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Biochemical Characterization of Two Aminopeptidases Involved in Hemoglobin Catabolism in the Food Vacuole of Plasmodium falciparumRagheb, Daniel Raafat Tadros 29 April 2011 (has links)
The parasite Plasmodium falciparum is the causative agent of the most severe form of human malaria. During its intraerythocytic life cycle, P. falciparum transports red blood cell contents to its acidic organelle, known as the food vacuole, where a series of proteases degrade a majority of the host hemoglobin. Two metalloaminopeptidases, PfAPP and PfA-M1, have been previously localized to the food vacuole (in addition to distinct secondary locations for each), implicating them in the final stages of hemoglobin catabolism. Prior genetic work has determined these enzymes are necessary for efficient parasite proliferation, highlighting them as potential anti-malarial drug targets. This study presents the biochemical basis for the catalytic roles of these two enzymes in the hemoglobin degradation pathway. PfAPP, an aminopeptidase P homolog, is specific for hydrolyzing the N-termini of peptides containing penultimate prolines. PfA-M1 is a member of the expansive M1 family of proteases and exhibits a broad specificity towards substrates. The two enzymes are ubiquitous, found in organisms across all kingdoms of life. Their presence in an acidic environment is unique for aminopeptidase P proteins and rare for M1 homologs. Our immunolocalization results have confirmed the dual distribution of these two enzymes in the parasite. Vacuolar targeting was found to be associated with the Plasmodium specific N-terminal extension found in the PfA-M1 sequence by yellow fluorescent protein fusion studies. Kinetic analysis of recombinant forms of PfAPP and PfA-M1 revealed both enzymes are stable and catalytically efficient in the substrate rich, acidic environment of the parasite food vacuole. In addition, mutagenic exploration of the PfA-M1 active site has determined a residue important in dictating substrate specificity among homologs of the same family. These results provide insight into the parasite's functional recruitment of these enzymes to deal with the final stages of hemoglobin catabolism and necessary considerations for inhibitor design. / Ph. D.
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Investigations into the Nature of the Endosomal System in Plasmodium falciparumKrai, Priscilla M. 27 August 2013 (has links)
The parasite Plasmodium falciparum causes the most virulent form of human malaria and is responsible for the vast majority of malaria-related deaths. During the asexual intraerythrocytic stage, the parasite must transport newly synthesized proteins and endocytosed cargo to a variety of organelles, many of which are formed de novo and have no human equivalent. This process in mammalian cells would utilize an endosomal protein trafficking system, but no endosomal structures or proteins have been described in the parasite. Prior work on the parasite genome indicated that several proteins, which could potentially coordinate an endosomal network, were encoded in the genome and expressed during the asexual parasite stages. In this study, we have localized and attempted to further characterize these proteins in the context of the endosomal system. Two well-conserved protein components of the late endosome, the retromer cargo-selective complex and Rab7, were found on a previously un-described inherited structure adjacent to the parasite Golgi apparatus and in close opposition to nascent rhoptries (specialized secretory organelles required for invasion). The retromer cargo-selective complex was also in close proximity to its putative cargo, a P. falciparum homolog of the sortilin family of protein sorting receptors, PfSortilin. Another protein, PfFCP, the sole FYVE domain-containing protein in the P. falciparum genome, was localized to the membrane of a specialized acidic organelle, known as the food vacuole, where the parasite catabolizes the majority of its host cell hemoglobin. We analyzed the effects of a PfFCP dominant negative mutant and found that it altered food vacuole morphology and trafficking. A previous report localized the early endosome phosphoinositide, phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate, to the food vacuole membrane, and in conjunction with our studies on PfFCP, this has raised doubts about the food vacuole as a lysosome equivalent in the parasite. The combination of both early and late endosome protein homologs in the parasite, and their potential function, has led to a new model of protein trafficking within the parasite that includes the food vacuole as a terminal early endosome and the apical organelles as lysosome equivalents. / Ph. D.
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Séquestration ionique et vacuolisation cellulaire : étude des mécanismes et des répercussions physiologiques et pharmacologiquesMorissette, Guillaume 13 April 2018 (has links)
La vacuolisation cellulaire induite par les médicaments cationiques est une cytopathologie qui transcende les classes pharmacologiques. Quoiqu'elle ait été largement rapportée in vitro à des concentrations suprathérapeutiques, plusieurs observations permettent de la soupçonner dans des contextes cliniques. De nombreuses questions entourant l'origine, les mécanismes et les conséquences de la cytopathologie vacuolaire restaient à être résolues. Cette thèse a permis dans un premier temps de modéliser la vacuolisation cellulaire en démontrant que les vacuoles: 1- se développent suite à une séquestration importante d'amine par un mécanisme de pseudo-transport dépendant de la Vacuolaire-Adénosine triphosphatase (V-ATPase); 2- possèdent sans doute de multiples origines intracellulaires dont le trans-Golgi; 3- évoluent vers la macroautophagie. Nos expériences de modélisation ont également établi les conséquences cellulaires (arrêt de l'endocytose et de la voie sécrétoire, arrêt de la mitose, la phospholipidose, etc.) et pharmacologiques (distorsions dans la puissance et la durée d'action des médicaments) de la séquestration ionique et la vacuolisation qui en découle. Finalement, les connaissances recueillies lors de la modélisation de cette cytopathologie ont été appliquées à différentes classes de molécules utilisées cliniquement (agonistes oadrénergiques, antihistaminiques, cosmétiques, antiarythmiques) afin d'évaluer l'implication de la séquestration cationique dans différentes réactions pathologiques (vacuolisation et toxicité tissulaire, corps lamellaires intracellulaires, épaississement de l'épiderme, hyperpigmentation cutanée, etc.). Ainsi, même si la cytopathologie vacuolaire n'est que peu connue du corps médical et des chercheurs en général, elle peut expliquer certains effets secondaires induits par les médicaments cationiques.
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Proteomics based on liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry has developed rapidly in the last decade and become a powerful tool for protein mixtures analysis. LC-MS based proteomics involves four steps, sample preparation, liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and bioinformatics. Improvements in each step have extended its applications to new biological research areas. This dissertation mainly focuses on method developments in both qualitative and quantitative proteomics.
The first part of this dissertation focuses on qualitative analysis of T. gondii Parasitophorous Vacuole Membrane (PVM) proteins, which is very important for T. gondii’s survival. The hypothesis of this study is that proteomic approaches coupled with immunoprecipitation using polyclonal antisera as affinity reagents can successfully characterize the proteome of the T. gondii PVM. The “Three-layer Sandwich Gel Electrophoresis” (TSGE) protocol, was developed to contend with efficient salt removal and protein concentration from challenging samples. Furthermore, the TSGE coupled to 2D-LC-MS/MS was proven to be effective with the proteomic analysis of complex protein mixtures like T. gondii whole cell lysate, allowing for high-throughput protein analysis from complex samples. By using the TSGE-2D-LC-MS/MS methodology, we successfully identified 61 proteins from the PVM samples and constructed the PVM proteome.
The second part of this dissertation describes a novel method for selecting an appropriate isocyanate reagent for potential quantitative proteomics application. Our hypothesis is alteration of isocyanate structure will change fragmentation pattern and ESI property of isocyanate modified peptides. The CID property of N-terminal modified peptides by phenyl isocyanate (PIC), phenethyl isocyanate (PEIC) and pyridine-3- isocyanate (PyIC) was systematically studied using LC-ESI-MS/MS. We observed that adjustment of isocyanate structure changed both ESI and fragmentation characteristic of modified peptides. We rationalized the decrease of protonation of PIC and PEIC modified peptides results from the neutral property of the both reagents. The electron withdrawing feature of PyIC leads to significant reduction of fragments during CID. Therefore, we designed a new isocyanate reagent, 3-(isocyanatomethyl) pyridine (PyMIC). The results revealed that PyMIC modified peptides had more suitable ESI properties and generated more sequence-useful fragments compared to PIC, PyIC and even unmodified peptides. PyMIC is a more appropriate labeling reagent for quantitative proteomics applications.
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Rôle des phosphatases acides dans le métabolisme et le stockage des sucres dans la vacuole chez Arabidopsis thaliana : approches in vitro et in silicoMonier, Antoine 13 December 2012 (has links)
Les « Purple Acid Phosphatases » (PAPs) sont des phosphatases acides présentes dans le règne végétal et animal. Elles sont caractérisées à la fois par la présence de sept acides aminés conservés impliqués dans la structure d’un centre bimétallique et par leur couleur rose/violète lorsqu’elles se trouvent en solution. Chez les plantes, certaines PAPs présenteraient à la fois une activité phosphatase sur des métabolites (PEP, G6P…) et sur des phospho-peptides (glycosidases…), d’une part, et une activité peroxydase, de l’autre. Ces PAPs pourraient donc, non seulement être impliquées dans le métabolisme carboné, mais aussi dans la détoxication des espèces réactives de l’oxygène. On compte à ce jour 29 gènes codant pour des PAPs chez Arabidopsis thaliana , dont un certain nombre est induit par la carence en Pi et par le stress oxydatif ou la senescence. Parmi eux, le gène de l’AtPAP26 (At5g34850) présente de très fortes homologies de séquence avec des orthologues présents chez d’autres plantes. La protéine AtPAP26, qui présente in vitro une activité phosphatase sur le PEP et le G6P et une activité peroxydase, est sécrétée même si de nombreux indices laissent penser qu’elle pourrait également être localisée dans la vacuole.Notre objectif est d’étudier le rôle d’AtPAP26 dans le métabolisme et le stockage des sucres dans la vacuole. Notre hypothèse de départ est que la protéine AtPAP26 pourrait intervenir via son activité phosphatase dans un cycle de substrat vacuolaire impliquant le glucose-6-phosphate et le glucose. Nous avons montré que chez le mutant pap26, l’activité glucose-6-phosphatase, mesurée in vitro et in organello, chute de manière importante. Parallèlement, chez le mutant gpt2, le transport tonoplastique des hexoses phosphates diminue de façon significative. Des expériences de marquages isotopiques sur du tissu racinaire en culture ont montré qu’une part importante du glucose et du fructose ne provient pas de l’hydrolyse du saccharose et que AtPAP26 est en partie responsable de cette synthèse. Enfin, par une approche in-silico, nous avons modélisé le métabolisme des sucres dans un système compartimenté impliquant la vacuole et ses transporteurs. La confrontation du modèle avec deux jeux de données expérimentales (concentrations à l’état stationnaire et cinétiques de marquage) a permis de confirmer l’existence d’une activité hydrolytique sur les hexoses phosphates vacuolaires. / «Purple Acid Phosphatases» (PAPs) are acid phosphatases found both in animal and vegetal kingdoms. They are characterized by the presence of seven conserved amino acids involved in a di-metal center and by their pink/purple color in solution. In plants, some PAPs exhibit an acid phosphatase activity on various phospho-esters and on phospho-peptides. An alcalin peroxidase activity has been demonstrated in vitro. Therefore, PAPs could be implicated both in the carbon metabolism and in the scavenging of reactive oxygen species. To date, 29 different PAP-encoding genes were identified in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome. Some of them are induced by phosphate deprivation, oxidative burst or senescence. The gene encoding the protein AtPAP26 (At5g34850) exhibits a high sequence similarity with orthologous from other plants. The AtPAP26 protein, showing both a phosphatase activity on PEP, G6P and F6P, and a peroxidase activity, is one of the most abundant root-secreted acid phosphatases but also appears to be localized in the vacuole. Our aim is to study the implication of AtPAP26 in the metabolism and storage of sugars in the vacuole. Our first hypothesis is that AtPAP26, via its phosphatase activity, could be involved in a glucose / glucose-6-phosphate cycle localized in the vacuole. We showed that the glucose-6-phosphatase activity in the pap26 mutant is highly affected both in vitro and in organello compared to the wild type. At the same time, the hexose phosphate transport capacity of the vacuole is highly affected in the gpt2 mutant compared to the wild-type. Moreover, isotopic labeling experiments performed on cultured root tissues have shown that a significant part of the intracellular glucose and fructose pool does not originate from sucrose and that AtPAP26 is, at least in part, responsible for this synthesis. Finally, we build a kinetic model of sugar metabolism in a compartmented system which has been validated by using two independent experimental data sets (steady state concentrations and kinetics of labeling of soluble sugars). This in silico modeling approach confirmed the involvement of a hexose phosphatase activity localized in the vacuole.
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Papel das células B-1 na infecção por Leishmania (L.) amazonensis. / Role of B-1 cells in the infection by Leishmania (L.) amazonensisFerreira, Natália Soares 20 April 2016 (has links)
Parasitos do gênero Leishmania causam um espectro de doenças chamadas de leishmaniose. Para compreender de melhor forma a imunobiologia da Leishmania, o estudo de outras células envolvidas no processo de infecção do parasito se torna importante. As células B-1 são encontradas principalmente nas cavidades peritoneal e pleural, tendo como característica a capacidade de se diferenciar em células fagocíticas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o papel das células B-1 na infecção por L. (L.) amazonensis. Os resultados mostraram que, assim como os macrófagos, os B-1CDPs são infectados pelo mecanismo de fagocitose e permitem a multiplicação da Leishmania no seu interior. Além disso, os vacúolos parasitóforos formados nos B-1CDPs apresentaram ser maiores do que dos macrófagos. Portanto, os dados com B1CDPs sugerem que estas células podem possuir um papel relevante na infecção por L. (L.) amazonensis, podendo ser considerados células hospedeiras importantes durante a infecção devido à incapacidade de responder de maneira eficaz para a eliminação dos parasitos. / The genus Leishmania parasites cause a spectrum of diseases called leishmaniasis. To better understand the immunobiology of Leishmania, the study of other cells involved in parasite infection process becomes important. The B-1 cells are found predominantly in the peritoneal and pleural cavities, whose feature consist on an ability to differentiate into phagocytic cells. This study aimed to evaluate the role of B-1 cells in the infection by L. (L.) amazonensis. The results showed that, like macrophages, B-1CDPs are infected by a mechanism of phagocytosis and allow the multiplication of Leishmania within. Furthermore, the parasitophorous vacuoles in the B-1CDPs showed to be larger than those formed in the macrophages. Therefore, B1CDPs can have an important role in infection by L. (L.) amazonensis and can be considered important host cells during infection due to inability to respond effectively to the elimination of parasites.
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Uncovering New Roles for Hsp90 in Candida albicans MorphogenesisSenn, Heather 03 December 2012 (has links)
The trimorphic fungus Candida albicans is the leading cause of systemic candidiasis, a disease with poor prognosis affecting immunocompromised patients. The capacity to switch between growth morphologies is tightly coupled to its ability to cause life-threatening infection. Recently, the molecular chaperone Heat Shock Protein 90 (Hsp90) has been implicated as a major regulator of C. albicans morphogenesis via the Ras1-PKA pathway. In model organisms from plant, animal and fungal kingdoms, Hsp90 stabilizes regulators of cell signaling and participates in many important cellular processes. Hsp90’s roles in C. albicans are beginning to be dissected. This thesis represents a comprehensive overview of the morphological response of C. albicans to compromised Hsp90 function, illuminating previously unidentified roles for this chaperone in cell cycle progression, cytokinesis and vacuole maintenance. This work sheds light on the importance of Hsp90 in fungal development and the therapeutic potential of Hsp90 inhibitors in the treatment of fungal infections.
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Uncovering New Roles for Hsp90 in Candida albicans MorphogenesisSenn, Heather 03 December 2012 (has links)
The trimorphic fungus Candida albicans is the leading cause of systemic candidiasis, a disease with poor prognosis affecting immunocompromised patients. The capacity to switch between growth morphologies is tightly coupled to its ability to cause life-threatening infection. Recently, the molecular chaperone Heat Shock Protein 90 (Hsp90) has been implicated as a major regulator of C. albicans morphogenesis via the Ras1-PKA pathway. In model organisms from plant, animal and fungal kingdoms, Hsp90 stabilizes regulators of cell signaling and participates in many important cellular processes. Hsp90’s roles in C. albicans are beginning to be dissected. This thesis represents a comprehensive overview of the morphological response of C. albicans to compromised Hsp90 function, illuminating previously unidentified roles for this chaperone in cell cycle progression, cytokinesis and vacuole maintenance. This work sheds light on the importance of Hsp90 in fungal development and the therapeutic potential of Hsp90 inhibitors in the treatment of fungal infections.
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Caractérisation du protéome vascuolaire de la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana et étude de son rôle dans la détoxication du cadmiumJarno, Nolwenn 01 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes du trafic cellulaire, les processus de transport des substrats vacuolaires à travers le tonoplaste, le stockage des métabolites et leur dégradation, une analyse globale et exhaustive du protéome vacuolaire d'Arabidopsis thaliana a été réalisée. La connaissance de la localisation subcellulaire des protéines permet de mieux comprendre la fonction des organelles et la compartimentation du métabolisme des plantes. Mais la description précise du protéome d'un organite nécessite d'identifier clairement les véritables protéines résidantes du compartiment étudié. Une tâche si précise est complexe puisqu'elle nécessite la mise en place d'une préparation d'organites purs et homogènes. Pour y parvenir, un protocole de purification de vacuoles à partir de protoplastes isolés de cellules en culture sur un gradient de densité de Ficoll a été amélioré. La combinaison de plusieurs approches de protéomique a permis d'identifier les protéines présentes dans les fractions vacuolaires soluble et membranaire de façon quantitative et fonctionnelle. Les différentes approches ont ainsi mis en évidence des associations et mécanismes moléculaires complexes qui régissent les différentes activités vacuolaires. Cette protéothèque de référence constitue une base pour étudier la dynamique du protéome vacuolaire en réponse à plusieurs stress incluant les métaux lourds. Plusieurs méthodes sans a priori et ciblée ont été proposé afin d'étudier l'impact du cadmium sur la vacuole, ce compartiment cellulaire clé de la détoxication.
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Study of the arginine and cysteine transport systems of the yeast vacuoleCools, Melody 13 April 2018 (has links)
La vacuole de la levure joue un rôle dans le stockage de nutriments, la dégradation des macromolécules et le recyclage de métabolites. En accord avec ces fonctions, des protéines se trouvant à la membrane vacuolaire catalysent le transport de divers composés à travers la membrane. Ceci permet par exemple à la vacuole d’accumuler un grand stock d’arginine et d’autres acides aminés cationiques ainsi que de mobiliser des acides aminés durant une carence en azote. Par ailleurs, les scientifiques soupçonnent l’existence d’un transporteur de cystéine, essentiel au contrôle redox de la vacuole et à la protéolyse. Afin d’étudier plus en détail le transport d’acides aminés dans la vacuole, nous avons mis au point un protocole d’isolement de vacuoles intactes suivi de tests d’entrée d’acides aminés. Dans un premier temps, cela nous a permis de caractériser pour la première fois un transport de cystéine dans les vacuoles intactes. En combinant des analyses bioinformatiques avec un screening d’une collection de souches mutantes pour une sensibilité à la cystéine ou la cystine (un dimère de cystéine), nous avons pu proposer une liste de gènes candidats codant pour un transporteur de cystéine à la membrane vacuolaire. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons caractérisé la protéine Ypq2 comme un facilitateur de haute affinité catalysant l’export d’arginine hors de la vacuole en condition de carence en azote. En outre, nous avons identifié un nouveau transporteur, Vat1, nécessaire à l’établissement du stock d’arginine vacuolaire. Nos résultats sont conciliables avec l’existence d’un couplage fonctionnel entre les voies de sortie et d’import d’arginine dans la vacuole. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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