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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Media’s Strategic Use of Appeals and Cultural Values in Influencing Consumer Behavior and Purchase Intentions: An Examination of the Skin Whitening Phenomenon Among Highly-educated Young Chinese Adults

Zhang, Zeyu 10 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Attitudes Towards Television Commercials with an Underlying Health Claim

Sundberg, Emilia, Hansson, Jasmine January 2011 (has links)
Health and eating healthy has become increasingly popular during the recent decades. On television, countless numbers of food commercials claim their products to be healthy, and fit good looking people propagate for the benefits of the products. At the same time, there are many studies showing these marketing messages to be highly misleading. Consequently, a great extent of existing research within this field treats the subject of consumers, children in particular, and television in relation to eating habits. However, in this study, we are not interested in confirming these facts; instead we focus on the attitudes that consumers have towards these marketing messages with underlying health claims shown in TV commercials. Today, many new types of communication channels exist, nevertheless, watching TV is an increasing activity, especially among young consumers. It was found that research including young adult consumers was scarce, why the segment of university students belonging to the generation Y was chosen for this study. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the attitudes that Swedish generation Y university students have towards TV commercials with underlying health claims. The aim is also to investigate why these consumers react to the commercials the way they do. In this thesis both a quantitative and a qualitative method was used, where the qualitative method was the most dominating. Thus, it can be considered a mixed methods approach. However, the quantitative part is dominating. For the empirical study we conducted tests where a number of persons in focus groups were exposed to different TV commercials, all with an underlying health claim. The respondents answered an in-group questionnaire and thereafter during the group discussion they were asked to describe their reactions to the TV commercials. Finally, the respondents were also asked what factors they believed important to them when they consider buying a product. The Swedish generation Y university students presented a number of attitudes towards the chosen television commercials. The students did recognize the underlying health claims and furthermore indicated other factors noticed within the commercials. Also, we could see that factors such as memory, unconscious influence as well as positioning of thecommercials had an influence on the attitudes. The results also specified that factors influencing these consumers in their purchasing decision, except the TV commercial itself, were; whether they had bought the product before, what family and friends used and recommended, as well as price and quality. The above features also had an influence on how these consumers reacted to the marketing messages. The study shows that the model of the emotional process by Holbrook and O‟Shaughnessy (1984) could be followed. We furthermore built on Bagozzi et al.‟s (1999) classification of advertisements by introducing the multi message ad. To conclude, it can be stated that factors influencing these consumers‟ attitudes of TV commercials with underlying health claims had different aspects and explanations, although common patterns could be seen. / Hälsa och att äta hälsosamt har blivit alltmer populärt under de senaste decennierna. På tv hävdar ett oräkneligt antal reklaminslag för matprodukter hur hälsosamma de är och vältränade, snygga människor propagerar för fördelarna med produkterna. Samtidigt finns det många studier som visar att dessa reklambudskap är vilseledande. Följaktligen handlar en stor del av forskningen i ämnet om sambandet mellan konsumenter - i synnerhet barn, och TV i relation till matvanor. I denna studie är vi inte intresserade av att bekräfta dessa fakta, utan fokus är istället inriktat på hur tittarna tolkar reklambudskap med underliggande hälsopåståenden. Idag finns många nya typer av kommunikationskanaler, men trots det ökar TV-tittandet, i synnerhet bland unga konsumenter. Forskning kring generation Y och deras syn på TV-reklam med underliggande hälsobudskap är hittills begränsad. Syftet med denna uppsats är att identifiera de attityder som svenska universitetsstudenter tillhörande generation Y har gentemot TV reklam med underliggande hälsobudskap. Syftet är också att undersöka varför dessa konsumenter tolkar reklamen som de gör. I rapporten användes både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder, där den kvalitativa var mest dominerande. Man kan därför säga att en blandad metod användes för att få fram bästa resultat. För den empiriska studien gjordes ett test där ett antal personer i fyra fokus grupper fick se olika TV-reklaminslag, alla med ett underliggande hälsobudskap. Gruppmedlemmarna fick individuellt svara på ett antal frågor ur ett formulär och därefter i gruppen diskutera sina reaktioner på reklaminslagen. Hur dessa påverkade dem och vad de anser som viktigt när de själva ska köpa en produkt var andra frågor som diskuterades. Det visade sig att reklaminslagen uppfattades på olika sätt av studenterna i fokus grupperna. De identifierade de underliggande hälsobudskapen i reklamerna och även andra uppfattningar om reklambudskapen kunde utläsas. Ur resultaten kan utläsas att faktorer såsom minne, undermedvetet inflytande och även reklaminslagens position i förhållande till varandra var av vikt för hur de uppfattades. Resultatet visar också att studenterna påverkades av många fler faktorer än själva reklamen i sig, exempelvis huruvida de köpt produkten innan, vad familj och vänner använde och rekommenderade, samt pris och kvalité. Dessafaktorer påverkade även hur studenterna tolkade reklammeddelandena. Dessutom visar vi hur Holbrook och O‟Shaughnessy‟s (1984) Model of the Emotional Process, stämmer överens med resultaten i denna studie. Vi bygger även vidare på Bagozzi et al.‟s (1999) två klassificeringar av reklam och introducerar en tredje; multimeddelande-reklam. Sammanfattningsvis kan konstateras att många olika faktorer påverkade dessa konsumenters attityder gentemot TV-reklam med underliggande hälsobudskap. Trots det kunde ändå vissa gemensamma mönster utläsas.

Cell Phone Carriers, TV-Commercials & Branding : A study of cell phone carriers TV- commercials, branding and its affect on young people

Sköld, Robin, Nilsson, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Problem: </strong>As almost everyone has a cell phone today, keeping your customers is very important. An important group for cell phone carriers is young people. This is a group that uses cell phones more and more. However, attracting these people could be hard. One of the most common strategies to attract customers today is promotion through TV-commercials. Another strategy that has gained popularity is branding. We therefore asked ourselves how these strategies could affect each other and eventually young peoples’ choice of cell phone carrier.</p><p><strong>Purpose: </strong>Our purpose is to investigate how branding and communication strategies are best used in cell phone carriers TV- commercials, and how they affect young peoples’ consumer behavioral processes.</p><p><strong>Method: </strong>To solve the purpose of this thesis we have used an inductive approach. We have gathered both quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data have been collected from a questionnaire filled out by students from Jönköpings University and qualitative data from a focus group we have held. The results were analyzed with help from theories about communication strategies and branding.</p><p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Branding has a strong influence on young peoples’ view on cell phone carriers TV- commercials. However cell phone carriers TV- commercials have no direct effect on young peoples’ choice of cell phone carrier. It just has an indirect effect since; TV- commercial can be considered a source of information or a way of forming attitudes.</p>

Marknadsföringsrätt : En deskriptiv studie av regleringen kring TV-reklam i Sverige och Italien / Law of Marketing : A Descriptive Study of Marketing in Sweden and Italy with focal point on TV-commercials

Lidman, Astrid January 2009 (has links)
Title: Law of Marketing – A Descriptive Study of Marketing in Sweden and Italy with focal point on TV-commercials (Marknadsföringsrätt – En deskriptiv studie av marknadsföring I Sverig och Italien med inriktning på TV-reklam)   Number of pages: 34   Author: Astrid Lidman   Tutor: Göran Svensson   Course: Media and Communication C   Period: Fall -09   University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University   Purpose/Aim: My goal with this study is to see the differences and similarities that can be found in the Swedish and Italian Law of Marketing. I want to compare the results to see how our different laws are still able to reach the same results concerning the protecting of our public from bad advertisement.   Material/Methods: I’ve been reading laws concerning marketing. I started out my research from different commissions from EU. Then I found the equivalent laws to those commissions in both Sweden and Italy I was able to see how the two different states apply the commissions to their legal system. By doing so I also got a starting-point by getting the most important laws in both the Swedish and Italian legal system concerning marketing and commercials on TV.   Main results: Since both Sweden and Italy apply the commissions from EU to their legal system, the differences were only superficial. Due to the commissions the base, of what is consider as bad marketing, was virtually the same. And when looking at the big picture they both achieved almost the same protection to their public that I think can be considered reaching high standards. The differences lay in the protection of commercials on TV towards children, and that Sweden has a little bit more regulation during the discussions about the protection concerning sexual discrimination.   Keywords: Laws of Marketing, TV-commercials, prohibition of children’s commercials, inappropriate business methods, misleading advertisement, commissions, EU.

Cell Phone Carriers, TV-Commercials &amp; Branding : A study of cell phone carriers TV- commercials, branding and its affect on young people

Sköld, Robin, Nilsson, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
Problem: As almost everyone has a cell phone today, keeping your customers is very important. An important group for cell phone carriers is young people. This is a group that uses cell phones more and more. However, attracting these people could be hard. One of the most common strategies to attract customers today is promotion through TV-commercials. Another strategy that has gained popularity is branding. We therefore asked ourselves how these strategies could affect each other and eventually young peoples’ choice of cell phone carrier. Purpose: Our purpose is to investigate how branding and communication strategies are best used in cell phone carriers TV- commercials, and how they affect young peoples’ consumer behavioral processes. Method: To solve the purpose of this thesis we have used an inductive approach. We have gathered both quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data have been collected from a questionnaire filled out by students from Jönköpings University and qualitative data from a focus group we have held. The results were analyzed with help from theories about communication strategies and branding. Conclusion: Branding has a strong influence on young peoples’ view on cell phone carriers TV- commercials. However cell phone carriers TV- commercials have no direct effect on young peoples’ choice of cell phone carrier. It just has an indirect effect since; TV- commercial can be considered a source of information or a way of forming attitudes.

The pragmatic linguistic analysis of the communicates of TV commercials / Pragmatinė lingvistinė televizijos reklamų komunikatų analizė

Dobržinskienė, Rasa 01 June 2012 (has links)
The object of the thesis – the communicates of TV commercials. The objective of the research – based on the speech act theory, to analyze micro acts (linguistic act sub-units of smaller scale) involved in TV commercials broadcast in Lithuania, their intentions (functions), and to reveal specifics of linguistic structure expression, and its interaction with image and sound. TV commercials have never been analyzed based on the speech act theory before. Moreover, linguistic act classification has been applied to TV commercials for the first time ever. There is examined the structure of advertising macro act, developed typology of micro acts. Detailed classification of micro acts highlights intentions of sayings of broadcast television commercials. The intentions convey the intents of message sender (addresser). It’s noticed that image and / or sound can convey particular intentions, which consist with intentions of linguistic acts or complement them. Expression of the linguistic relation between addresser and addressee is actual for analysis of linguistic acts of broadcast TV commercials. It depends on the objective group of the consumers. The research of micro acts of broadcast TV commercials realizing that speech act theory encompassed by pragmatic linguistics can be purposefully used for analysis of TV commercials. / Disertacijos tiriamasis objektas – transliuojamųjų televizijos reklamų komunikatai. Tyrimo tikslas – remiantis kalbinių aktų teorija, išanalizuoti Lietuvoje transliuotų televizijos reklamų komunikatų mikroaktus (smulkesnes kalbinių aktų atmainas), jų intencijas (funkcijas), atskleisti kalbinės struktūros raiškos specifiką bei sąveiką su vaizdu ir garsu. Iki šiol transliuojamosios televizijos reklamos nebuvo analizuotos remiantis kalbinių aktų teorija, be to, pirmą kartą joms tirti pritaikyta kalbinių aktų klasifikacija. Disertacijoje nagrinėjama transliuojamųjų televizijos reklamos makroakto struktūra, sukuriama atitinkama mikroaktų tipologija. Smulkus mikroaktų skirstymas išryškina transliuojamųjų televizijos reklamų pasakymų intencijas, kuriomis perteikiami reklaminio pranešimo siuntėjo (adresanto) ketinimai. Atkreipiamas dėmesys į tai, kad reklamos vaizdu ir / ar garsu taip pat galima perteikti tam tikras intencijas, kurios sutampa su kalbinių aktų intencijomis ar jas papildo. Transliuojamųjų televizijos reklamų kalbinių aktų analizei aktuali adresanto ir adresato kalbinė raiška, kuri priklauso nuo to, į kurią tikslinę vartotojų grupę kreipiamasi. Atliktas transliuojamųjų televizijos reklamų mikroaktų tyrimas atskleidžia, kad pragmatinės lingvistikos kalbinių aktų teorija gali būti tikslingai taikoma analizuojant televizijos reklamas.

Snusförnuftiga barn och ungdomliga pensionärer : en studie om ålder i reklamfim

Hållstrand, Elisabet January 2006 (has links)
This study is about how older people are portrayed in TV- commercials, and what those images are saying about senior citizens as consumers. I’ve chosen two of Sweden’s most popular TV channels that are broadcasting commercials and from those two channels recorded commercials in a period of one week, three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening/night). My purpose with this study was to see when older people stared in commercials, which kind of merchandises they were marketing, in which manor they acted out their roles, and (if possible) say something about the elderly people as consumers.

Working Women of Japan and Belgium as Seen Through Legislation and Media during the 80's and 90's / 法律とメディアを通して見た80年代と90年代における日本とベルギーの働く女性

Frey, Urszula Anna 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第20470号 / 人博第820号 / 新制||人||196(附属図書館) / 28||人博||820(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生文明学専攻 / (主査)教授 前川 玲子, 教授 佐野 亘, 教授 小畑 史子 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

A study of the use of English and other languages in TV-commercials in Sweden / En studie om användandet av engelska och andra språk i tv-reklam i Sverige

Lepp, Susanne January 2013 (has links)
This investigation is about the English language in Swedish TV-commercials. Theinvestigation shows that there are commercials in Sweden that involve other languages thanSwedish. The languages found in this study apart from Swedish were English, Italian andGerman. The results show that the most common language was Swedish, which was used in405 (96.4%) of the 420 commercial spots of which the data consists. In 57.6% of thecommercials Swedish was the only language that was used compared to the 3.6% spots whichonly included English. Swedish was used together with English, Italian or German in 159commercials. There were 168 ads which contained some form of English, as the onlylanguage or together with Swedish. The results show that there was no major differenceregarding the time when the commercials containing only Swedish were broadcast. The sameconclusion could be drawn for the commercials which contained Swedish together withEnglish. The commercials which only included English were broadcast most frequently in themorning and at night. In conclusion, Swedish was the language used to the greatest extent.Furthermore, English appeared in nearly 50% of the commercials even though it was onlyused exclusively in a few ads. / Den här undersökningen handlar om användningen av engelska i svensk tv-reklam.Undersökningen visar att det finns reklam i Sverige som använder sig av andra språk änsvenska. De språk som användes utöver svenska var engelska, italienska och tyska.Resultaten visar att det språk som användes mest var svenska, som användes i 405 (96.4%)av de 420 reklaminslag som utgör datan. I 57.6% av reklaminslagen var svenska det endaspråket som användes jämfört med de 3.6% som endast innehöll engelska. Svenska användestillsammans med engelska, italienska eller tyska i 159 reklaminslag. Totalt innehöll 168reklaminslag engelska i någon form, som enda språk eller tillsammans med svenska.Resultaten visar att det inte var någon större skillnad på vid vilken tidpunkt reklam på enbartsvenska sändes. Samma slutsats gick att dra för de reklaminslag som innehöll svenskatillsammans med engelska. Reklam som endast innehöll engelska i någon form sändes mestfrekvent i tidsintervall ett och tre, det vill säga på morgonen och på kvällen.Sammanfattningsvis var svenska det språk som användes mest. Engelska däremot, användesi nästan 50% av reklaminslagen även om det endast användes på egen hand i några få inslag.

Effektiv TV-reklam? : En kvalitativ studie om potentiella faktorer bakom effektiv TV-reklam samt konsumenters tittarvanor

Romodan, Even, Sundström, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det finns problem kring att avgöra exakt hur effektiva reklamkampanjer är. TV-reklam är det mest inflytelserika mediet och fastän det inte finns belägg för att det direkt leder till något köp så kan det leda till att TV-reklamen förblir i vårt medvetande. Det finns därmed ett behov av att förstå vilka faktorer och strategier som anses vara effektiva i konsumentens ögon.  Syften: Studien har som ändamål att identifiera och undersöka potentiella faktorer bakom effektiv TV-reklam, samt utöka förståelsen utifrån konsumenters synsätt. Studien utforskar även konsumenters vana att undvika TV-reklam och om denna vana upplevs annorlunda när de exponeras för in-stream video ads i stället.  Teorier: Den tidigare forskningen har anknytning till fyra faktorer som ligger i grund för studien. De fyra faktorerna är Kreativitet, Moment-to-Moment (EV &amp; IV), Brand Image och Celebrity Endorsement. Studien utgår även ifrån tidigare forskning kring konsumenters vana att undvika TV-reklam.  Metod: En kvalitativ studie där fokusgrupper har använts som forskningsmetod. En deduktiv ansats har tillämpats. Urvalet bestod av studenter från Södertörns Högskola.  Slutsats: Vissa potentiella faktorer bakom effektiv TV-reklam var mer effektiva än andra. Celebrity Endorsement och Brand Image ansågs leda till ett faktiskt köp medan de andra faktorerna endast visade sig påverka intention kring köp. Konsumenter om de får möjligheten väljer att undvika TV-reklam i stor utsträckning av anledningen att det är irriterande och stör handlingen. Reklam undveks mer på traditionell TV än på in-stream video ads av anledning att TV-reklampausen varar längre.                                          Begrepp: När begreppet konsument nämns hänvisar vi till personer som exponeras för TV-reklamen, alltså inte de som köper produkten utan de som konsumerar marknadsföringens innehåll. In-stream video ads innefattar TV-reklam som koncept överfört till internet. / Background: There are problems with determining exactly how effective advertising campaigns are. TV advertising is the most influential medium and although there is no evidence that it directly leads to any purchase, it can lead to TV commercials remaining in our consciousness. There is thus a need to understand which factors and strategies are considered effective in the eyes of the consumer. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify and investigate potential factors behind effective television advertising and expand understanding from the perspective of consumers. The report also explores consumers' habit of avoiding TV commercials and whether this habit is experienced differently when exposed to in-stream video ads instead. Theories: The study is based on previous research and this research is related to four factors that form the basis of the study. The four factors are Creativity, Moment-to-Moment (EV &amp; IV), Brand Image and Celebrity Endorsement. The study is also based on previous research concerning consumers' habit of avoiding TV commercials. Methods: A qualitative study where focus groups have been used as a research method. A deductive approach has been applied. The sample consisted of students from Södertörn University. Conclusions: Some potential factors behind effective TV advertising were more effective than others. Celebrity Endorsement and Brand Image were considered to lead to an actual purchase while the other factors only led to intention regarding purchase. Consumers, if given the opportunity, choose to avoid TV commercials largely for the reason that it is annoying and disrupts the action. It was avoided more on traditional TV than in-stream video ads for the reason that the TV commercial break lasted longer.  Concept: When the term consumer is mentioned, we refer to people who are exposed to TV advertising, not those who buy the product but those who consume the content of the marketing. In-stream video ads entail TV-commercial as a concept transferred to the Internet.

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