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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zvyšování robustnosti systémů pro rozpoznávání mluvčích pomocí diskriminativních technik / Improving Robustness of Speaker Recognition using Discriminative Techniques

Novotný, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
Tato práce pojednává o využití diskriminativních technik v oblasti rozpoznávání  mluvčích za účelem získání větší robustnosti těchto systémů vůči vlivům negativně ovlivňující jejich výkonnost. Mezi tyto vlivy řadíme šum, reverberaci nebo přenosový kanál. Práce je rozdělena do dvou hlavních částí. V první části se věnujeme teoretickému úvodu do problematiky rozpoznávání mluvčích. Popsány jsou  jednotlivé kroky rozpoznávacího systému od extrakce akustických příznaků, extrakce vektorových reprezentací nahrávek, až po tvorbu finálního rozpoznávacího skóre. Zvláštní důraz je věnován technikám extrakce vektorové reprezentace nahrávky, kdy popisujeme dvě rozdílná paradigmata možného přístupu, i-vektory a x-vektory. Druhá část práce se již více věnuje diskriminativním technikám pro zvýšení robustnosti. Techniky jsou organizovány tak, aby odpovídaly postupnému průchodu nahrávky rozpoznávacím systémem.  Nejdříve je věnována pozornost  předzpracování signálu pomocí neuronové sítě pro odšumění a obohacení signálu řeči jako univerzální technice, která je nezávislá na následně použitém rozpoznávacím systému.  Dále se zameřujeme na využití diskriminativního přístupu při extrakci příznaků a extrakci vektorových reprezentací nahrávek. Práce rovněž pokrývá přechod od generativního paradigmatu k plně diskriminativnímu přístupu v systémech pro rozpoznávání mluvčích.  Veškeré techniky jsou následně vždy experimentálně ověřeny a zhodnocen jejich přínos. V práci je navrženo několik přístupů, které se osvědčily jak u generativního přístupu v podobě i-vektorů, tak i u diskriminativních x-vektorů, a díky nim bylo dosaženo významného zlepšení. Pro úplnost jsou, v oblasti problematiky robustnosti, do práce zařazeny i další techniky, jako je normalizace skóre, či více-scénářové trénování systémů. Závěrem se práce zabývá problematikou robustnosti diskriminativních systému z pohledu dat využitých při jejich trénování.

Multi-Criteria Mapping Based on Support Vector Machine and Cluster Distance

Eerla, Vishwa Shanthi 01 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
There was an increase in a number of applications for a master degree program with the growth in time. It takes huge time to process all the application documents of each and every applicant manually and requires a high volume of the workforce. This can be reduced if automation is used for this process. In any case, before that, an analysis of the complete strides required in preparing was precisely the automation must be utilized to diminish the time and workforces must be finished. The application process for the applicant is actually participating in several steps. First, the applicant sends the complete scanned documents to the uni-assist; from there the applications are received by the student assistant team at the particular university to which the applicant had applied, and then they are sent to the individual departments. At the individual sections, the individual applications will be handled by leading an intensive study to know whether the applicant by their past capabilities scopes to satisfy the prerequisites of further study system to which they have applied. What's more, by considering the required points of interest of the applicant without investigating every single report, and to pack the information and diminish the preparing time for the specific division, by this postulation extend a solitary web apparatus is being produced that can procedure the application which is much dependable in the basic leadership procedure of application.

Investigation of Meson Production at COSY-TOF Using the Analysis Framework TofRoot / Untersuchung der Mesonenprofuktion am COSY-TOF mittels der Analyseframeworks TofRoot

Schulte-Wissermann, Martin 29 October 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The TOF-spectrometer located at the proton accelerator COSY (Juelich) stands out for experimental versatility. This is due to its modular setup: about ten subdetectors can be be arranged to satisfy the individual requirements of specific experiments. However, this flexibility hampers the calibration and the data analysis, since for each new detector setup the software has to be adjusted as well. Therefore, a new analysis framework (TofRoot) has been developed. A set of concepts is used that enables teamwork and leads to an efficient data-analysis, even for different beamtimes. Using TofRoot, three reactions are analyzed - each for two different beam momenta (2950 MeV/c, 3200 MeV/c): Firstly, the elastic proton-proton scattering. It is used to determine the luminosity and to extract benchmark results for the detector performance. Secondly, the reaction pp->deutoron-piplus is studied. Total as well as differential cross sections are presented, which nicely fit into the word data set. Finally, the vector-meson production (omega) is investigated which is the scientific focus of this work. Here, the theoretical and experimental knowledge is presently rather scarce. However, the elementary reaction dynamics is needed as an inevitable prerequisite in many fields of physics; e.g. the short range part of the nucleon-nucleon force, the description of extremely dense matter, the strangeness content of nucleons. After a detailed description of the analysis strategies, total cross sections, angular distributions, and invariant-mass spectra are presented. Some of the findings are completely new, and all provide smaller experimental uncertainties with respect to the available word data set. Finally, the results are embedded into the existing body of data and their implication on the theoretical models is discussed. / Das TOF-Spektrometer am Protonen-Beschleunigerring COSY (Juelich) besticht durch seine experimentelle Vielseitigkeit, da der modulare Aufbau aus ca.~zehn Subdetektoren eine individuelle Anpassung an spezifische experimentelle Erfordernisse ermoeglicht. Diese Flexibilitaet erschwert jedoch die Kalibrierung und die Datenauswertung, da die Software nach jedem Umbau angepasst werden muss. Daher wurde das Analyseframework TofRoot entwickelt, welches durch einen Satz von Strategien eine effiziente und teamorientierte Auswertung ermoeglicht, sogar fuer verschiedene Strahlzeiten. Mit Hilfe von TofRoot wurden drei Reaktionskanaele analysiert, jeweils fuer zwei Strahlimpulse (2950 MeV/c, 3200 MeV/c): Zuerst die elastische Proton-Proton Streuung, welche der Luminositaetsbestimmung dient und an Hand derer die Guete des Detektorsystems und der Kalibration veranschaulicht wird. Anschliessend folgt die Reaktion pp->deuteron-piplus, bei der die extrahierten Winkelverteilungen und totalen Wirkungsquerschnitte sich widerspruchsfrei in die vorhandene Datenbasis einordnen. Schliesslich wird die Vektormesonenproduktion (omega) untersucht, die den wissenschaftlichen Fokus dieser Arbeit darstellt. In diesem Kanal ist die experimentelle Datenbasis duenn und die theoretische Beschreibung bislang unvollstaendig. Ein gutes Verstaendnis der omega-Produktionsdynamik ist aber unabdingbar fuer die theoretische Beschreibung vieler Felder moderner Physik, z.B. des kurzreichweitigen Teils der Nukleon-Nukleon-Wechselwirkung, extrem dichter Materie und des Strangenessanteils im Nukleon. Nach einer detailierten Beschreibung der Analysestrategien werden totale Wirkungsquerschnitte, Winkelverteilungen und Spektren invarianter Massen vorgestellt. Verglichen mit vorhandenen Daten sind alle Angaben mit kleineren experimentellen Unsicherheiten behaftet, und zum Teil erschliessen sie zuvor nicht zugaengliche Groessen. Abschliessend werden die Ergebnisse in die vorhandene experimentelle Datenbasis eingeordnet, und ihre Auswirkung auf theoretische Modelle wird diskutiert.

Cointegrated VAR model and China's monetary policy : 1979-2004 /

Zhang, Yanqun. January 2007 (has links)
Freie University, Diss.--Berlin, 2006.

Software tailored non-dispersive infrared sensors

Graf, Alexander January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Dresden, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2009

Hochfrequenzschaltungen zur Einstellung von Amplitude und Phase

Mayer, Uwe 04 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist der analytischen Untersuchung und Weiterentwicklung von Methoden und Schaltungen zur Einstellung der Signalphase und -amplitude gewidmet. Hierbei wird zum Ziel gesetzt, die Leistungsfähigkeit dieser Schaltungen als analoge Hochfrequenz-Baugruppen in Empfangs- und Sendeschaltkreisen mit einem vergleichbaren oder geringerem schaltungstechnischen Aufwand und Strombedarf zu verbessern und dies anhand von Implementierungsbeispielen zu bestätigen. Die Dämpfungsglied-Topologien , T, überbrücktes T und X werden modelliert und hinsichtlich der Phasenbeeinflussung analysiert, sodass eine Bewertung ihrer Eignung durchgeführt werden kann. Weiterhin wird ein innovativer Ansatz zur Linearisierung der Steuerkennlinie vorgestellt und mit Hilfe einer Beispielschaltung mit einem Phasenfehler von 3 ° und einem Steuerlinearitätsfehler von 0,35 dB innerhalb der 1 dB Grenzfrequenz und einem Steuerbereich von 20 dB nachgewiesen. Die Arbeit bietet darüber hinaus eine analytische Betrachtung zu aktiven steuerbaren Verstärkern, welche die besondere Eignung der Gilbert-Zelle aufzeigt und eine geeignete Ansteuerschaltung ableitet. Am Beispiel nach diesem Prinzip entworfener Schaltkreise werden Phasenfehler von nur 0,4 ° innerhalb eines besonders hohen Stellbereichs von 36 dB demonstriert, wodurch eine Vergrößerung des Stellbereichs um den Faktor 4 und eine Verbesserung des Phasenfehlers um den Faktor 2 im Vergleich zum Stand der Technik erreicht wurde. Es wird der Zirkulator-Phasenschieber maßgeblich durch eine neuartige geeignete Ansteuerung verbessert. Damit werden die sonst für die Amplitudenbeeinflussung im Wesentlichen verantwortlichen Varaktoren überflüssig, ohne dabei den schaltungstechnischen Aufwand zu erhöhen. Eine Messung der entsprechenden Schaltung bestätigt dies mit einem Amplitudenfehler von nur 0,9 dB für einen Phasenstellbereich von 360 °, was einer Verringerung des Fehlers um den Faktor 3 im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Zirkulator-Phasenschiebern entspricht. Abschließend wird der Funktionsnachweis mehrerer entworfener Vektor-Modulatoren mit einer effektiven Genauigkeit von bis zu 6 bit in Einzelschaltungen, Hybridaufbauten und schließlich im Rahmen eines vollständig integrierten Empfängerschaltkreises erbracht. Dieser erzielt eine Verdopplung der Reichweite bei einer um nur 35% höheren Leistungsaufnahme gegenüber einem herkömmlichen Kommunikationsverfahren (SISO). / The present work is dedicated to the investigation and enhancement of amplitude and phase control methods and circuits. The aim is to enhance the performance of these circuits in modern radio frequency transceivers with a comparable or even lower effort and power consumption. A prove of concept will be delivered with implementation examples. By means of models of the passive attenuator topologies , T, bridged-T and X, a thorough analysis is performed in order to compare them regarding their impact on the signal phase. Additionally, a novel approach to increase the control linearity of the attenuators is proposed and verified by measurements, showing a phase error of 3 ° and a control linearity error of 0,35 dB at the 1 dB corner frequency, successfully. The work also presents an investigation on variable gain amplifiers and reveals the superior performance of the Gilbert cell with respect to low phase variations. A cascode biasing circuit that supports these properties is proposed. Measurements prove this concept with relative phase errors of 0,4 ° over a wide attenuation control range of 36 dB thus cutting the error by half in a four times wider control range. The circulator based phase shifting approach is chosen and improved significantly by means of tuning the transconductor instead of the varactors thus removing their impact on signal amplitude. The approach is supported by measurements yielding an amplitude error of only 0,9 dB within a phase control range of 360 ° which corresponds to an improvement by a factor of three compared to recent circulator phase shifters. Finally, the design of several vector modulator topologies is shown with hardware examples of single chips, hybrid printed circuit boards and highly integrated system level ICs demonstrating a full receiver. By using improved variable gain amplifiers, an effective vector modulator resolution of 6 bit without calibration is achieved. Furthermore, a multiple-input multiple-output system is demonstrated that doubles the coverage range of common SISO systems with only 35% of additional power consumption.

Vztahy vektor - patogen - hostitel na příkladu spirochét lymeské boreliózy (a viru klíšťové encefalitidy) / Vector-pathogen-host interaction on the example of spirochetes Lyme boreliosis disease (and tick-borne encephalistis virus)

VAVRUŠKOVÁ, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
This study was focused on vector-pathogen-host interaction. Questing ticks from field were tested for presence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. and host DNA. Small rodents were trapped, ticks were collected from them, infestation patterns were estimated regarding the species and stage of ticks and species, sex and body weight of the host. Ticks aquired from hosts were tested for presence of Borrellia burgdorferi s.l. and tick-borne encephalitis virus. Both results from identification of hosts and from detection of pathogens were compared to be able to investigate interactions between host, vector and pathogen.

Scoring rules -- pokročilé hlasovací systémy s pořadím kandidátů / Scoring rules - ranked advanced voting systems

Zýková, Petra January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with ranked advanced voting systems. The aim is to determine the overall winner and the ranking of candidates based on voters' preferences. The thesis utilises basic voting systems - plurality rules, lexicographical and Borda's method - as well as advanced voting systems with the application of DEA models, specifically DEA/AR model, DEA/AR exclusion model (including variations with penalties), and Llamazares-Peňa model. Compromise programming is used to obtain common vector of weights. The models and their use are demonstrated on Formula One Grand Prix results from season 2016. Formula One World Drivers' Championship and Formula One World Constructors' Championship are being investigated.

Simulace řízení asynchronního motoru s ohledem na vysokou účinnost / Simulation of induction machine control methods with respect to maximum efficiency

Hanzlíček, Martin January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the simulation of induction motor control with respect to high efficiency. The theory of an induction motor is described here, with emphasis on its losses. Scalar and vector control are also described here. Vector control is optimized for higher efficiency. Subsequently, the creation of a model in the program đť‘€đť´đť‘‡ đťżđť´đťµâ’𝑆𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑠is described here, for the comparison of scalar and vector control with optimization.

Zjištění fyzické pozice počítače v Internetu / Establishing the physical position of a computer in the Internet

Relovský, Josef January 2008 (has links)
This master‘s thesis is formed as a part of the research project for whose analyse is used the worldwide experimental network called PlanetLab. The whole dilemma is engaged by IPTV technology. IPTV is a protocol that makes possible transfer data of a television content over the Internet to the end user. In the IPTV technology the server is a source. These data are presented as a video and audio signal (streem) which are required to deliver to the end users. Some structure, which presents alternate these computers´connection, has been established, because the technology making use of the big pretention is used. The most patent way between the source and the destination is found. My objective is design this structure in the pursuit. The principle of the signal ramification from one node to several nodes (in group) is called multicast. Rather said from one node to the set of nodes. In the IPTV is presented each one single program for one multicast group. The concrete end users (recipients) are members of one or several obtainable multicast groups. The switch between programs demands a change from one multicast group to other group. For an analyse is used the worldwide experimental network called PlanetLab. This network was created after the floatation of three American´s universities in 2002. Nowadays it takes in more than 800 nodes which are distributed over the world. The PlanetLab is used by multinational company such as the Intel or the Hewlett-Packard. It is created for the testing and the scientific scope. I make the scripts in the Linux for the formation of the interconnecting structure. The main item by the course of the unreeling is response time. I investigate it with a command called “ping”. Everything is created in the Linux because all nodes use the operation system Linux in PlanetLab. By the help of the command “ping” I take the active nodes and response times. According to the response time I make a distance vectors which are used for the finding a location in the face of the references points which were determined before. According to the similarity of these vectors is designated to what end point is put to the point.

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