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Waveform Description Language (WDL) for Software RadiosPrill, Robert, Comba, Andrew 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 21, 2002 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / Waveform Description Language (WDL) was invented to ease the process of porting legacy and/ or
new radio waveforms to Programmable / Software Radios. WDL has two primary requirements; 1st
it is to provide a rigorous executable behavioural description of waveform signal structures that is
unambiguous and yet independent of any particular end item software radio architecture. The 2nd
requirement is that the behavioural specification provides a path to automatic code generation for
GP’s, DSP’s, and FPFG’s and that the Generated code be tested against the behavioural model.
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零星工廠對農地利用之影響及其防制對策楊鴻謙, YANG, HONG-GIAN Unknown Date (has links)
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越南籍跨國婚姻女性配偶在台媒體使用行為與文化適應研究 / A Study on the Behavior of Media-using and Cultural Adaption toward Interracial Marriage among Vietnamese Women in Taiwan柳紹鈞, Liu, Shao-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要透過質化研究深度訪談法,描繪越南籍女性配偶在台生活使用媒體行為與對本地文化適應情況。訪談結果歸納整理出以下若干:第一、受訪者使用媒體的時間與平日所持家務的繁重程度及與夫家的態度有關。第二、受訪者夫家對其媒體使用並未加以過份干涉。第三、受訪者使用屬於母國媒體產品主要為舒緩思鄉情緒,消除對環境的不確定疑慮。第四、受訪者期望台灣媒體對母國之報導多採正面態度。 / The study mainly described the behavior of mass-media-using and cultural adaption among Vietnamese women living in Taiwan through interracial marriage. In-depth interview was conducted in this study.
The findings of research were showed as follows:
1.There are relationship among mass-media-using time and daily household tasks and the allowing from husband’s family toward the interviewers.
2.It was not overly to interfere with interviewers using mass media by husband’s family.
3.The interviewers used mass-media products at husband’s family to ease homesickness and reduce uncertainty on environment about their living.
4.The interviewers wish that Taiwan’s media reported positive things about Vietnam as could as possible.
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數位媒體與國小學童價值觀之相關性研究-以大臺北地區國小三年級學童為例 / Digital Media and Children’s Values---taking the 3rd grade elementary school students in Taipei metropolitan as an example戴麗美 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 居住縣市與家裡不用網路的原因以及是否知道實施電腦分級制度有顯著差異,基隆市與臺北縣學生家裡皆有沒錢買電腦的情形且不會用網路的情形較臺北市為高,城鄉仍存有數位落差。
二、 母親職業與每週電腦網路使用情形有差異,職業為商業及專門職業的母親通常比職業為農及其他的母親較會控制兒童每週網路使用天數以免學童沉迷網路影響功課。
三、 父親的學歷與對學童的上網地點有顯著差異,父親學歷為高中職以下的學童,大多透過學校提供的網路設備及連線上網,父親學歷為大專(學)及碩士者,較能在家使用網路設備,而父親學歷為博士的學童,較常在學校及家中以外的地方上網,顯示父親學歷較高的學童零用錢較寬裕,可以在網咖上網,也較會利用圖書館設施以及更有機會在父母親的辦公室等其他地方上網。
四、 居住縣市、每週使用網路天數對陌生人之防範有顯著差異,臺北市的學童較會防範網路上認識的陌生人以及不易洩露個人基本資料;而每週使用網路天數得分較高的學童,則越懂得防範陌生人。
五、 性別、父親學歷與網路使用安全規範有顯著差異,女生較會注意網路安全規範,父母亦較會監督女生的上網行為;而父親學歷國中以下的學童對網路使用規範較父親學歷為高中職的學童優,顯示父親學歷較低的兒童以在學校上網機會為多,亦較能遵守學校網路使用規定及依照自己的年齡瀏覽適合的網頁。
六、 宗教信仰、父親學歷則會影響父母是否會在家中設定電腦分級制度,家庭有宗教信仰的父母較家庭無宗教信仰的父母會注意學童的上網安全並且作網路分級設定;而父親學歷越高越會在家中設定網路分級,但學童似乎因而選擇不在家中上網,而在網咖等其他地方上網,頗值得注意。
七、 性別、父親學歷對人際價值有顯著差異,顯示女生較男生、父親學歷為國中以下的學童較父親學歷為高中職的學童得分為優,越注重人際關係和團體歸屬感。
八、 性別對情感價值有顯著差異,顯示女生較男生重視親情與友情。
十、 性別對宗教價值有顯著差異,顯示女生對於宗教的規範與期許較男生認知為優。
最後根據研究結果對於教育工作者、數位媒體產業與後續研究提供建議。 / This thesis is to discuss whether children’s usage of digital media is related to their values. The research purpose includes:
1. To understand children’s Internet safety literacy and using behaviors in Taipei metropolitan;
2. To analyze the relationship between children’s values and related background valuables, internet using behavior, as well as their internet safety literacy;
3. To provide suggestions to digital industrials, educators, and researchers for exploring the impact of digital media upon children’s growth and development.
Based on data analysis for a questionnaire survey with 339 respondents. The findings are listed as the following:
1. There is digital divide between children living in Taipei City, Taipei County, and Keelung City. Children living in Taipei County and Keelung City can neither afford to have a computer at home nor use internet;
2. According to t-test, the difference of mother’s occupation would affect children’s internet using frequency;
3. The difference of father’s education level would affect children’s internet using position;
4. Children’s internet safety literacy in Taipei city performs better than those living in Keelung City and Taipei County;
5. Female children’s internet safety literacy performs better than male ones;
6. Children raised in a religious family, their internet safety literacy performs better than those who raised in a non-religious family;
7. The higher for father’s education level, the more he sets internet rating rules at home;
8. Female children value interpersonal relationship and group association then male ones; children’s fathers with middle school degree, they values interpersonal relationship and group association than those who with high school degree;
9. Female children value family relationship and friendship;
10. Female children value religious regulation and expectation than male ones;
11. Female children value healthiness, appearance, as well body shape than male ones.
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Likelihood of Using Online Personalization Services : An Explanatory StudyDiliwi, Avesta, Ullberg, Christopher, Jevinger, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration. Bachelor of Science with Specialization in Marketing – Main Field of Study: Business Administration. School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University, Course Code 2FE21E, 2017. Title: Likelihood of Using Online Personalization Services: An Explanatory Study Authors: Avesta Diliwi, Christopher Ullberg and Johanna Jevinger Supervisor: Michaela Sandell Examiner: Åsa Devine Background: Online personalization is the result of the rapid technological and digital development where consumers are provided products, services and content based on their individual preferences. Various research has been conducted regarding what factors influence the utilization and acceptance of personalization but does not provide a holistic view on the unified relationship of the recurrent variables of value for personalization, concern for privacy and trust building factors towards likelihood of using online personalization services. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to explain the relationship of value for personalization, concern for privacy, and trust building factors with the likelihood of using online personalization services. Methodology: This research replicated Chellappa and Sin’s (2005) research by modifying their theoretical model and testing it in another context. An explanatory, deductive, quantitative research approach and cross-sectional research design were utilized within this research, where self-completed questionnaires were distributed online with a number of 228 valid responses collected. Findings: The findings demonstrate that the new theoretical model is significant and that it explains the likelihood of using online personalization services with 62,3%. Value for personalization and concern for privacy are considered highly significant and are thus accepted hypotheses, while trust building factors is not considered significant and therefore rejected. Conclusion: This research provides an insight into consumers’ usage decision in regards to likelihood of using personalization. It also provides a furthering on prior research in regards to a theoretical development, the modified model tested in a new context, but also in the findings in how the three independent variables affect the dependent variable. In addition, this research provides support for practitioners of online personalization services to understand which factors actually affect consumers’ usage decision, and can potentially develop strategies accordingly. Keywords: Personalization; Online Personalization Services; Likelihood of Using Online Personalization Services; Value for Personalization; Concern for Privacy; Trust Building Factors
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Lier l'activité de population de neurones du cortex visuel primaire avec le comportement oculomoteur : des saccades de fixation à V1, et de V1 à la réponse de suivi oculaireMontardy, Quentin 20 December 2012 (has links)
Nous avons analysé l'activité de population au sein du cortex visuel primaire en vue de comprendre (i) les mécanismes mis en jeu lors de l'intégration de l'information visuelle suite à un mouvement oculaire, et inversement (ii) de l'influence du traitement effectué au niveau de V1 sur la génération d'un mouvement oculaire.1. Nous avons enregistré des saccades de fixation, et mis en relation, essai par essai, ces mouvements avec la représentation de la position d'un stimulus local dans V1. Après une saccade de fixation, l'activité se déplace de façon cohérente dans V1. Le décours temporel des réponses au niveau des foyers pre- et post-saccadiques montre une dynamique biphasique. La taille du foyer d'activité augmente. Nous proposons que le comportement des populations de neurones s'explique par deux phénomènes principaux : (i) La réponse suppressive précoce attribuable à la décharge corollaire (ii) de connections latérales qui réactiveraient le foyer pre-saccadique.2. Nous avons enregistré l'OFR, et cherché à savoir si la réponse de V1 l'influençait. Les latences VSD précèdent les latences OFR. Il n'existe pas de corrélation à l'essai unique. Nous avons montré que la force et la dynamique des réponses de V1 n'étaient pas prédictives de l'OFR. La distance de la périphérie à un effet sur la réponse VSD, mais pas sur l'OFR. La dynamique de propagation de cette suppression, nous avons montré deux phases : une précoce sur l'ensemble de la carte, et une plus périphérique tardive. Nous proposons que la suppression précoce soit originaire de projections en retour de structures comme MT et MST, alors que la suppression plus lente s'explique par les connections horizontales. / We analyzed population activity in V1 to understand (i) the consequence of eye movements on integration of visual information, and (ii) the influence of the processing performed at the level of V1 on the generation of eye movements.1. We recorded fixational saccades, relating, trial-by-trial, these eye movements with the representation of the position of a local stimulus in V1. After a fixational saccade, activity moves consistently in V1. However, the time-course of responses display a biphasic dynamic. This results in a global increase of the extent of cortical activity representing the local stimulus. We propose that the behavior of populations of neurons studied is explained by the contribution of two main phenomena: (i) an early suppressive response that could be attributed to the corollary discharge and (ii) the lateral connections generating lateral interactions between pre and post-saccadic lci of activity.2. We recorded the ocular following response, determining whether the response of V1 influences the oculomotor response. We studied the contrast response function of the population V1 activity and the OFR. The dynamics of CRF for a local stimulus are similar and shifted in time. We found no correlations between the single trial latencies between V1 and the OFR. At the chosen scale, surround suppression was found to be distance-dependent only in V1. The dynamics of the surround suppression shows two phases: an early suppression present over a wide cortical area, and a later peripheral spread. We propose that the early surround suppression originates from feedback from MT and MST, while the later is explained by the horizontal connections.
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Analýza hodu vrchním obloukem v baseballu / Analysis of overhead throw in baseballZelený, Michal January 2013 (has links)
Title: Analysis of overhead throw in baseball Objectives: to describe the work of muscles musculus trapezius dexter, sinister and musculus pectoralis major dexter, sinister during the classic side overhead throw, the throw without using left arm, the front throw, the pitch from the floor and the pitch from the pitching hill using the surface electromyography; to compare all types of the throws and to determine the differences between them Methods: surface elektromyography, video content analysis Results: based on the results of the analysis we can say, that the activity of the chosen muscles during the various types of throws differs in intensity and in the duration of action potencial as well Keywords: baseball, surface elktromyography, overhead throw, throw without using left hand, front throw, pitch
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Using functional boxplots to visualize reflectance data and distinguish between areas of native grasses and invasive old world bluestems in a Kansas tall grass prairieHighland, Garth January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Statistics / Leigh Murray / Using remotely sensed reflectance data is an appealing tool for controlling invasive species of grasses by rangeland managers. Recent developments in functional data analysis include the functional boxplot (FBP) which is shown here to be a useful tool in the visualization of reflectance data. Functional boxplots are a novel method of visually inspecting functional data and determining the presence of outliers in the data. Implementation and interpretation of FBPs are both straightforward and intuitive. The goal of this study is to examine the use of FBPs for visualizing reflectance data, and to determine the efficacy of using the FBP to distinguish between native tall grasses and invasive Old World Bluestem (OWB, Bothriochloa spp.) monocultures in a Kansas prairie. Validation trials were conducted in order to determine the stability of the FBP when used to analyze spectral data. FBPs were shown to be highly stable for use with both native and OWB grasses at all times and subsets of wavelengths tested. Identification trials were conducted by introducing a single OWB observation to a test set of native tall grass observations and constructing a FBP. Results indicate that using observations recorded early in the growing season, the functional boxplot is able to successfully identify the OWB observation as an outlier in a test set of native tall grass observations with an estimated probability 100% and 95.45% when considering the visible and cellular spectrums, respectively. A 95% lower bound for the probability of successfully identifying the OWB observation using the cellular spectrum in May is found to be 89.67%.
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Matky-uživatelky návykových látek a jejich motivace k léčbě v terapeutické komunitě / Substance using mothers and their motivation for treatment in the therapeutic communityKotrla, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
Purpose: While our modern society seems to have learnt how to accept and tolerate drug-addicted men, drug-addicted women on the other hand are even typically confronted with prejudice and contempt from the part of society. We should pay more attention to gender problematics despite the addiction background. We should map the motivation and circumstances that could on one side convince women to addiction treatment and on the other side prevent them from taking treatment and completing it. Goals: The first goal of this thesis was to map the circumstances and motivation that bring female clients - substance-using mothers with their children - to treatment in the therapeutic community. The second target was to find out which specific motivational determinants keep female clients in treatment. The third aim of this work was to find out which area of CMRS questionnaire is most involved in the motivation of clients. Research Methodology: Research data collection took place in July and August 2018 in one particular therapeutic community. A semi-structured interview was conducted with clients followed by two short CMRS and DAST questionnaires. Research Target Group: The target research group consisted of eight clients from the therapeutic community. All clients were mothers in the age of 24 - 35 years....
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Análise teórico-experimental do escoamento bifásico no interior de bocais nebulizadores do tipo \"Y - JET\". / Experimental and theoretical analysis of the two-phase flow inside Y-jet atomizers.Pacifico, Antonio Luiz 04 May 2000 (has links)
Neste trabalho de pesquisa foram estudados os efeitos dos parâmetros geométricos e de processo nas características do escoamento bifásico no interior de oito bocais nebulizadores do tipo \"Y-Jet\" através de uma bancada de análise experimental utilizando-se como fluidos de trabalho ar comprimido e água. Os resultados indicaram que as vazões mássicas são altamente dependentes da pressão de suprimento de ar e da relação entre os diâmetros do duto de mistura e do bocal de alimentação de ar. Em muitas situações de operação, esses dispositivos nebulizadores operavam com o escoamento de ar blocado à saída do seu bocal de alimentação. Outro aspecto importante é que, devido a fortes irreversibilidades inerentes ao padrão de escoamento, a expansão do fluxo de ar do seu bocal de alimentação para o duto de mistura aproxima-se muito mais de uma expansão isoentálpica que isoentrópica. Para fluxos mássicos de água superiores a 6000 kg/m2.s a distribuição de pressão no interior do duto de mistura é praticamente linear, independentemente do valor da pressão de alimentação de ar. Uma correlação para a previsão do valor da pressão no ponto de mistura entre os fluxos de ar e água dentro do duto de mistura foi desenvolvida e mostrou-se adequada para valores dentro da faixa de variação de cada parâmetro no experimento. Através de um aparato óptico buscou-se a medição da espessura média local de filme de líquido e da velocidade das perturbações na interface ar/água. Os resultados para a medição da espessura de filme mostraram-se sensivelmente dispersos, apontando para um melhor desenvolvimento dessas técnicas ópticas em futuros trabalhos. Quanto às velocidades das perturbações os resultados indicaram um razoável aumento destas conforme o escoamento se aproxima da saída do duto de mistura. Para todos os oito bocais ensaiados o valor médio destas velocidades, à saída do duto de mistura, situou-se em torno de 60 a 65 m/s. Um modelo teórico-experimental, baseado na medição da queda de pressão no interior do duto de mistura desses bocais, foi desenvolvido. Através desse modelo foi possível prever, localmente, a espessura e a velocidade médias de filme de líquido, a fração de entranhamento, a tensão de cisalhamento na interface ar/água, a fração de vazio e a velocidade média do ar no núcleo do escoamento. / In this research work the effects of the process and geometrical parameters on the characteristics of the internal two-phase flow inside eight Y-Jet atomizers were studied using an apparatus working with air and water. The results show that the flow rates are very dependent on the air supply pressure and the diameter ratio of the mixing duct and the air port. It was also verified that, in many operational conditions, these atomizers worked in the critical condition at the exit of the air port. Due to the strong irreversibilities present in the flow, the expansion from the air port to the mixing duct is closer to an isoenthalpic process than to an isoentropic process. For water mass flux greater than 6000 kg/m2.s, the pressure distribution into the mixing duct is most of the time linear, independently on the air supply pressure. A correlation to predict the mixing point pressure was developed and showed a good agreement with the experimental data. Using an optical apparatus it was measured the local liquid film thickness and the perturbations velocities on the air/water interface. The results for the liquid film showed a reasonable data dispersion. Concerning the perturbation velocities the results indicated that they increase along the mixing duct. For the eight atomizers tested the mean values of these velocities, near the mixing duct exit, were around 60 to 65 m/s. A theoretical-experimental model which uses the pressure drop measured inside the mixing duct was developed to predict locally the mean liquid film velocity and thickness, the entrainment fraction, the shear stress on the air/water interface, the void fraction and the mean air velocity in the flow core.
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