with this paper is, from a teaching situation through a role play, to describe pupils’ action readiness and feelings concerning the green house effect. The questions I will find answers to are. How pupils’ knowledge and action readiness concerning the green house effect develops through a role play? How the role play affects the pupils’ feelings concerning the green house effect? The study has been carried out in a grade 9. The pupils began answering a questionnaire regarding the green house effect, their own actions and their feelings. Afterwards they carried out a role play where the green house effect and its consequences where discussed. To find out if the role play had influenced the pupils they afterwards had to fill in the same form again. The contribution of the role play is that the pupils have acquired deeper knowledge concerning the green house effect and their thoughts have become more global. The study showed that their action readiness was not particularly big and they were not worried about the future. Sweden is not in the danger zone and that can have contributed to their non worried attitude. Their action readiness is coloured by the fact that they do not want to change anything that would affect their ordinary day.

Integrated modeling for stratigraphic development of the Mackenzie Trough and the Eastern Beaufort Shelf, N.W.T., Canada

Picard, Kim 08 August 2012 (has links)
Glaciated shelves develop under the influence of a more complex suite of processes than most non-glaciated shelves. Amongst the specific processes are the glacially-influenced sediment supply and the glacial-isostatic adjustment (GIA), which is largely responsible for the complex nature of regional relative sea-levels (RSLs). This study first characterizes the impact of GIA on the Mackenzie-Beaufort region by presenting a new set of RSL curves derived from a modern gravitationally self-consistent sea level model computing the effects of glacio-hydro isostasy, geoid changes, and true polar wander. The results of the RSL model present cross-shelf variations in the order of 100 m and along-shelf of 30 m during the LGM. The model also suggests a different timing and range to the single RSL curve presently used for this region. Depending on the location, the lowstand is modeled between 14 and 12 ka BP and reached between 85 and 140 m below present sea-level. These new findings are used in the second part of the study to evaluate the impacts of GIA along with other factors on the Late Quaternary evolution of the Canadian Beaufort Shelf. SedFlux, a process-based stratigraphic simulation model is used. Uncertainties associated with post-LGM conditions create difficulties in establishing good model parameterization. Thus, simulations are first performed on the Mackenzie Trough area, where data availability permits better evaluation and constraint of parameters that are then applied to the more data poor Eastern Beaufort Shelf environment. The results of the stratigraphic simulations suggest that the ice sheet margin in the Mackenzie-Beaufort region was more extensive than previously assumed. The impact of GIA on the stratigraphy of the Mackenzie Trough is to develop more progradational than retrogradational stratigraphic features. Simulations of the Eastern Beaufort Shelf suggest that a previously dated sample from the Uviluk borehole is not a RSL indicator as previously thought and by taking this into consideration, the borehole stratigraphy can be modeled. Modeling of multiple cycles of glacial/interglacial RSL with glacial outwash deposition supports the interpretation of the Late Quaternary geology suggested by Murton (2009). Finally, glacial outburst floods funnelling through the area would have mostly bypassed the shelf and contributed to its progradation. If flood water were directed to the Mackenzie Trough, the deposits are likely found within the lower wedge. / Graduate

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