Spelling suggestions: "subject:"used study"" "subject:"use study""
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Remote Assistance for Repair Tasks Using Augmented RealitySun, Lu 15 September 2020 (has links)
In the past three decades, using Augmented Reality (AR) in repair tasks has received a growing amount of attention from researchers, because AR provides the users with a more immersive experience than traditional methods, e.g., instructional booklets, and audio, and video content. However, traditional methods are mostly used today, because there are several key challenges to using AR in repair tasks. These challenges include device limita- tions, object pose tracking, human-computer interaction, and authoring. Fortunately, the research community is investigating these challenges actively.
The vision of this thesis is to move the AR technology towards being widely used in this field. Under this vision, I propose an AR platform for repair tasks and address the challenges of device limitations and authoring. The platform contains a new authoring ap- proach that tracks the real components on the expert’s side to monitor her or his operations. The proposed approach gives experts a novel authoring tool to specify 6DoF movements of a component and apply the geometrical and physical constraints in real-time. To ad- dress the challenge of device limitations, I present a hybrid remote rendering framework for applications on mobile devices. In my remote rendering approach, I adopt a client-server model, where the server is responsible for rendering high-fidelity models, encoding the ren- dering results and sending them to the client, while the client renders low-fidelity models and overlays the high-fidelity frames received from the server on its rendering results. With this configuration, we are able to minimize the bandwidth requirements and interaction latency, since only key models are rendered in high-fidelity mode.
I perform a quantitive analysis on the effectiveness of my proposed remote rendering method. Moreover, I conduct a user study on the subjective and objective effects of the remote rendering method on the user experience. The results show that key model fidelity has a significant influence on the objective task difficulty, while interaction latency plays an important role in the subjective task difficulty. The results of the user study show how my method can benefit the users while minimizing resource requirements. By conducting a user study for the AR remote assistance platform, I show that the proposed AR plat- form outperforms traditional instructional videos and sketching. Through questionnaires provided at the end of the experiment, I found that the proposed AR platform receives higher recommendation than sketching, and, compared to traditional instructional videos, it stands out in terms of instruction clarity, preference, recommendation and confidence of task completion. Moreover, as to the overall user experience, the proposed method has an advantage over the video method.
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Phishing : A qualitative study of users' e-mail classification process, and how it is influenced by the subjective knowledgePuke Andersson, Hanna, Stenberg, Sofie January 2022 (has links)
Background. E-mail phishing is a type of social engineering where the threat actor sends e-mails with the intention to, for example, gain sensitive information or gain access to sensitive assets. Anyone can be a target of a phishing attempt, and any user that uses a digital environment should be aware of which factors to be attentive to in an e-mail. Objectives. This thesis intends to study the practical ability to identify phishing e-mails among users and what factors they are looking for when performing the classification. The intention is also to investigate if subjective knowledge impacts practical ability. Methods. A user study was conducted where the participants were to classify e-mails from an inbox as either phishing or legitimate. During the observation, the participants thought-out-loud for the authors of this thesis to hear their approach and which factors they noticed. A questionnaire also was conducted to capture the participants' knowledge, previous experience, and confidence in their classifications. Results. The results show that the majority of the participants did not know what factors to look after, nor how to inspect them, to make a justified classification of an e-mail. Most participants made the classifications based on their gut feelings. Those participants who had any theoretical knowledge showed more confidence and identified more phishing attempts. Conclusions. This thesis concluded that the participants lacked the required knowledge to identify phishing attempts. Further, it concludes that subjective knowledge leads to high confidence, which helps users make the correct classification. Therefore, this topic needs to be further enlightened to bring more awareness, and education needs to be conducted.
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Exploring Use Cases for an Artificial Intelligence PoetYu, Shi January 2019 (has links)
I report on the iterative process of designing a mobile AI poetry system, along with a series of broad scale use cases in which different variants of the system has been tested in the wild. The project has so far resulted in the generation of about 20 million individual poems, co-created by the system together with millions of users. Apart from the design of the technical side of the system, my focus has been on how the system could be adapted to and deployed in different commercial settings. I discuss my insights related to systems support for creative processes, and how findings from these use cases could be applicable also to other AI content generation systems. / Här beskrivs den iterativa utformningen av en mobilapplikation för AI-genererad poesi, samt en serie storskaliga kommersiella kampanjer där olika varianter av systemet har testats i verklig användning. Genom detta genererades cirka 20 miljoner enskilda dikter, producerade av systemet tillsammans med miljontals användare. Förutom systemets tekniska funktionalitet beskrivs hur systemet anpassats för att distribueras i olika kommersiella sammanhang. Utifrån denna process diskuteras insikter relaterade till systemstöd för kreativa processer, och hur lärdomar från denna process kan tillämpas även i andra system för AI-genererat innehåll.
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Utilizing Human-Computer Interactions to Improve Text AnnotationCarmen, Marc A. 08 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The need for annotated corpora in a variety of different types of research grows constantly. Unfortunately creating annotated corpora is frequently cost-prohibitive due the number of person-hours required to create the corpus. This project investigates one solution that helps to reduce the cost of creating annotated corpora through the use of a new user interface which includes a specially built framework and component for annotating part-of-speech information and the implementation of a dictionary. This project reports on a user study performed to determine the effect of dictionaries with different levels of coverage on a part-of-speech annotation task. Based on a pilot study with thirty-three participants the analysis shows that a part-of-speech tag dictionary with greater than or equal to 60% coverage helps to improve the time required to complete the part-of-speech annotation task while maintaining high levels of accuracy.
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Unusual-Object Detection in Color Video for Wilderness Search and RescueThornton, Daniel Richard 20 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Aircraft-mounted cameras have potential to greatly increase the effectiveness of wilderness search and rescue efforts by collecting photographs or video of the search area. The more data that is collected, the more difficult it becomes to process it by visual inspection alone. This work presents a method for automatically detecting unusual objects in aerial video to assist people in locating signs of missing persons in wilderness areas. The detector presented here makes use of anomaly detection methods originally designed for hyperspectral imagery. Multiple anomaly detection methods are considered, implemented, and evaluated. These anomalies are then aggregated into spatiotemporal objects by using the video's inherent spatial and temporal redundancy. The results are therefore summarized into a list of unusual objects to enhance the search technician's video review interface. In the user study reported here, unusual objects found by the detector were overlaid on the video during review. This increased participants' ability to find relevant objects in a simulated search without significantly affecting the rate of false detection. Other effects and possible ways to improve the user interface are also discussed.
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Statistical Analysis and Evaluation of the 6DOF-utilization of a Handheld Augmented Reality Museum Application / Statistisk analys och evaluering av 6DOF-användningen av en handhållen förstärkt verklighetsapplikation för museumMataruga, Danilo January 2019 (has links)
This study explored the relatively new field of public mobile handheld AR and how the touchscreen-based input of smartphones affects the way users aged 10-12 interact with the 6DOF (6 degrees of freedom) that AR provides. Two experiments were performed, one in a public museum setting and one in a private school setting. A statistical analysis was performed between non-restricted and restricted touchscreen-based input. Quantitative and qualitative data was gathered through semi structured interviews and non-participant observations. Results show no statistical significance between the physical distance moved of the smartphone and the restriction of touchscreen-based input. Qualitative data show a different software application may yield different results. / Den här studien utforskade det relativt nya området inom offentlig mobil handhållen förstärkt verklighet och hur den pekskärmsbaserade interaktionen av mobila enheter påverkar sättet användare med åldrar 10-12 interagerar med de sex frihetsgrader som förstärkt verklighet möjliggör. Två experiment utfördes, det ena i en publik miljö på ett museum och det andra i en privat miljö på en skola. En statistisk analys utfördes mellan begränsad och icke-begränsad pekskärms interaktion. Kvantitativ och kvalitativ data samlades genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer och icke-deltagande observationer. Resultatet visar på att det inte finns någon statiskt signifikant skillnad mellan den fysiska rörelsen av den mobila enheten och begränsningen av pekskärmsinteraktionen. Den kvalitativa datan visar dock att en annorlunda implementation av mjukvaran kan ge andra resultat.
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Variety versus Recurrence of Advertisement in Cross Reality ExperiencesBlomquist, Eric January 2019 (has links)
Advertisement is funding a lot of the digital landscape we interact with on a day-to-day basis. As our digital landscape evolve and the field of Cross Reality is maturing, it is of value to examine its compatibility with this mean of monetization. With the perspective of three major stakeholders in mind (advertisers, developers and end-users) this study examines the impact of two different sets of advertisements, one set from a variety of brands and one set from a single brand, in a Virtual Reality experience. A user study is conducted with data being collected through a questionnairesupported interview as well as the advertisement software within the virtual experience. The results show very little impact on the user experience in general, however the data suggests a significant advantage for a variety of advertisement in terms of subconsciously reaching the user. / Reklam finanansierar stora delar av det digitala landskap vi interagerar med dagligen. Allt eftersom tekniken utvecklas och området Cross Reality mognar, är det av värde att undersöka dess kompabilitet med denna typ av finansiering. Ur perspektivet av tre huvudintressenter (annonsörer, utvecklare och slutanvändare), undersöker denna studie inverkan från två olika uppsättningar av reklam. Den ena uppsättningen består av reklam från en variation av varumärken och den andra uppsättningen består av reklam från ett enskilt varumärke. En användarstudie genomförs med data som insamlas via en enkät-stöttad intervju samt genom mjukvaran som levererar reklamen inom den virtuella upplevelsen. Resultaten visar väldigt liten inverkan på den generella användarupplevelsen, dock antyder datan att det finns en signifikant fördel för en variation av reklam när det gäller aspekten att undermedvetet nå användarna.
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Gaze Teleportation in Virtual Reality / Blick Teleportation i Virtual RealityLinn, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
This paper reports preliminary investigations into gaze teleportation, a locomotion interaction inside virtual reality in which the user can push a button and teleport to the point at which they are looking. The results could help future application creators design intuitive locomotion interfaces to allow users to more easily scale virtual worlds larger than their play space. In a study consisting of 12 participants, gaze teleportation was compared to the conventional hand-tracked controller. Participants played a portion of Valve’s The Lab with an HTC Vive and a Tobii Eyetracker; half of the participants completed the set tasks with gaze teleportation, and the other half used hand-tracking. Using Likert questions, they then rated their experiences in terms of enjoyment, frustration, effort, distance, occlusion, immersion, and motion sickness. After answering the questions, the participants got to try both methods and were interviewed on their preferences and opinions. Our results suggest that gaze teleportation is an enjoyable, fast, intuitive, and natural locomotion method that performs similarly to hand-tracked teleportation but is preferred by users when they are given a choice. We conclude that gaze teleportation is a good fit for applications in which users are expected to locomote in their direction of focus without too many distractions. / I det här dokumentet rapporteras preliminära resultat av blickteleportation, en rörelseinteraktion för virtuella verkligheter där användaren kan trycka på en knapp och teleportera till den punkt som de tittar på. Resultaten kan hjälpa framtida applikationsskapare att designa intuitiva rörelsegränssnitt så att användarna lättare kan röra sig i virtuella världar som är större än deras spelrum. I en studie med 12 deltagare jämfördes blick med teleportation med den konventionella handkontroll metoden. Deltagarna spelade en del av Valve’s The Lab med en HTC Vive och en Tobii Eyetracker; Hälften av deltagarna slutförde de uppsatta uppgifterna med blickteleportation, och den andra hälften använde handmetoden. Med Likert-frågor bedömde de sedan sina erfarenheter när det gällde njutning, frustration, ansträngning, avstånd, ocklusion och rörelsesjuka. Efter att ha besvarat frågorna fick deltagarna prova båda metoderna och intervjuades om sina preferenser och åsikter. Våra resultat tyder på att blickteleportation är en trevlig, snabb, intuitiv och naturlig rörelseinteraktion som presterar likt handmetoden, men föredras av användarna när de får välja. Vi drar slutsatsen att blickteleportation passar bra för applikationer där användarna förväntas förflytta sig i samma riktning som deras fokus.
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Visual Communication Between Truck Driver and Other Road Users : Two concepts developed for Volvo GTTBai, Wei January 2018 (has links)
Denna rapport representerar masterprojektet som utförs av Wei Bai och Emma Styf, och skrevs av den förra. Projektet genomfördes med Volvo GTT Ergonomics avdelning (Volvo Group Trucks Technology).Med fokus på kommunikationen mellan lastbilsförare och andra trafikanter genomfördes användarstudier. 8 lastbilschaufförer observerades under arbetet och intervjuades om deras åsikter om andra trafikanter och nuvarande kommunikationsförhållanden. En undersökning skickades ut och fick 63 svar från bilförare, motorcyklister, cyklister och fotgängare. Genom att kombinera analysen av samrisker och undersökningen fastställdes den fokuserade kritiska situationen vid korsningen i stadstrafik, där kommunikationsbehovet främst ligger mellan lastbilföraren och sårbara trafikanter.Några av de anställda i Volvo GTT introducerades i konceptutvecklingsfasen i form av verkstad och användarutvärdering, för att hjälpa till med konceptgenerering och testning av designelement.De slutliga koncepten är två system som arbetar tillsammans på ett visuellt sätt, vilket förbättrar kommunikationen när sårbara trafikanter korsar vägen och när lastbilen vänder.Koncept A fungerar när lastbilen närmar sig ett korsning med fotgängare som väntar på att korsa. Truckens hastighetsstatus visas av LED-matrisen i frontgallret. När trucken har stoppats har lastbilschauffören möjlighet att sätta på en projicering av zebraövergången framåt för att låta fotgängarpasset. Projektionen är utformad för att vara interaktiv när det kommer fordon på andra sidan.Concept B arbetar för en lastbil som vrider höger. Ett projektionsområde på marken påminner andra trafikanter för att hålla säkert avstånd. Föraren får också uppstart och ljudsignaler om förekomsten av andra trafikanter. Trucken stannar automatiskt när en annan trafikanvändare är för nära. / This report represents the master thesis project conducted by Wei Bai and Emma Styf, and was written by the former. The project was conducted with the Ergonomics Department of Volvo GTT (Volvo Group Trucks Technology).With the focus on the communication between truck drivers and other road users, user studies were implemented. 8 truck drivers were observed during work and interviewed about their opinions on other road users and the current communication condition. A survey was sent out and got 63 responses from car drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians. Combining the analysis of co-rides and the survey, the focused critical situation was set at the intersection in urban traffic, in which the communication needs mainly lie between the truck driver and vulnerable road users.A few of employees in Volvo GTT were introduced in the phase of concept development in the forms of workshop and user evaluation, to help with the concept generation and design elements testing.The final concepts are two systems working cooperatively in a visual way, enhancing the communication when vulnerable road users are crossing the road and when the truck is turning.Concept A works when the truck is approaching an intersection with pedestrians waiting to cross. The speed status of the truck is shown by LED matrix in the front grille. Once the truck is stopped, the truck driver has the option to turn on a projection of zebra crossing to the front to let the pedestrian pass. The projection is designed to be interactive when there are vehicles coming on the other side.Concept B works for a truck turning right. A projection area on the ground reminds other road users to keep safe distance. The driver also gets head-up displayed and audio signals about the occurrence of other road users. The truck automatically stops when another road user has got too close.
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Seamless and personalized connectivity for carsharing services : A Concept Framework and Proposed SolutionsMa, Jingjun January 2020 (has links)
With the development of information and communication technology (ICT), car sharing becomes more and more popular. It is a short-term car rental service and Volvo entered this market in 2019. The purpose of this thesis is to design for a seamless and personalized experience for car sharing users with the smartphone. A literature overview and user interviews were performed to get a general understanding of the user groups, usage patterns of the car sharing service and their experience of connecting the smartphones to the car. Two user tests were made to iterate the design and get to know users’ opinions about the design concepts. Personas and scenarios were built up and that made the basis for the design of user interfaces on the car-sharing apps and the \ac{IVI}. As a result, a concept solution was brought up. The general process of the car sharing service was: booking a car, finding a car, getting onboard, picking up friends, and getting offboard. For drivers, they can find and unlock the car seamlessly with the phone, get onboard with all preferred settings applied, safely log into the IVI system, easily pick up friends by seeing their position, and clear personal data when they return the car. For passengers, they can see the position of the car and estimated arrival time, scan a QR code to turn their phones to a remoter of the IVI system, directly send a destination to the IVI system, and share their favorite music. Nearly all the users liked the designed functions in the tests but the adoption of the service was mainly affected by two factors. One was privacy concerns and the other was function value. Users made a choice of how important more functions were compared with sequences regarding loss of privacy. More future research needs to be done to further validate the findings of this thesis and achieve the designed experience.
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