Spelling suggestions: "subject:"very complement"" "subject:"vers complement""
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論台灣華語趨向動補語V上 / On Directional Verb Compound V-shang4 in Taiwan Mandarin Chinese李琬婷, Lee, Woan Tyng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文藉由動補語後方名詞,依理論架構重新分類趨向動補語V上,並探討其前後的搭配詞在分類底下與「上」之間的互動情形。首先,根據Talmy (2000) 所提出的動態事件理論區辨後方名詞,其乃是具有傳達出動態語意的名詞特徵。其次,並以V上的論旨角色作為分類,因而總共得出三種型態的V上:[ V上Ground],[ V上Patient],[ V上Extent],藉此看到前方動詞和後方名詞與V上之間的緊密關係。除外並以認知語意學角度呈現其三種類型之間具有語意關連,表現出多義詞的演變型態,且符合語法化的過程。 / When the morpheme shang4 ‘up’ 上 is attached to a verb, it composes a V-shang constituent, which is a member of the group of ‘verb-complement’ marking directional motion of the action (Liu, 1983/1998). V-shang signifies the movement of an object through an action from a low position to a higher position within an upward orientation; for instance, a person moves from the ground to the top of a mountain.
The previous studies have listed several extended meanings, besides the basic meaning of motion (Liu, 1998, Jiang, 2003; Pan, 2005; Yu, 2010). Most studies categorize V-shang by mixed criteria of semantic meanings and syntactic functions. Noting the lack of a theoretical basis in the classification of V-shang, this thesis depends on motion-event theory, in which an event is composed of Figure, Motion and Ground, to examine the motion event conducted by V-shang (Talmy, 2000) and Lexical Functional Grammar (Kaplan and Bresnan, 1982; Dowty, 1988; Bresnan and Zaenen, 1990; Bresnan, 2001; Her, 2009) to analyze the syntactic structures of the first verbs and shang4 in V-shang.
By analyzing the noun phrases following V-shang, the study divides [V-shang NP] into three categories: [V-shang Ground], [V-shang Patient], [V-shang Extent] and observes the verb types in each pattern. There are the changes of semantic meanings from directional motion into resultative state and of orientation from vertical path into horizontal path. Within Lexical Functional Grammar, the verb types of the first verbs in V-shang change from the physical motion verbs which require thematic roles of Theme and Location to the transitive verbs which require thematic roles of Agent and Patient. [V-shang Extent] is the most abstract category of its semantic meaning, and the verb types of the first verbs are less restricted than the verb types in other two categories. The cognitive approach also explains the relationship of the extended meanings in V-shang and shang4 (Lu, 2011). Shang4 presents the features of polysemy.
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台灣國中生英語使役動詞使用之分析 / An Analysis of Taiwanese junior high students' performance on causative verbs許秀美, Hsu, Hsiu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
結果顯示學生在使役動詞補語使用上常用錯非限定動詞及誤用限定動詞,此外,本研究也發現學生在選擇正確使役動詞上錯誤率高於使役動詞補語使用。分析原因如下:(1)過度規則化(2)負向轉移(3)教學引導(4)學生語言知識不足(5)語言同化。此研究也發現高中低三組在使用使役動詞補語上確實有顯著差異,然而在使役意義上(coercive sense of make-causative)、未提出但已知接受動作者意義上(unmentioned perceptible causee sense of make-causative) 、 及服務框架意義上(service frame sense of have-causative) 高中低程度學生的表現並無不同。 / Abstract
The purpose of this study aims to analyze the use of periphrastic causative verbs in Junior high students’ writing performance and to understand students’ difficulty in learning and using periphrastic causative verbs. The form of periphrastic causative verbs and grammatical characteristics are easy to remember. However, subtle meanings and usage are somewhat difficult.
This study adopts qualitative and quantitative analyses. The qualitative analysis includes: (1) the verb complement form of periphrastic causative verbs, (2) the meaning and functions of periphrastic causative verbs, and (3) the factors that influence students’ erroneous uses of periphrastic causative verbs. The quantitative analysis comprises: (1) the inaccuracy rate of the use of every periphrastic causative construction in the tests for form and meaning, (2) the distribution of periphrastic causative verb errors in form and meaning and use and (3) multiple comparisons among accuracy at the three proficiency levels.
The results of this study are summarized as follows: students have trouble distinguishing finite verb and non-finite complement verbs with respect to the form errors. They also have lower awareness of the differences of each causative verb concerning the meaning errors. The factors affecting their incorrect responses are (1) overgeneralization, (2) negative L1 transfer, (3) teaching induced errors, (4) learners’ ignorance of rule restrictions and (5) learners’ strategies of communication and assimilation. In addition, there are significant differences among the three groups with regards to the make +O +V, have +O +V, let +O +V and have +O +p.p. in the form test and the non-coercive sense of make-causative, the hierarchical relation of
have-causative and the permissive sense of let-causative in the meaning and use tests.
However, there is no significant difference between the three groups’ scores of meaning and use with the coercive sense of make-causative, the unmentioned causee sense of make-causative and the service frame sense of have-causative.
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基於語料庫方法辨析漢語動補結構「用X 」及「弄X」之使用情況 / A Corpus-based Study of Mandarin Verbs Yong and Nong in Verb-complement Structure楊雅筑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用中文詞彙網路(Chinese Wordnet)、《平衡語料庫》(Sinica Corpus 4.0)以及《批踢踢語料庫》(PTT Corpus),觀察語料庫中動詞「用」、動詞「弄」、動補結構「用X」及動補結構「弄X」的語料分布,以及語料與動詞義項的互動情況。研究發現,在語料庫中,動詞「用」的主要語義是「利用特定對象的特定功能」,而動詞「弄」的主要語義則是以「造成特定結果」和「代動詞,做」,且在語料庫中,「用X」結構的分布集中、「弄X」分布廣泛。研究亦發現,《平衡語料庫》中的動補結構語料相對來說較《批踢踢語料庫》中的語料組合穩定,此一現象是由於不同語料庫中的語料結合緊密程度不同所致。
藉由動詞代換檢測及動詞義項的比對,可知在動結式動補結構這個特定的環境下,動詞「用」和「弄」顯示了與近義詞相似的特質,甚至展現出詞彙語意關係中的上下位(hyponymy)或者蘊含關係(entailment)。研究最後透過觀察「用X」和「弄X」動補結構的語義韻律,探究動詞「用」和「弄」在動詞義項以外的異同之處,並發現語料庫中的動補結構「用X」及「弄X」在語義韻律的分布上有相似的表現。 / This paper aims to explore the cause of the mutual substitution of verbs yòng(用) and nòng(弄) in verb-complement structure in Taiwan Mandarin. The study adopts a semantic corpus-based approach to examine this phenomenon.
To find out the resemblance of meanings shared by the verbs yòng and nòng, this study first retrieved their senses by using Chinese Wordnet and analyzed the sentences from the Sinica Corpus. Three hundred instances of yòng and 240 instances for nòng were analyzed and classified according to their corresponding verb senses. The results showed that yòng and nòng both contain the concept of “utilize certain tool/method/means to fulfill particular purposes”, proving that they could possibly form a synonymous set of verb.
The analysis then focused on the behavior of the verbs in verb-complement structures. The verb-complement structures of yòng and nòng from the Sinica Corpus and the PTT Corpus were further inspected: 14 entries of ‘yòng-complement’ (179 instances) and 32 entries of ‘nòng-complement’ (157 instances) were found in Sinica Corpus, while 21 entries of ‘yòng-complement’ (82 instances) and 97 entries of ‘nòng-complement’ (781 instances) were found in the PTT Corpus. The distributions showed that the verb-complement structures in Sinica Corpus were relatively more stable than those in the PTT Corpus, and the phenomenon was inferred to be caused by the distinct degree of the structure combination.
In order to examine the possibility of the mutual substitution of yòng and nòng, a verb-substitution test was conducted. The results were further examined by comparing with the verb-complement structures found in the PTT Corpus. In addition, introspective survey of native speakers of Mandarin was also added to re-confirm the substitution test result. Lastly, the verb senses and the semantic prosody of the verb-complement structures were also analyzed. The study showed that the verbs yòng and nòng have shared senses when they appear in resultive verb-complement structures, and the mutual substitution patterns were also discovered. As for the analysis of semantic prosody of the verb-complement structures, the result showed that yòng-complement and nòng-complement have identical distribution tendency: structures with neutral semantic prosody occupied the greatest proportion, followed by the negative ones and the positive ones, which also proved the synonymous relationship between the verbs yòng and nòng in the verb-complement structures.
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Синтакса глаголских допуна у српском језику XVI и XVII века / Sintaksa glagolskih dopuna u srpskom jeziku XVI i XVII veka / Syntax of verb complementation in the Serbian language of the 16th and 17th centuryGočanin Mirjana 21 December 2018 (has links)
<p>Предмет овога рада јесте синтаксичко сагледавање статуса глаголских допуна у српском језику током XVI и XVII века.<br />Глаголска допуна у морфосинтаксичком смислу обухвата именску фразу у одговарајућој падежној форми, инфинитив, односно комплементну клаузу чија је употреба дефинисана инхерентном лексичком семантиком глагола у функцији управне реченичне компоненте. Глаголска допуна у том смислу садржински конкретизује глаголску реч формирајући са њом рекцијску релацију. Реч је о зависној релацији у којој је глагол (зависно од типа формализације) управни члан, а рекцијска допуна зависни или регирани члан. Глаголска допуна у зависности од семантике свог лексичког експонента, те инхерентне лексичке семантике управног (глаголског) члана може имати различите синтаксичко-семантичке статусе. У начелу, може се говорити (1) о објекатској или (2) о адвербијалној допуни. Рекцијски капацитет глагола као управног члана рекцијске везе испољава се заправо кроз његову валентност, која у крајњој инстанци и диктира устројство реченичне структуре, односно број реченичних аргумената и односе међу њима.<br />С обзиром на морфосинтаксичку и лексичку сложеност овог феномена, чинило се корисним испитати какав је рекцијски капацитет глагола у XVI и XVII веку и сагледати на ком је степену развијености глаголска транзитивност у поменутом временском периоду. Материјал на коме се спровело истраживање обухвата реторички дискурс (односно пословноправну писмености) те поетски дискурс који укључује изворе из сфере религиозности и белетристике.<br />Резултат овога испитивања представља речник глагола са рекцијским допунама.</p> / <p>Predmet ovoga rada jeste sintaksičko sagledavanje statusa glagolskih dopuna u srpskom jeziku tokom XVI i XVII veka.<br />Glagolska dopuna u morfosintaksičkom smislu obuhvata imensku frazu u odgovarajućoj padežnoj formi, infinitiv, odnosno komplementnu klauzu čija je upotreba definisana inherentnom leksičkom semantikom glagola u funkciji upravne rečenične komponente. Glagolska dopuna u tom smislu sadržinski konkretizuje glagolsku reč formirajući sa njom rekcijsku relaciju. Reč je o zavisnoj relaciji u kojoj je glagol (zavisno od tipa formalizacije) upravni član, a rekcijska dopuna zavisni ili regirani član. Glagolska dopuna u zavisnosti od semantike svog leksičkog eksponenta, te inherentne leksičke semantike upravnog (glagolskog) člana može imati različite sintaksičko-semantičke statuse. U načelu, može se govoriti (1) o objekatskoj ili (2) o adverbijalnoj dopuni. Rekcijski kapacitet glagola kao upravnog člana rekcijske veze ispoljava se zapravo kroz njegovu valentnost, koja u krajnjoj instanci i diktira ustrojstvo rečenične strukture, odnosno broj rečeničnih argumenata i odnose među njima.<br />S obzirom na morfosintaksičku i leksičku složenost ovog fenomena, činilo se korisnim ispitati kakav je rekcijski kapacitet glagola u XVI i XVII veku i sagledati na kom je stepenu razvijenosti glagolska tranzitivnost u pomenutom vremenskom periodu. Materijal na kome se sprovelo istraživanje obuhvata retorički diskurs (odnosno poslovnopravnu pismenosti) te poetski diskurs koji uključuje izvore iz sfere religioznosti i beletristike.<br />Rezultat ovoga ispitivanja predstavlja rečnik glagola sa rekcijskim dopunama.</p> / <p>The subject of this paper is syntactic observation of the status of verb complements in the Serbian language of the 16th and 17th century.<br />Verb complementation in morphological-syntactic sense comprises the noun phrase in the corresponding case form, infinitive and complementary clause whose use is defined by inherent lexical semantics of the verb in the function of governing sentence component. Verb complementation in that sense specifies in terms of content the verbal word forming the rection relation with it. It is a dependent relation in which the verb (depending on the formalization type) is the governing member, whereas the rection complement is the dependent or subordinate member. Verb complement depending on the semantics of its lexical exponent and inherent lexical semantics of the governing (verbal) manner may have various syntactic-semantic statuses. In principle, we may discuss (1) object or (2) adverbial complement. Rection capacity of the verb as a governing member of the rection connection is expressed in fact via its valence, which eventually dictates the system of the sentence structure, i.e. the number of sentence arguments and relations among them.<br />Taking into consideration the morphological-syntactic and lexical complexity of this phenomenon, it seemed useful to examine the rection capacity of verbs in 16th and 17th century and examine the level of development of the verbal transitivity during the mentioned time period. The material which is the corpus of the research comprises rhetorical discourse (i.e. business-legal literacy) and poetic discourse which includes sources from the sphere of religion and fiction.<br />The result of this examination represents the dictionary of verbs with rection complements.</p>
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臺語述補式結構之研究-以論旨結構為本之分析 / The Strucuture of Verb-Complement Constructions in Taiwanese: An Argument Structure Approach杜陳聖, Du, Chen Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文擬論述臺語述補式結構之語法與語意特性。述補式複合結構由兩個動詞或一個動詞及一個表示此一動詞之時帽組合成。由於臺語文獻中缺乏此類結構之研究,我們瀏灠了漢語中有關術補式複合動詞之研究,並採用張郇慧教授以論旨結構為本之分析模式。此結構之形成與論旨結構及句法上之及物性密切相關。除了此結構之形成外,我們亦討論其句法及語意系統與論旨結構之關聯。我們希望能藉此研究對此結構提供清楚而基本之概念。 / The previous studies on Taiwanese focus on the phonology and written forms, but few on other fields.In the thesis, we adopt a widely usde structure: Verb-Complement Construction to explore the syntax and semantics of the construction.Verb-Complement Constructions consist of two verbs or one verb plus a functional item which specifies verbal of the first verb. Due to the lack of previous studies on the topic, we first review several analyses on Mandarin Verb-Complement Compounds and adopt Chang's (1994) argument-structure-based analysis as the research approach. We propose that two factors contribute to the formation of this construction: syntactic transitivity and argument structure.The argument structure is divided into two categories: full-fledged and degenerated. Verb-complement Constructions, syntactically speaking, are formed by the combinations of transitive-transitive, intransitive-intransitive, and transitive-intransitive. Verb-Complement Constructions with full-fledged argument structure are distinguished into eight types based on the five types of this construction in terms of syntactic transitivity; Verb-complement constructions with degenerated argument structure are classified into four types based on the four kinds of this construction in terms of syntactic transitivity. We argue that different syntactic structures such as middle forms, verb copying constructions, HO construction, and KA construction as well as semantics of the construction can be effectively accounted for by argument structure.By the study, we hope to provide a fundamental and clear picture on the construction.
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