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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Personalisering med virkning : Emotionellt hållbara produkter genom prosumtion ochanvändarcentrerade metoder / Personalization with crochet : Emotional sustainable products through prosumption anduser-centred methods

Ekberg, Gry January 2023 (has links)
Studien undersöker hur man med virkningen kan göra det möjligt för användaren att agera somprosument, samtidigt som de kan personalisera en produkt som bidrar till emotionell hållbarhet.Anledningen var för att öka det emotionella värdet i produkten vilket leder till en längre livscykel. Teoriernasom lade grund för projektet är design för emotionell hållbarhet, design för personalisering, samtprosumtion. Vidare användes användarcentrerade metoder för att skapa stor förståelse för användarensbehov och önskemål. Intervjuer och enkäter samlade in grundinformation, medan återkopplingoch användartester med användaren gav en djup förståelse av deras behov inom det specifikaforskningsområdet. Designmetoder som skiss, prototyper, experiment, urvalsmetoder, samt produktresaformade slutkonceptet och resultatet av studien. Detta var ett avlastningsbord där användaren agerarsom prosument genom att virka två av hyllplanen samtidigt som de ytbehandlar träkonstruktionen själva.Det gör det möjligt att personalisera produkten, vilket leder till emotionell hållbarhet. I diskussionen tasdet slutligen upp förslag på vidareutveckling som lyfter vikten av användarcentrerade metoder för enlyckad emotionellt hållbar produkt. / The study explores how crochet can enable users to act as prosumers while also personalizing a productthat contributes to emotional sustainability. The reason for this is to increase the emotional value of theproduct, which leads to a longer life cycle. The theories that formed the basis of the project are designfor emotional sustainability, design for personalization, and prosumption. User-centred methods werefurther used to create a deep understanding of user needs and desires. Interviews and surveys gatheredbasic information, while feedback and user testing provided a deeper understanding of their needswithin the specific research area. Design methods such as sketching, prototypes, experiments, selectionmethods, and product journeys shaped the final concept and outcome of the study. This was a side tablewhere the user acts as a prosumer by crocheting two of the shelves while also finishing the woodenconstruction themselves. This enables personalization of the product, leading to emotional sustainability.The discussion finally presents suggestions for further development that emphasize the importance ofuser-centred methods for a successful emotionally sustainable product.

Framgångsfaktorer för enanvändarcentrerad företagskultur : En fallstudie av hur olika faktorer påverkar enanvändarcentrerad företagskultur under en agilsystemutvecklingsprocess av digitala produkter / Success Factors for a User-Centered Organization Culture : A Case Study of How Different Factors Affect a User-Centered Organization Culture During an Agile System Development Process of Digtal Products

Grandin, Malin January 2024 (has links)
Att involvera UX (”User Experience”) i ett tidigt skede i en agil systemutvecklingsprocess avdigitala produkter och tjänster har visat sig vara en framgångsfaktor för företag. Företag inseri allt högre grad affärsvärdet av att involvera användare. För att vara konkurrenskraftig krävsdet av företag att de lyssnar på sina användares behov. Genom att lyssna till sina användaresbehov och involvera dessa i design-och utvecklingsprocessen av digitala produkter kan ettföretag få lojalare användare. Bättre UX-design är ett resultat av organisationen som helhet,och kan inte endast uppnås av skickliga UX-designers. Användaren interagerar med företagpå fler digitala gränssnitt än förr i dagens digitala värld, vilket kräver komplex UX-designoch tvärfunktionellt samarbete. Ett vanligt förekommande hinder för användarcentrering isystemutveckling av digitala produkter är bristen på en användarcentrerad företagskultur. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats i informatik är att identifiera och beskriva faktorer sombidrar till, eller motverkar, en mer användarcentrerad företagskultur under ensystemutvecklingsprocess av digitala produkter ur ett relationsperspektiv mellan ledningenoch agila team. I denna studie har fallstudiemetoden använts med en abduktiv ansats. En litteraturstudie hargenomförts. Under litteraturstudien skapades en litteraturbaserad analysmodell som itereradesunder studiens gång. Analysmodellen låg till grund för de fem semistrukturerade intervjuernamed olika rollinnehavare som genomfördes. Studiens tre mest centrala slutsatser är att användarperspektivet ses som centralt ochanvändare involveras i utvecklingen, men det finns faktorer som säljfokus och silobeteendesom motverkar en mer användarcentrerad företagskultur. Studiens andra slutsats är att UX ihögre grad anses betydelsefullt, men faktorer såsom brist på samsyn för UX och agilaarbetssätt samt acceptansen för tvärfunktionella designprocesser motverkar en meranvändarcentrerad företagskultur. Studiens tredje slutsats är att företagskulturen påfallföretaget förefaller sig vara i förändring där den traditionella organisationen möter en ihögre grad agil organisation.

Development of a Web-Based Library System

Ahmed, Shadab January 2021 (has links)
Libraries are important centres for knowledge, research, history, and much more. In libraries, students can invest in their own future and connect with other peers. However, a void of an online platform where students in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) can reserve books, track their loans and utilise different service offerings, has been identified. To fill this void, a proposal called EECS Library System (EECSLS) was expressed. The system would include a database that stored books, student details, and other data, whilst it also handled transactions for reservations. Following the study of different approaches to implement an applicable Graphical User Interface, EECS Library Website was established. It was accomplished by evaluating theory of usability, design principles and key concepts of developing user-centered websites. Similarly, data collection through interviews, and participant observation during user testing, were approaches to gain insight and understand the target audiences. EECSLS was then designed and developed in an iterative process consisting of three prototypes, each of which gradually improved. The findings of the literature review indicate that usability is essential for the prosperity of a library website. In addition, to facilitate navigation and access to content on library websites, it was concluded that user-centred designs are crucial. In summary, understanding the target audiences and their needs before applying suitable design principles ultimately led to enhancing the user experience on the EECS Library Website. More importantly, the thesis reveals promising opportunities available to the library in EECS. / Bibliotek har länge varit - och är än idag - en viktig grundsten för kunskap, forskning, historia, och mycket mer. Där kan studenter investera i deras egna framtid, men även knyta värdefulla kontakter. Det har dock identifierats en saknad plattform online där studenter i Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS) kan reserverera böcker, spåra sina lån och ta del av olika tjänsteerbjudanden. Ett förslag kallad EECS Library System (EECSLS) har uttryckts för att fylla detta gap. Systemet inkluderar en databas som lagrar böcker, information om studenter, medan den även hanterar transaktioner för reservationer. Efter att ha följt olika metoder för implementering av en medföljande grafiskt användargränssnitt, kunde EECS Library Website etableras. Det kunde åstadkommas genom att utvärdera teori av användbarhet, designprinciper och nödvändiga koncept för att utveckla användarcentererade hemsidor. Datainsamling med hjälp av intervjuer, och deltagandeobservation under användartestning, var på liknande vis metoder för att få insikt och förståelse på målgrupperna. EECSLS designades och utvecklades i en iterativ process bestående av tre prototyper som var och en förbättrades gradvis. Resultaten av litteraturgranskningen indikerar på att användbarhet är väsentlig för en framgångsrik bibliotekshemsida. Därtill kunde det dras en slutsats om hur användarcentrerade designer är avgörande för att underlätta navigering och åtkomst till innehåll på biblioteketshemsidor. Att förstå målgrupperna och deras behov innan man tillämpar lämpliga designprinciper bevisade i slutändan en förbättrad användarupplevelse på EECS Library Website. Avhandlingen avslöjar lovande möjligheter som är tillgängliga för biblioteket i EECS.

Portable Heat Kit : Explorative research on application of heat as a comfort material in day

Damitha Gunawardena, Suresh January 2022 (has links)
Heat is an essential aspect of personal comfort. However, designing for heat as a comfort material is difficult due to the subjective nature of materials in combination with differing human perceptions and preferences. This paper presents the results of an explorative design project, where a heat kit consisting of three design probes was developed through self-exploration and participatory design with five participants. Field studies with this heat kit enabled the participants to interact with heat as a comfort material in their day-to-day lives. This allowed exploration of the contexts where heat is considered a comfort material, use cases stemming from these contexts, and usability considerations in designing with heat as a comfort material. As a result, two significant paradigms of using heat for comfort emerged: discomfort-avoidance behavior and comfort-seeking behavior. In addition, the degree of flexibility for users, importance of material with differing use cases, controllability of heat, and comfort in social interactions emerged as key design considerations when developing artifacts with heat as a comfort material. / Värme är en viktig aspekt när det gäller personliga bekvämligheter. Att skapa en design där värme är ett bekvämlighetsmaterial är dock svårt på grund av materialets subjektiva natur och människors multipla preferenser. Denna artikel presenterar resultaten av ett utforskande designprojekt, där ett värmekit bestående av tre designsonder utvecklades genom självutforskning och fem deltagares design. Fältstudier med detta värmekit gjorde det möjligt för deltagarna att interagera med värme som ett bekvämlighetsmaterial i deras dagliga liv, vilket gjorde det möjligt att utforska de sammanhang där värme anses vara ett bekvämlighetsmaterial, användingsfall som kommer från dessa kontext samt omständigheter för användaren som kommer från att designa efter värme som ett bekvämlighetsmaterial. Som ett resultat uppstod två betydande paradigm för att använda värme för komfort: beteende som undviker obehag och beteende som söker komfort. Dessutom framträdde graden av flexibilitet för användarna, vikten av material med olika användningsfall, reglerbarhet av värme och komfort i sociala interaktioner som viktiga designöverväganden vid utveckling av artefakter med värme som komfortmaterial.

Sammanvävning av AI-teknologi för att effektivisera möten och dokumentation : En Design Science-approach

Gunnarsson, Jonathan January 2024 (has links)
This study presents an in-depth evaluation of a website integrating OpenAI Whisper and ChatGPT-4 for automatic transcription and extraction of meeting dialogues, using design science as the research strategy. The introduction highlights the need for such a system and its potential application areas. The theoretical background elucidates key concepts and technologies in artificial intelligence. Insights into existing methods and their strengths and weaknesses are gained through a review of previous research and similar systems. The methodology section illuminates how the design science strategy was applied to define requirements, develop, and evaluate the system. The process is described in detail and includes steps such as problem identification, survey for data collection, artifact development, demonstration, and evaluation. The results of the user evaluation highlight both positive and negative aspects of the system. User feedback was used to identify areas for improvement and suggest paths for future development. In conclusion, despite some limitations, the system has the potential to be a useful resource in various application areas, and design science proves to be an effective method for the development and evaluation of such systems. This report has contributed to an increased understanding of the design process behind AI-based systems and their utility in practical applications, where strengths and weaknesses have been identified through the application of design science, leading to suggestions for future development.

Etude de l’usage du stylo numérique en recherche en sciences de l’éducation : traitement et représentation des données temps issues de la trace d’écriture avec un stylo numérique. / Processing and representation of time stamped logs recorded by the use of digital pen and paper in an educational research context

Barhoumi, Zaara 24 April 2013 (has links)
La technologie de numérisation des données manuscrites a atteint son essor après l’invention du stylo numérique. Les recherches se sont concentrées alors sur le développement des applications IHM qui facilitent la manipulation des données encre numérique. Dans un contexte de recherche, la technologie du papier et stylo numériques s’avère utile pour la collecte des données expérimentales dans différents domaines. Notre but est de fournir une aide pour le traitement et la visualisation des données, notamment les données temps, recueillies avec un stylo numérique dans deux cas d’usage en sciences de l’éducation à savoir les tests d’évaluation et la prise de notes d’observation. Notre démarche consiste à étudier ces cas d’usage en terme de besoin dans quatre expériences concrètes et à développer, en participation avec l’utilisateur, des prototypes de système de traitement et de visualisation des données. Dans le but de concevoir un modèle général de tel système, nous avons analysé l’interface d’utilisation des prototypes en terme de fonctionnalités, de visualisation et d’interaction. Notre modèle décrit le processus de visualisation en mettant en œuvre trois types de tâches d’utilisateur à savoir les tâches d’analyses, les tâches de manipulation et les tâches d’interaction. / Scanning technology for handwritten data has reached its momentum after the invention of the digital pen. Research work focused on the development of HMI applications that facilitate digital ink data manipulation. In a research context, digital pen and paper technology is useful for collecting experimental data in various fields. Our goal is to provide support for the processing and the visualization of time stamped data collected by a digital pen in two cases of use : on one hand, in the educational science field, and especially for assessment tests and, on another hand, for taking observation notes. Our approach is to study these cases of use through four concrete experiences and to develop, with the participation of the user, prototypes for a system that aid to process and to visualize collected data. In order to abstract a general model of such a system, we analyzed prototypes user interfaces in terms of functionality, visualization and interaction. Our model describes the visualization process by implementing three types of user tasks namely analytic tasks, handling tasks and interaction tasks.

Etude des liens entre immersion et présence pour la mise au point d'un simulateur de conduite de deux-roues motorisé / Study of the relationship between immersion and presence to develop a powered two-wheelers simulator

Dagonneau, Virginie 12 October 2012 (has links)
Les environnements virtuels, et en particulier les simulateurs de conduite à plate-forme dynamique, posent la délicate question de la restitution multisensorielle en vue de générer la bonne "illusion" pour leurs utilisateurs. Si la réalité virtuelle est reconnue pour la limitation des coûts, le gain temporel et la contrôlabilité et reproductibilité des situations étudiées, la problématique de la validité de ces outils de recherche (ou de formation) est cruciale pour la transférabilité des connaissances produites.Constituant une première étape dans le processus de validation du simulateur IFSTTAR, ce travail s’appuie sur une démarche originale reposant sur une double évaluation, par élément et globale. Il s’agit (i) de configurer de manière optimale les caractéristiques immersives et interactives du simulateur liées au mouvement de roulis afin de produire une illusion d’inclinaison crédible et acceptée, et (ii) d’évaluer, de manière globale, différentes configurations du simulateur (modèles dynamiques de véhicule) au moyen de mesures objectives (temps de familiarisation) et subjectives (présence, mal du simulateur).Prises dans leur ensemble, les sept études menées durant cette thèse ont permis de valider une plage de restitution du mouvement de roulis pertinente pour produire une sensation d’inclinaison sans entraîner de déséquilibre critique ou de sensation de chute. Un angle d’inclinaison du simulateur au-delà de 11,4 degrés est ainsi déconseillé pour éviter toute sensation de chute, néanmoins cette valeur est susceptible d’être influencée par divers facteurs (e.g., présence d’informations visuelles, positionnement de l’axe de roulis). Ces études ont également permis d’identifier, en conduite passive, les paramètres nécessaires ainsi que les contributions relatives des informations visuelle et inertielle pour la production d’une sensation d’inclinaison crédible. En conduite active, l’évaluation du degré de contrôle des participants en fonction du modèle dynamique de véhicule (virtuel) a permis de pointer les faiblesses actuelles du simulateur IFSTTAR afin de proposer plusieurs pistes de développement. / Virtual environments, and specifically motion-based driving simulators, raise the delicate question of multisensory cueing in order to produce the good "illusion" to the users. If virtual reality is well acknowledged for cost limitation, validity issue of these research (or training) tools is critical for knowledge transfer of new results.As a first step in the validation process of the IFSTTAR motorcycle simulator, this work relies upon an original design based on a double approach : by element and global. It consists in (i) optimal balancing of simulator’s immersive and interactive characteristics linked to roll motion so as to yield a believable and embraced leaning illusion, and (ii) evaluating more generally different simulator configurations (vehicle dynamic models) through objective (training length) and subjective measures (presence, simulator sickness).Taken as a whole, the seven studies conducted during this thesis enable the validation of the relevant range of roll motion cueing to produce a leaning sensation without leading to a critical unbalance or fall sensation. A leaning angle of the simulator beyond 11.4 degrees is not recommended to avoid any fall sensation, however this figure can be influenced by various factors (e.g., visual informations, roll axis location). These studies also allow to identify, in passive driving situations, the necessary parameters as well as the relative contribution of visual and inertial informations for the production of a believable leaning sensation. In an active driving situation, the evaluation of the degree of users control through different (virtual) vehicles dynamic models has permitted to highlight the weaknesses of IFSTTAR simulator in order to set several guidelines for further development.

Proposition d'une méthode de conception systémique d'interface homme-système adaptée aux situations de multihandicap / Proposal of a systemic deging method of human-system interface integrating specificities of people with multiple disabilities

Roche, Amelie 16 December 2015 (has links)
Dans le domaine de la conception d’Interfaces Homme-Système (IHS), un des concepts clés est celui de la Conception Centrée Utilisateurs (CCU), qui place les utilisateurs au centre de la démarche. Bien que cette démarche constitue une avancée considérable pour proposer des solutions qui répondent aux besoins et aux attentes des utilisateurs finaux, elle n’est pas totalement adaptée lorsque ces derniers présentent des déficiences multiples. Egalement, malgré les bénéfices de la CCU, il est constaté que les concepteurs demeurent peu nombreux à appliquer cette démarche, l’utilisation d’approches plus classiques restant encore dominante. Les concepteurs sont peu sensibilisés à la prise en compte des utilisateurs finaux, encore moins lorsque ceux-ci présentent des déficiences.Face à ces constats, notre travail s’est articulé selon deux axes réalisés en parallèle. Nous avons élaboré et formalisé une méthode de conception systémique d’IHS : AMICAS (Approche Méthodologique Innovante de Conception Adaptée Systémique), afin de permettre la conception d’outils et services adaptés aux utilisateurs finaux, quelles que soient leurs spécificités. Cette méthode a été testée auprès d’enfants en situation de multihandicap dans un contexte scolaire et de personnes âgées en institution. En parallèle, nous avons élaboré un système d’aide à la décision, à destination des concepteurs d’IHS, afin de les sensibiliser à la prise en compte des utilisateurs finaux et de leurs déficiences dans les démarches de conception. Au regard des résultats obtenus, nous proposons en synthèse une version améliorée de la méthode de conception AMICAS et une mise en ligne de notre système d’aide. / In the field of Human-System Interface (HSI) design, one key concept is the User-Centred Design (UCD), an approach that considers the user as the centre of the design process. Although this approach is a significant advance to provide solutions that meets the needs and expectations of end-users, it is not totally suitable for end-users with multiple disabilities. Moreover, despite the benefits of the UCD, only few designers apply this approach. The use of standard approaches remains dominant. There is a general lack of awareness among designers on how take account of end-users, even less when the end-users have multiples disabilities.In view of these observations, our work has been structured to two main axes, conducted in parallel. We have elaborated and formalized design method of HSI, named AMICAS (Innovative Methodological Approach of Adapted Systemic Design), in order to design tools or services adapted for users, whatever their disabilities are. This method has been tested to children with multiple disabilities in educational context and with elderly in care homes. Also, we have developed a decision support tool. The purpose of this tool is to help designers to take into account end-users and their disabilities into the design stage. Based on the results, we suggest in synthesizing an improved version of AMICAS and we have published the decision support tool online.

Requesting Utility in Usability -Perspectives from a large team software engineering project

Heinstedt, Elin, Johansson, Niklas January 2001 (has links)
Many companies invest large amount of money in developing new technology, without knowing how it will be used. To succeed in making these technologies useful it is necessary to understand the context that gives meaning to the artifact. In the case of generic products, especially in new domains, the context is not obvious. This bachelor thesis analyses what Usability Engineering, Participatory Design and Ethnography can contribute to the problem of learning about the context of usage for generic artifacts. Understanding and identifying details of context is considered to be important to achieve usability in software development. The experience is that most recommendations on usability methods concern situations of specific users in a specific context. In order to find important aspects of the real-world use of generic products, we suggest that ethnographic studies can be conducted in contexts where behaviors relevant to the design are thought to be found. The problem of not knowing the context was experienced in usability work practiced in a large software engineering project. The project task was to develop a web browser for Symbian's ?Quartz? reference design for handheld devices. Methods used were taken from participatory design and usability engineering.

Designing a mobile application interface to support mid-career professionals in creating better financial futures

Pentz, Audrey 22 February 2021 (has links)
South Africans borrow more and save less than other nations (Discovery Bank, 2018). One reason is a lack of financial knowledge. If a mobile application could guide individuals to modify their financial habits slightly by spending less and saving more, they could dramatically improve their financial future. When designing visualisation systems such as a mobile application interface, users' qualitative design feedback and quantitative usability evaluation are both important and complementary. The benefit of usability feedback in software development is undisputed. The importance of qualitative design feedback from users however, seems to be controversial in Science. Gathering users' qualitative design feedback, ahead of usability evaluation, can have a substantial impact on downstream development costs. The researcher used design as a tool for thinking (imagining new possibilities) and communicating (sharing ideas). The purpose was to clarify ways in which a mobile application interface could support users in making better financial decisions and creating better financial futures for themselves and consequently for society. A user centred design (UCD) approach was followed, emphasising design before development, with a strong focus on user involvement in all three phases, namely requirements gathering, design and evaluation. A primary client archetype for mid-career professionals was developed, split into two personas, Alan and Zoe, based on personality and self-rated motivational attributes which were used in an unconventional way to inspire two parallel, diverse designs. In early design stages, before an idea is well formed, producing multiple contrasting designs in parallel and qualitative design feedback from users is beneficial to establishing utility (solving the right problem), tapping into users' domain knowledge, improving the quality of the design and reducing fixation on one idea. Once the concept has been socialised and evolved sufficiently with users' input, converging on one final design and testing usability (solving the problem in the right way) become more important. This research offers two refinements of the UCD process guidelines for the benefit of researchers and practitioners.

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