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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Photovoice: exploring immigrants and refugees' perceptions and access to mental health services in Winnipeg

Sherzoi, Ogai 25 January 2017 (has links)
The deterioration of health status for immigrants and refugees is mostly observed after their arrival in Canada. Additionally, immigrant and refugee minorities are at a higher risk for mental health problems. Yet, refugees and immigrants in Canada, particularly those from non-European countries tend to underutilize community resources and mental health services. This study uses a participatory arts-based method of photovoice to gain deeper knowledge of the realities and lived experiences of immigrants and refugees who have or are dealing with mental health problems in Winnipeg. Additionally, it will shed light on the barriers faced by immigrant and refugee community, and the context in which they are unable to access services. Six immigrant and refugee individuals volunteered to participate in this photovoice project. The participants discussed structural barriers, non-recognition of non-Canadian credentials, underemployment/ unemployment, poverty, discrimination, stigma, language barriers, lack of culturally inclusive services, inequality, lack of social network, and marginalization. The findings have implications for social work and future research is discussed. / February 2017

台灣高階人力教育性失業及低度就業問題之研究 / The Unemployment and Underemployment of the Highly Educated in Taiwan

邱心怡 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統人力資本理論認為,教育投入越多,人力生產力越高,就業機會與薪資報酬也會越高。在此觀念下,各國為了經濟發展所需,紛紛提倡高等教育,並培育出大量高學歷人才,而台灣也不例外。隨著產業不斷發展與轉型,促使勞動力結構轉變,所需之人力就必須由教育面來提供。因此,從1980年代中期以來,政府大量放寬高等教育限制,迄今已培養出許多高學歷人力。然而,在高等教育進入普及化階段後,失業與低度就業問題也隨之而來,造成人力資源浪費等相關議題出現。 本文引用發展經濟學大師Michael P. Todaro於1974年所建立的勞動力市場供需架構,從政府政策以及人力市場的教育供給和產業需求等角度深入探討目前現象,並透過訪談產官學專家的意見,來找出問題之原因。本文研究發現,由於高等教育快速擴張,教育性失業及低度就業問題已逐漸推至碩博士畢業生。究其原因可分成兩大部分:第一,產業界未能有效升級,再加上台灣企業型態多以中小企業為主,無法創造充足職缺。第二,高等教育過度擴張,高學歷人力品質卻無法符合產業需求,進而造成產學失衡現象。因此,要解決上述問題,不僅是教育和產業進行調整,政府也必須改進相關政策來引導兩者媒合,才能讓高階人力資源達到更有效的運用,進而提升台灣整體競爭力。 / Traditional Human Capital Theory believes that highly educated people are more productive and would enjoy more employment opportunities and salaries. Influenced by this theory, many countries have promoted higher education to cultivate domestic talent, and Taiwan is no exception. When the rapid development and ongoing transformation of the industry called for new talents and skills, the government in mid-1980s responded with reformed educational system which would produce much more highly educated human resources. But as higher education becomes common, unemployment and underemployment—the waste of human resources—gradually become a problem that needs to be addressed. Based on the model developed by Michael P. Todaro in 1974, this paper aims to examine the current situation of labor market in terms of government policy, and labor supply and demand. Many people with master or PhD degree are faced with unemployment or underemployment for two reasons. First of all, the industry doesn’t supply sufficient job opportunities because it doesn’t effectively upgrade. Second, the excessive quantity and declining quality of the graduates does not meet the demand of the market. In order to solve these problems, both education and industry have to adjust the pace of development, and the government needs to bridge the gap by revising the policy involved. In this way, the human resources can be effectively used, and Taiwan would become more competitive.

Sous-emploi des seniors et discrimination : une contribution empirique / Underemployment of older workers and discrimination : an empirical contribution

Challe, Laetitia 12 December 2016 (has links)
Le vieillissement des populations dans les économies développées apparaît comme un enjeu majeur dans lequel l’emploi est au centre de toutes les préoccupations. Il influence, également, l’équilibre de leur système de protection sociale. Cette thèse s’intéresse à la faiblesse du taux d’emploi des séniors français, représentés par les plus de 50 ans, comparativement à celui des autres pays européens. L’inflexion des politiques publiques à l’égard des séniors, d’une logique d’exclusion à une logique d’inclusion du marché du travail, dans les années 2000, ne permet qu’une amélioration lente et limitée de leur taux d’emploi. Alors que les autres pays européens ont aussi été concernés par le changement de politiques, il est légitime de s’interroger sur les raisons de leur impact modéré en France.Cette thèse s’organise autour de deux parties complémentaires. La première partie fait état du constat de la faiblesse du taux d’emploi des séniors, en France comparativement à ses voisins européens (chapitre un). Cette faiblesse se traduit par une ségrégation professionnelle augmentant avec l’âge qui aboutit à une difficulté d’orientation des hommes âgés, dans certains secteurs et certaines professions au sein de ces secteurs. D’autres pistes de réflexion sur les raisons supposées de cette faiblesse des taux d’emploi des séniors sont également envisagées dans une revue de littérature (chapitre deux). Ces raisons proviennent de plusieurs champs : du champ structurel et des caractéristiques de l’offre et de la demande de travail, ce qui illustre la complexité de la problématique pour les pouvoirs publics. La deuxième partie s’attache à mesurer un facteur de sous-emploi des séniors persistant alors même qu’on neutralise toutes les raisons objectives pour lesquelles les préférences des recruteurs, à l’embauche, se portent moins sur les séniors : la discrimination à l’embauche liée à l’âge (et au sexe pour quelques cas particuliers). Deux types de méthodes et de données sont utilisés pour mesurer la partie résiduelle des écarts de probabilité d’être en emploi ou d’accès à l’emploi (dont la discrimination est un des composants) : les méthodes de décomposition sur des données d’enquête, donnant une mesure qualifiée d’objective (chapitre trois) avec une extension analysant le lien entre cette partie résiduelle et la conjoncture économique et la méthodologie des tests de correspondance, ou testing, sur des données expérimentales collectées sur une sélection de professions en tension (chapitre quatre). La première méthode démontre une partie résiduelle de l’écart de probabilité importante, laissant présager des risques élevés de discrimination liée à l’âge et au genre. La comparaison des taux d’accès à l’emploi de la deuxième méthode conduite sur près de 6 000 candidatures illustrent ces risques selon lesquels les séniors ont moins de chances d’accéder à un entretien d’embauche comparativement aux plus jeunes à caractéristiques semblables. Nous verrons les différentes hypothèses explicatives du sous-emploi des séniors, documentées par la littérature, comme la distance courte à la retraite, l’obsolescence des compétences en situation de chocs technologiques, les normes sociales de sexe (par la reconversion professionnelle) et d’âge (par les préférences exogènes des recruteurs).L’un des fils directeurs de la thèse est de distinguer la situation des hommes et des femmes séniors en matière d’emploi. On observe des différences manifestes sur l’ensemble de cette thèse avec une situation des hommes plus problématique que celle de leurs homologues féminines en termes d’écart de taux d’emploi, de ségrégation professionnelle et de discrimination à l’embauche. / The ageing of populations in developed economies appears as a major issue in which employment is at the centre of all concerns. It also influences the balance of their social protection system. This thesis is interested in the weakness employment rate of French older workers, considered as the population over 50 years old, compared to other European countries. The inflection of public policies for them, from logic of exclusion to logic of inclusion in the labour market, in the 2000s, allows only slow and limited improvements in the employment rate. While other European countries have also been affected by the policy change, it is legitimate to wonder about the reasons for their moderate impact on France.This thesis is organized into two complementary parts. The first part reports the finding of the low employment rate of older workers, in France compared to its European neighbours (chapter one) This weakness is reflected in occupational segregation increases with age, resulting in difficulties in terms of orientation of men, with age in some sectors and occupations within these sectors. Other subjects of reflection on why this supposed weakness of older workers employment rates are also considered in a literature review (chapter two). Those reasons come from many fields: both the structural field and the characteristics of labour supply and labour demand, which illustrates the complexity of the issue for the government. The second part attempts to measure a factor of persistent underemployment of older workers even as we neutralize all objective reasons why the hiring preferences of recruiters, move on less to seniors: the hiring age-related discrimination (and gender for some particular cases). Two types of methods and data are used to measure the residual part of the probability gaps of being in employment and access to employment (including discrimination is a component): decomposition methods on data of survey, giving a measure qualified objective (chapter three) with an extension analysing the link between this residual part and business cycle, and methodology of correspondence tests or testing on experimental data collected on a selection of occupations in tension (chapter four). The first method finds a significant residual part of the probability gap, suggesting high risk of related-age and gender discrimination. The comparison of access to employment rates of the second method made on around 6,000 applications illustrates these risks according to which the senior applicant have less chances to get a job interview, compared with younger having similar characteristics. We shall see the different explanatory assumptions of underemployment of older workers supported by the literature as the short distance from retirement, the obsolescence of skills in situation of technological shocks, the social norms of gender (by the vocational training) and of age (by exogenous preferences of employers).One of the recurring threads in the thesis is to distinguish the situation of older men of the senior women in employment. There are clear differences in this whole thesis with a situation more problematic men than their female counterparts in terms of employment rates gap, occupational segregation and employment discrimination.

Understanding the Experiences of Underemployed First-Generation Hmong Graduates

Vang, Mong 01 January 2020 (has links)
Underemployment has a rich and lengthy body of literature spanning across multiple disciplines, such as economics, business, psychology, and sociology. Past scholars studying the phenomenon have provided a framework for understanding underemployment and have identified the harm it has on organizations and individuals. Although underemployment is not a new phenomenon, gaps are present in understanding how it affects first-generation, Hmong graduates. This study provides a framework for bridging this gap. As such, this study answered three questions related to how underemployed, first-generation, Hmong college graduates describe their experience finding adequate employment after graduation, perceive the relationship between their personal upbringing and their education that effected their underemployment, and their challenges in regard to underemployment. The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of underemployed, first-generation, Hmong college graduates and their perceptions of the primary factors affecting or influencing their underemployment. To achieve that goal, the researcher employed a generic qualitative methodology to examine the experiences of four first-generation Hmong graduates. Four umbrella themes emerged from study: 1) the practical disconnection between college and workforce application; 2) social capital inequality; 3) upbringing and underemployment connection; and 4) the reality of being underemployed as a first-generation Hmong graduate. With context supporting these themes, the researcher concluded with implications for action by suggesting strategies to innovate the college academic experience and academic support programs, as well as bring awareness to the Hmong community about underemployment.

The Floating Men: Portland and the Hobo Menace, 1890-1915

Aurand, Marin Elizabeth 02 June 2015 (has links)
At the beginning of the twentieth century, transient laborers in Portland, Oregon faced marginalization and exploitation at the hands of the classes that relied on them for their own prosperity. Portland at this time was poised to flourish as a major population and industrial center of the American West. The industries that fueled the city's growth were dependent on cheap and mobile manual labor made available by the expansion of the nation's railroads. As the city prospered and grew, the elite of the city created and promoted an image of Portland as an Eden of material abundance where industriousness and virtue would lead inevitably to prosperity. There was no room in Portland's booster image for unemployed but otherwise able-bodied men that fueled this prosperity but saw no benefit from it. Their very existence challenged both the image of the city itself, and broader and deeper pillars of American identity. The response to the presence of this mobile, underemployed and largely white male labor class by Portland citizens and institutions was driven by, and in turn helped shape, competing mythologies of both the American West and American masculinity at a time when the country was struggling to define and redefine these constructs. Examining these floating men through their portrayal in popular culture, laws, and charitable efforts of the time exposes a deep anxiety about the notions of worth, gender, and American virtue.

Comportements individuels et immigration à l'ère du vieillissement démographique

Montcho, Gilbert 11 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche démontre que, compte tenu des tendances passées dans les comportements individuels face à la participation au marché du travail, l’augmentation de l’âge normal de la retraite n’est ni urgente ni nécessaire au Canada si son seul objectif est de pallier une augmentation de la durée de la retraite. Par ailleurs, si l’accueil d’un nombre toujours grandissant d’immigrants alimente la croissance de la main-d’œuvre, il entraîne aussi un déficit fiscal non négligeable. Celui-ci est toutefois en bonne partie lié au sous-emploi de cette main-d’œuvre potentielle; sous-emploi qui affecte aussi la population native, alimentant ainsi les risques de pénurie de main-d’œuvre. D’une part, et contrairement à l’opinion répandue selon laquelle l’allongement de la vie a été accompagné d’un rétrécissement du nombre d’années dédiées au travail, la durée de vie au travail en 2016 a augmenté de 4,96 ans et représente une part plus importante de l’espérance de vie, soit 3,55 points de pourcentage, comparé à son niveau en 1981. En outre, bien que l’évolution de la structure par âge de la population ait exercé une pression à la baisse (−11,7%) sur la croissance de l’offre agrégée de travail, les changements de comportement individuel quant à la participation au travail (19,3%) et les heures travaillées (5,8%) ont plus que compensé cet effet, entre 1981 et 2016. Au cours de cette période, les comportements individuels, notamment la participation des femmes au marché du travail, ont connu de profonds changements. Si ces changements étaient déjà connus et pleinement documentés, la quantification de leur contribution à l’offre individuelle et agrégée de travail le sont moins. Cette étude vient combler ce vide. Par exemple, et comme on pouvait s’y attendre, la participation des femmes au marché du travail a été la principale source de l’offre additionnelle de travail entre 1981 et 2016, contribuant 9,6 ans (contre 0,25 an pour les hommes) au changement de la durée de vie au travail. Au vu de ces résultats, le vieillissement de la population n’a pas encore entraîné une diminution de la durée de la vie active qui justifierait une augmentation de l’âge normal de la retraite au Canada. D’autre part, si l’immigration explique à elle seule 32,9% de l’augmentation de l’offre de travail entre 1981 et 2016, cette contribution n’est pas à coût nul. Par exemple, entre 1997 et 2015, les immigrants, comparés aux natifs du même âge, ont reçu 110$ de plus et contribué 3 520$ de moins en transferts publics. Ainsi, au même âge, l’immigrant moyen a reçu 3 640 en transferts nets de plus que le natif moyen. Toutefois, 85% de ce surplus provient des déséquilibres sur le marché du travail, dont le sous-emploi de cette main-d’œuvre potentielle. En effet, les résultats de cette recherche montrent que le sous-emploi représente un défi important dans un contexte de vieillissement de la population et de pénurie de main-d’œuvre appréhendée. S’il touche plus durement la population immigrante, il affecte aussi les natifs. Ainsi, en moyenne entre 1981 et 2016, 20,1% des travailleurs canadiens ont été en situation de sous-emploi, alors que le plein emploi aurait contribué à l’ajout de 1,5 million (±0,2) de travailleurs équivalent temps plein. Ces résultats découlent de l’application de plusieurs méthodes notamment la méthode de Sullivan (Sullivan, 1971), le modèle de changement continu (Horiuchi et al., 2008) ainsi que l’optimal matching et l’analyse des clusters sur un large éventail de données. Les sources de données incluent les recensements, les estimations de la population, les enquêtes sur la main-d’œuvre, la santé, et la consommation, au Canada et aux États-Unis. Cette recherche vient nuancer certaines des conséquences prétendues du vieillissement de la population sur la main-d’œuvre canadienne, tout en apportant un nouvel éclairage sur les solutions à mettre de l’avant afin de faire face à certains défis au cours des prochaines décennies. Si l’immigration peut ici jouer un rôle non négligeable, un meilleur arrimage entre l’offre et la demande de travail réduirait le sous-emploi parmi l’ensemble de la population canadienne, tout en améliorant leur niveau de vie. Les discussions sur l’augmentation de l’âge normal de la retraite ou des quotas d’immigration ne peuvent ignorer un tel constat. / This research demonstrates that, given past trends in individual behaviour in the labour market, increasing the normal retirement age is neither urgent nor necessary in Canada if its sole purpose is to offset an increase in the duration of retirement. Moreover, while the inflow of ever-increasing numbers of immigrants fuels labour force growth, it also creates a significant fiscal deficit. However, this deficit is largely related to the underemployment of this potential workforce, which also affects the native population, thus fuelling the risk of labour shortages. On the one hand, and contrary to the widespread opinion that population ageing has led to shrinking worklife for financing longer lifespan, Worklife Duration increased by 4,96 years and 3,55 percentage points of life expectancy over the last four decades. Furthermore, although the change in the age structure of the population has put a slight downward pressure (−11,7%) on the growth of aggregated labour supply, changes in individual behaviour regarding labour participation (19,3%) and worked hours (5,8%) have more than compensated for this effect between 1981 and 2016. During this period, individual behaviours, including women’s participation in the labour market, have undergone profound changes. While these changes were already known and fully documented, their contribution to individual and aggregate labour supply is less so. This study fills this gap. For example, and not surprisingly, women’s participation in the labour market was the main source of additional labour supply between 1981 and 2016, contributing 9,6 years (compared to 0,25 year for men) to the change in worklife duration. Given these results, population aging has not yet resulted in a decrease in working life which would justify an increase in the normal retirement age in Canada. On the other hand, while immigration alone accounts for 32,9% of the increased labour supply between 1981 and 2016, this contribution is at not zero cost. For example, between 1997 and 2015, immigrants, compared to natives at the same age, received $110 more and contributed $ 3 520 less, in public transfer. As a result, the average immigrant has received $3 640 in net transfer more than the average native. However, 85% of this deficit arises from the labour market imbalances such as the underemployment of this potential labour supply. Indeed, the results of this research show that underemployment represents a major challenge in the context of an aging population and a perceived labour shortage. While it affects the immigrant population most severely, it is also prevalent among native workers. Thus, on average, between 1981 and 2016, 20,1% of Canadian workers were underemployed, while full employment would have contributed an additional 1,5 million (±0,2) full-time equivalent workers. This study uses various methods, including the Sullivan method (Sullivan, 1971) and the model of continuous change (Horiuchi et al., 2008), as well as optimal matching and cluster analysis on a wide range of data. The data sources include censuses, population estimates, labour force, and health and consumer surveys in Canada and the United States. This research brings new evidence to the debates around the consequences of population aging on the Canadian workforce while shedding new light on the solutions to be put for facing the challenges in the coming decades. While immigration can play an important role, a better match between labour supply and demand would reduce underemployment among the Canadian population while improving their standard of living. Discussions about increasing the normal retirement age or immigration quotas cannot ignore such a finding.

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