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The impact of implementing selected lean principles in a South African gold processing plant / Johannes Nicolaas ViljoenViljoen, Johannes Nicolaas January 2015 (has links)
This study explored the theoretical aspects of Lean Manufacturing principles and identified the practical implementations for a gold processing plant. The success rate of Lean implementations is currently as low as 5% and can be attributed to the failure of management to address the effect of implemented changes on the employees. With this risk in mind, the study included a measurement of the worker perception towards change and organisational climate. The impact of Lean Manufacturing principles was thus quantified by means of practical projects, including an empirical study of how open employees are towards change implementation.
The plant process was described and the flow of value was mapped in a Value Stream Map (VSM). The applied principles resulted in three proposed improvement projects with the potential of reducing operating cost, generating additional revenue and eliminating waste. The proposals included reducing lead times through the plant for the two feed sources, namely reef and waste material by 4% and 51% respectively; improved recovery of fine carbon as a by-product of the treatment circuit; and lastly, reducing the lead time for conducted elusions by improving the “flow” of solution throughout the batch process.
The quantified financial benefits of the improvements were an estimated additional revenue of R180,000 per month and a further cost saving of R4,000 per month. This study explained that multiple spin-off benefits are realized when improvements are based on Lean Manufacturing principles. Some additional benefits were listed but not quantified in this study. It is important to notice that these specific identified improvements did not require additional capital expenditure, nor long lead times to be implemented. Requirements included an open mind towards change management, time and effort.
A survey was conducted to measure the employees’ readiness for change management and the stability of the organisational climate. In the South African mining context, there are external factors impacting on operations of which labor, unions and worker productivity are among the foremost aspects of current concern. This served as motivation for the survey to test employee readiness for Lean Manufacturing changes to be implemented.
The statistical internal consistency of the questionnaire, as expressed by the Cronbach alpha coefficients, was acceptable at 0.773 and 0.759 for the change management and organisational climate factors respectively. The p-values and effect sizes were determined
within the T-test and ANOVA tests. The group consisting of different years’ experience yielded the most statistical differences in the way that the organisational climate section was completed. The indication was that highly experienced employees answered the questionnaire significantly different than the other groups. The average scoring for the section was above the average and therefore was not considered to be a significant risk to implementation.
The group is considered ready for change implementation and the plant should proceed to implement the identified Lean projects. The success and sustainability of the projects can encourage additional improvements. The recommendation is to revisit the future VSM after completion of the projects to identify the next level of improvements for implementation. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Internal logistics : Optimizing the flow of goods with milk runsMillegård, Jessica, Kurzbach, Sven January 2016 (has links)
In today's world the challenge of logistics becomes more and more important for all companies, which consequently contributes to the need of an integrated system of in-house logistics. Goods must flow easily between stations and departments in order to achieve the best utilization of transportation as well as maintaining a good distribution structure to handle these processes in an efficient and effective way to enhance business performance and competitiveness. This report aims to provide research on how to strategically organize, plan and structure the flow of internal logistics within an organization. The research in this study originates from 3 main methods, a theoretical review, a case study and a benchmark. The main idea of the thesis was to contribute with scientific knowledge of improvements that can be achieved within internal logistics targeting companies operating within the service sector. In order to understand the scope of the problem the current state at the case Tropical Islands was analysed and served to identify areas where possible improvements could be achieved. Further on, in combination with the theory and empirical findings the main conclusions of the thesis was the need to strategically organize the flow of internal logistics to improve efficiency and enhance competitiveness. It was made evident that planning is essential in order to successfully implement the milk runs. Other tools could be utilized to further eliminate drawbacks that might occur.
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En fallstudie om e-handel : Identifierade slöserier i returflödetNählstedt, Kristoffer, Norén, Martin, Weberg, Oscar January 2016 (has links)
Kurs: Ämnesfördjupande kurs i logistik, 2FE02E, VT 2015 Författare: Martin Norén Kristoffer Nählstedt och Oscar Weberg Handledare: Petra Andersson Examinator: Åsa Gustafsson Titel: En fallstudie om e-handel – Identifierade slöserier i returflödet Bakgrund: I en bransch med mycket returer krävs en effektiv hantering av returer för att inte kostnaderna ska skena iväg. Hela returflödet behöver vara smidigt för att snabbt få ut returnerade varor på marknaden igen. Hur ser ett returflöde ut i nuläget på ett företag i e-handelsbranschen? Returflödet kommer undersökas genom en fallstudie på ett företag. Genom att identifiera slöserier enligt Lean Production förväntas denna uppsats eliminera eller åtminstone reducera identifierade slöserier. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera slöserier i returflödet och presentera förbättringsförslag som reducerar nämnda slöserier. Metod: Studien har utförts som en kvalitativ fallstudie med ett deduktivt angreppssätt och ett postpositivistisk synsätt. Primärdatan har samlats in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer och observationer. Slutsats: Efter en genomförd Value Stream Mapping analyserar författarna returflödes nuvarande tillstånd. Därefter identifieras slöserier och orsakerna till varför slöserierna uppstår. I slutsatsen presenteras förslag på förbättringar såsom att öka andelen webbreturer och minska avstånden inom lagret.
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Revisiting the Concept of Value Stream MappingLindhe-Rahr, Robert, Sáez Mata, Alejandro January 2015 (has links)
Value Stream Mapping is a common tool used in a lot of instances in today’s industrieswho have adopted any kind of Lean initiatives. However, Value Stream Mapping (VSM) may not always fit to the best extent and intention of the industry applying it; therefore a need for tailoring certain aspects of it have been seen in some cases where the original tool has not been enough. However there is little research on how to adopt VSM towards the tire industry, it is the case that some adaptation is needed in order to fully map the value the chain is trying to capture as seen by some authors who use VSM on other industries. This leads to conclude that further research is needed in order to see the benefits and chal-lenges in the creating of a tailored value stream tool in order to understand how it would affect the company its applied on as well as increasing the knowledge of its capabilities and drivers for it application. The impact this research would have is to begin bridging a gap of the usage of how a Tai-lored Value Stream Mapping (TVSM) tool would affect when applied to a specific industry. For this paper, a case study within a Tire Company located in Europe, who stated that they had issues regarding their current usage and utilization of VSM, was conducted. The com-pany has projects going all over the globe but sees a lack of initiative and success without the direct involvement of its central plant. The purpose of this research is to investigate the perceived impact as well as the benefits and challenges of utilizing a company TVSM, in-stead of a standardized one, taking into consideration both particularities of the industry, as well as the culture of the firm. Also an understanding is sought to recognize the motiva-tions that drove the Tire Company to choose a tailored approach. The research was conducted as a qualitative single case study involving three different sitesbelonging to the tire industry located in Europe. It is built upon both a theoretical part, comprised by a literature review of the concepts of VSM, Lean and TVSM; and an empiri-cal part derived from the case. The Empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews as well as participant observations, supported by secondary data collected from the company in form of written documents concerning the internal training of VSM. The findings concluded that, the reasons for sustaining a TVSM are its ease of use, and ability to reach out and be understood by people with little to no training in VSM’s. The company fitted training documents would decrease the training needed and the time spent doing so. Some other benefits were the empowerment of employees and the sharing of knowledge across multiple sites in a standardized company language. Albeit with the chal-lenge of creating and upholding such documents and training, compelling the company to have experts with knowledge of VSM and the company processes and culture with the added challenge of also maintaining regularly updates as the company moves forward. Implementation of a tailored approach is practical where there has been identified that it exists a gap between different plants or departments, local or globally, regarding knowledge or experience when there is a requirement for standardisation, communication and need for change.
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Läkemedelshanteringsprocessen : Inom äldreomsorgen hos Socialförvaltningen / The Process of Drug Management : within the Social Service of the Elderly CareCosic, Matea, Uka, Albulena January 2016 (has links)
Purpose The purpose of this study is to conduct a survey of the Process of Drug Management in elderly care from when a drug is prescribed to when it is discarded. The purpose also includes to investigate how the various activities are linked to each other and to identify errors for the patient safety. In order to fulfil the purpose, two issues have been formulated: 1. What activities are currently in the Process of Drug Management in elderly care? 2. What deviations can occur in the Process of Drug Management and can be errors for the patient safety? Method In order to fulfil the purpose, a case study was made on the Social Service of the elderly care. Empirical data has been collected through interviews, observations and questionnaires. Further on the empirical data has been analysed and compared with the theoretical framework in order to achieve the purpose of the study. Findings The five main activities which have been identified in the Process of Drug Management are Prescription, Requisition and Check, Storage, Readying and Administration and finally Follow-up. In order to identify errors for the patient safety in the different activities, a value stream map has been designed where the risk has been placed and later on discussed. Errors for the patient safety exist among other factors such as due to lack in communication and information, human factors such as stress, lack of sleep, cultural shocks and lack of motivation for work. The study also shows that there is lack of responsibility among the various operators in the process. Implications The process of drug management in elderly care is a problem area because of its complexity where deviations often occur which results in errors for the patient safety. The guidelines within elderly care are about the same throughout Sweden, which leads to the fact that development in order to prevent errors of the patient safety can take place within other organizations. Deviations are unfortunately making an impact in the first activity, “Prescription”, which contributes to additional deviations in the following activities. In order to improve the patient safety, developing the quality within the organization and within the Process of Drug Management should be a priority. Limitations The aim of the study was to gain a deeper insight into the process of Drug Management and identify errors for the patient safety. Wishful thinking is to investigate several more units in order to get a clearer picture of the problem area from different angles. / Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att göra en kartläggning av läkemedelshanteringsprocessen inom äldreomsorgen från det att ett läkemedel skrivs ut till att det sedan kasseras. Syftet omfattar även att undersöka hur olika aktiviteter är kopplade till varandra och att identifiera patientsäkerhetsriskerna. För att uppfylla detta syfte har två frågeställningar formulerats: 1. Vilka aktiviteter ingår idag i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen inom äldreomsorgen? 2. Vilka avvikelser kan förekomma i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen och som kan vara patientsäkerhetsrisker? Metod För att uppnå ett resultat gjordes en fallstudie på socialförvaltningens äldreomsorg. Empirisk data har samlats in med hjälp av intervjuer, observationer och enkäter. Empirin har sedan analyserats och jämförts med det teoretiska ramverket för att uppnå studiens syfte. Resultat De fem olika huvudaktiviteter som har identifierats i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen är ordination, rekvisition och kontroll, förvaring, iordningsställande och administrering och till sist uppföljning. För att kunna identifiera patientsäkerhetsriskerna i de olika aktiviteterna har en kartläggning av flödet utförts. De identifierade riskerna placerades sedan ut i processflödet och diskuterades. Patientsäkerhetsriskerna förekommer bland annat på grund av kommunikations- och informationsbrister, mänskliga faktorer så som stress, sömnbrist, kulturkrockar samt motivationsbrist i arbetet. Studien visar även att det förekommer brister i ansvarsfördelningen hos de olika aktörerna i flödet. Implikationer Det uppstår många problem i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen inom äldreomsorgen på grund av dess komplexitet. När avvikelser förekommer i processen uppstår patientsäkerhetsrisk. Socialstyrelsen och landstingen reglerar äldreomsorgen med liknade riktlinjer i hela landet vilket kan leda till att ett förbättringsarbete i en organisation kan appliceras inom andra organisationer för att undvika patientsäkerhetsrisker. Att implementera en kvalitetsutveckling i form av ett förbättringsarbete i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen kan bidra till en ökad patientsäkerhet. Begränsningar Målet med studien var att få en djupare inblick i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen samt att identifiera patientsäkerhetsrisker. Önskvärt hade varit att undersöka flera enheter inom samma organisation för att få en tydligare bild av problemområdet från olika delar i organisationen och därmed flera olika perspektiv på vilka problem som kan uppstå i processen.
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VSM for a car dealer / Tidseffektivisering av serviceprocess för begagnade bilarForsberg, Veronica January 2016 (has links)
På Söderbergs Personbilar i Norrköping AB bedrivs en serviceprocess för begagnade bilar, en tjänsteverksamhet som idag är präglad av en stor ineffektivitet med avseende på tid. I detta examensarbete utförs en fallstudie på företaget där problemet analyseras i syfte att identifiera det tidssvinn som förekommer i processen, utreda dess uppkomst, samt formulera passande åtgärdsförslag till företaget som vid ett genomförande skulle minska genomloppstiden för bilarna i processen. Intervjuer och observationer har skapat en övergripande förståelse för processen, där förklaringar har erhållits om hur processen är tänkt att fungera, hur den fungerar i praktiken, och varför den fungerar som den gör. Som komplement till detta har värdeflödeskartläggning av två bilar genomförts, där bilarnas färd genom processen studerades i praktiken. De två bilarna studerades från dess inkommande till företaget tills det att de var klara till försäljning. Genom detta erhölls ytterligare information om processen. I värdeflödeskartläggningen framkom det att tidssvinnet var stort för bägge bilar, och att andelen tid för värdehöjande aktiviteter var mycket liten för bilarna. Allt material om processen analyseras och ett antal olika åtgärdsförslag för processen är framarbetade till företaget. Tre huvudåtgärder presenteras som vid ett införande troligen skulle underlätta avsevärt för företaget vid ett genomförande av övriga åtgärdsförslag. Den första av dessa tre huvudåtgärder är att tillsätta en ledare för processen, något som saknas idag. Ledaren ska ha befogenheter att genomföra förändringar i processen, och ska arbeta för en ständig förbättring av processen. Den andra huvudåtgärden är att utveckla nedskrivna standarder för personalen som beskriver hur alla aktiviteter inom processen ska utföras. Standarderna ska vara utformade så att aktiviteterna utförs på ett optimalt sätt. Den tredje huvudåtgärden är att göra fler resurser dedikerade inom processen. Dessa tre åtgärder, och övriga åtgärdsförslag skulle med största sannolikhet generera en avsevärt kortare genomloppstid för bilarna, det vill säga precis det resultat som eftersöks i processen.
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Examining Levels of Automation in the Wood Processing Industry - A case studySchneider, Christian, Andersson, Oscar January 2016 (has links)
Companies operating in the wood processing industry need to increase their productivity by implementing automation technologies in their production systems. An increasing global competition and rising raw material prizes challenge their competitiveness. Yet, too extensive automation brings risks such as a deterioration in situation awareness and operator deskilling. The concept of Levels of Automation is generally seen as means to achieve a balanced task allocation between the operators’ skills and competences and the need for automation technology relieving the humans from repetitive or hazardous work activities. The aim of this thesis was to examine to what extent existing methods for assessing Levels of Automation in production processes are applicable in the wood processing industry when focusing on an improved competitiveness of production systems. This was done by answering the following research questions (RQ): RQ1: What method is most appropriate to be applied with measuring Levels of Automation in the wood processing industry? RQ2: How can the measurement of Levels of Automation contribute to an improved competitiveness of the wood processing industry’s production processes? Literature reviews were used to identify the main characteristics of the wood processing industry affecting its automation potential and appropriate assessment methods for Levels of Automation in order to answer RQ1. When selecting the most suitable method, factors like the relevance to the target industry, application complexity or operational level the method is penetrating were important. The DYNAMO++ method, which covers both a rather quantitative technical-physical and a more qualitative social-cognitive dimension, was seen as most appropriate when taking into account these factors. To answer RQ 2, a case study was undertaken at a major Swedish manufacturer of interior wood products to point out paths how the measurement of Levels of Automation contributes to an improved competitiveness of the wood processing industry. The focus was on the task level on shop floor and concrete improvement suggestions were elaborated after applying the measurement method for Levels of Automation. Main aspects considered for generalization were enhancements regarding ergonomics in process design and cognitive support tools for shop-floor personnel through task standardization. Furthermore, difficulties regarding the automation of grading and sorting processes due to the heterogeneous material properties of wood argue for a suitable arrangement of human intervention options in terms of work task allocation. The application of a modified version of DYNAMO++ reveals its pros and cons during a case study which covers a high operator involvement in the improvement process and the distinct predisposition of DYNAMO++ to be applied in an assembly system.
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Effektivisering av informationsflöde vid betongpålningEriksson, Jakob, Nilsson, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
Produktiviteten inom byggbranschen har länge ansetts som låg och byggbolag i sektorn arbetar för att bli effektivare. Denna rapport syftar till att utreda hur informationsflödet vid grundläggning av betongpålar kan effektiviseras. Studien utgår ifrån Skanska Sverige ABs region Skanska Grundläggning som bland annat bedriver betongpålningsverksamheten inom företaget. För att skapa en förståelse för informationsflödet inom verksamheten behövde författarna kartlägga de befintliga arbetssätten som används idag. Målsättningen var sedan att utifrån det nuvarande tillståndet formulera ett framtida tillstånd med en ökad effektivitet i informationsflödet. Inom byggsektorn implementeras BIM på bred front och detta arbetssätt utreds i rapporten som en möjlighet till ett förbättrat informationsflöde. För att kartlägga betongpålningsproduktionen inom företaget har metoden värdeflödesanalys använts. Metoden är ett sätt att kartlägga en specifik process, där produkten som kunden vill ha följs. Analysen har sitt ursprung från Toyotas arbetssätt som idag benämns som lean. Kartläggningen av betongpålning i rapporten hade sin start vid transport från fabrik och slut vid när pålen lämnats över till kunden. I kartläggningen följer författarna materialflödet samt informationsflödet knutet till materialet under förädlingsprocessen. Insamlingen av data till kartläggningen gjordes genom en intervjustudie och en observationsstudie. För att förstå möjligheten till implementeringar utfördes även en enkätstudie och intervjustudie, angående utnyttjandet av BIM inom Skanska Grundläggning. Användningen av BIM inom organisationen skiljde sig mellan de olika yrkesgrupperna, tjänstemän och yrkesarbetare. Enkätstudien utfördes på fem projekt i Stockholmsområdet. Bland tjänstemännen arbetade 8 av 19 med BIM varje vecka eller oftare medan 16 av 17 yrkesarbetare aldrig arbetat med BIM. Resultaten till värdeflödesanalysen var hämtade från två projekt, FSE 105 Betongtunnel Kungens kurva och Trafikplats Vega. Utifrån resultaten formulerades två förbättringsområden, där utsättning genom maskinstyrning var det ena och digitalisering av dokumentation var det andra. Implementeringen av GPS-styrning på pålkranar behöver inte lång tid för att löna sig ekonomiskt. Utifrån resultaten kan ca 170,000 SEK sparas per år och maskin om maskinstyrning implementeras, samt att det finns ytterligare positiva effekter som framkommit men inte uppmäts i denna studie. Det finns dock hinder i användarvänligheten och tekniken kräver idag manuell handpåläggning i vissa moment. För utvecklingen av BIM hos medarbetarna finns stora vinster genom förenklade informationsflöden men också svårigheter eftersom en stor del av medarbetarna idag blir hindrade av tekniken. / Productivity in the construction industry has for a long time been considered as low compared to other industries. The construction industry has started to adapt strategies that have been successful in other industries to increase the productivity. This report aims to examine how the information flow during foundation of concrete piles can be more efficient. The study is based on Skanska Sweden AB for the region of Skanska foundation. Concrete piling is one of the foundation activities that Skanska foundation performs. To create an understanding about the information flow, the authors had to identify the existing working method that was used today. The aim was then based on the current state to formulate a future state with a greater efficiency in the flow of information. BIM has begun to be implemented as a working method in the construction sector and have therefore been investigated in the report as an opportunity for an improved flow of information. To identify the production process for concrete piling within the company the authors have used value stream mapping. The method is a way of mapping a specific process, where the product that the customer wants is followed. The analysis originating from Toyotas method which today is referred to as lean. The mapping of concrete piling started from the transport of the factory to the pile was handed over to the customer. During the mapping the authors follows the material flow and the information flow related to the material during the process. The collection of data for the value stream mapping was done based on interviews and observations. To understand the possibility of implementations carried out a questionnaire and interviews, regarding the use of BIM in Skanska foundation. The use of BIM within the organization differs between the different professional groups, civil servants and skilled workers. The questionnaire survey was conducted on five projects in the Stockholm area. Among civil servants eight of 19 worked with BIM weekly or more often, while 16 of 17 skilled workers never had worked with BIM at all. The results of value stream analysis were collected from the two projects, the FSE 105 Concrete tunnel at Kungens kurva and interchange Vega. Based on the results the authors have formulated two areas of improvements. The first improvement is about release measuring through machine control and the second are about digitization of documents. Implementation of machine control on a pile driver does not need a long time to pay off financially. From the results, about 170,000 SEK can be saved per year and machine if machine control would be implemented on the pile drivers. There are more positive effects that have been observed during the study but these effects have not been measured. However, there are obstacles in the usability and technology today that require manual intervention at certain stages. For the development of BIM among the employees there are great gains through simplified information flow. With that there comes difficulties since a large proportion of employees is hindered by technology.
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Improving the coordination of the Supply Chain - A case study of the battery charger manufacturer Micropower and its subsidiary Ecotec.Gay, Camille, Norrman, Erik January 2016 (has links)
Research questions: How should the supply chain within Micropower and Ecotec be coordinated in order to minimize the costs and keep a high customer service level? 1. What kinds of activities take place within the supply chain of Micropower and Ecotec and how are they coordinated? 2. What kinds of wastes can be identified and why do they occur? 3. What should be done in order to minimize these wastes? Purpose: The overall purpose is to improve the coordination of the supply chain between the two facilities to minimize the airfreight without affecting the customer service level. The first objective is to define what kinds of activities take place within the supply chain and how they are coordinated with each other to identify the wastes. It will then be investigated why they occur. Finally, suggestions and solutions will be formulated to eliminate these wastes. Considering the expansion phase of the case company, the purpose of this thesis also covers general learnings for future supply chain setups with offshore subsidiaries.
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Análise e discussão de causas de níveis elevados de inventário em uma empresa que se autodenomina enxuta: comparação entre cenários de simulação de dados reais de uma empresa do setor automotivo / Analysis and discussion of causes of high levels of inventory in a company that calls itself lean: comparison between simulation scenarios of real data of a company in the automotive sectorNakatsuka, Stella Yukiko 27 October 2017 (has links)
O principal propósito deste trabalho é avaliar as principais variáveis que devem ser consideradas no dimensionamento do buffer de componentes de uma empresa que trabalha sob a ótica da Manufatura Enxuta, que devem ser fornecidos a uma célula de manufatura com mix variado de conjuntos similares a serem produzidos. Como mecanismo de validação da investigação, devido ao dinamismo inerente a operação de sistemas de produção com layout célular, foi utilizada a ferramenta Mapeamento de Fluxo de Valor com o apoio de uma estrutura de um software comercial de simulação computacional aplicando o otimizador do aplicativo desenvolvido a partir de um algoritmo genético a fim de contrapor o uso do abastecedor das células com o controle efetivo do nível de inventário do buffer. Como resultado são apresentados diferentes cenários definidos como experimentos tendo como principal fator a variação do tempo de ciclo de abastecimento executado e o fluxo de material como parâmetro inerente a demanda por cada um dos componentes consumidos na operação da célula de manufatura. Através das análises dos resultados foi concluído que os elevados níveis de estoque se tornam ou não necessários dependendo preliminarmente da capacidade de carregamento por ciclo de abastecimento do transportador e o tempo de ciclo necessário para a realização da atividade de ressuprimento. A relevância do tema de pesquisa estudado encontra-se na contribuição pertinente às informações adquiridas in loco na realidade de uma empresa que trabalha sob a ótica da Manufatura Enxuta, no crescente aumento da complexidade dos sistemas produtivos e, consequentemente, da dificuldade de análises mais precisas do impacto que as variáveis de fluxo, como por exemplo, tempo de abastecimento e movimentação, tempo de setup e os respectivos roteiros de fabricação podem causar no desempenho dos processos no chão de fábrica. / The main purpose of this work is to evaluate the main variables that must be considered in the component buffer dimensioning of a company that works with Lean Manufacturing, which to a manufacturing cell should be supplied with a varied mix of similar sets to be produced . As a research validation mechanism, due to the dynamism inherent in the operation of production systems with cell layout, the Value Stream Mapping tool was used with the support of a commercial software simulation structure applying the developed application optimizer from a genetic algorithm in order to counteract the use of the cell supplier with the effective control of the inventory level of the buffer. As a result, different scenarios defined as experiments are presented, the main factor being the variation of the supply cycle time executed and the material flow as a parameter inherent to the demand for each of the components consumed in the manufacturing cell operation. Through the analysis of the results it was concluded that high levels of stock become or not necessary depending on the loading capacity per transport cycle of the conveyor and the cycle time required to perform the resupply activity. The relevance of the studied research theme lies in the relevant contribution to the information acquired locally in the reality of a company that works from the perspective of the Lean Manufacturing, in the increasing complexity of the productive systems and, consequently, of the difficulty of more precise analyzes of the impact that the flow variables, such as supply and handling time, setup time and the respective manufacturing routes, can cause in the process performance on the shop floor.
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