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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse de l’assemblage de peptides amyloïdes bactériens / Analysis of the assembly of bacterial amyloid peptides

Partouche, David 06 November 2018 (has links)
Hfq est une protéine bactérienne qui a un rôle pleiotropique. La principale fonction de la protéine Hfq bactérienne consiste à répondre aux stress que peut rencontrer la bactérie lors d’un changement environnemental, en utilisant essentiellement un contrôle post-transcriptionnel. La protéine, par sa capacité à interagir avec les ARN et notamment les petits ARN non codant, permet ainsi une régulation rapide de l’expression génétique. En outre la protéine interagit aussi avec l’ADN qu’elle aide à se structurer. Les mutations dans le gène qui code pour Hfq ont des effets pleïotropes (déterminant plusieurs caractères phénotypiques).D’un point de vue structural, la protéine adopte un repliement de type Sm, caractérisé par un oligomère toroïdal reposant sur la formation d’un feuillet β continu à 30 brins. Cependant, outre cette région Sm N-terminale, Hfq possède également une région C-terminale (CTR) de taille et de séquence variables selon les bactéries. Mon travail de thèse a porté sur l’analyse de cette région CTR chez la bactérie Escherichia coli. Cette région a en effet la capacité de former une structure de type amyloïde : structures auto-assemblées in vivo, à proximité de la membrane interne et dans le nucléoïde.Par l’utilisation de diverses techniques physico-chimiques (microscopie moléculaire, spectroscopie et microscopie infrarouge, dichroïsme circulaire et diffusion aux petits angles), mon travail a consisté à caractériser l’assemblage de cette région de Hfq ainsi que les facteurs l’influençant en particulier la présence d’acide nucléique. Une partie de mon travail de thèse a aussi consisté à mettre en place une méthode d’imagerie corrélative innovante permettant d’analyser la signature chimique et morphologique d’une fibre amyloïde unique. Mon travail a enfin porté sur l’analyse de l’effet de composés inhibant l’agrégation de la structure amyloïde, ce qui pourrait constituer une piste pour développer une nouvelle classe d’antibiotiques. / Hfq is a pleiotropic bacterial protein that determines several phenotypic characteristics. Its main function is to facilitate responses to stresses that bacteria may encounter during environmental changes, mainly by using post-transcriptional genetic control. The protein, by its capacity to interact with RNA, in particular small non-coding RNA, enables a rapid regulation of gene expression. In addition, the protein also interacts with DNA and compacts it. From a structural point of view, the protein adopts an Sm-like fold, characterized by a toroidal oligomer formed by a continuous 30-stranded β-sheet. Besides its conserved N-terminal Sm domain, Hfq also possesses a C-terminal region (CTR) that can vary in size and sequence between bacteria. My PhD work focused on the analysis of this CTR region in Escherichia coli bacteria. Indeed, this region has the capacity to form an amyloid structure. This structural dynamic is related to the formation of self-assembled structures in vivo, in the proximity of the inner membrane and in the nucleoid.Using various physicochemical techniques (molecular microscopy, spectroscopy and infrared microscopy, circular dichroism and small angle X-ray scattering), my work consisted in characterizing the assembly of this region of Hfq, as well as the factors influencing its assembly (in particular, the presence of nucleic acids). A part of my work consisted in setting up an innovative correlative–imaging method to analyze the chemical and morphological signature of a single amyloid fibre. Finally, my work focused on the analysis of the effect of compounds that inhibit the aggregation of the amyloid structure, which could constitute a new way to develop a novel class of antibiotics.

Socialsekreterares arbete med risk- ochskyddsfaktorer : En studie om hur arbetet utförs, uppfattas och upplevs avsocialsekreterare på ungdomsenheten i Malmö. / Social workers' work with risk and protectivefactors : A study on how the work is carried out, perceivedand experienced by social workers at the youth unitin Malmö.

Krasniqi, Blerina, Spagnoli Adenhav, Maximilian January 2023 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen undersöker socialsekreteraren uppfattning av det egna arbetet med risk- och skyddsfaktorer kring unga som befinner sig i riskzon för narkotikaanvändning. Vidare undersöker denna uppsats socialsekreterarens uppfattningar kring hur både denne själv och kollegiet utför arbetet med dessa skydds- och riskfaktorer bland unga och unga som befinner sig i riskzon för narkotikaanvändning. Det är vanligt att det förekommer flera riskfaktorer vid samma tillfälle hos en ungdom vilket ökar risken för normbrytande beteende. Socialtjänsten arbetar för att ge stöd och tillgodose de behov som ungdomen har för att främja en positiv utveckling och minska riskerna som riskfaktorerna medför. Med hjälp av semi-strukturerade intervjuer har vi intervjuat sex socialsekreterare på ungdomsenheten i Malmö för att besvara frågeställningarna (1)Hur beskriver socialsekreterare sitt arbete med att identifiera och hantera risk- och skyddsfaktorer i utredningar med ungdomar? (2) Vilka uppfattningar och åsikter framkommer hos socialsekreterare när de reflekterar över arbetet med risk- och skyddsfaktorer i utredningar om ungdomar? (3) Vilka uppfattningar och åsikter framkommer hos socialsekreterare när de reflekterar över arbetet med risk- och skyddsfaktorer i utredningar om ungdomar i riskzon för narkotikaanvändning? Vid undersökningen av den första frågeställningen fanns det återkommande utsagor som beskrev upplevelsen av en gemensam förståelse och samsyn kring allt som relateras till risk- och skyddsfaktorer. Trots denna gemensamma förståelse visade resultatet att upplevelsen kring om arbetet med bedömning och/eller analys sker kollektivt eller individuellt tycks bero på ärendets omständigheter. Vid nästa frågeställning var det varierande uppfattningar kring arbetet men många tenderar att tro att uppfattningarna är gemensamma. Sista frågeställningen visade att uppfattningen och åsikterna påverkades beroende på ärendets omständigheter, ungdomens helhetssituation och faktorer såsom typ av substans, narkotikaanvändningens tidsram och vilka andra framträdande riskfaktorer som finns. / This essay examines the social worker's perception of their own work with risk and protective factors around youths in risk zones of using narcotics. Furthermore, this essay investigates the social worker's perceptions regarding how both they themself and other coworkes carry out the work with protective and risk factors among youths in risk zones of using narcotics. It is common for a young person to have several risk factors at the same time, which increases the risk of norm-breaking behaviour. Social services work to provide support and meet the needs of adolescents in order to promote positive development and reduce the risks that the risk factors entail. Using semi-structured interviews, we have interviewed six social workers at the youth unit in Malmö to answer the following questions (1) How do social workers describe their work with identifying and managing risk and protective factors in investigations with youths?(2) What perceptions and opinions emerge from social workers when they reflect on the work with risk and protective factors in investigations of youths? (3) What perceptions and opinions emerge from social workers when they reflect on the work with risk and protective factors in investigations of youths in risk zones of using narcotics? When examining the first question, there were recurring statements that described the experience of a common understanding and consensus regarding everything related to risk and protective factors. Despite this common understanding, the results showed that the experience of whether the work with assessment and/or analysis is done collectively or individually seems to depend on the circumstances of the case. In the next question, there were varying perceptions about the work, but many tended to believe that there is a common consensus of the perceptions.The last question showed that the perceptions and opinions were affected depending on the circumstances of the case, the young person’s overall situation and factors such as the type if substance, the time frame if the narcotic use and what other prominent risk factors exist.

Hardware Acceleration of a Neighborhood Dependent Component Feature Learning (NDCFL) Super-Resolution Algorithm

Mathari Bakthavatsalam, Pagalavan 22 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Оценка эффективности инструментов интернет-маркетинга на рынке продукции товаров для дома : магистерская диссертация / Evaluation of the efficiency of internet marketing instruments in the household goods market

Кашлева, В. С., Kashleva, V. S. January 2022 (has links)
С каждым годом список используемых инструментов для онлайн продвижения только расширяется, а тенденции современного рынка заставляют их постоянно эволюционировать и меняться. Более того, конкуренция на рынке вынуждают компании находить новые каналы для продвижения своих товаров или услуг. В работе изучаются особенности выбора инструментов интернет-маркетинга, в зависимости от управленческих целей, которые преследует компания. Дополнительно предложены критерии для оценки эффективности используемых инструментов. В работе изучен опыт иностранных компаний, работающих на рынке товаров для дома, проведен контент-анализ сайта компаний и страниц в социальных сетях для определения наиболее удачного сценария по продвижению в интернете. Для изучения коммуникативной эффективности по применению инструментов интернет-маркетинга, применен метод глубинных интервью аудитории, самостоятельно принимающей решение о покупке товаров для дома. На основе полученных данных проведена оценка эффективности использования инструментов интернет-маркетинга на рынке В2С и предложен комплекс наиболее эффективных инструментов интернет-маркетинга для компании, работающей на рынке продукции товаров для дома. / Nowadays the list of tools used for online promotion is only expanding, and the trends of the modern market make them constantly evolve and change. Moreover, competition in the market forces companies to find brand new channels to promote products or services. The paper studies the features of the choice of Internet marketing tools, depending on the management goals pursued by the company. Additionally, criteria are proposed for evaluating the effectiveness of the tools used. The work studied the experience of foreign companies in the home goods market, conducted a content analysis of the company's website and pages on social networks to determine the most successful scenario for promoting on the Internet. To study the communicative effectiveness of the use of Internet marketing tools, the method of in-depth interviews with an audience that independently decides to purchase goods for the home was applied. Based on the data obtained, the effectiveness of using Internet marketing tools in the B2C market was assessed and a set of the most effective Internet marketing tools for a company operating in the home goods market was proposed.

Совершенствование системы управления оборотными средствами (запасами) производственного предприятия : магистерская диссертация / Improvement of the working capital (inventory) management system of a manufacturing enterprise

Кривова, О. С., Krivova, O. S. January 2023 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена разработке методического инструментария, направленного на совершенствование системы управления оборотными средствами на предприятии. В качестве научной новизны выявлена обратно-пропорциональная корреляция между рентабельностью оборотных активов и оборачиваемостью запасов предприятия, а также установлена обратно-пропорциональная зависимость между инфляцией и оборачиваемостью запасов. Автором предложен методический подход к определению потребности в запасах материалов на основе календарного плана-графика, разработаны методические основы для внедрения категорийного подхода к управлению закупками на предприятии. Полученные результаты и рекомендации могут использоваться специалистами предприятий при разработке тактических и стратегических мероприятий по управлению оборотными средствами. / The master's thesis is devoted to the development of methodological tools aimed at improving the working capital management system at the enterprise. As a scientific novelty, an inversely proportional correlation between the profitability of current assets and the turnover of stocks of the enterprise was revealed, and an inversely proportional relationship between the turnover of stocks and inflation was also established. The author has proposed a methodological approach to determining the need for stocks of materials based on a calendar schedule, developed methodological foundations for introduction of a categorical approach to procurement management at enterprise. The obtained results and recommendations can be used by specialists of enterprises in the development of tactical and strategic management measures for working capital.


Xiaolin Xu (17592396) 11 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Methodologies for optimizing UAVs' control for varied environmental conditions have become crucial in the recent development for UAV control sector, yet they are lacking. This research focuses on the dynamism of the Gazebo simulator and PX4 Autopilot flight controller, frequently referenced in academic sectors for their versatility in generating close-to-reality digital environments. This thesis proposed an integrated simulation system that ensures realistic wind and gust interactions in the digital world and efficient data extraction by employing an industrial standard control communication protocol called MAVLink with the also the industry standard ground control software QGroundControl, using real and historical weather information from NOAA database. This study also looks into the potential of reinforcement learning, namely the DDPG algorithm, in determining optimal UAV safety distance, trajectory prediction, and mission planning under wind disruption. The overall goal is to enhance UAV stability and safety in various wind-disturbed conditions. Mainly focusing on minimizing potential collision risks in areas such as streets, valleys, tunnels, or really anywhere has winds and obstacles. The ROS network further enhanced these components, streamlining UAV response analysis in simulated conditions. This research presents a machine-learning approach to UAV flight safety and efficiency in dynamic environments by synthesizing an integrated simulation system with reinforcement learning. And the results model has a high accuracy, reaching 91%, 92%, and 97% accuracy on average in prediction of maximum shifting displacement, and left/right shifting displacement, when testing with real wind parameters from KLAF airport. </p>

Multiple Fibre Bragg Grating Force Sensor

Fritzén, Felix January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to explore the FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating) technology and create a force sensor. The result can be used as a basis for further projects.The project starts with force and strain measurements. The project then evolves to incorporate multiple FBG sensors. An uncommon method of writing the FBG withcoating is tested, which results in a FBG with most of the coating left.The result is a multi-FBG sensor. And even though the individual FBG is not linear the sum shows fantastic linearity with R-square of 0.99999. The change in wavelength is 1328pm/N. A common issue in the strain measurement is discussed and proof is provided. This shows that the reference value of the FBG is 1.12pm/μstrain instead of 1.21pm/μstrain. This is important if the FBG is mounted in a structure, because then the material proprieties will be dominating. Another result is that the peaks of Fabry Perot grating pair are linear but with different coecients.

Measuring bacterial metabolism and antibioticsusceptibility : using silicon nanowire field-effect transistor.

Alhoush, George January 2024 (has links)
Antimicrobial resistance is considered by many prominent researcher and scientist as a profound global health crisis that us humans must face in the next decade. It is threatening the effectiveness of these once-reliable weapons against bacterial infections and leaving us susceptible to pathogenic agents. The indiscriminate overprescription of antibiotic in healthcare and animal husbandry, has led to an increased emergence of “super bugs”— a resistant strain of bacteria that were once susceptible to antibiotic—. The escalating creation of those resistant bacteria has been coupled with a proliferation of research papers that seek to explain the working mechanism of antibiotics and their efficacy on the bacterial pathogens, however these efforts often fall short of explaining the impact that antibiotics has on the bacterial metabolism. This project utilizes an established technology, specifically silicone nano-wire ion-selective field-effect transistor in an innovative approach to discern alteration in the metabolic pathways induced by various antibiotics. The methodology involves measuring extracellular acidity of the tested culture and converting it to an electrical signal to extract valuable information about the metabolic process of the bacteria, and how is altered in the presence of antibiotics. Empirical observations pertaining bacteriostatic antibiotics suggests comprehensive suppression of metabolic pathways, encompassing the efflux transition from acetyl-CoA to acetate, resulting an elevated pH level in cultures treated with bacteriostatic agents relative to their wild-type counterparts. Our experimental data also indicates a shift in bacterial metabolic and physiological responses to bactericidal antibiotic-induced stress which include an increased respiration rate, and a heightened activity of the TCA cycle in the test group with bactericidal antibiotics, causing acetate uptake from the medium and decelerating the acidification of the treated culture compared to the wild-type. The results clearly demonstrate a successful utilization of the chip to further study the effects that antibiotics have on bacteria and the interplay between bacterial metabolism and antibiotic efficacy.

ART WITHIN:The Excavated Books of David P. Gieske

Gieske, David P. 01 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

A Structure based Methodology for Retrieving Similar Rasters and Images

Jayaraman, Sambhavi 22 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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