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Mot en bättre upplevelse : Hur användarupplevelsen kan förbättras på webbplatsen hagabadet.se med fokus påinformationsarkitekturen. / Towards a better experience : How user experience can beimproved on the website hagabadet.se with a focus on theinformation architecture.Alsterberg, Matilda January 2016 (has links)
User Experience plays a big part in web design. A bad UX can lead to users not finding what they´re looking for, or not understanding how to use the website. This study uses fou rmethods to examine User Experience on the website hagabadet.se. It starts of with a survey and a contextual inquiry to generate data that will show the main issues of the website. From the result of the two studies, two new method sare created to continue analysing the issues and to find a solution to them. The following methods are card sorting and CI with prototypes. These methods focus on analysing how the users want information to be structured. The result of the study show that the users need a better structure of information to find what they need, and that they are missing some important elements to be able to accomplish what they want on the website. New prototypes combined with examples are made to illustrate a development proposal that could improve the UX of the website.
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Det ligger i luften : Utveckling och framställning avutcheckningsprototyp utifrån kvalitativa undersökningsmetoder / It is in the air : Development and production of acheckout prototype based on qualitative research methodsParisi, Christina, Westergren, Frida January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to identify why customers choose to cancel their purchases in an e-commerce checkout process and then develop a solution to the problem, which is presented in a prototype. The survey methods that are used to find the functional weaknesses is a usability test with think aloud and an interview. The collected data is categorized and grouped to obtain a result of what affects the customer to abandon the checkout. The most important aspects of why the customers choose to leave is that effectiveness, learnability and accommodation of the checkout is not fulfilled, which is a part of the checkout usability. The customers' user experiences should also be in focus in a checkout process, as their feelings about a difficult moment make them leave the checkout. The result indicated that customers prefer a checkout that has more prominent steps and fewer actions, and that sensitive data should not be repeated more than once. When these customizations are made for the target audience, the usability and user experience are increased, which leads to a higher trust for the company. These actions can lead to customers completing their purchases.
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En inkluderande matematikundervisning - Öppna frågeställningars möjligheter till en mer inkluderande miljöNyström-Christén, Jesper January 2011 (has links)
Enligt både nationella och internationella undersökningar faller Sverige efter i resultaten de senaste åren. I den senaste undersökningen, PISA 2009, var Sveriges utveckling tredje sämst i undersökningen. Just PISA-undersökningen är till stora delar baserad på problemlösning och förståelse, med utgångspunkt av detta har jag lagt fokus på att utveckla inkludering och förståelse i matematikundervisningen.För att förbereda mig inför arbetet har jag gjort en litteraturgenomgång där jag gått igenom forskning inom matematik men även inkludering, kommunikation. Jag har även tagit del av flera rapporter från skolverket. Jag märkte dock tidigt att forskningen inom just öppna frågor är näst intill obetydlig. Med detta i åtanke gjorde jag även två stycken intervjuer med pedagoger som arbetar mycket med öppna frågor, här fick jag en bra insikt i tankarna omkring, metodiken samt deras resultat.Som en del av detta utvecklingsarbete har jag gett förslag på hur man kan arbeta med öppna frågor men har även gett mig in på att försöka definiera vad de är för något. Framförallt hur de kan hjälpa till för att inkludera samtliga elever i undervisningen. Jag tar även upp problem med läroböckerna inom matematiken och hur de hämmar kommunikationen och inkluderingen av elever i dagens undervisning.
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Samma mål i ny kontext : Utvecklingsförslag förwebbaserat läroverktyg / Same goal in new context : Development suggestionsfor a web-based learning toolAndersson, Joline January 2017 (has links)
The overall aim of this study is to create development proposals for further development of the web-based learning tool Web Based Simulation of Patients (Web-SP). The tool is used in health care programs where students with digital help can link theoretical knowledge and practical actions to reach as close as possible to a true patient case. This study investigates whether the tool can be developed to apply to students in emergency and ambulance care. Hence, the study focus prehospital context and also solutions for a smoother use of the tool in line with user experience goals. Through contextual inquiry, interviews and focus group interviews, the development proposals have been reformed iteratively to better respond to new goals. The empirical results shows that parallel work is central to a prehospital patient case and how information architecture, navigation and structure should be reworked to better suit these conditions.
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Att navigera på en kommunal webbplats : – En studie om menystruktur och navigation på Nyköpingskommuns webbplats / Navigating on a municipal website : – A study on menu structure and navigation on Nyköping municipality's websiteKarlsson, Jennifer January 2017 (has links)
Websites for municipalities has a wide target audience and therefore the website has to adapt to all involved. This bachelor thesis focuses on the issues that may occur on Nyköping municipality’s website in form of menu structure and navigation. The purpose of this study is to create a development suggestion for Nykoping.se as it shows possibilities in development. With the help of earlier research in navigation on mobile phones, and menu structures in general, multiple analytical tools has conjured in form of the User experience, Human-computer interaction and Usability to help analyze results of this study. In collaboration, methods in the form of user testing and semi-structured interviews later opened up to comparisons. The analysis shows a number of both quantitative and qualitative similarities that conjure into a couple of development suggestions. The proposals implies a menu structure where the user is already able to provide a clear overview of the content of the site in the form of a hierarchical menu from the start page. This means that the user can be able to overcome a large amount of information on the same web page which can benefit the user experience and Nyköpings municipality’s visitors.
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