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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh zavedení nové formy řízení do vybrané části výrobního procesu / Proposal for the Introduction of a New Form of Management in a Selected Part of the Production Process

Klapková, Anna January 2021 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the management of a selected part of the production process in IMI Precision Engineering and aims to present a proposal for the introduction of a new approach to managing the production task of the given production process part using the Kanban model. The subject of the analysis is the inventory of the given production process part, which are analysed based on ABC / XYZ analysis, the conclusions of which, presented in the design part of the thesis, serve as basis for the creation of a proposal for the introduction of Kanban.

Värdeflödesanalys : Ett verktyg för processindustrin? / Value stream mapping : A tool for the process industry?

Granstedt, Anton, Ottenfalk, Rasmus January 2021 (has links)
I dagens samhälle överutnyttjas jordens resurser. Dagens levnadssätt och klimatförändringarna som sker, leder därför till att högre krav ställs på företag att arbeta med hållbarhetsfrågor och sträva efter resurseffektiva arbetsmetoder. För att företag ska bli mer resurseffektiva kan det krävas verktyg eller arbetsmetoder som hjälper till att identifiera områden med förbättringspotential. I den här studien analyserades Leanverktyget värdeflödesanalys och dess tillämpbarhet på processindustrin. Värdeflödesanalys är ett kartläggningsverktyg som används för att identifiera förluster och flödesbegränsade faktorer relaterade till en tillverkningsprocess. Kartläggningen analyserar såväl information- som materialflöde. Författarna vill med den här studien undersöka hur värdeflödesanalys kan tillämpas eller anpassas till en kontinuerligt tillverkande miljö. Studien är gjord som en fallstudie hos Stora Enso Skoghall där datainsamlingen har gjorts genom en kartläggning av flödet, en enkätundersökning och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien visar att verktyget kan tillämpas på processindustrin då det ger en bra översikt över processerna och indikerar områden som kan ses som flödesbegränsande. Som verktyg för förlustidentifiering krävs det att kartläggningen kompletteras med ytterligare analysmetoder för att få en tydligare bild över vilka förluster som sker inom pappers- och massaindustrin. Värdeflödesanalysen kan bland annat utvecklas gällande en tydligare kartläggning av informationsflödet. Studiens författare anser också att kartläggningen av materialflödet kan utvecklas med mer information om hur avvikelser sker längs tillverkningen. Materialflödet kan också illustreras med hjälp av ett simulerande verktyg för att ge en mer korrekt bild över avvikelserna som sker. / In today's society, the earth's resources are overused. Today's way of living and the climate changes that are taking place therefore lead to higher requirements on companies to work with issues regarding sustainability and strive for resource-efficient working methods. For companies to become more resource efficient, tools may be needed to help and identify areas with potential for improvement. In this study, the Lean tool value stream mapping and its applicability to the process industry were analyzed. Value stream mapping is a mapping tool used to identify losses and flow-limiting factors related to a manufacturing process. The mapping analyzes both information and material flow. With this study, the authors want to investigate how value flow analysis can be applied or adapted to a continuous manufacturing environment. The study was conducted as a case study at Stora Enso Skoghall, where data collection was done through a mapping of the process, a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The study shows that the tool can be applied to the process industry as it provides a good overview of the processes and indicates areas that can be seen as flow-limiting. As a tool for loss identification, it is required that the mapping is supplemented with additional analysis methods in order to get a clearer picture of the losses that occur in the paper and pulp industry. The value stream mapping can, among other things, be developed regarding a clearer mapping of the information flow. The authors of the study also believe that the mapping of the material flow can be developed with more information about how deviations occur along the production. The material flow can also be illustrated with the help of a simulating tool to give a more correct picture of the deviations that occur.

Optimalizace hodnotového toku / Value stream optimisation

Zátopek, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
This master's thesis is dealing value stream optimisation of finished goods in company Continental Automotive Systems, s. r. o. between production lines and expedition in terms of lean production methods and industrial engineering. The first part deals with theoretical training methodologies and understanding of lean manufacturing and industrial engineering. The second part analyzes the value stream of finished goods between production lines and expeditinon, identifying bottlenecks and design improvements.

Teoretický model linkové výroby pro výrobu plynem izolovaných komponent VVN / Teoretical model of producting for gass isnulating components of UHV

Haluza, Zdeněk January 2015 (has links)
This work aims to explain what the production flow means, what methods are known for the analysis and to introduce us the company. It is also to introduce the process of painting and grinding within the company. Concept of the first part is the actual production flow and its division. The following chapters handle the methods of its analysis. The second part describes the company itself. It includes the introduction of the company, of the product and description of the painting process and grinding. In the last part of the work was made economic evaluation of these proposals.

Návrh štíhlé výroby ve vybraném provozu / Proposal for a Lean Manufacturing Operation in Selected Company

Bistrá, Vendula January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the implementation of a lean component in the manufacturing process of First Brno Machinery Velká Bíteš, Ltd. With the help of lean componant Value Stream Mapping (VSM – value stream mapping) an analysis of the current status is determined that underlies the bottleneck analysis in the manufacturing process. Based on that analysis the optimal future state of the manufacturing process is designed which leads to a production efficiency. This thesis focuses on increasing customer value and reducing waste in manufacturing.

Optimalizace nabídkového procesu / Offer process optimization

Koryciński, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This master’s thesis concerns optimization of quotation process. It describes mapping of value stream by VSM Method (value stream mapping) in practical way in order to minimize cost. Further on it describes three points of view method when surveying and modifying process. It analyses process on three levels and describes suitable solution which makes process smoother and more effective. At the conclusion of this diploma project belongs evaluation of realised solutions and measures that need to be taken in future.

Analýza hodnotového toku / Value stream analysis

Perutka, Michal January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis “Value stream mapping” is to analyse the montage workplace of the company IFE-CR, a.s. with focus on the value stream and the methods of lean production. The thesis aims to identify priorities for applying lean production methods at the montage workplace and to propose concrete measures in order to reduce different types of wasting. The first part of the thesis is dealing with the theory, understanding the main principles and methods of lean production, as well as with the method of value stream mapping. The second part is dealing with value stream analysis of the montage workplace and proposes concrete measures to reduce wasting and to increase the production effectiveness, respectively to improve the material stream trough implementation of selected lean production methods in the montage workplace.

Analýza hodnotového toku / Value stream analysis

Hrnčíř, Roman January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis: „Analysis of the value stream“ deals with the mapping of production processes in terms of flow value, their analysis and application of possible improvements that should be task to speed up and improve process. Finally, correctness will be proved with process audit of proposed solutions and will be quantified also possible savings. The goal of this work is to design, implement and validate methods of lean production in working process.

Optimalizace procesů ve společnosti / Company Processes Optimization

Lindovská, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on optimization of working processes in Witzenmann Opava by using Value Stream Map. The aim of the thesis is on a basis current status of value stram propose to suitable actions and draw them into new value stream map. The thesis is devided into three parts – theoretical, analytical and proposal part. In the first part of the thesis are compiled theoretical knowledge about lean management sphere, tools for elimination of wastings and theory about mapping value stream by using VSM. Analytical part is deal with characterictic of company Witzenmann Opava, its internal and external factors of developments and implementation of lean production. In this part there is also characteristic of choosed product. Proposal part is deal with value stream analysis of choosed product and specific actions to reduce wasting and getting production more effective with the help of lean production methods.

Relationen mellan Lean och arbetstillfredsställelse i Folktandvården / The relationship between Lean and job satisfaction in Folktandvården

Brdar, Mihret, Söderlind, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Trycket har ökat på Folktandvården under de senare åren på grund av en befolkningstillväxt vilket resulterar i en ökad arbetsbelastning för personalen och vårdköerna. Samtidigt rapporterar nästintill samtliga regioner en brist på tandläkare. För att hantera detta problem har flera regioner infört ett förbättringsarbete enligt Lean för att tiden ska användas bättre och att kunna utnyttja begränsade resurser på bästa sätt. Denna satsning har från många upplevts positivt då man kunnat se minskning i både väntetider och vårdtider vilket inneburit att bristen av tandläkare inte varit ett lika stort problem. Användandet av Lean-verktyg och Lean som styrmodell har vidare uppmärksammats med en viss motsättning som menar att Lean inte ska tillämpas i en miljö där patienter är i centrum. Traditionellt sett har det varit motsatta åsikter kring ämnet där ena parten anser att främjande av storskalig förbättring av industrityp behövs för att få vård in i modern tid. Den andra parten hävdar att människor inte ska hanteras som inom produktion och att en förenklad adoption bara förvärrar de extrema svårigheterna att leverera enhetlig, högkvalitativ vård med få resurser till befolkningar vars förväntningar fortsätter att öka. Men vid branscher såsom tandvård där personalen utgör både service och “produktion”, bör det vara av största vikt att se över vad som går att påverka för att förbättra deras arbetsmiljö så att de kan utföra bästa möjliga arbete med begränsad personal. Frågan som vidare uppstår är, hur påverkar egentligen användandet av Lean-verktyg arbetsmiljön och vidare arbetstillfredsställelsen hos personalen i folktandvården? Är ett skifte till ett förbättringsarbete enligt Lean en hållbar lösning för den tandläkarbrist som uppstått i landet?    Mycket av den forskning som utfört kring relationen mellan användandet av Lean-verktyg och personalens arbetstillfredsställelse har utförts i sjukhusmiljö. Vi resonerar att delar av denna forskning kan vara applicerbart inom tandvården då de bedriver en liknande verksamhet med patienter i fokus, men då forskning visat på att det finns skillnader i resultat av implementeringen även avdelningar sinsemellan är det av behov att studera tandvården närmre. Huruvida användandet av Lean och dess olika styrverktyg påverkar arbetstillfredsställelsen är därför av relevans att studera för att kunna komplettera den redan existerande forskning som finns inom hälso- och sjukvård.   Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att redogöra för vilken påverkan användandet av Lean-verktyg har på personalens arbetstillfredsställelse på Folktandvården.   Metod: Denna studie har utförts genom en kvantitativ forskningsmetod med en deduktiv forskningsansats. Data har samlats in genom enkätundersökning från Folktandvården i 4 st regioner med frågor angående deras arbetstillfredsställelse samt arbetssätt.   Resultat: Studiens resultat tyder på att Lean-verktyget Value Stream Mapping har en positiv inverkan på personalens arbetstillfredsställelse. De andra Lean-verktygen som testades (Visuell styrning, standardiserat arbetssätt, 5S) hade ingen inverkan på personalens arbetstillfredsställelse. Vid test av en sammanslagning av samtliga verktyg så sågs en positiv inverkan på arbetstillfredsställelsen. / Background and problem: The pressure has increased in Folktandvården in recent years due to population growth as a result and an increased working life for staff and the care queues. At the same time, almost all regions report a shortage of dentists. In order to deal with this problem, several regions have introduced improvement work according to Lean in order to use time in a more productive way and to be able to make the best use of limited resources. This initiative has by many been seen as positive seen there has been a reduction in both waiting times and care times, which made the lack of dentists not as big of a problem as before. The use of Lean tools and Lean as a control model has also been noted with some contradictions which mean that Lean should not be applied in an environment where patients are at the center. Traditionally, there have been opposing views on the subject where one party considers promoting large-scale improvement of industrial type is important to move healthcare into modern times. The other party claims that people should not be treated as in production and that simplified adoption only exacerbates the extreme difficulties of delivering uniform, high quality care with few resources to populations whose expectations continue to increase. In industries use dental care where staff are both service and "production", it should be of utmost importance to look at what can be done to their work environment so that they can perform at their best with limited personal. The question that arises is, how does the use of Lean tools really affect the working environment and, furthermore, the job satisfaction of the staff in the dental care? Is shifting to an improvement work according to Lean and sustainable solution for the dentist deficiency that has arisen in the country?   Much of the research conducted on the relationship between the use of Lean tools and staff job satisfaction has been conducted in a hospital setting. We reason that parts of this research may be applicable in dentistry as they conduct a similar activity with patients in focus, but as research has shown that there are differences in the results of the implementation, also departments among themselves, it is necessary to study dentistry more closely. Therefore, whether the use of Lean and its various control tools influences job satisfaction is of relevance to study in order to supplement the already existing research that exists in health care.   Purpose: The purpose of this study is to report on the impact of the use of Lean tools on staff job satisfaction at Folktandvården.   Method: This study was done through a quantitative research method with a deductive research approach. Data has been collected through a survey by Folktandvården in 4 regions with questions regarding their job satisfaction and working methods.   Results: The study's results indicate that the Lean tool Value Stream Mapping has a positive impact on staff job satisfaction. The other Lean tools tested (Visual Control, Standardized working method, 5S) had no effect on staff job satisfaction. When testing a combination of all the tools, a positive impact on job satisfaction was seen.

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