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Estudo da influência de elementos transponíveis nos genomas das algas C. reinhardtii e V. carteri / Influence of transposable elements in the genomes of C. reinhardtii and V. carteri algaePhilippsen, Gisele Strieder 28 March 2014 (has links)
Elementos transponíveis (TEs) são sequências de DNA que possuem a capacidade de transposição no genoma hospedeiro. O principal objetivo deste trabalho reside na investigação em torno de possíveis contribuições de TEs nos genomas das algas C. reinhardtii e V. carteri, mais especificamente, na arquitetura dos genes ortólogos nestas espécies. Neste contexto, análises em sílico em larga escala foram realizadas, buscando-se identificar associações entre TEs e os genes ortólogos. Os resultados indicaram que os genes em C. reinhardtii tendem a acumular mais cópias de TEs em relação aos seus ortólogos em V. carteri. C. reinhardtii apresentou maior densidade de cópias de TEs para as regiões flanqueadora 5´ , flanqueadora 3´ e intrônica quando comparada a V. carteri; o inverso foi verificado quando analisada a densidade de TEs nas regiões codificantes. Análises para apurar a distribuição dos elementos em regiões intergênicas e intragênicas foram estabelecidas, nas quais a frequência observada dos elementos foi comparada à frequência esperada segundo a distribuição randômica de TEs no genoma, simulada computacionalmente. Foram constatadas regiões em que a presença dos elementos encontra-se significativamente abaixo do esperado, a exemplo de intervalos adjacentes ao início e ao término dos genes, o que provavelmente reflete a seleção negativa de eventos de integração nestas delimitações, em virtude dos efeitos deletérios associados à disrupção de estruturas de regulação da expressão gênica. De forma geral, nas regiões flanqueadoras 5´ e 3´, foi identificada a tendência de elevação da frequência padronizada de TEs à medida que a classe de distância avaliada se distancia do início e do término do gene, respectivamente. A baixa representatividade dos elementos também foi constatada em regiões intragênicas. O estudo da distribuição de TEs nos íntrons dos genes ortólogos indicou a preservação destas regiões quanto à fixação de TEs, sendo a representatividade abaixo do esperado mais evidente em intervalos adjacentes ao éxon, o que minimiza a chance de ruptura no padrão de splicing dos genes. Em sequências codificantes, a escassez de TEs - esperada devido ao provável efeito deletério destes eventos para a função do gene - foi constatada nos ortólogos das duas espécies. No entanto, inovações decorrentes da integração dos elementos em regiões codificantes podem resultar em efeitos evolutivos positivos, embora estes eventos sejam raros. Nas espécies analisadas foram identificados dois casos, de especial interesse, em que um domínio da sequência peptídica encontra-se localizado em região derivada de TE: o primeiro refere-se ao gene Cre06.g262800, em C. reinhardtii, no qual foi identificado o domínio PHD-finger associadao ao elemento Gypsy-5-LTR_CR; o segundo remete ao gene Vocar20001092m.g, em V. carteri, no qual o domínio zinc knuckle foi reconhecido em região derivada do elemento Gypsy3-LTR_VC. Estes genes constituem exemplos da contribuição de TEs na evolução de sequências codificadoras nas espécies C. reinhardtii e V. carteri, corroborando a hipótese de que os TEs podem contribuir na evolução da arquitetura dos genes, apesar do efeito disruptivo inerente à integração dos mesmos em regiões gênicas. / Transposable elements (TEs) are DNA sequences able to transpose in the host genome. The aim of this study resides in the investigation of TEs contributions in the algae C. reinhardtii and V. carteri genomes, more specifically in the architecture of orthologous genes in these species. In this context, large scale in silico analysis were performed to identify associations between TEs and orthologous genes. The results indicated that genes in the C. reinhardtii specie tend to accumulate more TEs copies than orthologous genes in V. carteri. C. reinhardtii showed higher density of TEs copies in the 5´ flanking, 3´ flanking and intronic regions when compared to V. carteri; the opposite was observed in coding regions. Investigation of the elements distribution in the intergenic and intragenic regions was performed, in which the observed TE frequency was compared to expected TE frequency from the simulated random distribution of the elements in the genome. It was verified regions where TE frequency was significantly lower than expected, as in gene boundaries adjacencies, probably reflecting a negative selection of the TE integration events in these delimitations due to deleterious effects associated with disruption of gene regulatory structures. In general terms, it was observed an increasing standardized frequency in the 5´ and 3´ flanking regions as the distance from gene start and gene end, respectively, increases. TEs underrepresentation was also verified in the intragenic regions. The study of TEs distribution in the introns of orthologous genes revealed the preservation of these structures in relation to TEs fixation, with a stronger underrepresentation near exon, which minimizes the chance of gene splicing pattern disruption. In the coding sequences, the TEs scarcity - expected due the likely deleterious effects to gene function - was verified in the orthologous of both species. However, in rare instances, innovations mediated by TEs integration in the coding regions can lead to positive evolutionary effects. In the species analyzed two instances of particular interest were observed, in which the domain of peptide sequence is located in the region derived from TE. The first one refers to the Cre06.g262800 gene, in the C. reinhardtii specie, which has a PHD-finger domain associated with Gypsy-5-LTR_CR element. The second one refers to the Vocar20001092m.g gene, in V. carteri, in which the zinc knuckle was recognized in region derived from Gypsy3-LTR_VC element. These genes are examples of TEs contributions in the evolution of coding sequences in the C. reinhardtii and V. carteri species, corroborating the hypothesis that TEs can contribute to the evolution of gene architecture, despite the inherent disruptive effect in their integration in the gene regions.
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Estudo de incorporações de impurezas doadoras em estruturas semicondutoras III-V crescidas por epitaxia por feixes moleculares. / Study of incorporations of donor impurities in III-V semiconductor structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy.Notari, Airton Carlos 29 April 1993 (has links)
Amostras de Semicondutores III-V foram crescidas usando a técnica de Epitaxia por feixes Moleculares. As propriedades elétricas das estruturas de GaAs com dopagem planar com Silício foram investigadas, e também a saturação e a difusão do Silício nestas amostras. As propriedades ópticas e elétricas das estruturas dopadas planarmente com Selênio foram analisadas, usando as técnicas de Capacitância-voltagem e a de Tunelamento resonante. As propriedades elétricas dos poços quânticos a base de InGaAs/GaAs foram investigadas, em função da posição da impureza planarmente dopada com Silício. / III-V semiconductor samples were grown using the Molecular beam epitaxy technique, the electrical properties of the GaAs structures planar doped with silicon were investigated as well as the Silicon saturation and diffusion in these samles. The optcal and electrical properties of structures planar doped with Selenium were analyzed using the Capacitance Voltage and resonant Tunneling techniques. The electrical properties of InGaAs/ GaAs based quantum wells were investigated as a function of the planar doped with Silicon impurity position.
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Intégration de matériaux III-V à base d’arséniures et d’antimoniures pour la réalisation de transistors TriGate et NW à haute mobilité / Integration of III-V materials with arsenides and antimonides for the production of TriGate transistors and high mobility NWFETCerba, Tiphaine 24 October 2018 (has links)
La miniaturisation des transistors a progressé par noeud technologique avec l’introduction successive de nouveaux matériaux (high k) et de nouvelles architectures (FinFET, NWFET). Pour les noeuds technologiques avancés, une nouvelle rupture en matériau est envisagée pour remplacer le Silicium du canal de conduction par des matériaux à forte mobilité (2D, III-V). Les matériaux III-V sont de bons candidats pour répondre à cette problématique grâce à leur forte mobilité de type n (InGaAs, InAs, InSb) ou de type p (GaSb). Au cours de cette thèse, un intérêt particulier a été porté au couple de matériaux InAs/GaSb, qui offre un avantagesupplémentaire de par son accord de paramètre de maille permettant d’accéder dans une même structure à des couches de mobilités n et p. La croissance de matériau III-V directement sur substrat (001)-Si 300mm est aujourd’hui un challenge d’intérêt majeur pour proposer des procédés compatibles avec les plateformes industriels CMOS. Ces croissances restent complexes à cause de la formation de défauts : parois d’antiphase, dislocations, fissures ; générées respectivement par la différence depolarité, de paramètre de maille et de coefficient d’expansion thermique, entre le Silicium et les matériaux III-V. Dans cette thèse nous présentons une première démonstration de croissance par MOVPE de GaSb directement sur substrat (001)-Si nominal 300mm compatible avec les plateformes industrielles CMOS. Les couches de GaSb présentent une rugosité de surface sub-1nm, et une qualité cristalline au niveau de l’état de l’art en MBE. La croissance d’une couche d’InAs a ensuite permis la réalisation d’un démonstrateur FinFET à canaux multiples d’InAs. Ce derniera été élaboré via une technique lithographique alternative à haute résolution basée sur l’utilisation de copolymère à bloc. Ce procédé simple pour réaliser des canaux de conduction permet d’accéder à une forte densité de fils, de faibles dimensions, et en seulement cinq étapes de fabrication. / The transistors’s miniaturization evolved through technological nodes with the successive introduction of new materials (high k) and new architectures (FinFET, NWFET). For the advanced technological nodes, a new break in material is considered to replace the silicon of the conduction channel with high mobility materials (2D, III-V). III-V materials are good candidates to address a solution to this problem thanks to their n-type (InGaAs, InAs, InSb)or p-type (GaSb) high mobility. During this PhD, a particular interest has been given to the InAs/GaSb pair of materials, which offers an additional advantage by its lattice parameter agreement making it possible to access n-type and p-type high mobility layers in the same structure.Nowadays, the growth of III-V materials directly on (001) -Si 300mm substrates is a challenge of major interest to develop industrial platforms compatible processes. These growths remain complex because of defects formation: antiphase boundaries, dislocations, cracks; generated respectively by the difference in polarity, lattice mismatch and difference in thermal expansion coefficient, between the silicon and III-V materials. In this PhD, we present a first demonstration of GaSb growth by MOVPE directly on nominal (001) -Si 300mm substrate compatible with industrial platforms. The GaSb layers have a sub-1nm surface roughness, and an equal to MBE state of the art crystalline quality. The growth of a InAs layer then allowed the realization of an InAs FinFET multi-channel demonstrator. The latter was developed via a high resolution alternative lithographic technique based on the use of block copolymer. This simple method for producing conduction channels makes it possible to access a high density of wires, of small dimensions, and in only five manufacturingsteps.
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Investice v Rusku ? příležitosti a omezeníShterbachenko, Kristina January 2007 (has links)
Práce popisuje investiční prostředí a investiční klima v Ruské federaci, a tím poskytuje podstatné informace o možnostech a případných příležitostech investorům. Práce je rozdělena na část teoretickou a praktickou. Teoretická část se věnuje základním teoretickým aspektům tak, aby čtenář lepe vnímal praktickou část. Popsán aktuální stav ekonomického prostředí a všechny pozitivní a negativní stránky, vyplývající z něho, pro vkladatele. Popsána jsou i některá prostředí, ve kterém se zahraniční investoři mohou uplatnit. Závěrečná část práce představuje SWOT analýzu, a jsou zde shrnuty všechny poznámky a připomínky pro investora
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Oceňování aktiv podniku, analýza vlivu oceňovacích metod na vypovídací schopnost údajů v účetních výkazech / Evaluation of assets in company, analyzation of influence on statements.Kerclová, Markéta Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Oceňování aktiv představuje klíčový problém v účetnictví, protože způsob ocenění majetku a závazků přímo ovlivňuje výši vykazovaných aktiv a pasiv a má vliv na výši nákladů podnikání i na velikost vykazovaného výsledku hospodaření. Provedené analýzy potvrzují, že metody, které firma používá pro oceňování svého majetku, mají vliv na vypovídací schopnosti účetních výkazů. Použití metody odpisování dlouhodobého majetku ovlivňují zatížení nákladů v jednotlivých letech a tím i výši hospodářského výsledku v časové řadě. Stejný vliv se projevuje i na způsobu účtování zásob nebo tvorbě a uplatňování opravných položek.
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Společná zemědělská politika s ohledem na zemědělské dotace v České republiceProšková, Jana January 2007 (has links)
Vstupem České republiky do Evropské unie byla přijata Společná zemědělská politika EU (SZP). Cílem diplomové práce je zjistit a posoudit smysl zemědělských dotací pro malé soukromé zemědělce a jejich možnosti získání. V prvních kapitolách práce je SZP popsána obecně. Třetí a čtvrtá kapitola se zabývá Českou republikou a jejím vývojem v zemědělském sektoru. Pátá kapitola je věnována novému rozpočtovacímu období 2007 ? 2013 a především Programu rozvoje venkova. Poslední tři kapitoly jsou věnovány hypotetickému příkladu soukromého zemědělce, jeho možnostem při získávání dotací, kontrolám a kalkulací příjmů a nákladů při zemědělské činnosti.
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Complexos de oxovanádio(V) com ligantes hidrazonas bioativos: síntese, caracterização estrutural e estudo da potencial atividade tripanocida / Oxovanadium(V) complexes with bioactive hydrazones ligands: synthesis, structural characterization and study of the potencial trypanocidal activityMurilo César Carroccia 11 April 2014 (has links)
A doença de Chagas, também chamada de tripanossomíase americana é a terceira doença parasítica mais presente no mundo, perdendo apenas para malária e esquistossomose. As terapias existentes atualmente para essa tripanossomíase são insatisfatórias e pouca atenção tem sido dada para o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos. Os medicamentos utilizados atualmente apresentam boa atividade apenas na fase inicial da doença e geram efeitos colaterais severos nos pacientes. <br /> As hidrazonas representam uma classe de compostos imínicos de grande versatilidade estrutural e importante atividade biológica em diversos níveis, sendo observados resultados de atividade tripanocida interessantes de hidrazonas coordenadas a rutênio. Por outro lado, complexos com oxovanádio coordenado a derivados de quinoxalinas apresentam melhores atividades do que os ligantes na forma livre e que complexos formados por essas quinoxalinas com outros metais. <br /> Esse trabalho buscou unir as propriedades biológicas das hidrazonas e vanádio de forma a obter complexos com boa atividade tripanocida. Foram sintetizados dois ligantes hidrazonas derivados da 2-tiofenofenohidrazida, e através dos mesmos foram desenvolvidos dez novos complexos de oxovanádio (V). Os produtos foram caracterizados por ponto de fusão, análise elementar, espectroscopia na região do infravermelho e do UV-Vis., ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN 1H) e difração de raios X em monocristal, sendo obtidos três classes de complexos. Duas classe são formadas por complexos com ligantes mistos, na forma [VO(L)(OR)] com R=metil, etil, n-propil e L=hidrazona, e na forma [VO(L)(mal)] com L=hidrazona e mal= pirona maltol. Outra classe obtida é formada por binucleares de oxovanádio na forma [(VOL)2(μ-O)] com L=hidrazona e os centros de vanádio ligados por uma ponte μ-oxo. As estruturas obtidas para os complexos mistos com os alcóxidos e para os dímeros apresentam geometria piramidal quadrática distorcida, enquanto que os complexos mistos com maltol apresentam geométrica octaédrica distorcida. <br /> Ensaios in vitro contra cepas de T. cruzi mostraram resultados interessantes (SI iguais ou maiores que 10) para que continue a exploração dos tipos de complexos formados e novos ensaios biológicos devem ser realizados para verificar o mecanismo de ação e a atividade in vivo desses compostos, com intuito de obter um novo fármaco antichagásico baseado em vanádio no futuro. / Chagas disease, also called American trypanosomiasis is the third most present parasitic disease in the world. The existing therapies for this trypanosomiasis are unsatisfactory and a little attention has been given to the development of new drugs. The drugs currently used exhibit good activity only in the early phase of the disease and generate severe side effects in patients. <br /> Hydrazones represent a class of iminic compounds with good structural variability and important biological activity at various levels, and interesting results of trypanocidal activity are observed for hydrazones coordinated to ruthenium. On the other hand, complexes with oxovanadium coordinated to quinoxaline derivatives have better activities than the free ligands and complexes with other metals coordinated to that quinoxalines. <br /> This study aimed to unite the biological properties of hydrazones and vanadium to obtain complexes with good trypanocidal activity. Two hydrazones ligands derived from 2- tiofenofenohidrazida were synthesized, and through that ligands, ten new complexes of oxovanadium (V) were developed. The products were characterized by melting point, elemental analysis, infrared and UV - Vis. spectroscopies, nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) and single crystals x-ray diffraction. Three classes of complexes were obtained. Two of them are formed by complexes with mixed ligands, one at [VO(L)(OR) ] form, with R = methyl , ethyl , n- propyl and L = hydrazone , and the other one with the [VO(L)(mal)] empirical form, with L = hydrazone and mal = pyrone maltol. Another class consists of binuclear oxovanadium complexes obtained at [(VOL)2(μ-O)] form, with L = hydrazone and the vanadium centers connected by a μ-oxo bridge. The structures obtained for the mixed complexes with the alkoxides and dimers have quadratic distorted pyramidal geometry, while the mixed maltol complexes have distorted octahedral geometry. <br /> In vitro assays against T. cruzi strains showed interesting results (SI equal to or greater than 10) to continue the exploration of the types of complexes formed and new biological tests must be conducted to verify the mechanism of action and in vivo activity of these compounds, in order to obtain a new vanadium-based antichagasic drug in the future.
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Sebevědomí a svoboda v herecké tvorbě / SELF-CONFIDENCE AND FREEDOM IN ACTINGKaňoková, Beáta January 2017 (has links)
My thesis deals with lack of self-confidence and lack of freedom in acting that comes with it. It tries to search and denominate single aspects which can lead to stated issue or eventually to its intensifying. Furthermore it’s a subjective reflection of my entire studies at Theatre Faculty since my first year until graduation productions at Disk theatre
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Investigation Of Oxide Thickness Dependence Of Fowler-Nordheim Parameter BBharadwaj, Shashank 25 March 2004 (has links)
During recent years the thickness of the gate oxide has been reduced considerably. The progressive miniaturization of devices has caused several phenomena to emerge such as quasi-breakdown, direct tunneling and stress induced leakage currents. Such phenomena significantly modify the performance of the scaled-down MOSFETs. As a part of this research work, an effort has been made to study the performance and characteristics of the thin Gate oxide for MOSFETs and Tunnel Oxide for Floating Gate (FG) MOS devices. The exponential dependence of tunnel current on the oxide-electric field causes some critical problems in process control. A very good process control is therefore required. This can be achieved by finding out the exact value of F-N tunneling parameter. This research work also is an effort of finding an accurate value for parameter B and its dependence on the oxide thickness as the device are scaled down to a level where the probability of Direct Tunneling mechanism gains more prominence.
A fully automated Low Current Measurement workstation with noise tolerance as low as 10-15 A was set up as a part of this research. C-V and I-V curves were analyzed to extract, determine and investigate the oxide thickness dependence of F-N parameter B. For oxide thickness in the range10~13 nm, the parameter B ranged between 260 and 267. Thus it can be said that it is not sensitive to the change in oxide thickness in this range. However it was noticed that for thickness around 7nm wide variety of results were obtained for the Fowler-Nordheim parameter B (B ranged from 260 to 454). This can be attributed to the enhancement in the leakage current due to the direct tunneling. Hence to have tight control over VT for a NVM, new algorithms need to be developed for even better process control for oxide thickness in the range of 7 nm and below.
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Investigação da supercondutividade em compostos do sistema Zr-V-Ga / Investigation of superconductivity in compounds of the Zr-V-Ga systemCarvalho, Danyela Cardoso 26 October 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo a investigação de novos materiais promissores para a supercondutividade presentes no sistema ternário do Zr-V-Ga. Os resultados apresentados de magnetização, resistividade e calor específico, mostram de forma inequívoca que o Zr3V2Ga4 é um novo material supercondutor com temperatura crítica de transição supercondutora nas proximidades de 14,3K. O estudo do composto ZrV2Ga4 mostrou que a supercondutividade é revelada com temperatura crítica de aproximadamente 14,2 K. Medidas de calor especifico realizadas nessas amostras evidenciam de forma clara manifestações de supercondutores multibandas. Outra investigação importante realizada foi a substituição parcial de vanádio por titânio na estequiometria do composto ZrV2Ga4 representado pela composição global ZrV2-xTixGa4, revela que a substituição parcial de vanádio por titânio suprime a supercondutividade neste composto. Isto é mais evidente quando a substituição total de V por Ti suprime totalmente o comportamento supercondutor. Estes resultados sugerem que a supercondutividade pode ser dependente da unidade aniônica [V2Ga4]4-. Finalmente, esta dissertação mostra que o sistema ternário Zr-V-Ga é bastante rico em fases supercondutoras ainda não reportadas na literatura. / This work aimed to investigate new promising materials for superconductivity present in the ternary system of Zr-V-Ga. The presented results of magnetization, resistivity and specific heat, show unequivocally that the Zr3V2Ga4 is a new superconducting material with critical temperature of superconducting transition close to 14.3K. The study of compound ZrV2Ga4 showed that superconductivity is revealed at a critical temperature of approximately 14.2K. Specific heat measurements carried out on these samples clearly demonstrate manifestations of multiband superconductors. Another important investigation carried out was the partial substitution of vanadium by titanium in the stoichiometry of the ZrV2Ga4 compound represented by the global composition ZrV2-xTixGa4, reveals that the partial substitution of vanadium by titanium suppresses the superconductivity in this compound. This is most evident when the total substitution of V for Ti totally suppresses the superconducting behavior. These results suggest that superconductivity may be dependent on the anionic unit [V2Ga4]4-. The results presented in this dissertation reveal that the ternary system Zr-V-Ga is rich in new superconducting materials not reported yet.
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