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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Typographical trust issues : The impact of font types on trust in the context of online banking websites / Typografiska ”Trust Issues” : Teckensnittsvalets påverkan på tillit i samband med internetbankers webbplatser

Matsdotter, Freja, Turesson, Lellah Johanna January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine if font choices affect how text and sender are perceived in the context of online banking websites. Large amounts of money are invested to produce effective design units; therefore, graphic designers need to be aware of how their font choices impact the readers’ perception of text. This study aimed to raise awareness around the impact of fonts and to create a helpful report that can guide designers in their font choices. Previous research on the subject argues that typography is a critical tool in visual communication, and that selecting an appropriate typeface is very important. Studies have shown how readers are aware of the difference in appropriateness between different font and text matches. Shaikh, Chaparro and Fox (2006) found serif and sans serif fonts to be the most appropriate in most situations while scripts were appropriate only for scrapbooking and e-greetings and modern display fonts were perceived as rude or coarse. The methods used in the present study were a Literature Study, two Focus Groups, a Quantitative Web Survey and two Visual Content Analyses. The results show that font choices do affect perception of the sender in this context. The most appropriate fonts were strict and structured, but not boring, non-decorative and had a medium x-height in relation to cap height. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om val av teckensnitt påverkar hur text och avsändare uppfattas i samband med internetbankers webbplatser. Stora summor investeras för att producera effektiva designenheter; därför behöver grafiska designers vara medvetna om hur deras val av teckensnitt påverkar läsarens uppfattning av text. Målet med denna studie var att öka medvetenheten kring påverkan av teckensnitt och att skapa en användbar rapport som kan guida designers i deras val av teckensnitt. Tidigare studier inom ämnet argumenterar för hur typografi är ett avgörande verktyg inom visuell kommunikation och hur valet av ett passande teckensnitt är av mycket stor vikt. Undersökningar har visat på att läsare är medvetna om skillnaden i hur väl olika kombinationer teckensnitt och text fungerar. I en studie av Shaikh, Chaparro och Fox (2006) lyfts seriff och sanseriff som de mest passande i flest situationer medan skripter enbart passade bra för scrapbooking och e-hälsningar och moderna ”modern display”- teckensnitt uppfattades som oförskämda eller grova. I föreliggande studie användes en litteraturstudie, två fokusgrupper, en kvantitativ webbenkät och två visuella innehållsanalyser. Resultaten visar på att valet av teckensnitt påverkar hur mottagaren uppfattar sändaren i denna kontext. De teckensnitt som ansågs mest passande var strikta och strukturerade men inte tråkiga, utan dekorativa element och med en medelhög x-höjd i förhållande till versalhöjd.

Citizen Influencers on Instagram : A quantitative study of persuasiveness and purchase intentions within the fashion industry.

Jost Auf Der Stroth, Sebastian August Michael, Sedov, Aleksandr January 2019 (has links)
Background: With social media being ever present in today's marketing world, research guiding and aiding this phenomenon is of mount importance. With social credibility and source attractiveness being lucrative schemes on citizen influencers persuasiveness towards target followers on Instagram and ultimately the drive of online purchase intentions, a holistic approach is introduced to understand each key determinant of each phenomena. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of citizens influencers’ persuasiveness and its relationship with source credibility and source attractiveness, as well as determining a consumers’ online purchase intention on the social media platform Instagram. Method: The study was written in a quantitative manner, aiding the need for generalizable data within the field. An exploratory research design was used with web-based surveys sent out to the sample selection for completion. Main Findings: Four out of the five hypothesis regarding source credibility and attractiveness towards the persuasiveness of citizen influencers were rejected, indicating interesting results as it contradicts previous literature. Furthermore, online purchase intention hypotheses were found to have more positive alignments towards citizen influencers. Grounds for theoretical and practical implications as well as future research endeavors were found.

Linguistic Trust-Building Strategies in Swiss Banks’ Public Discourse: : A Diachronic Study of Annual Reports and Corporate Responsibility Reports from UBS and Credit Suisse

Tonetti, Ilenia January 2019 (has links)
To be perceived as trustworthy in the eyes of the stakeholders is one of the main assets of any successful firm, for a positive image will reflect positively on business. This study focuses on the analysis of trust-building strategies in Annual Reports (ARs) and Corporate Responsibility Reports (CRRs) of two Swiss banks, UBS and Credit Suisse. The analysis aims to identify the linguistic means used to project a trustworthy image, as well as to point out any changes in their use which might have occurred after the financial crisis of 2008. For this purpose, a corpus of ARs and CRRs from the years 2007, 2012 and 2017 has been compiled. The corpus was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively to identify the frequency and distribution of lexical expressions indexing competence, benevolence, and integrity. The results, though tentative, provide insights into the use of trust-building linguistic means and their diachronic development.

Investigating the Nigerian Leadership Capability and its Impact in Development and Society

Nweke, James E. Conable 01 January 2018 (has links)
Despite Nigeria's abundance of human and natural resources, after 57 years of independence, most Nigerians live in absolute poverty. The purpose of this quantitative study was to determine the extent to which the Nigerian leadership exercised leadership capability. The primary research question investigated leadership actions that facilitated or undermined development and good governance objectives. This study adopted critical thinking leadership framework, as developed by the author. The primary data used in this study came from Afrobarometer surveys, round 4, 5, and combined data round 6, which is an updated version of independent surveys administered between 1999 and 2016. Also, data from the Transparency International, the World Bank, and the World Economic Forum were used to complement the Afrobarometer surveys. This study used descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis, analysis of covariance, and multivariate analysis of covariance. Study results suggest Nigerian leadership exhibits self-centered attitudes toward development and good governance. Hence, the observed outcomes include poor government performance, weak economic management and governance, a high-level of ethical and financial corruption, and eroded public trust in government. It is an indication of a weak leadership capability and an absence of critical thinking leadership. This study recommends a change in the way the Nigerian government recruits top public servants if Nigeria seeks to curtail ethical and financial corruption and achieve its development objectives. This study is expected to contribute to positive social change by offering the Nigerian policymakers recommendations that are essential to address the issues associated with weak leadership capability among the Nigerian leadership.

User Interface Design for Analysis of Sensor Systems

Jonsson, Lisa, Sallhammar, Karin January 2003 (has links)
<p>In the future network-based Swedish Defence (NBD), attaining information superiority will be of great importance. This will be achieved by a network of networks where decision-makers, information- and weapon-systems are linked together. As a part of the development of NBD, we have performed a study of user interface design for a future network-based tool package for analysis of sensor systems, referred to as the C2SR-system. </p><p>This thesis was performed at Ericsson Microwave Systems AB, Sensor and Information Networks, during the autumn 2002. A pre-study concerning the requirements of usability, trustworthiness and functionality of a userinterface for the C2SR-system was performed. Officers representing the future users in the NBD played an important role when gathering these requirements. Another important part of the pre-study was the evaluation of software that contains parts of the functionality necessary for the C2SR-system. </p><p>On the basis of the results from the pre-study, we have designed a user interface to the future C2SR-system. To demonstrate the most important conclusions, a prototype was implemented.</p>

User Interface Design for Analysis of Sensor Systems / User Interface Design for Analysis of Sensor Systems

Jonsson, Lisa, Sallhammar, Karin January 2003 (has links)
<p>In the future network-based Swedish Defence (NBD), attaining information superiority will be of great importance. This will be achieved by a network of networks where decision-makers, information- and weapon-systems are linked together. As a part of the development of NBD, we have performed a study of user interface design for a future network-based tool package for analysis of sensor systems, referred to as the C2SR-system. </p><p>This thesis was performed at Ericsson Microwave Systems AB, Sensor and Information Networks, during the autumn 2002. A pre-study concerning the requirements of usability, trustworthiness and functionality of a user interface for the C2SR-system was performed. Officers representing the future users in the NBD played an important role when gathering these requirements. Another important part of the pre-study was the evaluation of software that contains parts of the functionality necessary for the C2SR-system. </p><p>On the basis of the results from the pre-study, we have designed a user interface to the future C2SR-system. To demonstrate the most important conclusions, a prototype was implemented.</p>

Bloggar : En trovärdig marknadsföringskanal?

Johannesdottir, Anna Lisa, Landin, Madeleine January 2009 (has links)
<p>Vi vill reda ut vilka olika faktorer som kan ha betydelse för bloggar som trovärdig marknadsföringskanal.</p><p>Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ ansats för att få en djupare förståelse för bloggar som ett marknadsföringsverktyg. Genom en deduktiv metod har vår teoretiska referensram utgjort utgångspunkten för vår empiriska data.  Vårt empiriska material har vi samlat in genom sex genomförda personliga intervjuer med bloggrelaterade personer. Därefter har vi ställt vårt resultat i relation till vår teori och utifrån vår frågeställning fört en diskussion.<strong></strong></p><p>Företag kan inte styra vad bloggaren skriver och det är viktigt att bloggen får behålla sin personliga karaktär, då det styrker trovärdigheten för denne som marknadsföringskanal. Bloggen ska inte verka i säljande syfte, utan mer som rekommendationer till läsarna. Bloggare kan i vissa sammanhang agera som opinionsledare och besitter förmågan att påverka en stor grupp av människor. MeWe-generationen är en viktig målgrupp för företag, eftersom de frekvent influeras av modebloggar. Våra slutsatser visar även att öppenhet och relationer är viktiga begrepp vad gäller marknadsföring via bloggar.</p> / <p>We want to examine what different elements that can be of importance to blogs as a trustworthy marketing channel.</p><p>We have used a qualitative approach to be able to get deeper understanding of blogs as a marketing tool. Through a deductive method our theoretical frame of reference has made the base for our empirical data. Our empirical material we have collected by executing six personal interviews with blog related people. We have then come to our conclusions by analysing our theoretical and empirical material in relation to each other.<strong></strong></p><p>Companies cannot control what the blogger is writing and it is important that the blog keeps its personal spirit, since it strengthens the trustworthiness of the blog as a marketing channel. A blog is not supposed to communicate in an obviously selling purpose. What they write will rather more be recommendations for the reader. A blogger may sometimes be seen as opinion leaders and they possess the ability of influence a large number of people. The MeWe-generation makes an important target group for companies, since they are frequently influenced by blogs of fashion. Our conclusions also show us that openness and relations are important notions when discussing blogs as a marketing tool.</p>

Trust in Biobank Research : Meaning and Moral Significance

Johnsson, Linus January 2013 (has links)
What role should trust have in biobank research? Is it a scarce resource to be cultivated, or does its moral significance lie elsewhere? How does it relate to the researcher’s individual responsibility? In this thesis I draw four general conclusions. First, trust is still very much present in at least some biobanking settings, notably in Sweden, but possibly also internationally. Second, a morally relevant conception of trust entails that to be trustworthy, researchers must consider the normative expectations that people have of them, and renegotiate expectations that are mistaken. Third, this conception differs from “public trust” assessed through surveys. The main use of the latter is to legitimate policy, not to identify moral duties. Fourth, in spite of ethics review, guidelines and informed consent procedures, ethical issues will always arise during the course of a research project. Researchers can therefore never avoid their individual moral responsibility. Ensuring that one is adequately trusted is one step towards conducting morally acceptable research. Study I indicates that few Swedes refuse storage of samples in healthcare-associated biobanks and their use in research. Study II suggests that people are somewhat more willing to donate samples than surveys indicate, especially when approached face-to-face by health care personnel. Relationships of trust might thus be important in people’s decision-making. Study III investigates trust as a moral concept. The trustee is often in a unique position to determine what the other’s trust amounts to. When it is mistaken, the trustee has an obligation to counteract it, compensate for it, or renegotiate the expectations that cannot be met. In Study IV, I critique the feasibility of guaranteeing the trustworthiness of the research apparatus through formal measures such as ethics review and guidelines. Not only are there limitations of such measures to consider. They also risk blinding researchers to ethical issues that are not covered by the rules, fostering moral complacency, and alienating researchers to ethics.

User Interface Design for Analysis of Sensor Systems

Jonsson, Lisa, Sallhammar, Karin January 2003 (has links)
In the future network-based Swedish Defence (NBD), attaining information superiority will be of great importance. This will be achieved by a network of networks where decision-makers, information- and weapon-systems are linked together. As a part of the development of NBD, we have performed a study of user interface design for a future network-based tool package for analysis of sensor systems, referred to as the C2SR-system. This thesis was performed at Ericsson Microwave Systems AB, Sensor and Information Networks, during the autumn 2002. A pre-study concerning the requirements of usability, trustworthiness and functionality of a userinterface for the C2SR-system was performed. Officers representing the future users in the NBD played an important role when gathering these requirements. Another important part of the pre-study was the evaluation of software that contains parts of the functionality necessary for the C2SR-system. On the basis of the results from the pre-study, we have designed a user interface to the future C2SR-system. To demonstrate the most important conclusions, a prototype was implemented.

Bloggar : En trovärdig marknadsföringskanal?

Johannesdottir, Anna Lisa, Landin, Madeleine January 2009 (has links)
Vi vill reda ut vilka olika faktorer som kan ha betydelse för bloggar som trovärdig marknadsföringskanal. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ ansats för att få en djupare förståelse för bloggar som ett marknadsföringsverktyg. Genom en deduktiv metod har vår teoretiska referensram utgjort utgångspunkten för vår empiriska data.  Vårt empiriska material har vi samlat in genom sex genomförda personliga intervjuer med bloggrelaterade personer. Därefter har vi ställt vårt resultat i relation till vår teori och utifrån vår frågeställning fört en diskussion. Företag kan inte styra vad bloggaren skriver och det är viktigt att bloggen får behålla sin personliga karaktär, då det styrker trovärdigheten för denne som marknadsföringskanal. Bloggen ska inte verka i säljande syfte, utan mer som rekommendationer till läsarna. Bloggare kan i vissa sammanhang agera som opinionsledare och besitter förmågan att påverka en stor grupp av människor. MeWe-generationen är en viktig målgrupp för företag, eftersom de frekvent influeras av modebloggar. Våra slutsatser visar även att öppenhet och relationer är viktiga begrepp vad gäller marknadsföring via bloggar. / We want to examine what different elements that can be of importance to blogs as a trustworthy marketing channel. We have used a qualitative approach to be able to get deeper understanding of blogs as a marketing tool. Through a deductive method our theoretical frame of reference has made the base for our empirical data. Our empirical material we have collected by executing six personal interviews with blog related people. We have then come to our conclusions by analysing our theoretical and empirical material in relation to each other. Companies cannot control what the blogger is writing and it is important that the blog keeps its personal spirit, since it strengthens the trustworthiness of the blog as a marketing channel. A blog is not supposed to communicate in an obviously selling purpose. What they write will rather more be recommendations for the reader. A blogger may sometimes be seen as opinion leaders and they possess the ability of influence a large number of people. The MeWe-generation makes an important target group for companies, since they are frequently influenced by blogs of fashion. Our conclusions also show us that openness and relations are important notions when discussing blogs as a marketing tool.

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