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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Мулти-резолуциона мера за објективну оцену квалитета синтетизованих слика ФТВ видео сигнала / Multi-rezoluciona mera za objektivnu ocenu kvaliteta sintetizovanih slika FTV video signala / Multi-scale metric for objective synthesized image quality assessment for FTV

Sandić-Stanković Dragana 19 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Основни допринос ове докторске дисертације је развој алгоритама за објективну процену визуелног квалитета слике синтетизоване применом ДИБР (Depth Image Based Rendering) техника које узрокују неуниформна изобличења у области ивица. Применом нелинеарних морфолошких филтара у мултирезолуционој декомпозицији слика код израчунавања предложене метрике, важне геометријске информације као што су ивице су добро очуване без помака и замућења у сликама на различитим скалама мултирезолуционе репрезентације. Израчунавањем МСЕ по подопсезима који садрже ивице, пиксел по пиксел, прецизно се мери разлика две мултирезолуционе репрезентације. Тако се највећи значај у процени квалитета додељује области ивица. Процене предложене метрике се добро поклапају са субјективним оценама.</p> / <p>Osnovni doprinos ove doktorske disertacije je razvoj algoritama za objektivnu procenu vizuelnog kvaliteta slike sintetizovane primenom DIBR (Depth Image Based Rendering) tehnika koje uzrokuju neuniformna izobličenja u oblasti ivica. Primenom nelinearnih morfoloških filtara u multirezolucionoj dekompoziciji slika kod izračunavanja predložene metrike, važne geometrijske informacije kao što su ivice su dobro očuvane bez pomaka i zamućenja u slikama na različitim skalama multirezolucione reprezentacije. Izračunavanjem MSE po podopsezima koji sadrže ivice, piksel po piksel, precizno se meri razlika dve multirezolucione reprezentacije. Tako se najveći značaj u proceni kvaliteta dodeljuje oblasti ivica. Procene predložene metrike se dobro poklapaju sa subjektivnim ocenama.</p> / <p>The main contribution of this doctoral thesis is the development of algorithms for objective<br />DIBR-synthesized view quality assessment. DIBR algorithms introduce nonuniform<br />geometric distortions affecting the edge coherency in the synthesized images.The non-linear<br />morphological filters used in multi-scale image decompositions of the proposed metric<br />maintain important geometric information such as edges across different resolution<br />levels.Calculating MSE pixel-by-pixel through subbands in which the edges are extracted,<br />the difference of the two multiresolution representations, the reference and the synthesized<br />image, is precisely measured. In that way the importance of edge areas which are prone to<br />synthesis artifacts is emphasized in the image quality assessment. The proposed metric has<br />very good agreement with human judgment.</p>

Proměny a využívání školní zahrady ZŠ Jílové u Prahy od jejího založení po současnost / Transformation and the Utilization of the School Garden of the Elementary School Jílové u Prahy Since Establishment Until Today

Hrdličková, Libuše January 2015 (has links)
Title Transformation and the Utilization of the School Garden of the Elementary School Jílové u Prahy Since Establishment Until Today. Annotation The goal of my thesis is to monitor the establishment and the development of our school garden. In the first, theoretical part of my thesis, I outlined the historical events and attempts that would lead to the establishment and the decline of school gardens in the Czech Republic. This is closely linked to the historical developments of the Czech educational tradition. This part of my thesis is backed up by the information found in specialised and professional literature. In the second part of my thesis, i.e. my research, I have focused on collecting the information about the process of building a new school in Jílové u Prahy and about the development and changes in the adjoining school area from the day it was opened until now. My research is based on documents found in the archive, class records and annual reports. I gained lots of valuable information from interviews with eyewitnesses. In my conclusion, I compare the development phases of the school area and outline my findings in terms of the function of the school garden for the teaching process at the ground school. Key Words Key words: history of school gardens, ZŠ Jílové u Prahy, school area, school garden,...

The Mississippi River Delta Basin and Why We are Failing to Save its Wetlands

Boudreaux, Lon, Jr. 08 August 2007 (has links)
Every thousand years or so, when the Mississippi River's sediment load lengthened and blocked the River’s route to the Gulf of Mexico, the mother stream changed course completely, finding a shorter route to the sea. Then, it built a new delta, thus spreading the gift of land creation along a wide coastline and creating the bayou region of Louisiana. However, this ancient, natural process was gradually halted by the arrival of man who settled across the River's natural floodplain (delta) and constructed levees and other structures to control the great Mississippi River. Since the 1930s, the Mississippi River Delta Basin and the coast of Louisiana have been literally losing ground. The decline of this environment is now affecting, and will continue to affect, our nation's economy, infrastructure, culture, and safety. Moreover, efforts to fix this problem are not working. My research and this thesis will address the issue of how plans without action have appeased Louisianans while the nation looses vital wetlands daily.

Aspectos de projeto, simulação e operação de geradores e motores de relutância chaveados. / Aspects of design, simulation and operation of switched reluctance generators and motors.

Paula, Pedro Pereira de 03 August 2000 (has links)
A finalidade deste trabalho é desenvolver uma contribuição ao projeto de geradores e motores de relutância chaveados. A primeira etapa do projeto consiste no dimensionamento inicial da máquina através de métodos analíticos convencionais [01]para, em seguida, desenvolver o seu refinamento usando o Método dos Elementos Finitos acoplado com as equações de circuitos elétricos. Inicialmente, é apresentada uma abordagem atualizada dos aspectos construtivos e operacionais deste equipamento, comuns aos dois modos de funcionamento, bem como dos aspectos relevantes da metodologia computacional utilizada. Apresentam-se, em seguida, os resultados das simulações conduzidas para a obtenção das características de torque estático, do fluxo concatenado e das indutâncias, em função da posição angular do rotor e da corrente, as suas implicações no projeto e a sua utilização para a definição das condições operacionais dinâmicas a serem simuladas. Em seguida, são apresentados os resultados das simulações em regime permanente e em transitórios operacionais da máquina elétrica funcionando de uma forma integrada com o seu conversor eletrônico dedicado. No fechamento deste trabalho, estes resultados são discutidos e comparados com alguns ensaios realizados. Apresenta-se também os possíveis desdobramentos para a continuidade do projeto deste tipo de equipamento. O enfoque essencial deste trabalho é a máquina elétrica e os seus resultados propiciam também uma orientação para a definição dos requisitos de projeto do conversor eletrônico e do sistema de controle. / This work aims to provide a contribution to the project of switched reluctance generators and motors. The first stage of the project consists of initial dimensioning of the machine through conventional analytical methods[1] followed by its refinement by using the Finite-element Method coupled with circuit equations. An updated approach on the constructive and operational aspects common to both the ways of the equipment, as well as relevant aspects of the computational methodology used are initially presented. Results of simulations carried out to obtain torque characteristics, flux-linkage and inductance, as a function of angular position of rotor and current, their implications in the project and their use to define dynamic operational condition to be simulated are then showed. Sequentially, results of the steady-state and transients operational simulations of the electric machine working in an integrated way with its dedicated electronic converter are presented. In the closing of this work, these results are discussed and compared to some of the tests performed. Related subjects for continuation of the project of this type of equipment are also presented. The main focus of this work is the electric machine and its results also provide an orientation to the definition of requirements to the project of electronic converter and control system.

Regulação transcricional por glicose do promotor do gene que codifica celobiohidrolase I de Trichoderma reesei em Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Transcriptional regulation by glucose of the promoter of the gene encoding cellobiohydrolase I from Trichoderma reesei in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Dirce Maria Carraro Pereira 11 May 1998 (has links)
O sistema celulolítico do fungo filamentoso Trichoderma reesei é induzido transcricionalmente em pelo menos 1000 vezes pelo crescimento do fungo na presença de celulose e fortemente reprimido por glicose. Usando a abordagem de deleção no promotor, determinou-se que a região localizada entre -241 e -72 bp, em relação ao TATA box, denominada UARcb1, é responsável pela transcrição estimulada por celulose da enzima celobiohidrolase I (cbhl). Neste trabalho mostramos que essa região controla a transcrição de um gene repórter, sofrendo repressão por glicose, em Saccharomyces cerevisiae, um microrganismo que não possui os genes necessários para a utilização de celulose. A transcrição mediada por UARcbl, que é controlada por glicose, requer o produto do gene SNFl, uma proteína quinase, e dois repressores: SSN6 e TUP1, cujos papéis no controle de genes reprimidos por glicose, na levedura, são bem estabelecidos. Nossos resultados indicam um mecanismo conservado de controle por glicose em microrganismos eucarióticos. / The cellulotic system of the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei is transcriptionally induced 1000 -fold in presence of cellulose and is strongly repressed by glucose. Using the promoter deletion approach, the upstream activating region (UARcbl) responsible for cellulose-stimulated transcription of the major member of the cellulase system, cellobiohydrolase I, was localized between -241 and -72 relative to the TATA box. In this work we show that this region controls transcription and mediates glucose repression of a reporter gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a unicellular microorganism that lacks the genes required for the utilization of cellulose. Glucose-controlled transcription mediated by the UARcbl requires the product of SNF1 gene, a protein kinase, and two repressors SSN6 and TUP1, which are well estalished in controlling glucose-represible yeast genes. Our results indicate a conserved mechanism of glucose control in eukariotic microorganisms.

Aspectos de projeto, simulação e operação de geradores e motores de relutância chaveados. / Aspects of design, simulation and operation of switched reluctance generators and motors.

Pedro Pereira de Paula 03 August 2000 (has links)
A finalidade deste trabalho é desenvolver uma contribuição ao projeto de geradores e motores de relutância chaveados. A primeira etapa do projeto consiste no dimensionamento inicial da máquina através de métodos analíticos convencionais [01]para, em seguida, desenvolver o seu refinamento usando o Método dos Elementos Finitos acoplado com as equações de circuitos elétricos. Inicialmente, é apresentada uma abordagem atualizada dos aspectos construtivos e operacionais deste equipamento, comuns aos dois modos de funcionamento, bem como dos aspectos relevantes da metodologia computacional utilizada. Apresentam-se, em seguida, os resultados das simulações conduzidas para a obtenção das características de torque estático, do fluxo concatenado e das indutâncias, em função da posição angular do rotor e da corrente, as suas implicações no projeto e a sua utilização para a definição das condições operacionais dinâmicas a serem simuladas. Em seguida, são apresentados os resultados das simulações em regime permanente e em transitórios operacionais da máquina elétrica funcionando de uma forma integrada com o seu conversor eletrônico dedicado. No fechamento deste trabalho, estes resultados são discutidos e comparados com alguns ensaios realizados. Apresenta-se também os possíveis desdobramentos para a continuidade do projeto deste tipo de equipamento. O enfoque essencial deste trabalho é a máquina elétrica e os seus resultados propiciam também uma orientação para a definição dos requisitos de projeto do conversor eletrônico e do sistema de controle. / This work aims to provide a contribution to the project of switched reluctance generators and motors. The first stage of the project consists of initial dimensioning of the machine through conventional analytical methods[1] followed by its refinement by using the Finite-element Method coupled with circuit equations. An updated approach on the constructive and operational aspects common to both the ways of the equipment, as well as relevant aspects of the computational methodology used are initially presented. Results of simulations carried out to obtain torque characteristics, flux-linkage and inductance, as a function of angular position of rotor and current, their implications in the project and their use to define dynamic operational condition to be simulated are then showed. Sequentially, results of the steady-state and transients operational simulations of the electric machine working in an integrated way with its dedicated electronic converter are presented. In the closing of this work, these results are discussed and compared to some of the tests performed. Related subjects for continuation of the project of this type of equipment are also presented. The main focus of this work is the electric machine and its results also provide an orientation to the definition of requirements to the project of electronic converter and control system.

Regulação transcricional por glicose do promotor do gene que codifica celobiohidrolase I de Trichoderma reesei em Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Transcriptional regulation by glucose of the promoter of the gene encoding cellobiohydrolase I from Trichoderma reesei in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Pereira, Dirce Maria Carraro 11 May 1998 (has links)
O sistema celulolítico do fungo filamentoso Trichoderma reesei é induzido transcricionalmente em pelo menos 1000 vezes pelo crescimento do fungo na presença de celulose e fortemente reprimido por glicose. Usando a abordagem de deleção no promotor, determinou-se que a região localizada entre -241 e -72 bp, em relação ao TATA box, denominada UARcb1, é responsável pela transcrição estimulada por celulose da enzima celobiohidrolase I (cbhl). Neste trabalho mostramos que essa região controla a transcrição de um gene repórter, sofrendo repressão por glicose, em Saccharomyces cerevisiae, um microrganismo que não possui os genes necessários para a utilização de celulose. A transcrição mediada por UARcbl, que é controlada por glicose, requer o produto do gene SNFl, uma proteína quinase, e dois repressores: SSN6 e TUP1, cujos papéis no controle de genes reprimidos por glicose, na levedura, são bem estabelecidos. Nossos resultados indicam um mecanismo conservado de controle por glicose em microrganismos eucarióticos. / The cellulotic system of the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei is transcriptionally induced 1000 -fold in presence of cellulose and is strongly repressed by glucose. Using the promoter deletion approach, the upstream activating region (UARcbl) responsible for cellulose-stimulated transcription of the major member of the cellulase system, cellobiohydrolase I, was localized between -241 and -72 relative to the TATA box. In this work we show that this region controls transcription and mediates glucose repression of a reporter gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a unicellular microorganism that lacks the genes required for the utilization of cellulose. Glucose-controlled transcription mediated by the UARcbl requires the product of SNF1 gene, a protein kinase, and two repressors SSN6 and TUP1, which are well estalished in controlling glucose-represible yeast genes. Our results indicate a conserved mechanism of glucose control in eukariotic microorganisms.

Propriétés Electro-mécaniques des Nanotubes de Carbone

Wang, Zhao 18 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Le but de cette thèse était de modéliser la réponse mécanique de nanotubes de carbone à des champs électriques. Nous avons commencé par utiliser le potentiel AIREBO dans des simulations de dynamique moléculaire afin d'étudier l'élasticité non-linéaire et la limite de déformation en torsion de divers nanotubes, en fonction de leur longueur, rayon et chiralité. Nous trouvons notamment que le module d'Young effectif des tubes décroît d'autant plus vite que la chiralité est faible. D'autre part, nous montrons que la limite de l'énergie stockable par atome lors de la torsion d'un tube est d'autant plus grande que le diamètre est petit.<br><br>Nous modélisons ensuite, de façon atomistique, la distribution surfacique de charge électrique sur des nanotubes de carbone possédant une charge nette. Nous retrouvons notamment l'effet de pointe classique avec un très bon accord quantitatif avec des résultats expérimentaux obtenus par microscopie à force électrostatique.<br><br>Par combinaison des méthodes utilisées dans les études précédentes, nous simulons la déflection de nanotubes semi-conducteurs et métalliques par un champ électrique extérieur, dans une configuration de type interrupteur moléculaire. L'effet des caractéristiques géométriques des tubes et du champ sur cette déflection ont été systématiquement étudiés.<br><br>En outre, nous avons vu que des simulations de dynamique moléculaire avec le potentiel AIREBO permettent de retrouver quantitativement les énergies expérimentales d'adsorption du benzène, du naphtalène et d'anthracène sur le graphite. Ce type de simulation nous permet d'avancer sur la voie de la compréhension de la sélectivité de l'adsorption de certaines molécules surfactantes à plusieurs cycles benzéniques sur des nanotubes de chiralité donnée.

Neteisėtas vertimasis ūkine, komercine, finansine ar profesine veikla kaip nusikalstama veika, jos taikymas teismų praktikoje ir atribojimas nuo administracinės teisės pažeidimo / Illegal farming, commercial, financial and professional activities as an criminal offense, application of norm in practice of court and delimitation of the administrative offense

Doval, Julianna 08 January 2015 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe yra pateikiama ir analizuojama neteisėto vertimosi ūkine, komercine, finansine ar profesine veikla normos taikymo problematika, baudžiamosios ir administracinės atsakomybių atribojimo probleminiai kriterijai. Atlikto tyrimo tikslas yra išskirti probleminius šios normos aspektus, juos atskleisti bei apibendrinant mokslinę doktriną ir teismų praktiką pateikti konkrečius normos taikymo sprendimus. Darbe taip pat iškeliama baudžiamosios atsakomybės pagrįstumo bei taikymo sąlygų problematika. Pateikiama užsienio šalių praktika bei alternatyvūs baudžiamosios atsakomybės taikymo variantai. Mokslinio tyrimo metu yra pateikiami pasiūlymai dėl neteisėto vertimosi ūkine, komercine, finansine ar profesine veikla normos tobulinimo, kvalifikuotos normos sudėties panaikinimo. / Problems of using norms of illegal farming, commercial, financial and professional activities, and criminal and administrational liability limitation problem criteria are presented and analyzed. Aim of study, which was carried out, is to distinguish problematic aspects of this norm, to uncover these problematic aspects and to present specific solutions of application of this norm through generalization of scientific doctrine and practice of courts. Practice of foreign countries and alternative variants of application of criminal liability are presented. Suggestion, concerning the improvement of norms of illegal farming, commercial, financial or professional activity and removal of qualified norm content, are presented during this scientific study.

How to increase the understanding of differentials by using the Casio-calculator model 9860 G I/II to solve differential equations

Bjørneng, Bjørn 12 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The major aims of this paper are to present how we can improve the students understanding and involvement in mathematics by using a programming/graphic calculator. I will use differentials as examples such as differentiation ,integrals and differential equations, creating lines of slopes for differential equation of the type y’= f(x,y) . Find the solution of some differential equations by using regression and create the graph connected to the differential equation. As we have different approaches to solving a problem, it is a hope the students interest in mathematics will improve. The tools used will be programming, graphic commands as plot, f-line, etc. One goal is also to show how we can create small programs solving problems in mathematics. For many students this will be a stepping stone for further work with programming. The programs used can be copied using the program FA 124 that can be downloaded from Casios homepages. On request I can send you the programs.

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