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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bilan des flux de métaux, carbone organique et nutriments contenus dans une rivière alpine : part des rejets urbains de l'agglomération de Grenoble et apports amont (Isère et Drac) / Balance of Metal, carbon and nutriment flux in a french alpin river : part of urban effluents of Grenoble agglomeration

Dutordoir, Solène 06 June 2014 (has links)
La prise de conscience grandissante de la contamination des cours d'eau a entraîné l'établissement de réglementations de plus en plus strictes concernant les rejets urbains et la fixation d'objectifs de qualité à atteindre pour les milieux aquatiques. Cependant, l'échantillonnage ponctuel reste une limite importante dans l'estimation des flux de contaminants, et le besoin de suivis en continu est présent dans le milieu naturel et dans les réseaux d'assainissement urbains. Cette étude porte sur la quantification de la part des rejets urbains de l'agglomération grenobloise dans les flux totaux de matières en suspension (MES), nutriments (azote, phosphore), carbone organique et éléments traces métalliques (ETM) du milieu récepteur Isère (une rivière alpine). Ce travail s'est appuyé sur un réseau de mesures en continu de débits (Q) et de MES (par turbidimétrie) à l'amont et à l'aval de l'agglomération et sur une sonde spectrométrique à l'amont, associé à des campagnes de prélèvements réguliers et renforcés pendant les épisodes de crues. Des campagnes de mesures détaillées sur les principaux sous bassins du réseau d'assainissement ont été réalisées durant la période d'étude dans le cadre du schéma directeur d'assainissement de l'agglomération grenobloise. Le croisement de ces deux approches a permis de confronter les variations spatio-temporelles des MES, nutriments, carbone organique et ETM du réseau et du milieu récepteur en 2011 et 2012. Les flux sur ces deux années ont été établis afin de déterminer la contribution des rejets urbains dans les flux du milieu récepteur. La contamination en mercure a fait l'objet d'un suivi particulier du fait de la présence d'une source significative de mercure dans la région. Enfin, une réflexion sur l'amélioration des calculs de flux par l'utilisation de relations entre les ETM/carbone organique particulaire (COP) et un paramètre mesurable en continu (MES, Q) a été menée en parallèle de l'exploitation de ces résultats. Mots-clés : Matières en suspension ; Dynamique des flux ; Nutriments ; Eléments traces métalliques ; Mercure ; Rejets urbains (par temps de pluie et temps sec), sondes de turbidité et spectrométrique. / The growing awareness of the contamination of rivers has led to the establishment of more rigorous regulations related to urban waste, and to the setting of water quality objectives to be achieved for aquatic environment. However, grab sampling remains an important limitation for the estimation of contaminant flux, and the need for constant monitoring is present in both natural environment and urban sanitation. This study focuses on the quantification of the proportion of urban waste in the Grenoble area to the total flux of 1) suspended solids (TSS), 2) nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), 3) organic carbon and 4) metals trace element (MTE) of the receiving environment; the Isère (an alpine river). This work was supported by a network of continuous discharge measurements (Q) and TSS (turbidimetry), both upstream and downstream of Grenoble associated with regular sampling campaigns, with a higher measurement frequency during flood events. A spectrometric probe upstream was also placed upstream. Detailed measurement campaigns on major sub-basins of the sewerage network were performed during the study period as part of the sanitation master plan of Grenoble. The combination of these two approaches allowes to relate the spatio-temporal variations of TSS, nutrients, organic carbon and MTE in the urban water network of Grenoble and in the receiving environment (the Isère) for the years 2011 and 2012. Flows of the traced parameters have been established to determine the contribution of urban waste flows in the receiving environment, over these two years. Finally, a study on how to improve the flow calculations by the use of relations between MTE / particulate organic carbon (POC ) and a continuous measurable parameter (MES, Q ) was conducted in parallel with these results. Key words: suspended solids, Nutrients, metals trace element; Mercury; urban waste; turbidimetry and spectrometric probe

Flota??o por ar dissolvido na clarifica??o de ?guas com baixa turbidez utilizando sulfato de alum?nio e sementes de Moringa oleifera como coagulantes / Dissolved air Flotation , for clarifying water with low turbidity using aluminum sulphate and Moringa oleifera seeds as coagulants

L?do, Patr?cia Guilhermina da Silva 22 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:01:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PatriciaGSL.pdf: 4325839 bytes, checksum: ed5182708cd9548f2c8eca5937447cd6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-12-22 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This work aims to investigate the process of Dissolved air Flotation (DAF) for clarifying water samples with low turbidity using aluminum sulphate and Moringa oleifera seeds as coagulants. The experimental procedure was carried out in a bench scale flotation unit. The influences on the pre-treatment conditions (coagulant dosage and flocculation time) and flotation parameters (superficial application rate and recirculation rate) were evaluated considering the efficiency of the process. The efficiency was evaluated by determining the turbidity of the untreated and treated water samples. The results obtained showed that turbidity reduction can be obtained very efficiently by using DAF and the latter coagulant in low turbidity water. Using aluminum sulphate in pH?s 5.0 and 6.0 better efficiencies were obtained with low concentrations (15 mg/L), achieving values of 92% of turbidity reduction. In the case of use of Moringa oleifera better efficiencies of reduction of turbidity were reported when using a concentration of 50 mg/L in all range of pH?s, achieving 86% of reduction. The zeta potential was also determined, in an attempt to aid comprehension of the coagulation mechanisms involved. The coagulation mechanisms with Moringa oleifera seeds were shown to be adsorption and charge neutralization, as well as adsorption and bridging. Concerning aluminum sulphate, the predominant mechanisms are adsorption and charge neutralization and enmeshment in a precipitate. The results indicate that for low turbidity water, Moringa oleifera seeds could potentially be a viable substitute for aluminum sulphate / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar o processo da flota??o por ar dissolvido sob press?o - FAD para clarifica??o de ?guas com baixa turbidez utilizando sulfato de alum?nio e sementes de Moringa oleifera como coagulantes. O procedimento experimental foi realizado em uma unidade de flota??o em escala de bancada. Foram avaliadas as influ?ncias das condi??es do pr?-tratamento (dosagem de coagulante e tempo de flocula??o) e par?metros de processo da flota??o (taxa de aplica??o superficial e taxa de recircula??o) na efici?ncia do processo. A efici?ncia foi avaliada pela determina??o de turbidez nas amostras de ?gua bruta e tratada. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que elevadas efici?ncias de redu??o da turbidez podem ser conseguidas com o uso da FAD em ?guas com baixa turbidez utilizando estes coagulantes. Para o sulfato de alum?nio, nos pHs 5,0 e 6,0 as melhores efici?ncias foram alcan?adas com baixas dosagens (15 mg/L), alcan?ando valores de at? 92% de redu??o. Para a Moringa oleifera, as melhores efici?ncias de redu??o de turbidez foram ? dosagem aproximada de 50 mg/L para todos os pHs, alcan?ando valores de 86% de redu??o. Determinou-se tamb?m o potencial zeta, com o objetivo de auxiliar na compreens?o dos mecanismos envolvidos na coagula??o. Os mecanismos de coagula??o com sementes de Moringa oleifera indicam ser adsor??o e neutraliza??o de cargas e adsor??o e forma??o de pontes. No que diz respeito ao sulfato de alum?nio os mecanismos predominantes s?o adsor??o e neutraliza??o de cargas e varredura. Os resultados indicam que para ?guas de baixa turbidez, as sementes de Moringa oleifera podem ser um substituto potencialmente vi?vel em rela??o ao sulfato de alum?nio

Les eaux du delta du Danube : approche géographique par télédétection satellitaire / Geographical approach of Danube Delta waters through satellite remote sensing

Güttler, Fábio Nór 10 December 2012 (has links)
Classiquement étudié par différentes disciplines scientifiques, le domaine de l'eau est au cœur des préoccupations environnementales contemporaines. En Europe, l'évaluation et le suivi de l'état écologique des "masses d'eau" sont désormais exigés par la législation communautaire, la directive cadre sur l'eau (DCE - 2000/60/CE) fixant des objectifs pour leur préservation ou leur restauration le cas échéant. Dans ce contexte, des expériences d'utilisation de l'imagerie satellitaire en appui au suivi écologique des eaux se sont succédées en Europe, notamment pour les masses d'eau côtières et pour les grands lacs. Malgré cela, la précision spatiale de l'imagerie utilisée pour ce type de suivi ne permet pas l'observation fine de secteurs littoraux très proches de la côte ou de lacs avec une surface réduite (par ex. inférieure à 5 km²). Pour ces espaces aquatiques particuliers, pourtant très nombreux, l'utilisation de la télédétection satellitaire est moins sollicitée. Cette recherche doctorale a été réalisée sur une zone littorale réunissant plusieurs de ces espaces aquatiques peu investigués par la télédétection satellitaire. Situé à la frontière orientale de l'Europe et à distance égale du pôle nord et de la ligne de l'équateur, le delta du Danube, en tant qu'espace naturel remarquable, bénéficie de différents statuts de protection (réserve de biosphère, site RAMSAR, patrimoine mondial naturel de l'UNESCO). Ceux-ci s'expliquent en grande partie par la forte diversité d'espaces aquatiques aussi bien sur la plaine deltaïque que sur la zone côtière adjacente (bras de fleuve, chenaux, lacs, baies, golfes, marais, îles-barrières). Ce continuum hétérogène, constituant l'hydrosystème du delta du Danube, et son prolongement en mer côtière, sont l'objet principal de ce doctorat. La notion d'échelle occupe une place centrale dans notre démarche d'analyse puisque l'on est à l'intersection de deux grands systèmes (le bassin versant du Danube et la mer Noire) dont les étendues sont de deux ordres de grandeurs plus vastes que celle du delta ; la dimension temporelle est aussi fondamentale dans la mesure où les processus de morphogénèse et de remaniement (naturels et anthropiques) se font fortement ressentir et se traduisent par une mobilité importante des formes de relief ainsi que des éléments de l'hydrographie deltaïque. Au delà des évolutions sur le moyen et long terme, la variabilité spatio-temporelle contemporaine des eaux au pas de temps intra-annuel (saisonnier et intra-saisonnier), jusque-là peu étudiée, a également été appréhendée dans cette thèse. Par son côté exploratoire, la mise en place d'une chaîne de traitements d'images satellitaires adaptée à l'étude des eaux deltaïques représente, en soi, l'objectif méthodologique principal de ce doctorat. Dans cette voie, différents lots d'images ont été mobilisés : en fonction des fluctuations du niveau d'eau du Danube, nous avons retenu la période 2006-2009, étudiée à travers un total de 85 images satellitaires, dont 52 à moyenne résolution spatiale (MERIS) et 33 à haute résolution spatiale (ALOS AVNIR-2, SPOT HRVIR, Landsat TM et ETM+) ; à ce premier lot s'ajoute une soixantaine de prises de vue "historiques" couvrant la période comprise entre 1972 et 2005 (capteurs de la série Landsat MSS, TM et ETM+), ainsi que, pour la période plus récente, cinq images Landsat TM de 2010 et 2011. Trois procédés distincts mais complémentaires ont été mis en œuvre pour traiter cet ensemble hétérogène d'images. L'analyse intégrée des résultats obtenus avec des données hydrologiques et météo-océanographiques nous a permis d'apporter des nouveaux éléments de compréhension sur le fonctionnement actuel et passé du delta du Danube. / The Danube River and its contributors cross nineteen European countries before reaching the West coast of the Black Sea. In the context of the Black Sea drainage basin, the Danube River is the most important source of liquid and solid discharges. The fluvial-marine contact zone is quite large because Danube splits up itself into multiple distributaries across a wide deltaic plain (4,142 km²) shared among Romania and Ukraine. Vast areas of compact reedbeds usually surround the three hundred freshwater lakes of the delta. Many of these shallow lakes are connected to channels or canals providing turbid water from the Danube, while others depend on flood events to be supplied by the turbid waters coming from the river. Important seasonal growth of floating and submerged macrophytes also occurs in the majority of the lakes. Thus, Danube Delta presents a complex hydrosystem which has been greatly modified since the first navigation works in the nineteenth century. Since the beginning of the nineties, the Danube Delta became a Biosphere Reserve (MAB-UNESCO), a RAMSAR site and was included on the list of the World Natural Heritage (UNESCO). Analyzing spatial patterns in complex environments, like Danube Delta and its coastal zone, requires non traditional approaches. Remote sensing multi-sensor techniques offer reliable advantages to observe and understand intricate processes operating on different space-time scales and especially in large areas with difficult and sometimes restricted access (e.g. Biosphere Reserve core areas). The main methodological objective of this thesis was to create a procedure for processing heterogeneous optical satellite images. By studying the Danube Delta area (hydrosystems principally) through different space-time scales, we worked with several types of high and moderate spatial resolution images. Based on Danube water levels, we analyzed 85 satellite images from the period 2006-2009 (52 medium resolution images - MERIS and 33 high resolution images - ALOS AVNIR-2, SPOT HVIR, Landsat TM / ETM+). This main satellite data set was completed with more than sixty "historical" images (1972-2005) acquired with the Landsat sensors (MSS, TM and ETM+). Three distinct, but complementary, approaches were used to process the satellite images. The integrated analysis of the satellite results with hydrological and meteo-oceanographical data series enabled us to bring new elements of explanation about the past and present dynamics of Danube Delta.

Modelový výzkum účinnosti separačních technologií úpravy vody / The efficiency of water treatment separation processes – model research

Vašalovská, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Goal of this research was to recognize dissolved air flotation efficiency by the help of turbidity and UV absorbance removal for different conditions. As different conditions are meant the efficiency for different baffle position, different detention time in separation zone and checking results with adding chemicals compared to results without adding chemicals.

Study and Design of a Sensor System for the Detection of Illicit Discharges in Sewers and Water Bodies

Rocher Morant, Javier 18 April 2023 (has links)
[ES] El uso del agua en nuestra sociedad es de gran importancia. Cuando el agua se utiliza y deja de ser útil, se convierte en agua residual. Esta contiene sustancias que ponen en peligro la salud humana y los ecosistemas. Para reducir el daño ambiental existen las depuradoras que reducen los niveles de contaminación del agua. En las industrias, las depuradoras se encargan de reducir la carga contaminante del agua para su vertido en alcantarillado o al medio ambiente. La presencia de vertidos ilegales y desbordamientos en el alcantarillado suponen una amenaza para las masas de agua. Estos provocan una bajada en el rendimiento de las depuradoras. En muchos casos no es posible detectar al responsable de estos. Lo que hace que estos queden impunes violando el principio ambiental de quien contamina paga. Para solucionar este problema se propone un sistema de bajo coste para la monitorización de parámetros del agua para detectar problemas en los alcantarillados dentro de las ciudades inteligentes (Smart cities). La hipótesis de trabajo es que ante la presencia de un vertido ciertos parámetros del agua cambiarán lo suficiente como para que pueda ser detectado. Al detectarse el sitio del vertido se podrá acudir rápidamente al lugar a fin de cesar el vertido además de tomar las acciones legales pertinentes. Primero, hemos estudiado otros sistemas para monitorizar el alcantarillado Con esta información se determina los parámetros más interesantes y que pueden ser medidos con un bajo coste son temperatura, conductividad, turbidez, nivel de agua y aceite. Además, de sensores de lluvia para el alcantarillado pluvial. Para la monitorización de estos parámetros se escogen sensores comerciales de bajo coste para los parámetros de temperatura, nivel y lluvia. Para los otros parámetros se decidió desarrollar nuestros propios sensores. Para ello se utilizó sensores del tipo inductivos para la conductividad y sensores ópticos para el control de la turbidez y el aceite. Respecto a los sensores inductivos, se ha determinado que existen interferencias de los sólidos y del nivel de agua en la respuesta del sensor. Sin embargo, en el caso de los sólidos esta interferencia es pequeña en la concentración de solidos que existe en el alcantarillado, siendo esta de 0.078 V/gramo. En cambio, la cantidad de agua sí que afecta a la respuesta de la bobina de forma significativa. Respecto a la turbidez se han realizado dos prototipos diferentes. Un prototipo ha sido desarrollado para cuerpos de agua y el otro para el alcantarillado. El prototipo desarrollado para cuerpos de agua es capaz de determinar el porcentaje de algas que existen en el agua conociendo la cantidad de solidos en el agua. Para la detección del aceite hemos desarrollado otro sensor óptico. Hemos hecho pruebas a distintas alturas de agua. Viendo que éramos capaces de identificar si el aceite provenía de un motor gasolina o de un motor diésel, y en el caso de aceite usado por un motor de gasolina éramos capaces de cuantificarlo. Por último, respecto a nuestro sistema hemos analizado mediante simulaciones la utilidad de un sensor de nivel en el alcantarillado. Hemos detectado que en el caso de alcantarillado pluvial este sí que puede ser útil. Además, hemos testeado en una tubería el sensor inductivo y el de aceite con diferentes concentraciones de sal y aceite para ver su funcionamiento. El coste estimado de cada uno de los nodos sensores es de 120 €. Los sensores desarrollados pueden ser utilizados en otros ambientes. Estos trabajos son: (I) el uso de bobinas para la monitorización de la humedad del suelo, (II) el uso de sensores ópticos para detectar gasóleo B en vehículos (III) el uso de sensores y tecnología de bioabsorción en canales de riego afectados por aguas residuales y (IV) el uso del sensor de aceite en canales de riego. / [CA] The use of water in our society is of great importance. Once the water has been used, it becomes wastewater. These waters contain substances that endanger human health and ecosystems. To reduce environmental damage, there are treatment plants that treat these waters to reduce their levels of contamination. Industrial treatment plants are responsible for reducing the contaminant load of the water so that it can be discharged into the public sewer system or into the environment. The presence of illegal discharges and overflows in the sewage system pose a threat to water bodies. These discharges can cause a drop in the performance of the treatment plant, which will cause an effluent of poorer quality. In many cases, it is not possible to detect who is responsible for the spills. What makes these go unpunished violating the environmental principle of that whoever pollutes pays. To solve this problem, a low-cost system for monitoring water parameters to detect problems in sewers within the context of smart cities is proposed. Our working hypothesis is that in the presence of a discharge, the concentration of specific water parameters will change enough to be detected. When the site of the spill is detected, it will be possible to quickly go to the place in order to stop the spill in addition to taking the necessary legal actions against the person who is carrying out the spill. First, we have compiled information about other systems to monitor sewage, With this information, we have determined that the most exciting parameters that we are able to measure at a low cost are temperature, conductivity, turbidity, water and oil level. In addition, the use of rain sensors for storm sewers is included. To monitor these parameters, low-cost commercial sensors are chosen to monitor temperature, level and rainfall. For the other parameters, we decided to develop our own sensors. We decided to use inductive type sensors for conductivity and optical sensors for turbidity and oil control. Regarding the inductive sensors, we have determined that there are interferences of the solids and the water level in the response of the sensor.. However, in the case of solids, this interference is minor in the concentration of solids that exists in the sewage system (0.078 V/gram). On the other hand, the amount of water does affect the response of the coil significantly. Therefore, the sensor must be submerged. Regarding turbidity, we have made two different prototypes. One prototype has been developed for bodies of water and the other for sewage. The prototype developed for bodies of water is capable of determining the percentage of algae that exist in the water, knowing the amount of solids in the water. For oil detection, we have developed another optical sensor. We have done tests at different heights of water. Seeing that we were able to identify if the oil came from a gasoline engine or a Diesel engine, and in the case of oil used by a gasoline engine, we were able to quantify it. Finally, regarding our system, we have analyzed through simulations the usefulness of a level sensor in the sewage system. We have detected that in the case of storm sewage, this can be useful. In addition, we have tested the inductive sensor and the oil sensor in a pipe with different concentrations of salt and oil to see how they work. The estimated cost of each sensor node is 120 €. The developed sensors can be used in other environments. For this reason, we show other works carried out during the thesis period with the developed sensors. These works are: (I) The use of coils for soil moisture monitoring, (II) the use of optical sensors to detect diesel B in vehicles, (III) the use of sensors and bioabsorption technology in irrigation canals affected by wastewater, and (IV) the use of the oil sensor in irrigation channels. / [EN] L'ús de l'aigua a la nostra societat és de gran importància. Un cop l'aigua s'ha utilitzat i deixa de ser útil per a l'activitat, aquesta es converteix en aigües residuals. Aquestes aigües contenen substàncies que posen en perill la salut humana i dels ecosistemes. Per reduir el danys mediambientals existeixen les depuradores que tracten aquestes aigües per reduir contaminació la seua carrega contaminants.. Les depuradores industrials s'encarreguen de reduir la càrrega contaminant de l'aigua perquè es pugui abocar al clavegueram públic o al medi ambient. La presència d'abocaments d'aigua il·legals i els desbordaments al clavegueram suposen una amenaça per a les masses d'aigua. Aquests abocaments poden provocar una baixada en el rendiment de la depuradora. En molts casos no és possible detectar el responsable dels abocaments. Això fa que aquests queden impunes violant el principi ambiental de qui contamina paga. Per solucionar aquest problema es proposa un sistema de baix cost per a la monitorització de l'aigua per detectar problemes als claveguerams en les ciutats intel·ligents (Smart cities). La hipòtesi de treball consisteix que davant la presència d'un abocament la concentració de certs paràmetres de l'aigua canviarà lo suficient perquè es pugui detectar. En detectar-se el lloc de l'abocament es podrà acudir ràpidament al lloc per cessar l'abocament a més de prendre les accions legals que siguin necessàries contra la persona que està realitzat l'abocament. Primer, hem estudiat altres sistemes per monitoritzar el clavegueram. Amb aquesta informació s'ha determinat que els paràmetres més interessants i que poden ser mesurats amb un baix cost són temperatura, conductivitat, terbolesa, nivell d'aigua i oli. A més, l'ús de sensors de pluja per al clavegueram de pluvials. Per monitoritzar aquests paràmetres s'escullen sensors comercials de baix cost per ala temperatura, el nivell i la pluja. Per als altres paràmetres, es decideix desenvolupar els nostres propis sensors. Decidim utilitzar sensors del tipus inductius per a la conductivitat i sensors òptics per al control de la terbolesa i l'oli. Pel que fa als sensors inductius, s'ha determinat que hi ha interferències dels sòlids i del nivell d'aigua en la resposta del sensor. No obstant això, en el cas dels sòlids aquesta interferència és petita en la concentració de sòlids que hi ha al clavegueram, aquesta és de 0.078 V/gram. En canvi, la quantitat d'aigua sí que afecta la resposta de la bobina de manera significativa. Pel que fa a la terbolesa s'han realitzat dos prototips diferents. Un prototip ha estat desenvolupat per a cossos d'aigua i l'altre per al clavegueram. El prototip desenvolupat per a cossos d'aigua és capaç de determinar el percentatge d'algues que hi ha a l'aigua coneixent la quantitat de sòlids a l'aigua. Per detectar l'oli hem desenvolupat un altre sensor òptic. Hem fet proves a diferents alçades d'aigua. Veient que érem capaços d'identificar si l'oli provenia d'un motor benzina o d'un motor dièsel, i en el cas d'oli usat per un motor de benzina érem capaços de quantificar-lo. Finalment, respecte al nostre sistema hem analitzat mitjançant simulacions la utilitat d'un sensor de nivell al clavegueram. Hem detectat que en el cas de clavegueram pluvial aquest sí que pot ser útil. A més, hem testejat en una canonada el sensor inductiu i el d'oli amb diferents concentracions de sal i oli per veure'n el funcionament. El cost estimat de cadascun dels nodes sensors és de 120 €. Els sensors desenvolupats poden ser utilitzats en altres ambients.. Aquests treballs són: (I) L'ús de bobines per a la monitorització de la humitat del sòl, (II) l'ús de sensors òptics per detectar gasoil B (sota impostos) en vehicles no autoritzats, (III) l'ús de sensors i tecnologia de bioabsorció en canals de reg afectats per aigües residuals, (IV) l'ús del sensor d'oli a canals de reg. / Rocher Morant, J. (2023). Study and Design of a Sensor System for the Detection of Illicit Discharges in Sewers and Water Bodies [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192823

Smarta nivåmätningar av dagvatten i realtid : Med en ny metod baserad på Time-of-Flight LiDAR sensorn VL53L1X

Burgos, Marcelo January 2022 (has links)
Dagvatten transporteras via dagvattenbrunnar in i ledningsnät och bort från betongytor. Problem uppstår då dessa sätter igen vilket leder till att vägar och bostäder kan översvämmas. Detta medför ett behov att övervaka när dagvattenbrunnarna sätter igen. Sundsvalls kommun har tillsammans med Mittuniversitet använt sig av differentiella tryckgivare för att mäta vattennivåer i syfte att detektera när dagvattenbrunnarna sätter igen. Tryckgivaren fungera bra under sommartid men ger felaktiga utslag under vintern. Det har därmed föreslagits en kontakt fri lösningsmetod som omfattar ToF LiDAR sensorn VL53L1X. ToF LiDAR sensorer används för att bestämma avstånd till objekt, eftersom dessa inte vanligtvis appliceras inom vattennivåmätningar är detta en ny metod i det området. Syftet med arbetet var att utreda ifall ToF LiDAR sensorn VL53L1X kunde användas för att mäta vattennivåer samt avgöra om den kan tillämpas för övervakning av dagvatten under sommar- och vintertid. Övergripande mål var att utreda ifall sensorn kunde implementeras i en nod. Ett flertal förstudier gjordes för att utreda vilka faktorer som påverkade mätresultatet och för att karakterisera sensorns konfigurering för att anpassa sensorn för vattennivåmätningar i avsikt att effektivisera mätmetoden. Det framgick av förstudierna att faktorerna vattengrumlighet, solljus och avstånd till mätobjektet påverkade mätningarna så att mätresultatet försämrades. Det har konstaterats med arbetet som underlag att sensorn kan mäta vattennivåer och kan tillämpas för att övervaka dagvattennivåer. Mätresultat vid vattennivåmätningar kan åstadkommas med en mätnoggrannhet på ca 28 mm och ett mätfel på ca 46 mm. Mätresultatet gäller under omständigheterna att vattnet är rent, under påverkan av solljus samt att sensorns höjdposition är maximalt 90 cm. / Stormwater is transported through stormwater wells into a passage system and away from concrete surfaces. Problem emerges when these clog and causes flooding on roads and housings. These convey a necessity for monitoring the wells so that they do not clog. Sundsvall municipality has together with Mittuniversitet, used differential pressure sensors to measure water levels to detect when the stormwater wells clog. The differential pressure sensor operates well under summer season but during winter, it gives inadequate readings. Therefore, a contact free method has been suggested, that comprises the ToF LiDAR sensor VL53L1X. ToF LiDAR sensors are applied to determine distances, and are not usually used to measure water levels, therefore the suggested method is novice method for these types of applications. The purpose of the study was to investigate if the ToF LiDAR sensor VL53L1X could be used to measure water levels and to decide if it can be applied for monitoring of stormwater during summer- and winter season. The overall purpose was to investigate if the sensor could be implemented in a node. Various pre-studies were done to examine what factors could influence the measurement results and to characterize the sensor configuration to adapt the sensor for water level measurements to increase the effectiveness of the measuring method. The outcome of the pre-studies was that the factors water turbidity, sunlight, and distance to measuring object influenced the measurements so that the measuring results became inferior. It has been established with the studies as ground that the sensor can measure water levels and that it can be applied to monitor stormwater levels. The measuring result when applied to water level measuring could be obtained with an accuracy of approximately 28 mm and an error of approximately 46 mm. The measuring result apply during the conditions that the water is clean, with influence of sunlight and given that the sensor height position is maximum 90 cm.

Effluent Water Quality Improvement Using Silt Fences And Stormwater Harvesting

Gogo-Abite, Ikiensinma 01 January 2012 (has links)
Construction sites are among the most common areas to experience soil erosion and sediment transport due to the mandatory foundation tasks such as excavation and land grubbing. Thus, temporary sediment barriers are installed along the perimeter to prevent sediment transport from the site. Erosion and sediment transport control measures may include, but not limited to, physical and chemical processes such as the use of a silt fence and polyacrylamide product. Runoff from construction sites and other impervious surfaces are routinely discharged into ponds for treatment before being released into a receiving water body. Stormwater harvesting from a pond for irrigation of adjacent lands is promoted as one approach to reducing pond discharge while supplementing valuable potable water used for irrigation. The reduction of pond discharge reduces the mass of pollutants in the discharge. In the dissertation, presented is the investigation of the effectiveness of temporary sediment barriers and then, development of a modeling approach to a stormwater harvesting pond to provide a comprehensive stormwater management pollution reduction assessment tool. The first part of the research presents the investigation of the performance efficiencies of silt fence fabrics in turbidity and sediment concentration removal, and the determination of flowthrough-rate on simulated construction sites in real time. Two silt fence fabrics, (1) woven and the other (2) nonwoven were subjected to material index property tests and a series of field-scale tests with different rainfall intensities and events for different embankment slopes on a tilting test-bed. Collected influent and effluent samples were analyzed for sediment concentration and turbidity, and the flow-through-rate for each fabric was evaluated. Test results revealed that the woven and nonwoven silt fence achieved 11 and 56 percent average turbidity reduction iv efficiency, respectively. Each fabric also achieved 20 and 56 percent average sediment concentration removal efficiency, respectively. Fabric flow-through-rates were functions of the rainfall intensity and embankment slope. The nonwoven fabric exhibited higher flow-throughrates than the woven fabric in both field-scale and laboratory tests. In the second part of the study, a Stormwater Harvesting and Assessment for Reduction of Pollution (SHARP) model was developed to predict operation of wet pond used for stormwater harvesting. The model integrates the interaction of surface water and groundwater in a catchment area. The SHARP model was calibrated and validated with actual pond water elevation data from a stormwater pond at Miramar Lakes, Miramar, Florida. Model evaluation showed adequate prediction of pond water elevation with root mean square error between 0.07 and 0.12 m; mean absolute error was between 0.018 and 0.07 m; and relative index of agreement was between 0.74 and 0.98 for both calibration and validation periods. The SHARP model is capable of assessing harvesting safe-yield and discharge from a pond, including the prediction of the percentage of runoff into a harvesting pond that is not discharged. The combination of silt fence and/or polyacrylamide PAM before stormwater harvesting pond in a treatment train for the reduction of pollutants from construction sites has the potential of significantly exceeding a performance standard of 85 percent reduction typically required by local authorities. In fact, the stringent requirement of equaling pre- and post-development pollutant loading is highly achievable by the treatment train approach. The significant contribution from the integration of the SHARP model to the treatment train is that real-time assessment of pollutant loading reduction by volume can be planned and controlled to achieve target performance standards.

A Comparison Of Aluminum And Iron-based Coagulants For Treatment Of Surface Water In Sarasota County, Florida

Yonge, David 01 January 2012 (has links)
In this research, five different coagulants were evaluated to determine their effectiveness at removing turbidity, color and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from a surface water in Sarasota County, Florida. Bench-scale jar tests that simulated conventional coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation processes were used. Iron-based coagulants (ferric chloride and ferric sulfate) and aluminum-based coagulants (aluminum sulfate, polyaluminum chloride (PACl) and aluminum chlorohydrate (ACH)) were used to treat a highly organic surface water supply (DOC ranging between 10 and 30 mg/L), known as the Cow Pen Slough, located within central Sarasota County, Florida. Isopleths depicting DOC and color removal efficiencies as a function of both pH and coagulant dose were developed and evaluated. Ferric chloride and ACH were observed to obtain the highest DOC (85% and 70%, respectively) and color (98% and 97%, respectively) removals at the lowest dose concentrations (120 mg/L and 100 mg/L, respectively). Ferric sulfate was effective at DOC removal but required a higher concentration of coagulant and was the least effective coagulant at removing color. The traditional iron-based coagulants and alum had low turbidity removals and they were often observed to add turbidity to the water. PACl and ACH had similar percent removals for color and turbidity achieving consistent percent removals of 95% and 45%, respectively, but PACl was less effective than ACH at removing organics. Sludge settling curves, dose-sludge production ratios, and settling velocities were determined at optimum DOC removal conditions for each coagulant. Ferric chloride was found to have the highest sludge settling rate but also produced the largest sludge quantities. Total trihalomethane formation potential (THMFP) was measured iv for the water treated with ferric chloride and ACH. As with DOC removal, ferric chloride yielded a higher percent reduction with respect to THMFP.

Generation Of A Novel TiO <sub>2</sub> - Composite – A Feasibility Study

Lindstrom, Mathias E.V. 23 July 2002 (has links)
No description available.


Beamer, Diane Krupp 19 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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