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How do different densities in a network affect the optimal location of service centers?Han, Mengjie, Håkansson, Johan, Rebreyend, Pascal January 2013 (has links)
The p-median problem is often used to locate p service centers by minimizing their distances to a geographically distributed demand (n). The optimal locations are sensitive to geographical context such as road network and demand points especially when they are asymmetrically distributed in the plane. Most studies focus on evaluating performances of the p-median model when p and n vary. To our knowledge this is not a very well-studied problem when the road network is alternated especially when it is applied in a real world context. The aim in this study is to analyze how the optimal location solutions vary, using the p-median model, when the density in the road network is alternated. The investigation is conducted by the means of a case study in a region in Sweden with an asymmetrically distributed population (15,000 weighted demand points), Dalecarlia. To locate 5 to 50 service centers we use the national transport administrations official road network (NVDB). The road network consists of 1.5 million nodes. To find the optimal location we start with 500 candidate nodes in the network and increase the number of candidate nodes in steps up to 67,000. To find the optimal solution we use a simulated annealing algorithm with adaptive tuning of the temperature. The results show that there is a limited improvement in the optimal solutions when nodes in the road network increase and p is low. When p is high the improvements are larger. The results also show that choice of the best network depends on p. The larger p the larger density of the network is needed.
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A cidade e o mercado imobiliário: uma análise da incorporação residencial paulistana entre 1992 e 2007 / The city and the real state market: an analysis of the residential incorporation of São Paulo between 1992 and 2007Wissenbach, Tomas Cortez 18 December 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe uma análise espacial da produção de apartamentos em São Paulo no período entre 1992 e 2007, utilizando, de forma combinada, três bases de dados: o Cadastro Territorial e Predial, de Conservação e Limpeza TPCL da Secretaria Municipal de Finanças; o Censo Demográfico do IBGE; e o Cadastro de Lançamentos Imobiliários da Empresa Brasileira de Estudos do Patrimônio Embraesp. Partimos do dialógo com pesquisas que tratam das preferências locacionais da incorporação, e buscamos introduzir na discussão a dimensão temporal nas determinações que marcaram diferentes fases do setor imobiliário no período. Com isso, observamos que o desempenho da incorporação foi marcado por descontinuidades e não por configurar tendências constantes. Ao longo do estudo foi possível identificar dois momentos de expansão imobiliária na cidade: o primeiro, em meados da década de 1990; e o segundo, em meados da década de 2000. Percebemos que as estratégias empresariais utilizadas em cada período levaram a distintos tipos de produção e, por conseqüência, projeções diferenciadas sobre o espaço urbano. Se nos anos 90 novas formas de organizar a produção imobiliária propiciaram a construção de unidades de médio padrão, em um movimento mais periférico, no período atual a forte capitalização do setor expressou-se na produção de alto padrão, numa tendência espacialmente mais concentrada. Neste último, a importância da localização não pôde ser medida em função dos seus atributos físicos, mas no seu papel de ampliar a receita gerada pelas empresas e, em função disso, ser a base da valoração das empresas no mercado de capitais. / The present study carries a spatial analysis of housing production in the municipality of São Paulo, Brazil, between the years of 1992 and 2007, utilizing a combination of three different databases: the Territorial and Real Estate, Conservation and Cleanliness Register (Cadastro Territorial e Predial, de Conservação e Limpeza TPCL), from the São Paulo Municipal Secretary of Finance; the National Demographic Census, from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística IBGE); and the Real Estate Launch Register from the Brazilian Estate Studies Company (Empresa Brasileira de Estudos do Patrimônio EMBRAESP). Departing from previous research which approached the real estate developers locational preferences either by means of qualitative research or geospatial analysis, this work aims to introduce the time dimension in the study of the city of São Paulo real estate market, not as a variable but in an effort to propose its periodization. We could infer from this that the performance of the local real estate market during the studys time span is marked by discontinuities rather than by regular tendencies. It was possible to identify two moments of real estate expansion in the city: the first around the 1990s and the second around the decade of 2000. Business strategies performed during each of these periods have led to distinct types of production, and, consequently, different projections over the urban space. If during the 1990s new forms of real estate production favored the construction of mid-standard, predominantly peripheral units, during the current stage the strong capitalization of the sector has expressed itself in the form of high-standard production with a predominantly central, concentrated distribution. In the latter, the importance of localization cannot be measured from physical attributes, but rather through its role in amplifying the companies revenue and, accordingly, representing the basis for the companies stock market valuation.
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A cidade e o mercado imobiliário: uma análise da incorporação residencial paulistana entre 1992 e 2007 / The city and the real state market: an analysis of the residential incorporation of São Paulo between 1992 and 2007Tomas Cortez Wissenbach 18 December 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe uma análise espacial da produção de apartamentos em São Paulo no período entre 1992 e 2007, utilizando, de forma combinada, três bases de dados: o Cadastro Territorial e Predial, de Conservação e Limpeza TPCL da Secretaria Municipal de Finanças; o Censo Demográfico do IBGE; e o Cadastro de Lançamentos Imobiliários da Empresa Brasileira de Estudos do Patrimônio Embraesp. Partimos do dialógo com pesquisas que tratam das preferências locacionais da incorporação, e buscamos introduzir na discussão a dimensão temporal nas determinações que marcaram diferentes fases do setor imobiliário no período. Com isso, observamos que o desempenho da incorporação foi marcado por descontinuidades e não por configurar tendências constantes. Ao longo do estudo foi possível identificar dois momentos de expansão imobiliária na cidade: o primeiro, em meados da década de 1990; e o segundo, em meados da década de 2000. Percebemos que as estratégias empresariais utilizadas em cada período levaram a distintos tipos de produção e, por conseqüência, projeções diferenciadas sobre o espaço urbano. Se nos anos 90 novas formas de organizar a produção imobiliária propiciaram a construção de unidades de médio padrão, em um movimento mais periférico, no período atual a forte capitalização do setor expressou-se na produção de alto padrão, numa tendência espacialmente mais concentrada. Neste último, a importância da localização não pôde ser medida em função dos seus atributos físicos, mas no seu papel de ampliar a receita gerada pelas empresas e, em função disso, ser a base da valoração das empresas no mercado de capitais. / The present study carries a spatial analysis of housing production in the municipality of São Paulo, Brazil, between the years of 1992 and 2007, utilizing a combination of three different databases: the Territorial and Real Estate, Conservation and Cleanliness Register (Cadastro Territorial e Predial, de Conservação e Limpeza TPCL), from the São Paulo Municipal Secretary of Finance; the National Demographic Census, from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística IBGE); and the Real Estate Launch Register from the Brazilian Estate Studies Company (Empresa Brasileira de Estudos do Patrimônio EMBRAESP). Departing from previous research which approached the real estate developers locational preferences either by means of qualitative research or geospatial analysis, this work aims to introduce the time dimension in the study of the city of São Paulo real estate market, not as a variable but in an effort to propose its periodization. We could infer from this that the performance of the local real estate market during the studys time span is marked by discontinuities rather than by regular tendencies. It was possible to identify two moments of real estate expansion in the city: the first around the 1990s and the second around the decade of 2000. Business strategies performed during each of these periods have led to distinct types of production, and, consequently, different projections over the urban space. If during the 1990s new forms of real estate production favored the construction of mid-standard, predominantly peripheral units, during the current stage the strong capitalization of the sector has expressed itself in the form of high-standard production with a predominantly central, concentrated distribution. In the latter, the importance of localization cannot be measured from physical attributes, but rather through its role in amplifying the companies revenue and, accordingly, representing the basis for the companies stock market valuation.
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Water Soluble Inorganic Aerosol Chemical Characteristics Over An Urban Site In Southern IndiaNair, Aswathy V 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Aerosol are solid or liquid particles suspended in the atmosphere ranging in size from 10 3 to 102 m. Aerosol influence both the regional and global climate of the earth by its direct and indirect effect. Role of atmospheric aerosols on the radiative forcing of atmosphere is a matter of serious research for past few decades and still it remains highly uncertain as acknowledged by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Heterogeneous nature of aerosol both spatially and temporally makes it more complex in estimating radiative forcing compared to that of greenhouse gases. Compounding to the existing difficulty in determining the climate effects, changing aerosol concentration and nature of the aerosol further increases the complexity in determining its effects in both regional and global climate. Increasing aerosol loading is emerging to be an issue of major concern over several regions. The first step towards achieving this goal is by determining the trends in the physical and optical properties of aerosol over the globe. Main objective of the thesis is the determination of the recent trends in aerosol loading over the globe and then to focus specifically on the properties of aerosol over an urban site in southern India. Specific objectives are (a) to determine the trend in aerosol physical and optical properties over the globe using AERONET surface observations (b) to characterize the chemical properties of water soluble inorganic aerosol over an urban site in Southern India, Bangalore (c) to have a better estimation of aerosol radiative forcing over Bangalore with measured aerosol chemical concentration, black carbon concentration and aerosol optical depth (AOD).
To quantify the recent trends in aerosol loading over the globe, we have used the surface observations from AERONET and the study provided the first step in giving a global picture of the recent trends in the fundamental optical and physical property of aerosol. Trend analysis showed a significant spatial inhomogenity, and Asian continent clearly showed an increasing trend in AOD compared to other continents. Solar village (24.9oN, 46.4oE) of Saudi Arabia showed a maximum with a value of 0.04/yr and Bac -Giang (21oN, 106oE) of Vietnam showed the minimum value of -0.04/yr. North American study region included 18 sites in which eastern US (E.US) exhibited a decreasing trend while the scenario in western US (W.US) is different with more of sites with increasing AOD trend. Single scattering albedo (SSA) trend in W. US showed a decreasing trend irrespective of the AOD trend. Study sites in South America include Cordoba -CETT (31.5oNS, 64.5 oN W) Alta Floresta (9.8oS, 56.1 o W), Riobranco (9.9oNS, 67.8o W) and Soa Poulo (23.5oS, 46.7o W).Except Riobranco which has a positive trend in AOD, all other sites exhibited a statistically signi cant negative trend. Over Australia, there is an inclination towards increasing AOD in sites and all the three sites in Australia exhibit a statistically significant increasing trend in SSA. According to the recent trends in AOD over African region, there exists a significant decrease in AOD compared to that reported for few years earlier, showing the high temporal in homogeneity and need for continuous observation of aerosol over the regions. European study region included 15 stations, among them only 3 sites showed an increasing trend in AOD, remaining 12 sites showed a significant decreasing trend in aerosol loading over the period of study. SSA was also observed to be decreasing over most of the European sites, even with a decreasing AOD over most of the sites. A Comparison study carried out to determine the relation of population growth rate and aerosol loading, and it revealed that the increasing AOD trend not always coincided with the sites having high population growth rate.
Having determined the trends in AOD and other aerosol parameters over the globe and seeing an alarmingly increasing trend over most of the Asian sites, especially over Indian region, we have then focused over work on the aerosol properties of one of the rapidly growing urban location in southern India, Bangalore. While physical properties of aerosol have been extensively studied over Bangalore, chemical characteristics are still an unexplored area. Extensive information on aerosol chemical composition is not available over Indian region except for a few locations based on campaign mode. Even available data is of very coarse temporal resolution, since hours or full day sampling is needed to gather enough samples for chemical analysis. High temporal resolution data of aerosol chemical characteristics, especially for all season is completely lacking over Indian subcontinent. Among aerosol, water soluble aerosol form an important component in particulate matter, since it can change its size, composition, can easily mix with other aerosols and can act as cloud condensation nuclei, based on its hygroscopic nature. Present study provided the rst time results from a high temporal resolution water soluble inorganic aerosol chemical data over Indian region, which is first step towards estimating aerosol climate impacts more accurately. Water soluble inorganic aerosol ions over Bangalore namely, sulphate, nitrate, chloride, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and ammonium are measured using Particle Into Liquid Sampler Ion Chromatograph (PILS-IC). PILS is an online sampling technique for quantitatively measuring the chemical concentration of ion in water soluble aerosol particles. PILS IC used in the present study is developed in Georgia Institute of Technology. Instrument samples ambient air at a flow rate of 16.7Lmin 1. Particles below PM 2.5 micron are collected for the analysis using cyclone impactor. Two annular glass denuders are used to remove inorganic gases which else will interfere with the aerosol ion concentration. Ambient air which is deprived of the inorganic gases is then mixed with steam vapours at 150oC, eventually high supersaturated atmosphere is produced with rapid adiabatic mixing of steam and ambient air. High supersaturated air allows droplets to grow enough to be collected by inertial impaction onto a quartz impactor plate. Entire PILS condensation unit is kept at a slight tilt of 15o, to remove all condensate through drain tube connected to the end of the PILS condensate body. Condensed liquid sample is collected from the impaction chamber and known concentration LiF is allowed to mix with the collected sample at a constant rate. LiF known as carrier liquid is added to know the dilution occurring to the collected sample. Sample with carrier liquid is then collected to a debubbler and is supplied to the IC through peristaltic tubings for determining the ion chemical concentration. Seasonal variation of mass concentration of water soluble aerosol species and the influence of long range transport is carried out using HYSPILT back trajectory analysis. Marine air mass from Arabian Sea dominated the air parcel reaching the site for both SW monsoon and summer. Continental air mass dominated the site during both NE monsoon and winter with slight contribution from marine atmosphere. Source characteristics of sulphate, potassium, calcium and magnesium ions are carried out based on sea salt (ss) and non sea salt (nss) origin and it is observed that the nss contribution is dominant over the site for all these ions except magnesium where ss component comparatively dominates the source. SO24 and NO3 form the dominant anions while NH+4 makes the dominant cation species. Monthly variation of the ratio of ammonium to nss -sulphate is carried out to determine the possible cation -anion relation existing between these two major ions. During later winter and summer months ammonium bi sulphate is found to be the existing chemical form and ammonium sulphate during other seasons. High temporal resolution data enabled us to study the diurnal variation of aerosol ions and it is influenced by various mechanisms from boundary layer to local emissions.
Optical properties of aerosols depend upon the size and the relative abun-dance of each components. It is usual practice to assume default aerosol chemical composition in radiative transfer models due to unavailability of data, which can lead to errors in forcing estimates. Incorporating realistic aerosol chemical composition in models is essential to reduce the uncertainty in aerosol radiative forcing. Hence we have included measured aerosol chemical compositions, black carbon and AOD to improve the determination of radiative forcing of aerosol. OPAC and SBDART models were used for estimating the aerosol radiative forcing over Bangalore. We have used mainly four components namely, soot, water soluble, sea salt and dust. Except dust all are other components are measured over the site and formed a constrain for the calculation. Dust concentration was altered so that the OPAC AOD matched the measured AOD within 5%. Mineral dust shows the highest contribution in AOD among the four components, however water soluble and soot even being less is mass concentration compared to mineral dust, has significant impact on the AOD. This clearly indicate the influence of both water soluble and soot aerosol over the regional climate of the site. Sea Salt exhibited low AOD compared to other three constituents.
The results presented in the thesis highlights the importance of varying trends in the aerosol properties and its effects on a global picture and speci - cally over an urban site in Indian region , we explored the temporal variations of water soluble inorganic aerosol ions and its effects on regional climate. Hence the thesis addressed some of the unexplored areas in aerosol science. This study also suggests the need of continuous observation of aerosol over both spatial and temporal scale, which is essential to estimate their effects on earth's climate.
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Impact of the location of new schools on transportation infrastructure and financeWagner, James Bartley 19 February 2009 (has links)
Public school planning and land use planning have become increasingly separated fields over the last 35 years. This results in misaligned goals when school districts do not plan facilities that support a community's land use planning goals. The result is a disjointed growth pattern where new schools are built on the urban fringe and act as a magnet for new development that often goes against desired development patterns. Previous research on school locations and development patterns has focused on institutional barriers to cooperation and strategies to help local governments cooperate better with local land use planners. To date, there has been no significant research that attempts to quantify the relationship between school location and development patterns and the transportation infrastructure necessary to serve new development.
This research shows that there is a relationship between school location and new development. Four counties in Georgia were selected as case studies and analyzed with a Geographic Information System (GIS) to determine the significance of the link between these activities. Counties were selected based on their character (urban, suburban, exurban, rural) and analyzed separately. An elementary school and high school were analyzed for each county. In addition, interviews with school facility planners were conducted to further define what institutional barriers prevent cooperation among local land use planners and school planners. It was found that there is a wide range of levels of cooperation between school planners and local planners. Some school districts had a formalized communication process with local planners, some had an ad-hoc communication process, and others had no process at all. Recommendations are made on ways to improve the cooperation between these two professional fields. This thesis also examines the link between education and transportation capital funding. Georgia lawmakers are struggling to determine what type of capital funding mechanism would be appropriate for new transportation projects, but these new projects may negatively impact educational funding, which is currently based on a sales tax.
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Diretrizes de planejamento estratégico de uso e ocupação do solo urbano para portos secos / Strategical planning guidelines of urban land use and occupation for dry portsSantos, Evandro Cardoso dos 17 September 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho mostra os resultados obtidos durante as atividades de pesquisa e levantamento de dados sobre os equipamentos urbanos de carga denominados Estações Aduaneiras Interiores (EADIs), conhecidos como Portos Secos, na identificação de impactos ambientais resultantes das operações portuárias desses estabelecimentos. O conflito na utilização do espaço viário da área urbana por modos e sistemas de transporte de carga, incumbidos da tarefa de movimentação e transporte de mercadorias dos Portos Secos nas cidades brasileiras, especialmente aquelas de maior porte e em regiões metropolitanas, a saber, caminhões e trens, leva à preocupação tanto pela inexistência de uma legislação específica locacional para estes equipamentos impactantes, como pela grande disseminação destes empreendimentos, especialmente na década de 1990. Aspectos operacionais como a movimentação de cargas e intermodalidade de transportes nas áreas dos Portos Secos, as atividades produtivas urbanas e regionais e a utilização dos Portos Secos, a concentração desses equipamentos nas periferias industriais urbanas das maiores cidades do país, a utilização do sistema viário principal urbano para a viabilização do transporte de cargas, a localização dos Portos Secos e a logística empresarial, entre outros, chamam a atenção num contexto onde o transporte de cargas e o cumprimento das leis geradas pelas políticas governamentais e de regulamentação ainda não reconhecem as necessidades reais das cargas urbanas no Brasil. Aspectos de planejamento para os projetos dos Portos Secos e a atenção à circulação de cargas no ambiente urbano, frente ao uso e ocupação do solo, determinados pelas leis municipais e à infra-estrutura urbana existente, calcados exclusivamente nos custos operacionais e na acessibilidade, subsidiam este trabalho na formulação de diretrizes de planejamento estratégico de uso e ocupação do solo urbano para Portos Secos, para a redução dos impactos ambientais negativos dos transportes urbanos de cargas. Os principais impactos ambientais, que afetam (de forma mais aguda) a área urbana que hospeda o Porto Seco, especialmente nos casos onde não há um estudo de pré-viabilidade e compatibilização do equipamento ao uso e a ocupação do solo, bem como sua adequação às regras do Planejamento Urbano relacionado ao Planejamento dos Transportes tanto nos ambientes físico, natural, político, legal e de planejamento quanto no ambiente sócio-econômico. Examinar o funcionamento de um Porto Seco - EADI Ribeirão Preto - e sua relação impactante na área urbana onde atua, sua movimentação de cargas e prestação de serviços, levando em conta os custos econômicos diretos e indiretos para diferentes atividades, especialmente os custos e impactos ligados aos ambientes natural, social e econômico, faz parte de um diagnóstico a ser elaborado a partir de indicadores de qualidade de funcionamento da área urbana. Os problemas da localização dos Portos Secos induzem a formulação de diretrizes de planejamento estratégico de uso e ocupação do solo que auxiliem na minimização dos impactos ambientais causados durante a realização das tarefas de armazenamento, manuseio, distribuição e transporte de cargas. Os resultados aqui apresentados poderão ser de grande pertinência e utilidade para o poder público na formulação de um quadro legal e de regulamentação e para o segmento empresarial ansioso por melhores decisões estratégicas. Este trabalho apresentará dados, imagens, mapas, tabelas, gráficos, entre outros, tornando-se mais dinâmico na leitura e compreensível no aporte teórico. / The present work brings forth the results of the research and data colleting activities on the freight urban equipment called Interior Custom Stations (ICSs), named EADI in portuguese, also known as Dry Ports, in the identification of the impact the operations carried out in these stations may have on the environment. The problematic use of the urban locomotion spaces by trucks and trains, the modes and systems of freight transportation in charge of moving and transporting freight from the Dry Ports to Brazilian cities, especially the larger and metropolitan ones, in troublesome for the lack of specific local legislation for such impact equipments as well as for their spread in Brazil specially in the 1990th decade. Operational aspects like freight moving and transport intermodality in the Dry Port areas, productive urban and rural activities and the Dry Ports usage, the concentration of these equipments in country\'s larges cities urban industrial outskirts, the location of the Dry Ports and business logistics, among others, call our attention in a context where freight transporting and the fulfillment of the laws created by government and regulation policies still do not understand the real needs of urban freight in Brazil. Planning aspects of the Dry Ports\' Projects together with the attention to the circulation of freight in urban surroundings in face of both use and occupation of the land determined by Municipal laws and the existing urban infra-structure (based exclusively on operational costs and accessibility), support this research in the formulation of strategic planning guidelines of use and occupation of urban land for Dry Ports towards the reduction of negative environmental impacts of urban freight transporting. The major environmental impacts affect (in a more direct way) the urban area that houses the Dry Port, most visibly in cases when there are no studies on the pre-viability and compatibility of the equipment to the use and occupation of the land, as well to its adequacy to the rules of Urban Planning concerning Transport Planning in the physical, natural, political, legal and socio-economical ambience. A close examination of a Dry Port - EADI Ribeirão Preto -, its important relation to the urban area where it is placed, the moving of freight and services offered there taking into account the direct and indirect economic costs for different activities, above all the costs and impacts related to the natural, social and economic ambience, is a part of a diagnosis to be elaborated from the urban functioning quality indicators. The problems in the Dry Ports location lead to the formulation of strategic planning guidelines for the use and occupation of land, which may help minimize environmental impact from storing, handling, distribution and transportation activities. The results brought forth in this work may be of great relevance and usefulness to the government in the formulation of a legal and regulative policy to the business park, longing for better strategic decisions. The present work brings forth data, images, maps, tables, charts, among other kinds of information, which makes its reading more dynamic and understandable in its theoretical discussion.
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Diretrizes de planejamento estratégico de uso e ocupação do solo urbano para portos secos / Strategical planning guidelines of urban land use and occupation for dry portsEvandro Cardoso dos Santos 17 September 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho mostra os resultados obtidos durante as atividades de pesquisa e levantamento de dados sobre os equipamentos urbanos de carga denominados Estações Aduaneiras Interiores (EADIs), conhecidos como Portos Secos, na identificação de impactos ambientais resultantes das operações portuárias desses estabelecimentos. O conflito na utilização do espaço viário da área urbana por modos e sistemas de transporte de carga, incumbidos da tarefa de movimentação e transporte de mercadorias dos Portos Secos nas cidades brasileiras, especialmente aquelas de maior porte e em regiões metropolitanas, a saber, caminhões e trens, leva à preocupação tanto pela inexistência de uma legislação específica locacional para estes equipamentos impactantes, como pela grande disseminação destes empreendimentos, especialmente na década de 1990. Aspectos operacionais como a movimentação de cargas e intermodalidade de transportes nas áreas dos Portos Secos, as atividades produtivas urbanas e regionais e a utilização dos Portos Secos, a concentração desses equipamentos nas periferias industriais urbanas das maiores cidades do país, a utilização do sistema viário principal urbano para a viabilização do transporte de cargas, a localização dos Portos Secos e a logística empresarial, entre outros, chamam a atenção num contexto onde o transporte de cargas e o cumprimento das leis geradas pelas políticas governamentais e de regulamentação ainda não reconhecem as necessidades reais das cargas urbanas no Brasil. Aspectos de planejamento para os projetos dos Portos Secos e a atenção à circulação de cargas no ambiente urbano, frente ao uso e ocupação do solo, determinados pelas leis municipais e à infra-estrutura urbana existente, calcados exclusivamente nos custos operacionais e na acessibilidade, subsidiam este trabalho na formulação de diretrizes de planejamento estratégico de uso e ocupação do solo urbano para Portos Secos, para a redução dos impactos ambientais negativos dos transportes urbanos de cargas. Os principais impactos ambientais, que afetam (de forma mais aguda) a área urbana que hospeda o Porto Seco, especialmente nos casos onde não há um estudo de pré-viabilidade e compatibilização do equipamento ao uso e a ocupação do solo, bem como sua adequação às regras do Planejamento Urbano relacionado ao Planejamento dos Transportes tanto nos ambientes físico, natural, político, legal e de planejamento quanto no ambiente sócio-econômico. Examinar o funcionamento de um Porto Seco - EADI Ribeirão Preto - e sua relação impactante na área urbana onde atua, sua movimentação de cargas e prestação de serviços, levando em conta os custos econômicos diretos e indiretos para diferentes atividades, especialmente os custos e impactos ligados aos ambientes natural, social e econômico, faz parte de um diagnóstico a ser elaborado a partir de indicadores de qualidade de funcionamento da área urbana. Os problemas da localização dos Portos Secos induzem a formulação de diretrizes de planejamento estratégico de uso e ocupação do solo que auxiliem na minimização dos impactos ambientais causados durante a realização das tarefas de armazenamento, manuseio, distribuição e transporte de cargas. Os resultados aqui apresentados poderão ser de grande pertinência e utilidade para o poder público na formulação de um quadro legal e de regulamentação e para o segmento empresarial ansioso por melhores decisões estratégicas. Este trabalho apresentará dados, imagens, mapas, tabelas, gráficos, entre outros, tornando-se mais dinâmico na leitura e compreensível no aporte teórico. / The present work brings forth the results of the research and data colleting activities on the freight urban equipment called Interior Custom Stations (ICSs), named EADI in portuguese, also known as Dry Ports, in the identification of the impact the operations carried out in these stations may have on the environment. The problematic use of the urban locomotion spaces by trucks and trains, the modes and systems of freight transportation in charge of moving and transporting freight from the Dry Ports to Brazilian cities, especially the larger and metropolitan ones, in troublesome for the lack of specific local legislation for such impact equipments as well as for their spread in Brazil specially in the 1990th decade. Operational aspects like freight moving and transport intermodality in the Dry Port areas, productive urban and rural activities and the Dry Ports usage, the concentration of these equipments in country\'s larges cities urban industrial outskirts, the location of the Dry Ports and business logistics, among others, call our attention in a context where freight transporting and the fulfillment of the laws created by government and regulation policies still do not understand the real needs of urban freight in Brazil. Planning aspects of the Dry Ports\' Projects together with the attention to the circulation of freight in urban surroundings in face of both use and occupation of the land determined by Municipal laws and the existing urban infra-structure (based exclusively on operational costs and accessibility), support this research in the formulation of strategic planning guidelines of use and occupation of urban land for Dry Ports towards the reduction of negative environmental impacts of urban freight transporting. The major environmental impacts affect (in a more direct way) the urban area that houses the Dry Port, most visibly in cases when there are no studies on the pre-viability and compatibility of the equipment to the use and occupation of the land, as well to its adequacy to the rules of Urban Planning concerning Transport Planning in the physical, natural, political, legal and socio-economical ambience. A close examination of a Dry Port - EADI Ribeirão Preto -, its important relation to the urban area where it is placed, the moving of freight and services offered there taking into account the direct and indirect economic costs for different activities, above all the costs and impacts related to the natural, social and economic ambience, is a part of a diagnosis to be elaborated from the urban functioning quality indicators. The problems in the Dry Ports location lead to the formulation of strategic planning guidelines for the use and occupation of land, which may help minimize environmental impact from storing, handling, distribution and transportation activities. The results brought forth in this work may be of great relevance and usefulness to the government in the formulation of a legal and regulative policy to the business park, longing for better strategic decisions. The present work brings forth data, images, maps, tables, charts, among other kinds of information, which makes its reading more dynamic and understandable in its theoretical discussion.
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Proposta de tratamento da variável localização em modelos inferenciais de avaliação imobiliária para municípios médiosFerreira, Jose Fabricio 18 December 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-12-18 / Location is a central variable in mathematical models of real estate appraisal. The main goal of this dissertation is to propose a method for the treatment of this variable in a specific kind of appraisal, but very relevant, known as PGV (in Brazil, anything like an assessment roll). Besides being a important instrument of urban tax policies, PGVs also have their usefulness in urban planning for revealing the dynamics of real estate valuation. The study focuses in São Carlos (São Paulo State, Brazil), a city of nearly 210.000 inhabitants. It is a city of intermediary size, whose spatial patterns of real estate valuation are not quite simple, like in small towns, but factors whose effects have maximum expression in the metropolitan environment start to consolidate. The main of them is segregation, and the conditions of competition for the best location occur in the field of real estate market. This study aims to explore the amplitude of the city, with its variability of characteristics, incorporating in the object of study the locations of the urban core and expansion areas. It discusses the influence or correlation of factors such as demand for public services, infrastructures, attributes of location, neighbourhood aspects, urban amenities and aspects of illegality in the composition of the market value of these properties. Thus, diversity and variability of characteristics widen the study of the valuation pattern of the urban land. The innovative approach of this study is to link two fields of knowledge apparently distincts the inferential methodologies of mass evaluation and the studies of intra-urban location. The common potencial issue is tax application. It means, to the local governments, to consider the city as it shows itself, ensuring not only the success in evaluative formulations, but the respect for the principles of fairness that should characterize the tax policies. / A Localização é uma variável central em modelos matemáticos de avaliação imobiliária. A presente dissertação tem como principal objetivo propor um método para o tratamento desta variável em um tipo de avaliação bastante específico, mas de grande relevância, comumente conhecido como Planta de Valores Genéricos (PVG). Além de importante instrumento de políticas tributárias urbanas, as PVG têm grande utilidade no planejamento urbano, ao refletir a dinâmica da valorização imobiliária. O estudo concentra-se em São Carlos (SP), um município de aproximadamente 210.000 habitantes (IBGE 2002). É uma cidade de porte intermediário cujos padrões espaciais de valorização imobiliária não são tão simples, como em pequenos municípios, mas delineiam-se fatores cujos efeitos têm expressão máxima no ambiente metropolitano. Um dos principais deles é a segregação e as condições de competição pelas melhores localizações ocorrem no âmbito do mercado imobiliário. O trabalho procura explorar a amplitude da cidade, com sua variabilidade de características, incorporando ao objeto em estudo as localizações do núcleo urbano e nas áreas de expansão. Trata-se da influência ou correlação de fatores como oferta de serviços, infraestruturas, atributos de localização, aspectos de vizinhança, amenidades urbanas e aspectos de ilegalidade na composição do valor de mercado destes imóveis. Assim, amplia-se a diversidade e variabilidade de características no estudo do padrão de valorização do solo urbano. O enfoque inovador do presente estudo é unir dois campos do conhecimento aparentemente distintos - as metodologias inferenciais de avaliação em massa e os estudos de localização intra-urbana. O tema potencialmente comum é a aplicação tributária. Significa, para os governos municipais, considerar a cidade tal como ela se configura, garantindo-se não só o êxito nas formulações avaliatórias, mas sobretudo o respeito aos princípios de impessoalidade que devem caracterizar as políticas tributárias.
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