Spelling suggestions: "subject:"unemployment.""
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Socialinis jauno bedarbio portretas Kaišiadorių rajone 2009 metais / Social demographic portrait of the young unemployed at the 2009 year in the Kaišiadorys areaGirtavičius, Saulius 07 July 2010 (has links)
Šalies visuomenę vis labiau neramina jaunimo socialinės problemos, kurių sprendimas ekonomikos nuosmukio sąlygomis yra sudėtingas. Jaunimo nedarbas – bene aktualiausia socialinė problema – per pastaruosius metus ne tik nemažėjo, bet, kaip ir bendras nedarbo lygis šalyje, augo.
Buvo atliktas tyrimas, apimantis Kaišiadorių darbo biržoje užsiregistravusio jaunimo sociologinę bei darbdavių ekspertinę apklausas.
Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti jaunimo padėtį darbo rinkoje bei išryškinti 2009 metų jauno bedarbio socialinio portreto kontūrus Kaišiadorių rajone. Iš viso apklausti 100 jauni bedarbiai bei 8 darbdaviai.
Tyrimas padėjo atskleisti jauno bedarbio socialinį demografinį portretą. Taigi, tipiškas jaunas bedarbis – tai 19-24 metų vyras, kaimo gyventojas, norintis įgyti paklausią specialybę ir rasti gerai atlyginamą darbą, nelinkęs dirbti mažai kvalifikuoto darbo, neturintis nuolatinio pajamų šaltinio, neturintis vaikų ir dažniausiai gyvenantis kartu su tėvais bei yra jų išlaikomas, nesėkmingai siekiantis integruotis į darbo rinką.
Labiausiai jaunimo įsidarbinimą įtakoja bendrasis išsilavinimas ir profesinis pasirengimas. Tyrimas parodė, kad pagrindinė jauno žmogaus integracijos į darbo rinką prielaida – paklausi profesija.
Pagrindinė priežastis, trukdanti įgyti profesiją ar tobulinti kvalifikaciją, buvo lėšų, susijusių su tolesnio mokymosi išlaidomis, stygius. Šeimos, kurių pajamos yra mažos, švietimui skiria mažai lėšų. Jų vaikai ne visada gali įgyti aukštesnio lygio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The goal of this research was to evaluate the situation of the youth on the labour market, to reveal a social demographic portrait of the young unemployed and develop the trends for increasing the employment of the youth.
The society in the country is more and more worried about the social problems of the youth the solution of which is difficult under the conditions of economic decline. Unemployment of the youth – perhaps the most urgent social problem – did not decrease during the recent years, but it increased alongside with the general level of unemployment in the country. This research covered a sociological survey of the young people registered at the labour exchanges and expert survey of the employers. Totally, there were 100 young unemployed people and 8 employers questioned. The results of this research are rather representative and reflect the situation of the unemployed youth on the labour market in the country.
The research helped to reveal a social demographic portrait of the young unemployed. Thus, a typical young unemployed is a person of 19-24 having a rather low education, leaving in the village, want to have a good job qualification and earnings, having no marketable profession, without constant income source, having no children and living together with parents and being dependant who unsuccessfully try to find his/her position on the labour market.
The young unemployed think that general and vocational education make the greatest influence upon the... [to full text]
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上海下崗職工硏究: 社會支持系統、個人回應與再就業 = A study of the unemployed in Shanghai : social support systems, individual responses & reemployment. / Study of the unemployed in Shanghai: social support systems, individual responses & reemployment / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / ProQuest dissertations and theses / Shanghai xia gang zhi gong yan jiu: she hui zhi chi xi tong, ge ren hui ying yu zai jiu ye = A study of the unemployed in Shanghai : social support systems, individual responses & reemployment.January 2000 (has links)
On the hypotheses, all except those relating to the appraisal of intensity and financial welfare were supported. / Some differences were found between western theories and the findings of the study. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) / The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among three major variables. The first variable is the active responses from Xiagang Zhigong, the unemployed workers with Chinese characteristics, which consisted of cognitive appraisal and job search behaviors for reemployment. The second one is the multiple social support systems which are composed of informal social support, financial welfare and formal services. And the third one is reemployment status. Triangulation of data collection methods, including a questionnaire survey and an in-depth interview, was used to gather and analyze data in order to describe basic features of those variables, and to test the following hypotheses. (1) The more social support Xiagang Zhigong obtain, the stronger their active responses will be. (2) The more active their cognitive appraisal are, the more job search behaviors they will engage in. (3) The more job search behaviors they finish, the better their reemployment status will be. / The research findings about the three variables are as follows. First, Xiagang Zhigong's active responses were found to be not positive enough. They basically felt that their unemployment was externally driven, and that unemployment was a very serious problem. Concerning their job search behaviors, informal contacts through friends, relatives and former colleagues were most frequently used to find jobs, followed by formal channels through the government and direct applications for jobs by themselves. Secondly, it was found that Xiagang Zhigong were not able to get sufficient social support. They got only a little informal social support from relatives, ex-colleagues and friends, which was mostly emotional support. The financial welfare they obtained was minimum. Very few unemployed workers were covered by more than one financial assistance program. Most of them were able to get assistance to meet their basic needs at a subsistence level. Moreover, the formal services they got were also not sufficient. Most of them got nothing. Thirdly, the data showed that about forty percent of Xiagang Zhigong found job successfully. Generally, the successful workers started to hunt job six months after they lost their job, and that they got their new position after ten months' job seeking. Nevertheless, they were dissatisfied with the reemployment quality in terms of income, position and the job as a whole. / 顧東輝. / 論文(博士)--香港中文大學, 2000. / 參考文獻 (p. 370-404) / 中英文摘要. / Adviser: Mok Bong-ho. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 61-08, Section: A, page: 3351. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest dissertations and theses, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / School code: 1307. / Lun wen (bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2000. / Can kao wen xian (p. 370-404) / Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Gu Donghui.
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青年失業與社會排斥風險: 一項關於社會融合的社會政策研究. / Youth unemployment and risks of social exclusion: a social policy study on social integration / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / Qing nian shi ye yu she hui pai chi feng xian: yi xiang guan yu she hui rong he de she hui zheng ce yan jiu.January 2005 (has links)
This study uses grounded theory method to explore how effective China's social policy in promoting social integration through an investigation of the social consequences of youth unemployment in Shanghai. Research questions include: What is the impact of unemployment on the social integration of young people in Shanghai? What are the roles of state welfare institution and family system in the influencing process? The results show that the unemployed young persons in Shanghai face the risks of social exclusion in their lives, such as, access to state welfare, economic condition, consumption, leisure activities, time structure, social relations, and life transition. The reason for the emergence of these risks is that the state gives the highest priority to system integration and shifts its unemployment protection obligation to the family without well-developed family-supportive polices to assure and promote the realization of the protecting function of family. Thus, under the current framework of social policy, family becomes the primary social institution to promote social integration among the unemployed youth. However, the realization of family protecting function is not automatic inevitable, but a negotiated consequence of the harmonic interaction among family economic resource, family structure, family obligation and family relationship. The failure of family support would make the young unemployed socially excluded. This study suggests that China's social policy should emphasize both system integration as well as social integration: establishing the social right value based upon fair reciprocity of rights and responsibilities, formulating family-supportive polices, and applying the perspective of "new social policy" to broaden the scope of social policy interventions. / 曾群. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2005. / 參考文獻(p. 251-267). / Adviser: Ngan-pun Ngai. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-07, Section: A, page: 2756. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts also in English. / School code: 1307. / Lun wen (Zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2005. / Can kao wen xian (p. 251-267). / Zeng Qun.
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Tėvų ilgalaikio nedarbo įtaka vaikų gyvenimo siekiams / The influence of parent's long-term unemployment towards the children's life aspirationsPurmalienė, Laima 28 January 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – bedarbių, augusių ilgalaikių bedarbių šeimose, gyvenimo siekiai. Tyrimo aktualumą atspindi probleminiai klausimai: 1) kaip tėvų ilgalaikė bedarbystė įtakoja vaikų gyvenimo siekius? 2) kokiais gyvenimiškais siekiais pasižymi bedarbiai, augę ilgalaikių bedarbių šeimose. Probleminiai klausimai suponavo tyrimo tikslą: ištirti tėvų ilgalaikio nedarbo įtaką vaikų gyvenimo siekiams. Iškelti tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) aptarti asmenybės gyvenimo siekių formavimosi turinį; 2) atskleisti ilgalaikio nedarbo poveikį šeimos funkcionavimui; 3) išryškinti tėvų ilgalaikės bedarbystės poveikį vaikų gyvenimo siekiams; 4) atskleisti bedarbių, augusių ilgalaikių bedarbių šeimose, gyvenimo siekių ypatumus. Iškelta tyrimo hipotezė: ilgalaikių bedarbių šeimose augę bedarbiai pasižymi žemesniais gyvenimo siekiais lyginant su bedarbiais, augusiais šeimose, nepriskirtinose ilgalaikių bedarbių kategorijai. Darbe panaudoti teoriniai (mokslinės literatūros ir dokumentų analizė), empiriniai (kiekybinis ir kokybinis) ir statistiniai tyrimo metodai.
Mokslinės literatūros analizė atskleidė, kad ilgalaikė bedarbystė kaip būklė ir statusas neišvengiamai įtakoja asmens ir jo artimiausios aplinkos socialinį ir asmeninį gyvenimą bei savimonę. Ši įtaka pasireiškia negalėjimu pilnavertiškai tenkinti asmeninių ir socialinių poreikių bei dalyvauti visuomenės gyvenime, o tuo pačiu iškreipia moralinių normų ir bendrabūvio taisyklių suvokimą. Ilgalaikių bedarbių šeimose stipriai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The influence of parent‘s long-term unemployment towards the children‘s life aspirations is analysed in this paper. The paper is based on the doctrin that the jobless who has lived within the family of long-term unemployed are distinquished for the lower life aspirations on comparison to the jobless who has lived within the family of parents who weren’t unemployed. The problematic questions have reflected the topicality of this research: 1) what influence the parent‘s long-term unemployment has towards the children‘s life aspirations? 2) what kind are the life aspirations of the jobless who has lived within the family of long-term unemployed? The aim of the research is to explore the influence of parent‘s long-term unemployment toward the children‘s life aspirations. The next tasks have been realized in the work: 1) to discuss the content of the pesonal development of the life aspirations; 2) to reveal the influence of long-term unemployment towards the families function; 3) to show the influence of parent‘s long-term unemployment towards the children‘s life aspirations; 4) to reveal the peculiarities of the life aspirations of the jobless who has lived within the family of long-term unemployed. The methods of the research has been used: theoretical (analysis of the academic literature), empirical (the quantitative and the qualitative analysis), statistical.
The theoretical analysis of the research problem show that the long-term unemployed as the state... [to full text]
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Manpower programs : government's response to the occupational needs of the poor.Lerner, Philip D. 01 January 1974 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Self-esteem and depression of employed versus unemployed male homosexuals in long-term monogamous partnershipsCrawford, Daryth Clinton Brown 09 February 2006 (has links)
Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology - Psychology / The relation between self-esteem and depression with regard to employment status of gay men in long-term monogamous partnerships was investigated, specifically to determine if a relation exists between employment status and self-esteem, and between employment status and depression in these men. The relation between eleven biographical and psychosocial variables with self-esteem and depression were also investigated. Non-probability snowball and purposive sampling were used to gather the sample of 56 gay male couples who were predominantly white; middle-class; well-educated; urban-dwelling South Africans; that had been involved for a mean length of 7.3 years. Each couple consisted of an employed partner and an unemployed partner, who had a mean length of 3.4 years of unemployment. Five couples (10 subjects) formed a pilot study and completed only the Revised Janis-Field Feelings of Inadequacy Scale (R-JFFIS), while the remaining 51 couples (102 subjects) completed both the R-JFFIS and the Revised Beck Depression Inventory (R-BDI). An Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) computed for the mixed effect model with fixed factor of employment status nested within the random factor of couple, controlling for the effects of the possible covariates revealed a significant difference between self-esteem of employed and unemployed partners. The difference is not significant for depression. Confirmatory evidence for the importance of age as a significant predictor of self-esteem was found for the whole sample; while perceived health and education were found to be significant predictors of depression. Self-esteem and depression were found to be inversely related in both employed and unemployed partners individually and collectively, while a positive correlation was found between self-esteem of employed and unemployed partners. Multiple
regression analysis revealed that the eleven variables investigated were poor correlates of self-esteem in both partners. Only perceived health was found to be a significant predictor of depression in employed and unemployed partners respectively. No known existing studies investigate these particular dimensions of gay life. The disparity of self-esteem scores between employed and unemployed partners and the inverse relation between perceived health and depression provide a proactive position, from which primary prevention of depression could be achieved.
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'I am nothing just zero' : exploring the experiences of black unemployed teachers in a South African rural community.Hlahla, Makwena Julia 24 December 2008 (has links)
A substantial body of international research exists dealing with the experiences of
unemployment. However, there is relatively little research focusing on unemployed
people with postgraduate degrees and no research on qualified unemployed teachers in
South Africa. Against this background, this research explored the experiences of eight
unemployed Black African teachers in a rural village in the Limpopo province, South
Africa by means of face-to-face, in-depth interviews. The study found that the majority of
those interviewed had chosen teaching because it had a vocation or calling and that this
aspect of their career choice made their experiences of unemployment even more painful.
It was also noted that being unemployed was a particularly difficult state to accept
because of the emphasis on the importance of education in the communities from which
the teachers came and the accompanying belief that a tertiary qualification would almost
inevitably secure employment. It also found that the participants expressed a number of
the negative experiences such as loss of self esteem and a sense of self worth. More
specifically, it was found that the inability to fulfil the traditional gender role as head of a
household was one of the most significant problems confronting the unemployed men.
Additional findings of particular interest include the fact that by contrast with other
research, this group of teachers did not experience the extent of social isolation so often
found in the international literature. It was suggested that a possible explanation for this
finding related to the particularly strong social ties that operate in Black African rural
communities in South Africa. A number of suggestions concerning further research into
the experiences of unemployed graduates are made in the concluding sections of the
study. It is suggested, for example, that it would be useful to explore the extent to which
the experiences of unemployed Black African teachers in urban communities relate to
those described in this research.
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Volunteering Helps Unemployed Older Workers' Mental Health: How, Why, and Does it Work for All?Yang, Jie January 2018 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Christina Matz-Costa / Despite the fact that older workers (50+) are much overrepresented among the long-term unemployed and often suffer from multiple mental health problems, the social work literature has rarely tackled this issue. In my dissertation, guided by Jahoda’s Latent Deprivation Theory and the productive aging framework, I examined the positive coping strategies of unemployed older workers. I set out to understand whether engaging in formal volunteering in an organization would buffer the negative impact of unemployment on older workers’ mental health. I also fill out the gap in the literature regarding the mechanism of the positive effect of volunteering on mental health by examining two latent benefits from working as mediators: purpose in life and perceived social status. I used fixed effects modeling for the moderation analysis. I analyzed six waves (12 years) of longitudinal data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). I used structural equation modeling and analyzed two waves of HRS for the mediation analysis. I used full information maximum likelihood method to handle missing values. I found that there was a significant moderation between engaging in formal volunteering and unemployment status on older workers’ depressive symptoms. Unemployed older workers who engaged in volunteering fared better than those unemployed workers who did not volunteer. Consistent with previous studies using the HRS, I also found that those unemployed older workers who volunteered over 200 hours/year did not benefit from volunteering compared to those volunteered under 100 hours/year. Mediation analysis results showed that perceived social status and purpose in life mediate the protective effect of volunteering. Both the moderation and mediation results varied by race and ethnicity. Results from this dissertation have important implications for future intervention development. For example, interventions targeting the unemployed older workers may incorporate formal volunteering as one element for participants to gain social contact, purpose in life, and enhance perceived social status. Interventions can also create an environment that mirrors an office to enhance these latent benefits (mediators) in order to improve mental health. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2018. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Social Work. / Discipline: Social Work.
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Target-contingent protest : repertoires of labor contention in reform ChinaShi, Huangao 01 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Determination of unemployment duration in CanadaLou, Zhijian, 1957- January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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