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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribuição ao estudo da curadoria de bens na execução: o Curator Bonorum da Bonorum Venditio / Contribution to the study of trusteeship in bankruptcy: the curator bonotum of the bonorum venditio

Fábio de Carvalho Groff 07 June 2010 (has links)
Dentre os personagens históricos ligados à execução, o curator bonorum é talvez o mais desconhecido, ou o menos estudado. Mas esse aparente \"desinteresse\" acerca da figura é incompatível com sua importância. Diversos são os textos doutrinários que apontam o curator como o antecessor histórico do síndico da falência, no direito anterior, e, nos dias atuais, do administrador judicial. No presente trabalho, apresenta-se a trajetória do curator bonorum e a influência que a curadoria teve no desenvolvimento dos meios de execução. Abordam-se, nesse sentido, a visão peculiar do romano sobre seu patrimônio, a importância da formação dos fundos de propriedade e os antecedentes da execução patrimonial. Demonstra-se também que o procedimento da bonorum venditio, costumeiramente ligado ao período clássico do direito romano, não foi exatamente substituído pela bonorum distractio, pois esta fazia, de certa forma, parte daquela. Com isso se procura comprovar que a atuação do curator, especialmente a que tinha por fim evitar a ruína do devedor, modificou os rumos da execução e do concurso de credores, inclusive de como se os conhecem ainda hoje. Em proposição aparentemente inédita, demonstrar-se-á que a mudança de enfoque dos modelos executivos posteriores às implicações de cunho fisico contra a pessoa, pelos quais se deixou de buscar a totalidade do patrimônio e se passou a preferir a alienação apenas de quanto fosse necessário ao pagamento do débito, está intrinsecamente ligada à atuação do curador do patrimônio. o trabalho se divide em três partes: na primeira, analisa-se o momento histórico da suposta origem do curator bonorum e os primórdios da execução patrimonial; na segunda, o âmbito de atuação e as características do curador; por fim, na terceira e última parte, estuda-se a evolução da figura até o âmbito do Direito Justinianeu. Apresenta-se, também, em apêndice, singela contribuição ao direito moderno. / Among the historical figures associated with bankruptcy, the curator bonorum is perhaps the most unknown, or the least studied. But this apparent indifference about the figure is not compatible with its importance, for there are several doctrinal texts that indicate the curator as the historical predecessor of the trustee in bankruptcy. In this paper, the trajectory of the curator bonorum and the influence that its actions had on the development of means of foreclosure are presented. It addresses, in this sense, the peculiar vision of the Roman about his estate, the importance of property funds, and the background of bankruptcy proceedings. It is also demonstrated that the bonorum venditio procedure, usually connected to the classical period of Roman law, was not exactly replaced by bonorum distractio, as this was, somehow, part of that. The paper also seeks to show that the performance of the curator, especially the one that was to prevent the ruin of the debtor, changed the course of bankruptcy proceedings and concurrent creditors, including how they are known nowadays. In an apparently unprecedented proposition a change of focus from the executive models will be shown, for which the fact that they no longer get the entire assets of the debtor, and happened to prefer a sale of just what was needed so the debt could be paid, is intrinsically linked to the work of the curator bonorum. The paper is divided in three parts: in the first the historical moment of the supposed origin of the curator bonorum and the beginnings of foreclosure are analyzed; in the second, the scope of acting and features of the curator. Finally in the third and final part, the evolution of the figure to the right under Justinian is studied. In Appendix, a simple contribution to modern law is presented.

State custodianship of the nation's mineral and petroleum resources and the South African Development Trust Act 18 of 1963 : a critical comparison / Lebogang Mothusi Marumo

Marumo, Lebogang Mothusi January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation envisages the investigation and determination of the possible correlation between the two phenomena, state custodianship and trusteeship with specific reference to land trusts. Custodianship, as captured in the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Management Act 28 of 2002, and trusteeship, as embodied in the South African Development Trust legislation, being the Native Trust and Land Act 18 of 1936; the Ingonyama Trust Act 3 of 1994 as enacted by the KwaZulu Legislature on the 24th of April 1994, amended with the status of a national Act (provincial Act) in 1997, and re-enacted [by the RSA Parliament] as the KwaZulu-Natal Ingonyama Trust Act 3 of 1994, and the National Water Act 54 of 1956, all confer upon a certain body, the fiduciary obligation to hold, protect and manage certain resources in the interest of a particular designated group of people. The objective of this study is, therefore, to analyse the trust notion as it functioned in terms of the SADT legislation, ITA and the NWA, and compare it to the novel concept of custodianship as it emanates from the MPRDA in order to determine the inherent similarities and differences as well as the implications thereof. This will assist in determining the true nature and impact of the notion of state custodianship as introduced by the MPRDA. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

State custodianship of the nation's mineral and petroleum resources and the South African Development Trust Act 18 of 1963 : a critical comparison / Lebogang Mothusi Marumo

Marumo, Lebogang Mothusi January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation envisages the investigation and determination of the possible correlation between the two phenomena, state custodianship and trusteeship with specific reference to land trusts. Custodianship, as captured in the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Management Act 28 of 2002, and trusteeship, as embodied in the South African Development Trust legislation, being the Native Trust and Land Act 18 of 1936; the Ingonyama Trust Act 3 of 1994 as enacted by the KwaZulu Legislature on the 24th of April 1994, amended with the status of a national Act (provincial Act) in 1997, and re-enacted [by the RSA Parliament] as the KwaZulu-Natal Ingonyama Trust Act 3 of 1994, and the National Water Act 54 of 1956, all confer upon a certain body, the fiduciary obligation to hold, protect and manage certain resources in the interest of a particular designated group of people. The objective of this study is, therefore, to analyse the trust notion as it functioned in terms of the SADT legislation, ITA and the NWA, and compare it to the novel concept of custodianship as it emanates from the MPRDA in order to determine the inherent similarities and differences as well as the implications thereof. This will assist in determining the true nature and impact of the notion of state custodianship as introduced by the MPRDA. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

The Rise of the United States' Airfield Empire in Latin America, North Africa, the Middle East, and Southern Asia (1927-1945). How America's Political Leaders Achieved Mastery over the Global Commons and Created the "American Century"

Ruano de la Haza, Jonathan 29 November 2012 (has links)
This dissertation makes the argument that the Franklin Roosevelt administration (1933-1945) embarked upon a global hegemonic project to transform the United States into a world empire and bring about the "New World Order." In addition, the expansion of U.S. commercial and military air routes was seen as instrumental to the realization of this project.

The Rise of the United States' Airfield Empire in Latin America, North Africa, the Middle East, and Southern Asia (1927-1945). How America's Political Leaders Achieved Mastery over the Global Commons and Created the "American Century"

Ruano de la Haza, Jonathan 29 November 2012 (has links)
This dissertation makes the argument that the Franklin Roosevelt administration (1933-1945) embarked upon a global hegemonic project to transform the United States into a world empire and bring about the "New World Order." In addition, the expansion of U.S. commercial and military air routes was seen as instrumental to the realization of this project.

The Rise of the United States' Airfield Empire in Latin America, North Africa, the Middle East, and Southern Asia (1927-1945). How America's Political Leaders Achieved Mastery over the Global Commons and Created the "American Century"

Ruano de la Haza, Jonathan January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation makes the argument that the Franklin Roosevelt administration (1933-1945) embarked upon a global hegemonic project to transform the United States into a world empire and bring about the "New World Order." In addition, the expansion of U.S. commercial and military air routes was seen as instrumental to the realization of this project.

Mezinárodní právo soukromé a otázky práva obchodních společností / Private international law and the issues of business companies

Koucký, Luboš January 2013 (has links)
The presented thesis seeks to provide a comprehensive commentary on the status of companies and trusts in the area of private international law with special emphasis on the modern development of Czech law. Aforementioned instruments were chosen especially with respect to their frequented use for asset management purposes. The essential part deals with status of companies in the European Union along with the main discrepancy between member states in determining the connecting factors. Aside from defining a nature of company and the fundamental theories setting its personal status, the author puts forward a historical excursus into the jurisprudence of Court of Justice of the European Union in shaping the freedom of establishment for legal persons. The section concludes with the topic on mergers and conversions as vehicles enabling the cross-border transfer of company seats. The structure of the subsequent part reflects a high dependency of shape of trusts and trusteeships on national legislation. The chapter opens with introducing the term equity and goes on to basic attributes of British trust. These introductory parts are followed by the analysis of this instrument with respect to international treaties. The conclusion scrutinizes trusteeship as embedded in new Czech civil code, together with...


[pt] A tese oferece uma leitura pós-colonial sobre as novas operações de paz da ONU a partir do caso da Somália. O argumento central é o de que tais operações são informadas por uma velha lógica, a da teoria da modernização, a qual, por sua vez, deita suas raízes nas teorias racistas e evolucionistas do século XIX. Nesse sentido, a tese sugere que essas novas operações são guiadas pela mesma lógica logocêntrica que informou o imperialismo europeu e a ação subseqüente do Conselho de Tutela das Nações Unidas. A tese visa a desestabilizar o ineditismo das novas operações de paz por meio da análise genealógica de um caso específico, o somali. Argumenta-se que a construção discursiva das sociedades alvo de tais operações como atrasadas, falidas ou pré-modernas cria as condições de possibilidade para as operações de paz conduzidas pelas Nações Unidas em nome da salvação, do progresso e da modernização das mesmas. Logo, a produção da descontinuidade/inovação das operações de paz em relação ao passado colonial depende da construção da continuidade das sociedades alvo de tais operações vistas como sujeitas a conflitos ancestrais e endógenos, ligados a um passado pré-colonial; revelando, desse modo, uma dependência mútua entre as identidades moderna e tradicional. A tese sugere que o reconhecimento do caráter híbrido das sociedades pós-coloniais, presente na perspectiva pós-colonial, nos permite desestabilizar o discurso logocêntrico subjacente às novas operações de paz da ONU. / [en] This dissertation offers a postcolonial reading about the new UN peace operations from the case of Somalia. The central argument is that these operations are informed by an old logic, namely: the modernization theory, which, in turn, lays its roots in evolutionary and racist theories of the nineteenth century. Thus, this dissertation suggests that these new operations are guided by the same logocentric logic that informed the European imperialism and the subsequent action of the United Nations Trusteeship Council. This research aims at destabilizing the novelty of the new peace operations through the genealogical analysis of a particular case: Somalia. It is argued that the discursive construction of the target societies of these operations as backward, failed or pre-modern creates the conditions of possibility for peace operations undertaken by the United Nations on behalf of salvation, progress and modernization of such societies. It is argued that the production of discontinuity and innovation of the new peace operations in relation to the colonial past depends on the construction of the continuity of the societies subject to these operations which are seen as under ancestral and endogenous conflicts tied to a pre-colonial past; revealing therefore the mutual dependency between the identities modern and traditional. Finally, the dissertation suggests that the recognition of the hybrid character of the postcolonial societies by the postcolonial perspectives allows us to destabilize the logocentric discourse underlying the new peace operations.

`n Kritiese ondersoek na die aard en inhoud van trustbegunstigdes se regte ingevolge die Suid-Afrikaanse reg = A critical investigation into the nature and content of the rights of beneficiaries in terms of the South African law of trusts

Coetzee, Jacob Petrus 30 April 2006 (has links)
OPSOMMING Alhoewel die trustfiguur reeds sedert die 19e Eeu in Suid-Afrika erken word, en as `n suiwer trustfiguur tipeer kan word, is die hantering van die regte van sekere trustbegunstigdes steeds in onsekerheid gehul. Die hoofrede hiervoor is die oorbeklemtoning van die wyse waarop trusts tot stand kom en die onderbeklemtoning van die unieke fidusiêre aard van die trust na oprigting daarvan. In Engeland, Skotland, Sri Lanka, Louisiana en Quebec, waar die suiwer trustfiguur ook aanwending vind, bestaan, in teenstelling met die oënskynlike regsposisie in Suid-Afrika, die moontlikheid van trustbegunstigdes sonder regte glad nie. In hierdie jurisdiksies speel die oprigtingsinstrument `n ondergeskikte rol en ontstaan die regte van trustbegunstigdes ex lege uit hoofde van die trustfiguur as `n vertrouensverhouding sui generis. Alhoewel die Suid-Afrikaanse trustreg die fidusiêre aard van die verhouding tussen trustee en trustbegunstigde erken, word die aard en omvang van die regte wat hieruit voort behoort te vloei nog nie voldoende deur die howe erken nie. Vertrouensverhoudinge waaruit regte en verpligtinge ex lege voortspruit, is bekend aan die gemenereg en word steeds hedendaags aangetref in verskeie ander vakdissiplines binne die Suid-Afrikaanse reg, waaronder die maatskappyereg. Die suiwer trustfiguur stel verder noodwendig `n vertrouensverhouding daar wat juis daarop gemik is om die regte van trustbegunstigdes te beskerm. Die standpunt word dus ingeneem dat alle trustbegunstigdes in Suid-Afrika derhalwe oor ex lege regte beskik. Daar word aan die hand gedoen dat trustbegunstigdes se regte nie uitsluitlik voortvloei uit hoofde van die tersaaklike oprigtingshandeling nie, maar dat unieke regte ontstaan as gevolg van die onderliggende fidusiêre verhouding wat tot stand kom wanneer, maar ongeag hoe, die trust opgerig word. Kortom: Die fidusiêre verhouding behoort erken te word as eie, onafhanklike bron van trustbegunstigdes se moontlike regte teen die trustee in die geval van trustbreuk. Nie net is dit `n logiese stap in die ontwikkeling van die gemenereg nie, maar sal dit ook die beskerming van trustbegunstigdes in die Suid-Afrikaanse trustreg op dieselfde voet plaas as trustbegunstigdes in die ander jurisdiksies wat nagevors is. So 'n stap sal bydra tot regsekerheid en nie tot `n wesentlike omwenteling in die Suid-Afrikaanse trustreg en -administrasie lei nie. SYNOPSIS Although the trust figure has been recognised in South Africa since the 19th century and can be characterised as a proper trust, uncertainty still prevails regarding the scope and acknowledgement of the rights of some trust beneficiaries. The main reason for this is the over-emphasis of the manner in which trusts are created, and the under-emphasis of the unique fiduciary nature of the trust once it has been established. In England, Scotland, Sri Lanka, Louisiana and Quebec where the proper trust figure is also applied, there is no possibility, contrary to the apparent legal position in South Africa, of trust beneficiaries without rights. In these jurisdictions the instrument used to create a trust plays a subordinate role and the rights of trust beneficiaries originate ex lege by virtue of the trust itself as a relationship of trust sui generis. Although South African trust law acknowledges the fiduciary nature of the relationship between trustee and trust beneficiary, the nature and extent of the rights that should emanate from this relationship are not adequately acknowledged by the courts. / Jurisprudence / L.L.D.

`n Kritiese ondersoek na die aard en inhoud van trustbegunstigdes se regte ingevolge die Suid-Afrikaanse reg = A critical investigation into the nature and content of the rights of beneficiaries in terms of the South African law of trusts

Coetzee, Jacob Petrus 30 April 2006 (has links)
OPSOMMING Alhoewel die trustfiguur reeds sedert die 19e Eeu in Suid-Afrika erken word, en as `n suiwer trustfiguur tipeer kan word, is die hantering van die regte van sekere trustbegunstigdes steeds in onsekerheid gehul. Die hoofrede hiervoor is die oorbeklemtoning van die wyse waarop trusts tot stand kom en die onderbeklemtoning van die unieke fidusiêre aard van die trust na oprigting daarvan. In Engeland, Skotland, Sri Lanka, Louisiana en Quebec, waar die suiwer trustfiguur ook aanwending vind, bestaan, in teenstelling met die oënskynlike regsposisie in Suid-Afrika, die moontlikheid van trustbegunstigdes sonder regte glad nie. In hierdie jurisdiksies speel die oprigtingsinstrument `n ondergeskikte rol en ontstaan die regte van trustbegunstigdes ex lege uit hoofde van die trustfiguur as `n vertrouensverhouding sui generis. Alhoewel die Suid-Afrikaanse trustreg die fidusiêre aard van die verhouding tussen trustee en trustbegunstigde erken, word die aard en omvang van die regte wat hieruit voort behoort te vloei nog nie voldoende deur die howe erken nie. Vertrouensverhoudinge waaruit regte en verpligtinge ex lege voortspruit, is bekend aan die gemenereg en word steeds hedendaags aangetref in verskeie ander vakdissiplines binne die Suid-Afrikaanse reg, waaronder die maatskappyereg. Die suiwer trustfiguur stel verder noodwendig `n vertrouensverhouding daar wat juis daarop gemik is om die regte van trustbegunstigdes te beskerm. Die standpunt word dus ingeneem dat alle trustbegunstigdes in Suid-Afrika derhalwe oor ex lege regte beskik. Daar word aan die hand gedoen dat trustbegunstigdes se regte nie uitsluitlik voortvloei uit hoofde van die tersaaklike oprigtingshandeling nie, maar dat unieke regte ontstaan as gevolg van die onderliggende fidusiêre verhouding wat tot stand kom wanneer, maar ongeag hoe, die trust opgerig word. Kortom: Die fidusiêre verhouding behoort erken te word as eie, onafhanklike bron van trustbegunstigdes se moontlike regte teen die trustee in die geval van trustbreuk. Nie net is dit `n logiese stap in die ontwikkeling van die gemenereg nie, maar sal dit ook die beskerming van trustbegunstigdes in die Suid-Afrikaanse trustreg op dieselfde voet plaas as trustbegunstigdes in die ander jurisdiksies wat nagevors is. So 'n stap sal bydra tot regsekerheid en nie tot `n wesentlike omwenteling in die Suid-Afrikaanse trustreg en -administrasie lei nie. SYNOPSIS Although the trust figure has been recognised in South Africa since the 19th century and can be characterised as a proper trust, uncertainty still prevails regarding the scope and acknowledgement of the rights of some trust beneficiaries. The main reason for this is the over-emphasis of the manner in which trusts are created, and the under-emphasis of the unique fiduciary nature of the trust once it has been established. In England, Scotland, Sri Lanka, Louisiana and Quebec where the proper trust figure is also applied, there is no possibility, contrary to the apparent legal position in South Africa, of trust beneficiaries without rights. In these jurisdictions the instrument used to create a trust plays a subordinate role and the rights of trust beneficiaries originate ex lege by virtue of the trust itself as a relationship of trust sui generis. Although South African trust law acknowledges the fiduciary nature of the relationship between trustee and trust beneficiary, the nature and extent of the rights that should emanate from this relationship are not adequately acknowledged by the courts. / Jurisprudence / L.L.D.

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