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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urban development of central Vancouver Island

Forrester, Elizabeth Anne Marshall January 1966 (has links)
The thesis is a study of the urban development of Central Vancouver Island, an area which lacks economic homogeneity. Throughout the period of settlement, agriculture has been second in importance to coal mining and later to the forest industry. Much of the settlement in the region has been as a result of the utilization of three natural resources - coal, forest and land suitable for cultivation. Access to a means of transport was the early factor limiting expansion of settlement, in particular access to the coast and steamers from Victoria. As transport facilities on land improved, occupation of inland areas took place. The first urban settlement in the region was associated with coal mining in the Nanaimo area, and later farther north at the Cumberland-Union mines. The second phase of urban growth occurred from 1900-1930, a period characterized by decreasing profits from -coal mining and greater importance of forest industries. This phase is marked by the growth of Duncan and Gourtenay as service centres for their respective agricultural hinterlands and by changes in the location of mining centres. A rapid increase of population occurred as a result of advances in the forest industry, and of concurrent increase in the service industries, between 1931 and 1961. This third phase of settlement is characterized by an improved and expanded highway system which greatly facilitated the growth of a hierarchy of urban centres, both service and industrial, along with the expansion of the settled area of the Island. A statistical analysis of the population and number of central functions and functional units present in the urban centres of Central Vancouver Island was carried out. Comparison of the results obtained with those published for a similar study in South West Iowa, indicates that most of the relationships present in the latter agricultural region are also present in Central Vancouver Island, but to a less marked degree because of the presence of a larger number of industrial centres. Another conclusion.is that the study of trade centres through this period illustrates the fact that those centres which are of a high order in a hierarchy tend to increase more rapidly than lower order centres. Five centres, Nanaimo, Duncan, Courtenay, the Albernis and Ladysmith, were selected for detailed study of their changing functions and morphology. This revealed the importance of transport facilities, wharfs, railways and highways, which have resulted in industrial expansions and, in some cases, increase of service functions. The central and port location of Nanaimo has led to its growth as the major wholesale distribution point for the area and it is as the tributary area to Nanaimo that the region attains unity. Despite the variety of economic backgrounds to which the urban centres owe their existence, and the early growth of settlement in widely separated locations, the development of a network of communications has allowed the evolution of a hierarchy of urban places within the region. / Arts, Faculty of / Geography, Department of / Graduate

Urbanization, migration and housing: a case study for India.

Bhargava, Jagdish Prasad January 1964 (has links)
India is currently experiencing a rapid increase in population growth and in the urbanization process leading to industrialization. This is resulting in an overcrowding of urban areas with attendent problems of illiteracy, unemployment, inadequate community facilities and service and deplorable housing conditions. The present unsatisfactory urban housing situation la due to: the comparatively small investment in housing by private enterprise; the failure of the public housing programs to cope with the complex problems of housing; the national policy of giving priority to the investment in capital asset and the inadequacies of urban-regional planning and administration. India is facing the critical problem of housing those rural immigrants in the urban areas who can not even afford to pay an economic rent, who do not want to spend money on housing, and who are not easily assimilated into the urban environment. The hypothesis of the study is that rural immigrants to urban areas in India have specific economic, physical and cultural needs which must be considered to help India solve its urban housing problem. The study was undertaken because it is felt that housing rural immigrants to urban areas is one of the most critical problems facing India, and that there is need for an approach which will achieve a balanced social and economic development program. Consideration is given to the various concepts involved and terms such as 'Housing', 'rural immigrant', 'economic absorption', 'cultural integration' and 'adjustment' are defined. Urban problems associated with the housing problem are reviewed, and the economic, socio-cultural, psychological and physical problems of the rural immigrant in the urban areas, are analysed. India's past and present policies regarding housing, urban land, and socio-economic goals are also reviewed. It is observed that the housing problem is only a "symptom" of a complex of inter-related urban problems which, if resolved, would contribute to the solution of the housing problem. The rural Immigrant requires adequate economic absorption, socio-psychological adjustment, and adequate shelter and community facilities in the urban environment. To meet the needs of the rural immigrants it la recommended that adult programs in education, work-cum-orientation, paid apprenticeships and technical and vocational training be expanded. It is recommendeds that small scale units of production and other labour intensive projects be utilised together with large scale units of production that family migration and community life be encouraged; and that community services and facilities be considerably expanded in scope and volume. It is further recommended that these facilities and services be provided as emergency measures in existing slums in order to motivate immigrants towards self-improvement. It is considered that the Government should take measures to encourage the provision of more housing by private sources and non-profit organisations using self-help and mutual-help methods. It is recommended that the government should adopt the principle of neighbourhood planning within an Urban-Regional physical planning program administered through a proposed Ministry of Urban-Regional Planning and Development at the National and Provincial levels. It is concluded that the approach to the problem of housing rural immigrants in the urban areas can not be a departmentalized one; rather a simultaneous attack on all inter-related urban problems, using a comprehensive approach is imperative. Only thus can India hope to solve its problem of housing rural immigrants in the urban areas. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Community and Regional Planning (SCARP), School of / Graduate

Residential environs in the urban area

Watty, Anthony John January 1968 (has links)
This thesis is part of a larger continuous study which deals with the concept of "Life Style" as a force mapping segments of the urban society into reasonably distinct areas within a metropolitan district. This paper then uses the concept of the "Life Style" as a starting point. The life style chosen here for study is connected with those people who select to live in the dense residential environments associated with the urban core. By examining such an area, its context within the metropolis is found, and the elements constituting it and their interconnections are identified. From the form giving forces generated by this information, a residential system is developed that reflects and reinforces the life style of the population under study. The system is evolved in a “model' abstract area that exhibits characteristics and constraints common to many metropoli, and later applied to a real situation in a particular city to test the efficacy of the system under typical conditions. For the sake of the thesis, I have called the model "Intropolis". It is suggested that new skills and new methods will need to be devised to describe the specific segments of the metropolitan area. To describe Intropolis I have asked a number of questions. The necessary information to answer these questions has been found from census data, from our own observations, and from a sample attitude test undertaken in the West End of Vancouver. The questions are as follows: 1. Who are the people that congregate in a specific area and what are their characteristics and attitudes? Here I have described families in the model area, the households, and the attitudes of members of the household to each other. I was also concerned with household economics and its influence on choices; the sources of family income and the kind of work that procured it seemed to have an influence on values and choices made. 2. How is time used? Observation of activities and their position in space and time becomes as important to the environmental designers as the more normal census data. 3. What are the important forms and tools of communication between people? The urban area is often defined as a system of contacts, and it is suggested that the pattern of place and space may influence the nature of contacts, and vice versa that the nature of the contacts will influence the needs of space. New forms of communication have been a great influence on urban form. I found that these tools must however not be taken for granted as they are not equally available to all groups within the community. After completing the description of the model area, information was perceived as a form giving force from which some of the factors which determine the character of the area can be deduced. These are described in the second part of the thesis. They include a) A basic movement system b) A system of relationships of housing to institutions such as schools, hospitals, churches, public and social services, and commercial and business needs. c) A system of contacts and separations within the area, including open and enclosed spaces. d) A range of choice and a range of densities of housing types. The thesis concludes by integrating these forces into a diagrammatic whole on the model area. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Architecture and Landscape Architecture (SALA), School of / Graduate

Problematika slumů a možnosti jejího řešení na příkladu Keni / The issue of slums and its possible solutions (the example of Kenya)

Faltisová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the elimination of slums in Kenya. It is currently facing a huge challenge - improving the quality of life of slum dwellers. Despite the large amount of efforts developed to promote the slums in Kenya, the situation remains problematic and local slums has already grown to such proportions that it was not easy efficient and sustainable. Thesis is divided into three subsequent chapters. The first chapter focuses on the economic, political and social situation in Kenya. In the second chapter I explain term slum, it's history, the life of slum dwellers and I also think about causes of their origin and subsequent dynamic urban sprawl. The third chapter is focused on the actual Kenyan slums and projects dedicated to tackle the challenges of their elimination. My goal is to identify the causes that lead to the extension of slums. Further I want to analyze how the issue of slums in Kenya is solved and whether these projects are effective and sustainable.

Konsten att utveckla attraktiva städer på ett hållbart sätt : Hur kan en trafikreglering påverka innerstaden Göteborg?

Roos Lundström, Frida January 2016 (has links)
Between the years 2005 and 2015 cars and trucks have increased with 7, 7 percent inGothenburg. This will mean that in 2035 there will be 47 140 more vehicles. 70.000 of the550.000 people in Gothenburg is being exposed by a noise that is over the limit of 55 dBA. Vehicles incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons leads to a number of additional health problems. According to the Swedish transport department, closer to 3000 people dies prematurely in Sweden each year due to traffic air pollution.A measure to prevent and reduce the intense traffic involves emission requirements, congestion and traffic regulations. The city center of Gothenburg will on the first of October 2016 introduce a prohibition for heavy traffic around the area close to Domkyrkan between 11am - 05am a clock. The purpose of this study has been to investigate if a regulation of heavy traffic can be used as an instrument to contribute to a sustainable and environment adjusted city without affect the residents feeling of an attractive city center. On behalf of the municipal entity Traffic office Gothenburg City and the organization Innerstaden Göteborg a customer satisfaction index analysis (CSI) has been done. Performed in order to measure customer satisfaction before the regulation. The CSI model which is a result from this paper will be re-used after the regulation in order to identify the effects of the traffic regulation. CSI is a statistical method built upon indicators (questions) and latent variables (quality factors) related to a set of indicators. CSI is measured by the respondents answering questions through a 1-10 point scale where 1 is the lowest rating and 10 is the highest ratings. There are three standard questions which average rating creates the CSI value: How satisfied are you with the overall environment as it is today? How well meets the environment your expectations? How well relate this specific area with an ideal inner city environment?

O rural na urbanização paulista em contexto macrometropolitano / O rural na urbanização paulista em contexto macrometropolitano.

Roberta Fontan Pereira Galvão 25 May 2017 (has links)
O processo de urbanização contemporânea tem transformado significativamente espaços rurais e urbanos, sobretudo os localizados em territórios metropolitanizados. Nesse processo novas configurações físico-espaciais e relações socioeconômicas se intensificam tanto pela diversificação quanto pelo deslocamento de funções entre campo e cidade, resultando em um espaço complexo e distinto, onde esses espaços encontram-se a tal ponto imbricados que se tornou difícil estabelecer limites entre eles. É objetivo desvendar os espaços rurais inter-metropolitanos no território da Macrometrópole Paulista (MMP), composta de cinco regiões metropolitanas do Estado de São Paulo, identificando-os por meio da análise de seus aspectos sociodemográficos e físico-territoriais e das transformações decorrentes de dinâmicas produtivas estabelecidas, confrontando-os com a classificação oficial do território em rural e urbano no Brasil, adotada pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Como método de trabalho apoia-se na construção de uma cartografia temática que revela as características intrínsecas às categorias mencionadas, definem-se critérios de ruralidade circunscritos ao contexto da MMP e com base neles se elabora uma indicação de ruralidade que é apresentada em um mapa-síntese, o qual é objeto de cotejamento com a classificação do IBGE. Esse cotejamento revela discrepâncias entre um e outro entendimento dos rurais e urbanos desse território. O estudo mostra que em meio à complexidade da urbanização contemporânea a separação do território em rural e urbano tornou-se diluída, dinâmica e resiliente e que a distinção entre esses territórios requer a conjugação de diversas variáveis e parâmetros conforme elaborado, sendo insuficiente a delimitação rural/urbano praticada. Espera-se que os resultados obtidos mediante esse estudo possam orientar a formulação de políticas públicas que contemplem espaços rurais e urbanos fornecendo dimensões mais realistas no território da MMP. / The contemporary urbanization process has significantly transformed rural and urban spaces, especially in metropolitan areas. In this process, new spatial configurations and socioeconomic relations are intensified by diversification and displacement of functions between countryside and city, resulting in complex and distinct space, where these spaces are so intertwined that it has become difficult to establish limits between they. The objective of this study is to uncover the inter-metropolitan rural spaces in the territory of the Paulista Macrometropole (MMP), composed of five metropolitan regions of the State of São Paulo, analyzing their social-demographic and physical-territorial aspects and the transformations resulting from productive dynamics, confronting them with the official classification of the territory in rural and urban in Brazil, adopted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). As a working method it is based on the construction of a thematic cartography that reveals the characteristics intrinsic to the mentioned categories, rurality criteria are defined circumscribed to the context of the MMP and based on them an indication of rurality is elaborated that is presented in a synthesis map, which is compared with the IBGE classification. This comparison reveals discrepancies between one and another understanding of the rural and urban of that territory. The study shows that in this context of complexity of contemporary urbanization the separation of rural and urban territory has become diluted, dynamic and resilient and that the distinction between these territories requires the conjugation of several variables and parameters as elaborated, being insufficient the rural / urban delimitation practice. It is hoped that the results of this study can guide the formulation of public policies directed to rural and urban spaces providing more realistic dimensions of spaces categories of the MMP territory.

Comparative Analysis of Changes in Land Use/ Land Cover and Farming Systems in Three Areas in Myanmar / ミャンマー3地域における土地利用/土地被覆及び農業体系の比較分析

Kay, Khaing Oo 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第21809号 / 農博第2322号 / 新制||農||1066(附属図書館) / 学位論文||H31||N5181(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科地域環境科学専攻 / (主査)教授 縄田 栄治, 教授 舟川 晋也, 教授 藤原 正幸 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

Assessing resilience of agricultural system of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Rashid, Farhana January 2016 (has links)
Due to rapid urbanization agricultural lands in metropolitan areas are shrinking.  As a result our cities are getting more dependent on distant places for food, which is making the food system vulnerable. In the context of rapid urbanization and climate change a resilient agricultural system of Dhaka could be one of the key to ensure a sustainable future. To investigatethe impact of urbanization and climate change on the resilience of the agricultural system of Dhaka a resilience assessment of agricultural system of Dhaka has been done. The study followed the resilience assessment wordbook for practitioner as method of assessment. As methods to collect and analyze data field studies, interview, GIS analysis, policy analysis were conducted. This study shows that, urbanization is directly responsible for changes in both quality and quantity of the agricultural land of Dhaka whereas climate change does not affect directly. Even with this rapid urbanization there is still scope to take measures to make agricultural system resilient by preserving land within Dhaka metropolitan area. Therefore two Strategies have been proposed. First one is; increasing local food production without administrative reformation and the second; reducing the future demand by administrative and economic decentralization of Dhaka. Both of the strategies will require strong political will along with recognition of importance of agricultural land within the city boundary.

Rapid Urbanization and Housing Shortage in Africa: : The Opportunity within the Problem for Ethiopia

Wondimu Robi, Ethiopia January 2011 (has links)
On February 2010, in a conference on the future of cities in London, United Nation‟s head of housing agency Anna Tibaijuka proclaimed that "After HIV and Aids, the biggest threat to sustainable development in Africa is rapid and chaotic urbanisation, because it is a recipe for disaster for increased tensions and pressure" (MacLellan, 2010). It is truly unfortunate that a word like urbanization that for centuries has represented better living standards and growth is now viewed as a threat to sustainable growth and likened to an incurable disease. When people move to urban cities in search of a better life, they deserve to find something better than what they left behind and that is what justifies this research. The purpose of this paper is to find ways on how best to direct rapid urbanization in Ethiopia towards becoming a resource rather than a source of chaos. A comprehensive literature review complemented by a questionnaire survey distributed to real estate developers in Ethiopia was conducted as part of the qualitative research method adapted. The finding of the research show that Ethiopia has one of the highest proportions of urban population living in slums and housing deficit is at an all-time high. The government has introduced a number of policies and is trying to provide housing for low-income people while the private sector in the real estate industry is mainly meeting the needs of high-income people. The study found that this division in task will eventually lead to the segregation of the city into rich and poor neighborhoods that will ultimately make matters worse. The study also showed that with the adaption of policies that allow for the integration and collaboration of the government, the private sector and the people; opportunities of creating a conducive living environment for all income groups exist.

Assessment of Impacts of Upstream Developments and Climate Change on Carp River Watershed

Zango, Baba-Serges 11 May 2021 (has links)
A SWAT hydrological model is developed to evaluate the individual and combined impacts of urbanization and climate change on water quantity (discharge) and quality (N and P) of the watershed of Carp River in Ontario, Canada. Seven numerical experiments (scenarios) were developed to represent the different configurations of the watershed in terms of land use (either current or projected) and climate regime (current or future, observed or simulated). The reference period is 1990-2018, and the future period is 2021-2050. The 2017 land use was used to represent the reference period. The future land use is the projected 2050 land use obtained from the City of Ottawa. The future climate was obtained by downscaling the outputs of nine (9) Regional Climate Models (RCMs) under two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs): RCP4.5 and RCP 8.5. The developed scenarios are the following: • S0o (baseline scenario) corresponding to the current land use map and the observed climate regime on the reference period • S0m is similar to S0o except that RCM outputs are used instead of the observed climate on the reference period • S1 corresponds to the future land use and historical climate regime on the reference period. • S0M45/S0M85 corresponds to the current land use and the future climate regime under RCP4.5 (S0M45) and RCP8.5 (S0M85) • S1M45/S1M85 corresponds to the future land use map and future climate regime under the two RCPs. The changes or impacts on quantity and quality in each scenario were estimated by comparing the results with the baseline scenarios S0o/m (reference) at two levels: globally (at the main outlet) and locally (at the outlet of an upstream sub-watershed). For a consistency purpose, S0o is used when assessing land-use change scenario while S0m was the reference in climate change and combined effects scenario. This allowed the comparison to be consistent with the same climate data frame. The results showed that climate change is likely to be the most dominant factor affecting discharge and nitrogen, while urbanization will control the quantity of phosphorus. Unsurprisingly, the combined effect had a more significant impact on water quantity and quality. However, the impact is not additive, and the relationship is not linear. Compared with S0, the annual average discharge increased by 1.57%, 5.49%, 7.52%, 6.75%, and 9.34% in S1, S0M45, S0M85, S1M45, and S1M85, respectively. In comparison, the change for annual N load was estimated at -1.88%, 29.62%, 2.03%, 24.84%, and -1.20% respectively. Change in annual average P was respectively 26.49%, 1.07%, -4.49%, 23.81% and 19.15%. Local impact assessment indicates the impact in upstream sub-watersheds may differ from the main outlet's impact in terms of magnitude and direction of change. Therefore, only considering global change may lead to a wrong interpretation of the impacts over the watershed. It is, therefore, necessary to evaluate the impacts at the local level as well.

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